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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Jack wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 6:57 am

I agree that the Right Tranny is uglier than the Left tranny. (They're both ugly.) What I don't get is why do you think that the Right Tranny looks like anime? Generic Anime art is typically associated with being far more expressive. It's why they have such enlarged faces.
The Left Original Tranny looks more like Anime, it even has the big anime eyes.
The Left Tranny looks way closer to Japanese art than the Right does. ... _Up%29.jpg

I think the Right Tranny looks creepier (AND UGLIER) coz it looks less human.It looks like some Alien chick from an American Sci Fi game.
It's kinda funny though how so many fans of Japanese games, are hating on Japanese games that use Anime artstyles, lol. "OH THIS SUCKS! IT LOOKS ANIME!" It makes no sense to me.

I was focusing more on their general expressions, face shape and environment, though Kaine is not a tranny. Yohna, (Nier's Sister/Daughter depending on version) was the tranny. Kaine was female, but turned into a hermaphrodite because of an error in her replication. Her personality and everything are still the same, though. So, she's a female that grew a penis.

In the original Xenoblade, you could see their eyes and mouths constantly stretch and contort with what was going on. I never said the arstyle was pariticularly great. That was always a criticism of the game, but you could clearly tell the character emotions from their facial expressions. The Definitive Edition.

Compare Sharla's old face at1:12 or 2:55 to her new face.

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by CENSORED »

I was focusing more on their general expressions, face shape and environment, though Kaine is not a tranny. Yohna, (Nier's Sister/Daughter depending on version) was the tranny. Kaine was female, but turned into a hermaphrodite because of an error in her replication. Her personality and everything are still the same, though. So, she's a female that grew a penis.
I think he was being facetious but yeah as I said, all Yoko Taro games have animoo stereotypes reframed as existential horror.
Kainé is a play on futanari dick girls, some hentai archetype where chicks randomly grow 10 inch penises and it's shown as a happy, normal thing LOL!
In Nier, it's horrifying because Kainé herself is just some meat puppet modelled after a human, who gets inhabited by a male shade (human soul) which fucks with her replication process, making her current form a hermaphrodite, but that obviously leads her to be rejected from society, which in the world of nier means having to fight for survival against monsters (who are actually humans)
The only people who accept her in the game are her grandmother, the people of façade (who respect her for her strenght, since she saved one of their children from the wolves), and the main character, with whom she is implied to be in love with. Of course it never blossoms into a romance because the MC would rather give his life to let his sister/daughter live, so in a drama CD she ends up going crazy and fucking a corpse in the ass as some sort of grieving mechanism, LOL!

I'm not joking, that's actually canon

On some level it is meant to be as absurd as it sounds, the people writing these games do have a sense of humor. I remember this interview where Eishima Jun (one of the main writers of the series who also just so happens to be a woman, yet hilariously, men will accuse these games of being sexist lol! Drakengard's fanbase used to have tons of women providing translations, fanart and other content, before they were all chased away by other women, who wanted to upstage them. Yet in a crazy twist of fate, when you go on the internet, you are told that these are sexist games aimed at the "male gaze".) was talking about her son making fun of her for being a pedophile, who lusted after young Nier. Even though his ass is already busted. (Child Nier prostituted himself to pay for his sister's medicine in one of the side stories.)

-Which scene does Eishima like?

Yokoo: Eishima is definitely satisfied with just watching young Nier’s back while he roams the fields, since it’s zettai ryouiki and whatnot.

Eishima: I did get satisfaction from making him run like crazy.(laughs) But you see…when I get really happy watching that, my high school son would just pass by and say “But, haven’t this kid’s tunnels been opened up already?”, popping my bubble.

Yokoo & Natori: (laughs like crazy)

-That is Eishima’s sin.
Zettai Ryouiki is an anime fan meme, it basically means she likes his tighs.
This interview predates Drakengard 3, which for most of the game is actually a straight up comedy.
They also poke fun of themselves in the various fanbooks
"Two seconds after the beginning of the game, he is involved in a huge disaster and dies. He was only 15."

Where did you get the impression that Yohna is a tranny though? Yohna is just a little girl. Did someone on twitter make up that she's a crossdressing little boy or something? LOL! Everyone is trans according to twitter, nothing like that is ever hinted at anywhere within the game or the side stories. Nier did get anally raped by an old man though.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Drakengard 2 and Automata are okay, in the sense that you still would not play them for the gameplay alone,
I forgot about Automata. I only played the demo, but the demo was good. 2b should be in Smash. After Pyra & Mythra getting in, barely uncensored. I think there's no excuse for 2b to not be in Smash. THEY ACTUALLY MADE PYRA'S ASS BIGGER & ROUNDER IN SMASH, LOL!
I'm guessing Nintendo only hated on Mai Shiranui, coz she's not Nintendo, she's Pretendo!

2B would even have a unique ass fighting style. She'd be like a cross between Rosalina & Megaman. Dragkengard 2, I was actually never interested in coz it lookeded like generic fantasy when the first game looked like Berserk Dark Fantasy. It's just that the fucking music & the boring ass gameplay (It's actually way worse than any Dynasty Warrior game.) really turned me off from it. Especially when stuff like Shadow of Rome existed during the same era.

I would've loved Dark Savior but that game is a pain to control. Even if you plug in an analog controller, it actually controls worse coz Saturn didn't even have analog so it still moves like a d-pad game.
I'm like most people who hated DS, I went into Dark Savior thinking it was an rpg. It's actually more of a detective game. You spend 90% of your time just running around talking to people and completing impossible Mario-style jump puzzles. (Mario could clear it with ease, coz Mario games have buttery smooth controls.) The fighting is the worst part anyway, lol.
I would argue DP at least had all that detective game stuff you could do around town to get unique conversations, get more information on the case or the characters etc.,
Yeah Dark Savior seems to be like some oldass cyberpunk fantasy version of that. I quit when I got to the prison coz I was like, all I'm fucking doing is talking and the one fight I had so far was fucking weird coz it acts like you're all of a sudden in a fighting game and it even has fighting game rounds.
Everything about it is just fucking weird, but I actually think that was the entire problem with Sega after the Genesis. Genesis games had this aura of cool around them, and they still are cool as hell. Look at how cool the original Streets of Rage trilogy looks when compared to how nerdy as fuck SOR4 looks.

