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Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by Krizzx »

I like this dudes videos, even though he tends to be off or inaccurate about a lot of things and has kind of broken English. I didn't even know about Red, Green, Blue.

So, its now official that No More Heroes is part of the Kill the Past universe. No More Heroes takes place in the same world as Silver Case and Killer 7 officially now, as in for real real. Not just as a gaming meta joke like I thought it was in Travis Strikes Again. This is apparently him directly saying they are in the same universe with no obscuring what so ever. There is even suppose to be a Silver Case character in No More Heroes 3 going by what it says, but its all in this Japanese only story he wrote as part of some booklet talking about the history of Human entertainment and Grasshopper Manufacturer or something.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by CENSORED »

I mentioned RBG on the site, though I haven't updated the page to acknowledge it was translated yet ... lete-book/
I honestly don't know why it's getting hyped so much, though it's not bad or anything.
The only thing it does clarify is that Shiroyabu was not the only one being groomed by Kurumizawa into becoming an assassin, and the new assassin introduced in this one (midorikawa) has been teased for NMH3.
Nothing about No More Heroes is mentioned in the short story however, it just so happens to have a character who will be returning in nmh3. I would argue the TSA connection is stronger considering Travis actually flies on a plane to tokyo, walks around the 25th ward and interacts with characters living there (that's the only TSA connection that makes any kind of sense too)
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by Jack »

No More Heroes takes place in the same world as Silver Case and Killer 7 officially now, as in for real real.
So what did they retcon to make the two settings fit together? Silver Case & Killer7 don't even fully align to begin with coz K7 is meant to be a completely different alternate reality that acheived world peace. Silver Case is more in line with our timeline. (Pre 2008)
I would argue the TSA connection is stronger considering Travis actually flies on a plane to tokyo, walks around the 25th ward and interacts with characters living there (that's the only TSA connection that makes any kind of sense too)
It really annoys me that Travis is like some god now, in this setting. I liked Killer7 coz I just thought of it as a political thriller, but apparently it was always meant to be Cape-shit superheroes, lol.
Sure there was that chapter with the Handsome Men, but I honestly thought that wasn't meant to be taken literally. I always thought it was propaganda.

A sad shame when you think about it. Killer7 actually talks about the whole government sanctioned (female) child body harvesting operation, which is actually real. (China!) K7 was talking about such real shit, and it depicted just how gruesome and gangster all world governments are when it showed that Mexican dude getting executed after being presented with the severed head of his daughter.
That shit is real ass violence that goes on daily in China, Mexico and the entirety of the Middle East. Nope let's ignore that. Let's just suck off Travis, the Super Nerd who references ancient ass wrestling from the 80s when he most likely wasn't even born yet.

I'm not hating on the games. More power to the people who love the changes. All it does for me though is make me say, I'm glad I found Xenoblade. Even when you retroactively go back to Xenogears & Saga, the plots aren't in the same setting but they're all talking about real shit that could help you grow as a person since they have such a strong grasp on what binds society both as a prison, and as a civilization that's moving forward.
They're not even necessarily moving upward or progressing towards a utopia. They merely move forward because it's better than being complacent. I immediately notice this once you get to the World tree and see how advanced their previous civilization used to be. (Xenogears had similar scenes.)

What KTP had going in its favor is that they talked about the criminal underworld and how closely connected they are to the governments which rule us.
Then you get to NMH, "Anime is real if you believe it's real" or some other consumerist nonsense.
I'm not judging. I just don't like it, and don't understand why the settings had to be merged. It doesn't make sense to me coz MS, FSR, SC, & K7 were structured around bureaucrats, election-meddling, secret societies and all sorts of 5th column power structures where groups of people consolidate their powers to gain the upper hand on one another, through the information & knowledge they had.

Those games were placed in our world, coz in our world, we can't do anything about those existing power-structures and it's the same case for the people within those games. When Garcian found out that he's the Killer7. You didn't see him gun down the USA government or Japanese government for making him.
He simply cried. The only he could do was influence blocs of power to politically maneuver USA to nuke Japan or Japan into attacking the USA.

