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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:11 pm
by Deep
It's a shame that they resurrected Bad Girl in the more recent games, only to turn her into a discount version of Harley Quinn.
Like yeah she was clearly mindbroken in the original, but not to the level where she couldn't articulate fucking sentences or thoughts. She's lucid enough to point out that travis is delusional if he thinks himself better than her.
It's kinda a bummer, because she is in the game, just for being in the game, that's whole purpose. Replace Travis with any other dude, game wouldn't change much. I do despise her appearance, but you have you remember, that's not a same Bad Girl, its a fucking dog transformed to human (TSA DLC). I know that some dogs a pretty smart, but this one is as dumb as a hammer. Why bother adding characters into the story, when they have ZERO impact on the story? And it's not like "Enemy A" and "Enemy B", it's legit stuff we used to have (key word) in the NMH games. Oh well...Same for the rest of the game, if you start to take it apart it will fall on instant, with characters having no idea what they're doing, nothing is ever adressed on what's going on in 2021 Santa Destroy, and etc, etc, etc. Usually when I like something - I don't complain, in fact I do not respond at all (same with youtube comments for example). But when something wrong and feels off - there is no stopping me from complaining, because we need to raise our opinions on questionable matter, otherwise it will be all for nothing.

Also, about the Damned game - I do recall it being somewhat playable back when it was released, I haven't touched that since, so I dunno, if I'd try it out these days chances are it's not gonna be fun are quite high. The fact that EA forced Suda to change concept so much, it turned out later as BKS, manga Kurayami and Let It Die. Believe it or not, all these things have same ideas in mind. It's all written out in Art of GHM book.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:29 am
by Jack
Xed51 wrote: Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:21 am
LOL what the fuck is that thing?
Fucking Sesame Street?
Well he used to be a normal pedophile, but then he took a Moderna shot and now he looks like this
mRNA mutations are some freaky shit huh
Nickelodean shows

She has two daddies! Let's ride along to the pride parraaaaade!"
We totally ain't grooming 2 yr olds y'all!
Seriously, why do reddit faggots always try to speak like Southern Red necks?

That Nickelodean All Stars game looks good, but the single player & bots most likely sucks and I don't give a fucking shit about Competitive Smash Bros, which is the crowd that All Stars Brawl is trying to appeal to. (No shocker there, of course Smash Fags would be drawn towards Pedophile shit!)
I don't understand why that fanbase can't comprehend how fucking retarded they look, and why Nintendo can't stand them. (It doesn't help that all the 'KOOOL YOutube Bros' like Angry Joe, Some Ordinary Gamers & PenguinZ CritiKaL all shill for Smash Brawl tourneys & rage against that EVIL CORPORATION NINTENDONT! "KOOL" in quotations coz they're actually just NERDSZZZZZZ! Although one of them is prob labeled as an 'attractive' nerd like Pewdiepie.)

Nintendo made a party game, as in a party-based group or battle royale. Smash's tourney scene should look more similar to an Arena fps or Fortnite where random items are legal, and you're allowed to actually play the game. As in, Competitive Fortnite actually allows their contestants to build walls & buildings and apply the same tactics that one would normally use during normal gameplay.

In Competitive Smash, you're forced to forget everything about the actual game that Nintendo released, to adopt some fakeass retarded ruleset that sloppily imitates Street Fighter, and everyone just goes along with these retards. I don't fucking get it.

I disagree because everyone in the world watched the MCU movies and I think they are bags of vomit on any level, shot with the same proficiency as a mexican telenovela. The live action street fighter movie is considered god awful and yet it has more craftmanship in it than any MCU movie lol.

I agree with you that movie critics are retarded though. Bladerunner, Hellraiser 1&2, the Thing, even Conan the Barbarian, most Lynch movies, Alien etc. are actually profound and artistic movies that critics shat on due to their own film illiteracy..

Bitchass Did you just have a brainfart? Earlier in the thread you were ranting about Soycuck entertainment but then conveniently forget that MCU is The Queen Fagette of Corporate-Approved Soycuck entertainment. I said Populist, not Popular. Populist generally implies a People vs Elites dynamic. The 1980s Conan is a perfect example of that. MCU movies are full blown Soycuck Plebbitor propaganda, starting with Captain Marvel & Black Panther.
Or I would guess, I stopped watching them after Dr Strange, which wasn't bad at all. It's just not for me, this shit is fucking nerdy! All I want is badass shoot outs in a strip club with badass guys & girls stylishly killing each other.

You don't ever see shit like this any more, ever since the late 2010s.

Well that Ghost in the Shell movie had one, and the strip club shoot out even looks badass in that movie, lol.

I never seen it,but it doesn't look bad. Scarjo is even a passable Motoko. (In the manga, Motoko's model is actually meant to be Russian or a Eastern European woman. I haven't read it in a long time, so I forget.) It looks way better than 2021's Resident Evil live action movie or the live action Cowboy Bebop where Spike Spiegel is a fucking chink in the netflix movie. The one anime that stars a Jew, and you replace him with a random gook, lol.

Any movie that Duke Nukem & Johnny Gat would give a thumbs up to, is what I'd label as populist.
So any movie with tons of action, gore, hot naked ladies, heterosexual fucking (biological-lesbian is good too.) and is filmed in a fun crowd-pleasing way, is what I'd consider populist. I only use that term coz that's what Paul Anderson classifies his movies as, and it's an apt description of his movies coz I generally can't find any thing wrong with them. Even the plots are fairly solid. (It's just video game nerds constantly crying about his lack of talent. WTF do Video game nerds know? They play video games for story, AYY LMAO WHO DOES THAT? Games have shit stories."

Something like Mulholland Drive would prob fall into my criteria of awesome movies, it has a fucking lesbian sex scene (or at least they're both naked), with two babes who look nothing like lesbians, lol!
Hostel 1 featuring Takashi Miike, Presented by Tarantino, directed by 1-hit wonder Eli Roth, is a damn good movie. It's one of the best horror movies ever, and the first Hostel could actually be considered as art due to how atmospheric it is.
Hostel 2 is a solid example of populism gone bad, coz it got rid of the strong story about the descent to isolation while trapped inside of a foreign land, that the original Hostel 1 had. Hostel just revolved around hot naked bitches with big tits & gore. Granted, that's part of the reason why the original Hostel was good, but without a strong plot, there's no reason for me to care about the characters. Hostel 2 was trying to be so populist that the main character was a Lesbian who made out with the hot villain bitch and there was also a sexy Elizabeth Bathory scene where you see her multilate some bitch and bathe in her blood. Sure it's cool imagery and all, it doesn't add anything to the fucking non-existent story though.
Hostel 3 is just hot garbage. 2 & 3 tried to have some Globalist Eyes Wide Shut Canaanite cult storyline going on, but those two movies are just too fucking goofy to pull it off. Hostel 1 wasn't goofy, it was fucking terrifying.(... sexy)

What's funny about Hostel, is that it gets labeled as torture porn when over 80% of the movie has no gore at all. The majority of the movie was building up an eerie atmosphere.
When it finally gets to the gore part, it's after a long build up of suspense & suspicion of not being able to trust anyone ,as all of your friends are slowly killed off by xenophobic Dutch people who hate Americans. They even pay a premium price just to slaughter any American citizen, no matter their ethnicity lol. The lead character is Mexican, but they still treated him as American. Which is exactly what I keep warning Americans about, how outside of the USA. All of you motherfuckers are American. (They'd prob give a pass to Ameriturds like Styx who currently is living in that country, coz he's not at all the typical American. Americans are viewed as cultureless slobs)

You can't really blame them for hating Americans though, lol. Hostel 1 even shows you that none of the American characters are worth cheering for coz they're all hedonistic pieces of shit, but it's relatable coz during the early 2000s, most young 20 yr olds acted like fratboys. It's better than the 2020 version of the USA, where everyone is a fucking passive aggressive cunt.

Steven Seagal's entire filmography? POPULIST! I don't think he's ever made a bad movie. Sure they're boring if you expect some actual story telling with a struggle, or good acting, but Seagall movies are basically real life Fist of the North Star. He's just this walking god who effortlessly executes everybody without a sweat and he does it while weighing about 400 pounds of pure lard! It all looks believable though, it doesn't look forced unlike modern action films where I'm just laughing that I could beat the shit out of the entire cast.

I had no idea that he actually got chased out of the USA for allegedly not paying taxes for failing to declare some crypto-currency that he owned (WTF? Most Crypto Currency isn't even American, LOL!), and he retreated to Russia. ... itics.html
Steve is pretty smart, he did the one move you could do to prevent the USA from trying to detain you (lest it start a war.) by becoming a politician of a rival nuclear-armed country, AYY LMAO!
Seems like another John Mcafee type of story except Steve sought asylum and joined a Russian Liberal political party that's friendly with Putin, lol.
I didn't even know he was fucking Russian. I always thought that Steve was some kind of Italian Indian Jew mix, lol. Well sure he's prob a Russian Jew. He looks way too damn Jewish to not be a Jew. Especially when he's bearded.

That is not even mentioning the fact that they will shit on entertainment movies, just for being entertainment movies, which is what you are referring to. Unless they have Spider Man or some other faggot superhero with AIDS in it, in which case it's a five thumbs up the ass review every time lol.
For example, I think it's dumb to judge a Fast & Furious movie, or the Transformer movies on the same metric as The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman or something. That's idiotic because they're obviously trying to do different things, and I would watch them in different states of mind to get a different kind of reaction. It's just as dumb as videogame reviewers putting racing games & rpgs on the same numeral scale
Videogames piss me off coz they're always trying to be art, when they can't even tell proper entertainment/populist storylines like Fast & Furious, and those movies are fucking random & nonsensical as fuck now but it still makes more sense than video game plots, lol. Fast & Furious is what Saints Row The Third was. I don't understand why the devs felt that the gangsta culture is too outdated & cliche when Fast & Furious is still the second most popular movie franchise after the MCU. Fuck I don't even watch them any more because it's basically just capeshit now, but with gangstas, AYY LMAO!
Saints reboot makes no sense to me, coz the original Saints Row was based off of Fast & Furious, but F&F is way more popular now than it was back when the Saints imitated it.
The whole 'being from the same Church' storyline in Saints Row came from Fast & Furious, coz Dom is a devoutly religious Italian family man, and his family is everyone on his block. Kinda like how in the Yakuza games, Kiryu's family is everyone from Kamurocho.
Even the Communist Chinese have outlawed portrayals of girly men in their media, and are currently limiting exposure to Western media, which is filled with faggots to begin with.
Didn't the chinese govt straight up label all that shit as CIA disruption mind control tactics?
Yeah, this weeb goes into more detail about that.

The Chinks claim that the sissyboy ('Sissy' is now considered as a racial slur in the USA coz it demeans gender non-conforming people, AYY LMAO!) influence came from Johnny's Jr from Japan, the founder is an American. (CCP believe he's CIA lol.)
I had no idea that the Johnny's faggot was American. By the time I came to Japan, half of the male stars were already pretty boy faggots. The older celebs though, they looked more like Ryo Saeba from City Hunter, or Cat's Eye? Whatever, same fucking universe.
That guy was even in the Yakuza games.

I'm a guy, so I obviously only paid attention to Tetsuya Komuro's whores. By the early 2000s, it was Tsunku who was repping the best looking chicks.
I decided to look up Maki Goto, damn man she's still popular.
That doesen't even make sense because the game, very earnestly wants you to think of Travis as some super rad videogame hero dude

Who even has an epic rap battle which is so bad, I was legitimately mouth agape stunned and to this day I don't know what it was trying to communicate at all because the lyrics are so awful, like I get the impression they really wanted a rap battle in there but both characters are so flat they had nothing to make them say
What was even the point of that? Sure Travis had rhymes, but he was rapping about shit. None of them are directly insulting each other which is what you do during a rap battle lol.

Yeah that was me
I was being sarcastic, but I guess everyone took me seriously (I hadn't browsed the thread at all, I just assumed it died after my post lol) because people just talk like that in those threads
"you wouldn't get it"
I legit thought that was a pretentious ass Plebbit tard who just graduated college. You did a damn good job at sounding 'AMERICAN'. Your post stuck out to me, coz it was the dumbest fucking post I ever fucking read, AYY LMAO!
I had multiple /v/agina tabs up at the time so I assumed that was the thread where I was being directly insulted, without actually interacting with it. I had several nintendo tabs open. It was either a NMH thread, a thread asking about why Western characters are so fucking ugly, or a thread where they were talking about how it's impossible to just try to make your own games, because you'll just get cancelled by the USA's banks, and be prevented from selling your game on Steam.
All I recall is when I read it, I was like damn. people really fucking hate me lol. It's funn ycoz I don't know who these faggots are at all.

The only thread I replied to was thread about a Yakuza game, set outside of Japan, I was the guy who pondered, why Sega couldn't just set it in the Streets of Rage city. It makes sense to me. SOR takes place in New York City. People who are from NYC, can even recognize every borough that the stages of SOR are based off of. New Yawkers can even identify with SOR4.

in a generation's time they'll just be distributed to streamers who'll pay a percentage of their donations to the distributor and they won't be made available to the wider public at all
, also because they have no way of playing them with modern consoles & desktop pcs getting pricier and more difficult to purchase due to bot scalping and legislation
I think it's already happening. Sorta, at least the beta version. It seems to be the case for Saints Row, hardcore Saints fans that I've known of, for over a decade. Who would constantly insult the direction that the Saints games were going in, are suddenly shilling for Saints Row reboot, when it's the fucking complete opposite of everything they've been ranting about for over a decade. Yeah I'm talking bout Flippy.
There's this new cat in town called Hexagon or something. Every argument he's making is on point. I'll post it at the Saints Row thread, he even brought up the singular event that brought the entire world down towards this cultural decline. An event that, you & I constantly single out as the origin of the culturewars, Occupy Wallstreet, when the Elites decided to Mkultra everyone into fighting with each other over fake culture wars.

If you exclude the original game and only take 2-TSA-3 into account, you can obviously see the series is trying to be the equivalent of scott pilgrim, the big bang theory, rick and morty or star trek lower decks, absurdist reference comedy for "fellow nerds" where catching the reference is in and of itself the joke. Even the weird misplaced drama makes more sense in that context, since that type of media often has dramatic moments randomly inserted in an otherwise absurdist comedy where you are suddenly meant to take the characters seriously.
Yeah even Kax made a similar argument at the Nintendo thread, and I once saw a post that compared NMH3 to Family guy. From the walkthroughs I've seen, that's exactly what the story telling feels like. A bunch of references to old ass Gen X & Older Millennial shit, that Zoomers (presumably the target audience.) wouldn't fucking get or understand at all. Not unlike Family Guy which also references a bunch of shit from the 80s, where the reference is the joke.
The commentary on Miike movies is shallow anyway. To which I don't mean to criticise the game for its lack of quality as a movie review, but why the fuck bring it up every single chapter then? I do talk about movies with actual real life human beings, and even when we are watching mindless shit like fast and furious we have more to say than this. They don't come off as real fans at all, the conversation doesen't flow naturally.
While they're just fan wanking like a bunch of tards, I can kinda see what they're going for. Mainly coz I made a similar joke in that Rpg maker game (although I lost that cutscene. You could see any earlier version of that joke in some 2ill vid tho) it's the scene where you see two badass guys in suits arguing about which pornstar is hotter (in the most updated version I had, they were talking about Lisa Ann, who's still hot lol. The original joke was about Jap girls who were contemporary back when I first made it.), then they gun each other down and the skit ends, lol.
The punchline, was the fact that government agents are so fucking incompetent that they kill millions of people, including their own. Over dumb fucking shit.

I ain't fucking exaggerating. Here's an entire swat team of cops gunning down one Black dude who was armed with only a pistol that he threw on the ground before they shot him full of holes.
What really makes me mad is that Americans are so hungry for blood that they even shot their own police dog's head off when the dog alone could've easily detained him. The Black guy was scared to death of the dog, but the dog's own owners, killed the dog too! How could you not anticipate friendly fire? What was even the fucking point of sending in the dog if you were just going to murder the Black man anyway?
Sure he may have been a criminal. I don't fucking care coz the cops are acting like criminals too and they're far worse!

