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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Saga Frontier Remastered is definitely worth it. They added in a gallery & a sound test, and it includes Asellus songs that were previously cut out of the original release (but were previously in albums, kinda like what the Chrono Trigger osts did.) Those songs were added back into the game, coz they also added back those cut scens, that I haven't seen yet.

I'm still only on Emilia's game, and I don't like her game as much as I thought I did. I remember Emi & Red being the first two I did way back in 1998 and they're the first two I'll do in 2021. I'll then go to Riki & Lute right after to get their trash out of the way, and then I move up to the Robo (My fave quest, His or Asellus), & I haven't decided between Blue or Asellus as my final playthrough before we move on to Fuse. I want Blue or Asellus as the final coz they're the two strongest characters with the strongest teams, and I want access to either of the two for The 2nd Division.

I like how Rouge actually has glowing red eyes, & he looks reddish now, like his art work. In the original game, I couldn't even make out the sprites coz they were too blurry. I never even noticed Rouge's bright red eyes in the original game. I recall the sprites being rendered too, like Donkey Kong Country when in the remaster, they look handrawn, or traced over with XBR shading so it has a far more cartoony aesthetic but I think it fits Saga better than the rendered sprites did. I think the gfx look way better now, simply coz I can actually see what they're supposed to be. Rogue in the PSX original just looked like a grey mess to me, but he clearly looks like a human, wearing red cloaks now.

It's still the same SF that it's always been, just with a bunch of new content. I love the wallpapers that show up during some of the maps. In Emilia's game you get sexy wallpapers of Emi, Annie & Liza.

Ima copy & paste my response as to why I think Unlimited Saga is a fucking trash game. I can't believe that you actually have to argue as to why US is trash, but on internet, there always seems to be a fanbase for everything.

Yo man, why is it that people who love Japanese games, refuse to migrate over to the Switch? It makes no sense to me, especially since Soyny just killed their Japanese game's division and they censor nothing but Japanese games. Last of Us 2 never got censored and LOU 2 has a full blown tranny buttsecks cutscene.
(Although SOyny fans swear it's a girl.)

would be surprising if they remaster the SaGa 2 and 3 remakes for multiplatform. its such a waste 1, 2 and 3 are Switch exclusive. and they probably too lazy to remaster the Wonderswan SaGa 1 and Romancing SaGa 1 remakes.
Get with the times. Switch has over 82 million users now, and it's just going to keep growing especially since Sony seems to be anti Japanese games anyway. I actually don't understand why some smaller companies such as D3, don't even bother with the Switch when the Switch actually treats Japanese games as a big deal. The Nintendo crowd actually treats Shin Megami Tensei (The real SMT, not Persona) as a major series, and they're far more open minded to stuff like Saga which is why nearly the entire Saga series (Minus SF2, Minstrel Song & US) and its sister series (Alliance Alive, Octopath Traveler, Last Remant. It's only missing Legend of Legacy.) are all on Switch.

I'lll never understand why the Sony & Microsoft crowd keep pretending that the Nintendo Switch audience are a small, niche audience, when they're the only peeps out there who are actually buying Jrpgs, Platformers and even beat em ups by the millions. Nearly all of the dead genres are doing well on the Switch. It's why I ditched the PS4 back in 2019.

I saw Sony's 2021 direction coming a mile away. Where if you like Japanese games, you have to be prepared for most of them moving over to the Nintendo Switch, coz niche Japanese games don't seem to be welcome on the 400000000000k HD AAA game systems any more.
judgexp posted...
US was and remains the absolute best in the series; yet most people loathe it, because they read online that it's a bad game.
LOL no. Nice historical revisionism. I bought US day 1, and I returned it the next day. I then bought US three other times over the years. US just does not click with me, and I imagine that it didn't click with most people either. It was the first Saga game that didn't sell over 1 million copies, even in Japan.

I don't like the stupid cardboard board game aesthetic. That's basically what US was, an electronic boardgame, or maybe even a tabletop. Most of us who are into Saga, don't spend $50 or more on a Saga just to play a video game version of a board game.

I hated the luckbased roulette crap, dice rolls would've been far preferrable when compared to how random the roulette was. You had to suffer through most of the game before your rolls started landing on decent numbers.

I'm afraid not. Many SaGa fans played it, and it's grossly unbalanced in many areas. There are lot of things it needs ironed out and restructured before you could call it "absolute best" in anything.
It's not that it's unbalanced. US works as it's designed to work, you just need to play it long enough before the inane ruleset starts to make sense. It's more of a question of is this game accessible or fun enough for the general populace? The answer is no, which is funny coz Saga has always been a series that isn't accessible to begin with, but there were at least always fun to me.

What amuses me about US fans, is how they act as if US were some diamond in the rough where the gameplay shines once you "get it" like with Xenoblade 2's postgame. I could imagine XB2 being popular with fighitng game fans if you retooled its ruleset to play like an action game. Torna already had tag ins, like a tag vs fighter.

I can't imagine what kind of crowd would actually like US, even if you gave it current gen graphics, fully rendered. The gameplay feels too much like you're trying to decipher code or rulesets that aren't explained to you at all. US can't use the Dark Souls excuse either of "GIT GUD" coz US is fairly luck-based, even with good enough rolls.

I really don't understand the love for Unlimited Saga, to the point that some people are claiming that people only hate it coz internet told them so. Are you serious? Most people have never even heard of US and with good reason, it sucks.

The only good thing about US was the music. Every thing US tried to do, I feel that indie games do a way better job on what US tried to do, such as "For the King", and "Wildermyth".
Games that try to go for that full openworld tabletop gaming vibe. Wildermyth even has a generations system like RS2.

I can see how some people would consider Unlmited Saga as the best Saga if they're speaking purely on terms of the idea of Saga as a franchise and what these games generally go for, which is unrestrained exploration of both the world and the game's systems. No other Saga game comes close.
US is just isn't fun though. Unlimited Saga feels as though I'm playing through a rulebook that's reading itself and I'm supposed to try to catch up with the ruleset that won't slow down long enough for me to catch up to whatever the hell US thinks it's doing.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Jack wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:56 am

LOL, yeah coz the world really needs more Musou games. KEK! Wasn't that a fighting game? The fighting game looked good as fuck, but I'm not interested in the setting at all. (I don't mind the Medieval Eurocuck setting for an rpg. It's bland as fuck for a fighter though. Soul Calibur is interesting because it focuses on combat arts from outside of Eurocuck land.)

It might become good during late game like Trials of Mana did. During the first half of TOM, it felt like a braindead musou game, but after you unlock the new difficulties and when you get to the postgame, TOM starts to play more like a strategy or MOBA/RTS game.

What I hate about Musou games is how weak you feel, coz you're hitting a motherfucker about 100s of times, but they still won't die.
That's exactly what the gmaeplay for that game looks like.

I like Monster Hunter, coz you see real damage being done to your opponent and the giant monsters even react to your damage by toppling over, slowly bleeding to death or run away after you hit them with a powered up charged attack.
Or in the case of guns, they run away crying as you keep shooting them in the fucking ass, lol!

