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PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Krizzx »

I finally finished Divinity: Original Sin 2, which marks all games in the Divnity series finished for me exepct the first Original Sin which I just lost interest in completing.

While looking up stuff on OS2 I found out that they are almost done with the next game.

I like Larian studios, because they are one of the handful of devs that still make high quality PC exclusives, or at least games that prioritorize the PC as their main platform. Once upon a time, they were more or less a B tier studio making cheap rubbish. Though, even back to with their first game, Divine Divinity, they always had this degree of originality and creativity to their game design. They've gone from a low budge, low tier dev like the people who made Two Worlds do a big name.

Most of their games were kind of clunky and bug ridden, but they were still fun. I still remember my first game I played from them was a demo of Beyond Divinity that I got from Download.com when I just got my first PC and knew hardly anything about computers other than how to surf the next. It was low budget which crappy voice acting, but unlike any other RPG I had played before. I finally got it and most of the other Divinity games during the holiday sell at GOG and I was playing through them ever since up until recently.

One thing I don't like about OS2 is that is pretty much shat all over the continuity and lore. Fallen Heroes seems to be doing the same going by the fact that all 6 Godwoken are there which is impossible to do in OS2. OS2 is apparently suppose to take place around the same time or a little before Beyond Divinity. I played all the way through Divnity II and Dragon Commander. There are things in those games that the plot of OS2 completely voids when those games are supposed to be over a 1000 years in the future.

Outside of Larian, all I see in the realm of PC exclusives are huge soulless open world games like Star Citizen and low quality indie titles.

Every once in a while, I check to see what coming out and I'm not like the huge influx of medieval European themed games I'm seeing. Almost starting to remind me of the World War 2 saturation during the early 2000s.

The PC is still the premier platform for RTS and Sims, but most of what comes out now is unremarkable.

I am like the income space games, though. Also, I need to get the new Mechwarrior.

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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

I'm playing Metal Wolf Chaos XD currently, almost finished missions actually. It's pretty fun as "DESUTOROYAH THE GAME", like EDF. As you blow up everything - buildings, cars, tanks, enemies, helicopters, trees. Also weaponry, from assault rifles and machineguns two multimissiles and railguns and even crazy stuff.

It's very arcade-like at it's base, you even collect power ups and hidden shit on levels and what not. So it's not "serious mecha gaem". Also it's very meme-heavy due to it's plot of american president finding justice in mecha suit. Btw it actually parodied well how misinformation and fake news are tools.

btw i post some random japanese video coz for some reason many western players dont even boost and just walk all the time, LOL. Just like in Daemon x machina... idiots. As for challenge, some boss fights are pretty tough/intense but if wanted, you can always replay missions to grind weapons and updgrades. Silly and epic game, though.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

About the only non-indie PC game I want to play but isn't on the Switch is Age of Wonders Planetfall. ANyone play that yet? I only have like 2 or 3 fwends on steam lol. It's the platform I use the least despite having a fairly good lineup of games to play through. I need to finish of both Shadowruns so I can concentrate on Crosscode.
EDIT: I forgot about "Fear and Hunger" Get that game if you want to play a Phantasy Star styled survival rpg, with a plot that's even more fucked up than a Drakengard or Nier game.

I like how the final boss, the true final boss is pretty much the last person you'd ever expect. Now that's a plot twist that's done right, and I could easily imagine it being pulled off well in a movie.

My jump to Switch, makes so that I'm usually playing Switch games over everything else. I'm shocked that Crosscode still isn't on Switch. It's been anounced forever and now it'll just flop coz Switch's rpg competition is too heavy now.

I'm playing the Switch version but I think Phantom Doctrine is an underated game, although it really does deserve its 6 or 7 out of 10 score due to how extremely repetitive it is. I've played it for 25 hours but I'm only on chapter 2.
It's not a Xenoblade 2 situation either where the game is just long. (I'm 100 hours into XB2, at only chap 8 lol.)

