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Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:49 pm
That's exactly why I don't like modern day Megaten though. They hardly ever make any of these smart observations about society any more. Modern Megaten comes off like what Xed was talking about in The Boys thread, as just a mass-marketed product that targets the most surface-level fans who loved Megaten games for the most shallow of reasons. In Megaten's case, that's the teen dating simulation aspects, AYY LMAO!
I often defend modern Megaten games but you are 100% right. It's just that I play those games because I enjoy the party building mechanics & demon fusion. (SMT4 Apocalypse is fucking amazing and possibly my favourite game in the series, though I haven't played it since it came out so my opinion might have changed. I definetly remember it having the best combat and boss battles in the series though especially if you got the DLC. I was underwhelmed with 4 because it never really reached a level of challenge where you needed to build an endgame party.)

It's not just about the dating sim elements though. The persona series definetly devolved into that, but even the mainline SMT games barely have anything to do with mythology anymore. Rather the mythology aspect is just used as windowdressing, for a self contained world building system that has nothing to do with real world mythologies outside of namedrops.

It's hard to explain because the plots in (mainline) megaten games always sucked, but the mythological aspects were always on point with their depictions of demons and gods. Nowadays their use of mythology is similar to that of the final fantasy series, where Shiva has absolutely nothing to do with the deity, outside of being called shiva lol. Buddha Maitreya is in SMT4A and it has nothing to do with the real life Buddha Maitreya, outside of appearing during an apocalypse.
Persona 5 has some references to gnosticism, with yaldabaoth or the demiurge being a false god that demands worship from humanity but other than the most superficial aspects of it, it's not any different from any evil GOD figure from most JRPGs. I think Persona 5 might have been my favourite in the persona series or at least second to Persona 1, if the character stopped fucking talking for two minutes and actually let me enjoy the fun gameplay, but as it is it's a 100h game where at least 30h of it is just shitty dialogue that repeats the same plot points over and over.
P5 actually has dungeons that are hand crafted and have interesting navigation as opposed to P3 and P4's randomized ones, plus it reintroduced guns and demon negotiation into the gameplay but what feels like 90% of the play time is spent going through repetitive dialogue, and awful social links that don't actually involve any character development at all.
(I actually have a theory that P5 originally had no social links at all. THe dungeons are strong enough to carry the game themselves. I think they added social links back in later in development because they realize most of their userbase only cares about the dating sim aspects lol, they are completely detatched from the story and nothing ever happens in them outside of funny shenanigans.)
SMT4A also has awful dialogue but its gameplay to story ratio is a lot more forgiving lol. At least I don't have to waste an hour going on cutesy dates just to level up my demons.

Compare and contrast to when Kaneko still had an important role within the company, in that the characters would come across full blown sidequests based on mythological stories. Kaneko's designs were radical reinterpretation of mythological beasts and demons, that were however still informed by the myths and legends they were taken from, rather than just using the aesthetics and names, like the modern games are doing.

Again I blame audiences most of all because most people are actually so fucking stupid that their worldview is as abstract as only recognizing geometrical shapes and colors. People who can play a text heavy RPG are slightly above that in that they're literate, but trying to pander to the greatest possible part of an audience still means dumbing down things to accomodate for the brain of the person of lowest possible intelligence.

The greatest part of every fanbase is always going to be comprised of mentally challenged people, who actually have no understanding of the product they enjoy beyond the most superficial window dressing. You'd expect tiny ass fanbases to be slightly better, at least that's what nerds tell me with their gatekeeping shit, but it's demonstrably non-true considering most Flower, Sun and Rain fans only focus on the act of walking LOL!!! They think Death Stranding is a spiritual sequel to FSR, because you walk a lot in both games.
I swear I've never heard anyone talk about FSR having themes of ultracapitalist globalist elites eradicating a native population only to repurpose their land, culture and technology. Most online analysis is focused on the act of walking much like most Killer7 interpretations had to do with basic black and white religious morality, and once that became old hat, it is now about sci-fi time travel shenanigans (I am, again, not kidding).

Companies (in videogames and everything else) used to be proactive, in the sense that they would take chances on idea men in hopes of finding an audience for a piece of media. (Some of the most successful properties of all time, such as Star Wars and Super Mario Brothers, were the brainchildren of weird ass people with crazy ideas, before they became so popular they started being considered a standard to follow.)
Nowadays companies are reactive, in the sense that they just get feedback from social media browsing subhuman rejects, and create their products accordingly. Which is how you end up with garbage like Deadly Premonition 2, which apparently has awful framerate and awful gameplay on purpose because the meme understanding of Deadly Premonition, is that people liked it for being "so bad it's good" lol.
(The original DP on xbox360 was perfectly functional. The ports are the ones that don't fucking work, and for some reason DP2 was based on the "ironic" critical reception of the ports, adding a million awful minigames that don't actually work and crash your game, with the joke being that they don't actually work and crash your game.)

The original deadly premonition garnered a cult following because while the actual combat was so shallow it was a complete waste of time, the real meat of the game was exploring the town and interacting with characters, to the point where every DP fan who doesen't go on twitter would have immediately assumed a sequel would ditch combat entirely and just have you roam the town, investigating stuff and actually tie that into the main story instead of relegating it to side objectives.
DP2 gives you no reason to explore the town at all, there's barely any optional dialogues with side characters, you can't get in their houses, side quests have no plot (except for one lol) and no voice acting and your only reward for doing anything but chasing the next cutscene, is always ingredients for a crafting system that only exists to power you up for the combat sections! That's such an idiotic choice but I can't blame the developers entirely, because the game was marketed at twitter nehanderthals whose entire exposure to deadly premonition was funny glitch videos by youtuber marketers lol. (The original DP release also had a more stable framerate than AAA naughty dog games on PS3 lmao, now the 15fps overworld is being passed off as an artistic choice.)

There really is no future for any media to be legitimately good with this social media shit going on. Nintendo still happens to make fun games, specifically because they're so ass backwards they have no idea about modern social media marketing, and they're making so much money making games for normal fucking people who just want to play shit (woah who'd have thought that was an option) that they don't have to care either lol


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:52 pm
by Jack
I often defend modern Megaten games but you are 100% right. It's just that I play those games because I enjoy the party building mechanics & demon fusion.
That's exactly why I like Xenoblade 2. (I still have it, but I may trade it in coz it's trade in value actually moved up to $40 and for some reason, it has a higher trade in value than XB DE. That's weird, coz normally, older games are worth less.)
I love how customizeable the parties are. Shit, I actually use Morag as a combat medic, without using any actual healer blades. (Elma, Obrona & FIora function like DPS healers when bonded with a woman.)
Blades are just a human slave caste in XB2. Blade refers to completely different things depending on the Blade game. It was the Monado sword in XB1, XCX's Blade is a Paramilitary organization. XB2 Blades are a race of people that functions like a class-caste.

Xenoblade 2 feels like a full blown RPG version of Devil Survivor with the Blades functioning like Demons. You get to equip 3 per character instead of 2 each like in Devil Survivor. Just like Devil Survivor, your passives, attacks & builds completely change with the Blades that you have engaged with.
The fun of that game for me, is maximizing builds or just creating unique enough builds that change up the gameplay. About the only one that I don't tamper with much is Tora, coz he has the best blade in the game, Poppi QT Pi. The downside is that you need to grind some stupid ass Nintendo game, within the game to upgrade her, AYY LMAO.

XB2's combat actually combined every single individual characters' playing style from XB1, into one cohesive battle system. This is exactly why I don't fucking understand how anyone could prefer XB1's combat, when it feels so fragmented, & half-finished when compared to XB2 or Torna. Even XB2 & Torna play nothing alike, coz Torna implements Tekken Tag Tournament style meter management where you tag out a dying character with a fresh one. You also instantly die, once one of them dies, just like Tekken Fag Tournament.
(BTW you can actually go to jail now in Washington State just for calling someone a Fag. LOL! Even my mom was shocked by that, and she was like "I thought this was America? What happened to freedom of speech?" She's not autistic about the constitution like I am too. She's a legal immigrant who had to learn the constitution & American culture to pass the citizenship test back in the 60s. She's even baffled that schools teach kids about Trannies now in sex education courses.)