Then we get to the Saturn & Dreamcast where the games just look weird, and don't have much mainstream appeal at all. Fighting Vipers could've been a big hit if the characters weren't so weird looking. I actually like the character deisgn, coz they're so bizarre but when I was a kid, I remember thinking that every single one of them was shit except for Candy. It's funny, coz Fighting Vipers predated Bloody Roar, Dead or Alive & Soul Blade/Calibur but it originated elements that would make those 3 games far more popular than Vipers ever was. Bloody Roar basically is Fighting Vipers, except Vipers insane hit physics actually make sense in Bloody Roar sense you can turn into beasts who will Mortal Kombat uppercut you into walls.
Dead or Alive is Virtua Fighter with way more coolness (Ryu Hayabusa) and sex appeal. I feel that Candy would fit right in with DOA, except her main appeal is her ass instead of her tits. You can even tank hits with her ass, lol!
Soul Calibur 4 had the armor breaking which Vipers had nearly a decade before it. Some of Viper's goofy ass character designs actually look much better when you punch their clothes off, like Grace. Grace actually looks like some kind of MMA fighter without her clothes which is why she's such an obvious example of how Sega of Japan were (& still are) completely fucking retarded. They always have the ingredients in their games, to make something that's really good, but they fuck up. Nearly all of the Genesis's successs was due to outsiders, even Streets of Rage wasn't even made by Sega. It was made by Yuzo Koshiro's crew.

What's fucking hilarious is that Yuji Naka has his own devhouse at Square Enix now (mostly staffed by Sega Genesis/Saurn OGs), and he is still trying to make his Nights into Dreams bullshit mainstream but even Balan Wonderland is universally shit on, because it's just too fucking weird, and the gameplay isn't good.

I tried the Switch demo, and I was like "cool, this feels like classic Sega." I had a smile on my face when I saw the intro, then I played it and I was like uggggggggh. Reminds me of Sega Saturn! lol. I didn't even know that Saturn actually died in the West by 98 coz in 98 Japan, Saturn was as popular as PSX. It's weird, how Japan didn't like N64 at all (I don't even remember seeing a N64 game outside of gaming shops.), coz I think N64 has the best 3d action games from that era.

Then I got up to the 2nd level of the Balan demo, and trashed it coz it was even more boring than the first level. It has this weird disguise gimmick, similar to Mario's hat gimmick from Odyssey but the frame rate is shit, the level design is shit. Nearly everything is shit except for the music and the character designs. Balan's dev team, is mostly comprised with OG SonicTeam staff from the Genesis era but it still fucking sucks!

It makes me wonder if Rieko Kodama was the reason why the Genesis Sonic games were good, lol. Has she ever made a bad game? (The answer is NO!) That's probably the reason why she's still employed with Sega to this day. I wish she made a new game though. The last one she did was the 3ds 7th Dragoon about 5 years ago, which was fucking great and classic Phoenix Rie (She even has a self-insert character, who's the main villain of the game.), like a typical Rie rpg, the ending is extremely depressing & anti climatic like Phantasy Star 2. Damn near everyone dies in 7th dragon VFD, and that's the final game. She's not planning to return to 7th dragon ever, lol.

Phoenix Rie makes the best damn rpgs, coz she makes them in such a way that even thousands of non jrpg fans can get into her games. Phantasy Star 4 is actually one of the only Jrpgs that doesn't bore the fuck out of me coz it's paced like an action game and the OST sounds like an action game. Even 7th Dragon's ost sounds like an action game, composed by Yuzo Koshiro.

That shit sounds like Silver Case. Thinking about it, 7th Dragon is another weird ass cyberpunk story like Dark Savior. A lone corporation took over the world, but they're disguised as the good guys. Sounds like real life! LOL! I wish Kodama led more productions. She always churns out Platinum Products.
(I'm gonna include Suda51 games as well because they all have dodgy gameplay, though at least most of his early games are actually just visual novels, instead of requiring endless grinding like the drakengard games) get very offended when you point out that the actual gameplay sucks. I'm supposed to believe that it's "bad on purpose", to make an artistic point about the pain of grinding (it's not.
Killer7 could've been good. Back in the day, I just viewed that game as a good first draft. 2 decades later and that style of game has never been expanded upon. Although I guess Shadows of the Damned was the final product of that K7 style, and its fucking garbage. K7 just felt like a first person RE4 to me. RE4 is better, but K7 could've been just as good with a sequel that refined the gameplay. In some cases, K7 was better, like the level design. k7 felt like scary ass corridors where the only way out is to kill your way through the level. That's classic gaming at its finest. It turned out that K7 just gave me a really wrong impression of Suda's games, and it was prob Shinji Mikami's influence that made it so good. Imagine The Evil Within with K7's gunplay. That'd be the best horro game ever.
In the original Xenoblade, you could see their eyes and mouths constantly stretch and contort with what was going on. I never said the arstyle was pariticularly great. That was always a criticism of the game, but you could clearly tell the character emotions from their facial expressions. The Definitive Edition.

Compare Sharla's old face at1:12 or 2:55 to her new face.
Yeah I see it, but I don't think it's intentional, especially since Shulk right after her looks like an emotionless doll. (He looks emotionless in both.) It's similar to that Fiora cutscene I showed where it looks like she has furrowed eyebrows. I think that's just the way the female models look since even Sharla looks like she's furrowing her brows from the side. It really does look like a facial expression, but I think it's just the natural shape of their models, since it's like the only expression they have. Xenoblade OG seemed to have models that were shaped more like caucasian faces with deep set eyes & deep brow ridges, rather than flatass Jap faces. It's just more noticeable now, that the faces never emote.

Xed51 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:01 pm
I was focusing more on their general expressions, face shape and environment, though Kaine is not a tranny. Yohna, (Nier's Sister/Daughter depending on version) was the tranny. Kaine was female, but turned into a hermaphrodite because of an error in her replication. Her personality and everything are still the same, though. So, she's a female that grew a penis.
I think he was being facetious but yeah as I said, all Yoko Taro games have animoo stereotypes reframed as existential horror.
Kainé is a play on futanari dick girls, some hentai archetype where chicks randomly grow 10 inch penises and it's shown as a happy, normal thing LOL!
I actually thought it was a tranny. Now I'm confused coz isn't an hermaphrodite the same fucking thing? Only difference is that hermaphrodite actually are both genders, rather than pretend. Chyna from WWE was an hermaprhodite. I've heard so many horror stories about her porn, lol.

