"Inclusivity is an ongoing education for everyone, and nothing is set in stone." - Tim Schafer
Fun fact: God of War is on sale right now, but the SJWs are trying to stop it!

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Post by Rake »

Also just as an aside (since this is an opportunity to do something with these) in games like Saint's Row with advanced character customization I love to play dress up doll for hours to take pictures so here's some characters I made:

I don't have any pictures or anything from SR1 due to it being 360 only and my guy from SR2 is the one I put the most work into but that's visible in my AMV.

Saint's Row 4:


In these first three my character has akimbo pistols with the gun skin as the pistol from Firefly (which I haven't seen because it looks very gay, but I think the gun from it is very cool):


It's a Smith & Wesson m29 with a "shield" over the cylinder (making it almost look like a semi-auto mixed with a flintlock):


and the handle taken from a Smith & Wesson Volcanic Pistol:


(This guy breaks the design down in more detail: https://centerofthewest.org/2017/07/10/ ... f-firefly/)


I was going for something that was kind of between Léon: The Professional and a Big Daddy from BioShock in these, this was also my favorite area in SR4. This green dilapidated retro casino, wish the whole game looked like this.


This guy was supposed to be like a nameless Gotham thug Batman would beat the shit out of, but I didn't do any cool action shots with him so I only have a couple portrait pictures I'd taken.


And I made this diesel dyke girl that I'd also made in SR3 but the outfit options in 4 fit what I was going for better.

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell:


I used a bunch of mods that let you have the character creator from 4 with the full outfit data so I could just play as this serial killer guy I made, which made the game marginally more bearable (when combined with co-op, I don't think I could've suffered through that unfinished POS without being able to make fun of it to somebody).
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Post by Jack »

I had a reply written up way back when you posted but I lost the post when I hit the reply button. Metroid Dread came out soon after so I played that instead of posting here. Dread is a fucking masterpiece.

I don't have any pics of my Saints Row characters. In Saints 1, I just made myself lol. The fedora, pimp suit, the beard. He looked exactly like me, except the Saints 1 dude looks fat & unathletic. In Saints 2, I think I also just made myself, but he was much closer to how I look except for the height. He's tall as fuck. In real life, I'm a giant compared to Mexicans, slightly taller or same height as Asians, and slightly short when compared to Whites, or midget compared to you. It really shocks me seeing how fucking short Mexicans are though. Whenever I go to a Mexican store, I'm like the tallest person there, and not even just slightly. I'm nearly a foot taller than most Latinos I come across when I'm barely avg American height lol.
As tiny as these Spics are though, I'd never start a fight with one whose connected to cartels.
Nearly every single myth about John Wick in the John Wick movies, are actually just real life first hand accounts of shit that Cartels have done. Especially that part about Wick killing you with just a pencil. In the other forum, Kax & I were both talking about how these tiny ass 4 foot tall looking Cartel members can kill you with just a pencil lol. We was talking about that way back in 2007.

In Saints 3 & 4, I made a bandana wearing Chola with tattoos all over her body wearing nothing but pasties, highheels & a thong.
I ain't never played Gat out of Hell or that other shit, Agents of mayhem? They should've turned that into a Rainbow 6 Rogue Company type of game, coz that's how it was marketed. Then it turns out that it's just some GTA style game lol.

Rake wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:28 am
Which also, to be clear, this isn't just what the inmates think, you are put in separate holding tanks when you go to court or are moved around. Though what's funny is, you can voluntarily choose to be another race, so if you're white and you say you're black, they'll put you with the blacks, there was a white methhead named "Hollywood" I met who did this. The actual split is "Mexicans & Whites, Brothers & Others" because there isn't a high enough Asian population to warrant them getting their own name, and really it's not even "Mexicans & Whites" it's whites under Mexicans because (in LA) the jail is like 80% Mexicans.
That methhead getting his cheeks clapped and he loves it, what a fag lol.
That and Asian Americans are fucking losers. They're all wannabe Black hoods or wannabe White Yuppies.
When Yakuza get sent to American Prison, they're grouped up with the Mexicans & get special rights or whatever, granted to them by the Latino lifer OGs.
Though as far as I can tell, the whole racial division system actually existed to keep blacks away from everyone, I'm not shitting on blacks for the record but man everybody in jail sure did. Everybody in there is so fucking racist, but it's confusing as fuck because they're really just liberals. Every single person I talked to believed the republican party is run by the KKK which is why Trump was elected.
Mang Americans are really fucking retarded. Hillary Clinton & Biden were both mentored under the same KKK grand wizard or whatever the fuck gay ass larpy title he had. Biden is descended from slavers. Trump's bloodline are immigrants from Germany and have zero to do with America's past. I believe this is why the establishment hates him so much (I don't think he's playing a role, he's no longer one of the 500 richest people in the USA, plus he was way too consistent with his behavior from the 1970s all the way up to this year before Pedo Adelson died.), Orange man is not a real American. As in, he's not related to the founding fathers or the puritan pilgrims.
Too bad Trump is a fucking retard who can't properly explain that, but one look at his family tree can easily dispel the myths.

KKK has always been affiliated with the Democrats. They were just the Antifa of that era. Antifa in WA State are mostly White supremacists anyway. No, this supposed political demographic shift did not happen during the Civil war. Abe Lincoln was a lobbyist who wanted to federalize the entire government, he's actually our first Neocon. That's what the civil war was actually about. It was never about slavery coz the North still owned Chinese slaves after the civil war ended.

That's why I fucking hate Asian Americans, they're so ignorant on American history that they don't realize that it was always the Democrats who treated them like shit, enslaved them and even threw them into concentration camps. They act as though it were the Republicucks who did that when motherfucking Richard Nixon gave Okinawa back to Japan, I'm pretty sure he's not a Democrat lol.

Asian Americans talk so much shit to me, that I just resort to typical asian insults making fun of their dick & eye size, AYY LMAO! Hey man I don't look Asian anyway. Fuck them. Ironically, I am very in tune with my Asian identity though. Far more so than the vast majority of slant eye Ameritards. Azn Americans only know Bruce Lee or some other irrelevant ass motherfucker. I actually talk about historical figures & conquerors. I come across way more White people who know a lot about ancient Chinese & Jap history than I ever had with Asian Americans. I used to debate with several at the other forum.