It's not just about the dating sim elements though. The persona series definetly devolved into that, but even the mainline SMT games barely have anything to do with mythology anymore. Rather the mythology aspect is just used as windowdressing, for a self contained world building system that has nothing to do with real world mythologies outside of namedrops.
I was actually referring to SMT & Persona as a whole. SMT games have waifus now. Past SMT games did not. Past SMT games did have babes, but they weren't waifus since they all get killed early in the story anyway or they became the main bad guy, AYY LMAO!
SMT 3 had both, the milf teacher follows a false hope of creating her own faction, but she was just suckered into collecting enough energy for the other factions to use her as a sacrifice to help create the new world.
What's interesting to me, is that Xenoblade games follow the same exact flow of creation (birth of civilizations.) that SMT does, but XB skips the whole factional war of ideas part through the use of the Trinity system, although only one of them is still alive, Alvis.
In SMT3, you had to defeat the Sun which then exploded into a mass of energy that materializes as a civilization of your favored ideal. XB games use an AI construct to recreate society. It's kinda like 3d printing, lol.

What's amusing is that SMT 3 & XB2 have the same exact message, that humans are fucking retarded. Which is why the True Ending for SMT3 Nocturne is you destroying the world and its ability to recreate, leaving nothing behind but a pure black void, as you and the armies of Lucifer march towards god to kill him.
XB2 is much more optimistic, since it's just Jin's Torna crew who play the DemiFiend/Lucifer role & Alamathus who plays the Law/Order Vatican church role. Rex has a more Protestant approach and he actually just speaks directly to God when he meets him, & befriends him. I love that Shonen aspect of the story though. This dumb motherfucker even won over Malos by the time Malos died by Rex & crew. The last time we see Malos, he actually acts as a friend to Pneuma AKA Pyra & Mythra as Pneuma & Malos finally say their last goodbyes to each other before they both died.

That's why I really don't understand why Americans really fucking hate Shonen. Why the fuck Americans hate positive messages so much in their media? I like Rex, cos he's so optimistically stupid, that he completely clashes with all of the realists & pessimists in the rest of the game. Nia was pessimistic, Mythra/Pyra was suicidal, Malos was murderous, Jin was vengeful etc. all due to human society, but they all eventually overcame that through Rex's child-like glee of a better tomorrow. I normally hate those type of people in real life, but it's coz they usually take a big government approach to solving the worlds' problems, which actually creates more problems coz governments are run by humans & humans are extremely flawed.
Rex is just extremely dedicated to a cause, & loyal to his band of mates. Which is basically just Japanese ideals in video game & anime form. It's the reason why One Piece is so popular in Japan. OP revolves around a guy who will never abandon you, no matter what. As was shown in Arlong Park & Enies lobby.

For some reason, Americans hate these type of stories, where people actually get over their personal issues & differences, & just move on with life. (That's exactly what Yayoi from FSR did, lol.) Ameritards prefer stories where you treat the villain like a 1 dimensional dumbass, kill him or her, and then the world is magically happy. Exactly what you described in The Boys thread lol. For XB2, the world was just happy that they didn't go extinct, and they at least still have their friends. "It's the simple things in life stupid." Something that Ameritards don't understand, they're not thankful, for simply existing. They always want to be more than that, they think they're gods, or undiscovered hollywood stars, when they're all just carbon copies of each other.
It's hard to explain because the plots in (mainline) megaten games always sucked, but the mythological aspects were always on point with their depictions of demons and gods. Nowadays their use of mythology is similar to that of the final fantasy series, where Shiva has absolutely nothing to do with the deity, outside of being called shiva lol. Buddha Maitreya is in SMT4A and it has nothing to do with the real life Buddha Maitreya, outside of appearing during an apocalypse.
I'm from the oldschool Megaten communities, and that's exactly why the oldschool community no longer exists. Most of us don't even play video games any more.
I do, but I just moved on to multiplayer games, since I realized that caring about a game's story is a waste of time since they never get concluded due to the reality of the business. Tactics Ogre never got finished, coz Squaresoft bought them out after TO LUCT, only the 2nd game in the series. Suikoden never got concluded coz Konami wanted a game series that never ends so they forced a lot of rewrites which led to the uneven Suiko 3 (starts out great, but the later half obviously dealt with plenty of corporate-meddling.), and Suiko 4 where nothing of merit happened throughout the entirety of the game. Suiko 5 was just a retelling of Suiko 2 but with the Qing dynasty as its basis instead of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that Suiko 2 was influenced by.
Again I blame audiences most of all because most people are actually so fucking stupid that their worldview is as abstract as only recognizing geometrical shapes and colors.
What does that mean exactly? It just sounds so funny & irrelevant. You did once claim that although I hate Twin Peaks season 3, that I actually had a better understanding of it than those who claim to love it.
The reason for this, is coz I'm not pretending to be anything I'm not. (Despite what Internet nerds may claim.)
I say, exactly what I'm thinking. I don't give a fuck about what the masses think, most of them don't have minds of their own. They just repeat what a popular youtuber says, and the youtuber is usually some sub 90 - 120 iq midwit who thinks they're smart coz they took a college class on the subject, AYY LMAO!

I'm a complete failure & I dropped out from both Highschool & College, yet I can talk circles around all of these posers, & show more expertise in the subject that they claim to be proficient in.
I didn't drop out of college coz I allegedly couldn't make it. I only did so coz it was free money through the Obama administration and I'm smart enough to read the loopholes, and capitalized on it. It bought me a fucking 3ds & 50 games, LOL!
I think It's evil how the government suckered so many millennials into going 50k in debt with shit ass college degrees that can't get you a job. In my case, it was "Administrative Assistance." The politically correct term for Secretary. They'll tell you straight to your face that it's not secretary work though, coz they think you're fucking stupid. They pretend to be your friend, coz they just think of you as a walking money bag.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:55 pm
by Jack
There was a Nintendo Direct today, but it was all crap. I may have been interested in Hitman, but I'm not bothering with the cloud service. The new gameplay of Age of Calamity looked pretty fun since you can play as the Guardians.
People who can play a text heavy RPG are slightly above that in that they're literate, but trying to pander to the greatest possible part of an audience still means dumbing down things to accomodate for the brain of the person of lowest possible intelligence.
I'm not certain about that. Sure, they can read, but they can't comprehend what the fuck they're reading. So what's the point of reading if you don't fucking understand what it's saying?
Xenoblade 1 has taught me that most people can't even fucking understand what the hell it is that they're actually watching. XB1 does not have character arcs, yet it's always heralded for having the best character arcs within the realm of gamin. Shulk being revealed to be a puppet the entire time, is not a character arc. Granted, the fanbase doesn't even notice that. They just think he became god, when it's Alvis who created everything. Shulk is just some lucky asshole that Alvis favored for some reason.

At least the relationship between Mythra (technically Alvis's sister.) & Rex is far more organic, because they have an equal relationship of depending on each other to survive. Their entire story is centered around how they need each other. Mythra needs Rex's strong idealism to keep her from killing herself. Rex needs Mythra's physical strength, to turn his dreams into a reality. Ideals are nothing without power & XB2 exhibits this to a tee. I really don't understand why its story gets hated so much, but I suppose it's due to how it's far less angsty than XB1.

Yet again, Americans only seem to like Angst. Which is why they love Dragonball Z, but hate One Piece. Funny enough, One Piece is popular everywhere in the world, except the USA, LOL!
It's weird, coz back in the 80s, The USA was the place where most of its movies were optimistic.
Rocky 4 is basically a live-action shonen (we see Rocky dealing with the death of a friend, dedicating himself to his friend, training to avenge his friend & everything.), and they even resolved their differences through fighting, LOL!
Japanese & USA's society used to have a ton of overlap back in the 80s. It was probably just the 80s though, coz 70s American entertainment is just as depressing & sarcastic as it is now. The only difference is that modern American entertainment has merged with slapstick comic book reality and live action film nihilism, which is how The Boys Season 2 comes off. (From what I've heard. Never seen it.)