I ain't never played these games. I don't play a lot of shit that people recommended me to play. Nier is prob the 2nd most requested after Deadly Premonition. I was finally going to give DP a chance, but then DP2 came out with even worse framerate than DP1.
For some reason, even NMH3 has trash frame rate to the point where I think the game needs to be trashed and redone. It's weird, coz isn't NMH3 being partly funded by Nintendo?
Why does it look worse than the first two games?

The first time I saw futanari was Bible Black, but it actually was depicted as horror in that hentai.
BB didn't bother me at all. What does bother me though is how if you go on a porn site like about two years ago, they would show you 3dPD Tranny dick girls on the front page as though it were a normal thing that people looked up, lol. In today's America though, women with big tits are considered as unrealistic. No women outside of porn has big tits. That's what I've been told anyway. Just like how I'm constantly told that I'm a virgin. I'm like ok. My life, magically got rewritten coz a bunch of actual incels who transitioned as a coping mechnism told me so.

Oh man that's another thing that I find hilarious. Most of the people calling sexy girl designs sexist, aren't even women. THey're trannies with anime avatars.
On some level it is meant to be as absurd as it sounds, the people writing these games do have a sense of humor. I remember this interview where Eishima Jun (one of the main writers of the series who also just so happens to be a woman, yet hilariously, men will accuse these games of being sexist lol!
Not men, soibois. That always happens. Bayonetta's creator gets accused of being a sexless incel, when she's a woman who's into fashion & shit, lol. Even the creator of Xenoblade's Dahlia is accused of being a hardcore virgin, when she too was created by a woman. It's as I said, Japanese women have a completely different pyschology from Western women. I say "Western" as a catch-all term coz British, Cucknadians & Aussies are just as fucking retarded. You Italians are an exception, proly coz you Spaghettis actually have bangable women who don't look like oatmeal once they passed the age of 30, lol!
Drakengard's fanbase used to have tons of women providing translations, fanart and other content, before they were all chased away by other women, who wanted to upstage them. Yet in a crazy twist of fate, when you go on the internet, you are told that these are sexist games aimed at the "male gaze".)
I remember back in the early 2000s, most of us thought internet was nerdy as fuck and didn't even use it. I only started using internet back in the early 2000s coz someone introduced me to video game roms, and I was like damn, I can download entire SNES, Genesis, NES, PSX, Saturn libraries when just a few years ago you still had to pay 90 fucking dollars for a Chrono Trigger or Phantasy Star 4. This was back in the days when you could still buy Parasite Eve 2 in stores yet you already could download PSX isos. I already owned like every damn Jrpg & Fighting game though and well, PSX doesn't really have anything noteworthy outside of that. Unlike with N64 which has the best action games of that era.

I was also shown Anna Ohura for the first time (she was a yuge internet celeb at the time.), which fully made me transition from only using the net for like 5 minutes, to 5 hours, than to 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months & shit.
I was like "wow. You see a lot of unique shit in that there internet. Internet rocks." Fast forward 20 something years in the future. Internet is filled with ugly motherfuckers now, who are the new normal lol

Where did you get the impression that Yohna is a tranny though? Yohna is just a little girl. Did someone on twitter make up that she's a crossdressing little boy or something? LOL! Everyone is trans according to twitter, nothing like that is ever hinted at anywhere within the game or the side stories. Nier did get anally raped by an old man though.
Have y'all motherfuckers seen the new Diablo 2? At first I was like fuck yeah Diablo 2, coz I thought it was just a remaster, but it's actually a remake and they turned the women into trannies. Diablo 1 & 2 were fucking awesome coz of just how fucking accurate it was to its depictions of the paranormal occult. Similar to how 90s era Shin Megami Tensei had the same appeal, and why I was into both.

I guess that means that the The naked Demon women are going to be censored of deleted all together.
Yeah yeah I know, if you're attracted to, and have fucked beautiful women, that means you're a virgin incel. Whatever. Even the men got nerfed. I remember the Barbarian looking like a beast, now he just looks an everyman. The fuck is this shit? I want to play as a fucking God among men, not some random shirtless construction worker!

The West really hates women. Everything is so fucking ugly in America. America was always kinda crass & trashy, but there used to be an endearing lowclass redneck appeal to American sensibilities back then which could best be represented through Kelly Bundy or Letha Weapons who was also in Married with Children.
Letha was hot as fuck back in the 80s, and damn near every girl that Jap game creators make, resembles Letha.
FUN FACT the developer of Deadly Premonition actually hates the developer of Nier, because his games feature lewd women who sometimes *gasp* even enjoy sexual encounters
Swery is a classic example as to why Japs should never learn English. They adopt weird USAkult ideas that they otherwise would've never been exposed to if they didn't speak English. Hideki Kamiya speaks English, but he speaks as if he's speaking Japanese to strangers (very informal) and comes off like a complete asshole, lol.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Xed51 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:01 pm

Where did you get the impression that Yohna is a tranny though? Yohna is just a little girl. Did someone on twitter make up that she's a crossdressing little boy or something? LOL! Everyone is trans according to twitter, nothing like that is ever hinted at anywhere within the game or the side stories. Nier did get anally raped by an old man though.
Back in old discussion about it. It was apparently editied out of the English version, but in the jp versions part of the reason Yonah never came outside was do to bullying aside from being sick. There was even this line where these kids say 'we know what you really are" in a voice flashback thats still in the English version. It was apparently because Yonah was actually a male dressed as a female, but this was removed in the west. I can't find anything about it anymore, just like I can't find anything about brother Nier and Yonah having incestuous feelings for each other, but that also known to be a thing. No such thing with Father Nier

I also saw that the Drakenguard 3 Manga was scanlated into English. It starts off with Nne and this dude killing a bunch of dudes who were gang raping this chick. Then One kills the chick after she thanks them. Its fucked up straight from the start. I'm suprised Square Enix allowed something like that to be written.
2B would even have a unique ass fighting style. She'd be like a cross between Rosalina & Megaman. Dragkengard 2, I was actually never interested in coz it lookeded like generic fantasy when the first game looked like Berserk Dark Fantasy. It's just that the fucking music & the boring ass gameplay (It's actually way worse than any Dynasty Warrior game.) really turned me off from it. Especially when stuff like Shadow of Rome existed during the same era.
Drakengard 2 isn't considered canon. At least not by Yoko Taro. Square pulls Devil May Cry 2 and took the series from its creator to give to a guy who would make it more generic and try to appeal to a larger audience. Yoko Taro doesn't reference Drakengard 2 ever in anything.
I actually thought it was a tranny. Now I'm confused coz isn't an hermaphrodite the same fucking thing? Only difference is that hermaphrodite actually are both genders, rather than pretend. Chyna from WWE was an hermaprhodite. I've heard so many horror stories about her porn, lol.
No, a Tranny is a man who dresses and acts like a woman. A hempaphrodite/futanari is a woman with female biology. Who also has a penis.