I ain't saying that Republicans are good. They suck ass too. I'm just saying if you ain't Black, don't vote Democrat if you vote at all. Democrats treat all non-whites like garbage. (Republicucks don't pay attention or care about your race, which is also a problem but hey USA has zero cultural identity now.)
Democrats call you the 'help' if you're not Wasp or Ashkenazi Jew. Democrats even hate White people who aren't from the correct background. Which is what you've also described.
I was more insane than them because I thought Trump was funny (and wasn't single handedly destroying the country).
That's funny, I remember the American economy being the best it ever was within my entire life back in 2019.
Then everything just turned to shit in 2020, obviously due to plutocrats who won't allow us to eat our own cake. They have to fucking take our cake, and not just take it from us, they'll fucking eat it in front of us and allow some of us the left over crumbs of some other plebs' cake ayy lmao!
Morons bitch & moan that he didn't do shit, but Orangefag actually brought thousands of jobs back to the USA by threatening to tax the fuck out of them if they dare moved their manufacturing to Mexico or China.
Of course corporations can't have that shit, they just can't sleep at night if they ain't woking a 5 year old Chinese girl to death in Chinese Death- oh slip of the tongue! I meant Chinese Sweat Shops.

I watched the January 6th "Riots" in jail and I remember the black pod rep (who was a communist and a Crip) talking about how "fascists were taking over the country"

Which is true, the corporations are the government. They always were, but it's way more out in the open now under Biden to the point that every country outside of the USA can immediately notice this. Only Americans are blind to it. Too bad he's an uneducated American who thinks that Fascist means "mean rich White dude who said a mean thing." lol!
I swear to God there might not be a more confused group of people than Americans. But I guess that's just on account of how radioactive our propaganda is, #1 in the world baby!
I was watching some utube vid that made a joke about how not even North Koreans or the Chinese believe in CCP propaganda. THey just pretend to go along with it, because they know that they'll be executed if they don't.
Meanwhile, Americans believe everything that they hear so long as the correct partisan news network says it is so. Which is fucking bizarre to me.

I'm also anti Bush's wars, but you don't see me getting along with the Authoritarian Left. I hate both the Authoritarian American Right & the Left, and I'm an Authoritarian myself. My authoritarian-traditionalism comes from the customs of the nation's people. I'm saying this from a Japanese perspective though. America has zero traditions. They just make up shit and then pretend it was a tradition AYY LMAO! My fave made up belief is Judeo-Christianity. How the USA is somehow derived from Judeo Christian culture. Whatever the fuck that means.
I can see a definite WASP Christian influence (which is why USA's version of Christianity is slave morality.), I don't see how it was derived from Jewish other than to be used as a Goy.
USA used to have traditions back when we were kids, but that America no longer exists. Modern USA is about creating your own personal Utopia and then banning everyone who doesn't conform with that utopia. Only the approved corporate asskissers are allowed a utopia though.

Most goons went into Silicon Valley (the real leaders of the DNC) or directly into the intelligence agencies, due to them all being oldschool computer geeks and having deep connections to the people that built the internet more or less.
LOL that explains why CIA & FBI now have panic rooms and employ literal autistic retards who collect toys or some shit. How the fuck am I being led over by a bunch of dysfunctional, actual retards!?

Did you know Cliffy B is a former goon?


Cliffy B? More like Cliffy Based, am I right or am I right?
I always thought he was right wing or at least center right, coz of Gears of War, lol.
Holy shit that guy is cringe. Why are these Lefty types, always full blown pedos though? Hassan Piker says a lot os suspect pedophile bullshit, and unlike most lefties he actually looks like a model. I believe this entire tranny thing is for the sole purpose of normalizing pedos. I think leaving it up to a child to consent for a sex change is already several thousand steps way too far.
I can agree that there's an argument for 16, since it's already the legal age for the vast majority of the world, and even in some US states due to how they already look grown up.
I would add the condition that you'd be forced to marry them though, since way too many assholes would use & abuse what is mentally a child. The problem about using the mental argument though, is that most people are mentally children all the way up to 25 years old, but 25 year old ladies are already too old for most guys.
I was always way more into milfs, but now I'm much older than milfs lol. Milfs I had a thang for when I was a teen are still fucking hot now, half of them still look like they're in their 20s even though they're pushing 50 & 60s now.

Something important to remember with goons, they existed outside of SomethingAwful as well. There was a great poster (now banned) from Twitter who described goons as "eternal moderators" against channers (also described as a caste, not literally) who were the creative/destructive force of the internet. When you start to consider the types of fags on the internet as castes and realize someone can be a "goon" without even knowing what SomethingAwful is I think the world we live in makes a lot more sense.
It still makes zero sense to me, but the concept of entirely living your life online makes no sense to me.
This all just sounds like larping. How the fuck do you get put into a caste for posting at a damn website? A website is a utility, not your identity.

Granted these motherfuckers have somehow found the way to make the USA government conform with their imaginary bullshit. I think this could only exist in a country with zero cultural identities & traditions like the USA though.
I can't imagine any other country in the world (except the UK) being ruled over by literal Panty wearing woman-hating Tranny nerds. When Authoritarians rule over Asian countries, it makes sense coz the dictators do it through military force. Americans aren't even being physically forced into compliance, but they comply anyway.

Americans are weak willed coz they don't understand their history or where they came from. If Japan didn't have a monarchy that they have a family tree of, which goes all the way back to the year 100s, you could easily claim that Japan was just some magic rock and that the people of the land are easily replaceable like what happened in the USA. You can't do that with Japan though since they do have legit blood ties to their land that goes all the way back to before Japan's own written records. It was actually China who recorded Japan's earliest history.

The monarchy has multiple uses, the aforementioned which traces your nation's history, and monarchs are highly susceptible to being murdered by their own people. That's why I hate democracy. Under Democracy you're being ruled over by International Corporations who impede the will of your people, but you can't do anything back to them since they rule over you through proxy of the people's vote represented as the country's president or prime minister. We supposedly chose them. No we didn't. Giving us no choice. Is not a choice but you can't kill them either coz the Corporation is a machine. You kill the head, the next in line takes their place.

The only choice is to abolish the government to be free from nerdy overlords, and I ain't even Anarchist but they are likely allies for the time being.

A lot of this may seem off topic, but it's really not. Saints Row was about counter culture, against corporatists & fascist states. Fascism is Corporation merged with Politics, which is exactly what happens in both SR1 & 2.

