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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

I say the same thing about most remasters. They basically add things that check tick boxes of "better" but don't really add to or improve anything. Design is more important than raw stats.

This is more what I wanted for an FF7 remake. Keep the core content, and enhance what is already there to make it better. The only thing I don't like(which is something I dislike about all post PSX renditions of Cloud) is that his hair is now light yellow instead or orangish like in his original artwork and his chin is weaker. I could also do without the whole Barret with shades thing.
Now, where the hell is Tales of Arise? They announced this shit 2 years ago.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

How the hell did they make even transformed Emil less detailed? They even redid Popola. I mean, I guess hers is alright, but other than that, I'm really not lilking the design changes.

Now, this is something I'm really looking forward to this year this year. I wonder if they actually finished any of the content that didn't make the original release? One of the things I dislike about all of these remakes and remasters is that they were are of games that were never fully finished like Secret of Mana. They had the perfect opportunity to do so, but instead just remade the game to be like the original unfinished product. Its stupid. Why bother to remake it at all, if you aren't going to fix any of the problems?
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jaladen »

re: the whole tranny/mutant freak talk

1. It's not possible for a human (as opposed to select species of non-primate animals like select fish) to be "both genders" or neither a single sex. So called exceptions like the so called "intersex" (itself a buzzword that crams together too many disparate conditions/mutants) just have female or male bodies that have "something extra" (like a freakish looking male with a female chromosome or some male with a atypical chromosome) or are missing something. "Futanari" as you see in hentai shit are really just a fantasy of closest homosexuals since anyone with a female body wouldn't be able to have two sets of functioning genitals.

2. Chyna having an engorged clitoris (which is a dubious example since more women than you think have one from a birth defect while having nothing else about them that's actually male) isn't from her "being intersex." From all evidence of her personal life, it's from all the years she had abusing performance enhancers for her line of work leading to her body getting made more "masculine" (read: freakish).

Anyway, can't go wrong with Ogre:

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

" so called "intersex" " itself a buzzword" "dubious example".......You hang around in alt right groups a lot, I take it. lol.

Intersex is a condition that has been noted to exist for over a century. Mutations are responsible for the majority of human variation. Otherwise, every human would still be black. There are plenty of people confirmed to be born with two genitals or people of one sex born with additional anatomy of the opposite sex. ... ctomy.html ... cer/355475 ... didelphys/

Having a large penis like clitoris is a common trait of intersex females, and they tend to have a higher natural testosterone level production compared to average women despite having a vagina(as well as generally looking more masculine). I've never heard of performance enhancers making a woman's clitoris change its fundamental physical cellular structures, as just like the penis, after a certain point in development, that part in human anatomy no longer grows naturally. Its not malleable in that way do to the tissue not being the same as, say, arm or leg muscle. It can only atrophy after that point. Causing it to shrink. Hell, you go into certain Amish sects, and you'll commonly find people with 6 fingers. Your understanding of the human genome and how its works sounds like something from an extremist propaganda pamphlet.

This is not to be confused with the modern onset of "nonbinary" nonsense and gay guys going trans do to it being more convenient and beneficial. That is all a bunch of progressive political bullshit with no real science backing it.

But, who cares.

I'm not liking what they did with the Legend of Mana remake. By what they've done, I mean doing jack shit. The game still looks exactly like it did on the PSX in the trailer with low res pixelated sprits. It doesn't look like they redid a thing. They at least touched up the graphics on the Saga Frontier end. The only thing they seemed to have touched up on here are few of the environments. I still have the original PSX game. Its a shame they didn't enhance it more.

Some new update on FF16. Devs saying its suppose to have a "mature story." Ugh. From what I saw in the trailers, its just more melodrama, only now with a lot of blood. This one is suppose to be an action game, as opposed to turn based RPG. Its suppose to have a nanny mode for people who don't like or have a trouble with action games, LMAO!

Apparently, Nier Reicarnation is "TRASH." Was anyone expecting any different? I play Nier games for the plot and creativity, not for the gameplay, but this looks all around crap. I was afraid this would happen, but looking at the Nier Remake, it seems Square has stepped in to put more corporate control and influence on the game now that the franchise has become so popular. They are trying to milk it now. Its not confirmed, but I have a strong feeling that this is the case.

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jack »

The Saga Frontier remake has the new Fuse path and more story paths for Asellus which were cut out from the original game. I just don't really care, coz I would've preferred SF redone with at least classic Final Fantasy 7 gfx. You damn right them ugly ass FF7 lego shit looks way better than SF's rendered bullshit.
SF1 had a cool ass setting with modern-ish guns. Why couldn't a SF game look like Tomomi's actual art? The one game that does look like her art (Scarlet Grace), fucking sucks.