What I found most clever about K7 was how it implies that China was the mastermind behind the entire conflict of K7 coz war between those two actually would benefit China, since China only needs one of them, preferably USA. K7 was a game that I thought was so genius that I went ahead and made a site out of it, coz I never saw a game before that went that in-depth with its politics.
Although Hybrid Front is another one that's pretty deep, but I didn't even know about that game until last year through Mega Drive Mini.

TLDR: How do these power structures in K7/SC/FSR/MS maintain their hold on societies when Nerd God Travis can simply walk up to all of them and cut them all into pieces? LOL!
MS is only part of the power structure coz it's a case within the Silver Case that got covered up. Yayoi herself is like a physical manifestation of the Power structure within the KTP games. You know she did, but you can't prove it. Anyone who may have known, are all dead. That's the type of dread that KTP games had. Even FSR ends on a bittersweet note when you realize you were a sleeper agent all along.

LOL the Wiki tries to claim that Mondo & the SC Sumio aren't the same person when even the fucking ending of FSR directly tells you they're they same person. OHHHH, but I supposedly made everything up. Says who? Some fat fuck?

I mentioned RBG on the site, though I haven't updated the page to acknowledge it was translated yet ... lete-book/
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. How the fuck am I supposed to know where to look, to find that page?
My first thought was to click Other ghm.

I think it'd be better if the front page directly linked to featured pages within the site which could represented as image hotlinks, with that rgb crap being one of the featured pages. I understand why you waste so much space on the frontpage with them big fucking letters coz you're forced to directly tell & instruct the modern internet audience, due to autistic retards who are so lacking in critical thinking skills that you honestly need to spell everything out to these useless chumps.

:lol: :twisted: :lol:
When the hell did everyone on internet become so autistic anyway? Anyone else ever notice how you're forced to speak literally now, because the internet suddenly became populated with "No fun Allowed!" autists who take everything you say literally? I'm just referring to this site's front page, which is funny as hell but for some reason most people who view it take it 100% literally as though it weren't an obvious joke? WTF is up with that?
Are they just pretending to be retarded?

I really miss the days when everyone (by everyone, I mean mostly the people who used this site but didn't actually post here.) would jam to the United Jazzy tune and then say "I came here from PH51" cept they would say the entire site name, not the abrevation.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by Krizzx »

Maybe not Killer 7. I always a assumed it was meant to be in the same world as Killer 7, because the guy Travis kills at the end of the first game is suppose to be Garcian, and there is also ZakaTV. This does connect the 25th wards to NMH though.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by CENSORED »

This does connect the 25th wards to NMH though.
Have you read the thing or did you just hear that youtuber talk about it?
Again, nothing about the no more heroes setting is mentioned in Red, Blue and Green at all. It takes place in Tokyo, in the 25th ward. It's just a short story about Hatoba, Akama and Aoyama dealing with the new Shiroyabu, with the revelation that Akama and Aoyama (Red and Blue) were in league with Kurumizawa all along, and that Kurumizawa also groomed another killer called Midori Midorikawa.
RBG actually has more references to Killer7 and fucking Let it Die than it does to NMH. (The hotel where they are staying is part of the Union Hotel chain, and the elevator was built by yotsuyama electronics or something along those lines.)

