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Post by cake »

Kinda surprised why the fuck there aren't any threads here for any kind of shooters be it FPS, TPS, rail shooters et cetera. Does nobody here play them except Jack? I think he's the only guy here that I've seen post shit about shooters.

While the Hitman games are focused on stealth, I honestly never gave a fuck about it and instead gunned down everyone in the levels. While it may come off amateurish I'd honestly say getting Mass Murderer ratings on levels are just as hard as Silent Assassin ratings, especially on Hitman 2 (the old one) because FUCK if you even do so much as sprint on that game every guard nearby just fucking shoots you down like it's fucking Pol Pot's Cambodia.

Counter-Strike 1.6 is an old as fuck game but man did I love that broken ass game. The shit talk in that game was on a whole different level, yet the community was also pretty kind and tightly knit at the same time (at least the ones where I hanged out were). Compare that to Global Offensive and all I found were retarded wannabe pros that just tried too hard. I did come across some cool guys but they were few and far between. Also imagine paying for skins and sprays LOL.
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Re: Shooters

Post by Iwazaru »

We had thread on old forums i think

Well i m obviously grew up (and still continue playin, lol) on old PC titles if you see my "fav map" picks
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Re: Shooters

Post by Jack »

This needs a more substantial content post to work off of. One that I won't write, coz I just play a ton of shooters, and play them well. I'm not a diehard fan though, like I am with beat em ups. In Beat em ups, I can tell you all of the subtle differences between them coz I'm one of those peeps who will replay them over & over just to perfect a high score.
I think Bot Vice is a fucking great shooter, and it could pass as some kind of archaic form of FPS since before Doom, there was stuff like Cabal, & Dynamite Duke which scratched the FPS itch, and Bot vice is part of that same lineage. Bot Vice squeezes all of the high octane action from Pocky & Rocky & Wild Guns and turned it into its own thing.

As for shooters though, I of course like all of the classic Doom & 3d realms shit. I view them as a relic of the past though, since the actual shooting & aiming doesn't even matter. There's no tactical implementation to the gunplay.
I hate new-retro though. Doom 2016 is overrated as fuck. It actually over simplifies the shooting and turns it into a QTE cutscene fest. What amazes me is that Doomtards actually like New-Doom, AYY LMAO!
Nu-Shadow Warrior does Nu-Retro a bit better since it retains iron sights and does the best job of mixing new school fps with oldschool fps, and it still plays at a fast pace, but it has the same exact problem as Nu-Doom. You're stuck inside an arena in most of the levels and you can't escape the arena until you kill everything. Ninja Gaiden 3-tier level design, AKA shit.

I think N64 had some of the best shooters of all time with Turok, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye and they're all still fucking fun to this day. PD actually had realistic physics engine & animations which is crazy-advanced for a console game during its time.
Halo 1 -3 are classics just for the smart ai alone. Of course Unreal is my shit. I loved oldschool Unreal back when every character was a muscle bound monster or a big titty big ass slut.

My fave type of shooter are arcade interpretations of classic Tom Clancy games. His games have sucked ass ever since he died. Ghost Recon GRAW was awesome. You and your team die in one hit, and when a bullet flies past you, you feel it. The games actually simulate the disorientation you feel from a nearmiss.
Tom Clancy games no longer do that. Rainbow 6 Vegas games were good, but I think Siege is actually much better since Siege focuses on nothing but tactics & death matches. The Vegas games had you ruining your immersion having to play along side two retards, who are your ai controlled squad. For some reason they're nowhere near as helpful as their Ghost Recon counterparts.

Ghost Recon Wild Lands fucking sucked ass. It was finally a Clancy game that too place in Latin America where you gun down drug cartels (the ending even depicts the drug cartels getting away with everything coz they're actually sanctioned by the USA government, which is true.)
I didn't like Wild Lands coz the gunplay felt off, it didn't feel anywhere near as intense as the GRAW games, and your ai squad are a bunch of fucking morons.

Far Cry 5 could've been a really great game, if it had a Liberty City survivors mode like classic GTA. FC5 is the exact mixture of tactical & arcade that I seek, and you even have air raids and all sorts Federal army vs Militia bullshit going on in that game. I also really liked how useful that Sniper Chick was. (Too bad she died, coz she was actually cute. She's not in New Dawn at all.)
The problem is you have nothing decent to fight after you beat the game and restarting a new game is fucking boring. This is why I prefer the competitive death match set up, but nobody really makes those type of fps any more.
New Dawn was a direct sequel, and while it actually does allow you to keep on fighting after you beat it. For some reason, I just really didn't like New Dawn. Probably coz I think the antagonists are fucking lame. It's just two Black chicks. If you're trying to depict an anarchic Mad Max gang, two butch chicks isn't exactly what would inspire fear.
At least in Far Cry 5, the enemy made sense. You were fighting a Trump Maga Cult, LOL!
They were controlled through dogma rather than fear.

