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Post by Krizzx »

I finally beat it. It was kind of underwhelming. I got the best/secret ending, but it really didn't have much. According to what I read, it, and the ending that a prerequisite to it are the least eventful.

Overall, the game felt really easy for a SMT game. I did play on normal difficulty instead of hard like most of the people I saw online, so that may be why.

The build I used is the same as always. One of every elemental magic with a focus on vitality first, magic second for stats. You die, its instant gameover, so I dumped everything into vitality until it was like double every other stat. This game seems to have a level scaling calculation system like Xenoblade Chronicles, though. Level difference effects damage done/taken way more than any stat.

Most of the fights were easy for me as a result since nearly everything has a weakness (all but 2 enemies I fought in the game have a weakness and those were endgame bosses.) The hardest fight in the game is Shiva. I thought I was going to dogwalk him like every other boss with the Rasetsu-Magatsuhi/Golden Apple combo. First attack wiped 3/4 of my team.

I powered leveled and then reach max using Gospels and got Beelzebub. That pretty much made it the fight cakewalk, as well as all subseqent battles. This game doesn't hard lock you into an ending based on your choices like 4 did. It just sets which ending you can get for free. Otherwise, you'll have to pay a huge amount of macca to change alignment route.

The characters were really stereotypical anime, and the hamfisted anti-Christian plotline never stops being 2 dimensional and one-sided in its disdain for the Christian mythos. Law is clearly characterized as evil, while Chaos and Neutral are characterized as good. There are well written takes on anti deism like in the Xeno- games, and older SMT games. This was not one of them.

It has the most simplistic writing I've ever seen in an SMT game. C Tier anime level, and the character designs or even more gaudy anime nonsense. They looks like the Personas from Persona 4. I'm guessing Kanako is not doing the art anymore.

Gameplay was still pretty decent though, and the environment(outside) looked spectacular. Well, as spectacular as desert wastelands with collapsed building can look. One of the best looking games on the Switch(outside). The inside dungeons visuals, not so much. There are 4 dungeons, or maybe I should say 3 and quarter. The final really didn't feel so much like a dungeon as it did a long boss platform with bends and curves. The stark contrast between the outside zones and the inside dungeos makes me think the inside dungeons were never fully fleshed out or completed. The texture work and overall fidelity is like night and day with the outside.

If I were to use a number scaled, i would rate it 3/5 overall. Combat it has going for it.
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Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:29 pm
The build I used is the same as always. One of every elemental magic with a focus on vitality first, magic second for stats. You die, its instant gameover, so I dumped everything into vitality until it was like double every other stat.
Wasn't that also the case in Nocturne? I think I also go with Vit. I'm not sure. I know I up Mag of course, but I think my second main stat was skill or whichever one increased multiple stats at the same time.
In Nocturne I had to improvise with crap like fog & media until I got to the brokeass shit like luster candy, mediahran, samarecarm, debilitate, etc.
Then pair that up with Masakados, you won't even have to left a finger to kill anything, coz they kill themselves when they hit you lol.
I also made sure that each demon in my crew had at least one ability that they could reflect or absorb.

Most of the fights were easy for me as a result since nearly everything has a weakness (all but 2 enemies I fought in the game have a weakness and those were endgame bosses.) The hardest fight in the game is Shiva. I thought I was going to dogwalk him like every other boss with the Rasetsu-Magatsuhi/Golden Apple combo. First attack wiped 3/4 of my team.
Yeah most of the bosses look easy except Demi Fiend, who's a DLC boss lol. I was never that hype for the game any way, as shown by how I didn't even day 1 it. At $30, it's a steal but nobody is selling it at WA for some reason. Oh sure Amazon is, but I don't want to mail order.
The characters were really stereotypical anime, and the hamfisted anti-Christian plotline never stops being 2 dimensional and one-sided in its disdain for the Christian mythos. Law is clearly characterized as evil, while Chaos and Neutral are characterized as good. There are well written takes on anti deism like in the Xeno- games, and older SMT games. This was not one of them.
You make it sound as bad as Grandia 2 lol. As good as Grandia 2 is, the teen angst of its story turns me the fuck off. Even if I do agree with its criticisms of the church & mainstream perceptions of religion. Damn near every Christian claims that their specific neighborhood-church is the 'correct church', now donate to the "poor". Which is just a fund that goes directly to chomo kiddie diddlers.

