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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by CENSORED »

What amuses me is how Mario often has that "IT'S THE SAME GAME, OVER & OVER!" meme plastered over his series when the last official 2d Mario game was actually Yoshi's Island way back in 1995. Every Mario game since then has been a completely different take on the 3d Mario genre. Shit I still want to play Mario 3d World, coz it seemed to be the most similar to the 2d Marios but in full 3d. I don't count New Super Mario Bros.
NSMB is pretty boring I will say. So are the new yoshi's island games. Though I would categorize those as spin-offs, or side serieses.
Other than that yeah I can only think of japanese smb2 (which I also dislike) as a mainline mario game that plays the same as an older installment.
SMB1, american SMB2, SMB3, SMBW (while I agree that it is an evolution of the SMB3 formula, I think it's still substantially different in how the world map, collectables, power ups and what not work), SMBW2, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1&2, 3D Land, 3D world, they are so different among one another that some of them spawned their own serieses.
Not to mention other spin-offs like Super Princess Peach which is actually a very creative game

Mario even has two different RPG serieses that look and play completely differently (superstar saga and paper mario) which also have completely different types of writing.
Hell the paper mario games are actually wildly different to one another to the point where the fanbase is constantly screaming "betrayal" lol.

I honestly don't know where this idea that Nintendo recycles the same game over and over again comes from. Even Zelda games all played completely differently up until Twilight Princess was just a grimdark rehash of OoT (which was already a dark game, TP comes of as tryhard).
Yeah, you sent that a couple months ago. Which is what I meant when I said that I found out a couple months ago that he deleted me from PSN.
You mistyped something earlier hence why I misunderstood
I found out that a few months ago that he actually deleted me from PSN.
I read that as you recently finding out, that months ago he deleted you, my apologies for the confusion here
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by Jack »

I really don't like the Xenoblade 1 fanbase. They're always talking shit about XB2 for some reason, just coz XB2 has 'too much' fan service when XB1 has always had fan service.
I'd argue that XB1's fan service
is far more risque than XB2. XB2's most risky costume is Pyra's default costume, which actually made her look like some Hiphop inspired Brittney SPears type of hoe though.

On top of that, XB2 has a far better combat system anyway. XB1 just plays like FF XII. On Eshop, they describe XB1's combat as Real TIme Strategy but I find that's way more accurate for XB2..
That's what I don't understand about gamers, How come they always want all of their games to be gritty & 'mature'? That's how they're always hyping up XB1, but the reality is that XB1 is just as ANIME as XB2 is.
It's exactly what you were saying about Resident Evil. Fanbois let their nostalgia run wild and create a headcannon game that doesn't exactly exist in real life. At least not until Crapcom went ahead & made two crappy games that replaced the original RE2 & 3.

I'm still playing the shit out of XB2 because of the combat and how flexible the game is with its custom difficulty sliders & extra modes, unlockables. I even have Morag running around in a bikini which even shows during cutscenes. That's how much XB2 allows you to personalize your experience.
NOPPPPE, I have to conform my tastes with the Vocal-Majority who shout down everyone who so much as dare admit that they like XB2, LOL! This is exactly what that Wrestling Chink said, that I sometimes post vid links to. How he said that the Internet Wrestling fan base chases everyone who doesn't think like them, out of the entire internet. Making a weird situation where Vince Mcmahon thinks the current market wants Wrestling midgets coz it's what the internet loves.

That's exactly what Capcom reminds me of. Capcom just does whatever the Internet tells them to, coz' Internet is REAL!'
I like that XB2 is filled with hot butt naked girls. It's part of the overall package that convinced me to pay the full $60 on XB2, coz the product as a whole, offered me many things that modern games do not.
I didn't get XB1 due to the Corona lockdown still being in effect but I think I'll actually skip this one. The only person on my friend list who's playing XB1 is actually KAX, lol!

I'm thinking that most people didn't even bother with XB1, due to the fanboys themselves. They just come off as so snobby that you wouldn't want anything to do with the series anyway. I always get cussed out at XB boards for some reason anyway. Coz you know, I have this bad affliction. I'm always speaking my mind. THAT'S ILLEGAL!
On an objective perspective, XB2's character designs look far more interesting. Not a single XB1 character stands out at all, but don't let an XB1 fag hear you say that. They're delusional motherfuckers who think Shulk & Fiora are comparable to Cloud Strife & Tifa lol! I'll always be a Mythra mang though, fuck everyone else. Elma too, she's Female Devil May Cry, lol!

In the case of this forum, we're predominantly Black American now. Out of the 6 or 7 main posters here, 5 of us are Black, & a South Asian guy from South Asia. I actually prefer it that way, coz I find that I'm on a similar wavelentgh with Blacks most of the time.
To clarify. The Black cats around here and on Switch (3 of them actually came from this site.), are weebs. Weebs who aren't trying to force me into some stupid political culture war. With Whites, them motherfuckers don't leave you alone. They want you to chose one of their retarded sides, as if they can't tell that both sides have nothing to do with real life.

It's just diversionary politics to keep the lower-classed White-morons, attacking each other rather than their handlers. Funny thing is, It's making me despise the shit out of the lower-caste Whites, coz they're fucking destroying everything with their ignorance. They just made the Corona lock-down even worse, with their dumbass unrelated riots to a murder & execution by cop.