The 80s were probably just an aberration of American society where Japanese culture somehow merged with American culture due to Japan's economic influence on the world during the 1980s. Martial arts & Ninja were really popular during that era, to the point that Ken from Street Fighter actually was an American stereotype.

I can think of many 80s era USA media, that's exactly like Japanese media of today, let alone the 80s. The focus on hot naked bitches, the focus on family, the focus on being the best mentally & physical specimen that you can be, loyalty to your fellow man, etc. I was raised to believe that those were American traits coz I attended American schools even while growing up in Europe, but when I study American history from the early 1900s-70s, that really was not what the USA was at all, lol.
The USA of that era, really isn't all that different from how it is now.
Even the extreme racism came back, LOL!

The greatest part of every fanbase is always going to be comprised of mentally challenged people, who actually have no understanding of the product they enjoy beyond the most superficial window dressing. You'd expect tiny ass fanbases to be slightly better, at least that's what nerds tell me with their gatekeeping shit, but it's demonstrably non-true considering most Flower, Sun and Rain fans only focus on the act of walking LOL!!! They think Death Stranding is a spiritual sequel to FSR, because you walk a lot in both games.

I swear I've never heard anyone talk about FSR having themes of ultracapitalist globalist elites eradicating a native population only to repurpose their land, culture and technology. Most online analysis is focused on the act of walking much like most Killer7 interpretations had to do with basic black and white religious morality, and once that became old hat, it is now about sci-fi time travel shenanigans (I am, again, not kidding).
How do people just ignore the whole Globalist Political faction that's a fucking large focus of the fucking game?
How fucking brainddead can people be? It's a game that has zero gameplay, but it made up for it with an intelligent plot that actually referenced real world cultures & conflicts. That's what fucking got me into Killer7 to begin with for fuck's sake.

To think, these idiots call me a stupid liar, when all I do is actually use the text that's in the fucking game. As I even shown with Xenoblade 1 though. Gamers for some reason, can't fucking understand plots even when the dialogue is directly telling them important information (Alvis: I am an Information Processing Unit.) that for some strange reason, the average gamer abstracts that blunt & direct information, as a metaphor for Godhood. Why does that happen? It's all in plain fucking English. I was never even taught English, I learned how to speak english through watching American tv, movies & listening to American music. Which is exactly how most Japs learned Engrish, AYY LMAO!

Companies (in videogames and everything else) used to be proactive, in the sense that they would take chances on idea men in hopes of finding an audience for a piece of media. (Some of the most successful properties of all time, such as Star Wars and Super Mario Brothers, were the brainchildren of weird ass people with crazy ideas, before they became so popular they started being considered a standard to follow.)
In Mario's case, Mario is still really fucking weird. I kinda want me the new Paper Mario coz it's so fucking weird. LIke fuck man, in Mario's setting, every single girl is a fucking hot tall leggy White chick (even the Jessica Rabbit looking girl from Donkey Kong, who's fine as fuck in Mario Tennis, lol) who fall in love with that midget ass Italian Beaner Spic Wop Mario thing, lol.
It's awesome though coz Mario represents the working man, the Blue Collar Man. That's why Mario easily crossed over in the USA, coz back in the 80s, Japs & Americans both love the dutiful hard-working man stereotype who succeeds at life, lands a beutiful wife & a pet Chain-Chomp,or Yoshi, just through hard work-ethic.

It's funny coz in 2020, Americans seem to really fucking hate Blue Collar workers, while they idolize random youtube celebs who don't do actual work.

You could never make a new series of games with the character designs that Mario has. Mario only gets a pass, coz it's Nintendo. I've seen Mario Kart get hate, coz everyone is White. They even say that about Smash Bros, when I'm damn sure that Ryu is Japanese, LOL! He's just vaugely White-looking like me. Isn't Gannondorf, Middle Eastern? He's like some kind of Arab.
That's such an idiotic choice but I can't blame the developers entirely, because the game was marketed at twitter nehanderthals whose entire exposure to deadly premonition was funny glitch videos by youtuber marketers lol. (The original DP release also had a more stable framerate than AAA naughty dog games on PS3 lmao, now the 15fps overworld is being passed off as an artistic choice.)

What's funny is that's actually literal. Most of these simians are actually of White Western European extraction & they're still ooga booga ooga booga caveman just like they're ancestors. They have no real understanding of that which they speak, but they feel that they're an authority for some strange reason.

I especially noticed this with Vaush on Tim Pool's stream yesterday. He called Tim Pool "Far Right", I'm like are you serious? If he's Far Right, then what the fuck am I? I'm actually scary looking, coz I'm an actual Right winger, we come from the philosophy of actions speak louder than words. Tim is an obvious Liberal coz he still believes that we can all co-exist if we just talk out our differences.

Tim Pool is basically the real life Super Mario, he's short (Google says he's 6ft or 5'11 but that's a lie coz Adam Crigler his former cohost is 6 183 cm tall and is about 6 inches taller than the tiny gook, lol), kinda pudgy, but strangely athletic (just like Mario.), there's nothing remarkable about him at all, but like Mario he worked multiple blue collar jobs until he finally hit it big grifting off of Boomer Cuckservatives on Youtube.
Most of the girls I see him with, are ok. They're like about a 7, but they still look way out of his league, lol! Which again bears some similarities to Mario, the fat pudgy mess who lands total 10s like Pauline, Peach & Rosalina. He lets Luigi have Daisy though, lol.

That's the guy who gets called Far Right? When he's so fucking normie that I can imagine my bros or dad liking him coz he's such a Centrist Fence sitting cuck, who actually makes a lot of logical-based arguments. (That Vaush kept labeling as emotional.)

That's the problem with the USA right now, being an everyman like Super Mario, is labeled as Far Right these days.
The irony is that Vaush himself, sounds very Alt-Right, lol.

Vaush calls Tim Pool Far Right, yet It's Vaush who actually espouses Far Right view points, such as Demographics is destiny to explain away Urban city voting patterns & his hatred towards Israel. His views on those subjects co-align exactly with at least what the Alt-Right thinks. Tim has never been anything but a liberal from 3 decades ago who got left behind. Not unlike what happened to Reagan back in the 80s. Vaush is a wannabe European, with how he conflates the Euro political scale with American.

What really pissed me off about his fans, is that they act as though his viewers worship Tim Pool, when really, I just think he's a dumbass, but he's just that typical normie friend we all had growing up and it's fun watching him grow his empire just through sheer dedication. His product fucking sucks. I could make a much better product? Would it be as relatable? Hell no, coz I'm not relatable, LOL! I was obviously born with advantages that most people don't have. I'm not even from the ghetto, Tim actually is from the hood, lol.
Again, that's just like motherfucking Super Mario who originally came from the streets of Brooklyn, until it got retconned with New Donk City. Which is basically New York, so it's still the same place as far as I'm concerned.

That's the weird thing about me though, I'm basically from similar upbringing as the Vaush types, but I didn't end up like him, coz I'm not fat & ugly. I'm able to assert power & dominance through my personal charisma & appearance. If I weren't able to do, I dunno, maybe I'd be some retarded Libertarian Socialist too, which makes no fucking sense to me coz socialism violates the LOLbertarian NAP principle.