I think my fave turd person shooters are Max Payne & the Resident Evil 4-6 trilogy. Revelations 1 is also pretty good. I fucking don't understand why Crapcom doesn't milk the gold mine more. Cap listens way too damn much to clueless internet faggots, but then again that's the point.
Capcom realized that they can make more money by selling less of the RE remake products than they would of another RE5 or RE6 styled game coz the Remake & classic style re games are much cheaper to make.

Gee thanks a lot Reddit, and countless internet nerds who only play boring ass single player bullshit.
I hate those assholes. They act as if gaming didn't exist before PS1. Before PS1, nearly every game was multiplayer & competitive. It's why gaming was viewed as much less nerdy back then.
Even in friggin Bloodsport, they were treating gaming as something that badasses do, lol.

Back in the 80s, that's actually how gaming was treated. A lot of people just used it as another means of making money, through betting and competition for the high score. Early 90s increased that ten-fold when fighting games hit the scene. Shooters are the current battle ground. (Fighting still exists but it's niche compared to what the 80s & early 90s arcade scene was like.)
These days, we have full blown FPS celebrities like Dr Disrespect, who honestly is cool as fuck.
He actually has the best level in Rogue Company which is the shooter I'm currently playing.

Watch that vid in its entirety. He plays to win, and goes all out. He even singlehandlely defeats an entire team of school girls at dodgeball, lol. His constant shit talking though, and bragging about how much of a winner he is, is exactly how I act like when I play & dominate in shooters. Inspirational indeed.
I can't find that vid where he's bragging about being 6'8 and is standing in front of a lamborghini. The way he brags about himself is hilarious coz he sounds & speaks exactly like an old school Wrestler. That's what gaming was to me when I was growing up. Constant competition, and assholes competing for the king of the hill.

I actually really like Uncharted's movement but I hate the games & gunplay. Rogue Company feels a lot like Uncharted's online mp though, but with less retarded characters. They're still kinda shitty though.
Chaac is badass, and Phantom is hot. My fave is Vy coz of her poison skin that poisons the shit out of anyone who tries to touch her. Dallas is basically Tom Cruise Mission Impossible.
While the Hitman games are focused on stealth, I honestly never gave a fuck about it and instead gunned down everyone in the levels. While it may come off amateurish I'd honestly say getting Mass Murderer ratings on levels are just as hard as Silent Assassin ratings, especially on Hitman 2 (the old one) because FUCK if you even do so much as sprint on that game every guard nearby just fucking shoots you down like it's fucking Pol Pot's Cambodia.
Shitman's violence is amazing. (Especially Contracts.) It's just too bad that the ai can't handle it. It's actually easier to just run n gun throughout a Hitman game than it is to do a no-kill stealth run. No-kill stealth is still easy, you just have to be more patient and waste your time waiting for NPCs to live their life when it's much eaiser for 47 to just kill everything.

In Shitman 2 Silent Assassin. One of my fave playthroughs was when you infiltrate the prison. I was just running & gunning down everyone but then I got one hit killed by a dude who shot me from inside of a cell lol.
I fucking loved the Hitman PS2 trilogy. Too bad every game after Blood Money has sucked ass. Shitman 3 just came out, but I couldn't care less.

Blood Money was fucking gruesome. There's this hot trophy wife who's the wife of a target you have to kill. You have the goal of retrieving a necklace from her, most people usually steal it from her while she's in the shower. You can actually just barbecue the fuck out of her through an 'accidental suicide' and then steal her necklace. In real life, that's actually much closer to how it would've been done.

LOL in the Playboy mission, I just shoot the jacuzzi glass to kill the politician's son, which also collaterally kills all of the playboy bunnies he's playing with in the pool coz the glass makes them fall all the way to the ground from a 500 foot something floor. You can actually go back down the elevator and see their dead bodies on the floor. Mang they sure don't make games like that any more.
You really could complete a hit, limited only by your imagination.

Now in days, games tell you how to complete a hit and you're only allowed to complete it in the exact way they tell you.
FPS, TPS, rail shooters et cetera. Does nobody here play them except Jack? I think he's the only guy here that I've seen post shit about shooters.
We did talk about them in brief at the PC thread. I still think Ion Fury is way better than Duke Nukem 3d, but Ion Fury itself would've fared much better had it starred the duke, instead of some random slut.
Also imagine paying for skins and sprays LOL.
Yeah there's a lot of retards who simply buy everything with real money.
Part of what makes competitive FPS feel like modern day Arcade is that instead of gitting gud enough to last several hours with 1 quarter. What we do in the modern era is try to quickly unlock pointless shit through our in-game skill, since you generally earn way more points, the more that you consecutively win.
Of course I actually like the base gameplay itself, but the rewards you get for playing the game well are a bonus.
Even in Action adventure games like Fenyx Rising, I find myself playing it way more than I usually play single player shit, simply coz it has daily quests which allows to you unlock pointless bullshit that I don't even use. I just have it around for bragging rights.
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Re: Shooters

Post by Iwazaru »