For some reason, even White Weebs are political as hell, like that Balding fuck. White people just can not be apolitical, and they force to take sides in their stupid culture war that's designed to make corporations' money.
Honestly, White seem to be the dumbest motherfuckers in the world, but they feel self-important just coz Whites from generations' past were responsible for the industrial & internet era.
SMB1, american SMB2, SMB3, SMBW (while I agree that it is an evolution of the SMB3 formula, I think it's still substantially different in how the world map, collectables, power ups and what not work), SMBW2, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1&2, 3D Land, 3D world, they are so different among one another that some of them spawned their own serieses.
Not to mention other spin-offs like Super Princess Peach which is actually a very creative game
Mario's gameplay is so strong, that you there are thousands of hacks out there that actually feel like completely brand new games which used Mario as the base engine.

You can't really do that when Sonic. This is just Sonic with Luigi who plays exactly like Sonic.

Wolverine in a Mario game, but he actually plays like some NES Ninja Gaiden version of Wolverine.

EDIT: I forgot to add a link to the hack site I used when I want to play some new Mario shit. ... gth&d=desc
It's a pretty big scene.
Last edited by Jack on Sun May 31, 2020 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by Jack »

I blame some fucking youtuber. I think even Jack mentioned that some youtuber claimed that dmc's storyline was "surprisingly deep" (it isn't, the writing is dogshit. Not that I mind. I think the cutscenes are funny but I keep hearing over and over how dmc3 is now a shakespearian masterpiece lol.)
That youtuber was showing up in my recommends for some reason. I never clicked the vid though. I don't even know why it was in my recommends. I mostly just watch wrestling matches, wrestling vids, wrestling news (I don't watch faggot corny White boy bullshit like Wrestletalk or any popular wrestle channel. They all suck. I only listen to the channels who aren't shills like PSpower., shoots random interviews on misc. topics, horror narrations, 1c longplays, Pet Otter & Puppy videos, & daily styx & tim news.
Who so far have been 100% correct on every single thing they predicted about this corona bullshit. OH no lets hate them coz they're LOLbertarian, who cares how correct they are, "I hate everyone who doesn't have my exact politcs!!!!". BTW, that's SARCASM for you autistic transfaggots out there who can't understand shit.

Yeah, you sent that a couple months ago. Which is what I meant when I said that I found out a couple months ago that he deleted me from PSN.
You mistyped something earlier hence why I misunderstood
I found out that a few months ago that he actually deleted me from PSN.
I read that as you recently finding out, that months ago he deleted you, my apologies for the confusion here

Motherfucker you make it out to be bigger than what it is. I only mentioned his fat ass so I could use it as a springboard to talk shit about Far Left Progressive White people, and how they act like they're a Manifest Destiny of some sort. Trying to force the entire Non-White world to conform with White Progressive values. You ever fucking notice how mothafucking White Leftists, group us all into one big group called Non-White or People of Color?

Right now Chris Jericho is under fire just coz he said #AlllivesMatter & "Stop the riots", LOL!
Who are the motherfuckers chimping out? It's mostly bottom-classed White people & White trannies. They're the dregs of society.

I don't give a single fuck about that balding idiot. Every single one of those fuckers, I was nothing but nice to. They start shit about me, yeah that's right 'about', since they don't say shit to me. They talk about me to other people, completely mischaracterizing me, like the pussies they are. (I see this happen a lot. Styx just did a vid last night where Amazing Atheist tried to slander him a similar way.)

I'm still peeved that part of this all started just coz I was acting like my normal social self, and asked typical icebreaker questions, such as "what do you do for a living?"
FOR that so-called trangression, I deserve to have my entire network that wasn't even related to videogames, to all fall apart coz of the dumbass allegations they made about me!? It ain't my fault that they're thin-skinned faggots who shudder at the mere thought of being asked what your occupation is. Everyone asks that question, it's one of the first questions most people ask when you first meet someone. Why the fuck is that such a social no-no, among these American fucking morons!

Fuck that bald bitch and everyone like him. People like him are the exact reason why most people don't trust the lower castes. I fucking hate lower-class White people. Right or Left, they're all brainwashed by corporate mind-rot but they then have the audacity to act as though I'm the one who's insane. As I said, it's all Americans do, Gas Light each other. It doesn't work on me, because I don't give a fuck about the 'culture war'. Americans can eat a dick.

What's funny though, I was actually on the verge of switching over to Libertarianism since Hana's suicide
really proved to me that the Authoritarian Monarchist mindeset does not work, but then I see all the riots that's going on right now in the USA, including in Seattle, to where I'm like, I dunno I still think it works. The only mishap is that Hana should've been regarded as a fellow Japanese. She's more Japanese than I am. It's not fair for her.
The George Floyd murder really is messed up, but I'm fucking disgusted that AMericans are so fucking dumb that they think that attacking local businesses, is standing up to government.
No, you're attacking you're own kind, you stupid sons of bitches. They were just normal people, who saved up enough money to start a business and then you loot & destroy their entire live's work for some completely unrelated reason, coz Americans are brainless simians, lower than a simian.