There really is no future for any media to be legitimately good with this social media shit going on. Nintendo still happens to make fun games, specifically because they're so ass backwards they have no idea about modern social media marketing, and they're making so much money making games for normal fucking people who just want to play shit (woah who'd have thought that was an option) that they don't have to care either lol

I honestly think that Nintendo is just Xenophobic. They'll throw some morsels for Americans every once in a while such as Choose your style (instead of gender) in the American localization of Animal Crossing & the same sex parings in Fire Emblem. Which make no fucking sense to me at all, coz the whole pairing up system was meant to show the comradery of brotherhood of arms, but dumbass Americans turned Fire Emblem into smut bullshit. Funny enough, the American fanbase always blames the Japanese when the harem shit is actually way more popular in the USA. DO YOU SENSE THE SAME PATTERN THAT I'M SEEING IN REGARDS TO AMERIBURGER SIMIANS?
Actually I think it's a problem with White people in general. They always project on to you, personal issues that they're dealing with. I actually saw FE Three House's dlc get graded down coz it didn't have enough gay relationships, and it still didn't have a tranny. As though those were social-political problems, when damn near no one outside of the USA/Canada/Europe/Australia gives a fucking shit about First World White people problems.

Nintendo once lorded over the USA during the NES & early SNES era and forced American companies to play by their rules. Games were much better back then though, precisely due to how strict Nintendo was, with any product that dared to grace their systems. Sure I am more of a Sega guy, and the main reason Genesis was able to compete in the West is due to how Sega is much more Libertarian. The thing is, that's Sega's own undoing. EA Games & Microsoft eventually ate up & spat Sega out.
Nintendo is still standing as a hardware manufacture coz to Nintendo, only Nintendo matters. Every else can go eat dirt as far as they're concerned.


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:04 am
That's exactly why I like Xenoblade 2.
Yeah I really gotta get me that. I'm not buying videogames yet though because my money finally came in and I'm using it to expand my business, before I start spending it on garbage lol. (That will double my revenue, so obviously it's the smart thing to do right now even though I'd rather buy garbage LOL!)
I was actually referring to SMT & Persona as a whole. SMT games have waifus now. Past SMT games did not. Past SMT games did have babes, but they weren't waifus since they all get killed early in the story anyway or they became the main bad guy, AYY LMAO!
It's actually very fucking weird how the waifus are written in SMT4A because it clashes with the plot completely.
In the plot, you are recruiting the leaders of each surviving faction of the human race in order to weaken the faith in YHWH
In the dialog, you're making friends with waifus who want your dick and anime friends and shit. (The dialogue writer for SMT4A is actually a level designer LOL!)
I skipped through most of the dialogue by the end because it had the same problem as Persona 5, they reiterate the same plot points over and over again, it's so fucking redundant and you just want to move on to the next badass boss fight. Except in SMT4A skipping the dialogue takes a second, in P5 it still takes five to ten minutes because it has to go through animations and shit lol.
That's why I really don't understand why Americans really fucking hate Shonen.
Most shonen manga is fucking unreadable though, I tried reading through all the shit that is popular nowadays like Chainsaw man, and it's such utter garbage it's unbelievable to me anyone would ever consider it a narrative, let alone a good one. DBZ is also awful and so is super lol. I have nice memories of Yu Yu Hakusho but I haven't read that since I was a kid. Sword Art Online, all sorts of isekai shit is all garbage. Bleach is terrible but the art is nice lol.
One Piece is actually an exception in that it's an eternal masterpiece that can be understood and enjoyed by 7yos and adult alike.

Granted that doesen't mean that the genre itself is shit. Again audiences are so fucking stupid that they operate like pavlov's dog; since most shonens are awful, that means that anything resembling shonen is also bad on principle lol.

I see what you mean about the optimistic main characters though. I'm not against that goku type character at all. Since I like to think my intellect is above that of a dog, just because most shonen manga happen to be terrible I don't believe every single trope associated with them to be a tumor lol.
It works especially well in One Piece because Luffy is such an extreme character, he is just a retard who is dead set in his convictions and likes to eat. He doesen't really develop as a character (at least not up to where I read, which is near the end of the skypiea arc.) but he works because he really is the driving force bringing everyone together, even Zoro who is generally a very serious person gains respect for him and decides to follow him early on because he admires his determination. In a way the character develop around him, using Luffy as a stepping stone because he doesen't actually need an internal conflict.
That's amazing writing, I'm actually just as impressed as you are with One Piece, before you started talking about it non-stop I only had vague memories of reading it as a kid but I didn't remember it being better than pretty much every modern piece of narrative media lol.

Americans are eternal children that believe in black and white manichean morality, but at the same time, have a constant need to appear edgy and mature (which is a trait of 9yo to 13yo children LOL!)
Ameritards prefer stories where you treat the villain like a 1 dimensional dumbass, kill him or her, and then the world is magically happy.
The current understanding of the Suda51 KTP series is that the aliens from NMH3 are the leaders of ELBOW from the silver case and travis is going to punch the nazis, I mean the aliens and conclude the storyline
What does that mean exactly? It just sounds so funny & irrelevant. You did once claim that although I hate Twin Peaks season 3, that I actually had a better understanding of it than those who claim to love it.
It means exactly what I said, I'm amazed by how fucking stupid people are. I mean I've always known but I never realized the level most people operate on. I have to hang around a lot of stupid people due to my job and I sometimes can't believe the shit they say, and the level they operate on. Yes people who are literate are above the average but that was a backhanded insult, I was implying exactly what you stated in your response, that being literate is irrelevant when you lack the cognition to understand what the fuck you are reading LOL!

Anyway I still stand by that, you described TP3 better than most of its fanbase because you explained it as a series of vignettes that you're meant to piece together like looking through security camera footage.
It's funny because you meant that as an insult, while it's one of the reasons why I like it a lot lol. Meanwhile its fanbase likes it, because it was SUBVERSIVE and pissed people off!! OHHHH you were expecting COFFEE AND CHERRY PIE??? Well Lynch (who is an auteur that never in his life gave a fuck about audience expectations. But for this one time, he totally built this show around audience expectations.) TOTALLY THREW YOU FOR A LOOP!
I understand that as a rationalization, because "fans" actually hated the show, and had to rationalize it as being "bad on purpose" or "disappointing on purpose".
Imagine being so mind broken by consumeristic culture, that when you hate a show that you are "meant" to like, you just rationalize your hatred as the intended meaning.

The only time Lynch ever created something "bad on purpose" was Inland Empire, and that's not even "bad". What I mean by that is that he used "poor framing" (the kind that JJ Abrahams does accidentally because he can't fucking direct a movie lol) and cinematography as a tool to unhinge the audience.
The reason for this, is coz I'm not pretending to be anything I'm not. (Despite what Internet nerds may claim.)
I say, exactly what I'm thinking. I don't give a fuck about what the masses think, most of them don't have minds of their own. They just repeat what a popular youtuber says, and the youtuber is usually some sub 90 - 120 iq midwit who thinks they're smart coz they took a college class on the subject, AYY LMAO!
The new trend about "video essays" is literally just youtubers forcing themselves to do homework because that's just how mindbroken they were by the school system. It's fucking amazing
How do people just ignore the whole Globalist Political faction that's a fucking large focus of the fucking game?
Because all they understand of the game is the graphics they see on the screen, they see a man walking so the game is about walking. Have you ever heard anyone talk about actual game design when discussing videogames? I bet you can't name five "critics" that ever did that lol.
It doesen't matter anyway because being part of the game's fanbase doesen't actually mean you like the game, just that you latched on to it in order to feel "smart" and "profound". Most Suda fans only care about the NMH games and they only care about those because they see themselves reflected in the main character.

Just google the game and see how many "essays" mention that FSR is "tedious on purpose" to be subversive. Granted it takes five minutes to google an actual interview from writer and director Suda51 claiming that the slow pace of the game is meant to evoke the slow pace of a vacation in a tropical paradise but I must be retarded, because academias nowadays teach that the author's intention doesen't actually matter lol.
In Mario's case, Mario is still really fucking weird. I kinda want me the new Paper Mario coz it's so fucking weird. LIke fuck man, in Mario's setting, every single girl is a fucking hot tall leggy White chick (even the Jessica Rabbit looking girl from Donkey Kong, who's fine as fuck in Mario Tennis, lol) who fall in love with that midget ass Italian Beaner Spic Wop Mario thing, lol.
That's because italian men have huge fucking rhino dicks
You could never make a new series of games with the character designs that Mario has. Mario only gets a pass, coz it's Nintendo. Mario would get instantly cancelled coz none of the women is a handicapped tranny. I've seen Mario Kart get hate, coz everyone is White. They even say that about Smash Bros, when I'm damn sure that Ryu is Japanese, LOL! He's just vaugely White looking like me.
And everyone complaining about that is a limp dick angloid hbomberguy looking mutant motherfucker, every black gamer I know loves smash and doesen't give a fuck lol.