I finally played a bit of Wrath Aeon of Ruin (its in early access) and personally didnt like it as much as i hoped to. Currently, it feels very "off" with how movements, controls etc. work. Also sound design is meh, dont hear enough punch of weapons. Though guess it caters more to Hexen/Heretic rather than Quake or something.
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Re: Shooters

Post by Jack »

Damn shooters are really unpopular around here. This thread still has less than 100 views.
imagine paying for skins and sprays LOL.
For the first time ever, I finally spent some money for the sole purpose of getting a costume.
I couldn't resist though, Ryu & Chun Li are in Fortnite now. If you thought Fortnite was slow & boring like I did, well be prepared 2021 Fortnite plays nothing like how it used to.
It's fucking hilarious, how at least 70% of retards I face off against are still doing that dumb Jump in the air, auto-shotty tactic. It's not as effective anymore, coz your runspeed is now as quick as Doomguy.
The gameplay now feels like some hybrid between Rogue Company (the gunplay is very arcady, but tactical enough, that you can win battles through pure stealth.), Saints Row (you now have vehicles & radio stations.) & Earth Defense Force. (You can shoot up & blow up every house & building, except for a rare few. There's more guns now like bazookas.)
The first time I played this game on the Switch, I died of laughter coz I was fighting off an army of Anime girls (damn near everyone uses the Lexa & Xmen Mystique skin), while I was that Idris Elba looking default guy.

Ellen Ripley and the Xenomorph were just released yesterday. I heard that Pyslocke is even in the game, but I only ever see Mystique, Deadpool & Wolverine. I hadn't played this game in so long, that when I logged in for the first time on Switch, it told me that I had about 40 friend invites from my PS4 handle, lol.

I got me that Fortnite Crew 1 month subscription coz it was the 2nd fastest way for me to get the coins I require to purchase the Chun Li skin. You need 1600, which is about $20. I paid $12 for the Crew subscription since they give you 1000 coins, every month that you're subscribed. (This is a one time thing for me, coz I'll use no one BUTT Chun Li.)
I have 8 other costumes, butt who cares? They're not Chun li.
I already had 300 coins unlocked just from playing the game, but 200 of those coins wouldn't be given to me, without the battle pass. Joining Crew also gives you the battle pass, so I received my coins and every other thing that I unlocked, such as the Mandolorian.

I got up to level 41 in the season pass in only thee days. On day 1, I only played for 3 hours but I'm so damn good at shooters that I was already on lvl 20 just from completing so many tasks. I never even bothered to look at the tasks, I just won them naturally. On day 2, I leveled up to 26 before I finally bought the Crew membership, which also gives you slightly more experience just for playing the game. (Like most FTP do.)
With the Crew pass, I was able to level up 14 levels in 1 day, which earned me enough coins to get the Chun Li skin. On day 2 & 3, I played the game for about 10 hours, in 5 hour durations.

This season pass ends on March 15, so my endgoal is to get enough points to unlock Lexa.

I only bought the crew sub though, coz I realized I was having a lot of fun with the current iteration of Fortnite. Playing as Chun Li really makes it feel like a Resident evil game, lol. Chun Li actually has a bigger ass than Helena Harper. Chun's ass is about the same size as Rachel "On the scene."
I have this song as my BGM, and it really gets you hype before a match.

I recall Fortnite being really shitty when it first came out, and it was still shit back in 2018.

Fortnite once had the worst shooting I've ever seen in a game. It was nearly impossible to hit anything, and the shotgun was the only gun that did any damage. Now in days, I think only the SMG is useless. It does dmg, the problem is that AR has more dmg and range, shotgun has the most dmg, Sniper has the most range & dmg, & pistol has more accuracy which imo cancels out the SMG. I had way more killstreaks using nothing but a fucking pistol coz that thing is so damn accurate.
Epic finally fixed the gameplay and it's a lot of fun now. The meta "Jump in the air, and shoot the head with the shotgun." isn't overpowered anymore. Hell it doesn't even seem to work, since you can run as fast as Doomguy now, all I do is just gun them down during their jump or dodge their air-shot and then gun them down when they land. I do this shit constantly on reflex. Hell, I actually made that crazy "Smooth As Silk" headshot kill as Widowmaker while she's in the air so Doomguy tactics is nothing since shotguns have such a huge spread.
https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/4724-o ... adnificent

Fortnite feels a lot more like GTA Online now (it's a huge openworld with plenty of things to do in it besides shooting people.)
You can actually meet the Mandolrian now. If you kill him, (He's fucking tanky.) you can take his jetpack & his sniper rifle. There's even a Predator jungle now.
They added in NPCs that you can talk to during gameplay (other human players will kill you while you're talking to the npcs though, lol.) and they now have Swat team Bot squads that you can use as a distraction.
I actually killed an IO troop squad, only to find out that there was like 2 other human players who were their the entire time but they prob thought I was going to die.
I stealth killed a guy (I walked behind him and shot him pointblank.) who was hiding inside of a room.
I sniped another dude who was fighting against another guy and then two other people came into the death zone, where one of them got killed, but I killed the survivor.