You didn't need a fucking army just to kill one Black dude. He was harmless, and scared. This happens to Black people every day though. (A fact that Cuckservatives don't ever admit.)
They did this on purpose mang. They wanted to fucking kill their own dog, lol. I almost wanted to cry just seeing such a loyal creature getting his head blown to pieces for no fucking reason. It makes me mad, coz dogs are the most loyal creatures on Earth, and it's why I fucking hate the USA. The USA constantly backstabs everyone. You can't trust them. This is how the USA treats their own animal companions. I more upset over the animal coz you'd expect Americans to at least treat their pets like humans. It's already a foregone conclusion in the USA, that if you're as dark Black as that guy was, and the cops confront you, you're already dead. Everyone jokes about it in the USA, because it's actually true. It happens all the time. I'm lucky that I resemble two of the groups that no Americans want to mess with, Italian Mafia & Mexican Cartels so cops are generally nice to me.
It's funny tho, coz in American media Blacks are often portrayed as strong & vigilant but in real life, the cops are always fucking with them coz they're easy targets.

Here's yet another example of the USA backstabbing Afghanistan people. (It's directly from a Taliban channel. I saw it back when it was still called "Peace of Pakistan". A day after The Taliban took back their country.)
This doesn't show civvies getting gunned down though.

This video is just American GI's bullying around their alleged 'allies' and pointing guns at women & children, yet the American MSM News would tell you that they were killing terrorist, ISIS-K leaders or some fucking bullshit.
I know it fucking happened coz in the bullshit thread, I posted a video of dead Afghans, after they were shot by American Gis, and I once linked to a Michael Malice video where you can hear Americans gunning down the Afghan civvies until he was forced to take it down. I see news from around the world reporting about attrocities committed by the Americans & the Taliban. In Spanish news, you'll see reports of American hostages being beheaded. In Aussie & Brit news, you hear reports of American Gis gunning down the Afghan civvies. In the USA? YOU HEAR FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT IT, AT ALL!!

This is why I liked Killer7, FSR, Silver Case & Moonlight Syndrome. The first 3 show you just how fucking corrupt the government actually is. Moonllight Syndrome, through SC, shows you how the government doesn't actually care about solving crimes.
I don't fucking care about Suda's other games, because it's not real to me. I don't fucking about the pop culture shit.

American people are so fucking barbaric, last year the cops gunned down some White guy during his daughter's graduation day coz he was playing Crash Bandicoot too loud, lol. He just walked out of his house and they fucking shot him right in front of his front door and they kept shooting him just like how those other cops kept shooting that Black guy, and their own police dog. AMerican people are a fucking Death Kult.
You can't see the uncensored video of the Crash Bandicoot execution, on the net anymore though, unless someone from /pol/ posts it. (Which was where I saw the uncensored murder. If that version were more widely avaialbe, cops wouldn't be able to lie about the people they just murdered.) Places like liveleak no longer exist. The few gore-sites that remain, are just sicko shit that don't even bother with the after math of American politics.

DUDE DOA is so BADASS. It's HELLA badass! GTFO if you don't like Miike, he's hella great! (They actually do use hella and GTFO in voiced dialogue, it feels like meeting twitter in real life which is even more jarring when you realize Travis and Bishop are meant to be in their 40s)
Hella is San Francisco slang. People in the ir 40s would be using it, since it's slang that was popularized during the 90s. Most of these faggy gamer nerd chic crap came from San Fagcisco.
The one I posted earlier is Re: Cutie Honey, which is in part an adaptation of the live action film. It's pretty good and it has nice action, art direction & music. You still get nudity in it but it is a lot more colorful & stylized than previous shows,
I prefer the full blown frontal nudity of the 90s show, lol. ... ce-review/
Everything was way edgier during my time. What a great era to be alive in. I thought the world was always like that, everyone is ultra sexxxxxy, or striving to be.
I remember when I first saw that shit, I was like damn, the women are beautiful. Even my sister thought the Cutey bitches were beautiful as fuck. That's the thing about modern society, or at least modern American society. You don't ever see anyone who is pretty on an ethereal scale. Everyone just looks like trannies with too much fucking make up.

Cutey Honey, Gunsmith Cats, Angel Cop, Mad Bull, Ghost in the Shell, etc. that's the type of anime that I grew up on. I can't fucking understand the modern shit. it's too damn nerdy. Anime I grew up on, was extremely political. Angel Cop even got censored during this last decade because they directly call out the Jews, AYY LMAO!
I'm not policial because of anime though. I'm political coz you need to be, in order to survive. The Government is always trying to fucking kill you.

oh god this is literally rape my eyes ahhh I need to bomb some brown civillians and see their guts spill out their bodies to cleanse my palate
That's tame as fuck when compared to the 90s show, lol. Those pics look about on par with Xenoblade 2, and Kisaragi even looks like Pyra. Fuck they dress the same too. Muh magical girl crush when I was a kid was Devil Hunter Yohko. She has nothing on Cutey Honey though. In the 90s show, male or female you will stand there with your jaws dropped to the floor coz 90s era Cutey Honey was a fucking flawless woman, sex robot thing or whatever lol.
You don't get full nudity anymore in any of the shows after Re:Cutie Honey, in the sense that they can't show nipples anymore. You just can't in tv anime in general. When I was growing up, even stuff meant for kids like the time bokan shows (yatterman) and Urusei Yatsura had bare tits with nipples. In the Yatterman remake, Boyakki even has a joke on how "back in his day" they could show more kek.
When did that change? I remember in 2002, Japan started cleaning up its image and stopped showing full blown real life female nudity on day time & late night public television. They replaced a lot of Japanese programming with Korean Wave bullshit.
It definetly does not hold a candle to the original live action movie at all
I often have a picture of Eriko Sato the lead actress, hung on my closet lol. Auburn version, wavy hime cut.
Or even the live action tv show which despite taking itself weirdly seriously, had very fun action scenes (if you're into this kind of thing)

I couldn't find any clips of it online but she even slaps people with her tits & ass during fight scenes, it's pretty funny
That's the exact type of shit I'm talking about, when I refer to 'populist' entertainment. Although sure in the USA, they'd tell you that this is showing unhealthy perceptions of the female body. Meanwhile the Americans will seriously try to get you to believe that some obese hambeast, is a healthy shape for a female. Sure, if you wanna die young!
I saw shit like that when I was only 10, then when you eventually move to Japan as a 15 or 16 yr old or whatever, you find out that in Japan, female nudity is treated just as casually in real life, lol.
Nudity used to be pretti blaseé in Italy as well as I was growing up. Not necessarily in a sexy way either. I just took naked tits as a normal thing in life, since I grew up drinking my mother's milk as a toddler.

I wouldn't say it's blase. On Jap tv, they were definitely idealizing & sexualizing the female form. Who fucking cares though when it's the women who are sexualizing each other? The man's version is idealizing height or some other gay shit.

In real life, Japs attitude towards nudity is definitely blase. You even see dudes get full blown naked (or pretty close to it, wearing nothing but fundoshi, shit that sumos wear), and nobody gives a fucking shit.
Sure it's not encouraged, but Japs don't act like the world is ending just coz they saw a tit or a dick. Japanese saunas used to be co-ed until they were forced to 'Westernize'. It's funny coz it's not like rape or anything ever happened. Japs just appreciate when they see an actual nice body, since most japs are flat lol.

Ironically, you'll get called "horny" and "coomer" for pointing this out when in reality, it's actually sexual deviants who see lewdness in any kind of naked body. The original Dragonball show had child goku go around with his dick out because he was a monkey man who grew out in the wilderness, so he had no concept of modesty, but in the modern framework of humanity that would be described as virtual pedo rape or something.

Yeah it's fucking annoying. It's mostly Anglos & Americans who do that shit. I really don't fucking understand what their cultural hang up is. Most Americans blame this shit on Christians but there's plenty of Christian nations in the world, even from Europe who aren't anywhere near as prudish about nudity. Besides Italian, there's France & Spain, we don't give a fucking shit. "OHMIGODATIT!"

That John Doyle queer had a 2 hour video about the dangers of porn, and I actually listened through 1 hour & 40 minutes of it before I turned it off. He did use a lot of stats & research that backed up his arguments, but come on my guy, half of that shit was debunked lol! Dude is just full blown typical Anglo-scum. Who looks very Jewwy, but he doesn't act like a jew. He acts like an 'Alpha male' stereotype, KEK!

I agree that porn def fucked up his generation, but that's coz his generation are queers, including him. LOL!
It must be something within the Anglo mental-wiring where the consumption of porns leads them to wacking off to trannies, ayy lmao. I don't understand that shit. if I don't think the girl is hot (which is damn near the entirety of modern American porn, lol.) then it does nothing for me. No amount of 'extreme' porn is going to suddenly make them look better, AYY LMAO!

I don't know if I can say with a straight face which Miike movie I think is "his best" because he makes such a wide variety of things. Audition is definetly among my personal favourites but so are Zebraman and VIsitor Q which are completely different movies. The first DOA is probably the one I rewatch more often.
I'd say that VIsitor Q & Audition are more similar to each other than any other movie he's made. They both lull you into their setting by looking completely ordinary, until it entraps you into their world of madness. The difference is the pacing. In Visitor Q the weirdness is piecemealed to you. Audition functions like an Akira Kurosawa movie where each part of the plot is cut into its own little story arc, until you finally get to what the horror fans came to see. What's amusing, when you first see Audition. You don't really understand why she did it. Upon rewatching, who wouldn't do what she did? The fucking audition is a fucking lie just so some old fuck could get his dick wet

It's just that within the context of a movie, bizarre situations like an audition are common place in Romcom movies. So within the context of a movie, you wouldn't expect the movie, to be so mothafucking real.
He made a lot of shitty films too (I think Ichi the Killer is one of them. I know a lot of people love that film but I feel it missed out on the manga's humor completely. The manga is meant to be a dark comedy where random shit just happens, the main villain dies because of bird shit.) but there's usually some level of earnestness to them that makes them enjoyable for me regardless.
Well of course, he's made hundreds of movies. I dunno if I'd consider Ichi the Killer as one of his shittier films. I didn't really like it, but I didn't think it was bad for a Japanese horror Yakuza film. Ichi's style of horror is far closer to what Japanese horror is, before that Ghost girl RIng crap became all the rage.
I own the Japanese manga, or at least the final chapter. The tone was still kinda sad to me, but I dunno I guess when you do stories like that in Manga form. It always comes off as comedic like most Guro.

There's this dude who calls himself 'Beast Anime' who does parodies of Grappler Baki & various horror movie including Event Horizon. He replaces the entire cast with hot naked curvy girls, like an American 1980s Sci Fi B-movie (it's weird that American movies used to be very diverse back then, coz there used to be more studios than just the big 5 in hollywood.)
He draws the sexiest women but he always draws them getting killed in the most gruesome ways possible. His stuff comes off as comedic, but he goes all in and making them look sexy, just to fuck them to death lol.
They straight up get their heads lopped off through the eye socket, and some babes get their heads smashed in like a pumpkin but then they fall over dead with their ass sticking out and it's like damn. On one hand, that's the most disgusting shit I've ever seen, but on the other hand, that girl got a nice ass and at least she bent over as she died, lol. It reminds me of of 80s anime in terms of how extremely detailed the gore is.

On the flipside, I've seen Japanese Friday the 13th Doujinshi which is actually far more effective at making you feel for the victims than the movies do.
In the F13 movies, and even the game, you actually cheer for Jason to kill all of those annoying oversexed young adults.

In this fan manga I saw by some dude called Goro or something, he gets really intimate with the drawings and shows the girls crying and peeing through their skirt & pants, and then this mothafucker draws them getting sliced & diced up in full detail. These ladies actually do try to fight back, but it's fucking Jason Voorhees, guns & normal weapons don't hurt him.
It's amusing to me, coz this fucking retard gets off to this shit, but I can't help but be amazed at how he does a much better job of emitting emotions than real life Friday the 13th actresses did, AYYY LMAO!
Another thing I found interesting, although it made me laugh is that he'd draw Jason getting erect after each kill.

I found it an interesting touch, coz it's obvious that the Jason Voorhees character is sexually repressed.
It's just funny to me, coz the actual movies don't ever bring this up. I think Freddy vs Jason actually did mention this though, but I don't rembmer. That movie fucking sux.
That's fucking bizarre, this damn fan manga hentai, does a much better character study on the Jason character than the films ever did and he just does it through the character's actions. There's no dialogue, or at least none from Jason, coz he's fucking Jason.

No I have no idea how the fuck I got there. I just recall seeing a pic of Beast's drawings and I thought the bitches looked good, lol. Oooh mang I gotta see more.
(no gore, what the bitches looked like before they died.)
*Minutes later* Okay I didn't mean like that when I said I wanted to see more. I didn't want to actually see her guts, brains & skull, you can't even recognize that bitch anymore, except for that ass. The ass is intact Lol!
It's a shame that they resurrected Bad Girl in the more recent games, only to turn her into a discount version of Harley Quinn.
Like yeah she was clearly mindbroken in the original, but not to the level where she couldn't articulate fucking sentences or thoughts. She's lucid enough to point out that travis is delusional if he thinks himself better than her.
My god that game looks so terrible, lol. On one hand, the characters & music seem interesting but holy shit that game's gameplay looks bad. SLuggish ass frame rate.
What's funny, is that it's due to No More Heroes that Fire Emblem finally became popular. Nintendo saw the art from NMH1 & 2, so they hired the artist for Awakening & Fates. He has good art. Makes me wonder if he does guro too, lol. I swear mang after seeing that Beast Anime ish, where the girls look good enough to have seemed as though they stepped straight out of a Dangan Ronpa or Wayforward game. So now when I see that artstyle, I just think of excessive gore.
Granted it wouldn't be out of place in Dangang Ronpa. Or Kaga Fire Emblem for that matter. It's just that, Kaga's FE wasn't that attractive looking imo. His games were way more violent and even dealt with rape & child murder, but Kaga-era Fire Emblem art fucking sucks!
In short, the Soyboy / Consoooomer stereotype
Their love for consumerism, it's as shallow as THX1138 showing the drugged up workers buying items for absolutely no reason which they then throw away.
Therefore, just the mere mention of something they purchased or spent money on being brought up is enough to fire up their dopamine receptors. That's where the entertainment comes in. I buy a lot of shit too but I treat it as a hobby, like something I enjoy doing. I can nerd out for hours about movies I like but I actually watch them, the entertainment aspect comes from interacting with the piece of media by applying my brain or something.
For the Soyboy consoomer, the entertainment comes in paying for something and then signalling to other people that they like it.

It must be a specific neurotype or even a new one I just don't understand, but there is no interaction with these people, they are just a living checklist of things, and when said things are referenced they feel less lonely I guess. They don't actually like any of them though, they like the act of consuming.

I think it's the same way with porn, in the way that queer John Doyle describes it. He mentions the same type of addiction & emptiness emanating from these types of people but like the typical Eternal Anglo that he is, he just blames porn rather than the actual problem, these fuck-nuggets have no actual community or hobbies beyond seeking affirmation which confirms that they are valid.

In Japan, their culture is so close knit that when a rival gang shows up on their lands, like say the Columbian Drug dealers. Yakuza Enforcers will step in & do something very violent to them, to the point that the local Japanese community may even cover it up. It happens a lot. I dunno about now, but it was common during the 1900s, even as late to the early 2000s.
There's a sense of family, and togetherness within that culture, which is completely missing from the West, and especially the USA where most of these consoomerists dwell.

