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Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:15 pm
by Jack
DaRealEvilone wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:28 am crash didn't sell ll that well
is coming to switch ... irst-month
Crash Bandicoot fucking sucks.

This man has it right and he's even holding down the fort for Mario 64 when Crashtards try to claim that Mario is the same, AYY LMAO WOT? You faggots ain't played Mario if you think they're the same. Only Donkey Kong Country is anywhere near the same league as Mario, they both feel like globertrotting adventures where you advance due to your skill, unlike modern games where advancement is decided through RPG repetition & level ups.

In regards to PSX, it's TOMB RAIDER that should be compared to Mario. Not fucking Crash. Classic Tomb Raider series actually has good platforming level design and they do it in a way that feels so natural that most people don't even fucking notice that Tomb Raider is the same genre (Platforming Puzzle/Adv) as Mario, AYY LOL! For some reason, everyone thinks Tomb Raider is a shooter when it didn't finally become one until that retarded modern TR games came out, that erased the original TRs for some reason. It's sad, coz Lara's moveset used to be exactly like Mario's, she had the long jump, the crouch somersault, the side jump, and they both even hang off ledges. Naaahh mang, It's Crash Bandicoot that's Mario's rival. My ass they ain't even the same fucking genre of game! I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT THE SUITS LABEL IT! SUITS DON'T PLAY GAMES! I DO!
Lara got HOPS!

Just like how Mario is the master of Hops!

OG Lara & Mario are both thiccc! They have way more in common than motherfucking Crash does. Crash's games play like some retarded Sonic game, and that's quite a feat coz Sonic's games already suffer from retardation. I fucking miss real Tomb Raider mang. Where my fucking platforming at? Crash ain't it, Crash never was!

I tried playing the PSX Crash trilogy yesterday and I was bored as fuck. There's like zero level design, and there's no challenge to the enemy placement. It feels more like a wannabe Sonic but even 3d Sonic games are better. Which is sad coz 3d Sonic sucks but Crash is worse!
Crash is everything that Shigeru Miyamoto thought DKC was, AYY LMAO! Well except, Crash doesn't even have pretty gfx or music. If Mario didn't exist, Donkey Kong Country would legit be the best platforming series.

Mario 3d World is basically Tropical Freeze anyway. (You control Donkey Kong, Diddy, Dixie, Funky & the OG Donkey, Cranky. Similar to how 3d World has the Mario Bros 2 cast plus Rosalina.)
Speaking of which, why is 3d World so hated? It's my fave of the 3d Marios that I played so far. I fucking hate how you have to play the same fucking level over & over in other Mario 3d games. Why the fuck do Mario fans love that shit? I only have two levels unlocked in Mario Shitshine. (Which when compared to Crash Bandicoot, Mario Shitshine is actually a good game since Crash is what actual bad games look & play like.)

Mario 3d World is my jam coz it plays just like the NES & SNES games, and it feels as though you're undergoing a giant adventure that never ends. I prefer that over playing the same fucking stage 10 times just to find a different star. Fuck that shit. 3d World is where it's at because it's pure platforming that's score based.
None of that stupid slowass exploration shit where you have to tilt the camera a certain way.
I especially hate Shitshine's terrible controls. It's not just the shooting that sucks, but the platforming controls are terrible too. I'm constantly jumping to my death coz Shitshine's platform controls are so imprecise.

I like Mario Galaxy due to the platforming but I don't understand why it's loved more than 3d World, when I think they play the same. 3d world just has less retarded ass gimmicks. I fucking hate Galaxy's Wii dildo gimmicks and its retarded spherical level design, but I enjoy that game due to the level design & enemy placement, which 3d World also excels at. I can accept that Galaxy still has that weird Hub mode choose a level shit that's been around since Mario 64, because the setting is in multiple space galaxies so it still feels like a big adventure which is how most Mario games should feel like.
I felt like I was a fucking janitor in Shitshine and Mario 64 feels like a tech demo, but it has some of the best level designs out of the entire Mario series, so I give 64 a pass.