In Team Battle Syphon mode (The TDM of Fortnite), I actually killed 7 people in a row just using my hardcore Doomguy tactics (You can tell I play Doom a lot just from the way I move, constantly juking.(
They were chasing me all over the building but I'd always kill one once we got to a corner, I killed three people in a row and the fourth and final guy (of the 7 that I just killed.) just stood there, coz he figured he had no chance. So I shot him, lol.

The hardest players are those assholes who are good at building but also play a shit ton of Doom. It's hilarious how [media]you can tell who plays Doom a lot, vs fools who only play Call of Duty, or people who only play Mindcraft.
The Mindcraft kids are the easiest to kill. They expect you to do a Lego tower building race with them, but I just throw some grenades at the bottom of their tower and they just die when they fall
, lol.

Other Doomguy players are a bit more challenging, but it comes down to how the best reflexes, which is usually me but I come across some players who are so lightning quick that they pointblank shot me every single time.

The hardest motherfuckers are the players who have Doomguy reflexs but will always build stairs & a wall to block your shot after they miss. They always fucking get me coz they move so fast that they eventually flank me while my shots are being blocked by walls.

I haven't won a single Solo BR yet (I win all the time in Syphon, and have won a few times in group), I'm in 2nd place most of the time in Solo.
What happens is that I run around & Doomguy pointblank shotty people so much, that I don't know what to fucking do once I've ran out of people to kill. It seems like winner of the top 3 battle is always the one who's the most stealthy. I'm so Doomguy when I play this game, that I'll actually build a stairway to heaven just to taunt the other two faggots to come after me. I always kill the one guy who takes the bait but the other guy either snipes me, or runs as quick as they can to the battle, where I typically kill my mark in time to fight the lone survivor but I always lose the battle coz I don't get enough time to put my armor back on, or heal. I try building armies of walls as cover but they just build stairs over it as they shooting at me until I finally stop building walls and get baited into a Doomguy battle. I never have enough life left to survive more than one hit though, and they're usually too fucking fast to headshot.

One time, the final survivor just jumped from out of the fucking bushes as I was doing my victory boogie, and then he Gangnam Styled me after he won the whole match, lol.
Fortnite is def replacing Paladins for me. I've been wanting to quit Paladins for some time now coz that game in unbalanced garbage. Paladings is the only game I ever played where you everyone praises me in one match, but in the next match (filled with strangers), I'll instantly be labeled as the worst player ever. I actually have a below %30 win rate in Paladins coz that's how terrible the match making is.

Fortnite is way more fun, coz it always feels possible for me to win, since I'm naturally faster than most non-Doom players, lol.

TLDR: Fortnite is actually fun now, because you don't need to build anything any more.
Any playing style has a chance to win, because the combat is balanced enough, to accommodate any playing style, so long as you at least have heavy assault rifle & tactical shotgun. Lever shotgun gets the job done too, but its bullet-spread isn't as wide.
I only ever build stairs to get to places that I can't reach, and walls that I use as cover.

It's fucking badass how you can actually kill a sniper by just building a wall as you toward them until you get close enough to headshot them with a shotgun.
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Re: Shooters

Post by Isuka »

I don't want to play Fortnite again, but Chun Li... Man life be like that some times.
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Re: Shooters

Post by Jack »

Isuka wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:58 pm I don't want to play Fortnite again, but Chun Li... Man life be like that some times.
Fortnite is going to still be around a decade from now, and by then you're going to be wishing that you copped that Chun Li skin when you had the chance, lol!

There's lots of talk about Samus Aran making it into Fortnite as the Nintendo representative. Xbox already has Master Chief and PS4 already has Kratos. What's funny is that the Fortnite devs put in way more effort into Ryu & Chun Li coz they're actually fans of Street Fighter. Krators & Master look like shitty cos-plays.
Ryu actually looks like Ryu and Chun Li looks way hotter in FN than she ever did in 3d Street Fighter.

I had the same mindset as you, which is why I tried it out for 3 hours, and then divested in a 10 hour day separated into 5 hour intervals before I finally bought the Crew Subscription which was the option that gave me the most bang per buck. I could've spent $26 on the entire Street Fighter set (this is the easiest & most expensive option coz you don't even have to play the game.) but with Crew I spend only $11 and I actually get to keep everything I earned so far in the battle pass. I bought Chun Li through what I earned in battle pass (600 vcredits + the 1000 vcredits that the Crew subscription gives you each month.), and I'm thinking of getting Ryu since he only cost 600 coins for me which is like only $4 real money. I might just spend the real $4 and use the 700 v credits I have left from the battle pass on something else. I'm at level 45 out of 100 now in the BP, and I've only been playing FN for 4 days, lol. Shit man my friend list in Fortnite is already bigger than my Rogue Company friendlist, and my RG list is pretty big.

