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Sound Design as Atmosphere Tool [Re-Thread]

Post by Iwazaru »

Are there any other 16 - 32 bit style games that have as much atmosphere due to the sound design as Super Metroid & Metroid Zero Mission?
It has the type of sound design that didn't really catch on until Silent Hill 2. Till this day, no one does it better than Nintendo. Although From Software did come close with the King's Field series.

I know there's Ecco the Dolphin 1 & 2 (Probably the best of the bunch outside of Metroid.), FLashback, Castlevania Symphony of the Night & Out of this World. Donkey Kong Country 1 - 3 kinda fit this mold because the music always matches the background. i guess Streets of Rage 2 could sorta fit as well, because the main thing that gives that game the epic 80s action atmosphere that it has is due to the early 90s era dance rave music. Killer Instinct was good on that front too but I mainly just want to stick to DEPRESSING AMBIANCE like in Metroid & Ecco. It's just weird when you see 2d side scrollers with this type of music. Not even modern games of today have osts that sound like that.
Modern games all go for that Mass Effect 2 sound. (ME2 has good music, but most of the copycats suck at that style and come off as a cheap imitation of hollywood.)

Too bad Metroid Fusion's music was garbage. None of the Metroid Primes were any great either when it came to the music. (It sounded like cheap midis, LOL!)

Nintendo games from that era generally have great music direction. While metroid manages to feel depressing and scary with the music, super mario world feels really goofy and gay and alttp is all fiabesque and shit. You already mentioned dkc. I wouldn't even know how to call that but the music expresses the context perfectly in those games as well.

The exploration in metroid fusion is also not as good as one and 3. I still like that game though, it's the last proper metroid game unfortunately
How could I forget about Zelda. The moment I heard this badass song as a kid, I KNEW I HAD TO SAVE THE PRINCESS! LULZ!
As gay (HAPPY) as Mario sounds, I can't help but hum every single song to those games.

I always loved Kirby soundtracks because they sound nothing like platformers. It sounds more like battle music that you'd hear in an RPG.
It's funny as hell how some Pink marshmallow midget has so many Barbarian like themes.
The fucker who created Kirby is a genius. I sure would've never thought up of anything that's as insane as Kirby. The weirdest part of all is how this music also perfectly matches Kirby.

Yeah I was not insulting mario music. I love the fact that it sounds all happy and goofy. That's exactly how I want to feel when I play those games.
Even the castle themes managed to feel more threatening, while steel keeping everything light hearted. Those games have amazing soundtracks. And how could I forget about kirby? LOL. Kirby is amazing. It's a fluffy pink sphere of death and destruction.
Hell I remember the early pokémon game having great music direction, every theme matched the mood of the area you were in. I can't say for any pokémon game past the gba though because that's where I stopped.
(Pokémon is really a series that is hard to get back into once you left it behind. I guess it doesen't matter if you don't give a fuck about a complete pokédex but still.)
On that subject I always find it hilarious when people say that nintendo is gonna go bankrupt over the wiiU.
As if nintendo could go bankrupt over a console that is not selling. Nintendo made POKEMON. Those friggin things are everywhere, even on fucking planes, LOL! It's not like they'll ever go out of style.
Shit we have Pokemon vending machines down here in Seattle. If that doesn't count as mainstream than I don't know what is. Everyone knows what Nintendo is to the point that whenever people mention vidgames, Mario & Nintendo are always the first things mentioned. Nbody is talking about Master Chief, marcus Fenix or Drake the faggot. ... hotography

I forgot to mention that the Poke vending machines around here (Tacoma/Lakewood are part of the greater Seattle area.) sell a bunch of Pokemon video games. It even has the one with Pokemon X Samurai Warriors. I've never even seen videogame vending machines in Japan. So it's weird that I saw it in AMuricca first.

I was playing Metroid Prime Hunters for a bit, the shitty metroid? Well it wasn't shitty at all. What shocked me is that the music was really good. I don't understand why a ds game has better sound quality & composition than the main games on gamecube/wii. Too bad Hunters is nearly impossible to play on keyboard. They want you to use the stylus to change direction yet you have to use keyboard keys to walk. I don't understand why you couldn't just do both with a stylus like in a normal fps.