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:28 am
by DaRealEvilone
There is a kirby allies demo

Lol nintendo doesn't care main holidays title

Nintendo always get attacked but to me they are the real conservatives
Sony microsoft rapidly jumped to support blm
Then major sports such as nba nfl ect began using blm logos and pushing blm agenda
Coaches being fired for not embracing it
Even I saw people complaining about nintendo not embracing it

When you use the word puritans is clearly wrong, puritans, puritans is what nintendo is
Being pure to the idea
Being pure to the ideals such as you are born as male or female that's it, others supposedly imaginary genders exist in your mind but not in factual evidence



Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:12 am
by DaRealEvilone
This is proof how the cancel culture is just nwo
Just because the joke he said, he was fired
Many military soldiers gone missing yet they never even start an investigation
Then make a nwo joke, firing you, closing your account

Check another attack on pokemon, Facebook Twitter Instagram are all controlled, easy manipulatable too. As in shadowgat3 documentary, is easy for them to create bots to support their agenda. As a normal person would ask why majority support this idea? Clearly isn't majority but just propaganda for everyone to fit and follow

Even more ... -real-mad/


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:16 pm
by Jack
I played the Age of Calamity demo, it's ok. It's just a reskin of Fire Emblem Warriors. The story though, is everything that BOTW's story presentation should've been. I kinda want to get it just for the story & ost.
Princess Zelda is also really fun to play coz she specializes in those physics-based weapons.

One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 is way better though. Pirate Warriors 4 feel like a fighting game coz every character has at least 10 basic dial a combos. I think Mihawk had the most, at 20. Which is a lot coz most fighitng games don't even have that many different button combinations that you can mix up & free style with.
Pirate Warriors 4's lock on functions like Devil May Cry in that you lock on to maintain your crazy combo. AOC's lock on, works exactly like BOTW's lock on, in that it's really used for evasion & blocking.

I played the demo in Very Hard, and it actually is hard. The normal enemies just get in the way, but the powered up monsters will one hit kill Zelda, nearly one hit kill Impa and will kill Link in 3 hits.

What I don't like about AOC, is that you only get two combo strings. You can mix up the two combo strings, which can multiply the combo possibilities times the number of the combo lentgh that you've unlocked.
it just feels very basic when compared to Pirate Warriors 4.
This is Nintendo though. I think Nintendo does it on purpose. They always make their tentpole games somewhat casual because it attracts the most people.
Every once in awhile they make a Xenoblade 2 or Smash Bros, which has a shit ton of depth & hidden complexity but for the most part, Nintendo usually makes trash like Spla-toon, lol.

The casualness works with Nintendo Platformers, coz the stages & platforming themselves differ in difficulty & execution but the actual act of movement & fighitng is kept very casual.
This process of development doesn't work for Beat em ups or shooters though, which is why Nintendo's Musou games & shooters have all been fairly meh to me. They're all designed around NintenToddlers in mind, who most likely don't like any games outside of Zelda & Mario.

AOC is way better than Fire Emblem Warriors though, and the music is fucking phenomenal. I really like Stage 2's song, at least the first song you hear until it switches to the shitty Guardian track from BOTW. (It was shit in BoTW, it's still shit in AOC.)
If I didn't have Pirate Warriors 4, I'd prob preorder AOC, but honestly it's really only worth it for the story. The gameplay is insanely repetitive. It's nothing like Pirate Warriors 4 at all. PW4 may be a similar game, but the fighting feels like a fighting game. AOC just feels like a slightly better Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, lol.
DaRealEvilone wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 6:28 am There is a kirby allies demo
Duh I know that. I said the demo was fun. I was asking about the game, loL! Daemon X Machina's demo was fun, but the actual game is boring.

Nintendo always get attacked but to me they are the real conservatives
Sony microsoft rapidly jumped to support blm
Then major sports such as nba nfl ect began using blm logos and pushing blm agenda
Coaches being fired for not embracing it
Even I saw people complaining about nintendo not embracing it

When you use the word puritans is clearly wrong, puritans, puritans is what nintendo is
Being pure to the idea
Being pure to the ideals such as you are born as male or female that's it, others supposedly imaginary genders exist in your mind but not in factual evidence

I'm not using Puritan wrong at all. I use Puritan when describing Evangelicals, which is what they are.
Bible Literalist faggots. I use the term Reverse-Puritan coz SJWs have reverse Puritan ideals.
SJWs and the like, follow a Dogma that's exactly like Cucktanity, except everything is reversed. The morals are reversed. They think Heterosexuals are abnormal, and that Homosexuals & Trannies are actually the norm, or would've if we allegedly didn't discriminate them so much.
I'm more of the belief, that annoying, whiny gay faggots actually are rare (outside of the West), because it makes no sense for evolution to produce so many biological dead ends. The point of life, is to recreate life. Love is not Love. Love doesn't matter. It's just an emotional trigger which creates a magnetic attraction between individuals which compels them to stay together long enough to raise a child or several.

They however, are plentiful in the West due to a culture that cultivates pussy ass sissies, and demonizes manhood. One needn't look further than the difference between Japanese & Modern American culture. Japanese culture emphasizes the community, family, devotion & loyalty.
American culture emphasizes equality of outcomes, universalism, & raw individualism, to the point that American individualism is now defined by their 999 different sexual orientations & genders, AYY LMAO.

I agree with you on your definition of puritan, and you are correct about Nintendo. It's actually their conservatism that kinda pisses me off though coz Nintendo plays it way too safe. (Then again, look at Sega, who don't play it safe at all. Were way too Libertarian and it caused their downfall coz it allowed EA Games to eventually exceed Sega's own networth.)
Or so we believe, banking on the Switch wasn't a guaranteed success due to how far out there of an idea that it was, but Nintendo took the risk and reaped the rewards. Switch is prob my 2nd fave system after Genesis & it bumped out the original Xbox from my no. 2 spot.

I didn't even bother to buy the Switch back in 2017 coz I was already wrong about both the Wii & Wii U. I thought those two would be super successes. Wii was, during a pre-mobile game era. Wii U was just a flop with no audience.
This is proof how the cancel culture is just nwo
Just because the joke he said, he was fired
I prefer the term Zionist. You are correct about a lot of the origins of strife. Is just a lot of what you say in previous posts, can make you fall into the "raycissm" logic-trap. Which will handicap you in real life, jailed or killed. That's the kind of people you're dealing with. Lawyer motherfuckers who's command of English is on the avg level of a Surgeon.
I don't really like the NWO term, because it makes it sound like it has nothing to do with a specific race (such as Khazar), as though it were a global collaborative effort, when it's actually just tribalism. There are competing tribes competing for dominance, but the root of it all is tribalism, asserting their power over sovereign nations. Or as the Topdrunk would've said, back when he existed
"Them pussy ass motherfuckers stickin their dick up all of our nations' asses, without consent."


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:55 pm
by Jack
Xenoblade 2 actually does have a lot of shitty ass Mobile gaming & Gacha mechanics though, but I don't really mind it, coz I got the blades I wanted, AYY LMAO! Kos-Mos is like the best non-story blade you get during the first playthrough. Postgame & New game + is when you get Blades who completely change the combat like Elma, The Torna crew, Xenoblade 1 crew, more Xenosaga sluts, etc.

The writing also does flow exactly like an anime, in that most of it is filler nonsense. I don't mind that though, coz it feels more real. I don't like the overly rehearsed nature of Film narratives where everything conveniently falls into place to create a smooth narrative. That's how Xenoblade 1 is told, & is most likely why most people love it. XB1 follows the same exact story beats of a movie.