I plan to get to lvl 73 or something to unlock Lexa, who's some random Anime chick.
This Battle Pass ends at March 15th, so you only have 17 days left to get the Chun skin plus BP content the cheap way like I did, by playing the game through the 1 month FN Crew subscription. I'm actually good enough to get into the final 3 survivors like nearly every other match so I figured that I may as well join the FN Crew coz I'm already racking up shit tons of points. Team Death match Syphon seems to level up your pass the fastest since you do way more fighting in that mode.
EDIT: The fastest & quickest way to get the Chun Li skin without paying the $26-$30, or even bothering to play it.
It doesn't matter which order you do this in, this just instantly gives you the Vcrdits that you need.

Buy the Diamond Diva Starter pack for 3.99 which gives you some Diamond Diva slut as a skin, plus a pickaxe & a backpack, and most of all, 600 vcucks.

Subscribe to FortNite crew for $11.99 which gives you the 1000 vbucks you need for the 1600 required to cop Chun Li without playing the game. The FN crew sub also gives you the Jap Ninja chick skin if you sub this month. (You'll get a different skin next month.) You get the Battlepass for free which allows you to win & keep everything that you've earned. This pass has The Predator, Mandalorian and the Anime chick. There's plenty more skins, but those are the only 3 I care about. You have to actually kill Predator during a Battle Royale match though. He doesn't show up in any other mode.
I only paid 11.99 plus tax to get Chun Li but I'm prob gonna cop the Diamon Starter pack for the Diamong thot & the Vcucks, so I can buy the rest of the Street Fighter pack for 600 vbucks, then I'll have about 800 vcucks left from the current season pass, the 1000 free vcucks I get when my FN crew sub ends.

When was the last time you played Fortnite though? Damn near everyone will tell you it's completely different now. Modern Fortnite is The Smash Bros of Shooters.

Damn near everyone is in this game. Fucking Batman, Joker, Kratos, the Xmen, Predator, Terminator, Xenomorph, John Wick, Justice League & the Avengers, oh and a bunch of Zoomer shit that I know nothing about.
Family Guy & Samus Aran are heavily hinted at. I've seen actual Family Guy footage but as with everything Metroid, all I hear are rumors but see no proof. Knowing Nintendo, they'll prob push that Splatoon crap over Samus.

Fortnite has completely been overhauled. They increased the run speed, they fixed the broke ass shooting. It plays like Classic GTA now, remember back in the days when most of us would input the Riot code & just run around & shooting shit? That's exactly what Fortnite is now, especially if you play Team Battle Syphon mode which is two teams of 16, in a grand death match where everything fucking explodes.

Fortnite is like a modernday Timesplitters (I can have a match where I'm fighting against a Fox Mcloud wannabe, only to get jumped by a Snowman and then an crazy Anime girl is chasing me around with Wolverine claws. Even motherfucking Wolverine is in Fortnite.), way more-so than Paladins was during 2018. LOL Paladins fucked itself when they got rid of 3rd person. The fucking morons should've realize that their 2018 heyday was due to third person. NOOOO! they just had to listen to the tourney fags and now nobody plays Paladins except for tourney fags, lol.

In Fortnite there's a lot more to do now than just battle royale. It even has a Party mode, which is an in-game lobby where you can hang out. There's an arcade, but I don't know how to play the arcade games. The guns in this mode remind me of something that Nintendo would make coz you only get super soakers like Splatoon & plunger guns like Mario. I thought Party Royale was going to be the gayest shit, but it's actually fun. Feels like Stardew Valley or something, but you're just hanging out at a Nightclub.

Party mode has the hypest music.

LOL the first time that I lost in a final 3 survivor duel, they did the Gangnam dance on me after I died.

Fortnite's combat is actually pretty deep now. Back when it first started, that Minecraft building was fucking gay. 2021 FN though? The building is actually used as a flanking mechanism and or a makeshift cover system.

The only building I ever do is to make a wall labyrinth coz it plays to my strengths of running in, going for a kill and running behind cover so I can sneak out and run & attack from another wall. Which wall, who knows? I keep making them as you keep destroying them, lol.

Like I said in the fighting game thread, I won my first solo Battle Royale by relying on Fighting game tactics.
I actually used the Fighting game mentality to win my first Fortnite Battle Royale Solo match (it was when I finally realized that the reason I kept losing the Final 3 duel, is coz I kept relying on reflexes), I earned my first solo win by tapping into the Fighting game Yomi-Mindgame tactics. I noticed that the final survivor was a twitch reflex Minecraft style player (Which means that he's really good at building 3-story houses in 3 seconds), and I'm an oldschool FPS Doomguy guy (Which means I'm really good at dodging shots & then countershooting.), we were both relying on our reflexes that we both have honed at a high skill level. Every time I dodged an attack and shot back, he always built a wall right before I shot him and then he build a whole fucking house as I kept gunning down his house into pieces.