I'll have to post two or more posts to reply to your poasts. Blame Dread on me taking so damn long. I was not expecting that game to be so fucking good. It reminds me of the early 90s all over again. I was expecting something more in the caliber of the Strider Metroid game, which was ok.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Thy ILLnifique
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Post by Jack »

Rake wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:22 am

That's because of the split between "the old world" (pre-Obama) and the Eternal 2010's. You're from "the old world" which is where all the bad things happened. In the Eternal 2010's you're supposed to be a faggot eunuch that eats shit on command.
It's more like there's 2 Americas. The old world that existed before 2014, and the new world which addresses itself as "OUR DEMOCRACY".
Democracy is shit, Democracy is just oligarchic rule by Corporation via political spokespieces who are loyal to the corporation over the country, blood & soil.

Did you think 3's was better? I think you might be right, but I barely noticed. 4 was the only one where I noticed because they made significant improvements (like fixing an animation bug from fucking SR1 where if you interrupt a single frame of the reload animation you reset the entire reload) which is part of why I actually like 4 more than 3, just because it works better (my ranking is Protect Tha Pimp > SR2 co-op > SR1/SR2 story tied > SR4 co-op > SR3 co-op).
3 had actual enemy ai. It wasn't good, but it was better than the headless chicken type of ai that SR1 & 2 had.
I rmeember that your homies could hijack cars themselves and ride along with you, so you could recreate a DMX ruff Ryders vid lol.

SR3 was closer in function to The Punisher although SR2 was the closest to its violence. SR1 did its own thing, where they actually shot guns like a retarded American gangsta by holding their gats sideways lol.

Not that there aren't moral criminals (I met plenty of those in jail) most of my best friends in there were 187's one of which was a Canoga Park assassin (or at least I think he was 'cause of how many fucking people he'd killed, he didn't even have a bail due to the severity of it) and he was a really nice guy. He used to pray to Santa Muerte for me because I have a lot of medical issues and I had to keep going to the hospital (LOL, I kind of wish he hadn't been praying to the fucking grim reaper for me but the thought was nice so I appreciate that) but some of the people I met in there didn't even have to the capacity to understand they did anything wrong. However, the real criminals hated people like that because they viewed them (correctly) as liabilities, that since they couldn't really take responsibility for anything they'd ultimately end up fucking them over, so if you showed that too much you'd usually get your fucking head kicked in.
'Our Lady Guadalupe.' Mexicans have a very unique Christcuck practice. Not that I would label their version of Christianity as Cucked. Mexicans practice a version of Christianity that's much closer to how the doctrine should be followed. THey actual do full blown blood sacrifices & shit, which I think is a carry over from their Aztec roots.

My mom practices a form of Catholicism which originated from Spain, imported over the a Philipine island in Asia where nearly everyone is Spanish or Castizoid, where they revere Baby Jesus, Santo Nino as an actual entity which exists outside of Jesus. So there's Jesus, the Virgin Mary & The Baby.
I've never heard of Ricki (she looks like your type), I only know Sasha because of how overwhelmingly popular she was, not that I never beat off to her (LOL) I just usually can't keep track of any of the bitches in porn for more than a week, I'll go look through all their shit then forget they exist.
I'm guessins you're saying that Italian is my type, lol. A lot of the American pornstars I'm into are a type of Italian though

Ricki is not even that good looking (she's fucking hot sometimes), but she's a freak & has fucking nice curves. She does nasty shit. That's what I meant by Sasha being from the best era of American porn coz she licked toilet seats & shit. That was the era where you could straight up Donkey Punch a bitch. If you did that now, you'd go to jail coz American culture has turned into a nation of pussies.

I understand your argument (don't support shit you hate), but this game is either going to be forced to succeed or not. I don't believe the sales figures will actually decide whether we get 3 more SAINTS ROWs or not. Though more'n likely I'll forget to buy it on launch and end up getting it on sale, I bought a PS4 to play Bloodbourne and The Last Guardian and I haven't even fucking opened the box. I can't keep track of fucking anything. :lol:
I just don't see the point. Far Cry exists and Saints Row doesn't look like it does anything that Fart Cry doesn't already do. Aside for the overt nerdiness of the SAints Reboot. Far Cry games, are basically just Crime games but they take place in 3rd world countries that have been taken over by Crime lords.
Well except for Far Cry 5. That one took place in the USA, and was meant to represent the Trump cult.

Which is fucking bizarre to me, coz everytime I see a Trump gathering or rally in support of him, I see just as many Non-Whites as I see White people (yet the MSM always claims that it's nothing but White people, even though the victims that Antifa usually kills are Non-White trump supporters LOL!), and the only people I know who voted for Trump are all legal Immigrants.
Trump himself is from a legal immigrant family so it's no wonder that the legal immigrant crowd support him so much.

Far Cry 5 was actually my fave if you ignore the Trumptard plot. It was just badass being stuck inside a real American Homestead type of setting, as you team up with sniper girls, & puppies to gun down airplanes & shit.
You had full blown wars going on in FC5, using makeshift weapons. FC5 was pure Americana in everything except for the writting.

Yeah, I'm not into what they're doing with RE right now. There's parts of those remakes (I haven't played them yet) that I think are improvements, like the monster redesigns are much better than the originals. But I really dislike the "western style gameplay" thing they're going for where it's a lot of slow-walking "cinematic" bullshit. To your point, you play RE4 and it's so tight and responsive, people forget that a "horror game" revolutionized 3rd person shooters in 2005 because of how well it worked. Mikami does genuinely like horror, but he's very good at directing combat (looking at any of his games, but RE4 and God Hand stand out to me) and seems to have more of an interest in doing that after he did REmake (I think he basically dumped every kind of horror related idea he had into that and killer7). I don't want to talk about Mikami too much here though because I'm planning on making a thread about the relationship between the Sarin Gas attacks conducted by Aum Shinrikyo and it's influence on Resident Evil.
RE is the victim of a Reddit (possibly also a RetardEra/something awful) campaign where they engage in revisionist history that RE were somehow always meant to be a serious horror game when I played the classic RE2 regularly, which actually has the same exact action movie like atmosphere as the Paul Anderson RE movies.

The Paul Anderson RE movies are fucking great, except for the last one. The third movie was also trash but he didn't direct that.

