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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

There was a time in which every Italian was a decently rich man, who could afford several properties, luxury cars and what not. That's also because citizens were not afraid to actually shoot the shit out of politicians, journalists, bankers and each other with machine guns LOL!
I laugh at gun toting americans, constantly bragging about their legal guns they never fucking use. Average joes were so violent back then that the 70s and 80s are dubbed the "lead years".
Shit even in Japan, politicians weren't safe. If you were something considered extreme, such as Communist, the local rabble would rise up and stab you to death, lol. They didn't need guns to kill you, they'd just chop your head off with a katana.
There are commies in Japan who I have nothing but respect for such as Antonio Inoki who is a living legend who owns his own islands that he bought off of Fidel Castro and then populated them with whores.
Inoki is one of those Che Guevara, Muhammad Ali type of Commies that I respect, because they directly bring the fight to establishment powers. Instead of just talking about it like Americans do.

Commies of the past were badass.
Modern day Commies ain't manly at all, except for Immortal Technique I guess, who's just as hated as I am. When I see modern Marxist/Breadtuber faggots talk about Immortal Technique, they describe him exactly as how they would describe me, simply coz he doesn't cosign with their faggot rainbow shit.
MOST ACTUAL COMMIES DON'T! Communists were traditionally Socially-Conservative, Economically Liberal. Modern day Commies are just a fucking meme, coz Millennials & Zoomers don't read books. ZoomZoomz & GenY merely pose with Commie-literature for their twitter-selfies.

It's amusing coz my ideology is nothing like Tech's. That dude has hated every single POTUS so far, lol! I've only liked two during my life time, Reagan & Trump. I would've loved Nixon were I alive at the time, because of how great he was towards the Japs.
I believe in installing a Monarchy who would institutionalize a Libertarian society (where everyone leaves each other alone) by force.
The Monarch would just function the same exact way that the USA government did before the outcome of the Civil War gave total power to lobbyist interests, who act against the people who reside in the fucking USA.

Of course this is a pipe-dream coz power corrupts absolutely, but it doesn't change the fact that most modernized Monarchic societies (Japan, Thailand, most of Asia is still under Monarchc-rule. China & Egypt used to be a Monarchy.) are way better than Democratic societies, with the sole exception of the United Kingdom. Yes, I would even consider Saudi Arabia as decent, when compared to democracies at least. SNK is friggin bought & owned by a Saudi Monarch, and Bin Salman is single handily putting SNK games back on the map, AYY LMAO!

Zoomers really hate Bin Salman and call him a Fascist Nazi. I'm like fuck zoom zooms. You morons don't even know how to play fighting games anyway. STFU.

For as gay as the UK is, I do respect that native UK citizens refuse to get rid of their Monarchy, no matter how much the United-Rainbow States of America keeps trying to force them to.
The mere utterance of claiming to do so, is met with violent retort from Brit-nationals, which is amusing to I coz Brits are generally calm & collected pretentious twats, but daring to fell the Queen will set a fire in them, enough to burn down entire kingdoms' worth of infidels.

Democrat societies suck ass, coz you're still being ruled over by Monarchs anyway, and I mean that literally. You didn't vote for them, but they still completely rule over your country through lobbyist-interests who act as spokes-pieces for foreign oligarchs.

The Monarch helps shape the culture because they're a literal depiction of a societies' ideals bestowed upon the culture. You look up towards the Royals as deities rather than looking at fucking retarded TikTok & Youtube celebrities as your Gods, which is how it is in the West & the USA.

The modern USA already is a Feudalist society, Corporations are their Fiefdoms, and the Banks are their King-overlords, but these dumb motherfuckers happily wage-slave, coz they think it's freedom.

Christian cults that were actually based on holy texts closer to the life of christ than any of the "canonical" testaments that are currently propagandised, were deemed as "heretic" and exterminated. Hell the only reason we know about gnosticism at all (which in itself is a christian understanding of reality based on ancient greek philosophy, mostly plato) is because some crazy motherfuckers hid the gnostic texts in a sand tomb, to preserve them from the catholic purges.
It's still weird as fuck to me how Gnosticism is a branch of Cucktanity, coz it's not cucked at all, and it's also the least retarded. Gnosticism actually makes the most sense. I do in fact believe that much of what you seeing going on in the USA, are just meat-puppets inhabited by Archons self-replicating the memes of USA's actual god, which worships death.
Brainless Meat-puppets have always existed, but they just conformed with the main culture which in the USA was WASP.
Gnosticism also perfectly informs why in societies like the modern USA, that the average American acts demonic, and feral, rather than as a civilized human being.

This vid does a great job in showing that of which I speak. That girl is just imitating her surroundings, she doesn't understand what it means to be human.

This Knowles guy is an extreme Italian-Catholic (He also speaks Italian and can move back to Italy whenever he wishes.) who fucking hates Gnostics though, but I agree with him, 80% of the time. He at least has a high opinion of Richard Nixon. He also has a high opinion of both Bushes though, It's like NOOO! NOOOOOOOO! WHY!!?

In any other time in history, people would be setting cars on fire and planting bombs and shit. Unfortunately my generation produced absolutely nothing but myself. I don't give a shit about zoomer, boomer or millennial shit, I have no idea where the boundaries are, I just know that everyone around my age is fucking worthless, and possibly chemically emasculated.
The generation signifiers are useful in identifying behaviors commonly associated with their age group.

1980s culture was Boomer culture (Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, all of those motherfuckers are Boomers, lol!), and it's also the coolest culture imo, that I still emulate it.
1990s culture was Gen X culture, the most extreme culture which gave rise to stuff like South Park, WWF Attitude Era, Jackass, Aeon Flux etc.
2000s culture was a mixture of Young Gen X & Older Millennial, my age group.
We were basically hybrid of the two cultures that came before us, probably coz our parents are Boomers & our older siblings were GenX. My gen are the reason that 2000s & early 2010s internet was so extreme, offensive & irreverent.
2010s is Millennial culture, core Millennials didn't have families, that's why they're fucking retarded & look to the government as a surrogate parent.