I realized that he'd eventually flank me if we kept this up so I did the only building that I ever do, which was to build a wall maze that I know he would build over. The assumption is that he prolly thought I was going to try to flank him too, but instead I just allowed him to build an entire house over me, lol.
I waited for time to run out but as it did the storm was about to hit me so I finally shot out of the house and I shot at him which caused him to jump from the high ground and out in the open.
He had zero moves left coz he no longer had enough room to build, we were both gonna die from the storm, so the next move was a Clint Eastwood style Final Gun duel.

I forced this Minecraft faggot, to play my game. There was no way I'd lose a gun duel to him in a coverless field where the storm was going to kill us anyway. I ran out beneath the cover that he made for me (LOL!), took my shot. He jumped over it and did the usual Fornite jump & autoshotty, and as usual, he missed due to my Doomguy tactics (In doom & DukeNukem you constantly run left & right to dodge hitscan attacks while running in for a pointblank kill after they miss.) I shot him in the face where he landed, he died. I then made my Chun Li skin do the Mashed Potato victory dance coz it's the dance I have where she sticks her ass out the most.

Fortnite is not the same bullshit that we played back in the day. Modern Fortnite feels like an Online version of Classic GTA Liberty City Riots. It even has a maker mode where you can make your own maps and shit. There's everything for everyone in modern Fortnite.
If you like Rpgs (as in Fallout style), you can play FN like a rpg and just ignore winning alltogether by completing quests and talking to NPCs.
One time, I actually got jumped by an invisible Predator and his theme music hit, lol. I killed him and I won the Predator skin. Right now is the best time to join the Crew, coz I have like 9 skins now and most of them kick ass. I have The Mandolrian, Predator & Chun Li as characters who came from outside of FN. I was mainin as this Japanese Ninja bitch before I unlocked Chun Li.

I like how FN is balanced enough that you can come in from practically any shooter game, and still excel at Fortnite. This is just from natural gameplay, nothing is locked behind classes coz there is no class system.
This is what makes Fortnite feel as deep as a fighter. You know how fighters have turtlers, footsies, zoners, pokers? The same shit is going on in a typical Fortnite match.

I already explained Doomguy Classic Fps & Minecraft tactics.
  • Minecraft style player: Those who specialize at building 3-story houses in 3 seconds. Their entire gameplan is centered around maintaining the high ground and or flanking you while using the buildings they make as cover.
  • Classic FPS Doomguy style player: They specialize at running at high speeds, dodging shots & then countershooting. You'll rarely ever out fight these guys at close or mid ranged combat, and the jumping shotgun trick doesn't work on them. I'm saying this from experience though, coz that's how I play Fn.
    The only building I ever use are stairs to acess higher ground faster & walls, so I can make constant cover to aid my Doomguy style.
  • Call of Duty style player: These guys play Fortnite exactly like how they would play COD. They just sit on their ass, waiting for someone to run by, and kill them. I make fun of these faggots a lot, but they're actually really dangerous coz they've developed their building skills to create a fort that allows them the ability to snipe at you, but you can't see where they shot you from, coz they ran and hide behind their tower like a fucking pussy ass COD player, lol.
What's amazing to me is that COD players are just as good as Doom players & Minecraft players. The gameplay feels balanced enough that all 3 styles that I've seen so far can cause a lot of destruction. COD players usually rack up the highest KDA, coz they kill without getting killed, because they always fucking run & hide.
In fighting game terms, the COD player is the Turtle like how a Minecraft player is some reverse footsies (Instead of controlling air-space, they control ground space, lol.) Doomguy style is the Rushdown meta from fighting games. Although in my case, I'm actually using Zoning tactics coz I just fake what I'm going to do, baiting my opponents to do that dumb jump & shotgun Season 1 FN meta, which almost always gets them killed while against me coz I just shot them in the face during their jump or right after they landed.

I'm sure that there's way more styles of combat that people use in FN, but these are the three that I recognized the most.
The deadlisest players are the ones who are a mixture of Minecraft & Doomguy. I can't beat them at all. They have fast classic FPS reactions, but can do that autistic Minecraft shit that I don't fucking understand at all.
The average Minecraft style player is easy to kill, coz they're not good at anything except building.
Call of Duty style players are the most annoying, but effectively dangerous coz they play like fucking pussies who constantly run away & hide, but they know how to make their shots count. Minecraft players will actually come after you & chase you coz their entire strategy is to flank you or shoot in the head once they've maintained high ground.

Edit: I accidentally leveled up while I was AFK in the creation mode lol. You apparently level up at least once a day by simply idling in a match for about 15 minutes. I think I only leveled up though, coz I have a Crew sub, so my XP is supercharged yellow. I'm only bothering with level up exploits to quickly unlock the Anime girl. After that, I'm prob just gonna focus on collecting dances for Chun Li's big fat ass. It also help that there's a good shooter here too. I miss the days when games used to have everything all in one package. Unlike in Le Current year, where games have patronizing stories that villify its audience, girls who look like roiding men and boring ass gameplay where all you do is walk & talk, & sometimes shoot.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Shooters

Post by Jack »

I just clocked my 2nd solo win in Fortnite. I did it by calling out a contract-hit once there was only 3 of us left.
LOL I could hear the other two retards fighting it out with each other, all the while one of them was being hunted down by bounty hunters that I hired to kill him. I barricaded a house with walls on every entry point, not coz I thought it'd do anything, but due to how I'd instantly know if somewhere were near once they destroy them. That would've been the signal for me to just run in and headshot them before they even figured out what was happening.