PD's issue is that the game is so padded out when it really only has an hour worth of content per chapter, but each chapter takes forever coz that's how long it takes for your agents to decode top secret enemy intel.
What really kills the game is how you're constantly on counter-terrorist mode, but every single damn stage looks the same and there's really only about 3 mission types but you repeat them about 50 times per chapter.

It's fun, I like it coz Phantom Doctrine reminds me of an accurate version of Ghost in the Shell's section 9.
You know how Section 9 really only has 4 combatants, 5 if you include Saito? With the rest of the team being used as support. That's how PD plays out. In PD, I have a main 6 member squad but I usually have disguised female & male spy (Golgo 13, lol) who infiltrate the entire stage and will sometimes complete everything, & kill the target without alerting anyone.

On the outside, I have my main female assassin chick who headshots everyone at near 100% success with her silenced pistol. I also have her infiltrating the entire stage, shadowing the first two agents. I have just gun down any potentional threats.

On the outside, I have two armored battalion troops geared up in the heaviest battle armor & the biggest guns. They're so strapped that they casue all alarms to go off & civvies to flee in terror the moment they walk into the mission area. I typically have these two hiding in shadows. One of these badass armored troops was a Latina named Eldritch who was like my 3rd strongest character after my main female assassin & Golgo 13.
I specify this chick coz she randomly turned on our crew, and it was revealed that she was a Russian spy all along, lol. We had to kill her and simply offed her offscreen. This put a huge dent in our forces though
coz she was the on-field reinforcements who would just nuke the shit out of everyone if Golgo 13 or the two infiltrator sluts screwed up the mission.

Turncoats happens at random, and you can't control it. Although you can be a scrub and just savescum until a different event happens. That's lame. I play these typs of games coz of the emergent story that plays out through gameplay. Although Xenoblade series has shown to me just how much better a game with a preplanned story is, if the writing is actually good.

Anyway about the rest of my on-field team. The final member is really just a support on-field medic and we usually have a 7th member who monitors the entire battleground for potentional threats & an 8th member who acts as the team sniper. My support sniper is an Italian Mafia chick, these characters are generated at random, most of the time. You create your main character. Muh Golgo 13 dude started off as a random Russian dude, but once it came time for him to 'die' and replace his current identity. I give him the G13 makeover with huge bodybuilder body, Duke Togo haircut, & Duke Togo aviators with the Duke Togo suit with his muscles bursting out of it. He's so fucking 80s lol.
Muh Golgo 13 guy is also a sniper, but he snipes while he's in the actual battle of operations LOL! Hey man, this fucker is strong enough to kill everyone with one punch to the face. He only ever brings out the big guns when it's absolutely necessary.

I love the overall gameplay flow of PD, I just hate how everything is so padded out. In Fire Emblem Three Houses, you usually only do 1 - 3 side missions in between each chapter battle. You do about 50 between each chapter in PD.
I do like how in PD, you create your own black market economy. I have this fat ugly chick who does nothing but make counterfeit money,
Currently I have a crop of Chinese & Korean chicks who recently joined my crew. The Chink is a great martial artist who is almost on par with Golgo, but her sneaking & acting skills are nowhere near his level so I have her relagated to the B team or C team who take care of the lesser terrorist threats.

That's what I like most about PD, your combat prowress is only one measurement of a character's effectiveness. They need to also have the ability to blend in & improvise. Nobody does that better than your default character, but in my game I use her as the infiltrator who shaows the undercover agents. it just feels more Wetworks that way. I gave muh babe a military background so she's natually inclined to kill everything whereas Golgo dude has the ability to kill everything without a sweat, his main focus is to complete the mission objective and get the fuck out while the rest of the team acts as support.

My other main undercover agent is a girl who sucks ass at fighting and sucks & everything that has nothing to do with her looks. This is why I use my main girl as a shadow-agent Spec-ops styled Wetwork assassin, so she can kill everyone who may come too close to discovering the identity of my main female undercover agent.
Muh main female isn't a one man army like Golgo 13. Who I swear this motherfucker survives some insane shit. If you get hit in this game, you have to get stuck in the hospital to recuperate. One time he made it out alive with only 1 hp left but I had to bench Golgo for bout 9 battles. This is where the B & C team agents come in to fill out the spots left by the injured or dead A team.