Chyna had a really huge clit, which is a general sign of being intersex. Its like a penis that didn't develop into a penis.
Yeah I see it, but I don't think it's intentional, especially since Shulk right after her looks like an emotionless doll. (He looks emotionless in both.) It's similar to that Fiora cutscene I showed where it looks like she has furrowed eyebrows. I think that's just the way the female models look since even Sharla looks like she's furrowing her brows from the side. It really does look like a facial expression, but I think it's just the natural shape of their models, since it's like the only expression they have. Xenoblade OG seemed to have models that were shaped more like caucasian faces with deep set eyes & deep brow ridges, rather than flatass Jap faces. It's just more noticeable now, that the faces never emote.
The difference in facial expression versus what they say it because the expressions were made to match the Japanese dub which conveyed emotion in different ways and a different points. Its one of the reason why I don't like English Dubs and never use them. Western voice actors rarely ever convey the emotion for the scenes right.

in the Definitive edition, their eyebrows and mouths don't contort land englarge in more extreme situations like they did in the original. Their expressions are a lot more muted.
I tried the Switch demo, and I was like "cool, this feels like classic Sega." I had a smile on my face when I saw the intro, then I played it and I was like uggggggggh. Reminds me of Sega Saturn! lol. I didn't even know that Saturn actually died in the West by 98 coz in 98 Japan, Saturn was as popular as PSX. It's weird, how Japan didn't like N64 at all (I don't even remember seeing a N64 game outside of gaming shops.), coz I think N64 has the best 3d action games from that era.
I wanted to like Balan Wonderworld, but it was so simplistic in easy. I was like "Was this game made for babies?" I was expecting there to be some challenging logic or deeper mechanic to all the transformations. Nope. I jump in the air accidently when the first boss had jumped and tried to land on me, and killed it... It died from attacking "me."

Ewww, I didn't realize they have uglified Cassia in the D2 remake. Ugh.


Also, has anyone here ever checked out Edge of Eternity? I've been following this game for years. Its "sorta" released a few years back. By sorta, I mean it allowed people to pay to be Beta testers. After Rust, I don't by games in early access anymore. I only buy finished products.

I also "kind of" got m eye on Fantasian. Its the RPG Sakaguchi has been working on for the pass few years, though so far it only announced for IOS. Not even android. Just Apples garbage.

Its made using realistic dioramas for background. ... ple-arcade


Last edited by Krizzx on Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by CENSORED »

I actually thought it was a tranny. Now I'm confused coz isn't an hermaphrodite the same fucking thing?
Nah it's a completely different thing. A tranny is someone who uses "science" to switch to a different sex. A hermaphrodite is just born with both genitals. (It's extremely rare in nature but it does happen.)

It makes sense in the setting of Nier because it's eventually revealed that every character in the game is not a human being at all. (I'm gonna spoil the entire plot but I don't think you give a fuck.)
Centuries before the start of the game, humans built a system to endlessly replicate their bodies as mindless drones who would maintain the land, in order to save themselves from a deadly disease.
Humans planned to wait out until the ailment was completely extinct, and then inhabit their bodies again. This went on for so long however, that the replicants eventually gained self conciousness and built their own societies. So when humans try to inhabit them, they just see them as ghastly demons trying to possess their bodies, and exterminate them.

Kainé was a replicant body built out of a woman (you actually see the original kainé before the collapse in the drama cd) that was eventually inhabited by the wandering soul of a male; this fucked up her entire replication problem so future versions of kainé were all chicks with dicks. As in futanari lol. (The story of Nier is implied to have happened multiple times through the centuries until Replicant Nier, actually managed to defeat his original or rather, his original got so tired of trying to rebuild the world as it was that he was convinced by his own little sister/daughter to let it go and just die.)

Therefore, Kainé is not a transexual at all, because there was no intention on her part to switch to a different sex. She just so happened to be inhabited by a man. Her whorish attire is explained as both her attempt to flaunt her femininity, and her intention to have most of her skin be exposed to dailight to ward off demons (actually human souls.)

I have no idea where krixxz got the idea that Yonah, who is Nier's little sister/daughter (depending wether or not you're playing the western version or the japanese version) is a tranny, because she's just depicted as a young girl in every single version of the story.

SHould I open a drakengard / nier thread? Does anyone give a fuck? I have a huge collection of physical stuff about the series, but I also happen to have saved every single fan translation ever posted (most of which are not available anymore for some reason) and several scans and ripped videos and what not of things that are just not available anymore. I was cataloguing recently just to keep my mind off of shit going down in my life, but I can share it if any of you want. I am possibly among the top 3 most informed people about this franchise on earth, which is weird to think, because I used to have fun conversations with several girls who actually were into it back in the day.
Drakengard 2 isn't considered canon. At least not by Yoko Taro. Square pulls Devil May Cry 2 and took the series from its creator to give to a guy who would make it more generic and try to appeal to a larger audience. Yoko Taro doesn't reference Drakengard 2 ever in anything.
Drakengard 2 is in official timelines published in books that came along the limited edition of Drakengard 3. I know, because I own them. I can take pictures if you need to, but other than that, I know because I personally financed a translation of said timeline. It actually goes into detail on how the world of drakengard 2 eventually reverted into a world similar to ours, but with magic still existing as a background element. (That is to say, Drakengard 2 Ending C. Drakengard 2 Ending A leads into an entirely different timeline where there's only a short story set after that.)