With Musou style games though, I'm not really seeing any dmg feedback at all (Except Pirate Warriors 4.), so it feels like I'm not doing any dmg. (It's crazy to me that so many people like Age of Calamity coz it's just as fucking boring as every other Musou game.)
I think even in Trials of Mana, they show you slowing destroying a monster, by blowing up its eyes & limbs the more damage you do to it. It's just aesthetics though, since TOM's monsters will still follow their scripts until you've activated a new one depending on how much health it has left.

In Monster Hunter, the monsters either get severely weakened & will try to limp away to kill random monsters & eat them to regain their health, or they thrash out at you even harder when they're about to die depending on the individual monster's personality. (They don't all act the same, even if they're the same race. Most of the monsters also come in different sizes.)

That's what really separates Monster Hunter to me, from most other action or action rpg games. It's not mindless mashing, you have to react & counter the enemies plans since they don't mindlessly attack you. MH monsters want to actually survive the battle, so each battle feels different.
I think it was originally some mobile anime garbage that got really popular. I think I remember seeing it advertised all the time. I was never interested in it because the character art looked so bland and generic, but it was apparently so popular that the company that made it made that fighting game, and now a console RPG.

I regret selling my copy of Monster Hunter 1 on the PS2. I didn't understand the game back in the day. It wasn't until Tri on the Wii that I really got into Monster Hunter. On Tri, when you reached red charged state on the longsword, if you didn't another fool combo with it, it would enter super charge state where it will stay maxed charge for like a whole minute straight. They took that out in 3G and never brought it back.

I also like the swimming segments, because they diversified combat a lot. I feel that the longsword is really nerfed in RIse. I wondered why they didn't default to the Sword and Shield like they usually do. Well, when I play Sword and Shield, I realized that it was pretty much on par with the longsword now damage wise. Though, it looks like they took away the shield bonk attack that could stun enemies. They dropped the damage potential and damage scaling on the longsword so much that fighting with it at full power is basically on par with other speed weapons. I haven't tried the dual daggers, but given how strong the Sword and Shield was, I'd image that they now have higher DPS than longsword. My preferred weapon is the charge blade. It was the Gunlance in 3G, but it looks like the Gunlance has been nerfed in this too.

I want to get Saga Frontier, but it looks like there is no physical U.S. release. So, I'm going to have to wait to get a copy of the Asia version. I do not like buying digital games on Nintendo hardware. They do not carry over to anything else, and its getting close to time for Nintendo to announce its next hardware.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:23 pm I think it was originally some mobile anime garbage that got really popular. I think I remember seeing it advertised all the time. I was never interested in it because the character art looked so bland and generic, but it was apparently so popular that the company that made it made that fighting game, and now a console RPG.
Gacha games are really popular in Asia, mainly due to the portable nature of gacha games.
The Langrisser gacha game is actually way better than the shitty ass remakes that they released last year on the Switch. The remakes are actually based off of the trash Saturn version that nobody (outside of Japan.) played.
With good reason. The reason why I love Warsong & still play it is coz it's hard & brutal as fuck. The Remakes from last year, completely changed the missions so that it's near impossible to die.
The Mobile Gacha version of Langrisser is way better coz you're limited by whom you've unlocked, and you have much less turns & time to beat each mission.

I heard that the reason why Square started to finally give a shit about SaGa again (They're already planning to remake or remaster Saga Frontier 2, Unlmited Saga & Romancing Saga 1, and there's rumors of a New SaGa.) was due to popularity of their SaGa gacha game.

I was playing it for 4 hours straight. It's actually really fun. It's better than Fire Emblem Heroes. (OF COURSE Re Universe is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A REAL SAGA though. Still better than Unlimited Saga, LOL!)
I gotta get my 50 quests done to unlock White Rose for free, who's an A rank but dude she's pretty.
The ranks are kinda funny coz powerhouses like Nora & SF1 Liza are only A rank, motherfucking Fat Robin from RS3 is S tier.
Red is A tier but AlKaiser is SS tier which makes sense.
I have 5 different tiers of Khalid but none of them are lower than A, most of them are SS though and he kills the shit out of everything just like in RS3.
Re Universe does the chain battles from Scarlet Saga but you only get 4 moves max per character and the 4 moves you learn are predetermined before you spark them.
I like how everyone is redone in RS3 style graphics, even both Saga Frontiers, Scarlet Grace & Unlimited Saga are resprited in fully animated SNES RS3 sprites.

My strongest character & my squad leader is King Khalid (Tornado Khalid is about 4 points stronger, with better skills but I think King Khalid looks cooler, lol!), I'm rolling with the Lizard man from RS2, SS rank Katarina (I have hentai art Katarina that's like only A rank.), Alkaiser, & Minstrel Song Barbara (I have several different Barbaras from the original RS1, but only MS Barbara is SS rank.)
My original crew was Tornado Khalid, some hentai art Katarina, Drunkass Gen, SomeHentaiArt Undine, & RS1 Sif.
I wanted to keep Undine in my crew for her sheer utility (Just like in RS3, she's easily one of the most powerful characters) but HentaiArt Undine is only Rank A. (She has a SS variant but I don't have it.)

I tried getting Asellus with all of my free coins (I still have 20k free left.) but I just keep getting extra copies of Gen for some reason. Mei-Ling of all people is a SS rank hero, lol! Granted, Mei-ling was a final boss in SF1.
They fucking cocktease you with Asellus when you start the game. Yeah it's crazy, Kawazu and his crew seem to love Asellus coz she's highly featured in everything for some reason.
The funny part, is the girl who created & wrote Asellus's story, works for Capcom now. Her latest credits were on Street Fighter V. ... s/asellus/
She looks exactly like how I thought she would look like. Kinda gothic, like the Asellus story line itself. ... Id,236693/
I wondered why they didn't default to the Sword and Shield like they usually do. Well, when I play Sword and Shield, I realized that it was pretty much on par with the longsword now damage wise. Though, it looks like they took away the shield bonk attack that could stun enemies. They dropped the damage potential and damage scaling on the longsword so much that fighting with it at full power is basically on par with other speed weapons.
I don't really consider Longsword as a spd weapon. It's a mid-tier weapon at best. It's never going to be as heavy as hammers, switch axes, great swords, but it also doesn't feel like Dynasty Warriors, unlike with Dual blades & Sword & Shield.
I haven't tried the dual daggers, but given how strong the Sword and Shield was, I'd image that they now have higher DPS than longsword.
It didn't seem to do much dmg to me, but you really can't tell from default weapons alone. Look at how different each gun plays in the light bow gun build. Some of them function like missile launchers. other guns feel like machine guns, others give off a sniper rifle vibe. It's the same case with Longsword. Longsword didn't feel weak to me, you can stagger enemies with Longsword, just not as easily as you could with a Greatsword.
Longsword just feels like Onimusha to me, where it's slightly weighty, but you have just enough movement to where you don't feel like a slug. The way I use longsword is that I just wirebug into the air and then diveslash or land on the monster.

If you're basing DMG properties off of Generations than every single weapon type did more damage per hit, but that's due to how much slower that game was. Even light bowguns in Generations felt like bazookas when compared to Rise, but Rise's gunplay is way better coz it actually plays like a real FPS now.
As opposed to pre-Rise where lbg/hbg felt more like portable cannons or ballistas rather than actual guns.