Outside of Devil Survivor, I don't think law was ever viewed in a favorable light. Law is outright evil in SMT2 lol. (Honestly, who would ever side with YWYH even in real life? Yeah I went there, ooops looks like I angered any Americuck Judeo-Christcuck that was sstill here lol.)

SMT2 & Xenogears are actually talking about the same exact subject matter though, but I think Gears does it more justice coz that game shows to you the true nature of archons or how hostile entities just transmit their consciousness into human host bodies & take them over (like Invasion of Body Snatchers. Shit even Nocturne portrays to you that alleged demons enter humans via parasites, that's what magatama are.), completely erasing the individual who originally inhabited the body like what happened to Fei's mom, or Ramsus's hot babe. SMT2's depiction is accurate, but it resembles the old world gilded age more than Gears did.
SMT2 assumed that history repeats itself.
Gears goes with the belief that history rhymes & sounds similar, but the lyrics are always different.
In Gears they think that the modern era's spiritual conflict would be far less telegraphed between some faggot chomo church, and those who just want to be left alone. Sure it also has the evil church, but the Gear's church is just a smokescreen to remind people of the horrors from the last century.
(It's amusing to me how talking about that game, also sounds like I'm talking about real life. Every century, we completely rewrite the history books, the dates, & the geographical maps so it won't resemble reality at all. Objective Reality ceases to be real once you let the institutions redefine reality.)
It has the most simplistic writing I've ever seen in an SMT game. C Tier anime level, and the character designs or even more gaudy anime nonsense. They looks like the Personas from Persona 4. I'm guessing Kanako is not doing the art anymore.
Kaneko is not. You can easily tell, it's not his style at all. Kaneko actually reads, Ayy lmao! It was the same guy who did the demon designs for SMT4.
Gameplay was still pretty decent though, and the environment(outside) looked spectacular. Well, as spectacular as desert wastelands with collapsed building can look. One of the best looking games on the Switch(outside). The inside dungeons visuals, not so much. There are 4 dungeons, or maybe I should say 3 and quarter. The final really didn't feel so much like a dungeon as it did a long boss platform with bends and curves.
Fuck that's disappointing. Nocturne had dungeons galore and it felt so alien. Although one could also claim that it looked spiritual. Alien just means foreign anyway and Nocturne's surrealistic fractal dungeon designs are just as alien as they come.
If I were to use a number scaled, i would rate it 3/5 overall. Combat it has going for it.
Sounds about right. I never played it, but from what I've seen it just looks ok. It doesn't scream at me as a game that I must play. Funny coz I had the exact opposite reaction to Metroid Dread. Which I still believe is a masterpiece. I just don't play it much these days, coz I've unlocked Zero Suit Samus's art a long ass time ago. I did it after my second try on Hard mode. I'm waiting until I forget the layouts & shit before I play that game again although I do replay the final boss a lot. Problem is, I play that fight so much that I beat him like it's nothing now. Even on hard. I wish it had Bloodstained's extra modes.

Speaking of which, the Valis collection just came out but too bad I'm only seeing reviews by nerdy male feminist White guys who are totally not gay.

I roasted that fag in the comments section.
This review was terrible. He barely told you about the games. He just tried to be funny at the expense of the games, and then says some inane crap like "It's not as good as Rondo or Super Ghouls N Ghosts" when I'm thinking what the hell do any of those games have to do with each other? I don't know what Valis is, I still don't know after seeing the review because all he did is generalize. He said the story was crap, the games are so-so and then he repeats those opinions to make it long enough for a 10 min video.
I was going to bring up about how he wasted several minutes just decrying how perverted the Valis games are, but "I read the room" and saw that his comments section is filled with cucks who agree that the games are perverted and aren't good games at all. Like what? I don't think it's perverted at all. Normal men like actractive women. Not all of us are closet-gay tranny anglos. It amazes me how Xed says a lot of crazy fucking shit (Like that PS5 post he wrote, which is probably true), that turns out to be 100% accurate. I just found out that some White dude who always brags that he's a 6'4 250 pound Alpha male (he looks the part. So most of us go along with it.), is actually a cuck who beats his meat to other men fucking his wife, and he fucking films it. AYYY LMAOOOO! Anglos, they're mentally impaired cuckholds!!!! He thinks cuckholding is an Apex form of male.