I prefer how Xenoblade 2 does things where there's actually a fairly serious scene where Tora is standing in the front of the screen, making the framing look awkward as hell. As though an amateur cameraman filmed the scene. Rex just punches him out of the way because Tora is so damn distracting and detracted from the scene.

I lol'ed when I first saw that coz it was so random.
In a normal game, they all would've stood still like dolls as they talk to each other, but XB2 just turns the plot exposition into a joke. It's all done on purpose coz you later find out that you're actually on Earth and God is just the Earthling faggot from XB1.

I guess XB2 is kinda like a parody of The Wizard of Oz. That's basically what Klaus is, just some dork.
The current understanding of the Suda51 KTP series is that the aliens from NMH3 are the leaders of ELBOW from the silver case and travis is going to punch the nazis, I mean the aliens and conclude the storyline
NMH 3 is about an alien invasion so I guess think that NMH is the core of the KTP universe, lol.
Why is everything so gay these days? KTP was actually a mature setting. Despite what Internet tranny nerds say about me. I actually am mature, I just don't present myself that way, coz I fucking hate people who are dour & serious all the time. Like you said in a previous comment, Americans tend to have the mind of a 13 yr old who only can only contemplate Good vs Evil binary logic, but they like to present themselves as edgy & contrarian, when they're actually part of the machine that they rebel against.
Anyway I still stand by that, you described TP3 better than most of its fanbase because you explained it as a series of vignettes that you're meant to piece together like looking through security camera footage.
It's funny because you meant that as an insult, while it's one of the reasons why I like it a lot lol.
A lot of times, if a SJW doesn't know who I am at all, they'll actually agree with nearly everything I say coz I make the same exact observations about people of whom, they hate. The funny part is that I'll think the person in question is a fucking pussy who deserves no respect (but I like laughing at him.) whereas they'll think the person in question is Far Right & deserves to be punched. I'm actually talking about Tim Pool, and the laugh I had when several SJWs in a row told me that he's a CIA agent, lol. I even saw Stool bring that up at a stream about how a lot of Leftys call him a CIA agent, lol.

The subject about the Beanie tard came up in a different stream with an Asian girl who's friends with Tulsi Gabbard. The SJWS in the chat labeled her as "Far Right" like Tim Pool, lol.
SJWs are so lucky that real Right Wingers like that Big Scary Black guy, are banned off of the internet.
Just google the game and see how many "essays" mention that FSR is "tedious on purpose" to be subversive. Granted it takes five minutes to google an actual interview from writer and director Suda51 claiming that the slow pace of the game is meant to evoke the slow pace of a vacation in a tropical paradise but I must be retarded, because academias nowadays teach that the author's intention doesen't actually matter lol.
At the other forum, hipsters would constantly argue that shit to me, that Suda's intention doesn't matter.
That makes no fucking sense to me? What's the point of boliviating over each others' fanfiction. That's what their bullshit theories are, fanfiction.

Have you ever heard anyone talk about actual game design when discussing videogames? I bet you can't name five "critics" that ever did that lol.
I actually can, but that's just me, it's due to my interests.
Well ok may be only 4 since most of the people I can think of are just Justin Wong types. Professional players, not critics.
There were plenty of Blog game critics back in the 2000s that I used to follow, but not a single one of them seems to exist any more. I guess they all got chased out of the internet just like me, lol. I'm one of the rare few who can critique gameplay & story with an equal of depth.

I hate faggots who commentate over games, and I also hate lorefaggots who aren't actually discussing lore.They're discussing theories that came straight out of their ass. These faggots act as though I did the same thing when I originally made this site, but I'm just literally repeating what the fucking game fucking said in literal English, LOL! Americans don't understand motherfucking English!

It's actually very fucking weird how the waifus are written in SMT4A because it clashes with the plot completely.
In the plot, you are recruiting the leaders of each surviving faction of the human race in order to weaken the faith in YHWH
In the dialog, you're making friends with waifus who want your dick and anime friends and shit. (The dialogue writer for SMT4A is actually a level designer LOL!)
It sucks how a game that originally wasn't made for nerds, is now made for nerds. I can't think of a single female character who was a waifu in any SMT game prior. Yuriko maybe, but not only was she one of the main bad guys, she was also Lilith. Did the heroine from SMT1 & 2 even make it past the half way point before dying? LOL! Strange Journey bitch, was one of the main bad guys. I already explained away SMT3. SMT4 was the first time they had a waifu, who you could kill, but she wasn't ever depicted as antagonistic, and you just look like an asshole for killing her, AYY LMAO! SHE'S READ ROSE OF VERSAILES AND SHIT! HOW COULD YOU KILL THE FELLOW OTAKU?
Most shonen manga is fucking unreadable though, I tried reading through all the shit that is popular nowadays like Chainsaw man, and it's such utter garbage it's unbelievable to me anyone would ever consider it a narrative, let alone a good one. DBZ is also awful and so is super lol. I have nice memories of Yu Yu Hakusho but I haven't read that since I was a kid. Sword Art Online, all sorts of isekai shit is all garbage. Bleach is terrible but the art is nice lol.
Yu Yu Hakusho was like the one good shonen that I'd recommend. When I think of Shonen though, I just think of the Dragonball formula. I don't even know what Chainsaw is. I have seen Sword Fart Online and it fucking sucks. It's just a harem anime. Rocky 4 is what my idea of shonen anime is, so I'll leave it at that.

I do like Dragon Ball Z, but it turns to shit midway during the Cell saga. The power levels really ruined it. The closest thin One Piece has to power levels are Haki, which in video game terms would just be armor buffs, speed buffs, & charisma buffs and it has nothing to do with laser beams & shit.

The Straw hat crew fight a DBZ level guy during the Sky Island arc, and the only reason he was hard to beat (he actually gets knocked out in one punch, coz he's actually weak, LOL!) , was coz he knew how to predict movements through Haki (which is similar to Mythra & Shulk's ability to predict time, seconds before it happens.), but the straw hats crew didn't.

Another thing that I don't like about DBZ is how the plot completely stops once a fight starts coz everyone literally sits their asses down just to watch two OP retards fight. In One Piece, there's always something going on in the background during the fight. Every single crew member has a purpose.

I see what you mean about the optimistic main characters though. I'm not against that goku type character at all. Since I like to think my intellect is above that of a dog, just because most shonen manga happen to be terrible I don't believe every single trope associated with them to be a tumor lol.
It works especially well in One Piece because Luffy is such an extreme character, he is just a retard who is dead set in his convictions and likes to eat. He doesen't really develop as a character (at least not up to where I read, which is near the end of the skypiea arc.) but he works because he really is the driving force bringing everyone together, even Zoro who is generally a very serious person gains respect for him and decides to follow him early on because he admires his determination. In a way the character develop around him, using Luffy as a stepping stone because he doesen't actually need an internal conflict.
That's amazing writing, I'm actually just as impressed as you are with One Piece, before you started talking about it non-stop I only had vague memories of reading it as a kid but I didn't remember it being better than pretty much every modern piece of narrative media lol.

That's not true at all. Luffy did have tons of development (& he's still developing in the latest chapters from this year. Too bad the rest of the crew stopped developing though, except for Sanji & Zoro.), even in the episodes that you've seen. You didn't notice, coz you were just a kid, and you most likely needed to have the development beat into your head rather than noticing it through the story telling. I never actually seen or read OP in depth until this year, so it's easy for me to immediately pick up the character development of Luffy. Or rather, He's already a complete character but we slowly peel away at the depth of Luffy's character.

When One Piece starts, we assume that he's just a dumbass, who isn't even aware of his surroundings. By the time the climax of Arlong Park starts, we finally get our first indication that Luffy is actually intelligent.
He was only pretending not to care about Nami's drama, coz he respected her enough to handle her problems by herself. When she realized that she actually fucked up her life, and started stabbing herself.
Luffy stopped her from killing herself, & he finally stepped in & resolved the problem for her, after she asked for help. Like XB2's Rex, Luffy has a very manly personality.