I do believe that's what it is, coz how many Black people do you see who end up like these consoomerist tards? Sure they exist, you even posted at least one, but on average Black folks generally have a sense of community within their own tribe that's as close-knit as the Jap tribe, or even the Jew tribes.
White people on the other hand, mainly the Anglos, they're so atomized that they can't conceptualize reality beyond their own pleasure sensors.
Fuck mang, His Mortal Kombat movie from the 90s is way better than piece of garbage that just came out this year.
I haven't seen the RE movies (not because of any particular reason, I just haven't gotten around to them) but I generally like PWSA movies. Mortal Kombat was fun, and Event Horizon is a masterpiece. AvP is dogshit but it's entertaining dogshit, that obviously pales in comparison to both the originals, but as a popcorn movie it's honestly not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
I purposely don't mention Event Horizon coz that's the one Anderosn movie that everyone claims to love, but most of them haven't even seen it. It's also his least successful film. Well actually Monster Hunter probably took that mantle last year lol.
Event Horizon is one of the best horror movies of all time. Of course I like it. I'm into all of that cosmic horror shit. Too bad you don't see much of that style any more. Last one I saw was "The Void".

As for AvP? Yeah it's alright I guess. I wouldn't put it up there side by side with Aliens though. I actually would with Resident Evil 1. I don't see anything bad about the first RE at all. it was an Aliens rip off done right.

Yet again this scene (RE4 even copied that trap. Red Queen is in Revelations 2. The games were slowly going into a more apocalyptic time line like the movies, but Internet fags cry too fucking much.), is also the one scene that every Resident Evil fag can admit was good, but then they act like it was the only good part of the movie when the entire fucking movie felt like a Resident Evil game to me.

I don't even fucking understand what games RE fags were playing when they say that the movies have nothing in common or resemblance with the video games at all when they fucking feel exactly like The Mercenaries mode.
Resident Evil 2 PSX was just as action packed as the first two movies were. I'd say that RE Apocalypse & RE3 were on par with each other in terms of violence. Apocalypse has a much better plot though, they actually showed to you that the news is always fake. Although film snobs attribute this as a criticism of George Bush's policies & news under his tenure, when I'm nah, He's talking shit about all of you faggots! Fuck film snobs!

RE movies have the best fucking music. it sounds just like video games.

Fuck I wish Mika were in the actual games, lol. She's the sole reason that I gave the movies a chance, and she just so happens to be in the 2nd best RE movie.
Again, I don't understand where most of these internet RE fans are coming from. I honestly don't think they play RE games coz they always describe RE as being similar in tone to The Walking Dead, when the actual RE games (at least up until RE2Remake & RE3Remake.), all have that same badass Military Spec Ops Wetworks tone where it's just a bunch of badass Military people fighting against monsters. That's what the fucking games are.

What games were they fucking playing where this isn't true? I mean besides RE2remake,RE3remake & probably RE7. I forgot that RE8 even exists, lol.

You could easily rewrite Alice as Jake Mueller (RE6 Ada Wong is actually based off of Alice. Alice looks way hotter though, lol.), and the movies would come off just as cannon as the Revelations games do. Sure, the movies do get a lot of details wrong about some of the monsters.
Mika Nakashima was actually a Ganado & a Zombie. Some morons complain about how Axe man is from Africa, but then find it unbelievable that Axe man could be in Alaska or something, where ever the hell Afterlife took place in.

When I see Re fags complain about these movies. I just don't know what the hell they're talking about.
In what way did the RE movies even disrespect the characters? (Aside for the final film, which was most likely do to budget concerns.) Ada, & Jill are fucking hot and look exactly like their game counterparts. Leon Kennedy actually looks like a 6'4 chad version of the video game character. He actually looks like Leon, except he's huge! (And still hardocre thirsty over Ada lol) Claire & Chris Redfield get the most love out of the entire movie series, and Claire appeals the most as a main character. Albert Wesker was spot on. How they go from such a perfect rendition of Wesker, even down to his distinct accent. (WTF accent is that?)
To how he is in the new RE movie, where he's just some generic tall white dude, who has zero fucking charisma.
Like shit, Claire gets more screen time in the live action movies than she ever did in the actual RE games, lol.
Claire is actually the leader of an entire crew. At least she started out that way until every kept dying throughout the movies.

There's so many things about the RE movies where I just don't understand why RE fans hate it. It feels exactly like the RE games, it even has the same fucking nonsensical plots which only kinda make sense as a virology arms race, just like the games.
He's one of those directors that nerds decided must be hated, because they want their pop culture bullshit to be treated with the same gravitas as the holocaust. Which is why Christopher Nolan is treated as a God, despite having never made a good movie and being overall fucking god awful. He treated Batman seriously, validating the feeling of Nerds who have replaced their religious icons with superheroes, and he is therefore okay in their book.
PWSA dared to alter some storyline from some game, and not put their favourite characters front and center, so he has to die.
It's so retarded though, coz the game characters are still in the movie and in most respects, they're treated much better in Anderson's films, especially Claire. The games usually treats everyone who isn't part of the core 4 (Ada is part of the core 4, not Claire.) as a bunch of jobbers. The RE movies give everyone a lead role, even Carlos, and this was way before Carlos became an internet meme with RE3make.

Yeah the entire Batman trilogy was boring as hell. I remember when Dark knight came out, you had to watch it coz damn near everyone (I'm talking irl, not internet bullshit.) wouldn't stop raving on & on about it.
They were decent watchable films, that people only loved coz they felt like Noirs movies, pretending to be a superhero movies, but not really being either category at all. The bat trilogy don't fall into my 'populist' category. Mad Max Fury Road does, now that's a damn good film. I don't fucking care what anyone says, Fury Road was the 2010s version of Speed. Nonstop action. At the end of the day though, I think I'd rather just watch 80s anime, lol.
When you've seen enough hollywood movies, they all tend to be the same whereas you never know what you're gonna get with big budget 80s anime, which still has much better art & animation than modern anime.
I don't fucking understand why modern Anime fans act as though 80s anime looked like shit, when they clearly have much better animation & art design. Even the OVAs do.

WTF has Nolan even made lately? Batman is a serious character, the Frank Miller version anyway. Not that Nolan did a Frank Miller batman.
Only Daredevil season 1 accurately brought Frank Miller DD in to live action. For the most part anyway. The whole Elektra story line was mostly botched until the final few episodes of season 2.
Mang that Daredevil series is fucking weird. How could season 1 be so damn good but the other 2 seasons are such a fucking mess and doesn't even feel like the same series. Fucking Jessica Jones season 1 feels more like it's part of the same universe as Season 1 DD, than the other two DD seasons did.
I first noticed Corporate-meddling bullshit like this with the Mass Effect series. The first two games do a decent job of setting up the story but then ME3 turns the series into some SJW joke where you fight human-supremacists more than the actual Reaper alien threat. ME3's story made no fuckign sense at all, and everything just gets explained away with "They woz indoctrinated by Reapers and shit, even though you never actually see Reapers do shit in the entire fucking game and you don't even fucking fight a fucking reaper, DERRP!"

FUck mang, Ass Effect is complete garbage now. They censored Miranda, and the people who make the game will constantly insult you, and call you a virgin who doesn't know how to use google to look up butt porn. I'm like wtf does that have to do with the game? Miranda being sexy is part of her story, she was genetically engineered to be a peak human and she looked the fucking part. You're fundamentally changing the character into a much less interesting random broad. Her story was that you were supposed to be her equal, now I'm just stuck with that pscho Jack coz at least she has a storyline that doesn't revolve around them wanting to fuck you unlike with the two aliens, Tali & Blue Dolphin bitch. It's funny coz on internet, you'll often hear about how the Asari girl & Tali are such well written characters, when those two are actually the 'sexist' submissive female stereotypes who constantly flaunt over your dick.
Meanwhile, that's not Miranda's story line at all. Miranda actually had some depth, she wasn't a fan girl. She came off like an adult woman who hid her insecurities through a veil of alleged genetically-engineered supremacy. You were meant to bring her down to Earth to make her stop thinking so highly of her self. Jack is just a fucking retard, but she's way more interesting than the other 3 after Miranda got censored in the remasters lol.

Fuck the USA, always getting in the way of stories, turning them into political statements.
It's the same shit with Michael Bay for he dared to mistreat the godhead Optimus Prime LOL, despite him being a much better director than anyone who has ever worked on the MCU. It has nothing to do with their actual abilities in directing movie, it's just doug walker style nerd rage.
Were the TMNT movies any good? The first Transformers was kinda good, but honestly I only watched them for Megan Fox. Bay can make some damn good movies like The Island. Although that's prob a meme answer just like Anderson and Event Horizon but The Island was a damn good movie. It was actually the first film I saw from him. I didn't even know Bay made that movie coz I heard so much bad stuff about him.

Also, about the Damned game - I do recall it being somewhat playable back when it was released, I haven't touched that since, so I dunno, if I'd try it out these days chances are it's not gonna be fun are quite high. The fact that EA forced Suda to change concept so much, it turned out later as BKS, manga Kurayami and Let It Die. Believe it or not, all these things have same ideas in mind. It's all written out in Art of GHM book.
With those gun physics, I can't imagine that game ever being good. Damned is supposed to be a shooter, but it's not very good at being a shooter. Which is strange since Killer7 was actually an ok shooter. I remember saying that Damned's shooting was worse than Mass Effect. Ass Effect has an excuse, they're rpgs. ME's shooting is barely passable though. The only thing worse than Damned's gunplay is Fallout 3. Holy fukc the shooting in that game is garbage.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:03 am
by Deep
Were the TMNT movies any good?
Modern ones with Megan Fox are boring-ass shit. They turned turtles into some dumb niggas from the hood, what a shameful thing to do...Old TMNT life-action are somewhat decent, of course it's a cheezzz-fest, but much better than contemporary counterparts.
With those gun physics, I can't imagine that game ever being good. Damned is supposed to be a shooter, but it's not very good at being a shooter. Which is strange since Killer7 was actually an ok shooter
I find that's strange, since Mikami worked with Suda on both k7 and Damned gameplay parts. But later he did Evil Within (I don't even wanna talk about fucken game man), so I dunno what happened back then. This whole thing is a total mystery...

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 7:57 am
is also the one scene that every Resident Evil fag can admit was good, but then they act like it was the only good part of the movie when the entire fucking movie felt like a Resident Evil game to me.
i only watched the first 3 Resident Evil movie,i like the second movie most because the movie replicate some of the PSX games scene and Jill Valentine looking good ,the monster like licker and Nemesis also looking good .if i remember correctly most of the fans who disliked the movie because they don't care about the protagonist Alice. constantly steal the Spotlight and don't give fans favourite character like like jill (i don't know about other fan favourite character like CHris or Claire since i never watch the sequel)to shine ,honestly i don't care about her either but i let it slide.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 9:22 am
by Jack
Modern ones with Megan Fox are boring-ass shit.
I gotta admit, she look gud tho! (Is being that hot even legal in the USA any more? I'm seriously asking. I dunno.)
I wish she looked 'nerdy' like that throughout the entire movie. She actually looked sorta like April Oneil in that disguise.

Deep wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:03 am
Old TMNT life-action are somewhat decent, of course it's a cheezzz-fest, but much better than contemporary counterparts.
Them's fighting words. TMNT1 is a classic, and it wasn't at all cheezy. TMNT1 was dark, & gritty. Unlike every other movie that came after TMNT1, the first film had a theme of family. The villains were just a bunch of lost delinquents without a father figure so they joined Shredder's clan, and the turtles were missing their father figure which led them to their inner turmoil. None of the other TMNT movies had an ongoing plot which grows in intensity until it reaches the climax.
TMNT1 was good coz it delved into martial arts philosophy, of keeping the balance between your mind, body & soul. The other two movies were just their era's equivalent of MCU capeshit, where the movie is just used as a marketing vehicle to push multimedia merchandise.

The first movie didn't even feel like a kids movie. I can't believe that movie actually got greenlit, coz it's dark as hell. It even had the Shredder decapitation scene, but instead of Leonardo or Splinter chopping his head off. It was Casey Jones crushing his skull with a garbage truck.

Sure that was retconned in TMNT2, but I treat every movie after TMNT 1 as a separate continuity. TMNT1 was basically a tamed down version of the 1980s Mirage comics version of TMNT.

If TMNT2 had actually continued from where TMNT1 left off, I think it most likely would've continued as a fucking awesome revenge flick with Karai as the main villain. TMNT2 & 3 are more based off of the cartoon & video games though, which is why they fucking suck.

That new TMNT games looks goddamn good though.

This is the first time that I've ever been excited for a TMNT game. (There was a PS3 TMNT game that looked good, and it even reused the original movie's theme song, but it sucked.)
I say this as someone who didn't really like the oldschool Konami games. Sure I did love them as a kid, but as a grown man I could never get into them.
The new one looks good, because it plays more like Streets of Rage with the larger focus on special moves & combos.
I find that's strange, since Mikami worked with Suda on both k7 and Damned gameplay parts. But later he did Evil Within (I don't even wanna talk about fucken game man), so I dunno what happened back then. This whole thing is a total mystery...
Evil Within had solid gunplay, but the game sucks ass, due to the copy & paste enemy encounters. Resident Evil 4 is still a classic, because during normal gameplay, every single gun was needed for crowd control. Unlike in Evil Witihin where you can just kill everything with a shotgun. You could do that in RE4 with a maxxed out SMG, but most people aren't going to do that for their first playthrough, coz there's not enough ammo.

I quit Damned, around the part where you run away from your girlfriend who one hit kills you when she catches up with you. I just found it so unfun that I couldn't bother.

There's a market for dialogue heavy detective games, such as the Sherlock Holmes series which has sold over 4 million copies. Not a blockbuster number for an entire franchise, but it's selling better than any game that Suda has made. NMH3 was only in Japan's top 30 for 1 week at only 7k copies sold, and it's already gone from the top 30.
I don't know why Suda keeps trying with action games, when I think his audience-size & retention would increase if he actually funded a real budget into his adventure games.

He just needs to modernize them like Dangan Ronpa, Route 96 (writing sucks ass, gameplay is good for an ADV.), the aforementioned Sherlock Holmes series, Maniac Mansion, etc.
L.A. Noir was a boring fucking game but it sold 5 million copies. You could easily do a Silver Case game with a similar style of gameplay but Suda just wastes time trying to make hardcore Arcade style games when he fucking sucks at it.
i only watched the first 3 Resident Evil movie,i like the second movie most because the movie replicate some of the PSX games scene and Jill Valentine looking good ,the monster like licker and Nemesis also looking good .
The 2nd one is good, as a popcorn flick but it's not a classic that could go toe to toe with Aliens like the original can. JIll's actress is fucking fine.
How the fuck you watch the first 3, but didn't even bother with the 4rth one? The 4rth one was one of the best RE movies, and Jill makes surprise appearance in that movie, looking even hotter lol. That's the movie with Mika Nakashima! (She's also credited in the 5th movie, but that was a body double. I can tell coz the body double looks like a generic Japanese girl. Mika doesn't look ordinary. She's like real life anime or somehitng, lol. Mika is fucking gorgeous in the 4rth movie.) Seriously though, the fourth RE movie plays out exactly like the games.

I honestly do not fucking understand why the internet Resident Evil fanbase pretends as if the Resident Evil games don't play like this. Sure they don't any more, since the series seems to have retconned every game that happened before RE2 remake but fuck that. Resident Evil 2 (Hunk's playthrough is action packed!), Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5,Resident Evil 6, Revelations 1, Revelations 2, Gun Survivor 1, Gun Survivor 2, Dead Aim, Umbrella Chronicles, & Darkside Chronicles were all balls to the wall crazy action games.
I don't even fucking understand how the hell RE2 psx got retconned into that boring ass RE2 remake bullshit. The original RE2 wasn't boring, it was action packed with plenty of fucking guns. RE2 was gun porn, as was the rest of the series up until Rev 2. I know I'm not remembering it wrong, coz I play it a few times every other year.