This type of shit would never happen in Japan, because they 'd know that the destruction of local businesses only hurts them & their local economy. (American'ts can't understand that, coz they're uneducated in everything LOL!)
It's just that Japan's problem is that they're insanely racist. Someone randomly blurted at a channel that I post comments at, that even "White supremacists & /pol/acks are nowhere near as racist as Japs are coz /pol/acks would actually make exceptions for beautiful woman from another race."
That really hit me, coz it reminds me of what my life was like back when I was fully immersed in that culture. Even Kax called me out on this awhile back, about how I intentionally missed out & ditched a lot of good women, simply coz I couldn't accept that they're White (even though I'm mixed White myself, lol) who would sometimes bleach their hair black to more like me, we had good harmony, but she wasn't Japanese, partially, or culturally Japanese.

What confuses me though, is that the Japs in my former-clique never turned on me. Even up to last year, I was still being regarded as one of them. I was just disrespectful and didn't acknowledge a single one of them, coz I don't talk to anyone anymore.
The people who did turn on me, were all the English speaking Gaijins, whom may have had tried to get Japs to turn on me, but Japs don't give a shit about anythign that has nothing to do with Japan, LOL!
I'm just self-destructive and I cut off ties with connections in Japan, coz that's how fucking pissed off I am at how the American & English speaking side of the world has treated me.

There is really something wrong with White people mang. Razor Ramon AKA Scott Hall recently got deleted & cancelled off of the net, simply coz he said & did something similar to what I did a year or two ago. I dared to cite facts & statistics, backed up by the government.
DERP! White people be like "FACTS ARE IGNORANT!"

I was banned from the gamefags Wrestling board for posting something similar. it's weird coz I wasn't even talking about crimes. I just said that Latinos the largest minority in the USA and where become the majority within a few years, and then I posted links to the government census. "FACTS ARE EVIL!"

I don't give one fuck about that bald fat American White Weeb. I only mentioned him coz I hate his kind.
What's amusing to me, those dumb faggy dudes in dresses, call me a 'White supremacist', but the people I hate most, are actually White people. Them. I hate people who put on girls' dresses then claim to be a woman. I fucking hate how White people think they could just make new rules and then force the rest of us foreign-cultures to follow their lead. Hell no, Whitey you go jump off that cliff. I ain't following you bitch to your eventual cultural-suicide.

I think the main problem really, is that they probably don't even consider themselves as White. These Nerds & Incel-trannys Twitter brigade, probably truly believe that they're Japanese Animu-Waifus. I have lurked at Tranny reddits, just to laugh at Trannies who post pics of Anime girls that they're trying to look like. It's sad.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Worst games with worst fans


That's not even getting into how to this day, none of these supposedly hardcore fans have ever played Persona 1 and 2 to the point that Persona 1 is commonly known as an "unplayable" game nowadays despite the fact that it has the best combat system out of possibly the entire SMT franchise LOL.
i remember trying to get into persona 1 PSP version,honestly i like the gameplay but Shoji Meguro music turn me off
i believe modern gamer problem is lack of patient,i don't blame em since old school shin megami tensei is well known for brutal difficulty especially those random encounters in Persona 1 is similar too SMT SNES.i don't know the existence of estoma until i watch some hardcore Persona player (the true hardcore not the one proclaim hardcore persona fan with playing only 3 & 4) doing a speedrun.
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by Iwazaru »

PSP version was too streamlined, and Meguro remixes don't fit it yeah.

Estoma.. ah, yeah, that thing to lower encounters. In smt there is one to raise it, too.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by melonbread »

I got canceled (see: literally banned) from a game fansite I was staff on for tweets I made four years ago saying some trans people were e-begging and getting sympathy just for being trans. They (my own community) also saw a symbol I had they ASSUMED was a swastika and said I was a literal nazi rather than ask me what it was (it wasn't). I developed a family there. 4+ years. Bought them Xmas presents. And now my name is Google-able on there with a thread saying I essentially am a dangerous far right bigot. I also just lost a longtime best friend because I sent him a video in which I said a comic's focus on white guilt was a little obnoxious which he deemed "FAR right". FAR. Does the word FAR even have meaning anymore? I'm classically liberal/libertarian/MAYBE right leaning center not FUCKING far right. Sorry. Was told I could vent here about this. The world has gone utterly insane. Worth noting that these were delusional autistic trans people in said community so no great loss.
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by Jack »

I hope this doesn't get kicked out into the off topic thread, coz I think these posts are on topic. It's true that most video game fandumbs are tyrannized by Trannies, who always have avatars of anime girls that they wished they look like.

They (my own community) also saw a symbol I had they ASSUMED was a swastika and said I was a literal nazi rather than ask me what it was (it wasn't).
Japs get in trouble for the Swatika shit all the time, coz to us it means Peace. (The symbol came from Asia.) It still means Peace in Asia, but like Xed said, Americans always take over the conversation, and force their standards on to the rest of the world.

melonbread wrote: Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:19 pm I got canceled (see: literally banned) from a game fansite I was staff on for tweets I made four years ago saying some trans people were e-begging and getting sympathy just for being trans.
Every site I've been banned from was coz I said something that offended trannies. Most of the time, I wasn't even insulting them or being mean to them. I just say normie-thoughts such as how trannyism seems to be a fad, similar to gangsta culture from the 90s.
BOOOOM I immediately get banned, and I'm told it's due to "Your hateful rhetoric & dismissal of the transgender struggle." I'm like wtf? You fucking losers are roleplaying as oppressed. I'm not even White, and you White motherfuckers are actually the ones who are oppressing me, by not allowing me to speak my mind, according to my culture. It don't matter what community you're posting in, I was banned from a Sports forum for simply not verbally sucking a tranny's dick.