Anyway Sure I lied when I said that I didn't know what Valis is, but it's a valid complaint. If I didn't know what Valis was. I still wouldn't fucking know after wasting my time listening to that retarded Switch review.
I cringed hardcore all throughout that vid coz he doesn't realize how fucking racist he is. Huur duur, just make up your own dub in your head. Then later on he claims that the story is gaffe, or not good. How the fuck would he know that Valis's story is shit when he can't understand the story anyway? LOL!
At least explain to me why the story is bad. I don't think it's bad at all.
I generally love reading stories from PC Engine games, because they're actually mature especially for the 16bit era.(I'd argue that they're way more mature than modern game writing too, it's just amusing to me how fucking awful game writing is in the modern era when compared to the oldies which are considered "bad". Merely coz they're old.)
(BTW, Iwazaru & Xed should really archive that Xak site. That shit looks so much like oldschool internet, and it has so much info.)

Even Valis's plot sounds epic as hell. I regret that I've only played the genesis & snes games coz I never knew anyone who had a Turbo duo cd.

Valis is fucking legendary with some amazing music.

Internet fags are trying to turn it into another Phantasy Star 3, Zelda 2 or Altered Beast (Games which were popular & highly rated during their era.) and claim that the games were always bad.
I play the shit out of Super Valis 4 through Switch NSO. I'm shocked that Valis 4 is really good. LIke shit, everyone loves Actraiser when Actraiser's action platforming is nowhere near Valis 4's level.
It'd be near classic to me had it been made on the Genesis. Valis 4 has nearly the same problems that every SNES action game has. The frame rate is garbage so the action feels somewhat clunky but who cares? Nobody ever shits on Contra 3 for having a shitty sluggish frame rate with countless slowdown. At least Valis 4 hardly ever goes into slo mo mode like Contra 3 constantly did.

EDIT: I just got carded when I tried to buy Saints Row The Third. Gaystop wanted to see my id to check if I was underage. I'd be thinking you could tell that I'm old as fuck just from the beard. Although with the corny ass pandemic mask on, I do look younger than how I usually look.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

I know velis

What day it is?
It another full deepens Nintendo completely domination again ... 1-12-12-21

Lol how they burn website editor
Lol Microsoft PS5 sales
Or even new halo sales

Oh YouTube sometimes I post those Xbox fanboys, nobody buys it

Contrary are if they arr Nintendo Xbox fans
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Post by Jack »

DaRealEvilone wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:59 am What day it is?
It another full deepens Nintendo completely domination again ... 1-12-12-21

Lol how they burn website editor
Lol Microsoft PS5 sales
Or even new halo sales
Switch has now sold 100 million units. Switch made it to 100 million in only 5 years. It took PS4 7 years to hit 100 million lol. The Kitty approves.
Even fucking retards like Falcom have finally seen the writing on the wall, and are ditching Sony for Switch. I can't believe it took those idiots that long. I saw how the winds were blowing by the summer of 2019. I knew there would only be two PS4 games I'd be interested in, in the future. Nioh 2, & Elden Ring. I was right. Everything else that's been released on PS4 since 2019 is queer shit.
I'd rather be playing the KOTOR remaster on Switch over that Woke-ass Kotor Remake.
I do want the new King of Fighters game (I don't think it'll come to Switch since SamSho flopped big time. I woulda bought a copy but it seems that SNK only made 5 physical copies worldwide lol.), but fighting games are not fun online, at all. Even when you win a lot, it's still shit. I do damn good as Terry Bogard & Palutena on Smash Online, but I still have way more fun playing against 7 cpus along with at least 2 OP Amiibos due to how fucking random & crazy the offline mode is. In online, no matter the modern fighter, you always have to play by competitive rulesets. It's not fun, coz I find that I win most matches by just spamming the same fucking move over & over lol. For some reason people don't know how to defend against Terry's desperation attacks or Palutena's up smash kek.
With the CPU, anything goes. In online, just spam the one move that humans have a hard time evading or defending. FUck as Palutena, I win half of my matches by just teleporting away and waiting for the timer to run out lol. It's gotten to the point that some players will instant suicide rather than waste about 5 minutes just trying to kill me, coz I play the keep-away runaway coward type of Palutena who can get very aggressive if you get too close.