I want to get Saga Frontier, but it looks like there is no physical U.S. release. So, I'm going to have to wait to get a copy of the Asia version. I do not like buying digital games on Nintendo hardware. They do not carry over to anything else
Pre Switch, your digital downloads were only stored on the system. I had a 3ds that had the entire Shantae trilogy and a 3ds that came with Mario Golf, Mario & Luigi & Street Fighter 4 (via Kax). Switch games are finally stored on to an account though. ALways buy physical, you don't want to end up like the PS4 retards, even their physical games don't work! AYY LMAO!

I don't like digital, but you're forced into it with the Switch coz over 70% of Switch's games are digital only.
Such as the entire SaGa collection. I like Saga Frontier 1 enough that I'll futureproof it by buying the Iphone & PC versions.

I've been playing SF1 since I was 14 or some shit, but I still don't understand how to build monsters. ... r/79403868
I hate some of the new translations though. They got rid of the funny ass MSG line from Owmi coz it could be considered as racist to Asians (I swear only Americans think that's racist. Then again only Americans honestly think that White people hate Asians, lol! Even during the segregation era, Japs were allowed to drink from Whiteboi water fountains)

Shit I got into an argument with an American who claimed it was dumb to complain about T260's new gender.
I pointed out that nobody outside of America speaks like that, because it makes no fucking sense to call a singular object a "THEM/THEY".
Complaining about using a gender neutral pronoun for a damn robot is peak nonsense.
It's not nonsense. The point of language is the transmission of ideas from sender to receiver. If I can't understand what the sender is saying. It's either a problem with I, or the messenger.
Outside of the USA, most people don't use "They/Them" as a singular pronoun. The vast majority of languages worldwide use gendered language, and even formulate their sentence structure differently according to the intended gender. French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian, etc. Entire cultures are structured around singular pronouns for ease of conversation.

I don't see how this is nonsense. I'm not trying to argue. I'm just stating the perspective as to why They/Them used as a singular, makes no sense to most people, worldwide.
God I hate that stuff. I absolutely despise the singluar plural of 'they' used in the description for T260 as well. He, she, it all would have been fine (Personally, I prefer she, as I believe T260's memory core is supposed to be from a ship, which are traditionally treated as female, and that's a nice touch). Hell even just only using it's name or "the robot" instead of pronouns. But the translators chose the word that makes it sound like T260 is a gestalt entity. I really hope it's not used much in the actual scenario.

The main problem I had with some of the character's calling T260G "They" and "Them", is that's normally a plural pronoun so I was confused as hell everytime Gen would speak. What's funny though, is that T260 still gets called a "He" anyway by Riki and a few other characters. It's really only T260's main cast who call him "They", which is strange coz the kids & Gen would be the least likely to care about 'proper pronouns'.

It's a robot, I don't understand why they couldn't just use "it", at least it'd be far less confusing than "They" & "Them" I'd also be fine with He & Her. I really doesn't matter to me. The issue for me is that They/Them is so confusing that it takes me out of the game for a moment, just trying to figure out what they're saying.

On top of that, it kinda ruins Gen's characterization since he's supposed to be some kind of Drunk Japanese Construction worker Samurai. He's a Blue Collar guy, why would he waste his time trying to guess the correct pronouns, when the dude is drunk 24/7, He was never as crass as Cid Highwind (the other drunk Blue collar guy.), but Gen is depicted as some bar brawling badass who doesn't really care about semantics,
In the end though, I'm only bothered by "They/Them" coz it's so confusing. It sounds like everyone is talking about an army when they're just talking about T260. I'd be fine with He or Her.

It's what really bothers me about Americans. THey force stupidass pronoun shit, in an attempt to come off as more inclusive or cultural universal, when in reality, they're actually showing contempt for foreign cultures, by trying to completely redesign how foreign cultures are structured by forcing the world to conform with retarded ass Americans, who by and large, have no culture anyway (aside for Consumerism) so what the fuck would they know about cultural diversity?
It's fucking absurd to me how Americans have turned "pronouns" into a political issue.
If you disagree with 'proper pronouns', you're allegedly a Far Right Nazi.
, and its getting close to time for Nintendo to announce its next hardware.
I honestly don't see a new Nintendo system coming any time soon. Most of the 82 million people who own a Switch, didn't finally buy a Switch until last year. I bought one back in early 2019 when Switch only had 20 million Switch users, so that's a huge increase in install-base. I saw the writing on the wall for PS4 back in 2019. I saw how much Soyny hates Japanese games, that I predicted Soyny 2021 coming a mile away where they outright FIRED EVERYONE from Soyny's Japanese game divison. FUCK SONY! I was holding out hope for a new Legend of Dragoon, Bloodborne & Rogue Galaxy too, lol!

I'm glad that my instincts were 100% on point, as usual. I smelled the gay, the poz, and I'm like dude, whereever the buttlicking goofyass looking faggots roam, I shall walk the complete opposite direction. It's harder to force Man on Man buttsex in Nintendo games, coz Nintendo wants to market their games to children.

At most with a new Nintendo system, you're just going to see a PS4pro or New 3DS model of the Switch. The Switch is too damn popular to just abandon it right now. Switch at its current trajectory is set out to beat PS2's sale's record.
Even if Nintendo did move on to a new console, I don't care. The Switch was my last console that I'll ever buy unless Nintendo comes up with something never seen before.

This bearded fat ass nerd had a good argument for such, and most of his predictions concerning console gaming tech have been true for the most part.

Skip to the 18 min. mark where he finally talks about the Switch tech. (The rest of the vid is him talking about how Switch is so popular, that Nintendo will just coast by, doing nothing but scavenge the Wii U library for the rest of the Switch's lifespan.)
He believes that Nintendo will wait it out until PS4 Pro tech can be cheaply repackaged into a portable, similar to what they did with the Switch.
He thinks the Switch is just a Wii U Pro, but with full portable functionality.

I'm of the rule of thought that Nintendo may take a Iphone approach and make slight incremental upgrades if the Switch brand name continues to be as popular as it currently is.
They tried that method with Wii & Wii U, but the difference with the Switch is that it's a tablet. The masses are already accustomed to purchasing annual upgrades of Tablets & Cell phones whereas that's still a weird concept with consoles.

Bearded Fatfuck thinks that PS5 & XboxSeriesX (LOL THE FUCK IS THAT FUCKING NAME!) will be the last console generation coz Microshit is planning to fully transition over to Gamepass. (I can't believe so many dumbass gamers think that Gaypass is a deal. OOOOH you get so many free games that you weren't going to play to begin with. Wouldn't that mean that the value is still zero if you weren't going to buy most of those shitty games!)
Who knows what Playstation 6 will do, but we can already see with this gen that nobody seems to care about console games anymore.

This thread actually portrays a solid picture as to why, ... er-time/1/
it's coz modern consoles are just shitty versions of PC.
Switch actually has a market coz Switch appeals to Arcade gamers, of which I do include myself among that group.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

I'm kinda disappointed by Fuse's scenario. He basically has a pure openworld quest like Lute where he shadows the other characters through his IRPO case files. Fuse doesn't seem to have his own story at all. I was hoping he'd have a Nick Fury SHIELD, I'm assembling a team type of scenario, although that's basically what you do in his quests.