The story was written before TSA even came out. Midorikawa wasn't announced as a character for NMH3 until last year.
So I really can't see how this short story is now the "connecting bridge" when TSA features fucking Uehara Kamui, Tetsugoro Kusabi, Akama, Aoyama, Chiruko, Shiroyabu and Kurumizawa from TSC and 25W. This story has no crossover whatsoever in the text itself.
It really annoys me that Travis is like some god now, in this setting.
Yeah I don't really care about the nmh games, that's why most of the Suda fanbase hates me lol.
It's depressing how that series started off as a satire/critique/parody of pop culture and epic videogame storylines, but it was so on-point that Travis became some sort of self-insert character for nerds (LOL! Self insert fiction is pandering and pathetic in the first place, but when you're self inserting as an incel serial murderer with a lightsaber it's even worse) that everyone keeps fellating through the games.
In NMH2, everyone wants to fight travis, fuck travis or be killed by travis so that their lives will have meaning. In TSA every cameo character just shows up to fellate travis on how fucking amazing he is. (Kamui Uehara and Tetsugoro Kusabi are both in awe at his bloodlust, Kurumizawa wishes he had Travis by his side, Shiroyabu gets fucked up by Travis, even the Dan Smith cameo at the beginning implies that Dan has respect for Travis's skills as an assassin.)
I kinda like TSA but that's because I like the fake videogames inside it. I don't care for the main VN plot but apparently that makes me "stupid", for "not understanding it". (The whole thing is a thinly veiled allegory for Suda's career.)
I won't cover any following NMH game in detail because I hate how Travis fucking Touchdown has cannibalized every discussion about these games.
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. How the fuck am I supposed to know where to look, to find that page?
My first thought was to click Other ghm.
I put it under merchandise, because it's an actual book you had to buy. It's linked on the merchandise page of every game on the list because it has artwork from all of them so it's not like it's hard to find.
Again if someone is that stupid (not talking about you, I mean the average user) that they can't navigate pages labelled as clearly and concisely as "analysis" or "merchandise" after I also explain how they should navigate the site on the front page, I am ok if they don't stick around, it's simply not fun for me to just hold everyone's hand through every single passage.
TLDR: How do these power structures in K7/SC/FSR/MS maintain their hold on societies when Nerd God Travis can simply walk up to all of them and cut them all into pieces? LOL!
That's probably just what will happen in 3. The villains are the president of EA from some years back, who is now one of the most powerful capitalists on earth (despite being a game publisher LOL) and his alien friend who gave him mind powers.

I remember when NMH1 treated a secret twin brother as a plot twist so stupid, that the narrative fell apart because the characters inside the game were making fun of it.
Nowadays Travis Touchdown owns a giant mech suit, a kamen rider suit, a magic videogame console that houses a tiger god that will make your wishes come true and also a kaiju, and he's now gonna fight aliens from outer space and this happens right next to Kamui Uehara who is now Travis's friend since he defeated him with the power of friendship. This is all presented as a plot that you're sorta meant to take seriously, or at least at face value since it now has continuity and recurring characters.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by CENSORED »

So what did they retcon to make the two settings fit together? Silver Case & Killer7 don't even fully align to begin with coz K7 is meant to be a completely different alternate reality that acheived world peace. Silver Case is more in line with our timeline. (Pre 2008)
Anyway to answer your question. Killer7 is still treated as its own continuity (all the K7 characters in TSA would have been dead by the time that game takes place)
What they did, was retcon a Dan Smith sidestory called Killer is Dead so that it acts as the prologue to TSA. Dan Smith is coming to kill a guy called Shigeki Birkin (aka Badman) in that short story; the intro to TSA picks up with Dan coming to kill him, and Badman becomes the co-protagonist of TSA. Hence why Dan Smith shows up, Curtis Blackburn and Christopher Mills are mentioned, but nobody else from K7 shows up.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by Jack »

Maybe not Killer 7. I always a assumed it was meant to be in the same world as Killer 7, because the guy Travis kills at the end of the first game is suppose to be Garcian, and there is also ZakaTV. This does connect the 25th wards to NMH though.
That was more of a reference or an easter egg like Ed macalister in K7. Although I think Ed was meant to be a story character back when Sundance was supposed to be in it.
25 Wards does connect back to Twilight Syndrome so the supernatural does exist in that setting. Chisato & Yayoi can pull off crazy Dragon ball Z bullshit so they wouldn't be that out of place with NMH.
I always assumed that the Chiasato sister super powers were just a mental delusion though, and this is my problem with connecting NMH with the rest of the universe. The previous TS/MS/SC/K7 games had a David Lynch vibe, which focused more on the dark side of society, and how normalized it actually is within the Japanese government. Killer7 shows that it's not just Japan, it's practically every government that's corrupt as hell.
I put it under merchandise, because it's an actual book you had to buy. It's linked on the merchandise page of every game on the list because it has artwork from all of them so it's not like it's hard to find.
Again if someone is that stupid (not talking about you, I mean the average user) that they can't navigate pages labelled as clearly and concisely as "analysis" or "merchandise" after I also explain how they should navigate the site on the front page, I am ok if they don't stick around,

I don't see a Merch page.
(No, this site doesn't actually slown down muh Mac. It's just giving me that message to see what I could improve on. I don't know how to turn it off.)

I'm from the old school of website making, where you're expected to have the main subjects on the front page, and everything else being only 2 or so clicks away.
It's the webdesigner's job to make the surfing experience as expedient as possible. If I'm left having to figure out how it works. Chance are I'll just click out coz nobody got time for that shit.
I'm pretty sure that Krizz never saw that RGB page either, coz it really is hard to navigate lol.