Resident Evil had a much longer history of being an Action franchise, but the fucking snobby internet nerds just took it over, and now the games are suck ass Walking Dead bullshit, when nobody even watches Walking Dead any more, kek!
if i remember correctly most of the fans who disliked the movie because they don't care about the protagonist Alice. constantly steal the Spotlight and don't give fans favourite character like like jill (i don't know about other fan favourite character like CHris or Claire since i never watch the sequel)to shine ,honestly i don't care about her either but i let it slide.
That was definitely true for the second movie, Alice even steals Jill's boytoy, Carlos lol.
I don't fucking care about that. Video game fans are bunch of fucking losers who get too damn connected to the characters, not realizing that the plots often depended on the availability of the actors. Most of these actors were doing other movies & treated RE as a quickie side job.

How did you not notice Claire?
Claire was a main character from the 3rd movie, lol. Unlike Jill, Claire never gets overlooked by Alice.
Claire is on nearly equal ground with Alice. Spoilers Claire is the only
RE character who doesn't die, LOL!
Claire gets treated with way more respect in the movies than she's ever had in the games. Even when Claire is a main character in the games, she's always treated as a side character. Aside for Claire's ass, the real main characters of Code Veronica were Chris Redfield & Albert Wesker.
In Revelations 2, the plot basically revolves around Barry & natalia, oh and uh Claire happens to be in that game too, but she's basically just babysitting Barry's daughter. That's how 'important' Claire is in the games, she's always just someone's bitch. Meanwhile in the RE movies, Claire is treated as almost as important as Alice.

Alice has the same exact story as Jake Mueller & Ada Wong, both characters are based off of Alice.

I don't really mind Alice, coz she's basically Ada Wong. Ada Wong from the video games is basically Alice.

I did see a comment which accurately details what you conveyed of 'The Fans'' response.
1 year ago
I did like that ending as it was moving— but I’m still immeasurably pissed off they just vivisected the name so badly in the films — one such example was killing off or leaving many of the characters open ended with unanswered plot holes that ‘built’ the franchises identity up from the game series: Leon, Chris, Jill, Ada, Barry. And before you say Claire and Wesker were still prevalent, that is like giving us two slices of the pie— and throwing the rest of what’s left in the fucking trash. Where does that make sense except that of the director and writer taking a collective liquid shit on the games story. It’s insulting...
I disagree though, I don't feel that the RE movies disrespected the games at all. If you're a hardcore RE fan like I am (Although I'm considered a fake fan, coz I like RE4-6, lol. Even though I've been with the series since RE1. I didn't like the series until RE2 tho)
You'll constantly be cheering coz the action & the writing is so damn similar to the games.
The problem is that the internet fan community have this idealized perception of what they believe that Resident Evil is, so they have latched on to that delusion until Crapcom finally turned the Internet Fan Base's Walking Dead fanfiction bullshit into a reality with the RE remakes.

I feel way more fucking disrespected by that new The Walking Dead crap that the RE franchise has turned during the late 2010s. I don't know why, since the RE shooter games are still the best selling. or at least they were, RE7 recently outsold the entire franchise. I fucking hate Fans. Seriously! Fans are annoying because they always demand for stupid shit that actually ruins the game! I understand the need for fans, to fund your projects, but I take a Nintendo approach to IP. Nintendo doesn't give a mad fucking shit about their fans, Nintendo abuses their fans always closing down their fangames & tournaments (Where Nintendo doesn't even receive money, so why should they care?), Nintendo is always doing the exact opposite of what their loud & annoying ass Internet fanbase constantly cry & clamor for, but in response, Nintendo just does whatever the hell they want. It pays off coz Nintendo still makes serious bank by chasing after what they want to do, while constantly giving their annoying fans, THE MIDDLE FINGER.
I wish Capcom did that, tell their fans to eat a dick & shut the fuck up, but Crapcom listens too much to internet nerds. I never met a RE fan in real life, who treats it as seriously as The Walking Dead (which is a dreadfully boring comic & tv show.). Most peeps I come across who loved RE, we loved it coz of the high-octane violence and the hot girls. Now the RE games have neither, AYY LMAO!

It's no wonder that I'm really into Nintendo games these days, I seem to be their target audience. I don't like nintendo fans either, just like Nintendo who prolly hates their fans more than anyone else does lol. I just want a highly polished product with a unique gaming hook, and Nintendo delivers on that front, nearly every single time.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:37 am
It's kinda a bummer, because she is in the game, just for being in the game, that's whole purpose. Replace Travis with any other dude, game wouldn't change much. I do despise her appearance, but you have you remember, that's not a same Bad Girl, its a fucking dog transformed to human (TSA DLC). I know that some dogs a pretty smart, but this one is as dumb as a hammer.
That is a good point. I guess it is justified within the context of the game. It's still dull though, at least TSA had her as a bonus playable character. She has no reason to exist in NMH3, with it being the direct sequel of TSA.
Why bother adding characters into the story, when they have ZERO impact on the story? And it's not like "Enemy A" and "Enemy B", it's legit stuff we used to have (key word) in the NMH games.
That is basically what I was saying earlier, on how the original no more heroes bosses all had shit going on for themselves, that had nothing to do with Travis or the plot at all. Count Townsend "Death Metal" was implied to be yakuza, Doctor Peace was a corrupt cop, Shinobu was a private suburban assassin like travis, Destroyman was a postman/superhero presumably handling complaints from the gvnt, Holly was black ops military, Bad Girl was doing some snuff shit killing endless clones as a job, so on and so forth
There's no actual character in anything going on nowadays. In retrospect Sylvia saying "too bad there won't be a sequel" at the end of nmh1 is ominous because I wish it didn't get any fucking sequels, considering imitating no more heroes destroyed any creativity the company once had.
Killer is Dead was shallow and it was apparently as heavily rewritten as nmh3 but at least it looked & sounded nice and had some measure of gravitas. The dialogue only sounds awkward as fuck in english, which makes me think they probably had awful translators. The director of KiD is not with GHM anymore which is unfortunate, because I do believe he had some potential. He doesen't even seem to be credited for anything after Let it Die, which means he's either out of a job or he's stuck trying to resurrect that dead ass game.
She has two daddies! Let's ride along to the pride parraaaaade!"
We totally ain't grooming 2 yr olds y'all!
It's weird how being a Drag Queen has been turned from a sex fetish into an identity that must be protected on the same level as if you were born black, with a snap of the finger.
I have weird sex fetishes myself but I don't see a point in bringing it up in casual conversation, nor do I feel the disturbing need of teaching kids how they are "beautiful and brave".
I understand where it comes from, obviously alternative lifestyles are pushed by plutocrats due to their malthusian ideals about population growth and the switch happened with memorandum 200. What I am astounded by is how quickly people latched onto grown men wearing panties, to the point where I am nearly the only person I know IRL that does not watch Rupaul Drag Race. People can do whatever the fuck in their private time, but I don't see women being tied & gagged being rapresented in mainstream tv despite it being an existing sex fetish, which I guess is now on equal terms as your racial identity, nationality or religion.
Seriously, why do reddit faggots always try to speak like Southern Red necks?
I have no fucking clue, I learned english when I was very young to the point where I am often mistaken for a native until you hear me speak but I can't understand nuspeak at all. Y'all, hella, horny, simp, sus, shit like that, it's all twitter speak to me despite having origins in IRL slangs. For example I am familiar with the idea of being horny or feeling horny but the context and the form in which it is used in nuspeak media isn't familiar or intuitive at all. It might as well be a new word with a new meaning.
Nintendo made a party game, as in a party-based group or battle royale. Smash's tourney scene should look more similar to an Arena fps or Fortnite where random items are legal, and you're allowed to actually play the game. As in, Competitive Fortnite actually allows their contestants to build walls & buildings and apply the same tactics that one would normally use during normal gameplay.

In Competitive Smash, you're forced to forget everything about the actual game that Nintendo released, to adopt some fakeass retarded ruleset that sloppily imitates Street Fighter, and everyone just goes along with these retards. I don't fucking get it.
Yeah the game is just unplayable online. If you try to join matches, it's always some super restrictive bullshit for tourney autists; if you make your own room with items allowed, noone will join. I only play the game with other people IRL, which is why you don't see me play it on my own switch

Either way, I'm gonna continue our movie conversation in the movie thread, because we might as well use it since we have one
What was even the point of that? Sure Travis had rhymes, but he was rapping about shit. None of them are directly insulting each other which is what you do during a rap battle lol.
Ironically it's one of the two times the phrase "kill the past" is uttered in the game, in that cringeworthy garbage lol. You really hit the nail on the head, the rap itself made no sense to me. The only "insult" in it is the six hundredth metatextual reference to the fact that the sequel took 10 years to come out. Which who cares about that? The sequel took so long to come out because there was no interest for it back in the day, NMH2 sold like shit.

The dialogue in NMH3 overall is god awful, to the point where I wonder if GHM just had different (better) translators back in the day. The dialogue still flows well in the TSC, FSR and 25W translations, but TSC has a whole load of mistakes which makes me think the translators did zero research. ... planation/

Killer is Dead sounds goofy as fuck in english, everyone sounds like a robot.

In Japanese, the characters sound like they're supposed to sound

Although the cutscenes look like ass because the lip synching is based on the english version lol.

I don't think KID is some masterpiece, but it was the most enjoyable out of all the god awful games GHM released in the 2010s. I really didn't give it a chance until I tried out the japanese dub though.

Nothing sounded that fucking bad in Killer7 or the original NMH, which I believe were the first GHM games to get english voice acting if you ignore Samurai Champloo.

"It's one of those restaurants, that's impossible to get a reservation for. What's important is not the fact that the reservations are hard to get. In fact noone gets reservations. The words "reservations only" apply only to those outside of the circle. It's getting into that circle that matters. Oh, the food? Tasted like blood."
LMAO I can't believe lines like this one used to be in NMH games.
Didn't the guy who uploaded this video used to post on our forum way back when? I recognize the name.

Anyway they must have changed the translation team or something, because while the dialogue has definetly taken a hit. The voicework sounds unnatural and wonky as fuck compared to K7 and NMH.
Even TSA which I generally like, reads fine when the characters are speaking through text, but the few scenes with dialogue are very awkward.

"I followed your scent. You know, the one similar to the stench of raw sewage? It led me right to you!"
That doesen't flow at all in english, and I have a hard time believing it's because of the japanese writing lol. I don't think Suda speaks english at all, he seems to use an interpreter wherever he goes.

That's just me wondering though. I don't have any hard proof, because I am too lazy to look up every single credits sequence for these games, 90% of which I don't even like. If I had to bet money though, I would assume the voice director & localization team for K7 and NMH did not return for any of the following titles.
I legit thought that was a pretentious ass Plebbit tard who just graduated college. You did a damn good job at sounding 'AMERICAN'. Your post stuck out to me, coz it was the dumbest fucking post I ever fucking read, AYY LMAO!
Yeah I can see why you'd be confused. 4chan posters are mindbroken so you'd never assume someone is legitimately just being sarcastic. They understand everything as either a serious keyboard warrior style statement about white genocide, or "bait". Making a joke is just considered "bait" lol, humor does not exist anymore.
I think it's already happening. Sorta, at least the beta version. It seems to be the case for Saints Row, hardcore Saints fans that I've known of, for over a decade. Who would constantly insult the direction that the Saints games were going in, are suddenly shilling for Saints Row reboot, when it's the fucking complete opposite of everything they've been ranting about for over a decade. Yeah I'm talking bout Flippy.
Yeah as I said I never really got into the SR franchise, not because I dislike it, it's just something I never happened to play, but you can see it in many other things.
The reality is that, as we thoroughly established that most of the internet is just a fake machine propped up by bots, in order to be a "mainstream" youtuber you have to be a corporate sockpuppet.
For example, all the "leftist" (not actual leftist) youtubers that work on "media critique" which somehow always ties back to the fact that trannies are gods and to the fact that everyone who disagrees with absolutist government policies is an alt right nazi, are all owned by the same companies and all know each other.
They supposedly get several tens of millions of views when you put them all together, yet I've never met a person in real life that has ever heard of any of them, not just in Italy but anywhere.
For a more relevant example, Ghenry Perez is a literal shill lol.

Despite him being the one who hyped up No More Heroes 3 as both the conclusion of the 20 years old Silver Case storyline, and also as a profound deconstruction of the concept of "heroism" in his videos, sponsored by his twitter cronies

When NMH3 failed to deliver on anything he thought it would rapresent, and when it also dumped or retconned everything introduced in TSA (which he loved) except for the John Riccitiello insert, he still loved the game because ahah guys it's only supposed to be funny, the dialogue is like wrestling banter!! The game kept me guessing with its random storyline.
(I posted most of the game's cutscenes earlier ITT. The dialogue is absolutely nothing like wrestling banter, except for the scene he chose lol.

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?

Does this sound like wrestling banter?)
He even shits on No More Heroes 2, another game he supposedly love and claimed was actually fully written by Suda51 and a canonical piece of his catalogue, to defend the fact that NMH3 doesen't have actual levels, or really anything beyond boss rooms & testing rooms. I don't even understand why they had such a strict ban on "spoilerish" footage, when there's nothing to spoil whatsoever. Yeah Badman dies but he is a non-entity in this game. The game ends with Travis' grandkids coming back from the future to save the world from Henry being in league with a different race of aliens, but that's one more lolrandom joke, it's not really meant to be a serious plot development.

Qish had an interaction with these guy's cronies which I am not going to describe, because he seems to be reluctant to talk about it publically (though he did send me screencaps privately), but I'll just say it confirmed my conviction that most of these people are actually shills. One of which being CJ Iwakura which might I remind everyone, described both of us as "right wing extremists" (lol I don't vote and I am a jew) with you in particular being some weird white nationalist obsessed with submissive japanese women (when you are a japanese man who doesen't much care for japanese women and considers them playful rather than submissive)

I wonder if TheGamingBrit is a shill too lol. He seems to be connected to Hbomberguy so probably. I will say I agreed with nearly every single he had to say about Suda51 games until now.

but he might have revealed his cards a bit too much because if he now releases a video gushing over NMH3 for doing the same exact shit he hated in GHM's 2010s catalogue, he'll obviously be outed as a sellout by the five people who give a fuck about it

This is a bit off topic but I might as well bring it up here. It's mentioned in one of the videos above that Suda51 claims the gigolo missions in KiD were pushed on him by the Kadokawa producers because they wanted to "sex up" the game to sell it to japanese audiences.
However Tim Rogers, yes Tim fucking Rogers, who is indeed still alive and in the middle of a mental breakdown where he releases six hour videos where his mind just devolves into complete nonsense, confirmed in this video that he was indeed working with Suda 51 (which means you were right in getting angry about it 12 fucking years ago LOL! ... t1350.html) and he claims that Suda himself wanted to pitch the game, with the gigolo sex scenes being the way you saved the game, and that they were both worried about how to explain it to Kadokawa.

So someone here must be lying. Who did? What's behind this international propaganda conspiracy about ugly 3d models humping one another?
And yes the comment is somewhere in that 6h video. Yes I did watch it all as I was having a depressive breakdown. No I'm not gonna watch it again to find it, you'll just have to trust me on my fucking word and my balls.
Yeah even Kax made a similar argument at the Nintendo thread, and I once saw a post that compared NMH3 to Family guy. From the walkthroughs I've seen, that's exactly what the story telling feels like. A bunch of references to old ass Gen X & Older Millennial shit, that Zoomers (presumably the target audience.) wouldn't fucking get or understand at all. Not unlike Family Guy which also references a bunch of shit from the 80s, where the reference is the joke.
Yeah Family Guy is another good example. So is Ready Player One, which is basically the big budget version of that.
This is why I liked Killer7, FSR, Silver Case & Moonlight Syndrome. The first 3 show you just how fucking corrupt the government actually is. Moonllight Syndrome, through SC, shows you how the government doesn't actually care about solving crimes.
I don't fucking care about Suda's other games, because it's not real to me. I don't fucking about the pop culture shit.
I generally agree with you. I just think TSA is the better game among all the pop culture focused games, because it actually feels like a fun recreation of legitimately forgotten shit, like crazy videogame ads or vector games.