On Switch I get a lot of Switch console exclusives such as Monster Rancher 1 & 2, & Wrestling Empire. Games that Sonypony's would laugh at, but I love for the gameplay and have easily sunk in 400+ hours. (I haven't gotten MR yet but I played the shit out of the originals on PSX.)

Unlike PS4, I'm interested in nearly all of the Switch exclusives. There's so many on the Switch that I've skipped some by accident like Bravely Default 2 & Astral Chain. Even one of the few PS4 exclusives that I had some interest in, such as Ninokuni 2 are released on the Switch lol. I prob get it if I see it. I usually only see Ninokuni 1 for Switch though, which was the wannabe Pokemon game. WHy play wannabe Pokemon when you already have Pokemon? ... -and-2023/
If these leaks are legit, damn I'm going to be wasting a lot of money on games next year and it'll all be Nintendo games.
Out of what's listed
I'm getting Pokemon Legends,
Kirby and the Forgotten Land,
Fire Emblem Echoes (most likely FE4),
Zelda WW/TP (Hell yeah if it's a bundle. SKyward Sword turned me into a Zelda fan, finally.),
New Donkey Kong 2d game,
Metroid Prime 4
Metroid Prime Remake
Metroid Samus Returns Switch remake
New Monolith soft Game (I hope it's just a Zelda or Kid Icarus rpg, but it's most likely just another Xenoblade.)

Bayo 3, Splat 3, Mario with a Gun 2 are all maybes for me. I don't see myself paying fool price for them.

It's unknown which of these are 2022 but out of the ones I plan to buy, I think they're all 2022 except for metroid. Only one of them will be 2022 and it's most likely MP1 remake.
New Monolith game may be 2023 depending on when it releases. It won't be summer since that's Fire Emblem's release slot. Releasing in fall or winter will make them run straight into BOTW2 or a Metroid game.
BOTW2 would directly eat up sales from a Monolith rpg. Then again, XB2 also came out way at the end of the year when it was least expected.
BOTW2 has to come out by the end of 2022, not unless they plan to make BOTW2 a launch title for the next Switch system which is really just a portable PS4. They're already planning for NintendoSmash Bros Kart to be their launch title, but it could have multiple launch titles like how previous Nintendo consoles used to come with 2 or 3 first party launch titles.

A Portable Nintendo system with PS4 specs (imagine Metroid & Zelda with that much power.) will sell to 100 million copies even faster than the Switch did.

I would get Advance wars but I fucking hate the Westernized Ameritard college grad art style, that and it's just a remake. I honestly believe that if you made another Days of Ruin but with Three House's type of production values (which isn't even high to begin with, lol.), that you'd have a far higher chance of turning Advance wars into a hit.
Shit like Days of Ruin & Strange Journey, were made to appeal to Westerners.
They had the right idea on what type of thematic content appealed to westerners, where they floundered is that westerners don't give a shit about low budget handheld crap unless it's Pokemon.
It should've been Strange Journey that got SMTV's budget & the mature themes of Days of Ruin would totally work with today's 'Nintendo' audience since plenty of ex Sonypony fags (including myself) have ditched the gaystation for Switch, so that audience that Nintendo was hoping to attract are already on the system. Those lapsed-Sonyfag types bought a Switch for games like Three Houses or Metroid.

About the only non-Nintendo 2022 that I give a shit about are TMNT Shredder's Revenge (2003 Karai better make it in even though the entire game is 1987 TMNT. So what? 2003 karai was just 1980s Mirage comics Karai but way sexier and far more evil.) & Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires (I actually like DW9's combat. It's way better than Samurai Warriors 5 retro PS2 bullshit.)
EDIT: Of course I'm getting the new Monster Hunter Rise Expansion featuring Rondine's foreign country. FUck Rondine is hot. I wonder where she's from? It kinda looks like Spain to me, but it's probably Italian-influenced.