The world is currently upside down, due to how the oldest Zoomers turned 21 in 2018.
Culture is largely shaped by teenagers & 20 something yr olds.
This is why the culture drastically changed during 2014, the oldest Millennials were 33 and finally worked their way up to power, to install their dumbass ideas which have gone on to influence the minds of teens & the 20-35 age group.
It's annoying though, coz I'm late 30s, I still look about somewhere between 19-24 yrs old, but since I'm old, I'm treated as an out of touch grandpa who is not 'hip like the cool kids', who look like 51 year olds at only 21. The young generation are ugly! They're so fucking ugly, you can't even tell if they're a man or a woman just from looking at them, which is why they're so sexually confused.

I came from an era where we were always told to never worship sluts, you fuck sluts.
Core-Millenials & Zoomers though, they worship sluts as gods, which gave rise to Onlyfans, which initially didn't have anything to do with porn. That's just the power of simps, idiots who part with their money just to have some internet-slut say their name, LOL.
Previous generations would pay a slut to fuck her in the butt and then shit down her throat.
Boomers & Silent Generation are hardcore in to Judeo-Christianity and are forever brainwashed by those ideals. Gen X are generally Atheist so they have their own retarded ass dogmas to deal with, that can't be fixed because it's a part of their generation.
Gen X are generally the most correct when it comes to politics, but they're so far behind in manners of spirituality that it's no wonder that they're known as the loser generation who constantly kills themselves through drug overdose or shotgun.

When you believe there is nothing beyond life on earth, you are nothing, and will always be nothing. This is why American Politics completely skipped over Gen X, and jumped straight to Millennials/Gen Cry, coz Millennials actually do believe in things higher than themselves. The problem is, they just fight over dumb abstract bullshit such as racial equality, trans-rights, and my god the amount of bullshit coming out from Millennials just tells me that they're being manipulated by smart Boomers who are fleecing Millennials of everything they have.
Shit, Boomers have even convinced Millennials to forego their rights in the name of social justice.

It's funny when I think about it, coz Boomers legit believe in gods either the Jewish god, or the Egyptian gods and they shape the entirety of their lives around these beliefs.

Every other generation after them believes in complete materialist nonsense, AKA Satanism, the belief in one-self as the supreme being so we do nothing but worship other people as gods.
the USA as a whole are bad for Italy because they impose all their dumb shit on us. I don't give a shit about your desert wars,
Zionist wars ain't my wars. I didn't even live in the USA until I was 23 or 24 yrs old. I was just born in the USA during the early 80s and lived only 4 non-consecutive years in the USA up until 2006.
The reason I stood up for the USA up until the 2020 election (which most people in the Non-Western world can clearly see is stolen, coz it happened to them via American Alphabet agencies. Even the Guatemalans, & Salvadorans are claiming that alongside Taiwanese, Japanese, some Koreans.)
Is because I try to respect my ancestors who sacrificed a lot just to become American.
I can't blame them, during the early 1900s, it did seem to make more sense to side with the USA over Japan. In the early 1900-1920s, Jap men were seen as sex symbols in the USA anyway. Funny how the modern world feels like a completely different planet from what once was.
Despite all of that, our yearly military budget is around 25 fucking billion euros, spent exclusively on USA sponsored wars through NATO, under the threat that if we leave NATO, we'll immediately be attacked by some invisible enemy. Last time I checked that's the basis of mafia protection payments lol.
Don't worry. Le Current Decade's Amurka will fight to protect your gays, trannies & gender-fluid queers from the bigotry of White supremacists in Italy.
I got so tired of playing the game, I am now trying to push to get into politics with my dad lol, so I can just pocket the same blood money everybody else does.
My politician aunt from the Philipines named Canada (It's basically the Japanese name Kanada, but with a C, lol.) was killed two weeks ago after taking the vaccine.
I now no longer have any political ties.
The certificate I showed you was from my grandma who was a Republican representative in California, back when California was still Conservative.

I have no doubt that covid was just a power grab by the worlds' elites to crack down on anyone who isn't part of the BIlderberg class.

Shit last year, everyone kept saying that the Wuhan lab leak was a stupid Trump conspiracy theory but now even CNN is saying its true coz Rand Paul forced Fauci's hand on subjects that you & I already motherfucking guesses way back when the corona scare started.

That's what always made me laugh about American politics.
USA has two Centrist Political factions, calling the other side FarLeft or FarRight, when they're both just milquetoast centrist faggots, being led to the slaughter by Multinational Corporations
That's not even getting into the fact that italian journalism has been replaced with Twitter summaries, our news just reports on whatever the fuck is said on twitter which is a foreign-owned platform.
It's the same way in the USA. A lot of what gets reported about Trump, came from Twitter, and they cite it as "person who is familiar with Trump's way of thinking." What the fuck even is that?
I'm looking for a way to get out, but it's impossible right now, without being forced to get vaccinated for a supervirus that only has a 1% chance of killing you.
It's funny to me, coz Trump is still the same goofy Liberal faggot he always was since the 1980s, but actual Liberals are labeled as Far-Right in the USA, lol!

Americans seem to not understand context, and that words mean different things depending on the context. Most Americans label Oda Nobunaga as some Far-Right Nazi type, when anyone who's actually read history would categorize Oda as a Progressive, because he stood in complete opposition to the Samurai class, and wished to destroy it and he nearly succeeded through force, by gunning everyone down lol.

Meanings of words change over time, but in the USA, they seem to pick & choose which words change
and which ones don't.
The meaning of Man & Woman is disputed in the USA, but they have the gall to assume that American Liberals, are actual Liberals, lol.
American Conservatives, aren't even Conservative. Both parties are Liberal.
That's why Progressives fucking hate Liberals, they correctly see what I see, that Liberals do nothing but uphold the state, uniting under pompous claims of unity which doesn't gel with the reality that they pushed forward.

Progressives correctly surmise that Liberals are handcuffing the anti-statists from enacting actual change.

I don't side with Progressives coz I think their idea of change is retarded. I want a return to the ideals of my ancestors, and that's where the divide is.
One side wants to enact ideas that they believe haven't been tried before (but already have, constantly)
The other side liked the way the world was during the 1980s-2000s & wishes to conserve & recreate whatever was left of that golden-age.
Then there's these fucking retards called Conservatives/Republicans & Liberals/Democrats, who do nothing but act as bodyguards for the Corporate-establishment who piece-meal them the narrative via their state-sponsored talking pieces via the MSM or internet social media.