It also had a more pleasant visual style & music than whatever the fuck was going on in NMH2 and 3, which both look, and sound like shit. (The music in 2 is not actually bad but it doesen't fit anywhere in the game.)
It's not because of technical limitations either, 2 and 3 just have a god awful artystyle that looks like shit. People already managed to run NMH3 on 4k in emulators, with all the texture loaded in and yeah it looks better than the switch version, but it's still ugly as sin.

TSA also had a slightly more involved plot with fun readables and all sorts of shit, little details in the world, two full visual novels one of which had better writing than 90% of videogames in the past 15 years, so on and so forth.

Badman is probably the best written character in any Suda game since 2005, and he gets killed off in 3 after one line just for shock value lol.
While it's not my cup of tea or my favourite genre, I can still recognize when something is well made, or god awful. TSA is well made for what it is. NMH3 is just bad.
American people are so fucking barbaric, last year the cops gunned down some White guy during his daughter's graduation day coz he was playing Crash Bandicoot too loud, lol. He just walked out of his house and they fucking shot him right in front of his front door and they kept shooting him just like how those other cops kept shooting that Black guy, and their own police dog. AMerican people are a fucking Death Kult.
The police only exists to harrass people who live under the rule of law. To those who live outside the law, the police might as well not exist. I know I only ever interact with cops, when I am doing nothing wrong and they need to fill a quota of stopping & harrassing people, and they just latch on to me because I'm either hanging out with a girl, or at least I look like a peaceful professional who won't give them any trouble.
In the USA it's even worse because they are so militarized. In italy, policemen don't even have money to fill up their gas tanks, so they just waste your fucking time LOL! (Best country in the world btw)
That's why I laugh at supposed alt right "rebels", who cuck for the catholic church and the cops, two of the biggest institutions of oppression in history. They don't want freedom, they just cuck to a different master compared to american progressives, who want to be dominated sexually by a transgender chimera mutation fusion of bill gates & elon musk LOL.
That's tame as fuck when compared to the 90s show, lol. Those pics look about on par with Xenoblade 2, and Kisaragi even looks like Pyra. Fuck they dress the same too.
I agree, that's why I said it's more stylized. Panty & Stocking has a lot of nudity and full blown sex scenes too but it's mostly not sexy at all, it's played as a joke because for most of the episode the two bitches are in chibi form.
Re: Cutie Honey is not as stylized as that, but it's close. I don't think it looks prudish or gay as american media does though. The nudity is just played for fun, or treated as a normal thing.
Muh magical girl crush when I was a kid was Devil Hunter Yohko.
I jerked off to the tape so much when I was 11 or 12 I broke it, and I'm not even joking
Yeah it's fucking annoying. It's mostly Anglos & Americans who do that shit. I really don't fucking understand what their cultural hang up is. Most Americans blame this shit on Christians but there's plenty of Christian nations in the world, even from Europe who aren't anywhere near as prudish about nudity. Besides Italian, there's France & Spain, we don't give a fucking shit. "OHMIGODATIT!"
Yeah french people weird out even me. They had full blown underage (prepubescent) sexual nudity in films for fucking ages, so obviously it has nothing to do with christianity. That fucking pedo movie Cuties was from france lol.
Orthodox christian families in the east seem to have 20 kids each which tells me they fuck loads.
Christ himself defended prostitutes from lapidation & while he disincouraged their lifestyle, he clearly was not against personal intimacy but then again why even talk about it when the two main branches of christianity in the western world (protestantism and catholicism) are both bullshit made up by oligarchs lol. Catholics are so fucking dumb they consume the body of christ as a sacrament, despite the body being a transient space for your immortal soul. Why would the body matter? Christ manifested in a different body after his death, but Catholics and Protasts would have you believe he literally resurrected as a living corpse, a zombie kike by Umbrella corp, and that's somehow meant to indicate "faith" if you buy something that makes no fucking sense.
That John Doyle queer had a 2 hour video about the dangers of porn, and I actually listened through 1 hour & 40 minutes of it before I turned it off. He did use a lot of stats & research that backed up his arguments, but come on my guy, half of that shit was debunked lol! Dude is just full blown typical Anglo-scum. Who looks very Jewwy, but he doesn't act like a jew. He acts like an 'Alpha male' stereotype, KEK!

I agree that porn def fucked up his generation, but that's coz his generation are queers, including him. LOL!
I think modern porn is indeed dangerous and fucked up because shit like onlyfans or twitter whoring encourages parasocial relationship where you believe you are making friends, and your brain tells you you have a lover because you jerk off to her so much, but in reality you isolate yourself more & more in the non-existing reality of your phone's screen. It's no wonder zoomers all turn into weird AGP trannoid monstrosities. Old porn movies did not have this issue because the entire experience was framed as fantasy. Obviously if you grew up on that, jerking off to some random online chick is not gonna suddenly rot your brain, I'm talking about a general societal issue.
My god that game looks so terrible, lol. On one hand, the characters & music seem interesting but holy shit that game's gameplay looks bad. SLuggish ass frame rate.
To be fair to NMH1 (which is still not that great gameplay wise mind you) the guy I linked does not know how to play the game at all. It seems like he's trying to play it as a completely different game, which is why everything takes ages and it looks so goofy. When you play the game properly, battles are nowhere near that bad.
There's a market for dialogue heavy detective games, such as the Sherlock Holmes series which has sold over 4 million copies. Not a blockbuster number for an entire franchise, but it's selling better than any game that Suda has made. NMH3 was only in Japan's top 30 for 1 week at only 7k copies sold, and it's already gone from the top 30.
I don't know why Suda keeps trying with action games, when I think his audience-size & retention would increase if he actually funded a real budget into his adventure games.

He just needs to modernize them like Dangan Ronpa, Route 96 (writing sucks ass, gameplay is good for an ADV.), the aforementioned Sherlock Holmes series, Maniac Mansion, etc.
L.A. Noir was a boring fucking game but it sold 5 million copies. You could easily do a Silver Case game with a similar style of gameplay but Suda just wastes time trying to make hardcore Arcade style games when he fucking sucks at it.
Yeah I have no fucking clue either. The DR games are not even that expensive, & they have the same art director and musician as early GHM games.
I made the same exact point when talking to rake the other day. How the fuck is it possible that Access Games could fund Deadly Premonition, a full blown open world detective game (which also happened to have real levels and interiors you go into unlike NMH3 LOL!) while GHM could never do that? What malady affected Suda's mind to make him believe that he is Shinji Mikami or Hideki Kamiya?
I guess the low sales of TSC & 25W scared them off, but to be fair. Those are a 90s game, and a flipphone game being re-released in the late 2010s. I love those games but they don't play anywhere near as smoothly as Danganronpa or other modern VNs do. (Jabberwock Island in DR2 straight up just looks like Lospass Island from FSR.)

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:08 am
by Jack
You need to put your NMH wrestling videos under a spoiler tag, coz it takes a long ass time to load this page due to those vids that most people won't even watch. I know I only sat through about two. I had to split my post in two coz it wouldn't load as one huge post.
I legit thought that was a pretentious ass Plebbit tard who just graduated college. You did a damn good job at sounding 'AMERICAN'. Your post stuck out to me, coz it was the dumbest fucking post I ever fucking read, AYY LMAO!
Yeah I can see why you'd be confused. 4chan posters are mindbroken so you'd never assume someone is legitimately just being sarcastic. They understand everything as either a serious keyboard warrior style statement about white genocide, or "bait". Making a joke is just considered "bait" lol, humor does not exist anymore.
It's not that I was confused. I labeled your post as typical midwit garbage. All midwits sound the same, they require a thesaurus to describe the utterly mundane. They can never talk about subjects as is.

The reality is that, as we thoroughly established that most of the internet is just a fake machine propped up by bots, in order to be a "mainstream" youtuber you have to be a corporate sockpuppet.
For example, all the "leftist" (not actual leftist) youtubers that work on "media critique" which somehow always ties back to the fact that trannies are gods and to the fact that everyone who disagrees with absolutist government policies is an alt right nazi, are all owned by the same companies and all know each other.

They supposedly get several tens of millions of views when you put them all together, yet I've never met a person in real life that has ever heard of any of them, not just in Italy but anywhere.
Sam Seder has to be the biggest of those fucking Leftist nobodies. He acts like he's so famous just coz he supposedly has over millions of subs, yet he only has like 30k views on his vids. He tried to call An0maly a random nobody that nobody has heard of just coz he only has 250k subs on youtube, when I'm like dude, that guy is a rapper. He's actually known in real life USA. Who the fuck are you? What do you even do? Besides being a midwit smart ass?
An0maly has millions of followers on faceberg & is fairly well known in real life. Unlike these Leftists faggots who fake their fame on internet, but aren't known at all for doing anything in real life. I knew about An0maly way before I ever heard that he did political ranting.
He ain't big time, but he's an example of someone who's part of a real life culture with a much bigger following than most (his following is even bigger than most tv celebs) that numbers in the millions, unlike with these corporate shitheads like Seder, and the breadtuber fucks.

The one who makes me laugh the most is David Pakman. Why does he act so 'tough?' I could easily break his body into two, dude's like 120 pounds lol. He's this tiny looking kike fuck. He's actually Latino, but he looks so White American Liberal (& also acts the part.) that I just call him a White boy anyway.
Voosh (mispelled his name on purpose.) is the one who pisses me off the most, coz he's the most smug retard I ever seen who doesn't even notice how retarded he sounds. He tried to call this normal White man, an insane right winger who emotionally reacts to his belief that moms can't have dicks, when he personally knows plenty of moms who are born with dicks.
I'm like, muh dude. you sound insane as fuck, and yet here you are acting as if you're the voice of reason. Even the White guy he was speaking to just shut his mouth and was like, ain't no reasoning with this fat commie-larper fuck."
This is a bit off topic but I might as well bring it up here. It's mentioned in one of the videos above that Suda51 claims the gigolo missions in KiD were pushed on him by the Kadokawa producers because they wanted to "sex up" the game to sell it to japanese audiences.
However Tim Rogers, yes Tim fucking Rogers, who is indeed still alive and in the middle of a mental breakdown where he releases six hour videos where his mind just devolves into complete nonsense, confirmed in this video that he was indeed working with Suda 51 (which means you were right in getting angry about it 12 fucking years ago LOL! ... t1350.html) and he claims that Suda himself wanted to pitch the game, with the gigolo sex scenes being the way you saved the game, and that they were both worried about how to explain it to Kadokawa. So someone here must be lying. Who did? What's behind this international propaganda conspiracy about ugly 3d models humping one another?
Of course I'm right. I'm almost always right. it's funny how people around here keep telling me that I told them something a long time ago, that they didn't take seriously but then recently found out that I was right, LOL!
It's fucking hilarious how I said that shit way back in 2009, but every single thing I said was pinpoint accurate.
Come on now. You do know who Tim Rogers is. You just forgot.
He's this otaku cunt.

Second who the hell would think this guy is qualified to give any input on the development of a game? Suda shouldnt be taking the whole "punk" thing literally by hiring hipsters like Tim Rogers to work on his games.
What's hip about Tim Rogers? He's a pretentious fag who writes reviews that don't make any goddamn sense.
Course in a way. You could say that Tim Rogers is a perfect fit for a Suda 51 game, because his reviews are as incomprehensible, and post modern as Suda 51's plots.
Now in all truth I don't believe that Suda's plots are really as confusing as they are believed to be. Considering that Suda 51 plots usually have a point whereas Tim Roger's videogame reviews are about Tim Roger's, and his glamorous life as a goofy White guy who listens to shitty J-pop in Japan.
All hating aside I can see how Tim Rogers could be deemed a fit for a Suda 51 game.
Both are considered rebels within their own industries.
(Tim for his videogame reviews about his life story. Suda for... you know what I don't even care anymore.)
Unfortunately this means that I'm going to boycott his games now, because Suda is officially off his rocker.
Of all people why Tim Rogers?
Why not somebody who's actually well educated, & intelligent like Tom Chick?
Tim Rogers doesn't even understand Killer 7's plot. Tom Chick does. ... hp?t=20288 ... s-wii.aspx
Tom understands that K7 is like a pandora's box of themes & ideas that are currently corrupting society.
Tim Rogers just bullshitted some random bs about fear in his review of K7.
If Suda actually read Tim Roger's review of K7 then he should be made aware that the review was actually satire, and Tim was really making fun of how horrible Killer 7 is.
Heh, I guess here's another case of sarcasm flying over a Japanese individual's head.
(Of all people I'd be thinking that Suda 51 would be able to identify sarcasm when he sees it. Considering the witty writing style of his games.)
I can't believe that I was still speaking the same exact way as I do now but back in 2009, I was considered as a normal Bro. In 2020s, speaking like that has you labeled as Far Right White Supremacist. Yeah that makes zero sense.

A funny thing about Tom Chick, he talks mad bullshit about Xenoblade 1 like I do, lol. I think Tom Chick is into those lame Gaysrtation 4/5 games that I hate which is why I haven't followed his writing recently. He's normally on point though. He's a grown up man, and not some typical manchild seeking for fame.

As for the conspiracy of sexual intercourse with bitches to save a game. That sounds exactly like something that Suda would come up with. You already take a shit to save your game in NMH. Being a Japanese man, it's not like he sees a difference. He most likely views both as bodily functions that you do every day. Allegedly, I sure see a lot of articles from Japan (WRITTEN BY FAGGY WHITE PEOPLE) pontificating about some supposed Incel onslaught of crime. ... reas-semen
The way White people talk about Japan is just so bizarre to me, coz they make it sound like Japan hates & murders women by the millions.When they're probably the one race in the world that genuinely allows women to be women. When I say that at a Western gaming forum, I get banned for being "racist, sexist & misogynist" coz women being women' seems to be labeled as hateful hate-speech, Why can't they be men? Well why the fuck would I want a manly woman? I like that my peoples' women, are extremely feminine. It's cultural differences bitch! How comes Japs aren't allowed to have cultural differences without us being called derogatory names for it?

I generally agree with you. I just think TSA is the better game among all the pop culture focused games, because it actually feels like a fun recreation of legitimately forgotten shit, like crazy videogame ads or vector games.
Did I say anything about TSA? I don't even mention TSA coz I have no idea that it has anything to do with KTP and quite frankly, I don't care. Whatever connection it may have had to the KTP games, was immediately ignored by NMH3 LOL! So it may as well, not even exist. People act like the original Deaths Head 2 run from the 1990s never existed, and it's much better that way coz the modern late 2010s version is shit. Dr Necker & Tucker actually wear clothes and look like nerds. Whereas back in the 90s, everyone looked like they stepped out of a Heavy Metal cover.
American people are so fucking barbaric, last year the cops gunned down some White guy during his daughter's graduation day coz he was playing Crash Bandicoot too loud, lol. He just walked out of his house and they fucking shot him right in front of his front door and they kept shooting him just like how those other cops kept shooting that Black guy, and their own police dog. AMerican people are a fucking Death Kult.
The police only exists to harrass people who live under the rule of law. To those who live outside the law, the police might as well not exist. I know I only ever interact with cops, when I am doing nothing wrong and they need to fill a quota of stopping & harrassing people, and they just latch on to me because I'm either hanging out with a girl, or at least I look like a peaceful professional who won't give them any trouble.
In the USA it's even worse because they are so militarized. In italy, policemen don't even have money to fill up their gas tanks, so they just waste your fucking time LOL! (Best country in the world btw)
The point I was making is that Americans are so hungry for bloodshed that you can even be part of the cops, as that dog was,
and still get shot multiple times by your own owners, exploding the dog's head like a fucking watermelon.
That angers me coz police dog had complete trust in his fellow police men, but they still treated him the same exact way that they treated the Black man.