The selling point is that Fuse can recruit most of the characters, plus some of the exclusive characters from the character's file that you're currently playing.
In T260g you get Jet & Leonard, but not the Mec shopkeeper coz Leonard doesn't join until the final boss.
The plus side though, is that you can recruit Red & BJ&K, & Asellus & White Rose. You can even recruit Blue, but I just go with Rouge, since my Rouge's stats are near maxed out. I was able to recruit every main character except Emilia, coz she just runs away from you, before you get a chance to recruit her lol.

I beat the shit out of T260's boss in like 3 minutes coz I was able to have T260g, Asellus with Mystic-Form stats & Endgame-Rouge in the same party. I just used Leonard as a healbot for T260g.
T260g with V-max transformation, Mystic-form Asellus with her +50 Mystic absorb stats & Rouge alone were just destroying RB3 while Fuse is just there, using the backpack.
Asellus only had Faeblade & Mystic Gloves unlocked in t260's case, & I absorbed Black Dragon & Suzaku. Asellus didn't need the full Fae/Glove/Boots +80 buff anyway since her stats in my game are already over 50 by default, entering Mystic mode boosted most of her stats to 99, or close to it.
My Fuse is at Endgame level, 800+hp range but he doesn't have DSC yet, coz he never sparks Slide in my games.

I'll prob write a post at that game design thread, explaining why I can't get enough of Saga Frontier 1. The game design for this game is just so well thought out. When I was a kid, I just level grinded as the humans, which makes SF1 feel like a shitty, generic ass Jrpg. (Although I still loved it & replayed it a lot anyway coz the combat is so good.)

What I really like about Saga Frontier 1, is that it's built around speed running, you want to clear it as fast as you can, because the game eventually becomes too hard, the longer you take to complete a game.
You'll eventually spawn regular enemies who are harder than the boss fights.
When you understand this, is when you realize that the other races exist, precisely so you can finish the game faster.
Mecs can have maxed out stats as soon as you start the game. You just need a huge Tony Stark wallet, to fully pimp out your robots.

Mystics are cool as hell, coz they look like humans, but they have the ability to absorb other enemies for stat boosts. Normal Full Blooded Mystics always have their stat boosts so long as their Mystic blade attacks are in your loadout.
Half-Mystic Asellus is interesting coz you have to know when to tap into her mystic powers. By default, she only has her human stats. She can gain Mystic stat boosts each time she uses her mystic powers, and after she's absorbed enemies through her mystic powers. You don't want to do this for every fight though, because she'll cease to level up like a human. Asellus is easily the 2nd or 3rd strongest character in the game, due to how she can instantly boost up to all 99 maxed out stats during a battle, the moment that she activates Mystic Form.
You need to first absorb strong monsters and have some of the Mystic melee attacks in your load out though.

Monsters can't level up at all, they just absorb other monsters and then evolve into stronger forms like a Pokemon.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

I just have Fuse's scenario to go, and then I can finally go back to playing Monster Hunter Rise!) EDIT: Beat it. It took me 110 hours to beat the entire game. Weird though coz my in-game clock says that I only played it for 76 hours. I guess I wasted 30 hours just listening to the soundtrack. I'm still not ready to move on from the game. I'm gonna start yet another playthrough with an ultimate team of Mystic Asellus, Red, Blue & T260.

I'm really loving the new Asellus content.

Especially the dialogues that Asellus has with Dr. Nusakan. When she meets Nusakan, she asks him to revert her back to a human. Nusaka shows to her a cylinder of red human blood & blue human blood, then pours them into the same container. Displaying to her how easy it is to create a Half-Mystic, but it's impossible for him revert purple blood back to their original colors, because the mixture of the two created a new race.
Nusakan relays this speech to her about how she must accept who she is, and that he can't do anything for her, because it's beyond his ability.
She hurls so many emotional outbursts at Nusakan, that he forces himself into your party, coz he thinks Asellus is an interesting specimen to study.

You meet another scientist type at the Biolabs, where Asellus keeps asserting that she's a human, even when the chamber is sucking out her life, due to her mystic blood.
Asellus replies with "but, I'm... human."
What really made me laugh though is when Asellus gets mad when she realizes that the scientist was killing humans & mystics, to create an immortal flower.

It was funny coz of how Asellus replied. "You hurt... me, for a flower!" and then she breaks out and the Biolab battles start. it was amusing coz Asellus was only cooperating with Naseera (I think that was the lead scientist's name.) to spare the lives of the contract-enslaved humans & captured mystics. Throughout that entire section Asellus saw herself as more of a human, but by the end of the Biolabs, she begins to see herself as both.
It was a great new addition, coz we can all see that Lord Orlouge is a narcissistic dictator, so it was obvious if you went the full mystic route, that you would end up like him, due to how Asellus is half Orlouge.
In this remaster, we get the female human character, Naseera who comes off as more evil, because she's clearly highly intelligent, but she seems to see nothing morally wrong with her experiments, and everything she does seems to be within the confines of the law of the SF world. She brings up contracts she has with the human donors, and agreements she's made with Orlouge who allows her to kidnap & experiment on as many lower-mystics as she wishes.

Naseera represents a very realistic Lawful-evil, because she functions like a big corporation, where the ends justify the means. You could actually make a solid argument that she was in the right, she argued that plant-life deserve to live. Naseera never once shows hostility towards you. The disagreement is that Asellus views Humans & Mystics as above plants & animals. She doesn't say this, but it's shown through her actions. You only rescue the humans & mystics, but you leave the pet animals, the Rose, & livestock to rot.
It's what made that section so interesting though, because Asellus completely disagrees and frees the humans & mystics and as you're about to leave the Biolabs, you're attacked by Naseera who I guess turns into the Earth Dragon. I'm never certain if she's just summoning a Dragon & runs away, or if she is the Dragon.
Asellus did comment earlier, asking if Naseera were really human, implying that she's actually a monster, but I also think that Asellus is just implying that Naseera is too heartless to be a human, but either/or works.

I would've loved to have seen a full blown rpg that elaborated more on Asellus's story, coz it's interesting stuff.
Although if one were to be made, it'd most likely be based off of this. 3 of the events listed on that page, actually does happen in the remaster. ... rial-room/
The Immortal Roses experiments actually make more sense in that page, Naseera comes off as less insane with how they originally wanted to write that story out, but I could see why they didn't elaborate on that in the game.
In the game, they needed to give you a quick, clear & concise reason, on why you need to take Naseera down.
SF1 isn't a story-driven game so there isn't enough time to establish the nuances of the Naseera character, but I think they did a good job with what they had.
She's like a Lex Luthor type of figure.

What I really love about the redone Biolabs section, is how unlike the rest of the game, you can actually talk it out with Naseera, & have a cordial business-type of relationship with her, all the way up until Asellus finally snaps when it's revealed to her that all of this pain & suffering is due to a flower.
I just wish that you could at least free the doggo. Asellus only frees the humans, who don't even want to be let out, because they're actually committed to Naseera's experiments. When she frees the Mystics, they high-tail it out of there.