BTW Bowser's Fury looks damn good. (Looks near Luigi's Mansion quality.) When you start up Bowser's Fury, it looks like a completly different game from 3d World. They don't even look like that they're from the same gen. Granted they probably aren't if you don't consider Wii U & Switch as part of the same generation. Bowser Jr is a beast. He can solo entire armies if you let him lol.

Ever notice that the Jap girls in Nintendo Japan vids are pretty hot

but the gook girls in Nintendo Amurka vids are weird looking.

Granted, that actually is how Asians look in the USA. They look nothing like them Jap girls you see in the Nintendo Japan vids. Those are also the only Nintendo JP vids that get over millions of views. Are those bitches celebs or something?

I look like neither, but I blend in with Japan way more since I look exactly like Japan's Yakuza & Samurai stereotypes. I even have the beard.


Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:37 am
by DaRealEvilone
About the genders comment you made, it's a good perspective
But the more I think about it, these controllers of our country, they have money
Money isn't a problem to them
If you search enough they used epstein island for disney land cruisers trips
Sometimes I think it has to do with what kay griggs said, that g@y people are more easy to control
I posted her video in other thread

Or it has to with direct transhumanism agenda

Got me okami and mini kuni try to give mini kuni another try

It happens to me recently, girls look at me
Now I has mask on. Yesterday this hot girl with bf? Walking by began Staring at me, lol
I didn't look bad because her bf? Lol
They are so curious


Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:51 am
by DaRealEvilone
Gina carano talks about ews? Eyes wide shut?
Nah more like she compares a hoax to prrsecussion

Back in highschool
OMG, hat
There was a hat girl like her, I tried to make a move
But she said no
I was waiting for my friend, she had same class

In Spanish some ppl say culitos instead of girls so it's like get them
Would be get those culitos

BTW sac is ,g@###


Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 11:43 pm
by Jack
Worst Nintendo Direct ever LOL! The only games I want are Mario Golf

& Ninja Gaiden Trilogy which is just the two Sigmas & Razor's Edge. Sigma 1 is actually good, but Sig 2 is trash. OOOOH they anounced Samurai Warriors 5, yippy more musou shit that I'll get bored as fuck with during the first level! Lady No looks fucking hot though.
The big game they announced is Splatoon 3, which is meh coz I think Splat is a fucking terrible shooter. I'd ask "Who keeps buying this fucking garbage?" but I already know. It's the Japs. Splatoon is very popular in Slant eye land, coz they're retards who suck dick at shooters anyway. So it stands to reason that they'd love a little baby shooter like Splatoon where you don't even need to shoot your opponent to win matches. Worse shooter ever & Nintendo gets a free pass for it!

The other big release is Skyword Sword Hd, WHOO WHEE, another shit game! Unlike with the Mario 3d All Stars collection, I doubt that I'll be won over coz I've actually owned nearly the entire Zelda 3d series coz I've been gifted those games several times and I always get bored. BOTW was the game I had the most fun with but even that bored me to tears after awhile. Like I'd rather be playing Mario Sunshine over any Zelda.

I was hype as fuck at first with the Direct coz it opened up with Pyra/Mythra as the new Smash Bros character.

Shit was fucking hilarious coz even Smash is basically saying that Rex doesn't matter, lol. Rex said "Wait what? I thought I was gonna be in Smash?"
They're using Torna's Mythra form and even uses her censored Smash Bros costume from Torna, which is why she's fighting by herself without Rex. You can actually directly control Mythra in Torna, and that game played much closer to an action game than XB2 did.

I'm shocked that they didn't censor Pyra much at all. They basically just gave her slightly wider panties, but it's still fairly thin. It's just not the thin Killer Instinct 2 B. Orchid G-string that she wore in XB2. You see more of Pyra's ass cheeks in Smash than you see of Pyslocke's ass cheeks in MUA3.
It's weird though, coz Mythra is censored but I think they only did that coz Mythra's censored costume already had a 3d model in Torna.