These dipshits always go on about cultural university, yet they actually hate all foreign cultures that don't conform with White American Progressive Liberals. It reminds me of something that the Unibomber said.
13. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)
In my culture (Japanese), we don't believe that Homosexuals or trannies actually exist. We believe that they're just immature people who are crying out for attention, and simply need a job to learn self-responsibility. (Funny how in the West, self-responsibility is now labeled as White Supremacy. Funny that, The entirety of Jap society revolves around Duty & Loyalty, and that's centuries before they ever met a single white man.)

Sadly, due to the American Culture-Colonialist Empire, Japan has been forced to rethink their ways. Gay marriage is now legal, and you now get in trouble in Japan for making fun of trannies, when any normal person gets rightly repulsed when they see some balding 6'4 hairy ass dude in a thong, role playing as a woman.
This is literally how White Lefty America seems to view the world.
Trannies on top, everyone else below them.
Funny how I seem to be placed in the White caste, coz the actual Non-White caste get more rights than me, lol.
I'm pretty sure that I'm only Mixed-white, but it was never about being White any way. What these retards hate, is Masculinity. They're just so rayciss, they think that only White guys can naturally be masculine.
Thatt's funny to me, coz the most Masculine cultures I know of, are Mexicans & Japanese. (They're so manly that Wrestling is the most popular martial art in both countries.) Pre-2015 American was the most manly culture of all.
I developed a family there. 4+ years. Bought them Xmas presents. And now my name is Google-able on there with a thread saying I essentially am a dangerous far right bigot.
Fuck em. They always tell me that my thoughts & ideas are dangerous to society. These wannabe hall monitors need to shut the fuck up. Constantly telling me what to do. Who the fuck died and made them the boss over me? They're just the nerds that I used to ram into walls & lockers during the 1 year I attended high school, and now these losers are getting revenge on society by policing every thing we do on internet. That's sad, lol.

Yeah, I lost friends that I've known for nearly my whole life all coz everyone suddenly became retarded during 2015. The funny part, is that people have always known that I was right wing, but it suddenly became a crime during 2015. They think Right wing means racist, instead of Individualist. They redefined words just like how they redefined gender. They even added in a term called Latinx to refer to the extremely gendered language of Spanish. Makes me wonder why they still haven't noticed how gender Nihongo is, lol.

The reason for this, is that American people no longer speak English. They speak marketing slogans. Every single thought they utter, was just some stupid catchphrase that they copied from tv. It's fucking hilarious when you try speaking to an American, or a European for that matter, coz you can't have real conversations with them.

They don't converse with you, they follow scripts, or preapproved talking points (that they learned from college or tv.) and react to you accordingly.

It's why these days I prefer just hanging around ghetto trash Blacks or low class huwite red necks. At least they'll have real conversations with you, coz they have zero status & don't give a shit about pre approved talking points that one must follow in order to prove to the world that they are the most virtuous.

Modern White society is an Aethestic version of Christianity. I make fun of Cucktanity a lot, but what am I supposed to call this modern culture, which is derived from tv & social media?
It's something that's even more cucked than Christfags themselves.
I also just lost a longtime best friend because I sent him a video in which I said a comic's focus on white guilt was a little obnoxious which he deemed "FAR right".
Your friend is a dumbass, but you're in great company. Nearly all of my American & European friends are just as stupid. What I've noticed is that they're all ignorant of politics, but they love to talk about politics without actually knowing what the fuck they're saying.
My dad is in the DOD, his mom was a politician for the GOP during Reagan's era. (Which means that she's fairly centrist. During the 1980s, everyone was Right wing, except for two states. Even California was very far right.) EDIT: My dad & my grandma are both ASIAN. Gotta make that clear, coz everyone always assumes that if you're not a carbon copycat of every other Americturd, that you must be White, coz apparently only White people can be Raw-individualists.

It's funny to me, coz the Japanese, never had a problem with me, and it was my Japanese social circle who have never denounced me. (I just ditched them, coz I'm that fucking mad that the Western people all just turned their back on my, for little to no reason.)

Fuck, I actually see Japs protesting the 2020 American election coz they think it was stolen from Trump.

The fucking Japanese care way more about the American culture than Americans do. AIn't that some shit? I should've stayed Japanese. How the fuck was I supposed to know that 20 something years in the future, that the USA would become the United States of (Tranny) Sodomy? AYY LMAO!