Take your pick, The Young Turds, Tim Fool, Ben Shapiro, Kyle Kalinski, Dave Rubin, they're all specifically designed to keep you enslaved to the status quo, making you feel as if you need them.
Young Turds is quasi-progressive, but they're just the Left Wing version of Jordan Peterson (his purpose is to deradicalize people in the right, to become extreme-individualist instead of forming a collective of interest-groups.), they're all put in place to make you feel as if you're anti-establishment when in reality they're conditioning you to be as politically-armed as a BB gun, rather than as an Anti-tank gun that could blow the Establishment-walls down, that way the rabble could finally fucking kill this Elitist assholes.

I know this to be true, otherwise why would people like myself & others such as Robert Lindsay (Left Wing Communist) CulturedThug (Right Wing Fascist), ET Williams Dr of Commonsense (Right Wing Evangelist), etc. always get instantly banned, coz we're one of the few people who will actually tell you that you don't need to pick any side. Form your own battleground, raise your own army, and destroy these weaklings in front of you.
It doesn't matter what politics you hold, what matters is that you understand the political game of thrones.

If modern Progressives were actual manly, fighting-men Communist types of Inoki, Malcolm X, & Ali's era, I'd be on their side right now. The modern American-Progressive movement are just Secularist-WASPs , it's the most evident within this smuck. ... ski.64444/
What I'm trying to point out with this, is that this is a tried and true process that is being applied nowadays for the hundredth time or so. Americans worship "Science" (I've been saying this since the 2010s lol) but said dogma has been built by silencing 90% of scientists, and only allowing one point of view to exist. (One of said point of views being that "male" and "female" are social realities instead of biological ones, and that you can easily switch between one or the other by undergoing a blood ritual which coincidentally prevents you from reproducing)
Same as how Catholicism tried to destroy every single alternative interpretation of Christianity that deviated from the "canon". That is to say that Catholics don't actually worship Christ, they just worship a version of Christ that has been carefully constructed by propagandists. Said version of Christianity actually disagrees with every single point brought up by Christ, much like modern science is actually against the scientific method of constantly doubting your results, and conducting a potentially infinite amount of tests. Modern Science actually relies on dogmatically accepting what you are told by the priest class lol.
This is the root cause that Americans don't understand. It doesn't fucking matter which faction you belong to. All that matters is the transition of power. Damn near every political faction exists, solely to keep the status quo. This is definitely true of the USA, they're a uniparty functioning as two incomplete parties with fairly incoherent, incomplete philosophies. I
It's incomplete by design, to keep the plebs fighting with each other, over complete nonsense.
American Lolberals & American Cuckservatives are both Classical Liberal, or at least they were.
The modern iteration of the two party system is just some weird bastardization where both sides merely repeat corporate-marketing slogans, as political activism.
What the fuck are you rebelling against when you're just repeating the same slogans handed down to you from above, via corporations through social media & msm.

Quite honestly, I hold far more respect for Communist China, coz they outright call Greta out on her bullshit. China straight up told her that she's just some dumb little girl who doesn't know what the hell she's saying at all. The rest of the White West? They treat Greta like she's some kind of superhero, even the comments & that vid are siding with Greta, and I'm like, you fucking serious?

This is why I plan to return to Asia or go to Africa or Latin America or something.
I just can't respect White people, they're fucking retarded, and have no self-respect. If they don't respect themselves, then why the fuck should I respect them?
"How dare you make fun of Greta for being fat!"
Either that or they say that China has no argument so they called Greta fat in response.
First off, FATNESS has always been villainized in Asia, it's an Asian cultural thing.
The fact that Amerilards are trying to act as if gluttony weren't a sin, it just indicative to I, that Americans/White people are pushing their fucking retarded ass culture on to everybody.
"Pleezz don't do FATPHOBIA, coz we're fat and we want to feel normal!" LOL!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is actually really fun. It's like a Switch version of Pokemon that the Switch never got coz every Pokemon game on the Switch looks like a 3ds or N64 game.

MHS2 is story based, but the story never gets in the way since the gameplay plays out exactly like a normal Monster Hunter, except it's tactical turnbased combat. My fave weapon is the Bow due to how versatile it is. I usually charge a shot for one turn and then I either due a charge-specific special attack or I use the extra turn to support my pet.
The weapons are very limited when compared to normal Monster Hunter, probably due to the cinematic nature of the combat. The turn based battles are really fun coz it looks like I'm playing through an anime.
The Switch demo is really long, it takes you through the first island and then cuts off when you finally leave the starting village. I never played MHS1 (I'm currently dl'ing it.) so I don't know if this is tradition.
It's sorta like MHG in that you'll eventually go to different towns & regions but unlike MHG, you actually get to interact with a full free roam world of the region that the current village is located at.

I also played Neo World Ends with You.
The combat is very rhythm based like Xenoblade 2 and it has fucking awesome music.
The music alone makes the game worth it I guess, but I hated how they talk way too damn much and IMO the combat gets really annoying, because it's a pure Rhythm based combat system, unlike XB2 which had more of a Pokemon styled Blade/Monster switching focus to combat.

Neo is aight. There wasn't really anything bad about it other than the translation, which uses modern American slang such as SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS.
I'd get Neo if Monster Hunter Stories 2 didn't exist. MHS2 is a really good game. I prob won't get it though, coz it's a rpg lol. I could just watch youtube longplays and have the same exact experience for the most part.

In normal Monster Hunter games, they feel more like action games to me and IMO, MH RIse has way better combat than Ninja Gaiden 1, lol! (I still own my physical copy of NG1 Black on Xbox, but I sold the Xbox coz it was dying.) I forgot how slow NG1's combat was. MH RIse's melee is actually way smoother than that, even though Rise's melee still basically controls the same as previous installments.
I just feel that hits seem to matter more in MH games. It always feels satisfying when you score a direct hit.