That's the kind of person that Luffy is. He believes in you, so he doesn't get in your way. He wants you to be strong & stand on your own two feet, to pursue the goals that you've set out for yourself.
We learn this as early as the first episode when he punches Koby who kept whining about how he can't do anything coz he's scared of the consequences. That pissed off Luffy, coz he dislikes passiveness.

During the Alabasta saga, we learn that Luffy's bloodline may have some historical significance. That's the reason why Robin saved him. She noticed that Luffy has the D. initial in his name.
During that arc, we have no fucking idea what Robin is talking about at all. We don't finally learn what Robin was thinking until the Water 7 arc, when it's revealed that a Giant with the initial D. saved her from the Marines who massacred her entire town because they're the only ones who can read the poneglyphs which contain information on ancient weapons of mass destruction.

The D. is the Will of D. It actually functions somewhat similarly to the Miang program from Xenogears.
It's a group of individuals from the same bloodline (they're not all directly related though.) who are compelled towards a singular purpose, because it is their destiny. The Will of D., is to defy God. God within the context of One Piece, refers to the establishment powers of One Piece, The Celestial Dragons, who are the Aristocrat class who command the One World Government.
The hero of the story (Luffy) and the main villain (Blackbeard) are both from the D. bloodline, they're related to each other.

This Will of D. is important to know, coz it explains why Luffy is so fucking retarded. Gold Roger, is a D. His name is Gol D. Roger, also part of the same bloodline as Luffy. Those who bear the name of D. are just naturally compelled to put themselves in a position that goes directly against the Celestial Dragons.
Blackbeard & Luffy are both men, who have no plan. They just leave everything up to fate, and that's part of what makes their stories so interesting. They're from similar backgrounds, but they both reached similar goals through different means. Blackbeard plays the long game of increasing his power through political backstabbing until he's strong enough to defy the gods. Luffy is just a dumbass who's out for adventure but he has the charismatic-ability to attract the allies he needs (He conveniently has Nico Robin, who's practically the only one who has a chance of piecing together the mystery of One Piece.), to help fulfill his ambition of being King of the Pirates.

Dumbass Luffy doesn't even know what being King of the Pirates even means, but it doesn't matter. He has the Will of D. No matter what, the forces of fate will always guide him towards where he needs to be, coz Luffy is just a chess piece in the world of One Piece's politics.
Since he is an initial D., most fans speculate that Luffy will eventually die before it even ends, because that's generally what happens to people who have the Will of D. The story isn't about Luffy, even you stated this, but where you got it wrong, is that One Piece is actually about the world's setting. The world itself, seems to have a life of its own.
Even after 2 decades, we still have no fucking idea what the One Piece is, or whatever the fuck weird ass cosmic shit that's going on with the D. bloodline.

A few characters know the secrets about it, who are introduced to you after the Enie's Lobby arc. Blackbeard who was introduced way back in Jaya also seems to know. Buggy the Clown of all people, also seems to have a decent idea of what One Piece is, which is how we know that One Piece isn't gold or traditional treasure coz Bugyy doesn't give a fuck about the One Piece, and he actually avoids it. He's even aware of who the D. family are, which is why he avoids fighting Portagas D. Ace.
It's amusing coz Buggy is basically like Kefka from Final Fantasy. He's just a joke relief character, but both of them actually rise up the ranks of viallainy & prestige within their settings. If Blackbeard didn't exist, I would actually assume that Buggy is the main bad guy, lol!
There's even a running joke within the fanbase that his name is actually Buggy D. Clown, LOL!

Oh man, another similarity one Piece has with the real world, their entire globalized news network, is all fake news, LOL! HE's just speculating, but everything he's saying actually is stated or shown in the manga.

It's amusing when you think about it, coz in real life, the news actually does serve as the propaganda pieces for Aristocratic Old money bloodlines similar to One Piece's Celestial Dragons. In OP, the Aristocrats are depicted as inbred mutants, which is also exactly like real life, LOL!


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:35 pm
At the other forum, hipsters would constantly argue that shit to me, that Suda's intention doesn't matter.
It ties back to the idea of death of the author.
For some reason that escapes me, this is being taught as factual in academia nowadays. I disagree with it, back when I was in school they'd actually contextualize pieces of literary work through the writer's biography and I think it's an important tool to discern an author's intention, as shit as the actual education system was back then lol.

Obviously there's an argument to be made by how ideas can be appropriated by later authors in different ways, to mean different things. You could make that argument about the line, "it's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" from Milton's Paraidse Lost. It is often quoted by others as a defiant anti-authority statement, and that's the meaning that should be derived from those quotes if the text supports it, but that doesen't somehow change the original Paraidse Lost in which it was obviously meant as a statement of Satan's pride, as in the sin of pride. Satan is not depicted as an icon of freedom in the original text, Milton adehered to catholic canon by depicting Satan as a rapresentation of all sin, including pride.
(Let's not get into an argument over how Satan and Lucifer were conflated into one character in modern christian mythology, you know what the fuck I mean, I'm just using it as an example LOL)

My point is, that meaning being projected by later generations doesen't somehow magically change the reasons as per why the author originally wrote the text. It can be interesting to discuss how later authors reinterpreted and remolded themes and ideas from their forebearers, especially in cinema where certain specific shots have been quoted and repurposed so many times they have absorbed several different meanings each time.
The Sopranos is constantly quoting the godfather, at times repurposing some very specific shots and lines (in particular during Tony's assassination attempt, and when he goes to the morgue to bury his mother) as commentary on how the depiction of italian-american mafiosos in popular media influences their action in the real world, which is a theme expressed in the text as well since the characters are constantly watching and discussing movies based on their particular subculture.

Does that turn the Godfather, into a prehemptive time travelling commentary piece on italian american subculture in the late 90s, early 2000s? Of course not, that's fucking retarded and the people who peddle the death of the author essay as the end all, be all explanation of all narrative don't even understand the context under which it was written lol.

I'm not even dunking on the idea that meaning can be extrapolated from a piece of art, depending on the viewer. Obviously feelings are individual. Facts are not however.

Suda is obviously a very nationalistic person, or at least he was during the late 90s, early 2000s when he wrote The Silver Case and Killer7. ELBOW, the ones who bankrolled the Nakane and Hachisuka clans and pit the TRO/CCO and FSO factions against one another, are described as a consortium of advanced nations. As in, foreigners to japan lol.
The entirety of Killer7's main plot revolves around Japan being nuked by "an asian threat" (it's obviously implied to be China, since the end of the game takes place in Shangai and even the title of the final chapter, "Lion", may be a reference to China as a "sleeping lion", though it might also refer to the bloody heartland. Suda does claim it's a conglomerate of asian nations which makes me think in the world of Killer7, China just colonized the rest of asia except for japan lol!) specifically because of their overreliance on international treaties. Fukushima knew that if push came to shove, the USA would not stand up for Japan and as such tried to get article 9 of the japanese peace constitution revoked, which would allow Japan to effectively wage war and either build a national army or turn the SDF into one.

Fukushima was proven right when Japan got nuked to hell and back, specifically because the Liberal Party had him assassinated in order to take over in the peace talks, which would allow them to mend the relationship with the USA and save Japan, gaining them political advantage.
Unfortunately its rapresentatives end up shooting each other in the face, LOL!
Matsuken then kills off his elder party members for failing to stop the annihilation of Japan, and prepares to kill himself before deciding to inherit the will of fukushima, that is to say, to use terrorism in order to build a strong sovereign nation, that stands on his own two legs. Terrorism being rapresented by Kun Lan and the Heaven Smiles. (Fukushima, Matsuken and the two old men are all part of the UN Party, which actually has nothing to do with the real world UN lol. It's just the name of the Party that is in opposition to the Liberal Party.)