What I hate most is when these assholes claim that RE1 the game only came off as silly & tongue in cheek coz it was what was considered as scary during the era it was made in.
I'm like what the fuck? Are you implying that modern horror is somehow better?
1970s-1990s were the best era of horror films with 80s being the best.
70s had the most gritty & scariest horror, but 80s was the most creative. 90s was when it turned into nothing but Scream garbage. (I like Scream, but it's coz it's a good movie, not a good horror.)
Outside of Scream though, you have timeless classics like Cube & Event Horizon which still compares well with today's standards. To claim that Resident Evil 1 the game was scary by 90s standards is to claim that RE1 were comparable to Event Horizon & CUbe when it clearly isn't!
They want the same audience of furries and nerds Deadmau5 has because as far as I can tell Volition is just a bunch of people that're exactly like Deadmau5.
What's weird is that I think is generally the same dev team as the original SR games. THey prob had a lot more advisor roles back then, who supervised for accuracy, coz Saints Row 1 was a whole lot more accurate than most crime games outside of the Godfather series.
Hahah, Americans are SO fucking RETARDED. This guy you linked rules, it's awesome he's shitting on the reboot, Volition and especially all those Discord faggots that're backing up that shitshow.
It's funny how his channel suddenly got traffic coz of his Saints Row vids. I look at most of his past vids and they had just as much detail & research as his Saints vids do.
That makes sense, Vegas is probably my favorite place in America too because I think it's the most representative of what America really is (both good and bad). I basically dress like I'm from Vegas even though I've only been there once, but I naturally gravitate towards that kind of aesthetic because I think of America as being such a fucked up place everyone should really be dressing like they're in Mad Max because they are. That tour is really cool though, when I went I did the "night tour" which focuses on Seattle's history of prostitution and human trafficking where the tour guide (who was a white woman that talked like she woke up from a coma in 2003) exclusively referred to all the women as whores. She could've been a leftie, but if she was she acted like a Bush era leftie where they could still talk about real shit and tell jokes. It was a lot of fun. I bought some.. I think it was boysenberry? chocolate from their gift shop afterwards that was really good, I wish I had some right now.. :cry:
If I'm unlucky, and unable to leave the USA before the dollar becomes more worthless than Disney money, Vegas is the place where I plan to make my final stand. Sure it's already infested with trannies, but the outskirts of Vegas have always had those weird LOLbergtarian Ex Marine types who fucking hate the US government.
I'd see you'd stand a decent chance of fighting off an invasion if you live around enough of those Marines, who are disillusioned with the USA government.

She's probably Gen X. Most Gen X Liberals hate fags, hate LGBT, and are pretty much functionally social Conservatives. Where they differ on, is economics. She sounds a lot like Dave Chapelle who's one of the more prominent examples of a Gen X Liberal.

On top of that, I think it's funny that Conservatives are being passed off as the vulgar type, within the American mindset when from my personal experience. It's usually Conservatives who generally don't swear, and live as Jesus does. My dad is like that, and he's an atheist. He fucking comes off like a Liberal, but he's actually an Ultra Conservative Goody Two Shoes.

It's generally Liberals who are extremely vulgar. I'm extremely vulgar so I can see why most Cuckservatives don't identify with me. They call me edgy. I call them retarded, lol.
What makes me conservative are my Traditionalist Authoritarian (Monarchist) leanings. I do believe that Something Awful types need to be beaten out of existence. Similar to what they already think of me. Difference is, I'm strong enough to do it myself. They need the power of the state & America's Air-Drones to take control over me.

That's the funny thing about America though, I'm actually way to the Far Right of the vast majority of "Far Right" Americans. Far Right Americans are just Libertarians or Center Right at best, who don't believe in authority at all.
I think an Authoritarian state needs to exist, to legally kill off pedos & other such subversives who slowly take over the country through inversion of culture. A culture without traditions becomes malleable to the current social trends of the day.

Look at the USA, it's filled with Pedos who are at the very top of their culture who admit they're Pedos but we're supposed to just live with them as if they're people. Rather than monsters.

The funny part, is that these types also believe that we're not people.
They fucking shot a huge Samoan a couple blocks from where I live just coz he voted for Trump. Which is fucking hilarious to me, coz I consider Trumpy as a Lefty, and possibly the most soft righty you could've ever gotten.
That's why I wouldn't fuck with antifa. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of them since they're all limp wristed faggots, but they're limp wristed faggots with goverment authorization to open carry assault rifles and kill with impunity. I'm not gonna get anywhere near somebody that can legally kill me when it's illegal for me to defend myself. Sad times.
I never saw this coming in a million years either. Sure I've always heard these social misfits dreaming up of a reality exactly like this, way back in the 90s. Back then, I just laughed at them, and bullied the hell out of them.
Some people need to be bullied, coz they exhibit weird behaviors that would be harmful to society if they were allowed to obtain power.

Funny enough, they did exactly that and now they're considering all masculine men, as dangers to society and examples of White supremacy. Even Dave Chapelle gets called a White supremacist, when he's Liberal as fuck. He just hates trannies like all sane people do.

Did you see this?

https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/04 ... -riot-bill

Fucking awesome.
I don't really care coz it's not my reality. I live in the reality where the Antifa police your every move, and we have required Vax passports. I'm like fuck you, I'll just start using more Native American, Mexican & Asian stores instead, since it's now illegal for me to enter in normal White people stores coz I ain't getting that fucking fake ass vax AYY LMAO!
I'm pro Vaccine. Normal Vaccines which take at least 20 years to develop & test.
Simply not taking the vax though, gets a bunch of crazy ass White people wishing death upon you.
I'm like bruh, doesn't this look like racism to anyone but me? Statistics do show that it's mostly Blacks who are refusing to get vaxed so the Black population are in the same boat as I am.
They have to resort to Non-White shops who will serve them coz Huwite people shops won't serve us any more lol.

It's even worse when you're Black coz they're born into this insanity. Blacks don't have a choice but to put up with crazy ass White people. I'm just from a legal immigrant family, so I could always decide to just leave. Although right now they're making it hard as fuck to leave without getting vaxed. What the fuck is up with these former British CommonWealth countries all forcing you to get a shot, by any means necessary?

Dude the gas was like only 1 dollar under Trump. Mothafucking $3.75 and going up under Biden. Fucking College educated morons.
Seriously, it's almost $5 dollars a gallon where I'm at. I rub that in peoples faces whenever anyone talks about gas prices (which is all you can fucking do in this country, point out that libs are destroying it while they continue to destroy it, completely fucked).
It shot up to $4 last week and it's still going up, lol. This is just like the Obama years. So I guess it's nostalgic for the average American.
I miss the days of crime/horror being mainstream, especially since crime and horror have a natural relationship. Sicario was a better horror movie than most of the shit I've seen in the past few years 'cause it actually shows you scary shit rather than making up some convoluted gay narrative about how white people owning houses is Santanic (or it's Christian because Satan is good? whatever these faggots think). :lol:
THat movie was so damn good. The ending was a shock to me, but only coz it's an American movie and American movies are usually filled with propaganda. They generally never show you the reality, unlike that movie which pulled no punches. I never saw the sequel yet though. The sequel got called a crazy Trump conspiracy when the shit that happens in Sicario is exactly what happens in real life. You can ask damn near any Mexican who fucking fleed from their shithole country.