The Biolabs were a damn great way of showing to Asellus, that maybe she's not as human as she believed she was. She thought what was being done to the humans were wrong, but when they told her it was their job. She commands them to get the hell out now, and it's only then that the commissioned humans leave the biolab.
Jaladen wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:44 pm
Jack wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:57 pmAsellus is like the case of a character who would be extremely political among you American fucktards coz she was LGBT way before it was even cool. A perceptive mind like moi, already knew that she & Rosa are actually a reference to Utena though lol.
Hilariously enough, Asellus' homosexuality in the original was from her becoming more or less a vampire. She marries a man when she becomes just a humie again. That's too redpilled for the Current Year (pointing out that there are no real female homosexuals in the sense of only being drawn to women, rather just sexual abuse victims and would-be mental patients and manhaters). I don't know if the remake changed this.

I just finished all 7 of the original characters scenarios in Saga Frontier Remastered, and they actually added more content. As for poz shit? They added fucking retarded They/Them pronouns to T260 & even Asellus, lol. It's only for like a few lines though. Your assessment on Asellus is spot on though. After replaying her game for the first time in 20 something years since I last played it, Asellus directly says that she loves White Rose as a friend & sister.
I dunno why I thought they were lovers when I was a kid. Even in the other scenarios like Emilia & Red, you get the clear sense that Rose & Asellus are like sisters.
Edit: It's confirmed, Asellus really is a Lesbian. Although the dialogue implies that she recently became one after being infused with Orlouge's blood. When you look at the porno mag at the library.
Asellus: "What's happening to me? My heart is pounding. It can't be. I'm ashamed of myself."

Blue: "What a useless book."

Emelia: "That's really ugly. She's out of proportion. Size isn't everything, you know."

Fuse: "Young girls nowadays"

Lute: "Ooooh man! Check THAT out! But it'll never beat the real thing."

Red: "This is way better than kicking BlackX's butt!!"

Riki: "Look Mei-Ling, she has no clothes on. She must be really hot. Don't look at that! Riki."

T260G: "Analyzing data... B 94. W 58. H 88. IQ... Incomprehensible."
Note: Fuse is only 27. All this time, I always thought he were 33. He acts as if he's older, but you actually learn Fuse's background story through Fuse's Asellus case.

I do pinpoint a special mention to this comment you wrote though, coz it's accurate.
(pointing out that there are no real female homosexuals in the sense of only being drawn to women, rather just sexual abuse victims and would-be mental
Being sexual abuse victims is exactly what makes Asellus's story feel so damn dark. When you recruit Asellus & White Rose in Fuse's game, they actually approach you as if they just got raped, and they join you simply because you're a cop. Asellus thinks the safest place to be is around a cop.

That's part of why Asellus's quest is so good though. You feel terrorized throughout her entire game, and it's only when you finally accept that you're now a Mystic, that the balance of powers shift.
The only time Asellus goes full blown Lesbian is during the True Evil ending, but that's mostly due to how she's basically Orlouge by the time you get that ending. Or as she states, she's better than Orlouge. It's not even that she gives a fuck about girls either. She just does so, as a means of erasing Orlouge's legacy, by collecting a prettier, much larger harem, showing to the player that she's even more vain & petty than Orlouge was.

That's why I love Asellus's quest so damn much though, everything about it is just so damn twisted.
In the original documents, Asellus was supposed to drink the blood of humans, while still claiming to be a human.

It pisses me off how American LGBT fatties try to claim her story as a representation of them, when in reality it's a story about extremely vain people, who are completely controlled by lust, fear & beauty.
I ain't making that up either, not only does her story completely exemplify those factors, it was also part of the design documents while making her scenario. ... rial-room/
They were clearly meant to be similar to Bram Stoker's Dracula type of figures, but with a hardcore Visual-Kei Gothic twist, which was really popular during the late 90s.
None of the guys in Asellus's story are gay, nor are they ever shown being attracted to men. The women were technically bisexual only due to Orlouge's blood being in Asellus's veins, they weren't attracted to her, they were attracted to Orlouge's charm, which Asellus resonated because she's half Orlouge.
This is also true for Gina, who is charmed by Orlouge's blood, emanating through Asellus's veins.

I think this story of true beauty being bowed down to like a God, is a far more interesting tale than a story of lesbians. Sure, that's what I always labeled her story, as a joke. After replaying her quest though, it really didn't come off as Lesbo to me at all. It came off more like a story about a pimp, and two sluts who bonded with each other as they tried to evade Pimp Orlouge.
This feeling is amplified through Fuse's scenario where Asellus reports to Fuse what's she's going through, as if were running away from a Sex-trafficker.
Edit: Asellus's ending during the Fuse case finally confirms that she has a relationship with White Rose. They look very intimate. Lebians would be awesome, if Lesbos actually looked that hot in real life. Real life Lesbos look like doods.
The whole Vampire Pimp story with Orlouge is still intact though. They just get rid of all of the vagueness of Naseera (who's straight up evil in Fuse's Case), Asellus & White Rose.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

I fucking love this song, reminds me of Kirby Superstar for some reason.

I love how that song sounds like a definitive end to the game, and in a lot of ways, Fuse's endings do finally provide closure to a lot of characters from SF1. A lot of the mysteries that most SF players have often pondered about, for the past 2 decades, have finally been resolved.
I can't think of a single loose end. I know there is a few, but I can't think of any. Sure we still don't really know what kind of government Trinity is, but they don't seem to be that bad imo since Lute's ending during Fuse's Case, shows that Mondo led a corrupt faction from within the government so Trinity restructured their government into 4 different political-houses to limit the power that he once wielded from ever resurfacing.

Every new story element in Saga Frontier Remastered, aside from the Asellus additions that I already wrote a post about.

Gen's story is finally resolved through Fuse's Lute case, where for some reason, the story actually revolves around Gen instead of Lute. We learn more background story about Mondo, and how he was trying to infiltrate Trinity to destroy it from within. He tries to argue that Gen's homeland, Wakatu, was a necessary sacrifice to end Trinity's tyranny. Gen doesn't give a shit, and attacks. After you beat Lute's final boss, Gen is about to chop Mondo's head off with a pipe, but Lute & Fuse stop Gen.
They stopped Gen because they knew that he would kill himself after he has his revenge, to be back with his people.
Lute implores to him about the funtimes they had traveling around, getting drunk everywhere and Fuse reasons with Gen, that nobody will ever know the truth about the Wakatu-massacare if both Gen & Mondo are dead.

Red still loses his superhero status & super powers, but he gets recruited to IRPO. Red turns it down coz he doesn't want to intern for Fuse, lol!