All in all I'm going to be in for a treat when I get me Metroid Trilogy. Wii U has so little games that you have to tap into the Wii market. I don't mind coz there's a lot of nintendo games I missed out on

The shitty metroid is other M. Other M has emotional cutscene with cinematic presentation and deep storytelling to get the metroid series up to today's standards! LOL!!!! Metroid prime hunters is good.
Other M is the one where they made Samus short (She's supposed to be 6'3 190cm) and turned her into an EMO right? LOL! On paper it seems good coz it's in 2d but the atmosphere judging from vids looks like some action movie. What makes Metroid so damn awesome is how every single (Non shitty Metroid) feels like Alien 1 teh Movie.
The exploration looks ok on paper but there are really just a handful of collectibles in the game and it is actually pretty linear, also there are a lot of qtes (not actual QTEs, but you need to go in first persion, do what they want you to do, etc.) and there is no atmosphere, it feels like some generic sci-fi anime. There is a more complex plot than usual and it doesen't really go anywhere or do anything with it. Also yeah it destroys the character of samus by making her a submissive emo girl. LOL imagine that, in an era where we get waaay too many macho girls who try way too hard to be manly and indipendet, the only one that actually felt natural and worked was turned into a dumb bitch, LOL! I hope they actually make a new metroid prime on the wiiU, and some 2.5D metroid game on the 3ds eventually.
What separated Samus from other wenches is that she only spoke when necessary and she's taller & heavier than most men. (She towers over Solid Snake in Smash Bros, LOL!)
I need to get me 3ds some time for the new Zelda. I passed up SMT4 because of the cheapass rpg maker battles, LOL! That is so cheap. I don't care how fun it supposedly is. I got me Dynasty Warrior 8 brand new for $25. SMT4 is 40$, Fuck that.

If I'm getting a 3ds, it'll be when N makes a new 2d Metroid. Metroid Fusion fucking suxks. It's strange how the Prime games do a much better job at retaining what makes Metroid great. The music sucks, Samus talks too damn much LOL!, there's too much stupid plot. It seems that Fusion is the only metroid that Team Ninja actually played, LOL!

Fusion is so shitty that Alien Infestation feels more like a true Metroid game.
Actually for anyone who's a fan of 2d Metroid, Alien Infestation is the next best thing. Pretty funny how the console version Alien Marines is just Call it Duty wannabe bullshit. The DS game honestly feels like a Metroid game with a disposable Colonial marine squad instead of one SuperBadassBitch.

So did you ever bother to play Alien Infection by Wayforward yet? It's pretty damn good. Kinda reminds me of Metroid but without the solid platforming. It has permadeath though. (There's about 50 soldiers to find in the game so you can die 50 times before you get a game over, lol.)

The classic metroid games and the prime trilogy all have a hybrid feel of ALien & Aliens. It's about damn time that there was finally an Alien game that plays similar to Metroid. For some reason they always play more similar to Call it Dooty, including the game that overshadows Infestation, Colonial Marines. It also doesn't help that it came out the same time as Colonial Marines ... it-171488/

I've never been that big of an alien fan (I like the alien movies, I just never watched them multiple times or played any of the games), but yeah, that game actually looks pretty good. I don't think it ever came out here, but when I happen to import a few games eventually I'll add that to the list. I would like something that plays like oldschool metroid. I was ok with metroid fusion because it was the best I could get at the time, LOL. I still think it's an ok game. It does have some of the flaws that would become much much much more apparent in other M (too much talk, limited exploration) but it's not nearly as bad. It's still fun to play and somewhat atmospheric.

Honestly I am kinda disappointed with nintendo on one hand because during the gamecube era they were actually trying to do something new.
I'm not one of those INNOVASH-UUN guys which hates everything traditional, but there is a difference between being traditional and always releasing the same game.
Metroid Prime, Zelda Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine were both oldschool & experimenting something new and they were all awesome. Even luigi's mansion was pretty funny, LOL. (It was a parody of shitty survival horror games that happened to have better gameplay than any of those. Yet it still played like a survival horror game with finding keys, backtracking through the mansion and what not, so I can see why anyone would find that boring. I thought it was funny & charming.)
Compared to that Super Mario galaxy, twilight princess and other M feel a lot like a step backwards. (TP and Other M also happened to be shit, but Galaxy was a pretty good game.)
After that they really did just re-release the same games over and over, LOL! Which is fine since they are good games. I'll buy a mario galaxy 3 if it ever comes out. I don't care much for the new super mario bros games but 3d land and 3d world are great. I still love zelda & kirby and it's awesome that they revived donkey kong country. Yet I am disappointed that they never tried anything new post-gamecube. Nintendo has always been pushing the boundaries and doing new stuff up until the gamecube, just think of how different the super mario bros series (NES), the super mario world series (SNES), super mario 64 (N64) & super mario sunshine (gc) were, or how zelda1, alttp, ooc and wind waker were. Hell even when they made a sequel on the same platform (majora's mask) it was not playing it safe and it had a completely different mood from ooc. The donkey kong country were completely different from the old donkey kong arcade games on the NES and gameboy.
Nowadays they really just got to a standard where they just keep releasing the same games. Which again it's not a bad thing, they are good games. I will buy a hundred of the new dkc games before getting tired. I just wonder what it could've been if they kept going instead of playing it safe.