A lot of motherfuckers were raging in the chat, so Pyra/Mythra is prob the most hated character since Byleth, lol! Every Mythra/Pyra upload I've seen has tons of dislikes. Fuck em all though, I'M GLAD IT WASN'T CRASH BANDICOOT!
They really don't understand how powerful Mythra is, and I'm glad that they got rid of her attachment with Rex so she can use her powers unrrestained. She has a unique gimmick, she's two character in one. You'll be able to morph into Pyra & Mythra interchangably. That's a lot better than the method that I thought they were going to go with. I thought Rex was going to be like Rosalina & Luma, but they negated that by getting rid of Rex altogether, lol. I like that Smash is acknowledging who the real main character was, especially if you played Torna.

Too bad the trailer does a bad job of showing how Godly powerful they are though. Pyra & Mythra just tell Shulk "We're fighters too!"
When what they should've said is "We're MONADO TOO!"
A direct reference to how Shulk wields a Monado, but is merely borrowing its powers.

You know how a battle between Mytha vs Shulk will be like? Mythra would summon laser beams from Space Satellites with the snap of her fingers, and Shulk would start shaking like he has tourettes and he'd be like "WE CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE!" then he moonwalks out of the way.

Mythra would scream, "I can future-sight too!" Then she does a belly flop while summoning Laser pillars from her Tier 2 Special Attack. Shulk just changes the future by narrowly Gangnam styling dodging her light pillars (Which one-hit killed Obrona in XB2. Obrona is a fun ass blade to play as.)
I'm telling ya man, y'all thought Bayonetta or Palutena were powerful, Mythra is up there with them. I'd give the edge to Palutena though just for that move.

You're already dead when she hits you with the Black hole, you can't even dodge it and it pulls you into her orbit.

Mythra actually can do Galaxy-destroying moves like Palutena, but only in her Pneuma form. (Who coincidentally also has Green hair.)

She's not using Pneuma in Smash though (She's in the trailer but it seems to be a skin.)
In Smash, she's just using her Tier 4 Special for both Mythra & Pyra.

I would've been happy with either XB2 representation or Dr Eggman. Only two slots left.
The direct was mostly low budget games & extremely niche shit nobody cares about. No More Heroes 3 barely looks 30 fps, LOL! I hope it flops almost as badly as Deadly Premonition 2 did, coz it doesn't look good at all.
NMH is just another one of those weird Nintendo games that only Nintenturds love but they exaggerate how popular & loved the series is, like Earthbound.

They'd sure give you the impression that Mother or NMH is more popular than Xenoblade 2, lol. Like fuck mang, XB2 is popular enough that when I write Mythra in search engines (this is prior to her Smash announcement) that Mythra would actually show up as the first search result. Preceding even the God that she's named after.
DaRealEvilone wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 12:37 am
It happens to me recently, girls look at me
Now I has mask on. Yesterday this hot girl with bf? Walking by began Staring at me, lol
I didn't look bad because her bf? Lol
They are so curious
You reading me wrong man. I ain't saying the gook bitch was attracted to me. I'm the opposite of Bane, nobody cared who I was after I put on the mask! LOL! That's why I hate the mask mandate. I'm used to being treated like a celebrity coz of muh prettyboi model face. With the mask on, I get treated as if I look like a terrorist and most people avoid me. It's hilarious coz it's not like I want to put on a fucking mask. If I don't, a bunch of karens & soyboys will yell at me, and get their germs on me, lol!

The brown Gook girl was just looking at me coz I was the only other non-White in the store. Non-whites are actually fairly rare in the North, and even then I still look "White-enough" since I basically just have the RE3 Remake Carlos look going on, & just look like some white dude with black hair & eyes.
That gook girl was truly the only fully non-White person in the entire store at the time.

According to this, I'm actually around the same size as Carlos, lol.
This def ain't updated, coz modern Jill is actually my height. New Carlos looks about 6'3.
Edit: New Carlos is 6ft. Then what the fuck is New Jill? She like 5'5 now? I'm gonna miss Re5/Rev1 5'8/5'9 amazon Jill with the yuge ass.
Edit: They actually did shrink Jill, lol. They kept her Mixed French Jap ethnicity which is wierd to me, coz being part Gook, you'd think she'd look a bit more like Jessica, who's listed as Caucasian. (Which is what Indians are.)