I said Switch would be my last console, but I may get the Switch successor in 2023 or whenever it comes out (it's said to have backwards compatibility like the 3ds) if these rumors are true due to that new Mario Kart game that has a roster like Smash Bros.
Nintendo Kart is such a big money idea, that it alone would move units. Not unlike how BOTW did for Switch.
I'll have to rebuy MK DX, since Nintendo has admitted that they have no plans to make a new Mario Kart for Switch due to how MK DX is the best selling Switch game of all time.
That's why I actually believe the Nintendo Kart rumor, since it seems far more likely that people would buy a new system for a new Mario/Nintendo Kart over Metroid Prime 4 which I feel is a Switch game and not a Wii/Switch like how BOTW 1 was.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Actually it catched my by surprise
I had been wrong with numbers as when wiiu but switch number are so successful, doesn't even need a fanboy to defend them talking about me lmao
I have a theory that Nintendo has that biggest fan base just they aren't constantly buying Nintendo every year as wiiu was a failure
They grow and move on, others come back
I remember many YouTubers including reviewtechusa saying switch was going to fail

I always craves for Xenoblade Chronicles x
That's all switch needs at this moment, that game is beautiful

I didn't continue smtv Because the atmosphere right now we are living, it saddens me
We are living an apocalyptic time
Reason I feel like playing Pokemon instead
And you right about nino Kuni and pokemon
Lmao I always thought pokemon was too kiddy so I stayed away but later on began playing it at Nintendo DS
I was lazy so used a PC program to make my Pokemon shiny lol even legendary shiny
I found a r4 cartridge at a pwnshop
So it was fun transferring, then I played pokemon x 3ds, in global trade I sent many shiny Pokemons even shiny eggs lmao it was fun
I felt Pokemon has a good atmosphere theme
The new Pokemons switch got a lot of hate Because they didn't bring all pokemons in
It's a hard dilemma because they teached you to catch them all and now is some of them, also it so many Pokemons reason is a hard dilemma
And Nintendo has so much money they can pay people to program them but that is how things are
Also the N64 trees on Pokemon sword chill
Even though Pokemon is amazing
Sylveon, Dragonite so many Kool Pokemons
Evolving Pokemon is fun I remember people saying "my Eevee didn't evolve into Sylveon" lmao

I don't know if you played tamagochi in the 90s
But Pokemon is the evolved version of it
Sylveon is the cutest one
It has so many Kool designs of Pokemons
There is yokai watch
Dragon quest monsters
There also dragon ball fusions for 3ds lol
Pokemon has good competition

Imo new Pokemon areous isn't cannon

Lmao horizon forbidden West
More like horizon forbidden diet lol
Creig was funny but this is way funnier
Sony transhumanism agenda

Same girl from book video

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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Well this is what I thought about Pokemon arceous
Isn't developed by Nintendo or gamefreak
So for this reason isn't cannon
But let's see and wait till it launches

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Samtrom has fat ass

Pokemon arceous box art looks like fanmade lol
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Post by Jack »

DaRealEvilone wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:53 pm Well this is what I thought about Pokemon arceous
Isn't developed by Nintendo or gamefreak
So for this reason isn't cannon
You say that like that's a bad thing.

Gayfreak are lazy ass faggots. Arceous will be the Three Houses of Poke.
Three Houses wasn't made by Illiterate Systems either, Koei developed & wrote TH, and they made one of the best FE games so far. At least it would've been without that social school bullshit. It'd have been worse had Illiterate Systems did it though.
I didn't continue smtv Because the atmosphere right now we are living, it saddens me
We are living an apocalyptic time
Yeah it's why I wasn't really that hype for it. Although I feel like getting me Nocturne again.

What I don't like about SMT is how they portray Lucifer as some kind of Sophia figure who only wishes for humanity to seek out wisdom & knowledge without the interference of demons & angels.
I believe that Yahweh & Lucifer are part of the Hegelian dialectic. They're portrayed as opposites, but they generally have the same exact goals. At least the real world versions have the same exact behaviors of a jealous god who wishes nothing but death upon you.
They're basically like a game version of America's Republicans & Democrats. You lose either way.
Now sure, SMT always gives you the option to fuck them both, but that always makes you side with Lucifer no matter what. Fuck that tranny. (He was a tranny in Strange Journey lol.)