Phantom Docrtine is like a slower much more sim-based version of the Arcady Scarlet Grace Saga. SGS is kinda disappointing to me, but it's still good about 6 or 7. It has the same problems as Smash's World of Light but that's for another thread since Scarlet Grace is a jrpg, that started on portable. Not an original PC game.
Divine Divinity, they always had this degree of originality and creativity to their game design. They've gone from a low budge, low tier dev like the people who made Two Worlds do a big name.
What's funny to me, is that they were making bigger budget games back then, which failed for the most part coz they were fairly dumbed down console-like hack n slashes like Divinity 2.
The original Divine Diviinity was a Diablo Ultima hybrid, but honestly I prefer Ultima & Diablo over it.
Larian didn't finally become a big name until Original Sin, which is an oddity coz that game is much lower budget but it filled in a void that people were missing since the Gold Box days of rpgs.

Too bad Divine Divinity 2 is only on eshop at Switch. I'd get it if there were a physical version.
The closest physical analog to DD2 on Swich is Wasteland 2, which is a decent game
Just like in Daemon x machina... idiots. As for challenge, some boss fights are pretty tough/intense but if wanted, you can always replay missions to grind weapons and updgrades. Silly and epic game, though.
How's DxM on Steam? Juding from the vids, it looks way better than the Switch version. That frame rate is buttery smooth. On PC, it looks above 60 fps. Shit is fast.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

Haven't played yet, but uh-huh, DxM is up to 200 fps here and crispy looking.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Krizzx »

I played a little of Planetfall. Its Age of Wonder in space. Combat it was more focused on ranged units than melee now. I didn't find it all that engaging. I didn't play it that far, though.

The Second Shadowrun is fucking awesome. I still haven't finished Hong Kong. Its good, but no where near as well written as Dragonfall. There is also Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown, an MMO in the same turn based vein, but I heard it was garbage.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Krizzx »

They released a PC to Two Worlds 2 in 2017...ewww

I didn't even notice. The game was like over 5 years old at that point. Apparently, it was garbage.

I loved the story part of Divinity Dragon Commander. The RTS part was ass. They basically took the Dragon combat sections from Divinty 2 and tried to make a whole game around it. The wife section was the funniest.

I'll probably get Overwatch 2 when it comes out, because I'm feel that I would have more fun playing Overwatch single player than hoping I get lucky enough to not get placed on the team where everyone wants to play Damage and suck at doing so, or won't stay on the objective. Wasteland 3 is also looking nice, but I'll probably wait until a sale happens to get it.

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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

From video your posted, these catch my attention:

- MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR: well, it really looks gorgeous. However, it has nothing on DCS Black Shark / DCS World :D
- PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2: no idea how to compare with other mmorpg or previous PSO releases, i just like how monsters/bosses look there. Sega will regionlock though?
- EMPIRE OF SIN: reminds me some tactical rpg about mafia from mid2000s. Also i m Daikatana fanboy so i m interested to see what Romero produces.
- SENUA’S SAGA HELLBLADE 2: i liked first one, but honestly i'm not feeling good about sequel at all.
- KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM 2: never played kerbal, but i just respect that they do what they do.
- RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE: well, cute Jill ^_^
- DYING LIGHT 2: never was interested much, but i know its nice for parkour fans.
- ELDEN RING: yet another dark fantasy soulsborne, why not. Just as usual, gimme cool setting/architecture/monsters/lore/weapons.
- VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE - BLOODLINES 2: can't ignore its existance, though everyone is sure it will be shiiiiiiit
- WATCH DOGS LEGION: i kind of liked e3 trailer, all those spies are ridiculous, lol!
- DOOM ETERNAL: while newdom disappoints old purists, it's fun gaem. And i like that they added cat-hook and other advanced movement shit to Eternal.
- HALF-LIFE: ALYX: cant ignore it also, as longtime half life series fun. However, never wanted to get VR and unlikely will.