That never happened though, by the time the Hitman chaos finally ended, time was running out. I ran outside of the house and built my Wall maze, expecting the guy who committed the hit that I contracted (LOL I can't believe you can actually do that. Damn this game is awesome. The mind games in Fortnite is insane.)
to come after me. I noticed no one was coming. I then realized that he was busy building his stupid ass towers.
I knew not to underestimate him though since he did kill the guy that I hired a hit on. (LOL)
So what I did is slip through the crevice of his towers and I hid in the very bottom of his tower.

The storm was closing in, and you can hear this guy frantically destroying his tower as he finally learned the mistake that he made.
I was doing the Mashed potato dance, openly mocking him. He couldn't see me, but he could sure hear me.

I had to stop & run too, coz the storm was coming to kill me. Luckily I found another room that he made that was filled with cover. I remained silent, until I finally see him running in front of me like a mad man that just lost his puppy. He couldn't find where I was. I had a Legendary AR that I bought before the Hitman madness that I started, so the battle was over before it began. I just shot the motherfucker dead, and I ran in & taunted him some more with the Mashed Potatoes dance.

It's ironic really, I was geared up for a final epic battle, but the only thing I got to do is shoot my damn overpowered gun once. An epic battle did happen, but I only got to hear it in the background between the guy I just killed, the IO troops & the bounty that I called a hit on. Bounties are random when ever you ask an NPC to call a hit out, it goes to whomever has the highest kill count. It's why I always call hits, coz I'm usually the one with the highest kill count. So I used the system to my advantage, to eliminate my main threats without having to fight them.

I really like FN in Solo. Out of my friend's list though. I'm like the only one who actually plays solo.
Damn near everyone else plays the default trio mode or group, which I fucking hate.
The only group mode I like is the Team Battle Syphon mode which plays like a Star Wars Battlefront 16 vs 16 tdm warzone. When it comes to Battle Royale though, I think all the group modes suck.

I hate playing with other people coz they keep stealing my loot, stealing my kills and getting me killed. Yes it's easier to win, coz you can just rely on other people to carry you.
It's boring though. In Solo, FN feels like an Open world Survival horror game, except I'm the horror. I'm basically Kiriyama from Battle Royale. In fact I'm usually the last or 2nd to last person to die, just like Kiriyama, and I also usually kill off the biggest threat, like what Kiriyama did to Mitsuko.

It's funny to forget that Battle royale actually is based off of the movie Battle Royale, but the gameplay really does feel like that movie in solo mode, if you actually partake in all of the possibilities and options that the game opens up to you. You can even hire NPCs to work as your body guard and they'll kill other human-controlled players for you.

(God damn I can't stand how that youtuber is always fucking shouting. He's the only one I've seen with a video that's showing him using NPCs as bodyguards to kill other human players.)
I've had that happen to me once & I reported the player coz I thought he teamed up with another human player. He actually just paid a NPC to protect him.
I hired two bounties in the most recent match that I won but the first contract doesn't count coz I actually killed the bounty myself. My bounty actually went after me.
I don't think he knew it was me. I've had bounties sent on me before (I regularly kill at least 9 people per match), and the only thing you're informed of is that you have a hit on you, and to be prepared coz other players & bots try to kill you for the reward.

What's really awesome is that if you're the one who called the hit, you still get the reward exp bounty if one of the other players kills them for you.

That dance is fucking sexy when Chun Li does it, but it's one of the more funny trollish dances when you're playing as someone else, like The Predator. I was Chun Li though for my second solo win.

I'm finally starting to understand why FN is so popular. Well the main reason is coz it has something for everybody no matter your skill level, or whatever type of gamer you are. Even storyfags could get into this game coz it legit feels like some openworld action rpg in Battle Royale mode. (it wasn't like this back in 2018. 2018 didn't have quests, & npcs at all.)
Why i like FN though, is coz it reminds me of oldschool Dark Souls PVP, back when it used to be a free for all griefing fest.
Xed & I wrote a few posts talking about oldschool Dark Souls Pvp.
I even said that oldschool DS pvp felt like a Battle Royale mode before it ever existed as a genre. (A shitty genre by the way. Fortnite is only good now, because they turned their BR mode into GTA Online, but with gunplay that no longer sucks, & only 1 life instead of infinite respawn.)

The funny part is that FN actually adds options for you to rig the game into your favor, such as calling out hits on people, which your character pays for with in-game gold. This isn't actual currency that you use to buy stuff. It's just in-game rpg type of money to purchase weapon upgrades or favors from in-game npcs.
It's the road that Dork Souls should have took, instead of focusing on try hard 1v1 DS duels which are boring as fuck. 1v1 happens naturally anyway, if you're good enough to be the final 2 survivors.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Shooters

Post by Jack »

I just scored my 3rd solo win while Isuka & some other guy were waiting in the lobby.
(I hate how peeps are constantly joining in on my lobby, right when I fucking turn the game on before I get to turn the private options on, so I joined in on Isuka's game just to see how it is. I wanted to troll him when he was in The Paarty mode.)

