NOTE: This chapter always plays out the same, regardless of any player choice.
Having been exiled from the Japanese scene, Sumisu travels to the United States, where he trains with Carlos Krauser and absorbs his ideology of a united wrestling world. With newfound resolve, he leaves for Bangkok to train in Muay Thai under Chanpus.
However, on his first night in the city, he receives a call from Reiko Saeba, who’s staying at a nearby hotel. Reiko wants to start a relationship, but Sumisu feels that he must still grow as a person and as a fighter before he can fully take care of Reiko.
She lets him leave, but only after some words of advice: if he wants to get out of his maze, he needs to start seeing every other wrestler as his enemy, including her brother Akira, whom he idolized.
I feel this may not be immediately clear, but the maze she is referring to is the one that Sumisu is trapped in in his recurring nightmare that we have seen at the start of the game.

Carlos Krauser is based on Karl Gotch, a Belgian-born German-American wrestler, specifically after his stage name Karl Krauser which he used during the 50s and 60s.
He first wrestled in Japan in the early 60s, then moved to the country in 1968 to open up his own wrestling school, where he trained, among others, Antonio Inoki (Victory Musashi) and Kotetsu Yamamoto (Ittetsu Wakamoto), which led to him becoming known as “The God of Pro Wrestling”.
He later joined the newfound NJPW with his two pupils, and is credited alongside them with creating the Japanese Strong Style.
He opened a dojo in Tampa, Florida before retiring from Professional Wrestling in January 1982.
In the game, he mentions several apprentices who studied in his dojo as his children: Akira Maeda (Akira Saeba), Yoshiaki Fujiwara (Joe Kajiwara) and Osamu Kido (Osamu Mito), the latter two also serving as his final two opponents before his retirement. He then also brings up the following generation, calling them his grandchildren: Masakatsu Funaki (Makoto Higaki), Minoru Suzuki (Mitsuru Mizuki) and Toyohiko Ishikawa, nicknamed Toy because foreign wrestlers had trouble pronouncing his real name, who does not appear in the game at all. All three of them started in NJPW, studied under Gotch, and later moved to UWF, the Fujiwara Family and Pancrase.
His love for pit bulls is well documented, and raised money for rescue centers in more than one occasion.
While training Sumisu, Gotch also brings up Lou Thesz (R.J. Phaze in the game, although he does not appear in the campaign), his strongest rival through his career. The move they refer to as “immoral” is likely based on a match they had in May 1964 over the NWA World Heavyweight Title, during which Gotch broke Thesz’ ribs, which led to his hospitalization for ten days and did not fully recover until seven months later. Thesz, however, still managed to win the match, and the two reconciled immediately when Gotch visited him in the hospital.
Chanpus, mentioned by Sumisu as being the strongest Muay Thai fighter in the world, is likely based on Changpuek Kiatsongrit, who was fighting in K-1 in 1993. He does not actually appear in the game.