As for Space games, i've no idea, will just play X/X2/X3 and Homeworld, with some small addition of EVE.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Krizzx »

When PSO2 comes out in the US, I'm probably going to spend most of my time playing it. I played it for years on the Japanese servers( back when the level cap was 60, the floating islands was the newest area, and Dark Falz Hunar was still the main boss), so it going to suck having to start from level one. The game is awesome though. I still remember all the events like the beach festival, Dark Falz Luther, the Magatsu invasion, Falz Dios, the Shingeki No Kyojin event all the way up to when they decide to go back to planet Earth in modern times for some stupid reason.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

- RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE: well, cute Jill ^_^
LOL! She looks worse than Claire. Jill is supposed to be half Japanese & her original RE3 look even imitated the Tetsuya Komuro 90s idol fashion sense of the 90s.
I miss this era of Jill Valentine.

In this one, it looks like Ada Wong's fashion sense.

Ada is like the only RE character who still retains her 90s Japan vibe.

I really miss 90s & 2000s era Japanese character designs. Everything looked liked it came straight out of Japanese pop. Those designs were really catchy. This is basically how Devil May Cry Ladry & Trish dressed like.

That long pony tailed girl (Nana) with the parted bangs to the side is fine, shiiiatt.
It resembled American-sluttiness, yet it came off as cute for some reason.

Fuck that modern-era Walking Dead looking shit, Walking Dead is damn right, coz it's BLAND.
Modern Crapcom is intentionally targetting Western audiences these days with that fucking manjaw.
https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/12 ... _real-life

Bbbbiatch look like a tranny.
She looks manlier than I do, and I look manly as fuck. This is meant to be more realistic, but Jill is French Japanese, and she really did dress like a Japanese girl from the 90s. They still dress like that in the 2010s & presumably 2020, but I'm just saying that since RE3 takes place in 1997 or 1998, the way OG RE3 Jill looked, was accurate to the time period, especially if she were a hafu-chick who paid attention to what was popular in Japan at that time which would've been Namie Amuro or Hitomi's candy girl.

My personal fave of that era was Rina Chinen "Do for me."

"Wha Cha gunna Do For Me! HAAAAH! Nante DO For me! YEAH!"
I gotta save that vid before it gets taken down again. I have a vhs copy but anyway.
LOl at modern games are replacing feminine chicks with manly-dick chicks.

As for the rest of them games, PSO2 is the only one I care about.
Empire of Sin too, but it's not at all a tactical rpg. It's more of a resource management sim with Grand Strategy elements, similar to the Romance of the Kingdoms series.
Prob with Empire of SIn is that it's coming out too late. I was getting it day 1 when it was slated for Feb or March release. It now has too much stiff competition on the Switch.
Vampire Masquerade sequel looks like complete garbage.
Why do modern gaming production keep killing off the subcultures that these games originally referenced?

The original VBTM revolved around the American Gothic punk subculture even down to its music. Resi Evil was heavily embed with Japanese 90s era popculture, but now all of that is being stripped out to conform with boring American sensibilities where everything has to look 'realistic' and bland.
How are subcultures considered as non-realistic though when they exist in reality and still do? I don't get it.

lucky enough to not get placed on the team where everyone wants to play Damage and suck at doing so, or won't stay on the objective. Wasteland 3 is also looking nice, but I'll probably wait until a sale happens to get it.
LOL in Le Current OW, with the forced-meta, I see tanks & healers playing as damage.
It's one thing that I liked about Paladins, if you loaded-out your characters a certain way you could effectively play them as a different class. Vivian is actually the 3rd best offensive tank after Ash & Makoa.
Skye is a better healer than Ying, and Ying is a better flank than Skye :lol:
That game is so fucking broke now that I only ever play training mode. I think damn near everyone on Switch abandoned Paladins for Overwatch and Warcry. Warcry suxxx asssss, but at least the Matchmaking aren't 1-sided stomps where muh former PS4 peeps just murder everyone, including pc gamers.