Mexicans aren't legally allowed to own guns in Mexico (well they are, but you have to be extremely rich just to own a pea shooter lol.), so they're at the complete mercy of The Cartels who are the government coz the actual elected government are a bunch of useless morons. Granted, you can't really expect them to fight back when the Cartels are being supplied with American Government sanctioned gun smuggling via fast & furious.

SO true, unfortunately. I find it terribly disappointing that of everyone I know you're basically the ONLY person that actually dresses interestingly, especially because I know a lot of artists (which to be clear, I don't mean people that call themselves artists I mean people that make shit I would stand behind as being good). But it's just the Gen Y thing to look like a FAGGOT all the time to signify that you've "moved on from your days as an edgelord" and "grown up" yeah fucking right, no millennials grew up they just think continually being lead is growth. So irritating.
I'm not even trying to be stylish either. That's just the way Japanese people dress. Even in supermarkets, it's normal to see women dressed up like full blown pornstars just to buy some fucking groceries.
I always try to explain that to Americans when complain about Jill Valentine's Classic RE3 look, about how Jill is actually half Japanese and she's just dressing like a Japanese girl during her off duty hours which is when RE3 takes place. Nobody listens, coz Ameriturds act as if only their culture norms are the norm.
Which is bizarre considering that Americans are always bitching about respecting everyones' culture norms but they never respect my culture norms! is it any wonder that I don't like American Liberals at all? They never show my people respect. In Japan, our Liberal Democrats are actually Far Right lol.

Even then, I'm not even sure If I count. When people talk about Gen y, they always conviently leave out my gen.
Sure when I was a kid, I was labeled as Gen X. We've been placed in the Gen Y bracket for over a decade now, but we always treated as if we don't exist lol. I think it's because we have an Anime outlook in life, we always believe that you can do whatever you want, so long as you put all your effort into it.
Core Gen Y seem to be as nihilistic as Gen X, but are far more self destructive since Core Gen Y are actively trying to create a Utopia from the top down through government legalization.

My gen don't believe in utopian garbage. We're just eternal kids who wants everything to be sexy & cool, but we live it through our life styles. I'm almost 40 but I still look like I'm in my 20s.
That Cammy girl is from my gen, and she also just looks mid 20s at most.

Then you get to core Millenials, they're a bunch of fucking fat slobs.
Granted my gen has a lot of that too, but they just look like Gen X like Amazing Atheist, Jim Sterling, Angry Joe.
I think part of the issue is they don't have to balls to do what even Breaking Bad did and have the crime be mostly cartel shit (racist!! untrue!! mi abolita just wanted to make pupusas!! NO MAS drogas!!) kinda weird because we're far enough away from BB where nobody would probably even realize if they stole shit from it, even 2013 is like a million years ago. The Texas oil baron gang would be a good idea if their concept of "big money" was more evolved than "the Monopoly guy but also he's a rapist, or something" and the Deckers 2: Pink Boogaloo I talked about earlier in this post, but you're right they're kind of supposed to be antifa which I guess is funny you get to murder hoards of them now that I think about it from that angle.
Even in that vid I linked to, where a Black dude was complaining about how fucking generic & retarded the reboot is, he also said that the Oil tycoons should've been used as one of the main bad guys, as an upgrade from the local hoods you fight.
It'd make sense, coz that's exactly how the heirarchy is in real life. Only the Cartels seem to be above everyone in modern day USA. SAints Reboot has zero Cartel presence yet it takes place in Texas LOL!

Yeah, I got SR3 because of that trailer. It's really compelling and clearly drove sales, which in retrospect I now understand a lot better.
That and there was a GTA drought since GTA4 was disappointing due to how overtly serious it took itself. Ironically though, GTA4 is also the most realistic' 'crime simulator' of the GTA series. Probably also why it's fucking boring.
In Saints Row, you feel far more powerful coz you're in an actual gang that's taking over manufacturing & supply lines. In GTA4, you're playing as some free lance immigrant dude with a thicc Slavic accent. You feel more like a contract killer rather than a gangsta. You actually felt like a gangsta in all 3 of the PS2 GTA games.
In GTA3 you were probably working for the Mafia, but you were originally employed with the Columbian Cartels. VC is pure Mafia. as a Lieutenant trying to rebuild & set up shop for the New York families.
SA is color gangs plus triads, plus feds ayy lmao. SA is all over the place, but that's exactly how Black gangs come off to me. They are pretty much all over the place when compared to White (Italian, Irish, Jewish), Latino & Asian gang culture.

Because Kanye's official "video" for POWER fucking SUCKS. The Saint's Row 3 trailer is a better music video for POWER so it probably helped to push his song too. Another thing I'm noticing from this trailer after not having seen it since it came out, all the guns everyone uses are real. The Boss is using Glock 17's with light mounts, the first Morningstar fag is using an HK USP .45, Shaundi's using two tone Beretta 92's, the other Morningstar fag has a either a .357 or .44 Colt Python, of which none of that shit is in the game. So maybe this trailer is made of slightly older shit closer to the prototype 3, because in SR1 and 2 have all those guns except the USP, in both the Glock 17 is represented as the "NR4" (I assume meant to be NRA as a joke) the Beretta 92 is represented as the "VICE 9" (which is a cooler name, honestly) and the Colt Python is represented as the ".44 Shepard" (so I guess it's supposed to be a .44 not a .357, but it's kind of unclear in the video).
On top of that, there were actual gangland style executions in that vid like when the Mafia dude just walks up to a bouncer and shivs him. Any one whose lived around peeps like that could relate with it.
I really don't understand why they think relating with core Millenials is such a good idea. At least make a game for zoomers, they're in their 20s now and not even they want to play as nerdy ass Gen Cry AYY LMAO!

It's weird coz the original Saints Row cast were meant to be Millennials, but they're not considered as millennials for some reason.