Although I will add that Right Wing Americans do hilariously worship the police for some reason. I'm even told by Americans "If you're so tough why don't you join the police to put a stop to Antifa."
In response to me stating that Asian countries usually rebel against their superiors, threaten to kill them and forcibly replace them. For some reason, that angers Americans.

I was like what? The police ain't doing shit to antifa! The police are the reason why Antifa are allowed to kill people on the streets. I live in WA state, the shooting happen rather frequently by these Antifa tards. If the police are our saviors, why the fuck are they not policing Antifa? The job of the police is to enforce the law, but they selectively enforce it, because in reality they only obey The Establishment, which funds them.
That's why I laugh at supposed alt right "rebels", who cuck for the catholic church and the cops, two of the biggest institutions of oppression in history. They don't want freedom, they just cuck to a different master compared to american progressives, who want to be dominated sexually by a transgender chimera mutation fusion of bill gates & elon musk LOL.
Most Americans don't like Catholics (although this might be different now since the USA is practically Latino, lol.) so I dunno where that's coming from outside of Spic Fuentes who isn't even a real catholic. Ry Dawson completely murdered his fake ass, and he isn't even religious but he knows more about Catholicism than Nick does. I wish the clips of their debate were still on youtube coz Ry made Nick look like a dumbass larping little kid. He actually makes all of these ecelebs look like fucking frauds. Which is funny when you think about it, considering who Ry is lol.

Yeah I have no fucking clue either. The DR games are not even that expensive, & they have the same art director and musician as early GHM games.
I made the same exact point when talking to rake the other day. How the fuck is it possible that Access Games could fund Deadly Premonition, a full blown open world detective game (which also happened to have real levels and interiors you go into unlike NMH3 LOL!) while GHM could never do that? What malady affected Suda's mind to make him believe that he is Shinji Mikami or Hideki Kamiya?
I guess the low sales of TSC & 25W scared them off, but to be fair. Those are a 90s game, and a flipphone game being re-released in the late 2010s. I love those games but they don't play anywhere near as smoothly as Danganronpa or other modern VNs do. (Jabberwock Island in DR2 straight up just looks like Lospass Island from FSR.)
Isn't ghm a privately owned company? So it's not like he has to answer to stock holders or anything who would definitely push towards the action game focus.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:00 am
by Deep
I also don't get that "action game focus" notion, what's the big deal, when did we missed that? Ghm I used to know is interesting new ideas that not being restricted by genre criterias. It's free for all and anything goes. Making new ways of approaching different themes and ideas in gaming, that wasn't overused to death before. I'm not gonna be happy if we'll be getting just "action game" every year, before 2051 when last kill the past game being released.

Maybe we just don't know something...

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:26 am
by Jack
I had to cut my post into two posts, but I originall had it as one. The first part was before Derp's post. The second part barely had anything to do with NMH, coz I'm talking way more shit about White people like Iwakura than anything else. Straight up, these White mothafuckas call me a racist, but the only people I'm racist towards are White people like them, coz they're racist towards me.
Deep wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:00 am I also don't get that "action game focus" notion, what's the big deal, when did we missed that? Ghm I used to know is interesting new ideas that not being restricted by genre criterias. It's free for all and anything goes.
NMH 1 was their best selling game. (Which still sold like shit.) So from a logic stand point, it does make sense to pursue action games but GHM just aren't good at it. They even try making shmups. it's funny how Suda actually does mention David Cage coz David Cage himself spoke highly of Killer7 when it first came out and David Cage's style of game seemed to be the most obvious direction that Suda should've took. I thought Untill Dawn was a pretty good game. Grantdd, it's coz it predated games such as Friday the 13th & Dead by Daylight which imo do a much better job of recreating horror movies through gameplay but for its time, Until Dawn was one of the better horror game experiences which actually tried to be like the movies. As opposed to play like a terrible game, which is what most survival horror games do. Where they always try to copy tank controls, because they think that retarded controls were what made those games scary.
Xed51 wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:37 am
She has two daddies! Let's ride along to the pride parraaaaade!"
We totally ain't grooming 2 yr olds y'all!
It's weird how being a Drag Queen has been turned from a sex fetish into an identity that must be protected on the same level as if you were born black, with a snap of the finger.
I have weird sex fetishes myself but I don't see a point in bringing it up in casual conversation, nor do I feel the disturbing need of teaching kids how they are "beautiful and brave".
I understand where it comes from, obviously alternative lifestyles are pushed by plutocrats due to their malthusian ideals about population growth and the switch happened with memorandum 200. What I am astounded by is how quickly people latched onto grown men wearing panties, to the point where I am nearly the only person I know IRL that does not watch Rupaul Drag Race. People can do whatever the fuck in their private time, but I don't see women being tied & gagged being rapresented in mainstream tv despite it being an existing sex fetish, which I guess is now on equal terms as your racial identity, nationality or religion.

Population control so extreme that USA is even cheering for trannies to beat the fucking shit out of women lol.

This is like wha I was saying in the Nintendo thread. Americans are always crying about racism or sexism, but they then do the exact opposite of what they preach because they have an inability to comprehend that their deeds reflect a cognitive dissonance which doesn't match their words
That biological woman's mouth & entire head was a blood fountain. She got damaged way worse than a typical tomato can. The sad part is that she was actually far more skilled at fighting than the Tranny manlet was, but the tranny manlet over powered her, because he's a man cosplaying as a woman.

Y'all, hella, horny, simp, sus, shit like that, it's all twitter speak to me despite having origins in IRL slangs.
I don't consider yall or hella as new speak. it's a reflection of locale dialects. Goro Majima speaks in a distinct way that's hard to understand, because he's faking an exotic dialect & accent, from a city that he's not even from, lol. Majima wouldn't be the same if he weren't pretending to be Osakan.

"Yall, hella"? That's the way Gambit speaks and the way he speaks is a part of his character because he's a Cajun. Even his voice actor from the original Xmen cartoon series was Southern as fuck, lol!

A lot of Cajun speech is used in American hiphop songs. ... s-we-love/

When you see Cajun speech used in real life, outside of song or music, they are the most unintelligible mess I've ever heard, lol. WTF is he even saying?

I think in the USA, only the Hawaiians use an English dialect that's harder to understand than Cajuns.

They're both speaking English, AYY LMAO!

Simp, Sus, that's internet bullshit. I have no doubt that some Black hoods probably speak like that, especially in regards to 'sus' which sounds like code for 'suspect' to conceal the contents of their speech away from the police.
The problem is, why did the word Simp replace whore, slut or ho? It's basically the same thing, but the aforementioned words I used have a much more offensive bite to them than simp does.
Simp just sounds like goofy ass baby talk. Simp rhymes with Pimp yet it's the exact opposite.

Pimp is a banned word in American English now, much like the word Cunt.
Yall & Hella don't register to me as some fakeass mandated corporate language because there's actual cultures & traditions in the USA who have been using those words for as long as they've been in the USA.
It's a reflection of their specific culture, and I wouldn't want to erase or homogenize it just coz some nerds on internet also use those words.
These cultures actually came from the USA, unlike with some of the Italian Mafia speech that's used in every day American vernacular such as "capiche" or bambino which used to be of fairly comm usage back in the 80s & 2000s.
Either way, I'm gonna continue our movie conversation in the movie thread, because we might as well use it since we have one
I hate that forum coz no one ever responds, so I don't fucking post on it.
Ironically it's one of the two times the phrase "kill the past" is uttered in the game, in that cringeworthy garbage lol. You really hit the nail on the head, the rap itself made no sense to me. The only "insult" in it is the six hundredth metatextual reference to the fact that the sequel took 10 years to come out. Which who cares about that? The sequel took so long to come out because there was no interest for it back in the day, NMH2 sold like shit.
They should've just done a dance battle, lol.

America's culture used to be so badass back in the 80s. Now you only see Japanese people repping the 80s era American swagger, but it's still popular as fuck when the Japs imitate it.

Why doesn't the USA still rep culture like that any more? People all over the world loved that 80s shit, to the point that they're still imitating it in the 2020s.

"It's one of those restaurants, that's impossible to get a reservation for. What's important is not the fact that the reservations are hard to get. In fact noone gets reservations. The words "reservations only" apply only to those outside of the circle. It's getting into that circle that matters. Oh, the food? Tasted like blood."
LMAO I can't believe lines like this one used to be in NMH games.
That is pretty good dialogue. It does a good job of world building, which prolly doesn't even exist outside of that line of dialogue lol. Unlike the rap battle, his dialogue has punch lines.
Didn't the guy who uploaded this video used to post on our forum way back when? I recognize the name.
Who knows, who cares. A lot of people have sonic screen names. It's as common as Dragon Ball or One Piece sn. You can't assume that everyone named SSJSGGoku69 is going to be the same exact person.

Qish had an interaction with these guy's cronies which I am not going to describe, because he seems to be reluctant to talk about it publically (though he did send me screencaps privately), but I'll just say it confirmed my conviction that most of these people are actually shills. One of which being CJ Iwakura which might I remind everyone, described both of us as "right wing extremists" (lol I don't vote and I am a jew) with you in particular being some weird white nationalist obsessed with submissive japanese women (when you are a japanese man who doesen't much care for japanese women and considers them playful rather than submissive)
Earlier in the thread I did say that Mika Nakashima is gorgeous, and she's Japanese. She def ain't submissive though.

Fuck that guy. He calls us 'White supremacists' (An Italian, Jap and an Poo N Loo Injun) when the only one who's 100% White out of all of us, IS HIM! All 3 of us are mixed raced at best. Then you get to his pale, pudgy balding ass, labeling us! A bunch of Non-Whites as "Huwite supremacists"
Nicki Minaji was ranting about this yesterday, how if you're Black & say anything that goes against the Democrats, they gang up on you call you a White supremacist or treat you like a subhuman. They do that shit to me too and I ain't Black. I'm a Jap, we was thrown into Internment camps by the fucking DNC! Why the fuck would I give a fuck about the Democrats? I'm not some gay faggot like George Takei, I actually know my history.
I know it was Richard Nixon who gave back Japan, our lands that the USA conquered. I know that it was George Bush jr who always had our back no matter what. (In case it needs to be stated. I've always hated Bush and he's the worst potus ever, Both Bushes. I'm just saying, as a political ally in the Asian theatre, he was dependable.), I saw first hand, Trump constantly talking about his friendship with Shinzo Abe, even after Abe had to vacate. Trump was still praising Shinzo Abe as late as January 5th, 2021! Biden can't even be arsed to remember the current Jap PM's name. To be fair I can't either, he's being recalled coz he's just as garbage as Biden lol.

Democrats always label me as "LOW-INFORMATION" when the reality is that I know far more than they do. Politics matters more to my people, because the USA is always trying to destroy and take more land in Asia, to pave way for China. (It's funny coz the CCP will just backstab the Americans who are currently selling out the country to the CCP.)
I'm in the USA because of the Americans, and how they won't stop fucking around with Asia. Least, that's why I was born here. Sure I later decided to become a full fledged American when I came of age by my 20s coz back in the early 2000s, the USA felt like another Japan. I missed the USA when I was living in Japan, despite how I only live in the USA for about 3 years at most during my youth. You'd never guess that by the late 2010s, USA would become the land of CJ Iwakura mutants. I thought USA would always be the White man version of Japan, AYY LMAO!

The audacity of someone like Iwakura to call me a White supremacist. it's hilarious coz he looks like a White nerd stereotype. I don't even look White or Japanese. I just look like a sexier Carlos Olliveria from Resident Evil, ayy lmao!
Yes everyone in my immediate family hates Obama, that makes us sensible, because we see Obama blowing up our relatives or the friends of relatives. How the fuck does that make me White supremacist? I don't understand how Americans can love Biden or Obama so much when they're constantly bombing random civvies, but mislabeling them as insurgents. At least Trump bombed an actual military combatant. One who actually fought off Isis, so Trump is in the wrong with that, but at least he didn't purposely target a famly of 11 and killed 9 kids, AYY LMAO! The news just came out a few days ago that Biden lied about Isis K planners, he bombed an American aid worker, of Afghan descent. At least Trump bothered to understand our Asian Traditions, DNC FAGGOTS LIKE OBAMA & BIDEN SPIT ON US, AND TRAMPLE OVER OUR TRADITIONS AS IF WE DON'T MATTER!

I explained away this lie about me at the upload thread.
viewtopic.php?f=2&p=1942&sid=f83d26665e ... 0206c26126
I honestly don't know how the hell that became some supposed 'truth' about me when I can't even fucking think of anything I said that could be construed as such. The naked Orange skinned White bitch in that thread is what I would consider as my type. (She's an insane SJW now though, which happens when you're in your 60s and lost your looks.)

It's not that I don't care about Jap women. I just don't fetishize Asian women. That framing makes it sound as if I can't attract Asian women at all, when I easily can without even trying. I don't even think about it. It just is.
The same thing with White bitches & even Black girls. Latina are the one group that I actually have to put in some work with, because latinas always expect you to make the first move, but they give you that "come here boy" look. Whites & Asian girls will just grab you by the arm & take you somewhere private like Rinoa from Final Faggotry.
Black women differ. The Black girls who are half White or Asian will act like Rinoa, but the fully Black chicks act more like Bros and start up a convo with you. As I said before, I'm attractive enough to the point that damn near every ethnicity in the world is attracted to the way I look.

First off, I think most women are naturally submissive. Even female security guards who tower over me, will act submissive towards me. Submissiveness is not a thing that I look for in a woman. It's just natural, it happens when a woman is attracted to you. When a woman likes you, they cook you food. They ask you what your favorite meal is. At most, I do talk shit about how annoying, bratty & manly American women are, and that I prefer my own kind who are much more feminine and far less combative. That wasn't me signaling submissiveness though?
In Japan, Japanese women will bully the hell out of you if they consider you as an effeminate man. In Japan, being effeminate is graded by how you act, rather than how you look.
This is why a lot of the Jap anime always has the lead girls making fun of the lead characters whenever they do something that's unmanly.
I like how in Xenoblade 2, Rex is such a man that he forbade Pyra from paying off what Tora owed with one of her earrings. He didn't want her to sell a thing, because he didn't want Pyra to sacrifice what she has. Rex even straight up says "It's not right!", instead Rex wanted to work off what was owed. Rex is extremely mature for his age. (Not too shockng that Americans hate him. They hate Rex coz they never be as manly as Rex, AYY LMAO!)
I agreed with how Rex handled that situation coz in my culture, that's what a man is. A man takes care of a woman.

I don't fucking care that White Anglo men prefer to wear women's panties & call themselves trannies so that they can beat fuck out of White women. That's their culture. Not mine! I'll never treat your culture as equal to mine! In my culture, we'd rather die than have the women we care about, label us as undependable or useless. You also see this mindset all over Jap media, not just the cartoons.
So yes, Jap women may be more 'submissive' by Western standards but with that comes with a set of expectations.
Those alleged 'submissive' women will bully you to death if you don't meet their standards of what a masculine man is.
I've even seen porn where Japanese women bully the fuck out of meek Jap dudes. It's fucking hilarious!

2nd, I don't really care about the race of a woman. I care more about their overall look. The type of look I'm into are either tall amazonian athletic woman with orange skin, like most Mediterranean, latinas, middle eastern, Egyptians/Afrikan, etc. The other type I'm into, are pale skinned goths, a look that only White people (any type including Mediterranean), pale skinned Latinas & East Asians can pull off.

I did used to say that I would never consider a White woman, unless she relinquishes her Whiteness and becomes Japanese. I don't see how that falls under fetishism. That sounds more like nationalism to me. In the sense that I may have considered all women who weren't of my kind, to be lesser than. So he'd have a case for calling me an Asian nationalist, but no he calls me White. WTF MANG!
I don't think that any more, and I actually regret not marrying some of the White gothic bitches I was with, just coz they weren't my race, ayy lmao. When I think back to it, I had more in common with White Goth whores than I did with anyone else. Other women that I've gelled with, it's coz I was faking a religious personality (even though I laugh at religion) or whatever lol.