That's always been the thing that perturbed me about the SMT series, they have such an incorrect view on who Lucifer is, when the reason our planet sucks is due to a cult who believes they're directly related to Lucifer, and this cult also happens to be the same exact people who control our entire information network, economy, & entertainment. (Well they seem to only own Western entertainment.)

If SMT5 had a better story, I might've been convinced but it's really nowhere near the level of insight that these Megaten games gave me when I was a kid. My spiritual journey started, because of Megaten games. Precisely Persona 1 & 2 Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment.
P1 helped me understand that you can be, whomever you want to be but you need to be honest & put in a serious effort. Otherwise you end up like Maki
Eternal Punishment, pretty much predicted the entire world happenings that's ongoing right now, although EP seems to be most specific to the USA 2016 elections which saw memes come to life, just through the spread of cellphone social networks.
Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment was basically an ongoing battle I had in my life and EDIT: [Redacted] lol.
*Something something something blah blah blah blah something something Move on something somethng something blah blah blah blah*

That's a large part as to why Megaten games were so important to me as a kid. I could relate with a lot of the plots. Especially Soul Hackers & Devl Survivor.
These newer Megaten games though, they seem to lack the human element that previous games had.

Sure Persona maintains the human element, but I can't relate with the newer Persona games, coz they're far more normie, and revolve around normal brats with normal lives.
It ain't anything crazy like Persona 1 where the loner kid happens to be the half brother of a Yakuza Zaibatsu gangster, lol. I related a lot with the first three Persona games (P1, P2IS, P2EP)
I was basically a hybrid of Eriko Kirishima & Reiji Kandori. I had that loner badass aesthetic, which attracted a lot of women, but I was also extremely snobby & stuck up due to my background like Ellen/Eriko Kirishima, the Upper Middle Class girl who just came back from the USA/Japan/France or whatever, LOL!

I don't give a shit about modern Persona characters coz half of them are just LGBT losers. Boo hoo cry me a river. Reiji had genuine drama. Elly, Brown, Maki, Mark Danced Crazy, & Yuka (Alana) who came off like genuinely troubled teens. Yuka is basically a ganguro, so she had that slight gangster edge to her.
Kei/Nate was the only one who is from a completely different world, upper class but not quite 1%. If he were 1%, he wouldn't be on the side of the heroes. That's another thing that I really related with.

I liked how Elly/Eriko & Kei/Nate were usually grouped up with each other because theyr'e two most well off.
Upper Middle Class is a weird place to be. You're basically Picolo from Dragonball Z. You completely outrank, have more connections, money & whatever than most people, but then in comes the Yuppy faggot like Kei/Nate who's basically a Super Saiyan Elite, here to remind you that you're always beneath him lol.
I don't think Nate ever talked shit to Elly though. I think she's the only one that he treated as an equal.

Oh yeah sure, Picolo during the DBZ Cell Games, was the strongest of the Non-Saiyans. That's like saying that you're the strongest Dog, having to go face to face against Godzilla (Kei's Class/Caste.) That's how different Nate/Kei & Elly/Eriko were in terms of Class & Social Standing, yet they were also the two Highest-Castes of their class.

I mean, it's not hard. You have Yuka who's in the same class lol. That's another thing that makes me relate so much with the earlier Persona games. I was born into Eriko's Class/Caste, but I prefer to hang out with people who are at Yuka's income level (she's portrayed as slightly richer than the paupers, but it's presumed that she does illicit activities to earn that money. If I recall, Yuka/ALana wasn't in Persona 2 at all, because she got pregnant lol!), and I even imitate them. I was about to say Reiji who is the Male version of Yuka, but he's an odd one out, because he's from a rich family. He just happens to be a bastard child, and his mom was disowned by the Kandori clan.

Now if only Persona 1 had shown other school kids resenting Eriko for 'being rich'. That's definitely me right there.
I got mocked a lot during muh 1 year in highschool, for being a 'rich kid'.
Deep down you know, that you're not that rich at all. At least not when compared with these Blueblood Lucifer motherfuckers like Nate. People like him, have the ability to influence the world with their money. People like me either stay on the sidelines & live the comfy life, or you try to play their game with your meager resources, and get eaten up by people like him.