A lot of Americans are retarded, and don't realize just how good Trump was in regards to foreign politics. He's the best we've had since like what? Reagan & Jimmy Carter? LOL!
Trump kept China at bay, now we're all going to be enslaved by their social credit score bullshit that's in the USA via social media.
FAR. Does the word FAR even have meaning anymore? I'm classically liberal/libertarian/MAYBE right leaning center not FUCKING far right. Sorry. Was told I could vent here about this. The world has gone utterly insane. Worth noting that these were delusional autistic trans people in said community so no great loss.
I was told that this entire site got labeled as Republican due to posts I made back in 2007, which makes no sense to me coz I'm pretty sure that I was a Center Right Libertarian during that era. Nearly all of my posts were shitting on Republicans. The problem is that I've never been a Western Progressive.
Western Progressives seem to be full blown sodomites. In Japan, Progressive just means that you're Pro Western technology & philosophy. It's weird as fuck to me how in the USA & Europe, Progressive means LGBT rights or some other weird shit that has nothing to do with politics.

I was just the typical Libertarian who eventually realized that Libertarianism is impossible, because there will always be Commies who will install a Big Government, due to the power vacuum that's left open from the Libertard's lack of will, or want of a big government.

Far Right just means that you want little to no government. There's a pattern that Xed & I have both noticed where if you're anti-Corporations, you'll always get labeled as "WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI" no matter who the fuck you are. Even Candace Owens gets called that, and she's Black. Kike Shapiro gets called that, and he's a Kike.

Right wing doesn't even refer to race anyway. I don't understand why so many White people think that. Most Muslims are Right Wing. Nearly the entirety of the Non-White world are Right wing. About the only people I know of that are Leftys, are White people, and Non-Whites who are wannabe White.
Hotep Jesus actually talks about this a lot,

about how if you're actually proud of being Black, with a big afro or cornrows & all, that you'll actually get shunned from White Liberals. When you see Blacks who are down with White Liberals, they're always clean-cut, look homosexual (Tevor Noah & Obama) and barely look Black (Kamala Harris), lol!

I dunno why, English speaking motherfuckers are completely brainwashed into thinking that Right wing means White, when Right wing politics just refers to the self-preservation of your culture's traditions.
It can refer to White people, if you're White, but it mostly refers to sovereign politics.

I'm veery Right wing, but I look down on & make fun of White people all the fucking time.
I legit don't understand their obsession with trannies. We've always had trannies in Asia. We just put them as the third gender and move on. In the USA, this is considered offensive which is strange to me coz 7 years ago, everyone in the USA was disgusted by trannies, lol.
Americans have no culture, so their only culture is whatever dumbass mindset they've adopted from Tv, or social media.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by melonbread »

Man, you have no idea how much that meant to me reading that. I don't even know what to say. You just NAILED it. You are politically just like me. Right on, man. That was a helluva post.
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by CENSORED »

I got canceled (see: literally banned) from a game fansite I was staff on for tweets I made four years ago saying some trans people were e-begging and getting sympathy just for being trans.
At this point I just accepted that the internet is a space for trans fetishists, or what they call "chasers" I guess. Even famous people are getting harrassed for refusing to suck tranny man's dicks LOL.
Isn't it insane how actual women, who are born with a womb and ovaries, are being harrassed for being "sexist" in order to protect the right of MEN who want to roleplay as women? All because of this crazy-ass american definition of "man" and "woman", which is dependant on your clothing rather than what you are born as.

I see it as both sexist, because actual female struggles are being undermined in order to favour men taking over their space and roles, and as racist because amerilard mutants are imposing their weird-ass ideas on the rest of the world in some weird form of digital colonialism, but apparently I must be crazy and also a self-harming nazi jew.
I hope this doesn't get kicked out into the off topic thread, coz I think these posts are on topic. It's true that most video game fandumbs are tyrannized by Trannies, who always have avatars of anime girls that they wished they look like.
Oh yeah this is fine, I only move shit to the off topic thread when we tend to go on for ten posts in a row talking about unrelated bullshit. As I said I'm not some power hungry forum mod, I just try to keep things on topic because I legitimately forget what the fuck I was talking about at times lol.
Japs get in trouble for the Swatika shit all the time, coz to us it means Peace. (The symbol came from Asia.) It still means Peace in Asia, but like Xed said, Americans always take over the conversation, and force their standards on to the rest of the world.
Yeah I noticed that whitebeard's swastika in One Piece was censored from western releases. Hell to this day I still hear criticism about the original TLOZ having a swastika shaped dungeon. People are just fucking retarded and ironically extremely racist because they cannot even ponder the idea of different cultures existing. Let alone certain symbols having different meanings across different cultures.

