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hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by redrum »

well, better than the one i've been staying in for the last few years.

So fill me in, because

"I've been on a long journey. I came back to find my IRC channel deserted." Etc, etc.

i had just completed silver25 and its 100 endings before being processed and resigned to a state of "hypersleep" that lasted over two years.
during that time, i played back the FSR and SC soundtracks in my head the entire time and purportedly had dreams that there was some kind of a crossover between no more heroes and killer7... something to do with bad girl and dan smith. i dunno... dreams are weird.

we're halfway to 2050, so i guess no more heroes 3 can't be that far off, right?
anyway, it's good to see this place is still around in another incarnation of itself. i wonder if we ever actually managed to kill the past, or if it's still whistling "greensleeves" at us from somewhere in the dark.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by Iwazaru »

20180420212928_1.jpg (149.9 KiB) Viewed 4527 times
Welcome back! :lol:
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by Iwazaru »

And yes, nmh3 soon

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by redrum »

actually i was referring to this, figured you guys may have known about it

there's really a lot going on here...
bad girl's dad selling dan smith out to curtis blackburn? the killer7 going after travis "the aboveground champion"? bad girl potentially being brought back from the dead? just what the hell is going on here?

although hearing dan say "kill or be killed" was really cool
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by CENSORED »

Yo man I remember you. Sorry to hear about your troubles.

I'll catch you up with things.

First of all, I rebooted the website as I was planning to do for a couple of years, even though I was alerted that I am somehow "persona non grata" in the Suda51 fandom due to an invisible tranny mafia spreading lies about me, or rather, willfully pretending that me, qish (Iwazaru), jack (TD), kax and fucking jonny tanna of all people were all one and the same person, and then claiming that this person was a white nationalist incel alt right nazi, who lusted after japanese women for being more "submissive" (lmao noone here liked japanese women except for CJ Iwakura, who ironically now thinks I'm a serial murderer or some shit) and constantly brought up alt right talking points (both me and jack constantly make fun of alt righters for being goblin looking gays, who present themselves as ubermensch warriors for posting on twitter and youtube).
I even got accused of ripping off some takashi miyamoto artwork when that was jonny tanna.
But again the propaganda that has been spread, is that we were all one and the same guy due to some fat bald virgin FUCK (who also brags about his loli waifus) randomly developing a grudge against this website, and reposting stuff from our private facebook group to "laugh" about with the tranny men he lusts after.

I honestly can't give any less of a fuck, so I'm rebuilding the website for my own entertainment, I think it's gonna take me a couple of years (unless my current business goes very well and I can just take a few months off to work on the website exclusively by the end of the year) after which I'll just abandon the internet altogether. Jack seems to be on the same page at this point where this website is really the only thing we give a fuck about online anymore, and that he plans to leave once he's finished with it.

The reason why we moved the forums, is that the old platform it ended up being hosted on (tapatalk) became very obnoxious with money begging and in-site purchases, going as far as using the website's name to ask people for money. It also started getting very glitchy to the point where people couldn't log in anymore. So I just moved it all to a proprietary platform I actually own. There is some guy who is interested in archiving the old forum and I'm looking for a way to help him out with that.

As per the Suda stuff you missed out on, one of the endings of the 25th ward hinted at a future No More Heroes game (you can reread them here if you want. It's the one about Mr. TD, which of course is TouchDown )
which eventually came out, as Travis Strikes Again. (It's an all right game. I hated it when it first came out because the VN writing is mostly lolrandom stuff but the actual gaming parts grew on me.)

Travis Strikes Again has a whole bunch of connections to older Suda games. Though the Killer7 crossover is not actually set in the same world as Killer7 (Travis flies about on a plane in TSA), it's in reference to an old Killer7 short story called Killer is Dead.
You can read more about it here: ... -the-past/
and here:

I'm not really going to cover the new games too much though, there's some analysis of TSA online if you're interested in that. I mostly plan to cover Suda's old political games. No More Heroes 3 is gonna pick up right after TSA where travis will face off against EA president Damon Riccitiello (also a businessman in urbanization) who is in league with aliens from outer space
The game looks all right, I'm just not that into the no more heroes series which is hilariously the reason why most of the Suda fanbase hates me and smears me by making shit up, or accusing me of somebody else's actions lol.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by Jack »