One of those 'Japanese' women I used to be really into in the past, definitely falls into the former category.
She does not come off as submissive at all. She moves with confidence & swagger, she knows she's sexy.
Image Image
In the upload thread, I posted a pic of naked Orange Skin White woman.
I love orange skin redheads & auburn haired women, regardless of their race. So long as they look good.
These bitches are the exact opposite of submissive.

For that matter, since when were Goths submissive? I also like Goth/Egirl/Punk bitches and they all tend to be White or Asian too.
White bitches cosplaying as Anime characters and she looks exactly like that broad from One Punch Man.
Goth girls in particular are extremely anti-conformist (even all they do is conform to their own tribe, lol.)
Mentally, Goth bitches generally have personalities that are most in common with my personality. They have a general distaste for popular culture, and tend to hate everyone who isn't from their group.

One of the women I've always had a hard on for was Holly from Device.

She's actually still attractive in 2021, when she's like 59 right now. I was like 5 or 6 years old, but even at that young age I always knew that Holly Knight was a total fucking babe!

TLDR: Iwakura is a lying faggot. He knows what I look like. Calling me a White supremacist is as stupid as calling The Rock or Roman Reigns white supremacist. We're good looking to the point that we could attract damn near any White women we wanted. Despite that, we still choose our own kind.
Or at least ideally I would. I don't see myself coming back to the USA or Japan, and ain't no Jap woman is gonna want to live anywhere else, except for other Western cucktries that are just as zogged like the UK & Australlia.

This is a bit off topic but I might as well bring it up here. It's mentioned in one of the videos above that Suda51 claims the gigolo missions in KiD were pushed on him by the Kadokawa producers because they wanted to "sex up" the game to sell it to japanese audiences.
However Tim Rogers, yes Tim fucking Rogers, who is indeed still alive and in the middle of a mental breakdown where he releases six hour videos where his mind just devolves into complete nonsense, confirmed in this video that he was indeed working with Suda 51 (which means you were right in getting angry about it 12 fucking years ago LOL! ... t1350.html) and he claims that Suda himself wanted to pitch the game, with the gigolo sex scenes being the way you saved the game, and that they were both worried about how to explain it to Kadokawa. So someone here must be lying. Who did? What's behind this international propaganda conspiracy about ugly 3d models humping one another?
Of course I'm right. I'm almost always right. it's funny how people around here keep telling me that I told them something a long time ago, that they didn't take seriously but then recently found out that I was right, LOL!
It's fucking hilarious how I said that shit way back in 2009, but every single thing I said was pinpoint accurate.
Come on now. You do know who Tim Rogers is. You just forgot.
He's this otaku cunt.

Second who the hell would think this guy is qualified to give any input on the development of a game? Suda shouldnt be taking the whole "punk" thing literally by hiring hipsters like Tim Rogers to work on his games.
What's hip about Tim Rogers? He's a pretentious fag who writes reviews that don't make any goddamn sense.
Course in a way. You could say that Tim Rogers is a perfect fit for a Suda 51 game, because his reviews are as incomprehensible, and post modern as Suda 51's plots.
Now in all truth I don't believe that Suda's plots are really as confusing as they are believed to be. Considering that Suda 51 plots usually have a point whereas Tim Roger's videogame reviews are about Tim Roger's, and his glamorous life as a goofy White guy who listens to shitty J-pop in Japan.
All hating aside I can see how Tim Rogers could be deemed a fit for a Suda 51 game.
Both are considered rebels within their own industries.
(Tim for his videogame reviews about his life story. Suda for... you know what I don't even care anymore.)
Unfortunately this means that I'm going to boycott his games now, because Suda is officially off his rocker.
Of all people why Tim Rogers?
Why not somebody who's actually well educated, & intelligent like Tom Chick?
Tim Rogers doesn't even understand Killer 7's plot. Tom Chick does. ... hp?t=20288 ... s-wii.aspx
Tom understands that K7 is like a pandora's box of themes & ideas that are currently corrupting society.
Tim Rogers just bullshitted some random bs about fear in his review of K7.
If Suda actually read Tim Roger's review of K7 then he should be made aware that the review was actually satire, and Tim was really making fun of how horrible Killer 7 is.
Heh, I guess here's another case of sarcasm flying over a Japanese individual's head.
(Of all people I'd be thinking that Suda 51 would be able to identify sarcasm when he sees it. Considering the witty writing style of his games.)
I can't believe that I was still speaking the same exact way as I do now but back in 2009, I was considered as a normal Bro. In 2020s, speaking like that has you labeled as Far Right White Supremacist. Yeah that makes zero sense.

A funny thing about Tom Chick, he talks mad bullshit about Xenoblade 1 like I do, lol. I think Tom Chick is into those lame Gaysrtation 4/5 games that I hate which is why I haven't followed his writing recently. He's normally on point though. He's a grown up man, and not some typical manchild seeking for fame.

As for the conspiracy of sexual intercourse with bitches to save a game. That sounds exactly like something that Suda would come up with. You already take a shit to save your game in NMH. Being a Japanese man, it's not like he sees a difference. He most likely views both as bodily functions that you do every day. Allegedly, I sure see a lot of articles from Japan (WRITTEN BY FAGGY WHITE PEOPLE) pontificating about some supposed Incel onslaught of crime. ... reas-semen
The way White people talk about Japan is just so bizarre to me, coz they make it sound like Japan hates & murders women by the millions.When they're probably the one race in the world that genuinely allows women to be women. When I say that at a Western gaming forum, I get banned for being "racist, sexist & misogynist" coz women being women' seems to be labeled as hateful hate-speech, Why can't they be men? Well why the fuck would I want a manly woman? I like that my peoples' women, are extremely feminine. It's cultural differences bitch! How comes Japs aren't allowed to have cultural differences without us being called derogatory names for it?

(I posted most of the game's cutscenes earlier ITT. The dialogue is absolutely nothing like wrestling banter, except for the scene he chose lol.
To be fair, modern wrestling is fucking nerdy & gay.
I think this is just as cringe as those NMH videos, ayy lmao! Especially when the Dork Order come in.

This what passes for a Wrestling promo in the gayass 2020s and it's just as boring as longwinded as the NMH3 vids you linked to.

It's so fucking boring! He talks too damn much, but this is considered as the best promo god of all time! Modern Wrestling fans think that Cm Punk is a better promo than Steve Austin! That's how NERDDY Modern Wrestling fans are. At least when Jake the Snake spoke too much, it was engaging coz he comes off like a serial killer, which was the point.

The Snake actually sounds a lot like that Dr Peace vid you posted.

You can't even tell Gayew fans that Kenny Omega's promos fucking suck dick. "Can you do better?" Fuck yeah I can, I'm a believable badass. People are always entertained whenever I'm actually speaking in person. I have more charisma than the vast majority of the modern Wrestling roster, AYY LMAO! Ain't nobody gonna pay to see me though. I'm too fucking short for the WWE, and I'm too toxic masculinity for Aew.

One of the best promos I've seen, this year actually came from Roman Reigns of all people, but if you say that, the Internet Wrestling Fanbase gangs up on you, and calls you a dumbass.

When that shit is legit good. Even the commentary was fucking hilarious "By gawd! It looks like Brock Lesnar ate Brock Lesnar, THE BIGGEST BROCK LESNAR!!!!!!!"
Promos are supposed to get you hype for the fight. That's exactly what Brock & Roman did! I ain't never got hype for a Cm Punk or Kenny Omega fight. I tune out when they start talking, coz they're both cringey ass boring fucking nerds ayy lmao! The internet wrestling fanbase hates Roman so much, that it almost looks racist. Which is funny coz the Gayew types are extremely woke, yet they're fanboying over the fed where every single champ is White & nerdy lol. (Except Miro, he's cool. Miro was the Rusev guy from WWE who was playing the role of cuck back in 2020.)

Muh magical girl crush when I was a kid was Devil Hunter Yohko.
I jerked off to the tape so much when I was 11 or 12 I broke it, and I'm not even joking
I don't recall ever wacking off to Yoko. She was more like a schoolgirl crush to me, while someone like Motoko Kusanagi or Honey are grown ass women (cyborg, what ever), lol. Those two were & still are fucking sexy.
I think modern porn is indeed dangerous and fucked up because shit like onlyfans or twitter whoring encourages parasocial relationship where you believe you are making friends, and your brain tells you you have a lover because you jerk off to her so much, but in reality you isolate yourself more & more in the non-existing reality of your phone's screen. It's no wonder zoomers all turn into weird AGP trannoid monstrosities. Old porn movies did not have this issue because the entire experience was framed as fantasy. Obviously if you grew up on that, jerking off to some random online chick is not gonna suddenly rot your brain, I'm talking about a general societal issue.
That's prostitution without intercourse. THey're paying to be blue balled lol. No that argument was not in his 2 hour video at all, unless he suddenly randomly decided to bring up that point during the final 20 minutes. Sounded more like he was recapping to me during the last hour.
His argument (not verbatim) is that your brain can't distinguish between a real woman's vag, and wacking off so you ruin the reward mechanism of your dopamine receptors which were originally intended to to encourage the individual to keep on pursuing the behavior which trigger those dopamine hits.
You eventually reach a chasm of diminishing returns to hit those same highs so you keep re configuring what triggers your dopamine starting off from beating off to feet, until you eventually go to much more extreme fetishes such as trannies. Which are normalized now in the USA.

On one hand I can agree with the gist of his argument. At the same time, I don't agree with the cause.
I use porn, it didn't fuck me up. Ry Dawson said that he wacks off to porn all the time whenever he doesn't have access to his wife, that he had 4 kids with. Like me, he just views it as a tool. It's like dude, just treat the bitches the same way you would taking a dump. Flush it and move on with your life.

I don't relate at all to the guys who claim that they feel ashamed or start crying after wacking off. I'm like why? What's to be ashamed about? With a real woman who isn't your wife, you're just going to pick up your things & leave anyway. What's the difference?
Now granted near the beginning of the Doyle video, he does handwave womanizers like me, and disregards those such as I, as degenerates that he doesn't agree with, and that his video is for normal people.
I dispute the fact that he or his generation are normal though, AYY LMAO! I find their sexual insecurities & hang ups over sex & porn to be fucking hilarious. I just treat sexuality as casually as taking a shower. You have to do it some time. lol! Like a shower it should be private.

I generally agree with him that the USA is not worth saving, but I also fucking hate his 1950s larping.
He's one of those morons who would tell you that it's impossible to have a 'tradwife' who's only 18-21 yrs old when damn near everyone I know who lives traditionally conservative life styles, have met their wife back in highschool when they were still teens. I have an extremely Christian religious relative who has 4 kids with one woman that he's been with ever since he dropped out of high school, lol. He's a handsome guy too. Not as hot as me, but he has that Raul Julia Adam Gomez look going on. His wife is good looking. An easy 7 or 8. She's prolly Mexican or Filipino, I dunno. He's half Mexican. His Mexican mom, is pretty damn White though, She looks like a White girl from the 1980s lol!

One other thing that Doyle is correct on, is when he claims that Trump hates The Elites. I genuinely believe that too, coz Trump is from an Immigrant family and isn't viewed as a real American.When you watch his speeches unedited, he'll even brag that he's from a family of immigrants. It's funny coz people who get their talking points from the American MSM, act as if Trump is keeping that fact a secret when he brings it up quite frequently.

Look at the way the democrats talk about Melania. I can relate with Melania coz she's from the same area of the globe that my family is from. Melania wasn't an American pretending to be foreign like Kamala Harris. Look at some of these old posts from this forum, I actually predicted that Kamala was going to be Biden's VP, a month before he announced her as VP. How many times do I have to be right, until bratty ass Americans can finally suck it up, & stop labeling me as stupid? Americans are the only morons in the world who label me as stupid. My educated guess work is generally right. Look at the shit I said about John Mccain which was also corroborated a month later by some documentary that got banned off of youtube, AYY LMAO!
I'm not making shit up, and I find it funny that I only 'earned' the reputation as a liar, by lying gender-confused assholes who were lying about me!

I read a lot. I discerned the truth by what's not being said in between all of the sources. Since the truth is rarely ever spelled out to you in real life. Which is exactly what I pointed out in the Nintendo thread about how Fire Emblem Three Houses treats you as if you're smart enough to figure out the plot yourself. I guess Japanese people are smart enough to figure it out, but Americans aren't. They call 3 H bad writing coz it doesn't explain enough, AYY LMAO!
Americans are docile & imbecilic creatures, they expect people in real life to treat them like a kid and tell them the exact truth. When why would anyone do that, when you could just take advantage of these mouth-breathing morons which is exactly how the vast majority of the world does business with Americans. They let the USA remain stupid and take advantage of them.

When it comes to Melania, all my family saw, was American tv constantly calling her a trashy woman & making fun of her accent. That offended us, coz half of my family has Menlania's accent AYY LMAO!
When Melania's accent actually is culturally diverse. That's the way people from the East speak. That's the hilarious cultural divide about Orange man.
If you're a legal immigrant, you'll generally agree with him coz Orange man's family went through the same exact pains that we (legal immigrants) had. If you're from one of the founding families of the USA, or you can date your family blood line as far back to the blue bloods like the Bush's or Biden can, you'll hate Orange man, precisely coz he's an outsider, in nearly every sense of the word. He's not from the original American families, he's a 'dirty immigrant'. The Clinton family dates back to the Salem Witch trials, which cracks me up coz modern day Americans (who know zero history.) they always bring up the Salem Witch trials to blame on Christfags, not realizing that Hillary is descended from people who burned women alive, for allegedly being a witch.

I used to have a lot of this American bloodline shit documented quite well up until 2016. After I started getting attacked & defamed. I deleted everything I knew and I kept my mouth shut ever since. Americans despise reality! The worse sin you could ever commit as an American, is the sin of being genuine.
Americans generally don't understand family bloodlines, because they're a bunch of mutts who have zero culture or origin. You either have White Americans who always claim to be part Indian or you have the Black Americans who claim to be from a royal family of kings.

I'm descended from Spanish Merchants, Spanish Colonialists & Japanese farmers, but I get labeled as the 'White Supremacist' by a group of trannies who are 100% White Anglo Englishmen. Yeah that fucking makes sense. No. Does anyone ever stop to ask why it's only a group of White retards who are calling me a racist? Ironically, I am racist now, towards Whites AYY LMAO! Good job, you fucked up idiots. When I get back to Asia, I'm making it hard for your White people.

My reason is simple. It doesn't matter how honorable you try to be, or how much you follow the ways of the White man. They always find a way to backstab you, and they always accuse Japanese people of doing that same exact shit to them. You know the stereotype "Sneaky Yellow bastards!"
When the reality is, the Japanese PM actually tried to outlaw Racism shortly before World War 2 began, but everyone just laughed at him coz he's not White.
It's funny coz the USA rewrites their own history to make it look as if they always fought against anti-racism when they were the most racist of all. The Germans were actually the least racist. They just hated Jews, which may sound racist in a modern context but back in the early 1900s, White people hated practically everyone who wasn't White. Hitler treated Middle Easterners, Arabs, Afrikans & East Asians who lived in their own nations, as actual people. He may not have viewed them as equals, but he at least thought they were human which is more than what I could say for the other White ethnicities who didn't view us as human at all lol.

I know my fucking history and it makes me so fucking mad that White Democrats like this CJ fatfuck act as if they can talk down to me, the same exact way they do to Black people. You can do that with Blacks, only coz you erased their history!
You can't do that with me. I can trace my history all the way back to Europe & Asia, and I still have family in both regions.
I was talking to a distant relative in the other fucking k7 forum.