In NG1, I'm always getting punished if I don't immediately kill them after a block. The problem is, they'll always throw a shuriken or shoot you or something in between frames. I'm like fuck this shit mang, it's way more satisfying to kill shit in a Monster Hunter game.

I really fucking hate those Doppelganger battles! I can beat them, just barely but it still makes me RAGE!
Most unfun fights ever. I vastly prefer Monster Hunter bosses literally pooping or farting on me as a desperation attack over this fucking Super Ninja faggot that blocks & cancels everything that you do.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Bruh You should know by now, THAT I HATE AMERICAN politics and I think both sides are a fucking joke.
We are both in agreement on this front.
Progessives are Leftists. I didn't say Liberal.
I forgot you actually understand the difference. I'm so used to running into Trump cultists who call everything liberal.
Since when were the Right a singular entity? It's amusing how you don't realize that a lot of what you assume to be facts, are actually just lies you've been told through either the media or the education system.
I don't base my political understanding on any media source. Never have. This is what I determined through observation on my own. I say this because American right winger will always bandwagon together even when one of them is saying something bat shit insane. The moment I see any right wing politicians break line, I see their constituents collectively calling for their blood, like how right wingers turned on Fox News when they called the election for Biden, going from their sole source of information that could do no wrong, to being in league with "CNN" LMAO, or how they all turned on Pence.

All of them tow the party line, and generally follow suit with what the rest of the group does at the end of the day, so they function as single unit regardless of the extremity of what is currently being pushed. Rarely do I see any varying opinion arise from the American right wing ever, and the few that do get stumped out quick. They behave like a hive mind echoing the same views, memes and language with little variation whenever I interact with them(which is a lot in the groups I run in which are host to a lot of expats and red pillers)
This was in response to some Retardera faggot who sometimes posts at gamefags
You can actually stomach reading shit from Resetera? Lol. It makes Neogaf look almost reedemable by comparison, but then since so many Gaffer ran to Resetera after the fallout, its not quite as horrible as it once was.

I was comparing both not to long ago when people were ripping on the Horizon Zero Dawn sequel for making the mary sue protagonist fat and uglier. People couldn't even mention the design change on Era without getting banned, while gaf had a whole thread dedicated to it. ... 88/page-23
I'm guessing your disagreement is that SH is not a terrible game. Sure why not. I think it's fucking trash and only beloved for its art & sound design which are great. Game design is not dictated by their art though and SH only became what it was due to its art & sound design. This is why every SH game without Yamaoka has received lukewarm reception at best.
I strongly disagree. Prior to the remake and RE4, I thought SH had far superior combat and controls. There were actuaul mechanics to the combat. The shotgun was a sawed off that function like one(meaning dwindling damage at a distance, but huge up close). The characters use practical melee weapons, and put force behind them. The system of using the radio to detect enemies and the lighting as part of combat were ahead of their time. You had to actually scan for enemies in the dark sometimes, beause it had such a well implemented lighting system. Also, the added touch of being able to finish off downed enemies by kicking them. I still remember how in RE1, when you shot a downed enemies, it would go invincible while getting back up after one bullet. It also had an slight auto targeting system where, you didn't have to get right up to shorter enemies to shoot them like with the RE dogs.

I decided to get TOCS4 and, its way better than TOCS3. The gameplay and combat and on TOC3 was so cheesable and easy. I'm actually have to make a little effort on part 4, though a lot of that is do to Rean not being there for the 1/3 of the game and you playing with his students.

I'm interest in that Vanillaware looking game shown off for the Switch at e3. Also, most people didn't seem 6 to notice, but there was another direct for Japan that showed off games that weren't in the U.S. e3 direct.

Hitoshi Sakimoto is doing the OST just like with Vanillaware games, so that is a plus.

Never played Aplhadia Genesis 1(looked like a cheap flash game). 2 looks like it might be a tad better, albeit still a generic oldschool RPG.

Neo is aight. There wasn't really anything bad about it other than the translation, which uses modern American slang such as SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS.
Blegh. You just turned me off the game right there. I can't do MH Stories. Just can't get into kiddie games anymore. Plots are two predictable, and an RPG with a boring plot is torture to sit through.

Now I need to try out DP2. I finally got since I found a low price cartridge version. I kind of want to play through without the patch, so I can see the original ending that got overwritten because people whined about the tranny character getting "dead name". Shit is stupid to me. I wonder if I'll be able to make it to the end with the patched version, then unpatch it later, because I can't get down with 10 FPS.

The only other games I'm looking forward to getting this year are Rune Factory 5, NMH3 and SMT5. Man,

I'll be glad when I can get a new GPU for MSRP. I'll wait until Windows 11 and the Nvidia 4000 series drops and just upgrade my whole system now. I bought Cyberpunk 2077 when it was heavily discounted, but I don't want to even try to play it on my current hardware(a 1060 TI). I figure that by the time the next gen GPUs come out, the game will actually be properly finished.

Inoki is one of those Che Guevara, Muhammad Ali type of Commies that I respect, because they directly bring the fight to establishment powers. Instead of just talking about it like Americans do.
Ali was a Socialist, not a Communist(even though he endorsed Communism). His political views were theological, since he was part of the Nation of Islam. He even endorsed Reagan when he ran, not because he thought Regan was any good, but solely because Reagan was for keeping religion in schools. It was a decision he regretted, but if it were his choice, Ali would have made this country a religious state under the Nation of Islam with Socialist principles.

I know nothing of Che Gauavera beyond the fact that for a while people wouldn't stop wearing shirts with his face on them.

I just saw this shit.

2023!? The fuck?! Hajime released last year. Its done. Why the hell would it take until 3 years to release in the U.S? Does this mean we gotta wait until 2024 or 25 for Kuro? Fuck that shit. Nayuta is an action-rpg PSP game. Luckily, its already fan translated. There is no reason that should take until 2023.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

This was in response to some Retardera faggot who sometimes posts at gamefags
You can actually stomach reading shit from Resetera? Lol. It makes Neogaf look almost reedemable by comparison, but then since so many Gaffer ran to Resetera after the fallout, its not quite as horrible as it once was.