This is just as stupid as iraqis refusing to ever again depict stars or stripes, because americans have been doing nothing but bombing the shit out of them for three decades. Where's waldo would need to be severely altered, because waldo's shirt is reminiscent of the great devil, LOL!
This is literally how White Lefty America seems to view the world.
Trannies on top, everyone else below them.
The funniest part about that absolutely non-racist chart to me (outside of the fact that trannoid fetishists are demigods who should rule the world through their innate ability to make good decisions, such as mangling their bodies leading to an early death) is how everyone who isn't some angloid monster is grouped together under "person of color" and they all have the same priviledge, because obviously, CLEARLY, a brazillian, an indian and a taiwanese had comparable cultures and experiences in a way that makes them part of the same class. Oh sorry, I should take out the taiwanese because asians are now white. I meant to say an iraqi from baghdad, he obviously has the same priviledge as a mexican because both of their countries are bombed daily
They don't converse with you, they follow scripts, or preapproved talking points (that they learned from college or tv.) and react to you accordingly.
The funniest shit is when they present those pre-packaged opinions to you, acting as if they are intelligent for doing so. A fucking savage in the woods can come up with a coherent thought of his own, which is that he needs to feed himself or he'll die starving. These people are lesser than them, because they wouldn't even breathe or feed themselves unless their tv or smartphones told them to. In fact they follow these instructions so well, they only eat fast food that is advertised to them until they bloat to monstruous sizes
Far Right just means that you want little to no government. There's a pattern that Xed & I have both noticed where if you're anti-Corporations, you'll always get labeled as "WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI" no matter who the fuck you are. Even Candace Owens gets called that, and she's Black. Kike Shapiro gets called that, and he's a Kike.
What boggles my fucking mind is that nazis (as in national socialists) themselves were pro big government. Hitler himself rejuvinated the german economy by giving people more government jobs lol. The point of a dictatorship is to have the government micromanage its population and restrict their freedoms. (Much like what happens in china in 2020 real world, which is the system every western democracy is trying to implement.)
How can someone advocate for small government, and at the same time be labelled a nazi?
It doesen't make any fucking sense, but then again I just found out that Italy apparently still has a huge fascist population (I've been hearing that since I was in elementary school) despite the fact that italy actually has had crypto-fascist parties in the past (not "american" fascism which is just a synonim for toxic masculinity I guess, I mean parties that legitimately advocated for the same societal structure as the fascist state under mussolini) and they never ever won an election. MSI and tricolored flame never won shit LOL! If this fascist menace was real, it actually would have manifested into voting blocks gaining at least a foothold in at least regional or city elections. But I think what they're doing is using the american definition of "fascist", which is "everything I dislike" or "bad guys". Even Berlusconi got called a fascist, despite being an advocate for extreme free market strategies, because he needed to make laws to sanction his corporation's illegal trading, LOL. Free market is in fact diametrically opposed to fascist ideology but at this point, the meaning of words just doesen't matter anymore. All that matters is the emotional response associated with those words.

The word "fascist" itself derives from the word "fascio", which means "bundle". It refers to how a bundle of sitcks is stronger than the single one. (It actually originates from an ancient roman weapon) It is collectivist by definition. How the fuck did american college students injecting estrogen into their veins and jerking off into women panties with their limp dicks convince the world, that being an individualist is "fascist"?
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Thy ILLnifique
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Re: Worst games with worst fans

Post by Jack »

I don't even know what to say. You just NAILED it. You are politically just like me. Right on, man.
I wouldn't go that far. I think you'd be politically aligned with Xed though. I'm not a Libertarian. I just started off as one. I think the American Right & the Left are the same (They both want to take your money & rights away.), but with different rhetoric. They're a Uniparty.
I think Libertarians are Utopian jokes. The only way a Libertarian society could exist is if a Monarchy rose up and allowed their subjects to larp Libertarian fantasies, but when an outside threat came, the Monarchy puts down their feet to protect their interests. This will never happen either, but it's far more likely than a Libertarian society where everyone just agrees to mind their own business.

You're always going to have Commie assholes disrespecting the Libertarian Non-Aggression pact, who will then ruin everything for everyone coz they're so fucking retarded that they sincerely believe we have infinite supplies, food & money. Libertarian societies will easily be destroyed by invading bigger governments just through sheer numbers of Commie & or Fascist idiots.

I mean "they" as in the commoners. Communist leaders know exactly what they're doing, hoarding everyones' wealth & then equally distributing the crumbs to the welfare class.
Value comes from scarcity. Most Commie governments are just Elitist governments where the 1% steal from the middle class & upper middle class, to give to the poor, LOL! That's exactly what's happening in the USA right now through the corona lockdowns. Any small business that dares to not comply, are getting fined into bankruptcy but the debt stays with them for life until they kill themselves.
Xed51 wrote: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:13 pm
I got canceled (see: literally banned) from a game fansite I was staff on for tweets I made four years ago saying some trans people were e-begging and getting sympathy just for being trans.
At this point I just accepted that the internet is a space for trans fetishists, or what they call "chasers" I guess. Even famous people are getting harrassed for refusing to suck tranny man's dicks LOL.
Isn't it insane how actual women, who are born with a womb and ovaries, are being harrassed for being "sexist" in order to protect the right of MEN who want to roleplay as women? All because of this crazy-ass american definition of "man" and "woman", which is dependant on your clothing rather than what you are born as.
Rosario Dawson is fucking fine. I'm still laughing that she allegedly sat on a tranny, and this is grounds to label her as transphobic.
I'm like, are you sure he wasn't enjoying it? I would if she sat on my face.

Don't they have a special name for that? Terf? It's funny coz they're full blown feminazis but they sound exactly like me when discussing about how weak, retarded & annoying modern men are, & how delusional the tranny movement is. Elly Page just came out as a boy and I'm supposed to believe she's a boy just coz she says she is. Good luck being a 5'1 nothing boy. You gonna get your ass kicked kid.