Paladins was actually gud back in mid to late 2018, then they intentionally killed the game this year with the Tiberius update and the next update is killing it off some more. (they're getting rid of POTG & kill cams. Who knows what they'll drop after next.) I hadn't had fun with Paladins since 2018 anyway. 2019 was when I broke my tv coz of Pladin's broke ass, pissing me off with the 1-sided mm. It pissed me off coz I used to be in the top 80 best console players back in 2018.
On the positive side, that's what ultimately led me to getting a Switch coz you don't need a tv to play a Switch, even though I was eventually given another big ass tv.

I'll probably get Overwatch 2 when it comes out, because I'm feel that I would have more fun playing Overwatch single player
Have you played Overwatch's PVE mode? It was a limited-time mode they did last year which came with high-budget fully voiced & motion-caputured Story cutscenes. You'll get bored of it after a day and roles actually matter more due to how it's balanced. I don't see how anyone can survive PvE without a healer or a tank. I think only D.va can succesfully solo the mode since she's a Quasi-Dmg Offensive-Tank anyway.
Bluzzard better have rebalanced that mode to be anywhere near as fun as Left 4 Dead but I ain't holding muh breath.
The Second Shadowrun is fucking awesome. I still haven't finished Hong Kong. Its good, but no where near as well written as Dragonfall.
Yeah I meant Dragonfall & Hong Kong which are the two I own. I forgot about the original SR that guest starred SNES's Armitage. I have a great list of strat & rpgs on steam but I don't even play em.
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/765 ... s/?tab=all
That Star Traders Frontiers, wish Switch had a game like that.
I already played the fuck out of them back when I pirated it nearly a decade ago. Just decided to finally financially support them a few years back.

I mostly play offline, but my first playthrough is a Big Friendly Giant Ogre who sucks at evertyhing but is extremely strong and has decent charismatic skills. (He's a Big Friendly Lover, Not a fighter.) I like how the stat system is so precise that I can roleplay as some huge doof who can't fight worth shit but he's still extremely deadly due to how hard he hits and he can tank nearly everything. So he's basically the Incredible Hulk, except not angry.
I roleplay him as a typical Shonen overly optimistic character who tries to save everyone. It doesn't always work coz he'll fail some of the speech checks, but hey he at least tries to save everyone.

In my next playthrough I'll play as a Elf or Human gun-expert with high martial arts who acts like The Punisher so when he gets to those White supremacist/Human purists groups, he'll just gun all of them down including that one dude's brother. Making it so that he'll have bad relations from everyone within your own party.
As the BFriendlyG Ogre/Troll thing, I actualy tried to spare those guys too but they just shot at me, LOL! I spared the bro though who was honestly just a stupid kid who was caught in the wrong crowd. As The Punisher, that kid is dead. No exceptions. Everyone who goes against The Punisher's sense of Justice will die.

I played a little of Planetfall. Its Age of Wonder in space. Combat it was more focused on ranged units than melee now. I didn't find it all that engaging. I didn't play it that far, though.
It's probably similar to AOW3 where the original game is trash, but the full version with all DLC resembles an action-based Civilization game. This is why I prefer Nintendo games. They're already complete without DLC, the DLC just adds more value to an already high-valued product.
Planetfall's music is certainly nowhere near as good as AOW3. AOW3 had an OST that sounded like it came straight out of a Fire Emblem game.

I don't really hear any good tracks from Planetfail. It all sounds like generic space shit.
I was expecting an OST as awesome as Xcom 1.

That's the type of music that Planetfall should've had. It does try, but it's nowhere near as militaristic as Xcom's ost. I wish Xcom 1 were coming to Switch. We're only getting Xcom 2.
Xcoomer 2's ost wasn't that great either.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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