Reason I feel like playing Pokemon instead
And you right about nino Kuni and pokemon
I don't even know where to start with Pokemon. What should I get tomorrow? Sword/Shield or Shining Pearl & Brilliant Diamond.
Yes I've already played the shit out of Pearl a long ass time ago on rom. It's like the only Pokemon game that I ever seriously played but I didn't complete. Since it feels like a waste of time to play a Poke game, and not even go multiplayer with it.

I want to get Ninokuni 2, can;t find it anywhere. Wtf happened to Level 2? A decade ago they looked like they were on their way to being the next Nintendo, then they just fell off.
Honestly, I don't know what the fuck they thought they had with Inazuma Eleven. Not a bad game, it's basically Level 5's Yakuza Ryuga Gotoku, but with much less replay value.
Yakuza ironically has more mass appeal since everyone (who is sane at least) can somewhat relate with a Orphaned gangster with the heart of a Boyscout, trying to reform a city of gangsters.

This was meant to be a short post, but I went down memory lane, recalling how "REAL" & relatable the characters were from the OG PSX Persona games, the games that nobody seems to like. AYY LMAO!
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Post by CENSORED »

Oh man you didn't have to edit my quote out, I don't mind you sharing anything we say through PM unless it has to do with certain circles I hang out with kek, don't worry about it
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Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:30 pm Oh man you didn't have to edit my quote out, I don't mind you sharing anything we say through PM unless it has to do with certain circles I hang out with kek, don't worry about it
LOL it had nothing to do with you. I was editing stuff out about myself where I contextualize why I relate with Persona 2 IS & EP so much, shit that I don't even talk about in pm. Which is absurd coz I even talk about Adrenochrome in pm. I'm sure Kax knows exactly what that is, lol.

Back to the quote of yours that I deleted while deleting parts of the post that was about me.
In the games, they portray Lucifer as some kind of Sophia figure who only wishes for humanity to seek out wisdom & knowledge without the interference of demons & angels.
To be completely fair, the freedom that Lucifer promises in the Megaten games always seems to be a façade of freedom where you actually think yourself free because you’re “rebelling”, but you’re actually in bondage due to how your “rebellion” is happening under the terms of your master who only wished to use you as a pawn to wage war on a different master, lol. (Much like BLM/Antifa are actually empowering the state, by believing themselves free thinking rebels. When in reality Antifa are straight up agents operating for Blackrock.)

True freedom is usually achieved through a hero of humanity, Christ figure like the the big guy from Strange Journey. The “Chaos” endings are only chaotic in the eyes of humanity, where they stop perceiving the order of Yahweh and interpret that as “Chaos”, but it’s actually controlled chaos under the thumb of Lucifer which he only enacts in order to weaken his enemy.
I agree to an extent, but Shin Megatard 5's True ending clearly shows that they've combined as one, the Lucifer & the True Neutral Human endings. (no christ figure, unless you count Lucifer as one, I guess. It ain't no Jesus though.) They pretty much kick the badass Kuzunoha Raido lookalike to the curve just so they can suck Luci's dick & tits for the ending lol. As I've said before, Luci is basically the Goddess Sophia with how he's typically portrayed in SMT.

The retards who currently write SMT, clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Previous SMTs, at least the original trilogy are all mostly faithful to the doctrines, dogma, mythos & rituals that these games are influenced around. Even down to the point where demons are interacted with via digital computer programs as reference to a contract by God which forbade demons the ability to directly interact with humans through the flesh.
The oldschool SMT games, did a lot of research. SMT5 just does whatever the fuck they think looks cool. So the story doesn't really hold up when compared to previous installments.

Fuck mang even Strange Journey seems to be referencing Admiral Byrd's travels into Antarctica which for him culminated in nukes being launched into space, to see if they could explode the "firmament".
SJ never made direct mention to the firmament, but SMT4 did.
Nukes being launched toward the "firmament" is an actual event that happened during the 1900s.
(Wiki of course, makes zero mention of the firmament, which is the only reason why they fired nukes into the sky.) ... 69a62264fc
The funny thing is, if this happened? Then how is outer space travel even possible if we can't even get past or explode the firmament? I'm only relating this within the context of a Shin Megatard game. I will not bother to elaborate in public, what I think it means or what SMT may be referring to.