Asellus is like the case of a character who would be extremely political among you American fucktards coz she was LGBT way before it was even cool. A perceptive mind like moi, already knew that she & Rosa are actually a reference to Utena though lol.

It's kinda like how Rika from PS4 is the original Xenoblade Pyra but only Pyra is 'political' coz Ameritards trun everything political.

alt right groups
There's only one divide, Elites vs everyone else.
Alt-right is just a diversionary tactic that the Billionaire class uses, to force us into groups that attack each other, rather than killing the fucking billionaires.

Alt right is really just a catch all term for anyone who disobeys the State. I get labeled as Alt-right. I also get called a fuckuing Communist. Why? It's simple, Americans are stupid, lol.

Sure there's some idiots like Richard Spencer who claims that he created the Alt-right,
but he's also the same idiot who voted for Trump, but then voted for Biden in 2021 coz he felt that Biden is more Pro-White or some bullshit. It's like duh, Trump has a Jew daughter & Jew grand children. Biden was mentored by a KKK grand wizard.

Not that I give a shit about the KKK. All of that White supremacy bullshit in the USA, is highly exaggerated. (None-billionaire Whites are actually the weakest & pussiest class.)
I only know of a few legit White supremacist gangs, every single one of them answers to Mexican Cartels and drug mules for them, lol. Some supremacy!
Spencer is a random trust-fund faggot who's only claim to fame is that he's the son of cotton billionaires or something.
Spencer reminds me of that Riverdale fag who was the son of a Maple syrup billionaire, and also committed suicide after fucking his sister or something, lol.
I've never heard of performance enhancers making a woman's clitoris change its fundamental physical cellular structures
I never had either. I follow wrestling, & I haven't seen that happen. Vince would never give any of the women in his roster, roids. Chyna was just a body builder who got into the biz through Victoria, who herself got into the biz, as one of The Godfather's Hoes.

Chyna was on drugs, but she was a crack whore. She was basically on the same shit as the Macho Man.

For the record, I consider Chyna womanly.

She got her ass kicked by a generic average-sized fat guy, and it was hilarious how she actually bought her own WWF hype but couldn't accept the hard reality that not even she's a match for the average, out of shape, fat man.

For fuck's sake though. Why the hell all y'all faggots speaking so seriously bout Chyna's nasty ass vag? I just mentioned her, to make fun of her looks. Fuck knows she gets shit on all the time anyway. So much so, that she ran back to Japan a year before she killed herself, only to find out that her pimpdaddy Antonio Inoki already got kicked out from his own NJPW fed, that he founded.
Inoki booked her like a Queen though.

Vince Macmahon, Trump, Inoki, all of those rich fucks are friends with each other. Funny though coz Inoki is actually a communist and owns his own Communist island with Communist sluts who have Capitalist diets.
(fat in the right places.)

One thing I do find funny though, is that this proves what I've been saying to internet wrestling fags all along, that way more people know who Chyna is over Becky Lynch, lol. Fuck Becky lynch. She sucks but modern Wrestling fans are so damn nerdy that they tried to push her as the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.
" so called "intersex" " itself a buzzword" "dubious example".......You hang around in alt right groups a lot, I take it. lol.
LOL Americans, and their funny made up words. Why do you need to be of a political bent when it comes to this dumbass gender issue that only Americans over-politicize? Trannys have been around for centuries. Even motherfucking Thailand merely categorized them into a 3rd gender, which is necessary because they still conscript their army. Unlike the motherfucking USgay, Thailand doesn't want tranny sissies fucking up the cohesiveness & strength of their own military.
Edit: I know intersex aren't trannies. I just group them up into the same category, coz I don't care. I don't hate on anyone for what they are, I just hate on those who force me to abide by their rules, which is why I don't like LGBT. I make fun of everyone, why should they be the only ones that I can't laugh at? OOOH no, they'll kill themselves? Why does that matter to me? They weren't going to procreate anyway, ayyy lmao.

Even my mom be telling me how she doesn't feel safe in the USA anymore, precisely coz of these fucking trannies. You don't see China staffing their military with losers. China straight up uses Eugenics Super Soldiers. ... -ratcliffe
It's fucking hilarious how Israel & China are like real-world modern day Nazi Germany (both have racial segregation, they do not allow race mixing, practice eugenics experiments, and they both have religious & ethnic-based internment camps. ), but Americucks keep acting as if it were Russia that were Nazi Germany. Iwazaru is from Russia and from what he's told me, he makes Russia sound like yet another milquetoast corporate-owned shit hole, owned by hyper-capitalists. Iwazaru actually claims that Russian men were way stronger, more nationalistic & tougher back when they were Communist.