The promo trailers for Kane & Lynch 2 are another good example, I love this video so much. He's either too fucking lazy to get a sledgehammer or some kind of real tool, or he's in too much of a hurry, but either way we learn Lynch bowls in his free time enough that he has his own bowling ball in a bowling ball bag. Then the 2nd scene where they get stripped down and tortured and they're fighting dogs with plastic trays at some shitty restaurant.
Hitman Contracts & Blood Money were such classics. IO Interactive has never made another game on that level ever since. (Freedom Fighters was pretty good though.)
I never even bothered with Kane & Lynch 2. There were far better shooters out by the time K&L2 did, like Max Payne 3

Because if the 1 got knocked out, their prize pool spread into the 100 audience members, so trying to fuck people over using the messaging system to get them to quit meant you could win more videogame money.
LOL on PS3, people would try to manipulate me through messages in Dark Souls "Please no!" "Don't kill me!"
PSN was really something else until the Plebbit Troon Something Awful squad took over Silicon Valley and Sony.
I still need to play it, I've only watched videos but I always wanted it since it came out. Yeah, it's so uncool how non-violent games have become. What really bothers me about it is how vulgar it is, all these nerd faggots feel like heroes when they tone the violence down in games but ultimately they still want the same vulgar experience just in an even more fucked up abstracted way. Really sickening!
WTF? You sounded like you actually played it. It was fucking awesome. I don't know if it'd be good now but it always had far better gameplay than the Saints Row games.

No they don't, you can tell who's a square and who isn't. But what I meant was the original Saint's Row stuff wasn't based on them knowing real scary people, it was based on seeing like wiggers at the mall and watching movies made for wiggers. SR1 was basically a wigger simulator, but it was so detailed that everybody liked it. I do think they tried to do a good job and everything, but it was kind of intended to be a parody of '00s gangsta culture as much as it was also embracing it.
Good point. The Boss was originally a stereotypical White male from the 2000s, like Mike's son from GTA V lol!
I always forget though, coz that's like the only wigger in the game. Even the street racers just remind me of Californian wannabe bangers. Which sure, it's the same thing but a Wigger to me is someone who spikes their hair up, drinks mountain dew & plays Xbox AYY LMAO!
Oh and their fave wrestler is John Cena who was fucking awesome back when he was a White Rapper who had insane punchlines that always landed. Cena can legit fucking rap, and he was built as fuck. He looked like an actual thug lol.

I fucking loved Cena when he was a heel, which was like what only 4 years? Now he's a Chinese shill. Funny how that works. I always thought of him as the All American yet here he is, he speaks Chinese way more fluently than I ever could coz I don't speak Chink at all.

How is that contrarian? They're the most gangsta lol.
Well, I dunno shit about the Saint's Row fanbase, is thinking 1's cast was the best normal? I'm not surprised you agree with me 'cause you like '00s gangsta shit too. But I figured most people would either pick 2 if they're an oldfag or 3 if they're a newfag.
Well most people would pick SR2, coz barely anyone played SR1 due to how obscure it is. It's only been released on Xbox 360.

Sr2 was most peoples' first SR so those people grew up with Pierce & Shaundi. Pierce was always a fucking weakass poser (who'd most likely die first.) so it was funny as fuck that he became a full blown shill in SR3.
Ohh yeah, I always forget Pierce is originally from 2 because he looks totally fucking different in 3 and 4.



Am I crazy? These look like two completely different black guys to me, the skintone especially. He's really lightskin in the original like he's mixed race.
It's like the movies. In MCU capeshit, War Machine was originally a tall, muscular, relatively light skinned Black dude, but in every movie after Iron Man 1, War Machine became this generic looking midget (he's shorter than RDJ, who looks avg sized in the movies, lol.) Black dude with dark skin.
That's how I always looked at it anyway, just a different actor playing Pierce. Pierce is such a poser that it makes sense that he got replaced by a corporate approved pretty boy over La Goblina Mystery Meat Pierce.
Last edited by Jack on Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Jack »

I reposted this, coz I noticed that I forgot to include an argument as to why I believe that society was much better back when American media was extremely hyper-sexualized where men & women were often depicted as Peak-Human beings back in the 1960s-1980s.
I'll prob have to start a thread about it, coz I'm certain that Anglo-societies', weird deification of sex is exactly what's destroying society when sex in reality has far more in common with defecation, lol! Even down to the disgusting liquids mang!

When motherfuckers tell you "HAVE SEX! INCEL!" They're implying that sexual intercourse is such a magical experience that it automatically changes your political & spiritual outlook in life and that you all of a sudden become an American progressive & hunger for veggie-burgers or something. LOL, superstitious American lunacy. OH OH OH but they call it science! Never mind that you're only allowed to be an American progressive. I'm a Japanese Progressive (we believe in the adoption of Western technologies & certain Western philosophies.), but I don't fucking count.
Some would argue that American culture is still over-sexualized. That's technically true, but that's only within the Jamaican American culture.
The point of the matter is that the human body is viewed as a sin or "Satan's work", in Amerilard land & former British colonies. That's the mindset which just mindrapes a population because you're demonizing a natural human impulse that everyone partakes in, as though it were abnormal.
This poisons the mind into a state of guilt that they feel must be vanquished by adopting a woke cult.
Said cult teaches them the exact inversion of reality where they enforce abnormalities as the new normal.


Problem is, the "Get Woke Go Broke" is bullshit, it actually has shit to do with money. It's an OP. That's why it never ends up mattering when these people eat shit finnancially. 'Cause you might notice if something has fag sex in it, or whatever kind of tranny bullshit, none of that is really considered "sexual" (now it's considered wholesome, which is a red flag term) because it isn't meant to be sexual, it's meant to be manipulative. I'm younger than you and even when I was growing up it was standard to have hot women in children's media.

This is from 1998, I watched this on TV when I was a little kid. PowerPuff Girls was even meant to be a somewhat feminist show, where the central theme was about women being able to be "tough" and they still had bitches acting like real women, dressing like strippers and beating the fuck out of each other (just like real life).

This was 2004, I'm pretty sure I saw this in theaters as a kid too.
You made my argument for me.
Your cartoons look like weird cartoon shit that doesn't even resemble real life hooomans.
So it's no shock, that those of the core millennial & younger millennial group are all sorts of socially awkward. We didn't fucking have furries in my era. We just thought Sonic was cool, we didn't sexualize a fucking cartoon animal AYY LMAO!

When I was a kid, our cartoons looked like real life idealized women modeled after the likes of Frank Frazetta or Richard Corben.


This was a PG movie, you'd never be able to get away with that now coz American women are so fat, ugly, & insecure.
She wore a thiiiiin bikini top in the version I saw as a kid.

Even the cartoons, designed for lil White girls were filled with babes ayy lmao.

It wasn't just cartoons that were hyper-sexualized. Everything was. Back in the 60s-80s era, peak humans weren't labeled as porn. When you watch American movies from the 60s, especially the ones about Greek gods & Italo Roman figures.