I was comparing both not to long ago when people were ripping on the Horizon Zero Dawn sequel for making the mary sue protagonist fat and uglier. People couldn't even mention the design change on Era without getting banned, while gaf had a whole thread dedicated to it. ... 88/page-23
I said a Retardera faggot who was posting at Gayfags AKA Gamefaqs. Obviously, I don't have a Retardera account, but I saw this trannyfaggot posting at gamefags, and I responded.
You can generally tell when you see a Retardera fag because they have a hyper-politicized way of speaking, which is fucking hilarious coz they're applying their political theories to Japanese video games of all things. Like what the fuck mang? They need to get a life. They always frame everything as if it's the end of the world and that we need to do something otherwise we all die or get enslaved. It just strikes me of Sheltered White boi bullshit.

Yeah Soyny be like that. I almost wanted to talk about it, but I'm with Nintendo now so fuck that. I finally left Gaystation back in 2019 coz I knew what was coming a few years down the road.
I may have forgotten how to speak Japanese for the most part, but I'm still very nationalistic, and I fucking hate that Sony is treating their own country like shit.

Inoki is one of those Che Guevara, Muhammad Ali type of Commies that I respect, because they directly bring the fight to establishment powers. Instead of just talking about it like Americans do.
Ali was a Socialist, not a Communist(even though he endorsed Communism). His political views were theological, since he was part of the Nation of Islam. He even endorsed Reagan when he ran, not because he thought Regan was any good, but solely because Reagan was for keeping religion in schools. It was a decision he regretted, but if it were his choice, Ali would have made this country a religious state under the Nation of Islam with Socialist principles.

LOL this cat is pulling a Tim Poolism on me. "ACHSHULLLLY!" Even Trump is a socialist. USA itself is a mixed-socialist government, but they call it democracy or capitalism coz the USA is fucking retarded.

You basically just described a Social Conservative, Liberal Economist which is exactly what Communists are. Although if Ali were Christian instead of Muslim, he'd be labeled as a Right winger, which is yet another example of how fucking retarded American politics are. Ali could also be considered as a Theocrat, but he wouldn't fit the definition of theocrat in an American-sense since he wouldn't have rightfully dodged the draft. (All smart people dodge the draft, USA's wars are bullshit!)
Ali was good friends with Inoki and they even went to North Korea with each other and WCW when Inoki opened up a wrestling show for North Korea. ... orth-korea

LOL imagine being a White guy in North Korea. It must suck, even though you'd just know all of the girls want you to nut in them.

Inoki is a Communist Muslim, although he never joined the Japanese Communist party. He instead made his own communist workers' rights parties.
If Ali didn't have communist leanings, he wouldn't have agreed to the North Korea show especially back in the 90s where that could've had you labeled as an enemy to the USA.

Unlike most Americans, I don't view commies as evil or bad. (Granted I'm one of those Americans who didn't even bother to live in the USA until I was 23 and I even plan to leave the country coz this coutnry is shit.)
I just view them as a different economic system.
I do however, hate most self-proclaimed Communists like Vaush and the majority of Americans who call themselves "Democratic-Socialist" coz all I see are Hyper-Capitilists, capitalizing off of Communism as a mere image, style or fashion sense. AOC is extremely Capitalist, always selling shirts based off of trends of AMerica's current culture wars.
These motherfuckers don't truly believe in communism. They're basically Neocons but identify as Liberals, AKA NeoLibs.

Neo is aight. There wasn't really anything bad about it other than the translation, which uses modern American slang such as SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS.
Blegh. You just turned me off the game right there. I can't do MH Stories. Just can't get into kiddie games anymore. Plots are two predictable, and an RPG with a boring plot is torture to sit through.
I sit through plenty of rpgs with boring ass plots (I think that damn near every Rpg has a shit plot anyway lol), so long as the gameplay is good and MHS2 has some damn good turnbased gameplay. It's very tactical. Not as tactical as Saga Scarlet Grace, but it's sure way more fun than Grace.
Yeah I don't really like Kiddie games either which is why I can't get into most of Nintendo's bullshit, but I generally like Capcom stuff, coz Capcom games generally have a low learning curve, but a high skill ceiling and MHS2 looks like it will have content for the more hardcore gamer, since it is a MH game.
Even with the demo itself, it showed plenty of depth for the limited amount of game that they've shown to you

I don't fucking like Pokemon at all but I'm digging MHS2.
As for Neo World, Utada Hikaru just came out as a tranny or gender-fluid or something, AYY LMAO! She's from NYC though & lives in the UK, so that's no shock. NYC motherfuckers always follow the current trend to stay relevant. The way I see it, if modern Jap pop culture is going gay, then it's no shock that games about said culture are just as gay lol.

Shit like this does make me homesick though.

I miss living in a country populated with proud, non-politicized sluts. Asian women actually want you to be attracted to them (I bet I could just walk up to her, and lick her tits and she won't fucking mind at all coz I'm sexy.) unlike in the USA where stupid sluts around here have their tits & ass hanging out but they then have the nerve to call you a misogynist for being attracted to their body. The fuck!?
What's with all of the false advertising in the USA?
Dress like sluts, act like sluts but then claim to not be sluts despite how they have a Simp army paying them to be Sluts? Kinda sounds like a slut to me! Fucking garbage country, nothing makes sense in the USA.
I don't want to return Japland, coz of the Yakuza, lol. I'd have to finally repay favors.
That's always been my sneaking suspicion for why they continued to be nice & friendly with me for nearly 2 decades since I left the country.

Progessives are Leftists. I didn't say Liberal.
I forgot you actually understand the difference. I'm so used to running into Trump cultists who call everything liberal.
What makes you think that I'm American-centric? I laugh at Americucks and the joke that they label as politics.
Trump is a Liberal-leaning Centrist. Damn near everything he says are exactly what Bill Clinton would say during his speeches. PLOT TWIST, every single Modern Americuck politician is a Centrist.

Did you know that the USA used to look like this during the early 1900s before WW2?
St Louis
San Fagcisco, before the Faggots took it over.
I currently live in King County but 2020s King County just looks like Raccoon City, and even has Zombies roaming around that the news never fucking talks about, lol.