This obviously shows to me Suda's stance on foreign influence on Japan. Though to dispel any fucking doubt, Suda actually claims in interview, that he wrote Matsuken as a positive character lol.
Here, I wanted to depict a Japan that fights to be strong, pitiably destroys itself, and is reborn from its ashes! In a sense, Japan is at its limit - and that's why I entrusted Matsuken with the task of representing the fighting Japanese.
Matsuken is a the symbol of a nation, of a new Japan. Kun is a symbol of terrorism, and Harman is the will of the United States. It's meant to illustrate the sword of terrorism being offered to a nation.
Now let's have a thought experiment. Say that you are vehemently anti-nationalist, in that you think sovereign nations and confined cultures shouldn't exist at all (which is basically the narrative we're getting from the USA nowadays.)
Obviously you would see Matsuken as a negative character, for trying to preserve Japan's sovereignity. That's where you subjective interpretation comes in. That's why it is said, that art pieces can be interpreted subjectively. The game even gives you the option of shooting matsuken in the face LOL!
Your subjective perspective doesen't actually overwrite the author's intention when writing the text though. Why shouldn't I take it into account? I'm sure a lot of people hate my website specifically because I source informations from interviews and what not, but I don't give a fuck.


Check out this thread where I explain that the 25th ward might have been written in part as a critique of the Liberal Party politics of buddying up with the Bush administration during the early 2000s. (The RAB is once again bankrolled by ELBOW through Nakane, with ELBOW being a FOREIGN AGENT.)
There's a whole motif running through the entirety of his catalogue on how urbanization is a tool for annihilating individual identity, and turning everyone into a mindless drone but I'm getting ahead of myself lol, I should really be writing this shit for the website instead.

My point is that interpreting a piece of narrative through your subjective lens, is not an actual analysis. You're just describing how you feel. Much like writing fanfiction, is just typing out what would make you happy if it happened within the story.
This point is muddled because thanks to advanced marketing, every piece of media is now built specifically to pander to a specific audience of submentals, rather than to express the thoughts and ideas of its creator. It has been going on for so long at this point, that I guess academics just decided auteurs don't exist anymore LOL.
I hate faggots who commentate over games, and I also hate lorefaggots who aren't actually discussing lore.They're discussing theories that came straight out of their ass. These faggots act as though I did the same thing when I originally made this site, but I'm just literally repeating what the fucking game fucking said in literal English, LOL! Americans don't understand motherfucking English!
As I mentioned in that big ass FAQ post, a lot of the stuff that is criticised wasn't even stuff you said. It was from other users on the old forums but for some reason everything gets pinned on you lol. Then some (FORUM) posts here and there where you got some details wrong due to the games only existing in japanese at the time, were cherrypicked to explain how you were spreading "misinformation on purpose" (about videogames LOL!). Some faggot ass piece of shit even posted a picture of my face on twitter that his obsessive compulsive ass had archived 12 years ago, and the only reason why I don't go after him is because I'm too lazy to track down the post again
I do like Dragon Ball Z, but it turns to shit midway during the Cell saga.
I don't like DBZ at all. I do like the original dragon ball though, the one where goku was a kid. I think introducing aliens and space conflict made the whole thing boring because it's a level of conflict that always gets resolved with someone shooting a bigger laser at someone else. One Piece focuses on much smaller conflicts than the fucking universal empire, and it works a lot better for me because while there are a lot of fights, the solution isn't usually as simple as killing the big bad and saving the day. Most of the villains actually survive and end up doing other shit in the side arcs lol.

The beginning of the Cell arc is even worse because they have to bring in time travel, just to establish the power level of cell being somehow higher of that of the emperor of the universe. So Trunks who was defeated by cell in the future, comes back to the past and easily dispatches Freezer and I'm already lost, like that shit is boring to me because it relies on complete powerlevel autism to be entertaining, and more often than not that "powerlevel" manifests in people transforming to become stronger and shoot a bigger laser at someone else.
The original DB was no masterpiece but it focused on smaller conflicts that I feel fit better with the antics of a strong kid having adventures and saving the day. I'm also not fond of all the retcons that came with expanding the story into space, such as goku (who looks 90% human) being a space alien while crazy creatures like Oolong or whatever the fuck Pilaf was are normal earthlings lol. Piccolo was also retconned as a space alien, while in the context of the original series, he was just another one of the many crazy creatures that lived in that world.

I don't think constantly expanding the conflict so that it moves further and further away from any comprehensible human reality makes for good world building at all. We never even get into how the world of DB is structured, before we move into space, then time travel, then interdimensional travel and gods who are actually just aliens with very specific and autistic details about their races and all sorts of shit.

I'm not calling you a retard for enjoying DBZ though, I'm just explaining why I don't really connect to it at all. I will concede it's still better than 99% of modern media because most modern media is just outright garbage.
When One Piece starts, we assume that he's just a dumbass, who isn't even aware of his surroundings. By the time the climax of Arlong Park starts, we finally get our first indication that Luffy is actually intelligent.
He was only pretending not to care about Nami's drama, coz he respected her enough to handle her problems by herself. When she realized that she actually fucked up her life, and started stabbing herself.
Luffy stopped her from killing herself, & he finally stepped in & resolved the problem for her, after she asked for help. Like XB2's Rex, Luffy has a very manly personality.
I don't disagree. That's why I called him an extreme character, rather than a shallow character. He really is dumb and his only interest in worldly possessions is having food, however he is driven by an unbeatable will. He's almost like a bullet, or an unstoppable force shot through the story. I had no idea about that will of D. stuff because I'm still at the Skypiea arc, but it is already conveyed in the story in an abstract sense.
What I mean to say when I say he doesen't develop, it's more like he doesen't need to grow as a character I guess. In that he doesen't really change or evolve, I do agree that you peel away at the surface of his appearence and discover more of his personal depth though.
The story isn't about Luffy, even you stated this, but where you got it wrong, is that One Piece is actually about the world's setting. The world itself, seems to have a life of its own.
Even after 2 decades, we still have no fucking idea what the One Piece is, or whatever the fuck weird ass cosmic shit that's going on with the D. bloodline.
Oh again I don't disagree with you at all on that. I'm amazed that a piece of media meant for fucking children took the time to establish an ever changing world with power structures and a shifting balance within them. I didn't go into the worldbuilding because you already did in its own thread. I was commenting on how well the characters function and develop within the story because that's something else I'm enjoying about it.
Anyway I haven't played Pirate Warriors 4 yet because I'm so behind on the story, I don't want to spoil shit for myself through a videogame lol.


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:47 pm
It sucks how a game that originally wasn't made for nerds, is now made for nerds.
Amen, that's because the original staffers behind the megaten games looked like badasses and enjoyed badass shit.
They built something to their tastes, that eventually found an audience.
When that audience left because of SMT3 (which honestly deserved to fail. The original release of SMT3 is pretty shit lol. I do love Maniax though don't get me wrong.) the suits at the company just decided to market their games at "gamers", and build them accordingly.
Market research says that "gamers" are "nerds", and so every videogame must be aimed at "nerds". They like digital wives who treat them like they're special so that's what they get. It's quite obnoxious but it's like selling drugs. You have an incentive to make them as addictive as possible, to turn your consumers into retards that believe you are their friend when you're actually poisoning them, because you despise their fucking retard asses LOL!

When corporations are pandering to you. Say by making games with digital wives that you romance because you are so lonely, you have to pretend they love you while you jerk off compulsively. They're actually deriding you, and insulting you by calling you a subhuman. They're not your friends just because they give you what you want, just like your heroin dealer isn't. You heroin dealer thinks you're a disgusting junkie.

(This is not me dunking on the entire dating sim genre by the way. I hate that I have to specify everything to the highest degree nowadays otherwise some faggot piece of shit takes my posts out of context to explain how I'm a self immolating jew nazi, or a SJW communist depending on the day. I'm talking about a very specific type of writing style here.)

That's why I came to despise audiences recently. They eat this shit up, thinking that corporations that make billions every year are their friends, because they reference shit they like. That's so fucking moronic they deserve to be taken advantage of, and it's my failing as a human being that I don't, because that's clearly the most efficient way of making money, having illiterate mental midgets worship you and give you money for no reason.