You usually saw nothing but huge muscular White men about your size (kinda funny how that's rare now, even in American wrestling!!!!), and sexy curvy women of, well they weren't all White. Some of the girls looked mixed-raced, sorta-RICAN or some kind of greek. Which makes sense considering the setting.

Peak Human physiques used to be labeled as Art, and a fine example for us humans to aspire to become.
That's why full frontal nudity used to be normal from the 60s up until the 90s when Right Wing Evangelist retards kept crying about it. To the point that even Japan had to stop showing full frontal nudity in their public tv during the 2000s.
Frank Frazetta is one of the best examples of that era where Peak Human Physiques weren't labeled as porn.
Peak Human Physiques were the standard.
Funny though how his modern day contemporaries such as Frank Cho or Simon Biseley are just labeled as smut coz American beauty standards are now in the gutter.

My childhood idealized the peak human form of both biological sexes.
When I was a kid, USA would have bikini contest, filled with attractive women who wore nothing but highheels, a thong & a very small bikini top. That would be considered 'muhsooogyyyyknee' in 2020s USA.
Even in the late 90s, one of the largest attractions in WWF wrestling was a playboy model lol.

Holy moly dat thong. Thongs used to be Rated PG content, and that was back in the Right Wing Puritan Evangelist era. Weird how Left Wing Atheist Partisans are even more restricting than their predecessors were.
Sable gets a way louder reaction than CM Punk ever did, yet I'm supposed to believe that lanky nerdy fuck is the greatest wrestler of all time when he just looks some geek that I kicked down a toilet seat AYY LMAO!

I can't believe this used to be the WWE, the women were actually good looking.

Unlike now, where the most decent looking girl I can think of is Shotzi Blackheart. (I like goths though.)
Oh wait there's Mandy, she's hot and that's about it in terms of normal girls who aren't mutated freaks (but bangable) like Shotzi.

She's only hot coz she has an attractive face. She's not doing anything that's outright sexy coz you'd cancelled for that.

It's fucking weird to me how men aren't allowed to be men any more.
All coz it'd might offend the LGBT suck a dick audience. Well fuck them, it's their fault for being retarded. Even Dave Chapelle is saying straight up "FUCK THEM (LGBT)!"

The end result of this oversexualization of both women & men, is I've always had it easy with women since the idealization of attractive women made it easier for you to connect with women as individuals so long as you two were of equally (or surpassingly) attractive value. Before 2014, all I had to do is walk pass by a pretty girl, and they would just start talking to me & tagging along with me as if we're great friends, but I'd play along coz they're hot and I want to fuck them, lol. Prior to 2014, there used to be a de facto social contract which allowed you to just hit on random hot bitches or for those random hot bitches to hit on you, so long as we're all mutually attracted to each other. That no longer exists in the USA.

In Le Current year, you must address a bitch as a God, who has taken precious time out of her day to bestow upon you with her presence. Fuck that!
Women were a commodity or a source of currency in nearly every culture for a reason. Men built civilization to court women. When you take away the ability to to be on complementary terms with women, the man loses incentive to partake in the civilization, and will just let it whither away. Which is what happened to the USA.

Something weird happened and that the social misfits of my era, ended up being the ones who wield all of the institutional power, whereas people like me just fell off completely from the face of society. Possibly as revenge, coz people like me did used to bully the fuck out of our modern day hall monitors. I'd still bully the shit out of them, if they didn't make it against the law to push around a bunch of pussy ass man babies wearing womens' panties.

People such as myself, were prob too effective at bullying the hell out of these Eternal Hall Monitor nerds that they prolly made it their life's goal to give people like me a hard time through government mandate.
(Notice how these SJWS Lefty types seem to be in Eternal Highschool Clique mode. They're still traumatized by their school lives. I don't even remember school coz I dropped out by the 9th grade.)
It's not effective though. These nerds ruling over us via the government & big tech, just makes me even more angry, once I don't have to worry about a drone strike via Gen Cry Nerd, it's open season on these bastards coz I can still crush them with my own two fists, but why would I do that when I can just kick em in the face with my steel toe boots?
While I do think it's kind of bad to have overt sexual shit in children's media (because it mostly conditions them for porn consumption) at the very least, none of this shit was making people gay.
I disagree, but I've always hated the puritan Wasp mentality who deify sex as some magical life changing experience. They always think of sex in this weird mystical way that completely changes your life, & outlook. Or that somehow your brain gets fried if you see too many naked girls fucking.

I think it's more likely that your brain gets fried, the more that you're taught that the human body is a sin, or only meant for utilitarian procreation between 1 man & 1 woman. Sexual intercourse is just a relief mechanism that you must satiate, similar to hunger. Otherwise you'll become as weirdly uptight as puritans, who have a weird bias towards explicit violence & gore, but treat a female tit as though you just murdered baby jesus.
(For some reason in the USA, it's ok to sexualy fantasize over MaleTofemale trannies who still look like dudes.)

It's important to normalize the viewing of a naked human body as nothing out of the ordinary, because it lessens the power that women have over you through their naked body. This helps create equality through the sexes without creating a gender-imbalance of powers, and we had this equality just a decade ago. When you rewire your brain to think of sexual intercourse as just a hunger, rather than as a magical spiritual moment (which is what Americans believe, coz they're retarded.) You enter the mind set that you're just borrowing a body, and you move on.
This is what normal sane societies do. USA is an insane society because they'll incriminate you for having consensual sex with a woman 40 years ago, but she all of a sudden calls it rape since USA has redefined the meaning of rape to refer to sexual-relations that she later regretted, lol.

Women cease to have that power when you have normalized the naked body to the same level that Japan has, where you see naked women being displayed everywhere but the woman herself never has the power to completely destroy a career mans' life just from a brief sexual fling, due to how Japs do not deify sex. Japs generally have an arrangement where it's ok to have infinite mistresses so long as your paycheck belongs to no one else but your wife. It's also understood that the wife has flings with other guys but ultimately she's the arm candy, mother of the children & living-mate of the husband.

The naked human body being so demonized by the British Commonwealth nations (which technically includes the USA, since the USA are just the MOST PURITAN of the Brits, who ran away from the British coz they weren't puritan enough.)
have created these weak-willed societies filled with SImps due to how the sexualization of females has been deemed as abnormal. Your only outlet as a man, if you want to get your rocks off seems to be with trannies. Since that's the only form of sexuality that's considered as acceptable or wholesome within modern Anglo society.

Japan used to have public co-ed baths until they were shamed by Wasp culture to get rid of if.
However, Japs have a far more healthy balance of complementary female & male roles within their society as a result of being far more open with nudity.
Before the 2010s, even Jap children's cartoons had full frontal nudity.

