In order to receive this bonus disc, customers who purchased a copy of Twilight Syndrome: Tansaku-hen had to mail a coupon, found within the game’s manual, to Human Entertainment alongside 500 yen for postage. They received the disc when Twilight Syndrome: Kyuumei-hen released in July 1996.
The Memorize starts off with a recap of Twilight Syndrome, with the framing device being an adult Chisato Itsushima (voiced by Kikuko Inoue) reminiscing about her youthful adventures.
The recap ends with a mysterious image of Chisato reverting back to her teenage self before ultimately transforming into Hanako-san, the very first ghost encountered by the trio in “The original rumor”. Afterwards, the player is presented with a menu with several options:
MOVIE COLLECTION: A selection of FMVs from the game, with some of them going unused in the finished product.

VIDEO CLIP: Three music clips based on three different tracks from the game, namely the main theme, MaMa and Rainy (which featured in “MF in the Music Room”).

3D MAKING: An interactive section in which you can test out three of the game’s 3D areas: the classroom, the park and the train station platform. The player is able to move the three girls around the map while moving the camera around, something that’s impossible to do during normal gameplay as it would break the logic of the 2D elements on screen.
PHOTOGRAPH MAKING: Behind the scene videos on recording the three actresses that played Yukari, Chisato and Mika. Shooting took place over three days in front of a blue screen; the recordings were then turned into the sprites you see in-game frame-by-frame. The actress who played Mika also starred in the Twilight Syndrome: Investigation manual.

KIKUKO INOUE: An interview with Kukuko Inoue, who was the host of her own Twilight Syndrome themed radio broadcast, played Yukari Hasegawa in the Drama CD, Sakura Himegami in the game and Chisato Itsushima on this very disc. A TV commercial for Twilight Syndrome: Search can also be watched from this menu.