Asellus becomes the new King of the Mystics, and in this alternate reality, a nameless Mystic woman gets trapped inside of the Labyrinth instead of White Rose, so White Rose is the 1st Maiden of Asellus this time around.
We learn during her ending that Fuse was only 15 years old when Asellus died. Her random murder was the reason that Fuse joined IRPO, and he was so consumed by 'The case of the missing girl from Shrike' that
he quits what he's doing and reopens this case, once Asellus returned to Shrike as a Mystic, and her aunt reported her to IRPO as a ghost.
Asellus stikes a deal with Naseera to use her life energy in exchange for the humans & mystics, but Fuse ruins the plan when breaks Asellus out while she was dying. (I vastly prefer the Asellus version of these events where she breaks out due to being infuriated that her life is being sapped to birth a flower, coz it really showed how powerful she is.)
As the pair walk out of the Biolab, Naseera confronts them and she completely drops her mask of civility.
She tells you straight up that she plans to drain Asellus of all of her life.

We see more background story on Princess Rei, who was running away from Orlouge, the night that Asellus was killed.
Fuse concludes that although Mystics have a culture that's very different from humans, he decides that Mystics should be governed under human law, because they think, & act enough like humans that they too should be punished whenever they break the law. Orlouge's rapsheet is huge, and I can't remember what crimes he's guilty for, coz he's the most guilty criminal in the game, lol.
IRPO & Mystics once had an agreement to ignore each other, but the whole background story with Asellus was to Fuse, a breech of the contract that IRPO had with the Mystics.
So he sought to bring them to justice, to prevent further tragedies similar to what happened to Rei & Asellus.

EDIT: I completely missed the Furdo interaction, where Zozma tries to talk Asellus into killing Orlouge, but she replies that she has no issue with Orlouge and plans to just move on with her life. Zozma then reminds her of White Rose, and tells her that it's Orlouge's fault. Asellus replies that she does want to see White Rose again, but... Zozma cuts her off and directs her towards Furdo, a mystic who knows how to defeat High Mystics. Furdo also acts as a mentor to Asellus, whom just like Nusakan, directs to her that she should accept her reality, and learn to appreciate her Mystic abilities.


We find out that Blue was never trapped in hell. Blue's story just abruptly ended in the original game.
In Fuse's case, Fuse finds a way to keep the Blue/Rouge twins alive, and the two twins go their separate ways.
Blue takes up a governorship role to reform the government of the Magic Kingdom. Rouge goes out on an adventure to seek more knowledge across the regions so that it could be of more help to Magic Kingdom & Blue when he returns from his journey.

It's revealed that Mei-Ling was actually an evil bitch all along, but we all just look the other way & forgive her, coz she's hot, lol. You don't fight her this time around coz Nusakan kicks her sexy ass (She gets punched in the face and she falls to the ground.) before the battle starts. I think they did this to show concrete proof that the rings are evil, and that Mei was just under the influence of it, similar to Lord of the Rings.

It's revealed that Ren wasn't being brainwashed by the mask at all. That's a cover he used. He was sick & tired of putting away & killing criminals, because new criminals just take their place so he stole the Cube, and wanted to use its power so he could build his own country or organization or something? I'm guessing he wanted to be like Dr. Doom.
He snaps out of it when Fuse punches him across the room, shortly after Emilia told him that Ren isn't the same man that she fell in love with.
Ren realizes that he was being fucking retarded, but is shocked to find out that Fuse allowed him to keep his job.
We now get a new wedding photo with the original Gradius crew of Liza, Annie & Roufas, alongside the IRPO crew of Fuse, Doll, Cotton, Silence, & Rabbit.

Nothing new happens in T260's plot. I think the main difference is that Leonard gets recruited to work for IRPO.
T260 & Gen still part ways. T260 still returns to the kids who salvaged him.

I like how Nusakan is more of a character now, and he has almost as much plot as Mei-Ling & Gen.
He's somewhat of a wise-mentor to Asellus. An old friend to Fuse, and Nusakan is still a guy who was just tagging along with Mei & Riki, but this time around Fuse talks him into joining in with them after the end of Riki's quest.

Remix to one of the best songs from an amazing ost that's populated with great music.

This song is even more chilling now, that Naseera finally has a speaking role, and she basically has an Andrenochrome plot, even down to the immortality.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Rise is a good game, but they've definitely oversimplified it. Its the Skyrim of Monster Hunter games. Everything has been simplified and made more uniform to appeal to a larger audience. Everything feels so much easier on Rise. They've also completely changed a lot of fundamental variables to make it more standard RPGish such as how playing multiplayer raise the monster hp.

In older Monster Hunter games, weapon damage outputs varied hugely by class(great swords had like 1000 base damage, while sword and shield had like 100) the monsters had fixed hp as well as other stats and the changes in difficulty all came down to complex behind the scenes calculations. Whenever you attacked something this huge list of calculations for damage would be performed, like say your weapon damage was 1000. That would be multiplied by your sharpness which would be like and extra 5 to 10 percent per color, and any armor skill buffs you had. Then you get into straight subtractions. The damage would then be divided by the strike you are using which would drop it to like 28%. Then when you hit the monster, it would calculate the defense of the part which would reduce damage to like 40% of that. Then the thickness vs. your weapon sharpness wold further reduce the damage, with a factor of the HR rank further reducing your damage. So the monster would always have like 3000 hp, but all the damage reduction penalties and calculation would have your blows doing like 45 damage to it down from 1000 and further as decreases as HR rank raised.. That's just for raw damage. We haven't even factored elemental and status calculations. Rise is more of a straight up RPG with straightforward calculations.

Persona 5 Strikers feels like a real time persona game until you reach a boss fight. Bosses are super sponges. It doesn't feel like a Musou game at all until you reach a boss fight. You have all kinds of different special abilities, environmental attacks and combos to use. Those bosses fights, though.... They are the least enjoyable part of the game. I fought my first unique boss yesterday since I haven't been gaming as much do to work. Took over 10 minutes to beat him. That may not sound like a big deal for an RPG, but this is a hack and slash. I sat there dodge the same attacks and performing the same combos over and over again for over 10 minutes. The problem is that basic attacks do so little damage to boss enemies, but there was no real way to significantly increase my damage output. I had a weapon stronger than any in the stops and I have tarukaja up. Still took forever to chip that thing down. On the other hand, the bosses will fucking destroy you if they land a hit on you. Stun lock, dazing and all kinds of shit. One attacks lands and over half your life it gone. Add to that healing items being expensive with low output and the sp pool being really small, so your healers burn out of sp fast. Like 3 casts and they are done. No more magic.

Now, mind you, I've put about 4-5 hours in and I'm still in the "FIRST DUNGEON!" and I'm not taking my time. I mean, the game is fun to play, but there is not a lot of diverse content. So far it has been just combat and cutscenes. LONGGG sequences of cutscenes. If there is anything like a social link or minigame system, I haven't seen it yet. Maybe all of these things will improve further in.

I think I'm about to jump into Bravely Default 2. I've beaten Red path on Saga Frontier and was working on Blue, but I'll probably come back to that later.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 1:57 am Rise is a good game, but they've definitely oversimplified it. Its the Skyrim of Monster Hunter games. Everything has been simplified and made more uniform to appeal to a larger audience. Everything feels so much easier on Rise. They've also completely changed a lot of fundamental variables to make it more standard RPGish such as how playing multiplayer raise the monster hp.