Now that I think about it, super mario world 2 was also a completely different game from super mario world 1. It's funny how they say that nintendo always released the same shit just because they have the same brand names and they don't give a fuck about storylines. Just playing through the mario series you'll play so many different kinds of platforming games. Nintendo was actually always on the forefront of innovation, LOL! Honestly I think that's what they're trying to do with their controller gimmicks nowadays, too bad they are really unimportant to the games when it comes down to it.
(Which is a good thing IMO. I hate controller gimmicks. The only game that actually needed the wiimote in order to be played was skyward sword, and even then that doesen't change the gameflow or anything actually important)

It's hilarious how jason rubin disses nintendo, didn't he direct the jak and dexter games on the ps2? Jak and dexter was a rip-off of mario 64, LOL. Good game though. I remember him indirectly dissing nintendo already when Jak II came out (also a good game though.), saying that in the mid 2000s it was stupid to still have videogames with mute main characters. LOL, that's obviously the most important feature in gaming.
I used to criticize Nintendo for making the same damn game over & over. Then you realize, nobody but Nintendo makes games like Nintendo. everyone else is just making shitty games where all you do is dick around all day in a seamless realistic open world. BORING! Yoshi's Island is awesome (Mario World 2.) I can't blame Nintendo for playing it safe, everybody always wants Nintendo to die because they're not like PS4 or Xbone. Which is funny coz these are the same idiots who cry about how all videogames are the same these days yet they hate the one company that's actually doing something different, LOL!

I love the original Alien trilogy. (Even the third one is good. It's Alien 4 & AvP series where the series turns to shit.) The first one has so much mystery and isolated space atmosphere (Which every good Metroid game imitates.) that was unfortunately ruined by Promtheus. The Space Jockey from Alien1 was fucking awesome back when it was actually Alien instead of a spacesuit for gods of humanity, LOL!
Too bad Metroid fangames don't seem to understand how Alien influenced the Metroid games are. It's the main thing that I love about Super Metroid & Zero Mission, they feel so much like Alien 1 due to the atmosphere. (The Prime games seem great in that regard as well.

Yeah alien 3 gets a lot of shit but I never got why. Alien and aliens were both different movies, alien 3 is different as well but I thought it was a nice ending to the trilogy, if a bit overdramatic. Again I don't dislike those movies, I just never got that much into them, LOL! Alien versus predator was hilarious to me because it had an italian actor (raul bova) who is notoriously dumb playing a scientist. His english was hilariously bad through the whole movie. Those movies were terrible though, how do someone fuck up a concept as simple as Alien vs. Predator.
I liked prometheus. I wish they kept some of the cut content that actually made the movie make sense, but I liked it in the theatre as well honestly

BTW I accept nintendo for what it is now really. They released a couple of shitty games (tp and other M) but that's where it stopped, now they release the same shit over and over but at least it's good shit. It's just that ever since they gave up innovation, the game industry has gone to shit, LOL! Everything was better back when everyone ripped off nintendo. Nowadays games are too focused on giving you FEELZ to actually bother with proper game mechanics.
Prometheus is alright. Pretty dumbass religiously preachy movie though. I hate how it retroactively ruins the mystique of Alien 1 through the revelation of the Space Jockey being the GODs or saviors of humanity or some shit. Alien had a Lovecraftian feel to it back when we had no idea what the Jockeys are. Back in the day, we actually thought that Space Jockeys were either Elephant sized Aliens with elephant trunks or the actual derelict ship itself, with the fossilized pilot being part of its immune system.