The BLM riots aren't new. The Elites in power always use a disenfranchised group to destroy the current society, so they can later rewrite history to conform with the new direction that they desire.
Most people have no idea how majestic that the USA used to be, and it's like that by design.
The vast majority of American history is concealed to prop forth some stupid lie that Americans just want to keep Blacks down when in reality the same pattern that happens to Blacks, (CIA infesting drugs into their neighborhood, sending random Black kids into jail with drugs that the feds planted on them, destabilizing the entire 'hood, keeping them segregated from the rest of society.)
Also happens to nearly every foreign country in the world whenever the USA is involved. Half of the 3rd world are the way they are, because the USA destroyed their democracy, destroyed their governments, destroyed their economy, planted a dictator friendly towards the USA (This is what happened in Cuba before Castro & Guevara took over.) and for what? Cheap ass refugee labor for the American Right, and easy votes for the American Left.

USA creates terrorists overseas (similar to how they criminalize random Black kids by framing them with weed.), as an excuse to prop up the Military industrial complex & fund both sides of the conflict since they're all American-owned. ISIS, Taliban, & Al Qaida are all American inventions. Osama & Saddam were CIA agents. Saddam got backstabbed by the USA, and the USA flooded Iraq with illegal aliens.
Saddam was loyal to the USA, but he was not loyal to Israel, so he had to die.
It's funny coz that same exact thing happened to Europe & the USA after Hillary killed Gaddafi. Africa would be a super power by now if Gaddafi were still alive. Africa has the natural resources, population numbers & the landmass to be as big as an economic force as the USA or China, but they lack the know-how.

USA looks like shit now, because the corporate-elites are hoarding everything and devaluing the dollar which in turn disrupts the world economy. This is why places like Germany have ditched Biden in favor of Russia.
The rest of the world doesn't fucking understand what the hell Biden is doing. He's fucking random.
The World's leaders didn't like Trump either, coz Trump had a pre 1940s USA outlook to geopolitics which (allegedly) focused on USA's interests only, but in reality he was just giving more land & foreign aid to Israel, lol.
Since when were the Right a singular entity? It's amusing how you don't realize that a lot of what you assume to be facts, are actually just lies you've been told through either the media or the education system.
I don't base my political understanding on any media source. Never have. This is what I determined through observation on my own. I say this because American right winger will always bandwagon together even when one of them is saying something bat shit insane. The moment I see any right wing politicians break line, I see their constituents collectively calling for their blood, like how right wingers turned on Fox News when they called the election for Biden, going from their sole source of information that could do no wrong, to being in league with "CNN" LMAO, or how they all turned on Pence.

All of them tow the party line, and generally follow suit with what the rest of the group does at the end of the day, so they function as single unit regardless of the extremity of what is currently being pushed. Rarely do I see any varying opinion arise from the American right wing ever, and the few that do get stumped out quick. They behave like a hive mind echoing the same views, memes and language with little variation whenever I interact with them(which is a lot in the groups I run in which are host to a lot of expats and red pillers)
It's because Fox & the Republican party aren't even Right wing. Of course disparate dissident groups
would rebel against them. Your mistake is that you thought they were all Right wing. A lot of Trump's voterbase were former Bernie-bros & Tulsi Gabbard simps.

I'm sure that you heard of Lefties who claim that the Democrat party aren't Left wing, and they say that because it's actually true. What they don't understand is that the Republicans aren't Right wing either. USA doesn't have real political parties, they only have corporate-interests.

I certainly saw a different reality though, coz all I saw were "Right wing" personalities denouncing the mob and cucking out like a bunch of faggots from the Ben Shapiros to the Dana Loeschs.
Brandon Tatum is like the only one I saw who actually denounced the pussy ass RNC, and basically said the same exact shit I said back in Jan.6, except he's not as smart as I am so he defaults to some stupid ass Christian God bullshit, like most Americans do. I assume that he has more testosterone than most, simply coz he's Black, lol. I can't stand most American Right wing figures, they're all closet faggots.

Most of Trump's voters never liked Pence because Pence is a Neocon. The Neocons destroyed America through the illegal war in Iraq. Trump has always denounced the Iraq war.
A lot of Trump's voter-base aren't even right wingers. They're Liberals who were chased away from the Democrat party.
I fucking hate most of Trump's followers,

However my hate for Neocons burns stronger which is why I continue to support that slovenly Zionist piece of shit. I prefer Trumpism which is an 80s era Liberal over Neocons who are Corporate-Centrists, because Neocons are murderous sons of bitches who will kill your entire nation just to make a few extra dollars.
Biden is a hardcore Zionist himself. Biden's cabinet is the most Zionist of American history, which is crazy coz Trump held that record just a few months ago lol.

One thing I find funny about Trump supporters is that most of them hate George Soros, not realizing that Trump is funded by George Soros. Soros help build the Trump towers in NYC, AYY LMAO!
Trump's main benefactor was Sheldon Adelson. OOOOh my, see a pattern? They're all Jewish.
Without Adelson, Trump has no power.
Think of it like SMT Nocturne, where in order to create a new world, you need to be backed by a guardian entity who represents your philosophy.

I've always hated Republicans because they're do-nothing pussies like Romney, or Mccain and when they actually do something, they only do it for Israel like both Bushs. and even Trump.
Trump at least gave some of Israel's crumbs back to the USA, which is more than most.
Even Obama would treat Saudis & the Chinese more like royalty than anyone else. Every potus since Bush sr. always puts the USA last, or in Trump's case, America a distant 3rd, lol.

The government doesn't represents you. (It doesn't even represent Whites or the common Jew.)
They only represents foreign lobbyist interests.
The American Left vs Right divide is fake. It's being propped up by corporations.
I pointed that out in a recent post, when I talk shit about Tom Mcdonald and contrasted him to a niche Black rapper whose actually rapping about USA's reality versus the corporate-made divisions & even called out Mcdonald for being a bitchmade puppet.

All governments are shaped by their worship to Gods, which are strengthened by their citizens' worship of The State. (Japan for example worships the Sun Goddess.)
The USA itself worships Egyptian Gods, but they call it the Judeo-Christian God for some reason.