No special story for this 3rd solo win. The final survivor seemed to be a guy with minimal skill, who just got lucky. He actually came at me with Scorpion's "GET OVER HERE!" Harpoon gun which does a lot of damage if you're close enough to connect, but we were at mid range. I was like "WTF?" Then I shot him in the head with my AR after he missed, and I won the match. Usually the final 3 players are END Game Boss tier hard, but sometimes you come across dudes who just got lucky.

I tried to do a group battle after we did a series of Team Death matches but Isuka died too early and no one wanted to help him. I couldn't help him coz I was in the complete other side of the map.
That's my playing style, I try to kill as many motherfuckers as a I can while they still have shit-tier weapons, before any of them become strong enough to be a threat to me. It looked like I was going to die right at the start of the match, but that's coz I was fighting off a Predator that had a AR, while I only had a spear. I still killed him though coz he actually ran away from me while he had a fucking gun lol.
I mugged The Predator right after that, and then I tortured him to death while he was crawling for help lol.

I then ran and hid in the bushes (coz I heard gunshots coming my way.) & I kept running until I found a med kit to restore me to full health but Isuka plopped dead so I had to quit the match, since it was going to be a while before I died. I would've died though coz in Group mode, the crew that still has 4 survivors left is always the one that wins.

Poison Ivy booty.

You can still cop that through the Joker DLC pack that's sold as a physical game that comes with no goddamn cart. I ain't bothering though. Only money I'm gonna spend on from here on out are the starter packs since they're only $4 & come with 600 vcucks. I'm thinking of spending another $7 right now for 1000 vcucks to so I can always have 2000 vcucks spare for whenever I find a new sexy dance fo Chun Li.

Well in Boomer shooter news. I bought me Turrican Collection plus GunLord X on the Switch, last month.
It was $30 though, you get 3 godly but old ass shooters, and one that's just above average (Super Turrican).

I agree with THE IMMORTAL John Hancock that Mega Turrican is one of the best games in the collection. I think it's a toss up between Turccian 2 & Mega. Turrican 2 is the better adventure action game, but Mega Turrican is the better nonstop action Run N Gun.
I'm prob going to cop me that third Capcom Stadium Pack for Super SF 2 & Turbo + Cyberbots ( I never played Cyberbots.), the beat em ups & the late 90s/early 2000s SHMUps.
I already have like 3 free games on the Switch version of Cap Stadium anyway, I may as well buy a pack to make it feel more complete. I hope they add more volumes. I want arcade perfect Rival Schools.

EDIT: No!! I missed my chance to get Ryu & the entire SF 2 set for only 600 vcucks. I really should've bought the Diamond THOT starter pack. I still will, but I'll keep the vcucks. I thought Ryu & Chun li would be around until March 15 when the current season ends. They were only available for 10 days. Bearded Ryu looked like a badass Max Max post apocalypse survivor. Not like it matters, I use no one butt Chun li.
The new Crew skin sucks, it's some weird looking Unicorn man but he at least comes with a cool backpack.
I'm glad I joined crew when they had the Japanese ninja chick, Vi. She at least looked cool enough to use. Unicorn guy is good for trolling purposes though.

LOL, while I understand what they mean when they claim that Nintendo's Smash Bros puts in way more effort into their guest characters, I really don't understand why he'd want to see Fortnite skins function like completely new characters.
https://www.techradar.com/news/fortnite ... ively-dull
That would completely ruin the balance of Fortnite, and turn it into some Pay2Win garbage.
I like that the skins are mostly cosmetics.

One of the main reasons why Paladins & Overwatch are so fucking unplayable now is coz the new characters feel & play as if they came from a completely different game, making the original cast feel useless & obsolete. It's far better where every character is on the same skill level, and the only thing that separates you from other players is your individual skill.

I'll never be able to beat a Minecraft faggot, at building. So I don't even try. I always bait them into building a big house for me, and then use it against them as cover.
I'll never be able to beat a Call of Duty faggot at camping, coz that's too fucking boring, so I use the in-game timelimit against them, where the game forces you to run out of cover or else you die from the storm. I even killed fools by knocking them into the storm with the shockwave grenade lol.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Shooters

Post by Isuka »

I honestly can't tell if Fortnite is a faster game now. I didn't play it much the first time around years ago. However I did enjoy my self when I played it on Sunday. Had issues in the last couple of games before you joined, with the frame rate dropping from 60 to 4, for no apparent reason and shots not connecting or doing like 7 damage with rifles. That game where you dc'd/left, I was doing bad most of that match, then the moment you left suddenly all my shots were connection properly. Damn near killed their whole team in short order, still lost the match though.
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