Rum weren't you in jail, lol
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You play shooteres, Friday teh 13th or anything? I don't think I'll renew my subscription though since Nintendo online sucks.
Awesome how it's like a trade off. I leave, and you came.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by redrum »

hey man, the site looks great. the interface is smooth and the art has some great effect to it.
i've been plugging up a playlist of chilled out KTP music from all 3 games for my next video. gonna see if i can grab the logo used on bad girl's fridge to use for the name (Chiller7), otherwise just make it myself. something kinda in the spirit of Silent Chill -

i almost feel as if suda were trying to resurge some interest in K7, and considering it was several generations back since it's received a release, a remake would be right on target for the fandom. show everybody how truly potent the heart of the KTP series is without having to dust off an old ps2 or gamecube. while i'd almost rather see MS get that sort of treatment, a nice polished up (possibly expanded?) K7 would probably work better.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:44 am one of the endings of the 25th ward hinted at a future No More Heroes game (you can reread them here if you want. It's the one about Mr. TD, which of course is TouchDown
so they actually did something with that, hm? i wasn't sure if they were going to or not...
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:44 am I mostly plan to cover Suda's old political games.
that's why i come here. anyone who appreciates KTP trilogy knows good stuff when they see it. the other games are just that - other games. they're good for what they are, but they don't perpetrate the ideas that challenge the 'normal' way of life the way that KTP does. there is no normal. we're all fucked up. how we deal with it can define the world around us.

also, hey davey. i think i probably missed you most of all.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by CENSORED »

i almost feel as if suda were trying to resurge some interest in K7, and considering it was several generations back since it's received a release, a remake would be right on target for the fandom. show everybody how truly potent the heart of the KTP series is without having to dust off an old ps2 or gamecube. while i'd almost rather see MS get that sort of treatment, a nice polished up (possibly expanded?) K7 would probably work better.
Yeah I guess I got my timeline mixed up, I thought you'd be aware but Killer7 has been re-released on PC recently, it runs at 4k60fps and it has full english subtitles now (to clear up some of the more hard to hear lines I guess. I had no fucking clue what Julia Kisugi said until this new version lol.)

It came out in November 2018 so yeah, I guess you wouldn't know. I had a hard couple of years myself during 2017 and 2018, you probably remember I had NoAcceptance gift me a copy of the 25th ward because I couldn't afford it at the time lol. (I did refund him later though. That was nice of him, he's based. I seem to remember you replying to that, that you couldn't afford to gift me a copy but you would have if you could.)
It's definetly the best version of the game, though it doesen't add anything compared to the TSC and 25W ports which both had new chapters on PC. Suda has said he wanted to make an expanded version of the game but it's very much up in the air, something he'd like to do but without any concrete plans for it existing. ... ew-feature
If it does happen, I'd be interested in seeing that since Suda has obviously proven he can still write in the same style that he used in the 90s and early 2000s with the TSC and 25W re-releases.

There has been some talk of Moonlight Syndrome being re-released but the original source files are lost, and the rights are owned by Spike-Chunsoft so they'd need to cooperate, or at least rent out the licence. Suda doesen't think western people would even care about MS, or they would find it too weird lol, though I can't find the exact quote right now I think he must have said that at momocon.
There is some guy who is working on a fan translation of Moonlight Syndrome.
Apparently CJ Iwakura is working on it and he told Qish that while slowly, progress is being done on it. (He won't talk to me because he thinks I rape babies and set jews on fire, that is to say myself, since I am a jew.)

There is also talks of a FSR remake but nothing concrete yet. ... -and-rain/
Suda has mentioned how they are in talks with a company planning out the remake, but nothing concrete has happened yet. There are rumors that Sukeban Games will handle the remake, ironically one of the key figures of that company also talks about me as if I were a child murdering KKK national socialist racist incel man, despite having never interacted with me directly in his entire life LOL. (CJ Iwakura did interact with me directly and I was always corteous to him, which is why it's surprising that he randomly decided to hate me and shittalk me from one day to the next.)
I am interested, but I hope they don't change too much stuff around. Since it's a complete remake, I'm assuming they'll change around the graphics and music and I am not really a fan of Akira Yamaoka's remixes of Masafumi Takada's music. The sound design is really 90% of that game's atmosphere so reworking the soundtrack is a big no-no to me, I guess we'll see.

Marvellous is also in talks about porting NMH1&2 to modern consoles but I squarely don't give a shit about that since I hate 2, and I can emulate 1 at 4k60fps on a fairly old pc.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by CENSORED »

hey man, the site looks great. the interface is smooth and the art has some great effect to it.
I'm glad you like the website by the way. Qish has apparently only been recieving negative feedback LOL, but I do like is layout. As I said I don't really give a shit if people like it or not since it's mostly just a pet project I'm doing for myself, but it's nice to see other people appreciate it.
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Re: hey, this is a nice hotel

Post by redrum »

Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:29 pm I am not really a fan of Akira Yamaoka's remixes of Masafumi Takada's music.
yeah he really mangled the shit outta those tracks, hm? i was starting to get the idea he didn't like Takada after hearing some of them.
don't get me wrong, the silent hill OSTs are fantastic, and most of the tracks on SC25 are pretty damn good, but the remixes were unfortunate...
Takada's music is absolutely fine as it is.

this port/remake looks pretty slick. considering i need to play it through from scratch again, this is perfect timing.
ran into a few updates for it,
though it doesn't really specify what they do.
perhaps they're just bugfixes, but i'll plug in the 2019 one and see what happens.
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