I think you just googled a bunch of stuff and got the wrong impression, because modern fandoms are all about writing fanfiction rather than actually enjoying the stuff they claim to enjoy. That's why I obsessively collect official materials like a deranged retard, you can't find anything trustworthy online at all. You can only rely on official releases. (Everything I write on the website is based on merchandise I own.)
I played and own the japanese version of the original Nier, Replicant, and that stuff you claim to have found about Yonah being a tranny is absolutely nowhere in the game. Those comments are in fact attributed to people bullying Kainé as a young girl.

The only thing that was changed (outside of the main character), was Emil being more overtly gay in the japanese release. (He says he wants to be a bride LOL! It's implied he also loves Nier.)
The difference in facial expression versus what they say it because the expressions were made to match the Japanese dub which conveyed emotion in different ways and a different points. Its one of the reason why I don't like English Dubs and never use them. Western voice actors rarely ever convey the emotion for the scenes right.
It's weird to me because in italy, we just take it for granted that actors should speak in the language the movie or game was written in, to better convey the intention of the writer. Movies are dubbed for tv and theaters, for the average normie, but everyone who is legitimately into movies is fine watching them in their original language. Videogames are never dubbed in italian at all, except for a very few and far between examples.

When it comes to the anglosphere though, everyone gets pissy and offended when you want to use original dubs, or at least have the option to. It's not controversial at all within movies, in fact it's bizzarre if the original dub is not included, but when it comes to videogames, you'll get a brigade of weirdos hunting you down if you dare demand the original voice acting from the country the game was written in lol.
Ewww, I didn't realize they have uglified Cassia in the D2 remake. Ugh.
Women don't exist in america at all. I'm amazed they don't just mass emigrate to a country where they are actually loved, because amerilards only love dick and cum
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Drakengard 2 is in official timelines published in books that came along the limited edition of Drakengard 3. I know, because I own them. I can take pictures if you need to, but other than that, I know because I personally financed a translation of said timeline. It actually goes into detail on how the world of drakengard 2 eventually reverted into a world similar to ours, but with magic still existing as a background element. (That is to say, Drakengard 2 Ending C. Drakengard 2 Ending A leads into an entirely different timeline where there's only a short story set after that.)

I think you just googled a bunch of stuff and got the wrong impression, because modern fandoms are all about writing fanfiction rather than actually enjoying the stuff they claim to enjoy. That's why I obsessively collect official materials like a deranged retard, you can't find anything trustworthy online at all. You can only rely on official releases. (Everything I write on the website is based on merchandise I own.)
I played and own the japanese version of the original Nier, Replicant, and that stuff you claim to have found about Yonah being a tranny is absolutely nowhere in the game. Those comments are in fact attributed to people bullying Kainé as a young girl.

The only thing that was changed (outside of the main character), was Emil being more overtly gay in the japanese release. (He says he wants to be a bride LOL! It's implied he also loves Nier.)
Honestly, most of my knowledge comes from discussion on forums and Youtube comment sections from years and years ago. Back in that time (I think it was before Drakengard 3 had released in English or at least before I had played) it was a general understanding that Yoko Taro didn't give a damn about Drakengard 2 do to him not being in charge of it. Its where I had learned about incest thing with Kaim and his sister in the first game which was obsfucated in the English translation as well a Leonard having a thing for young boys and the Elf chick eating children. I'll defer to you on this, since you've read the official sources and I have not.

Though it is strange they would say "We know what you really are" just to a girl playing outside. The way it was told to me, it that was that Yonah being male that dressed and acted as female was never outright stated, but simply implied. Seemed plausible enough to me, so I didn't question it as most of the other stuff I had learned about when looking for differences between the western and Japanese games turned out correct.
Women don't exist in america at all. I'm amazed they don't just mass emigrate to a country where they are actually loved, because amerilards only love dick and cum
Funny thing about this, is that it actually stems from feminist and anti-male sentiment. They pushed for transgender rights and privileges as a means to disenfranchise straight males who they see as being responsible for the "patriarchy" that oppresses women, and to make men more submissive and thus be more in line with female thoughts and behavior which feminist deem to superior and correct in comparison to "toxic masculinity". Now it has come back to bite them in the ass.

The ugly women thing specifically stems from the ideology that normal women don't look like all these beautiful women people see in modern fictional art, and that its damaging to the female psyche to have to compete with and try to live up to those women which is unachievable. That's its all the just made to cater to the male and gavze thus makes it "sexist" So, they want fictional women made to be less attractive and more "relatable" to them in this delusion that it will cause men to find basic and ugly broads more attractive as well as appeal more to mediocre females. Because, of course, it can't be that individuals who create things simply create what they individually find appealing and leave it up to other to decide whether or not they like it.

Its purported to be the reason women don't buy games or comics as much (despite the few that dude always going for the ones with the hottest females...) as opposed to them just not being things women prefer as that would imply that there are innate differences between males and females other than genitalia which would undermine the entirety of feminist ideology. That being that "men and women are no different outside of the rolls society forces on them" and that all gender issues are the resort of male oppression. As with all the idiotic things that stem from feminist ideology.

If you think the U.S. looks ridiculous, then you need to take a look to Sweden, where they tried to implement a policy where sidewalks were cleared of snow before roads, because it was deemed that more men use cars, while more women used sidewalks thus making prioritizing roads sexist against women in favor of male. An effort that did not end well. Now they are trying to reduce the number of cars on the road altogether for the same reason.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by CENSORED »

Honestly, most of my knowledge comes from discussion on forums and Youtube comment sections from years and years ago. Back in that time (I think it was before Drakengard 3 had released in English or at least before I had played) it was a general understanding that Yoko Taro didn't give a damn about Drakengard 2 do to him not being in charge of it.
Yeah unfortunately you can't trust that stuff at all. I'll post my collection of drakengard stuff later for reference, but people online will just make shit up to fit their own headcanon. Since nobody likes Drakengard 2, they will claim it's not canon and that the producer hates it (despite all of the writers for drakengard 2 still working with yoko taro to this day lmao) and ignore official information.

I noticed years ago that people will just tell you the opposite of reality, so if you're into something obscure, you really have no choice but to reference official materials.