In older Monster Hunter games, weapon damage outputs varied hugely by class(great swords had like 1000 base damage, while sword and shield had like 100) the monsters had fixed hp as well as other stats and the changes in difficulty all came down to complex behind the scenes calculations. Whenever you attacked something this huge list of calculations for damage would be performed, like say your weapon damage was 1000. That would be multiplied by your sharpness which would be like and extra 5 to 10 percent per color, and any armor skill buffs you had. Then you get into straight subtractions. The damage would then be divided by the strike you are using which would drop it to like 28%. Then when you hit the monster, it would calculate the defense of the part which would reduce damage to like 40% of that. Then the thickness vs. your weapon sharpness wold further reduce the damage, with a factor of the HR rank further reducing your damage. So the monster would always have like 3000 hp, but all the damage reduction penalties and calculation would have your blows doing like 45 damage to it down from 1000 and further as decreases as HR rank raised.. That's just for raw damage. We haven't even factored elemental and status calculations. Rise is more of a straight up RPG with straightforward calculations.
That's a damn good argument man. One of which, I haven't seen posted anywhere else before. It's one of the best rebuttals I've seen of Rise. I don't really agree with Rise being a typical Jrpg though. I hype it up to people as an action game, and people play it like an action game. I see what you meant though. You're referring to dmg properties, being more straight forward like a typical rpg. That may be so, I don't really care though coz as a shooter. I think Rise does a good job of forcing you to stay within certain distances & firing in certain ways, for optimal damage based off of the gun you're using & the distance, times the trajectory to your target.
It amazes me how the shooting mechanics are so detailed, for a game that's primarily based around combat.

Unfortunately I can't take your assessment too seriously since you're only 30 hours in. Your logic is sound though, & can't refute it. Or maybe I'm just lazy lol.
Common consensus is that Rise is actually harder than most other MH games, but only when you reach HR6, which happens 30 hours after you beat the game, or however long it takes you to each that point. ... e/79455742
I actually quit playing Rise for the time being until I buy online again coz HR6 Mizu keeps fucking one hit killing me. I thought it was just me, but it seems to be a common occurrence. ... e/79440081

HR6 & above is when the game finally tests you.
I was competing against some dude in my friends list who's 100 hours into the game but he stopped playing around the 100 hour mark and finally went back to playing Fire Emblem Three Houses. ... l-to.htmlI heard that there's two FE games in the works. A Three Houses follow up by Koei Tecmo (who also did the original Three Houses) and a remake of Geneology of Holy War by Intelligent Systems.
Persona 5 Strikers feels like a real time persona game until you reach a boss fight. Bosses are super sponges. It doesn't feel like a Musou game at all until you reach a boss fight. You have all kinds of different special abilities, environmental attacks and combos to use. Those bosses fights, though.... They are the least enjoyable part of the game. I fought my first unique boss yesterday since I haven't been gaming as much do to work. Took over 10 minutes to beat him. That may not sound like a big deal for an RPG, but this is a hack and slash. I sat there dodge the same attacks and performing the same combos over and over again for over 10 minutes. The problem is that basic attacks do so little damage to boss enemies, but there was no real way to significantly increase my damage output. I had a weapon stronger than any in the stops and I have tarukaja up. Still took forever to chip that thing down. On the other hand, the bosses will fucking destroy you if they land a hit on you. Stun lock, dazing and all kinds of shit. One attacks lands and over half your life it gone. Add to that healing items being expensive with low output and the sp pool being really small, so your healers burn out of sp fast. Like 3 casts and they are done. No more magic.
Yeah sucks. Aids of Calamity was the same way. When you lose, it pisses you off, because you lost due to bad luck. Rather than a lack of skill, or sound planning. It's an issue I've always had with Musou which is why I prefer the two Kingdom Under Fire games from the Original Xbox, where tactics & strategy actually matters.

I don't know a single person in my friend's list who put in more than 10 hours into Bravely Default 2. The demo was fun though. I just don't feel like buying it for some reason. I may try out Octopath Traveler, only coz I'm mad addicted to Saga Frontier.
I don't see myself buying anything for the rest of the year unless that Zippo dude's leaks turn out to be correct, and we do indeed get a Metroid 5, Mario Kart 9 & Fire Emblem Remake. M5 is supposedly a direct sequel to Samus Returns for some reason (I thought Super Metroid was the direct sequel.), instead of Fusion, due to latest Chozo lore from the Samus Returns remake.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Unfortunately I can't take your assessment too seriously since you're only 30 hours in. Your logic is sound though, & can't refute it. Or maybe I'm just lazy lol.
Common consensus is that Rise is actually harder than most other MH games, but only when you reach HR6, which happens 30 hours after you beat the game, or however long it takes you to each that point. ... e/79455742
I actually quit playing Rise for the time being until I buy online again coz HR6 Mizu keeps fucking one hit killing me. I thought it was just me, but it seems to be a common occurrence.
That's how long it took me to reach the endgame. That's how little trouble I had getting through it.

I was about to say, "HOW!" when you said Mizu was one shotting you, but then I remember you played bowguns, lol. Ranged weapons have always been support weapons. They simply do not match the defensive or offensive potential of melee weapons. That's what Monster Hunter is built around. I play charge blade, switch axe and gunlance.

I'm split on the changes to Gunlance. In older games, there was this combo you could do where you would slam the lance on the ground, and then fire all shells at once. Thats gone in favor of this new injection bullet that hits multiple times with small damage, then explodes. Its stronger, but it takes so long to pull off that most monster end up moving. That brings me to another change I've noticed. In older MH games, explosives ignored defense That was their unique attribute. They would always do a fixed amount of damage to enemies no matter where you hit with them, which made them ideals for breaking parts since the monsters all had fixed health as well. Now they are signifiantly less effective in online, because Monster's have increased HP. Everything is effected by scaling stats now.

I remember how hard it was to beat HR2 Barroth in MH Tri. Getting 3 Koed by Monster's was a common occurence in that game and older MH games. In Rise, I didn't see a 3 KO until I hit HR 5, and that was because some guy joined and refused to heal. He died 3 times by himself. Rise has been cakewalk for me.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 3:49 pm
That's how long it took me to reach the endgame. That's how little trouble I had getting through it.

I was about to say, "HOW!" when you said Mizu was one shotting you, but then I remember you played bowguns, lol. Ranged weapons have always been support weapons. They simply do not match the defensive or offensive potential of melee weapons. That's what Monster Hunter is built around. I play charge blade, switch axe and gunlance.

I'm split on the changes to Gunlance. In older games, there was this combo you could do where you would slam the lance on the ground, and then fire all shells at once. Thats gone in favor of this new injection bullet that hits multiple times with small damage, then explodes. Its stronger, but it takes so long to pull off that most monster end up moving. That brings me to another change I've noticed. In older MH games, explosives ignored defense That was their unique attribute. They would always do a fixed amount of damage to enemies no matter where you hit with them, which made them ideals for breaking parts since the monsters all had fixed health as well. Now they are signifiantly less effective in online, because Monster's have increased HP. Everything is effected by scaling stats now.