It's humorous how a game like Persona, which used to be about occultism, also has a lot of plots (P1, P2 IS & P2EP anyway) which revolve around government cover ups.
It's fucking funny just how deep video games used to be when I was a kid. Now granted, it's just Japanese games that were deep, for the most part. Some Western games such as Deus Ex are about the same subject matter, but DX uses a far more American-Libertarian Science Fiction Materialist means to define & explain away the subjects. I feel that Jap games are far more accurate, because Jap games generally try to reference old world belief systems, as dogma that's still practiced by Elites.

For one thing, Jap games rarely end with you plugging-in & erasing your entire identity into a fucking computer to be one with a Communist Utopia pushed forth through the Technological Singularity as the good ending.

That was the 'best' ending for both Deux Ex 1, & Deus Ex Invisible War. (The other two aren't even worth talking about. None of them are that philosophically deep.)
Compare that with Japanese games, where the ending is generally depicted as the humans freeing themselves from the prison planet free from death cult Gods who do not deserve their respect.

I actually tear up a bit when I play through some of these Jap games. The Western equivalent of these types of stories, just tell me that the writers themselves, don't really know what they're even fucking writing about to begin with because The Answer to their Problem, is always unsatisfactory. Western video games always end with trading one slave morality for another form of oppression, and they parade it around as a moral virtue. AYY LMAO!

DX1's true ending was kinda cool though.

It's somewhat portrayed as a Christ-like figure Awakening. I still consider it as bad though, because you're replacing human spirituality with machines. DX2 showed, that JC Denton is just a Benevolent Oppressor.
I only link to DX games coz every other Western game I can think of just as shitty ass Cliffhanger endings like the Legacy of Kain series. Or they jsut have generic endings where the villains die like Abe's Oddysey. (Which is about the same exact themes as DX, Xenogears/Blade & Shin Megami Tensei)

Kax posted this lady before and what I found amusing is that the reason why she loves video games are for the story. Sure she's an avid reader of novels, but she prefers gaming because it feels as if she's living out what she's reading rather than just imagining it like with a book.

Yet when you look at the games that she loves for the story, they're all Japanese games. And it's not even the typical Jap shit like Metal Gear Solid or Resident Evil. She goes in deep with the Jrpgs. (Which do have deeper plots than most. Classic Persona is one of them.)
Some of the games she plays for the story, I've never even played before such as Neptunia, which I always thought was a hentai game but she fucking loves Neptunia's story & plot.

I'll try to explain why I relate with Persona 2 so much, but much less direct this time.
Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment was basically an ongoing battle I had in my life and EDIT: [Redacted] lol.
*Something something something blah blah blah blah something something Move on something somethng something blah blah blah blah*
I relate with how Maya Amano is the final survivor (or at least, she's the only one who still has memories of a reality that supposedly never happened.) of whatever the fuck happened in IS/EP. Some people from that incident are still alive, but in her game, those people know completely nothing about the events and are effectively completely different persons from those that she knew. If Maya approaches them, she cancels out the EP timeline and the memetic magic drifts back into chaos. Maya chooses to move on with her life and forget the past.
My real life version is nothing like that, it's more the case that some people have completely changed or lost their identity. This is the way it has to be. If I approach, their identity is blown and who knows what happens after that. I'd assume, a cleanup crew immediately swoops in to take out the garbage who refuse to move on.

I said in the CCP post that I voted for Trump primarily so he can deal with the Illegal Aliens. Which he did.
How this relates is whatever the fuck I'm going on about, never 'officially happened'. Those people, they 'never officially existed'. Some 'whatever incident, it's complete fantasy'. That didn't 'happen' either.
What am I going on about here? I'm referring to how 'Undocumented Immigrants' can get away with high organized crime, because the USA government covers for them, since those Illegals don't officially exist and aren't officially recognized as ever having step foot on USA soil.

Project Veritas has a few videos about certain type of incidents, and he has a Spook spilling the beans, because the Spook noticed how an uptick of unreported crimes have been happening all throughout the Southern border. Crimes which did not happen under Trump.
This has nothing to do with the Maya incident that I refer to. I just bring up the PV report as an example of how there are large scale operations in the USA, which happen and are ongoing, but they officially do not exist and such incidents have officially have never happened.

Course in reality, this is all bullshit. It's just the fucking garbage USA government trying to cover their asses through the threat of violence.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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