That's the hiliarity of it all. Putin gets described as Darth Vader, only due to how he represents a competing economy. USA/EU/Canada/Aussies vs Russia & their satellite countries in the East (Asia, East Europe & Middle East.), trying to win favor of China.
Well in Russia's case, it's more like trying to come up with more non-aggression pacts & trade deals with China since China & Russia still view the USA as the main enemy. I live in the fucking USA, and I think of the USA as the no. 1 enemy of the developed world. I'm even the son of a fed, and I still think that.

The rest of the world is laughing at American people, coz they think there's more than 2 genders & they're forcing us to comply with them. Most people in the world acknowledge only two genders, it's naturally embed in our languages.
Hilariously, White motherfuckers are trying to erase our languages to conform with English, the one language in the world, where "everything is relative" and nothing means anything.
Hispanic languages are gendered, Asian languages are gendered, Middle Eastern languages are gendered, Eastern Europeans languages are gendered.

We're having our cultural identities erased, by mother fucking 1st world USA retards, who don't seem to understand what culture is. Americans assume that culture is just what you consume, coz Americans disdain traditionalism, spirituality & nationalism. As such, they can not perceive culture as anything that isn't bestowed upon them through the Cathedral, and the clergyman of the truth.
In reality, these functions are just accessories to the billionaire class, who speak on their behalf.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Jaladen »

Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 am " so called "intersex" " itself a buzzword" "dubious example".......You hang around in alt right groups a lot, I take it. lol.
And I can assume you uncritically accept leftoid talking points if we're going to sling accusations at each-other.
Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 amIntersex is a condition that has been noted to exist for over a century. Mutations are responsible for the majority of human variation. Otherwise, every human would still be black.

The bulk of mutations are harmful or aren't adaptive. Anyway, Out of Africa in the sense of the homo sapien starting as a Negro is just some We Wuz Kangz meme. Even the MSM caught this:

Co-author Pontus Skoglund from The Francis Crick Institute said, "Contrary to what many believe, neither the genetic or fossil record have so far revealed a defined time and place for the origin of our species. Such a point in time, when the majority of our ancestry was found in a small geographic region and the traits we associate with our species appeared, may not have existed. For now, it would be useful to move away from the idea of a single time and place of origin."
Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 amThere are plenty of people confirmed to be born with two genitals or people of one sex born with additional anatomy of the opposite sex. ... ctomy.html ... cer/355475 ... didelphys/
All of those are just males/females who have something extra ala having webbed feet making them just defective versions of their sexes. Not enough to be given a whole new gender for them. And the so called "two genitals" wouldn't be both functional (as in the penis being able to get erect and ejaculate, the vagina self lubricating and being part of a wider reproductive system). ... sterility/

There are no true "hermaphrodites" in humans as opposed to freaks with an extra non-functional part or two. The human body was not designed to both produce sperm that's ejaculated out of a penis and carry ovaries to be placed within a womb at conception.
Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 amHaving a large penis like clitoris is a common trait of intersex females, and they tend to have a higher natural testosterone level production compared to average women despite having a vagina(as well as generally looking more masculine).
They aren't a separate sex. They're just uglier/more grotesque females. Such a woman's clitoris would be no different than that of the female hyena's.
Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 amI've never heard of performance enhancers making a woman's clitoris change its fundamental physical cellular structures, as just like the penis, after a certain point in development, that part in human anatomy no longer grows naturally. Its not malleable in that way do to the tissue not being the same as, say, arm or leg muscle. It can only atrophy after that point. Causing it to shrink. Hell, you go into certain Amish sects, and you'll commonly find people with 6 fingers.

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Chyna being a 'roid monkey is known well enough. Ignoring all the geeks and coomers in threads there yapping about how totally not faggy they are for being willing to let a manjaw like Chyna peg them, some of the posts are rather informative:

might want to research better. a head like shape does form when the clitoris grows from steroids. Though those who abuse them for muscle gain use far larger doses than in a trans person's situation. The urethra doesn't move of course, but it doesn't appear to have here.

My high school biology teacher was a former body builder. She even showed us some pics of her flexing in tiny bathing suits. She was the first to tell me about woman's clits getting huge when they took steroids. In competition she said they had to tape them down so they wouldn't show.