If I had to listen to the Suda51 fanbase in 2007, Killer7 would actually be about black jesus living multiple lifetimes in order to fight the devil. If I had to listen to the Suda51 fanbase in 2021, Killer7 would actually be about interdimensional time travel (with kill the past meaning that people time travel between games lol!)
Its where I had learned about incest thing with Kaim and his sister in the first game which was obsfucated in the English translation as well a Leonard having a thing for young boys and the Elf chick eating children.
Yeah they toned down some things in the drakengard 1 adaptation. Leonard being a pedophile I'm pretty sure is only brought up in the side stories though.
They also changed a bunch of names around to the point where most people don't realize the connections to other games (a lot of the weapons from d1, actually return in nier and d3. But those games kept their original names, while the english adaptation of d1 felt the need to make up most of them for some reason. D3 shows the origin of the church of angels, but it was localized as the cult of watchers in D1.)
you need to take a look to Sweden
Oh I should, Sweden much like the entirety of nothern europe is in dire need of the colonial rule of strong italian men; I should rally arms for their own good, to save them from themselves, but unfortunately, I am too lazy
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Iwazaru »

I wanted to like Balan Wonderworld, but it was so simplistic in easy. I was like "Was this game made for babies?" I was expecting there to be some challenging logic or deeper mechanic to all the transformations. Nope. I jump in the air accidently when the first boss had jumped and tried to land on me, and killed it... It died from attacking "me."
Balan is for OCD completionists. I spent 6 hour or something on it, trying to get all statues, costumes and what not. They should have not advertised it as platformer, instead it's exploration + puzzle (puzzle usually is trying to come up with right costume/ability to reach something). In demo there were places that lacked needed costumes to get to them, but me and my friend found a way to get there regardless abusing our parkour/speedrun tactics doing the seemingly impossible routes. There are also unhinted systems like those small plushy animals, if you feed them crystals they behave differently when you take them with you on stages. Also you place them into wheel of main island to make attraction park for them. Cute.

Babies? Dunno, just a lovely colourful thing where you can chill and relax. I found it more appealing than, say, stardew vallery or smth.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

I jump in the air accidently when the first boss had jumped and tried to land on me, and killed it... It died from attacking "me."
The same exact thing happened to me, lol. I didn't jump though, I misread his jump but he landed on me and he died. I was like wtf? Well the game is shit anyway and I wouldn't have retried had I died.
Iwazaru wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:44 pm
I wanted to like Balan Wonderworld, but it was so simplistic in easy. I was like "Was this game made for babies?" I was expecting there to be some challenging logic or deeper mechanic to all the transformations. Nope. I jump in the air accidently when the first boss had jumped and tried to land on me, and killed it... It died from attacking "me."
Balan is for OCD completionists. I spent 6 hour or something on it, trying to get all statues, costumes and what not. They should have not advertised it as platformer, instead it's exploration + puzzle (puzzle usually is trying to come up with right costume/ability to reach something). In demo there were places that lacked needed costumes to get to them, but me and my friend found a way to get there regardless abusing our parkour/speedrun tactics doing the seemingly impossible routes. There are also unhinted systems like those small plushy animals, if you feed them crystals they behave differently when you take them with you on stages. Also you place them into wheel of main island to make attraction park for them. Cute.

Babies? Dunno, just a lovely colourful thing where you can chill and relax. I found it more appealing than, say, stardew vallery or smth.
Play some 3d Mario man. What you're describing is exactly what 3d Mario is. I hate Mario Shitshine, but that game does everything that Balan does, 100 times better.

Mario Odyssey has the same costume gimmick.

I even compared Mario to Tomb Raider & claimed that Lara Croft was Mario's true rival during the PSX era.
Classic Tomb Raider & Mario 3d games have far more in common with each other than Mario & Crash do. Crash doesn't play anything like Mario. Crash plays more like those shitty bonus stages from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Everyone is hating on Balan coz we've seen it done better, and it's called Mario.
Sonic can partly get away with it, coz Sonic isn't trying to be mario. Sonic is his own thing. Mario has always been about exploration & puzzles since at least Mario 64.
Square pulls Devil May Cry 2 and took the series from its creator to give to a guy who would make it more generic and try to appeal to a larger audience. Yoko Taro doesn't reference Drakengard 2 ever in anything.
Funny how that back fired. Even I, who didn't even like D1, was even more turned off by D2 and never even bought it, lol.
No, a Tranny is a man who dresses and acts like a woman. A hempaphrodite/futanari is a woman with female biology. Who also has a penis.
Was that always a thing? When I was a kid, I thought it was Drag Queen, who's just someone who dressed up as a girl, like RuPaul. Tranny is just the same shit, but they cut their dick off. That's how it was when I was a kid in the 90s. I know it's not the same meaning any more, but who fucking cares when Americans constantly make up new meanings for words every 6 months just to feel special.
Also, has anyone here ever checked out Edge of Eternity? I've been following this game for years. Its "sorta" released a few years back. By sorta, I mean it allowed people to pay to be Beta testers. After Rust, I don't by games in early access anymore. I only buy finished products.
After Cyber Shadow, I won't just preorder or early acess an Indie game again. Cybershit is complete trash.
I bought Legrand Legacy for like $1 on Switch with Switch coins. It was some weird amalgam of Suikoden, Final Fantasy 8 & Shadowhearts. The only one of those indie rpgs that I've played that I thought was actually good is Fell Seal.

The gameplay is on point, it's way better than that Triangle Strategy bullshit. My god Triangle's gameplay sucks. It's basically just a rpg, with tactical (that have zero tactics) battles. Fell Seal actually feels like it was developed by hardcore fans of Tactics Ogre & FInal Fantasy tactics, but got sick & tired of waiting for a real sequel, so they went ahead and made their own. Too bad the writing sucks dick. Triangle Strategy is the opposite, the plot seems fairly interesting but the gameplay is meh.
Better off with just Saga Frontier & Legend of Mana, I'm getting Saga coz that was muh game when I was a kid. Played it for over 1000s of hours. Too bad it still has the shit ass rendered gfx, but it contains most of the cut scenarios I've heard about from Ultimania & Next Playstation magazine (A Japanese gaming mag, that I bought in a US store in California.)

I have Crosscode, which is a good game, possibly even a masterpiece, but I rarely play it coz I fucking hate the art style.

That's a fucking disgusting artstyle. Looks like tumblr shit. It's actually not though. At least I don't recall the game having any tumblrite elements like Undertale did.

