Paradise Hotel 51

Where Gaming Dies

Killer7 – Bradygames Official Strategy Guide

Release Date: July 8th, 2005
Page count: 128
ISBN: 978-0744004441

July 3rd, 1998: The day when all international disputes were resolved. This day marked the beginning of true peace for the entire world, for people of all races.
In the following years, all nuclear weapons were decommissioned in what would later be known as the “Missile Shows”. Air transportation and network stations were shut down in order to fully eradicate terrorism as a concept. However, in just a few years, terrorism was reborn. The “smiling faces”, religious suicide bombers, began attacking governmental institutions, seemingly with the only objective of causing terror .
The only ones who can stand up to the Heaven Smile terror threat are the team of omniscent and almost God-like assassins , the Killer7.

A guidebook, written and designed by Bradygames for western audiences. Its first segment, labeled as the Assassin’s Toolkit, includes a basic overview of the game’s controls, character building and combat, plus a list of spoiler-free solutions to the game’s puzzles. The following section, The Killer 7, is comprised of profiles for the playable characters, including stat grids and basic blurbs. Target Identification lists the various Heaven Smiles that the Smith Syndicate faces through the game; the book then continues with a detailed walkthrough of each of the game’s seven missions. Its final segment, “Top Secret”, contains some details about the unlockable difficulty “Killer8” and a sheet for its exclusive character, a cheat code and a short interview with Goichi Suda.