Dear reddit,

Shit like this exists and it's more common than you might realize. Male and female genitals are analogs of each other than grow from the same basic form. The penis and the clitoris are the same structure. In men, the proto-vagina closes up and becomes the ball sack. Guys, have you wondered why so many women arent getting off? Would you if someone just rubbed your balls and avoided your dick?

There's Variation in nature. Some clits are so big that they can't be distinguished from dicks. Some dicks are so small, its vice versa. Want to know the worst part? Some girls born with large clots have them SNIPPED in order for them to appear "normal."

A woman with a big clit is just the female version of a man with a pencil dick and/or lil balls (an undesirable extreme of the male form that is still a male form). She'd have no actual male parts in function if not form.
Krizzx wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:46 amYour understanding of the human genome and how its works sounds like something from an extremist propaganda pamphlet.
There are limits in nature that men will never be able to overcome.
Jack wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:57 pmAsellus is like the case of a character who would be extremely political among you American fucktards coz she was LGBT way before it was even cool. A perceptive mind like moi, already knew that she & Rosa are actually a reference to Utena though lol.
Hilariously enough, Asellus' homosexuality in the original was from her becoming more or less a vampire. She marries a man when she becomes just a humie again. That's too redpilled for the Current Year (pointing out that there are no real female homosexuals in the sense of only being drawn to women, rather just sexual abuse victims and would-be mental patients and manhaters). I don't know if the remake changed this.
Jack wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:57 pmLOL Americans, and their funny made up words. Why do you need to be of a political bent when it comes to this dumbass gender issue that only Americans over-politicize? Trannys have been around for centuries. Even motherfucking Thailand merely categorized them into a 3rd gender, which is necessary because they still conscript their army. Unlike the motherfucking USgay, Thailand doesn't want tranny sissies fucking up the cohesiveness & strength of their own military.
I was just pointing out that "intersex" is a buzzword since it groups together all sorts of mutants and deformed into one "3rd sex." Politics, nothing more. Need I point out that homosexuality was classified as a pathology until the LBGTOWAM crowd chimpedout and "lobbied" (read: use their ties to degenerates in office and big business) for it to get removed. ... third-sex/

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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Jaladen wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:44 pm

And I can assume you uncritically accept leftoid talking points if we're going to sling accusations at each-other.

No, its called following actual credible scientific research and empirical evidence, as opposed to cherry picking what I want to be real or accurate based on whether or not I or some group I follow likes it.

I generally don't even bother trying to discuss politics with Americans, as most don't even understand the basic fundamentals of what they discuss as evidence by them constantly referring to Republicans as conservative(they're not. They are a neoliberal and function as an oligarchy) and Democrats as liberals(they're not. They are neoconservatives who are currently trying to push the agenda of bs progressives ideology on the populace against its will) while referring to liberals and leftwing ideologies as if they are a singular collective that follows one way of thinking and behaving which is the antithesis of anything liberal.

Its impossible to discuss things with people who view things in binary, and believe their lack of understanding to be an understanding. Modern American politics has become so absurd, and so removed from the actual citizens of the nation that if the travel restrictions were lifted, I would have long left this country. No matter which group gets control, its heading for an inevitable collapse. The days of America being the world top super power are coming to a close, and its the people who think they are defending it that are driving it there.

In the U.S. you basically have two groups of rich fucks that people support blindly whom they think will do things to benefit them if they win when in reality, they are just choosing how they will be relegated to serving and benefiting the rich and powerful within he country who have effectively made themselves lords and monarchs with the populace propping them up from defacto fiefdoms.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Iwazaru »

Kuro no Kiseki details:

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Krizzx »

Iwazaru wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:55 pm Kuro no Kiseki details:


So, it has an an action based battle system now...hmmm. No sure how this will go. Its definitely not their first time since there was Nakuta no Kiseki and the Ys vs Sora no Kiseki game that had real time combat. Wasn't particularly stand out though.

Graphics engine still looks the same. Cold Steel 3 and 4 and Hajimari. That's one thing I would have rathered they improved either the performance or fidelity, because its really inefficient. How do you get slow down on something with such simplistic designs? The technical prowess is lacking in Falcom games. The 7th Gen games look liked enhanced PS2 games, and the 8th gen games look like enhanced PS3 games. Yet they were littered with performance hickups.

Going by the name, I'm guessing this one is going to be about the Time element relic.

Still no update on a western release for Hajimare.
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Re: Jrpgs

Post by Iwazaru »

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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