My biggest wishes for the Direct were a Good Switch Shooter (NOT SPLATOON 3!!!), something like Resident Evil Revelations 3 or Metroid 5 (2d), and Metroid Prime 4. I don't think Mp4 is coming until 2024 since even SPlattoon 3 isn't coming until 2022.
Dude, I would've preferred Metroid Trilogy HD over that Skyward Bored bullshit.

Gina carano talks about ews? Eyes wide shut?
Nah more like she compares a hoax to prrsecussion
Yeah, Gina being the Cuckservative she is, was just trying to kiss up to the Jews, but the Jews got angry and extracted their wrath upon her. Americant Cuckservatives really need to stop sucking Joo dick so much.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:34 am
by Krizzx
As always, the Japan direct had some games I was more interested in than the U.S. direct.

Caligula 2 was announced.

More Tadashi Satomi goodness. I'm hoping the righting for this one is more in line with the quality of Persona 2. ... ease-date/

There was also this RPG that looked interesting in the Japan direct that I don't know the name of, because it was all written in katakana.

I would be hyped for Legend of Mana if I didn't still own it on PSX and hadn't played it to death already.

I would have been more interesting in the Ninja Gaiden collection if it was the original Itagaki games and no Sigma, which is the kiddy versions with reduced violence and difficulty.

The only newly announced game from the U.S. direct that I'm interested in is Triangle Strategy.

I just recently found out that recent Super Robot Wars games are localized in English! Apparently, they've started including an English sub for the Asia releases that you can buy from Playasia. I ordered X and T as soon as I found out. I also went ahead and got Persona 5 Strikers. I'm waiting to find a decently priced copy of Ryza 2 before I pick that up. Seems its being priced gouged to hell and back being pushed over $60, but I got the collectors addition of strikers on Ebay for less than 50.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 2:46 am
by DaRealEvilone
Beware they want to mandate 2 masks policy

When I heard about direct I was hypedup but then I remember how many disappointments, directs made me have

I guess I can play skyward

I was waiting for zelda collection

Wind wake, count me in ... e=6054BFB5

I don't have interest for splat 3
But maybe the booty


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:18 am
by Isuka
I thought we were supposed to have gotten the Metroid Prime Trilogy last year.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:37 am
by Jack
Isuka wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:18 am I thought we were supposed to have gotten the Metroid Prime Trilogy last year.
Metroid is like Parasite Eve, I hear so many rumors about them, but none of them are true, or at least they never happen.
Right now would've been a good time to announce Metroid Prime Trilogy since Mario 3d All stars is stopping production next month. I heard the Metroid Prime Trilogy port was finished since 2018, but they've been fucking sitting on it, trying to make the release coincide with Metroid Prime 4, which is fucking retarded to me. Why can't Nintendo act fucking normal? Square Enix released about 3 different Kingdom Hearts collections to tide you over for KH3, and those collections came out like 4 years before KH3 finally dropped.

Krizzx wrote: Thu Feb 18, 2021 1:34 am As always, the Japan direct had some games I was more interested in than the U.S. direct.
I noped out when I saw the direct open up with Psycho Dream and then it showed a visual novel after that. Japan's direct came on a half hour earlier than the USA direct.
USA & Japan both mostly had nothing but Jrpgs. I wouldn't even mind, if they were big budget jrpgs like the Xenoblade series. (XBX is never coming to Switch precisely due to how big its budget was.) Nah though, the directs mostly had this 16bit looking shit, as their main features.
I would have been more interesting in the Ninja Gaiden collection if it was the original Itagaki games and no Sigma, which is the kiddy versions with reduced violence and difficulty.

You're thinking of Sigma 2. Sigma 1 is way more violent than Black.

I know coz I physically own nearly every single version of NG1 & I replayed that game about as much as I replayed RE4. Sigma 1 is actually better than Black. (I don't give a shit about Black being harder. Who fucking cares when I & most people can't even beat Master Ninja mode anyway? It's a very small niche who have ascended far beyond Master Ninja.)
In Sigma 1, gore paints the walls & floors and stays there. In Black & the original NG, the gore disappears.