Even though the previous layout I made, was hated by the k7 fans, I liked it coz everything was easy to find since the navigation is in your face and it had drop down menus that led to subsections which would've took you directly to that content, had the content been made. (Music Archive was meant to be a merch page.)
Now granted, it looked the way it did coz I was trying to transition it away from gaming. (I just made it use the same exact layout that I had for my site, which I never uploaded. It was a lifestyle site, but that's outdated in Le Current Decade, coz modern life is about being a Faggot-activist or something weird & geeky like that.)
Although honestly it was too late for that. Motherfuckers have been telling me to drop the gaming gayness since at least 2011.
Even back then when I quit writing content for the site around 2009, the overall general GHM fanbase were annoying as fuck social-misfits, just as they are today.

Well not so much the social-misfit part. The misfits (Typical Internet-meme cringe humor, Nerd culture, LGBT gaming culture, etc.) became en vouge, and now I'm the misfit :lol: .
The problem with that layout though, it wasn't compatible with mobile phones. Fuck mobile phones. I can't believe so many people use phones to surf the net. I rarely use muh phone outside of payments, since I use mine like a credit card.
I remember when NMH1 treated a secret twin brother as a plot twist so stupid, that the narrative fell apart because the characters inside the game were making fun of it.
Nowadays Travis Touchdown owns a giant mech suit, a kamen rider suit, a magic videogame console that houses a tiger god that will make your wishes come true and also a kaiju, and he's now gonna fight aliens from outer space and this happens right next to Kamui Uehara who is now Travis's friend since he defeated him with the power of friendship. This is all presented as a plot that you're sorta meant to take seriously, or at least at face value since it now has continuity and recurring characters.
I can understand the appeal of that as a parody. It's just a shame coz Suda51's games actually did start out as some kind of David Lynchian-styled universe. Now it's just random Family Guy styled insert Funny-internet meme crap.
Then again, even David Lynch's own works are dumbed down as "Teh Twin Peaks guy, Datz a nice cupppa coffee! Insert funny meme face, with funny meme text. Love me, I have no personality of my own so I rely on memes that other people witll like & retweet coz they know the meme too."

Meanwhile there's Xenoblade 2, an extremely anime game, yet it almost always has great quotes pointing out just how fucking retarded humanity is.
Nia: You started a war. Wanting to save lives, you ended up losing lives. How backwards is that?
Malos: ”Watch humans closely and you'll learn one thing. Deep down they wish they were dead. They kill each other like they swat flies. Running towards oblivion like blind rats. They see the divine flame of life and piss over it. They're geniuses at that. In a class of their own, really."
Zeke: I swear, you lend these people a hand, and they want the whole bloody arm.
Azurda: It's easy to disregard things beyond your own control, and direct your anger at targets closer to hand.
What I like is that a lot of these quotes are just random quips making fun of the person they're speaking to, yet it's much more insightful than the entirety of the plot from most Western games, like Mass Effect 1 - 3 & Andromeda lol!

I really don't understand why Suda doesn't just turn Silver Case into some Detective rpg like the Hunting sidequests from Witcher 3. I'm not even asking for something as big budget as that, it's just that if Deadly Premonition can do it, why can't GHM? They actually have a setting that's worth the open world and would transition well to action rpg. At least you can get away with shit combat under the Arpg banner. Just ask Bioware, that's all they ever do.
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by Iwazaru »

There is no general merchandise page; when you choose game (TSC or FSR etc.), in menu that appears there is merchandise section which leads to each page of book or whatever is connected.

It's still two clicks, kinda. Like this:
step 1: (chosen game)
step 2: (merchandise section for game)
From which you then choose what ya need, like ... -4-5-face/
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by CENSORED »

Suda51's DLC for the new super fire pro wrestling game is coming out today, though it's apparently 30 euros (which is codeword for I'll wait until the cutscenes are on youtube)

EDIT: It's out now for 8 euros, I have no clue why it was listed as 30 euros on japanese sources lol
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Re: Suda's Other Stuff: Reborn

Post by CENSORED »

Summary for the original champion road:

Champion Road Beyond:
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