I bet I could even pinpoint the exact shitty ass bloodline that CJ is from if I cared enough to know more about his loser ass but why bother? He's the end of his family bloodline. Ironically, I am too if only due to American culture which causes most American women to be not marriage-worthy, and are far too dangerous to have a kid with since an American woman will just abort them like the demons they are.
If they're lucky enough to not be aborted they'll just get turned into a tranny anyway, because in the USA, it's perfectly legal to reassign the gender of a child, without the parent's consent.

Yeah no, I ain't bothering until I go back to my region of origin, Asia.
I don't know why the fuck a bunch of White nerds are calling me a White supremacist who lusts after Asian women when I am an Asian man, shouldn't I be into my own people?
What gives? I have pointed out before that Americans don't consider me as Asian. It's funny coz whenever I go to an Asian store in the USA, the other Asians usually treat me as if I'm one of them. They don't even question it, yet for some reason I don't look asian enough for White Americans lol. Even White-Washed Black Americans (think Kamala) give me this shit. It's funny coz I don't consider her Asian, but Asians from Asia would agree with me. Only Asian Americans think Kamala is Asian coz Asian Americans aren't Asian. What makes me different is that I actually come off like a man from Asia. You don't see me acting or looking like the cast of Shang Chi, who may I add are just a bunch of ugly ass Americans, who look & act American.
Even the CCP Commies called the lead Shang Chi actor ugly and banned his movie from their country lol. Who the fuck is that movie even made for if Asians from Asia don't like it.

We have a reason to, Shang Chi straight up claims that borders, bloodlines & cultures don't exist.
No real Asian would ever say that! Asians start shit with other Asians all the time just for being from a different province! Only an Amerimutant would believe in some Pan-Asian insanity, when w'ere not the same at all.
Chinese people sure as fuck don't like me, when I actually have more Ethnic Chinese blood in me than I do Jap. I just don't look Chinese for some reason lol. If you paid close attention to what I've been saying about Japan over the years, is that they're a nation of naturalized people. You could actually be of any race, but still be a Japanese. That's why you even see White Russians from japan who are recognized as Japanese people.
This is actually what I mean when I used to claim that I'd never consider a White woman, unless she becomes Japanese.
I mean that they have to erase their culture & past identity as a White woman, and adopt a Japanese identity.
Other wise I will always treat them as a filthy White whore because they're not of my clan.
I never meant that I'd only like a White woman if she were a submissive Japanese woman, what ever the fuck that means. Even when you look at old ass posts from the other K7 forum. Some of the oldest posts you see, I'm actually disputing the notion that Japanese women are submissive, but nearly the entire forum disagreed with me. Damn near everyone who disagreed with me, is actually an American Liberal. They prolly weren't back in the early 2000s, but they are now. Ain't that some shit, of course an American democrat would harbor bigoted beliefs but then act as if they don't by adopting a political affiliation as a religion. It's so stupid coz American Democrat & Republican are both Centrist. I agree far more with Communist & Fascists over any Conservative or Democrat. At lest the Commies & Fascists hate the current system. Cuckservatives & Democrats think the current system is worth preserving.

A half decade ago, I respected White people enough to treat their women as off-limits. White people backstabbing me and ruining my life though, when I've been nothing but nice to them? Yeah, the gloves are off. Fuck them! And they wonder why their race are losing allies everywhere. You don't fucking treat us like people.
Their big mistake is that they assumed that we were all as powerless as Blacks are. (I'm not saying your powerless coz of your race. I mean that Whites have Blacks by the balls so hard that you two races are much destined to war with each other for eternity.) Look at how badly the Chinese are destroying White people culture and the Chinks are just getting started.

I don't play that American game where we're 'culturally diverse' but think exactly the same and we all exist to equally consume corporate-produce.
I've lived among the Americans, and I see zero cultural unity. They don't believe it, they hate you if you don't watch MCU or play Gaystation 5 games, lol!
Meanwhile Japs treat you as if there's something wrong with you if you don't like Baseball. I don't like Baseball. I just bring it up coz it's ironic. Baseball used to be an American sport, but now in days the USA is not really known for anything beyond Male Anal Butt sex, as Doyle so eloquently put it, ayy lmao.
Yeah as I said I never really got into the SR franchise, not because I dislike it, it's just something I never happened to play, but you can see it in many other things.
It doesn't even have anything to do with being a fan. I just don't see the point of a game that revolved around gang culture, being gentrified into a generic story about College Millennials.
It's funny coz the original Saints Row cast are millennials, but when people used the word 'millennial', they're not referring to people like me. They're referring to the youngest millennial demographic who are in their mid 20s, and completely live their lives on internet.

I hate how Saints Row reboot shills are claiming that the reboot is going for something original, when it makes zero fucking sense for a bunch of College millennials to form a gang to pay off their student debts.
Basic research would highlight to you that paying for your debts through blood money is a crime in itself. Such actions can be punished with the Feds arresting you & taking over all of your possessions. This happened to Al Capone. Why the fuck would these College Millennials be any fucking different? It's the basics like that which show that there was zero thought put into Saints Row's oh so imaginative reboot. I'd iterate further but It's better I post it at that thread.

Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:13 pm
Of course I'm right. I'm almost always right. it's funny how people around here keep telling me that I told them something a long time ago, that they didn't take seriously but then recently found out that I was right, LOL!
It's fucking hilarious how I said that shit way back in 2009, but every single thing I said was pinpoint accurate.
Yeah as soon as I heard that I actually remembered that post from 12 fucking years ago, and how it actually turned out to be right. Back in the day, we all assumed the editor was making a joke, on how Suda51 "should" work with Tim Rogers. Turns out he was probably friends with him or something, and knew that they were working together behind the scenes since back in 2008.
The man sounds completely deranged in his modern videos
I can't believe that I was still speaking the same exact way as I do now but back in 2009, I was considered as a normal Bro. In 2020s, speaking like that has you labeled as Far Right White Supremacist. Yeah that makes zero sense.
Everything but absolute obedience to the state & corporate mandated education is labelled as right wing extremism. If we were to use real words, corporate olgarchy is a direct result of laissez faire libertarian (right wing) policies. The current globalist sovrastructure of UN, ONU & NATO channelling the corporate interests of big banks (global economic forum), big tech, big pharma & big oil is an expanded & revised implementation of the fascist state. For all intents and purposes, the reality we are living in could be described as "right wing extremism", where nation states are impotent compared to private interests. The EU is the realization of Adolf Hitler's dream LOL! However, opposing such a system labels you as a "nazi fascist alt right incel jew gasser".
Why? There's been a concerned effort to transform nazifascism into an aesthetic choice, much like being male or female. Instead of a political structure like communism.
Once any meaning has been excised from the word, it's easy to just use it as a label, which in turn just translates into "undesireable". In this case, the undesireable is whoever dares to question the powers that be.
As for the conspiracy of sexual intercourse with bitches to save a game. That sounds exactly like something that Suda would come up with. You already take a shit to save your game in NMH. Being a Japanese man, it's not like he sees a difference. He most likely views both as bodily functions that you do every day.
The other day I got sick (not covid, I just had turbo diarreah lol) and couldn't get out of bed so I actually got to the bottom of this.

that's where he talks about it in the video. I was misremembering some details.
The short of it is that the Gigolo system was originally intended for Kurayami, the game that never actually came out, in its very first iteration where you would be exploring a village. Your way of saving the game would be to seduce ladies from the village, & get invited in their bedrooms. Tim Rogers was apparently acting as a contact between Suda's Grasshopper and EA.
That ended up not being used for Kurayami at all, so they recycled it for Killer is Dead. When it came to KiD, Kadokawa pushed for them being more erotic, while in the original setting the sex was only implied.
(I'm only gonna post archive links going forward because I am tired of every single website in existance trying to steal my data & bitching about my adblock. FUCK OFF!)

I honestly have a hard time describing any of this as "erotic", especially with the fucking screen tearing (that's how the game shipped LOL! You can mod it on PC to run at 60fps, but ironically it makes the sex scenes crash.) but there you go. There was no actual contradiction between their stories, it was just youtubers stating half truths as usual. The biggest truth bomb being that Tim FUCKING Rogers who is surprisingly still among the living, if you can call this living, is at least partially responsible for GHM going to shit. Sad!
Just entertaining the thought of his mindscape at 41 years of age makes me want to die before I reach that age
The way White people talk about Japan is just so bizarre to me, coz they make it sound like Japan hates & murders women by the millions.When they're probably the one race in the world that genuinely allows women to be women.
Italy is depicted as a country in which women are beaten savagely by their husband, and forced to stay home and clean like servants in american media. In reality I spend most of my social time hanging out with women. Funnily enough, I met most of them through communities built around our common hobbies. Dead or Alive, Soul Calibur (which I played for the sexy women lol), various manga & animoo stuff (I'm the only male fan of Cutie Honey I was ever aware of over here. Every girl I know is into Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Panty & Stocking, Kill la Kill, all sorts of sexualized stuff), every Bayonetta fan I know is female but me and one other dude, lots of them are into Devil May Cry because of the hot dudes, same with Resident Evil actually (a friend's GF is a goth girl who is super into Resident Evil, and she happens to be the only other person in the world besides me that enjoyed the evil within lol) so on and so forth. With RE it's especially funny because Capcom seems to be aware of it, and puts in fanservice for all the fujoshi fans. I know a lot of female Yakuza fans too but I wouldn't say they are the majority. They all just want to get double teamed by Kiryu & Majima LOL. I have never read "To Love Ru" in my life but a lot of girls I know are into that series.
Growing up I was mostly around women all the time because being interested in media was seen as a female thing. Men were mostly into sports and athletics and shit. Like most of them did play videogames, but only played shooters & FIFA or PES. When I was a teenager I would be seen as some fag by my peers lol, it was funny to me because I was the only one getting laid on a regular basis.
In Italy, there's tons of girls who see sexy japanese characters as a power fantasy for their own sexual liberation, or even just see them as pleasing to the eye lol. In america, all these pieces of media are considered "aimed at incel toxic males" for jerk off purposes, which is a complete subversion of the reality I live in. I know I don't jerk off to Bayonetta but the fact that she is a sexual character, automatically makes me a thought criminal, because I might at some point entertain the idea of procreation. I was gonna make a joke on how I probably left 20 kids around the world already but I decided against it since people seem to percieve me as super serious all the time, when in fact I am some goofy fuck.
When I say that at a Western gaming forum, I get banned for being "racist, sexist & misogynist" coz women being women' seems to be labeled as hateful hate-speech, Why can't they be men? Well why the fuck would I want a manly woman? I like that my peoples' women, are extremely feminine. It's cultural differences bitch! How comes Japs aren't allowed to have cultural differences without us being called derogatory names for it?
It's actually mysoginism and racism, how women are not allowed to have any private space anymore without being invaded by men in panties & dresses, and how any national culture that does not conform to the frankly bizzarre, incestuous & mutagenic white anglo-saxon culture is labelled as white supremacism, by whites.
Marvel comics even has some muslim teen as one of their main characters now, who expresses her love for Allah by behaving absolutely nothing like a muslim, and apparently coming to the conclusion that being a muslim is about freedom and american liberalism. WTF?! That I would consider racist or at the very least bigoted, because its aim is to destroy a different culture & override it with a monoculture created by angloid whites. But no, apparently it's anti-racist, because the english language has absolutely no basis in cognitive logic or reality.
I make a lot of jokes about muslims, but that's because I make fun of everybody. I actually respect muslims more than I do for the absolute cipher of nothingness that is modern day white anglo-saxon culture, which is just centered around suicide & murder & sterilization in order to appease their billionaire Gods lol.
Did I say anything about TSA? I don't even mention TSA coz I have no idea that it has anything to do with KTP and quite frankly, I don't care.
Okay. Are you my fucking dad? You're certainly old enough to be. I'll talk about whatever the fuck I want. I own the place, I'll shit on the floor if I feel like it DADDY.

All jokes aside though my point was just that while the entire genre of pop culture masturbation (we could call it nerdsploitation lol) does not appeal to me either, I can still recognize something that is well made. Even as a basic videogame TSA is better than 90% of GHM's catalogue because it actually plays decently. It's certainly much better than NMH3 and you can easily see it in the boss fights. I actually had a good time getting no damage SS ranks on TSA, because the camera actually allows you to use your fucking eyes to see enemy wind-ups & areas of effect.

I tried giving NMH3 a serious chance and that game even went through the trouble of including an insta-death mode where you have to no-damage bosses, but it's actually terrible because due to all the particle effects obscuring the view, the fucking roulette, the fucking UI for chip skills, the fact that you get randomly locked into a finisher in the middle of a combo that does not give you i-frames and therefore a boss can begin their wind-up and end it before you can recover and kill you, it's all a matter of either luck or playing as boring & cautiously as possible to get through those fights. Even then the ranking system is completely busted and it must have some hidden requirements or some shit, because at times, I got sub1minute & no damage on a boss and got an S rank, but then got a worse time and an SS rank. It has to do with chip spam & wrestling moves but I couldn't figure out wether the game wanted me to do it more, or less lol.

In short, trying to play NMH3 seriously just shines a light on how limited the combat system actually is. Granted 1 was extremely limited as well, but it did not ask much of you either and had other things going on besides the combat.
Whatever connection it may have had to the KTP games, was immediately ignored by NMH3 LOL! So it may as well, not even exist.

Yeah it's a shame. Some people took TSA as an indication that Suda might be going back to a more serious direction with his games. Travis is still a goofy character, but he gets to interact with more serious people and a more serious world, hell even the actual videogame characters in TSA are more self-serious than Travis.
The reason why Travis worked as a character in the original, is mostly because his goofy nerd antics conflicted with the self-serious nature of the people he would fight.

In the sequels, every single character is just as goofy & over the top. Even Sylvia just cosplays as random characters in 3. (Never was it hinted at that she was some sort of "gamer girl" in the previous games.)
The only hint of that tone you get in NMH3 is the Henry fight, where someone who isn't a fucking cheeky movie reference finally gets to interact with the main character, but the entire follow-up to that storyline was scrapped during production lol.

TSA even did a good job of showing how horrible and senseless the events of NMH1 would be when viewed from the outside with the Badman visual novel I posted earlier.

As per the actual connections, TSA reintroduced some Killer7 cut content in the form of Badman. He was originally from the Killer7 side-novel, and he was originally meant to be in the game as well but was scrapped during production. He does feel like a character from Killer7 even in TSA, the whole point of his character was going to be giving the perspective of a street-level assassin, someone who is not as high up on the chain as the Killer7.
There's a bunch of cameos from pretty much every Suda game ever, but as per actual connections, Uehara Kamui from the 25th Ward (one of many Kamuis) is a pretty majour character in the VN story and acts as Travis' guide, and Tetsugoro Kusabi exchanges a few words with him to warn him about Kamui. Travis also gets to visit the 25th ward, which has been renamed as the 0 Ward after the controlled demolition that happened at the end of 25W. In there he meets Chiruko/Chillko, Kurumizawa and Shiroyabu.

It doesen't add much to the story, but it does clarify the motivations of Kurumizawa, while giving some context to the earthquake you see in the second to last Placebo chapter in 25W.
The Switch release of TSC & 25W also came bundled with a comicbook that seemed to imply more connections. ... een-manga/
(This comic was based on a short story which already existed, but a lot of the connections in the comic are visual and therefore brand new)

Unfortunately all that shit was cut out of 3 during production lol. ... asshopper/
there were some things connecting the story to The Silver Case, for example, the character of Kamui, that would delve a bit further into his roots, what kind of guy he is, what kind of guy he's become. Unfortunately, there were a lot of things that we weren't able to realise in the end. I'm still happy with the way it turned out. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I regret not putting this stuff in the game, but I think it would have been a lot of fun not only to work on this stuff, make it a reality but also to see how fans would react.
I'm almost glad it happened because NMH3 is so god awful. I never expected it to amount to much in the first place since they announced it as some game about fighting alien superheroes. I did not expect it to be literal unfinished nonsense though.

I was going to type a longer reply but I actually have to go out to meet some client, I'll be back later to finish it