I find it absurd how this dumb whore claims that she now understands what it's like to be a man, because people supposedly treat her better, and much more seriously now that she's a man. I call bullshit on that. People treat you like you're half a man if you're 5'5 or under. What is that like 165 in cm? it doesn't matter how much muscle you put on when you're that small coz you'll still weigh less than me, and I don't even work out, lol. Even at my size, a lot of people under estimate me until they finally hear me speak & see the way I can control most people in the room through my raw masculinity. You're at a disadvantage as a man if you're under 6' tall (you need other qualities to compensate.) & it's even worse if you're a biological man who looks like Elly Page, lol!

The life of a man is hard, we're expected to clean up everyones' shit and do the heavy lifting for everyone meanwhile they can just sit on their fucking ass, nagging at us 24/7.
Fuck off with that bullshit.
Oh but her word takes precedence over mine coz she's a Man that's born with a vagina. I'm like bitch, lemmee see you walk out alive with your man-act in Brazil or Mexico, let alone the Middle East. You gone get assraeped like a prison-bitch. Even Asia isn't safe for you.

I ain't saying that as a threat. I'm saying that as a reality. Men naturally hame testosterone to protect themselves from threats. She's just stupid privileged whore, who is being shielded from the reality of what it's actually like to be a man. No one cares about you when you're a man. She's still being treated like a woman, they just address her as "sir" now, lol.

I see it as both sexist, because actual female struggles are being undermined in order to favour men taking over their space and roles, and as racist because amerilard mutants are imposing their weird-ass ideas on the rest of the world in some weird form of digital colonialism, but apparently I must be crazy and also a self-harming nazi jew.
Trannys are eventually going to replace wahmen in every single female related event. It already happened to sports. They're trying with beauty pageants. It's funny coz women already did the same exact thing to men in our hobbies. Except the difference is that they're not beating us coz they're better at our hobbies. They're beating us coz of Simps who glorify the poosy as a supernatural godlike existence.
Oh yeah this is fine, I only move shit to the off topic thread when we tend to go on for ten posts in a row talking about unrelated bullshit.
I don't even read that thread any way & the forum is actually much more readable now that I can just ignore all of the stupid bullshit, lol.
Yeah I noticed that whitebeard's swastika in One Piece was censored from western releases. Hell to this day I still hear criticism about the original TLOZ having a swastika shaped dungeon. People are just fucking retarded and ironically extremely racist because they cannot even ponder the idea of different cultures existing. Let alone certain symbols having different meanings across different cultures.
Cultural Elites want the Diversity of ethnicities but with a monolithic overriding culture that worships virtue.
That sounds fine on paper until you identify what virtue means within this context. Virtue simply refers to money, & fame. It's just repackaged materialism. It's funny how humans are like that. Most humans claim to hate materialists yet they're also the most materialist fucktards who exist because they have an inability to comprehend that actions speak louder than words. Thoughts don't create reality. Actions do.
I should take out the taiwanese because asians are now white. I meant to say an iraqi from baghdad, he obviously has the same priviledge as a mexican because both of their countries are bombed daily
Yeah it's not about race. It's about masculinity AKA independence of free thought. Masculinity is hated, because Masculine people don't give a shit about consensus, or care whatsoever about what you say about them. Normal men generally only care about what you can actually achieve, coz doing things actually affects reality. They define value through their own accomplishments, rather than merit being endowed to them through the group-consensus and/or the Authority.

They just label masculinity as White, because most Whiteoids are cucks. Any one who isn't a cuck, gets labeled as a Racist Fascist cisbigot.
Any one who is Non-White but acts against the Establishment is also labeled as White or some kind of Uncle Tom variant, which is amusing coz most of us don't give a shit about Whites, we just have survival senses and don't want to give our shit away to the cathedral.

Any one who has the means to fight back or rebel against the cathedral are either being silenced into compliance (that's me, I have no voice any more.), or have had every single one of their assets liquidated away from them.
It's all for the greater good! Ekwality! Steal from the rich to give to the poor! What they don't tell you is that it's the Rich stealling from the lesser rich to give breadcrumbs to the poor, lol!

This leads me to another thought. Trannies always accuse you of being obsessed with trannies, simply coz you talk shit about them all the time, when the only reason I do is coz they keep starting shit with me.
In their own fucked up minds, they have an inability to dissect that it is their own actions that brings misery to them. I actually didn't even believe that trannies start shit with me until I was shown abundant proof from multiple people.

Oh but I'm the one who's allgedly obsessing when it's actually they who are exhibiting some extreme social anxiety OCD.

The world we have now is ideal for them, where we can't even show our faces any more, or even really interact with anyone new in public life. We're forced to have our entire lives online now. Which is a shame coz I already got unpersoned in 2017 or 2018 so I just waste my days playing video games, but it seems that even that socialization option is gone now. I heard that on PSN, you can't even troll the shit out of people any more, because they out right ban you from the service if you do that Mad Max style turf wars crap that I was talking about in the Chad Warden Supremacy thread.