I think you just googled a bunch of stuff and got the wrong impression, because modern fandoms are all about writing fanfiction rather than actually enjoying the stuff they claim to enjoy. That's why I obsessively collect official materials like a deranged retard, you can't find anything trustworthy online at all. You can only rely on official releases. (Everything I write on the website is based on merchandise I own.)
I'm still peeved that I'm recognized as a fraud & a liar among the fucktarded Suda51 fanbase, when the more KTP shit that I see you collect from Japan, the further it proves that I wasn't lying at all. ... elunatics/
A lot of these supplemental materials actually corroborate with what I originally wrote nearly 2 decades ago. Too bad that once internet labels you as something, that's all you are for the rest of your existence, lol.
I never once thought that I'd get canceled by trannys, or that a bunch of White people would label me as White supremacist, when quite honestly that's what they are. It's why I use an avatar of my face now to quite clearly show, I'm not a white nerd.

I wish I could still use my Street fighter avatars. That sexualy dissatisfied Chun Li face was funny.
Ryu's new Shinkiro art from Fortnite is fucking hilarious.

I thought my Street fighter Cammy sig where a Cammy cosplay is slamming a car with her big ass was hilarious. Only to find out, that I get called a virgin for that. (On Internet. In real life, even mosters are afraid of me. I still have a hard time comprehending that Internet Nerds acts like they can step to me.)

It's bizarre, ONLY IN AMERICA. Honestly mang, the reason why Americans are so fucked up, is coz they're so sexually repressed.

To add to what I was saying earlier, Jap women are more attracted to you if you show sexual affection towards them.
They're like the only race that's hornier than their men are, AYY LMAO! The way that Mai acts towards Andy Bogard is fairly accurate. Weird thing though is that Andy acts like a shy dickless jap guy. I think she even says that in one of the FF animes, lol.
If I had to listen to the Suda51 fanbase in 2007, Killer7 would actually be about black jesus living multiple lifetimes in order to fight the devil. If I had to listen to the Suda51 fanbase in 2021, Killer7 would actually be about interdimensional time travel (with kill the past meaning that people time travel between games lol!)
Funny how in between all of that time, I was the one guy who simply stuck to what is actually being said in game, lol. It's so obviously about geopolitics, that I don't understand where those wildly exaggerated explanations came from. A lot of people make fun of me for thinking it's about geopolitics though when even the OST has a song called geopolitics which is the theme for the geopolitical map screen in the K7 game, lol.

What the hell is wrong with gamers? Why can't they just interpret what's actually being said in the game instead of writing their own story and passing it off as the game. Even more vexing, the Suda cucks accuse me of making up the story, when I honestly did try to stay as accurate as I could. My mistake is adding in context to shit that made no sense to me at all, only to find out that it really didn't make sense in Japanese either.
(I assumed that I didn't know enough Jap to understand some of the weirder shit in the ktp lore.)
The difference in facial expression versus what they say it because the expressions were made to match the Japanese dub which conveyed emotion in different ways and a different points. Its one of the reason why I don't like English Dubs and never use them. Western voice actors rarely ever convey the emotion for the scenes right.
I don't think subs are any better, because the subtitles are just the English localization used as subtitles. I've rarely seen a game where the subs are actually saying what's being spoken in gook.
In Xenoblade 2 Japanese, they outright say God, and they call Mythra The Golden Chalice, which actually makes way more sense than Aegis. Aegis implies defense. Golden Chalice implies that she is a Redeemer, which is exactly what she does in XB2. Malos even destroys the chalice in Torna as an open insult to what they (Malos & Mythra) are.

In Nioh, they straight up call you a White guy, but it's translated as "Friend." Subtitles are extremely unreliable because they're edited in such a way, as to avoid political & religious conflict with the audience.
I find it disingenuous coz subtitles are perceived as pure when they're not at all.

I just view the spoken language versions as their own thing. I think XB2 & XB1 Japanese as fucking terrible coz they're so generic. XB2 in English is hilarious coz they sound like a bunch of morons partying & journeying across Alrest. XB1's dub makes XB1's plot come off as badass & angsty, when the original Japanese comes off as sappy. I think they're both shit but the English dub does have way better one-liners.
Especially the English Gem Crafting.
I wanted to link to a video of the English gem crafting, but there actually isn't any that isn't a damn guide.

The voice lines were funny though. "Shulk: TO ME! Reyn: To you! Melia: WHAT... Rrrr U DOINGGG? Riki: Riki want to play too!" It's way more funny than the Jap voices, where they just sound like teammates working together instead of a bunch of morons playing a game.

Kinda like how DragonballZ in Jap is fucking nerdy & lame, but in English it came off like WWE Attitude Era Wrestling in Anime form, lol.
English DBZ back in the 90s was way cooler than the Jap version, coz the American version came off like Cyberpunk, and had a cyberpunk ost.

In the original Jap DBZ, the anger is actually more focused on how Cell is an asshole who refuses to conform and tries to stand alone as his own separate caste of living being, above that of Earth & the Saiyans. The meaning is completely different. The US version is better coz the anger is centralized around not being strong enough to overcome adversity. Even to this day, that's what people think DBZ is due to the original DBZ dub. (I even see retards like that Tim Pool idiot claim that. He doesn't even like One Piece, lol. You'd be thinking that with the stuff he talks about, that One Piece would be a natural fit. It's obvious the fruit is a poser anyway)

I'm only talking bout vidya gaem dubs btw. I think One Piece is awesome in both Jap & English.
They don't sound exactly the same, but the compromises are good. Nico is way sexier in English, but she's funny as fuck in Japanese, because she says the most fucked up shit, that's not even funny, but that's exactly why she's funny. In Japanese it sounds like she just talking about something casual like cooking, when she's actually talking about which one of them will brutally die first in a puddle of their own blood, lol.
The difference in facial expression versus what they say it because the expressions were made to match the Japanese dub which conveyed emotion in different ways and a different points. Its one of the reason why I don't like English Dubs and never use them. Western voice actors rarely ever convey the emotion for the scenes right.
It's weird to me because in italy, we just take it for granted that actors should speak in the language the movie or game was written in, to better convey the intention of the writer. Movies are dubbed for tv and theaters, for the average normie, but everyone who is legitimately into movies is fine watching them in their original language. Videogames are never dubbed in italian at all, except for a very few and far between examples.