The only reason why Black could be considered better, is coz Black doesn't have those forced Rachel missions.
The Rachel missions aren't even bad, but they ruin the flow of the game. It's as if the retard who replaced Itagaki, had zero idea that NG1 is actually a Metroid style hub game. I wouldn't mind Rachel's missions at all, if she were in a separate mode, like Ada Wong's Separate Ways from RE 4.

Sigma 2 isn't complete trash, it has the fun challenge & multiplayer mode, but the main campaign is shit due to the changes to the gameplay. You only fight 5 enemies at a time, instead of an entire fucking army like Itagaki NG2.

Sigma 2 has some gay ass purple mist shit. It's still gory, but Itagaki NG2 had limbs flying all over the place.
This is the best vid to show how fucking shit Sigma 2 is when compared to NG2.

I could live without the gore, even though NG isnt as badass without it, but what I can't stand is how there's so few enemies on screen.

Hayashit is also the main reason why enemies would run away from you & cower in fear in NG3, lol.
Hayashi really doesn't fucking understand Ninja Gaiden. The point of those games is to see a Ninja, vs everybody. It's what made NG1 & NG2 so awesome, Ryu fucking kills everything, from vampires, demons, werewolves, Military USA ZOG armies, CIA, Dinosaurs, demon bones, monsters. Ryu killed fucking everything except for politicians, the one group I'd sic a Ninja on, lol. I think that was always the message with both the NES & 3d NG series, no matter how badass Ryu becomes, he's always stuck having to clean up the mess that politicians started, and actually get away with. I don't recall Ryu ever killing a single one, mainly coz he never gets the chance to.

It's really sad to see how tame modern gaming has become, coz there still hasn't been an action game that tops NG1 & 2's violence, sexiness, challenge & atmosphere. That's right, these games have as much atmosphere as a Dark Souls or Metroid game.

Hayashi does not fucking understand Ninja Gaiden at all. NG4 will suck, coz he just doesn't get it. NG games are about strategically aiming for the one hit kill, like how in shooters you generally go for the one hit kill head shot. Same logic with NG1 & 2, except you chop the head off in one slice instead of one shot. Hayashit is a fucking retard, he thinks NG is a button masher like Dynasty Warriors.

What I find hilarious though, is how NG3 got universally shat on (deservedly so.), but for some reason everyone loves NU-Doom, when Doom 2016 (I never played Eternal, but it has the same fucking level design.)
has the same NG3 style Arena battles where you locked inside a room until you repetitively kill everything.
Doom 2016 is even worse coz you have to watch a 1 second QTE with almost every kill since pointblast autoshotty just stuns them
Razor's Edge is not bad, but still only a 7 out of 10. I probably wouldn't even play it if Kasumi & Momiji weren't playable.

Too bad, we're never getting Itagaki NG outside of the Suckbox due to the rivalry that Hayashit has with Itagaki. (I'm shocked that Hayashit is actually the Team Ninja president. I always thought he was just some random nobody.)
Hayashi has a serious inferiority complex, but he won in the end coz he lucked out with Nioh. Nioh basically has the same exact combat problems that NG3 had, but you can mitigate that through the rpg build system.
Nioh actualy sucks ass if you try to play it like a Ninja.
The only newly announced game from the U.S. direct that I'm interested in is Triangle Strategy.
I was laughing that the Direct wasted about 5 minutes talking about that game, which was way more time than most other games got. I don't give a shit about it, mainly coz it cost $60. It looks like a game I'd be hype for if it were indies on Steam, coz it'd be priced at about $30. It's fucking hilarious that Nintendo treated that 16-bit looking game as if it were something that people would give a shit about, such as that Monolith Medieval Action rpg which still hasn't been fucking announced it.


Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:36 pm
by DaRealEvilone
They talking about you

Not you, him


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:21 pm
by DaRealEvilone
Nintendo ads vs