Nothing that Americans do is real politics. You're all just puppets being strung along by Corporations who have created the division to fool retards from both sides into buying their products. The Left wing faggots be like "I'll support this movie coz it's PRO-LGBT!"
The Right wing faggots be like "I'll support this movie coz it's Anti-WOKE!"
Meanwhile The rest of the world is laughing coz neither position has anything to fucking do with politics.
The American Right & Left are both just practicing Consumerism, but they label it as politics when all they're doing is feeding The Beast that both enslaves & oppresses them.[/b]

These are things that even Guevara was saying during the time that he was alive. So not much as changed. Although, honestly I liked USA's Theocrat era from Reagan - Clinton, then it all went to shit with Bush jr. and his never-ending wars for Israel.
Biden is still continuing those wars, it's funny coz Isis wasn't doing shit under Trump. (ISIS is American.)

I strongly disagree. Prior to the remake and RE4, I thought SH had far superior combat and controls. There were actuaul mechanics to the combat. The shotgun was a sawed off that function like one(meaning dwindling damage at a distance, but huge up close). The characters use practical melee weapons, and put force behind them. The system of using the radio to detect enemies and the lighting as part of combat were ahead of their time. You had to actually scan for enemies in the dark sometimes, beause it had such a well implemented lighting system.
I only agree with the lighting system. You make it sound as if any of the things you mentioned were implemented well. They weren't. SH is easy on every single mode because the actual combat is garbage.
The existence of a tool doesn't make it noteworthy if it doesn't have a scenario that properly utilizes its uses.
This is why RE6 is fucking garbage. It may have good combat but who fucking cares when you don't use any of RE6's complex combat systems during the actual campaign.
Sure you could use it, but it's an exercise of excess or extravagance. It's unneeded, because there's never a campaign combat scenario which requires that you understand the system.

I do however use the stomp a lot, but I don't see how that's any different from simply pulling out a knife & coup-de-grace everything that goes prone. I've only played SH1 & 3 to completion. I dropped SH2 coz it was fucking boring. The combat is not good at all. That's the reason why SH never became as popular as RE.
RE has always had a solid ruleset which forced you to use it on higher difficulties. Or in the case of RE1, when you play as Chris.

It seems that your argument is more that SH had a far more realistic representation of combat.
That I can agree with to an extent, but it's also why it's not as fun. I actually liked knifing things to death in classic RE, because there was a groove & a rhythm to it. You couldn't just stand still and knife things, you'll die. Knifing shit to death in classic RE felt like a dance. It still feels like a dance with the RE4 & Rev 1 style.

It's more the case that SH simulates or tried to simulate real world logic, while RE like most Capcom games, used abstract in-game logic, which makes no sense outside of the game. One need look no further than Street Fighter which in reality the combat system is representing boxing, but in the actual game you're doing jump kicks or normals to simulate jabbing in boxing, with special moves being the SF2 equivalent of a hook or uppercut.
Of the two schools, RE mastered their ruleset far more than SH ever did. Nobody plays SH for the combat.
Most of the RE fanbase does play RE for the gameplay, if not the combat then at least the relation between RE's resource management, level designs & enemy encounters.
The system of using the radio to detect enemies and the lighting as part of combat were ahead of their time.
Kenji Eno did it first, 3 years earlier.

SH did it better though.

The only other games I'm looking forward to getting this year are Rune Factory 5, NMH3 and SMT5. Man,
I liked Rune Factory 4. I'll wait and see with RF5 coz it may have corny ass Choose your style crap over choosing your gender. Only game I'm hype for is Metroid Dread. You play one SMT game, you've played them all. Besides it's just demon pokemon but I highly doubt that the combat will be as good as MHS2 since it's still just using the press turn system. I prefer the Rock paper scissors system from MHS2 because it actually feels like a back & forth fight.
NMH3 is a joke, running at 15 fps. I generally hate the GHM fanbase though since they kicked me out, and don't ever fucking give me credit for anything that I did, even though the vast majority of the fanbase are using info that I originally wrote. So that by itself, is why I'll never support Suda's shit. A shame coz Suda has been nothing but cool with me, but I fucking hate his fans
I know nothing of Che Gauavera beyond the fact that for a while people wouldn't stop wearing shirts with his face on them.
It's funny coz Guevara would gun them all down. He hated faggots, he would hate LGBT & he hated American consumerism, and he gunned down kids just for listening to American rock music. The man was a killer but I don't blame him. He saw the USA for the evil that it is.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Ys IX is great so far. You most or less get super powers in this one. Combat is pretty much the same as Ys VIII with a few improvements. The who game, so far, takes place in a huge fortress.

I'm playing on normal, though I'm starting to feel I should have upped difficulty a little, because I'm just breezing through everything.

I'm like how the combat looks on Kuro No Kiseki so far. Graphics quality seems to have improved a lot as well. Looks like Jhin(Zen) and Fie are in this one(chick with the beret and dude right before her.)
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Wow. We're still waiting on Hajimare No Kiseki over here until next year. They're about to release the game after the game that comes after that...

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Solvovir »

Some of Jack’s posts, along some other things other folks had to say, and Xenoblade 3 being a thing finally got a fire lit under me to go back and finish Xenoblade 2. (Yeah I’ve been lurking at least that long, lol. I don’t want to turn it into too much of a tangent, though)

I gotta say, I don’t regret it. Xenoblade 2 really is closer to what Xeno usually is, which is a nice surprise because Blade 1 was basically just Xeno in name only and I was starting to think Takahashi had given up on his vision. While there were some nods and winks to old-school Xeno in Blade 1 that’s really all they were and it’s clear the game was only made to fit in retroactively; even the way Blade 2 tries to tie Blade 1 in feels kind of irrelevant to 2 on its own (not so much 3 obviously), and the fan theory that Gears and Saga might be parallel universes to Blade that just so happen to be other timelines where humanity discovered The Conduit, is honestly far more interesting.

Really, it’s cool how if you know Xeno, then it’s clear after beating it that Blade 2 was meant to be one from the start. Not only does the later part of the game (and Torna: TGC I guess) make Takahashi’s hand on the scenario clear but looking at the big picture Xenoblade 2 seems to take place in a variation of “Episode V” on Xenogears’ Perfect Works timeline, basically making it the most direct successor to Xenogears we ever got.