When it comes to the anglosphere though, everyone gets pissy and offended when you want to use original dubs, or at least have the option to. It's not controversial at all within movies, in fact it's bizzarre if the original dub is not included, but when it comes to videogames, you'll get a brigade of weirdos hunting you down if you dare demand the original voice acting from the country the game was written in lol.
I don't really blame them in the case of Japanese dubs. They don't even speak like actual Japanese people, and everything is just so damn overacted that I generally prefer the English dubs coz they at least try to sound like normal people, instead of a bunch of idiots who think they're in a play.

Ironically, it's the other way around with Solid Snake. His Jap voice actor sounds way more like a hardened soldier, while David Hayter sounded more like an internet meme.

I agree that Keifer Sunderland was shit, but he was a bit closer to the Batou guy from Jap MGS.
I think Solid Snake's problem is direction. Keifer just read his lines so he was bland as fuck, but he had the right voice. Hayter hams it up too much & sounds way too dramatic, but Otsuka sounds authoritative as fuck, his Solid Sanke is scarier than The Major (Motoko Kusanagi)

Jap Solid Snake emits an air of authority and it actually sounds like he's questioning everyone else to see if they're on his level. I can actually believe Snake's 300 something IQ when Otsuka speaks, coz he comes off like a fucking god who's wasting his time with mere mortals & fixing their mistakes.
In English, it always sounds like Snake is retarded when he just repeats what was previously said to him. In Japanese, they do that too but the way Batou guy speaks, makes it sound as if he's saying "Are you sure about that? Affirmative?" Batou Snake is not asking a question about his objectives, he's commanding to you, if he can trust you, that the mission details are correct.

Samurai Warriors & Yakuza are like the only two Jap dubs I've heard that doesn't sound like shit. They speak like real people in Yakuza. Samurai Warrior's voice acting has a lot of personality. A lot of people prefer the English dub of SW coz Oda sounds way more evil & badass. In Japanese he sounds like a fucking idiot, but that's the point. He was known as the Fool of Owari, but in reality it was a ruse so that the other lords would underestimate him.
If you think the U.S. looks ridiculous, then you need to take a look to Sweden, where they tried to implement a policy where sidewalks were cleared of snow before roads, because it was deemed that more men use cars, while more women used sidewalks thus making prioritizing roads sexist against women in favor of male. An effort that did not end well. Now they are trying to reduce the number of cars on the road altogether for the same reason.
Sweden is the worst. Prior to last year, Europe always came off as the gayest to me, but USA took the baton (more like a dildo) and is now leading the world in their genderbender future. I still don't understand how the hell that happened coz I know in real life, most Americans don't actually give a shit about this. The problem is that most Americans don't even know it's happening in the USA coz most of them still don't really use internet, and the tranny insanity honestly does sound like a bunch of conspiracy theories if you primarily live your life, in real life.

Nah it's a completely different thing. A tranny is someone who uses "science" to switch to a different sex. A hermaphrodite is just born with both genitals. (It's extremely rare in nature but it does happen.)
Now that's even more different than what I always assumed tranny was, back in the 90s.
Drag Queen is Mrs. Doubtfire.
Tranny is that mutant motherfucker from Sleepaway Camp. That movie is actually very accurate btw. In real life they really do come off like axe-murderers. I don't understand why the fuck everyone in the USA is silent about that? Even my mom tells me that the trannies she's seen at Marine Military bases are scary as fuck, but she's some Castizo from Philipines. They have a lot of trans in that country, but they're not scary, coz they actually look like women.

Although what you say is accurate of the modern-day trans-supremacists. Let's face it, that's what they are. They fucking hate women & feminists & they fucking hate me who's the furthest thing from a feminist, AYY LMAO!
Seriously I'm so macho, that I can make sexist jokes all day in front of female cops, and they'll just laugh along with me, and this is back in 2017. You'll prob won't get away with that now though. Only reason I'm able to get away with it, is coz I come off as so foreign that the thought of a woman in a leadership position sounds impossible to me, lol.
It's not, every single one of my bosses were women. (FAT too!) I just come off as so hardcore Asian or Latin (both of their cultures treat women like shit, and the wimmin love it.) that I guess it gets passed off as 'cultural differences'.

In my comment I even said that the main difference is that Trannys are pretend while Hermaphrodites are both genders.
Only difference is that hermaphrodite actually are both genders, rather than pretend.
I don't fucking care about freaks or their minute little differences that they categorize themselves under. They're all the same to me. People who are born retarded, and should try their best to fit in, rather than changing the culture to make 99% of the normal people to fit in with them.
It's prob my Jap mindset who really only sees like 2 or 3 groups of people, and we all fit into one of the 3.
In-group,Out-group, & Outsiders/Underworld. I'm always part of the Outsiders, who have our own culture and we co-exist side by side with the in-group.

Out-group is basically anyone who isn't from the Nation's culture at all. LGBTABCDEFGHIJKLMONOP could be any of the 3 really, but the way they act, has them categorized as Out-group, coz they act outright villainous to the In-group, and try to replace the in-group.
I'm Underworld or Outsider,
I should exist outside of the binary between In-group & Out-group, but the American Alphabet Out-group are such assholes that they even try to force we Outsiders, a social-group who's identity is that we're not conformists, to fucking conform with the Out-group. The audacity of the alphabets.

NOTE: Yes I'm well aware that Kevin Nash is a SJW, and he was raped in the butt during the summer of 1992. I just used that pic coz of Razor Ramon, who's still non-conformist to this day.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by CENSORED »

I really can't get into the new gfx and soundtrack. I'm sorry but the latter looks like dogshit to me, it reminds me of the shadow of the colossus and demon's souls remakes which also completely fucked the original artstyle.

The new voice acting sounds a lot blander as well, everyone is being less enfatic, I am guessing because the new models are less expressive in the first place.

For the life of me I can't understand why they keep remaking these artfag games that gained some cult status by looking unique and weird, and just give them the most generic Unreal Engine "nintendo hire this man!" looking facelifts imaginable.
Even No More Heroes had a remake like that on PS3, that was glitchy as fuck and ran at 30fps despite the wii version running at 60 lol

You can just tell people anything and they will take it. Deadly Premonition had some god awful ports, none of them functioned correctly, so instead of being recognized as dogshit ports the game is now considered "so bad it's good" due to its glitchyness and general awfulness when the original 360 release that garnered its initial audience ran fine, it's even playable on xbox one. This idea was so prominent that they built DP2 as a bad game from the ground up, to capitalize on the "so bad it's good" twitter fandom
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