They don't converse with you, they follow scripts, or preapproved talking points (that they learned from college or tv.) and react to you accordingly.
The funniest shit is when they present those pre-packaged opinions to you, acting as if they are intelligent for doing so. A fucking savage in the woods can come up with a coherent thought of his own, which is that he needs to feed himself or he'll die starving. These people are lesser than them, because they wouldn't even breathe or feed themselves unless their tv or smartphones told them to. In fact they follow these instructions so well, they only eat fast food that is advertised to them until they bloat to monstruous sizes
They always appeal to two logical fallacies too. It's either the "Appeal to Authority" or "Reductio Ad Absurdum".
It's like the only two ways that drones know how to argue.

It's the most annoying shit ever. If you say to them, "We won't die in 10 years from climate change."
They automatically label you as Anti-Science. I'm like mothafucker, I'm almost 40, when I was a kid they told us we would die in 10 years from Global Warming. It's the same fucking shit. They just changed the language, because it's obvious that climate does change. What's loaded are all of the assumptions that come along with the buzz word 'climate change'.

Climate change is real, the conspiracy theories surrounding it are just alarmist garbage that corporations purposely spread so that morons can purchase 'virtue' by bragging about how they shop from an 'eco-friendly'
corporation that actually built all of their products from Smog-filled Chinese sweatshops lol.

Hilariously, the claim that we won't die in 10 years, is allegedly a conspiracy theory. Where's your fucking mind at? This is exactly what the Unabomber was talking about, how over-socialization would eventually lead up to a fake reality that people believe in like a religion, because it's real to them, they see it on their fucking electronic screens, whether it be tv, phone or pc. They think that they're actually socializing with like 300k people per tweet when at least 250k of them are just bots from China, LOL!

It's weird, coz when I was kid. We were often told that the internet is fake, and it still is.
The gall of these assholes. I'm always labeled as the asshole, and I am one. The difference is, I'm being real. They're being fucking fake, but I'm the one who gets called fake. Everything is opposite day for these retards.
What boggles my fucking mind is that nazis (as in national socialists) themselves were pro big government. Hitler himself rejuvinated the german economy by giving people more government jobs lol. The point of a dictatorship is to have the government micromanage its population and restrict their freedoms. (Much like what happens in china in 2020 real world, which is the system every western democracy is trying to implement.)
How can someone advocate for small government, and at the same time be labelled a nazi?
It doesen't make any fucking sense, but then again I just found out that Italy apparently still has a huge fascist population (I've been hearing that since I was in elementary school) despite the fact that italy actually has had crypto-fascist parties in the past (not "american" fascism which is just a synonim for toxic masculinity I guess, I mean parties that legitimately advocated for the same societal structure as the fascist state under mussolini)
You hear a lot of things about Italy. In the USA, at least among the Lefties, it's a commonly known fact that Trump-Virus AKA Corona came from Italay, LOL!
Oh yeah never mind China. China doesn't even show up in the top 5 countries with most deaths from the corona virus. China is not in the top list at all. People just magically believe that they have had 0 deaths since March. Why coz MSM didn't tell them so.
The word "fascist" itself derives from the word "fascio", which means "bundle". It refers to how a bundle of sitcks is stronger than the single one. (It actually originates from an ancient roman weapon) It is collectivist by definition. How the fuck did american college students injecting estrogen into their veins and jerking off into women panties with their limp dicks convince the world, that being an individualist is "fascist"?

All of this madness that we're seeing, is exactly what happened to the Middle Eastern world. What they never tell you about the Middle East is that it already was developed, it's just that the USA constantly bombs it over & over & over and then gaslights to the planet about how the Middle East wants to take away our freedoms, because they hate us for no reason, lol!

Back in the Bush-era in sites like Orgish or whatever. I would see vids of Middle Eastern parties or marriage celebrations with women & children where everyone is happy one second, then the next second they all got exploded & turned into gibblets of blood, gore & bone. Not recognizable as people at all. That's America, being the Heroes trying to fight off those who hate our freedom. When actually it looks like the exact opposite, AYY LMAO!

I'm just shocked to see that gas lighting happening here. There's a video of a family getting kicked out of a plane coz they refused to force their crying kid to put on a mask.

They would've been happy to comply, but they weren't willing to force their baby to put on a mask that she didn't want to put on. You can't force little kids to do this crap man. What the fuck is wrong with people?
LOL that flight airline stole their childseat, all due to how their toddler refused to put on a mask. What a fucked up world we live in.

The logic for the mask makes no sense anyway. If you already have a mask on, then why does everyone else need to put one on? It's similar to how if you're already vaccinated, why does everyone else need to vaccinate? You're already 'protected.' I don't need to do what you do. Fuck you. What other people do isn't your business.

Ohh no, we need to curtail the pandemic. PUT ON THE MASK FASCIST!
We barely reached a million after one whole year.
I actually do have some relatives in Asia who caught Corona, but not a single one of them has died. it wasn't that bad either. They all got over it in less than a wekk. What I had earlier in the year, Norovirus was way worse. I refused to go to the hospital coz I knew they would claim that I had Corona too, and this was way back in early March before the lock down started.

The overall logic for this shit makes no sense. Why do you need a test to figure out you have a virus, when symptoms of a virus are obvious when you get it, because you're immediately affected by it? Oh fuck that, stop thinking! Thinking Bad!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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