On another note I feel like the fans are a bit too slavishly devoted to the original Perfect Works structure when Xenosaga showed it falling apart nearly two decades ago. It’s actually easier to understand wtf each game is meant to be if you don’t worry about Episode numbers and just break the timeline up into three big arcs: humanity in space→ a new humanity in a new world → whatever happens after which has never truly been revealed. (Xenoblade 3 might be it but I should finish it first to be entirely sure.)

Interestingly from what I can tell “Episode I” or the space arc seem to be the most functionally different due to, from what little I can tell, humanity not actually making it too far into space beyond where we’ve already been (can’t say I blame Takahashi for changing that; I don’t expect humanity to last long enough travel the stars anymore either, lol) with this simplification we get pretty much all the information about this era that we need from a few flashbacks. The Conduit is discovered, Klaus starts his experiment, and the Xenoblade worlds are created.

No need to go over the next arc in detail, that’s the games.

Interestingly, the long-unknown “Episode VI” or the last arc has been speculated by fans to be a few different scenarios, most common being either the two humanities encountering each other and what happens then, or the end of the universe and the attempt to prevent the destruction thereof. From what I’ve played of Xenoblade 3, it seems to be using both of these (sort of) for its plot. It’d be funny if the predictions were correct all those years ago.

Man it’s frustrating how hard it is to find discussion like this anymore. So much of the new blood in the Xenoblade fandom doesn’t want to look at anything beyond the very surface or talk about any of the complicated shit in the games. The Blade 1 only fags speak like bots, always repeating the same nothing talking points (“The story is good! The combat is good!” etc.”) not really elaborating on anything or going in-depth at all. The 2 only fags while at least coming off as human still seem borderline retarded and only speak up to make conversation difficult lol.

(Yeah I apologize for this but I feel like this gets it across better than I could with my words lol)

Though not of them are all coomers I guess. Some of them are still obnoxious as fuck though and just stick around to complain about 1, X, and 3 being too serious for them (even though 2 could also get pretty damn dark when it wanted to, lol, and 3 can also be plenty silly at times) or the art styles not appealing to them (every Xenoblade game has looked different)

From what I can tell X fags just like to explore and I assume that game scratches the itch the best of them. I dunno I never got far in it.

The people who actually have things to say and offer insight into the plots, characters and themes? They’re the people who played all the Blade games, and even went back to play Gears and Saga, or they already played those and just stuck around for the Blade series, but the difference between those two isn’t that important. However, the difference between them and the ones that only play Blade or even worse, one of the Blades is stark. With the Blade 1-2 only fags, it’s almost all “boobs this, tone that”, it’s hard to tell if these fuckers even play the games.

Maybe this is just a problem on GameFAGs though. The posters there always tended to be pretty damn stupid in my experience for the most part (though some of the Gears and Saga fags were the exception. Those were the people who got me wanting to know more about psychology, religion, etc, in the first place). But the thing is if I can’t discuss anything there, where the fuck would I ever go to discuss this shit? If discussing things on GameFAQs is difficult, then talking about anything on 4chan is probably impossible. Occasionally someone who knows what they’re talking about would show up there, but those occasions seem to be getting more and more rare. Feels like the place is mostly bots and retards that are impossible to tell from bots. Places like Resetera and so on are right out since I doubt I’d be accepted there even if I wanted to be. Same likely goes for Discord groups; sometimes you will find people on “the other side” of the “culture war” on Discord but most of them who play Xenoblade tend to be coomers who are still too dumb to discuss the games on a level beyond the most basic (I don’t care if people are attracted to the characters or not, the problem is that I keep running into people who seem to want to only talk about jerking off in these parts of the fandom)

I guess I’m mostly stuck discussing Xeno with my younger brother, who, even though he can be simple-minded at times, still can articulate himself a thousand times better than most of the faggots I run into online. He doesn’t share my opinions on Xeno exactly, but I can understand why he thinks the way he does about this or that. He is able to explain why he likes Xenoblade 1’s story more, saying that the mostly straightforward struggle for survival with a twist to it here and there was really all the story needed, while he felt that Xenoblade 2 was trying to do too much and be too many things at once. He also told me why he didn’t like Rex (“I feel the game tries to sell you on him having a charisma to him that he doesn’t, really. He just comes off like a complete dork. Ironically I think Addam is the same kind of character Rex was meant to be, or at least grow into, done right, but I just don’t buy it with Rex.” He said something like this.) He has made complaints about the tone of 2 and 3 (and a little bit of 1, too, lmao. Starting to feel like he just wants Xenogears and Xenosaga back to me.) “Ah, Takahashi has mellowed out. What has he found to be so happy about? I feel like JRPGs like this need a bit more of an edge to them, just a bit more at least, so that it’s easier to get invested in the drama.”

Real simple takes, but they’re something, and good fucking luck finding even just that amongst the nonsense vomited out by the drones that infest the ‘net. I can only hope it’ll get better after everyone beats 3, but honestly, it’ll probably get even worse.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by WesleySnipes »

I’m actually pretty happy to say it’s a game I got further in than most I know, because it’s had a couple of things work out that helped. Most notable of all, the slow, methodical climb up the game’s learning curve (I think I’m past 40 hours?) has really been doing its thing, and in the end I think the game has gotten quite a bit better in quality over the last year or so. I suppose it’s what happens when a game gets properly balanced after all these years.

There’s a lot more to it than just that, but that’s enough to put a bow on it for this post. So I finished my first playthrough, having completed every quest line and activity in the game, and having earned all the “essential” equipment I needed, and I got out a note to Nintendo in an attempt to put into words what I had learned. I wrote:


That’s all I could come up with after finishing the game, so I won’t go into any more detail. (It was way more that needed, but it’s not necessary to review the game. Go read the first post anyway, if you haven’t already.) What I wanted to do was explore the nature of what my main observations were.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by The Invisible Hand »

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by sudaca »

the f is going on here I just like Dragon Quest 11
all my posts are ironic on an endless loop until I have the upper hand in the conversation
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