I remember how hard it was to beat HR2 Barroth in MH Tri. Getting 3 Koed by Monster's was a common occurence in that game and older MH games. In Rise, I didn't see a 3 KO until I hit HR 5, and that was because some guy joined and refused to heal. He died 3 times by himself. Rise has been cakewalk for me.
Are you sure we're talking about the same quest? You act like I'm some kind of exception when damn near everyone is getting murked by him. I'm referring to HR6, the Apex Minota quests, "A Bewitching Dance". I'm not talking about Normal Mizu, that fucker is easy. I'm playing through two files, one based off of Samus Aran who uses LBG, and another called Megaman Zoro who uses Longsword & is modeled after Roronoa Zoro. 75 hours with Samus (I replay tons of rampages) & about 20 as Zoro.

I'm referring to the Apex Mizu, who wasn't even in the game until late April.
The normal game can be beaten in 40 hours or less, where the credits start rolling, but that's not the end game. The endgame starts when you see the cutscene where Hinoa's eyes start glowing and it's implied that she's evil or something. A common theory is that she's actually a possessed meatbag or something.

A lot of people are getting One shotted by the Apex Mizu. Check the threads I linked to.
I know it's not just me. Although even my plan to rely on Online scrubs doesn't seem to work, lol. ... e/79384489
horisonx 1 month ago#19
I had been mostly soloing up to that point and decided to try joining randoms, but this was the wrong quest to do that, mizu was destroying every group i joined lmao
It's true that you'll get one hit killed by just about everyone when you're armed with the guns. That's why I compare Rise's gameplay to Contra & Alien Soldier. It's why I like it, and only Rise though in regards to projectile combat. In Generations I use the Hammer & the Berserk style sword along with katana. The Guns actually do way more dmg in Generations, but the gunplay is fucking garbage so I stick to melee.

The only reason that I'm pushing Rise so hard, coz it's the only modern Capcom game that's still using Resi Evil 4-6, Rev 1 combat. That's all I'm in it for, I really don't care about the MH setting or whatever. I just want more GOdzilla sized freaks to gun down. I sure as hell don't give a fuck about Monster Hunter Stories 2, I don't even understand what it is. Looks like a MH Pokemon.

Switching between Rev 1 Raid 's combat & Rise's combat feels very similar to me, because they both focus around grinding for items, to make the harder difficulties easier to beat.

I am laughing that Rise is completely outselling RE Vilalge though. Although I would've bought Village (for $10) if I still had a system that could play it. The media is trying to brag that "RE re-cemented its position as Crapcom's Flagship franchise, selling 3 million copies in one week!"
I'm out here thinking, Rise sold 4 million copies in 3 days, on only the Nintendo Switch. Why are we acting as if Village selling only 3 million on 5 different system, were a bigger deal than Rise?
Ranged weapons have always been support weapons. They simply do not match the defensive or offensive potential of melee weapons. That's what Monster Hunter is built around. I play charge blade, switch axe and gunlance.
That was true in the past. Not so with Rise where the gunplay has its own systems to worry about. This is only true of LBG though, at least from my experience. Bows & HBG leave you too wide open & Bow barely does any dmg without charged shots. Even then, a charged Bow shot won't even topple or knockdown monsters the same way you would with a melee attack.
LBG constantly ranks highly in the weapon dmg rankings in Rise due to how easy it is to kill everything with it. If Rise were a competitive game, LBG would be banned. TO offset LBG's weaknesses, just use the dog as an aggro-tank and the cat as a healer, and you're set. With LBG, you can easilly gun down parts from monsters & injure the crap out of them by focusing on certain body parts

Switching from melee & guns feels like completely different games, and that's what makes Rise so damn good to me. It can seamlessly transition between the various playstyles and will not feel janky at all.

I think it's way easier to introduce MH noobs to Rise through its gunplay coz Rise's gunplay plays like an actual shooter. (I got some chick in my friend list to play Rise for bout 40 hours before she dropped it, but hey she stuck with it for much longer than I expected. This bitch normally plays nothing but Animal Crossing & Resident Evil, and has over 400 hours in Rev 1 & RE6.)
Rise's gunplay feels the most similar to Resident Evil 6 (the slide, and side stepping), but I can easily imagine people who've played Fortnite, Rouge Company, Ghost Recon, Uncharted, etc. all easily transitioning to MH Rise due to how similar the gunplay & player movement functions.

The gunplay is strong in Rise. You can easily kill monsters in a few minutes. LBG is often recoginized as a noob weapon due to how easy it is to kill everything with it. I don't fucking care though. I just want to shoot shit. If I'm not constantly practicing my shooting skills in a game, I feel like I'm wasting my time since these days I predominantly play online shooters. MH Rise actually helps with my dodging skills (I rarely use the wirebug.) since it has the same movement as Rouge Company, Rainbow 6 & Uncharted, although it controls more like RE6. Rise has a dive move that drains all of your stamina, but it looks epic when you successfully dodge.

That's what makes Rise stand out to me. It's one of the few games where both melee & gunplay have a serious amount of depth & complexity. Even in RE games, you don't really need to pay that much attention to distance. In Rise, you have to constantly re-distance yourself depending on the position of the monster and the type of ammo you're using, along with the gun you're armed with.
I mostly use guns that focus on pierce, shotgun & shrapnel shots coz imo they do the most consistent dmg.
With Melee, the general idea is to pick & place your hits for the most optimal dmg or stagger.
With guns, the strategy is to constantly shoot it, until you find an opening and then that's when you drop your payload on it.
As someone who plays a lot of shooters at a high level, I like Rise's gunplay flow.
MH Rise gunplay flow reminds me of Paladins when you're playing as a DMG Tank, pitted against another DMG Tank, like Raum vs Khan, and how you're both just standing around shooting at each other as the rest of the teams works around you two while the two tanks slowly pick off the opposing team until it's only the two tanks left, constantly regening health through dmg.

When it comes to Melee, most people usually compare Monster Hunter's combat to Dark Souls, but it's actually nothing like Dark Souls. A lot of people also name drop Dragon's Dogma. Which is strange coz the combat is somewhat similar, but the actual combat flow of MH Melee & Dogshit's melee is nothing alike at all.
Dogshit's combat is much more floaty, and nowhere near as precise as Monster Hunter's melee. In MH, the hits have much more weight behind each strike.

Monster Hunter is way more complicated & complex than something like Dark SOuls or Dragon's Dogshit. I like MH's combat, I think Derp Soul's combat is just a basic hack n slasher, but with a stamina bar. I often view Dark Souls as Ninja Gaiden for pussies, everyone thinks they're badass coz of their invicibility frames through dodge roll whereas in Nija Gaiden, you have to time when to do an Izuna drop to activate invincibility frames.
MH's combat in general is good, but I can see why it's so hard to introduce MH style melee combat to people, because it feels so slow, to people who don't understand how to control the weapons.
I can't think of any other action game that focuses as much on staggering & knockdowns as MH does, aside for other MH genre games.
Dark Souls is easier for people to understand coz it literally is just a hack n slash, and this is most highlighted through Bloodborne. Nioh has much deeper combat than Dark Souls, but that game is more comparable to Bushido Blade due to the weapon stances, and cutting limbs off. You merely broke limbs in BB, but in the Nioh games, you literally cut limbs off in a few well placed strikes. Nioh's combat still doesn't feel as good as Ninja Gaiden & NG2 though.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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