Fast forward to Prometheus, they kill of the mystery of who the Jockeys are and thus kill off everything "alien" about Alien by making it much more human. Space Jockeys should've remained incomprehensible instead of being transformed into a race of Kratos from God of War who accidentally uplifted humanity through primordial soup. The movie's script feels like such a typical ass videogame plot, that it's hard to believe that the director for Prometheus is the same guy who did Alien. Even funnier, the original Alien was over 7 feet tall and the Space Jockeys themselves were of an incomprehensible size about two times as big as an elephant. Then we find out in Promtheus that Space Jockeys resemble 6'6 White Caucasian humans, lol. (They only looked huge coz everyone in the Prometheus cast is average sized from 5'8 - 6'. I think only the Black guy was over 6' tall. What cracks me up is how the original Alien had a Black guy who was about 6'4/6'5 but he still looked like a midget compared to the one Alien from the entire movie)

Great, all the mystique of the series died right there. I was really hoping that they were bio organic machines not organic God of White humanity, LOL.

The problem with the Alien trilogy is that only the original was Cosmic horror. A3's horror mostly came from the big corporations. Most of the fanbase have only ever seen Aliens so every movie after it tried to copy Aliens. (A4,AVP,AVP2.)
Aliens vs Predator would've never worked as a concept because the original Alien itself was actually much more dangerous than a Predator. Alien were like giant sized insects and even had instincts like one. (We're still perplexed by insects as they are today, fortunately all we need to do is stomp on them coz they're so tiny.)

The Predators themselves are more similar to ancient African warriors than they are to anything that is incomprehensibly ALien like the original Alien & Space Jockeys were.
The only way the concept works is if you do exactly what the movies did and turn the Aliens into another form of Zombie. Useless critters that overpower you through sheer numbers, whereas the original concept of an Alien showed that they had cunning hunter intellect that we couldn't interpret, because they were so inhuman.

Modern gaming thinks that they have grown up past Nintendo. 3DS proves that wrong but gaming is fucked up anyway. Both Sony & Microsoft aren't making any profit at all. (Both are over billions in debt due to the overspending in the gaming bizness, LOL)
Nintendo is the only company of the 3 that's actually making a profit but since gamers are stupid we all gang on up Nintendo acting as if they're doing something wrong when they're the only group that understands how to make money. The other two only create hype. Shit in a financial magazine like Forbes, Nintendo would be the only one that's considered as a success, because in business, you're supposed to make profits not debt.

Video gaming is ass backwards as shit, LOL! Too bad gamers are easy to fool by the billions into buying the next shiny thing so the negative income is somewhat sustainable in a similar fashion as to how China keeps the West's economy afloat by purchasing our produce.
Nintendo hardly sells as much as Sony & Microsoft do but they make profits because they spend far less on development & marketing. Modern gamers are all fucking idiots who constantly get fooled by hype so they take that to mean that Nintendo is floundering when Microsoft & Sony lose money everyday after every game & system you purchase, LOL.
It's as if they learned all that they know about economics through the USA government. Both have failed to understand that negative numbers will eventually bankrupt you once you have ran out of other people's money.

LOL Neogaf, apparently gameplay & design are for kids!
"The point is, or the FACT is, Nintendo audience is children for children by children. Their games focus on gameplay, design, etc to cater to the brains of children also, imo, as a guider... In some ways a catapult to teach problem solving skills and the next. "

It's no wonder that modern videogames are such a bore. They're too busy trying to maintain a facade of maturity...

bcoz gameplay is for kidds! ... tcount=641

I wish I could post at neogaf. I see so many dumbasses there who need to be talked down to by me. Although i'd prolly just get modded like I do at gamefaqs. People often claim that I'm not interested in debate because I'm always talking down to them. How can I, when these faggots constantly delete my posts & mod me?

Shadow Tower Abyss has some great sound design, really made up for the lack of music. I especially liked how the later areas got stranger and more alien in nature, and the sounds reflected that. Clive Barker's undying also did a good job, as did SOTN although that was mentioned.
Could be nostalgia, but I really love the sound effects in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
STA fuck yeah. Im playing Dark Souls right now and ventured into the catacombs & beyond and have to say its quite tense to hear those skeletons making sounds in a pitch black area.

Practically all FROM SOFTWARE games are atmospheric without abusing musical scores all the time.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)