A cartoon that's mostly loved by Japanese females. Due to how mentally & physically strong (idealized female bodies) the female characters are.

Since woman are always over-sexualized in Jap society, they generally understand that they must marry while they're still under 25 (That's just the way it is in Japan. Saves more 25 yr old milfs for the rest of us!), & should be presentable to find a mate. When they find a mate, they're set for life since the woman in a Jap household will assume full control of the man's check. That's called complementary but equal!
I find it funny how male femnists never point this out every time they try to call Japan outdated & muhsoggyknee for always depicting women as the physically weaker sex who relies on their sexual-wiles. Well what the fuck else is a woman going to do to avoid me killing her, other than suck your fucking dick! A man can try to out fight me.

American people are insane though, coz they're brainwashing kids to believe that women are naturally bigger & stronger than men.

That's not even a natural female body type.

This is a natural female body type
but Ameritards have brainwashed everyone into believing that this is just a fake pornstar body. When she has fat & muscle in all of the right places, where a woman would naturally grow them.
She's a fucking big woman, and I ain't just talking bout her tits & ass. Her entire physique is huge.
Americans are weird, they're trying to replace women with MaleToFemale Trannies.
We've been taken over by a bunch of fat, out of shape morons trying to brainwash us into believing that being slovenly and or scrawny are healthy, or at best, just as valid.

Shit I was never as built as Conan. I'm too fucking lazy, but as soon as I grew some muscle, I sure as hell got bitches. I mean sure I always did, coz I'm a pretty boy. You're treated more like a Big-Daddy though when you have some actual mass. American media is trying to teach you to be below average, making it look as though it were impossible to get with a woman. When really, you just need to be fit goddamn it. You gotta look like, that a punch from you would kill a man. That doesn't mean that you need Scott Steiner steroid beast biceps. It just means that you need basic mass. You can achieve basic mass through motherfucking push ups which increase your shoulder size.
AMerican kids these days don't even know the fucking basics and it's like that by design.
To keep them slovenly & disgustingly obese, enslaved to the Corporations who force feed them that new Battletoards bullshit.
When the battletoads that I grew up, had grown up ass Women, lol

The weirdest part to me, is that the new Dark Queen was designed for Millennials, by Millennials. (Zoomers don't like that shit at all. They're all about Fortnite, which as Xed has pointed out, does have a lot of sexy characters in it.)
When I'm a Millennial too, but one from the early 80s, and the Dark Queen of my era was designed for Millennial children by Gen X'rs & Boomers AYY LMAO!

I'm part of a lost generation, which is weird coz I'm a Millennial but the "WRONG" kind of Millennial.
I'm not the dumbasses who had to pay off college loans, coz I'm not a retard who doesn't read the fine print.
If they actually read the fine print before they took the loan, they would've understood that you don't actually have to pay anything back at all, so long as you don't complete your gender studies degree or whatever useless piece of shit major that the colleges forced on you. I've been there, the USA government tried to entrap me too, into becoming an Administrative Assistant. They kept telling me it wasn't a secretary job, when that's exactly what it is! They even introduced me to all of these male AAs, as if I would think they're cool. When I was just laughing at how pathetic they looked.

Gen Cry can moan about their college debt all they wish. The fact is, it's their fault. They chose to take the money. They chose or allowed college advisors into making bad financial decisions for them. They can't blame anyone else but themselves, for their own poor choices in life. I was in the same boat too. I just chose to jump out of the boat, DEBT FREE. Saints Row Reboot is about Millennials who start a 'gang' to pay of college loan debts.
I'm just saying mang, it's gen y's fault for being fucking retarded and not understanding what a fucking contract is. The contract is meant to absolve the other party from being sued by you, AYY LMAO!
And I know Breaking Bad was '08 - '13, but it started in the '00s when people were obsessed with crime (and horror), but there was a huge cultural shift away from the '90s - '00s Reservoir Dogs/Sopranos kind of thing being extremely popular and into this Eternal 2010's college geek aesthetic we've still yet to escape from the Obama admin (which is what SAINTS ROW is, they all look like DNC interns).
Like I keep telling ya, you should be playing Far Cry, not faggy ass Saints Row reboot.
Far Cry 6 is actually doing what you recommend.
FC is woke as fuck and FC6 stars an ugly girl with a unibrow & a moustache, lol. (It's probably a tranny.)
Other than that though, it's basically setting up the same exact story that the main bad guy from Breaking Bad had back when he was in Mexico or whatever, to the point that they even hired him for their game.

Yup. Late 20 yr old Millenial kids look like in WA state are nothing but a bunch of DNC interns lol.
I'll never understand how these 'People of Color" diversity hires are considered as culturally diverse when they're all just wannabe White, and act like corny ass Prepschool Huwites. I don't fucking consider Kamala Harris as Asian at all. Image
If I were Black, I wouldn't consider her as Black either. She just comes off as White, I don't fucking care what she looks like. She's culturally White. I don't consider George Takei as Japanese either, he's just a very ugly White boi, because he acts like a White American Liberal. He draws too much attention to himself. A real Japanese, won't ever mention their race at all, like Joey Gibson. (Shames me how American media lies so much about Joey. He's none of the things that they say about him, but American-Corporatists truly hate Non-whites who don't act like Kamala or Takei.)

What's funny is that the younger early 20s kids are old ZoomZooms, but they be looking like real life Anime & shit, and they seem to hate that nerdy Millennial bullshit like Saints Reboot. Well hate is the wrong word, it's more like they don't even know it exists coz that's how uncool Gen Y are to them. Damn near everyone hates Gen Y, except Gen Y.
Gen Z people as culturally mindfucked as they are, they stand out as much as I do.
Zoom Zoom gurls any way. I don't know about the guys. I don't pay attention to them, they all look like faggots from what I've seen. Zoomers, or at least zoomer girls have a look that would look cool for a video game. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they're just copying vidya gaems & anime anyway. E-girl is a dumb name for a fad, but Emo was an even more retarded name.
At least with these E-bitches, there's something menacingly decadent about the way they look.
https://www.lizbreygel.com/2021/03/tren ... style.html

90s Grunge (who were the shittiest fad or 2nd shittiest after Trannys.) & 80s Punk at least had something to rebel against. A life to fight for. These Zoom Zoom faggots & bitches seem to already understand that they have fucking nothing to look forward to and it's reflected by their overall fashion sense which looks like a hybrid of Jpop/Kpop, Anime/Video toys, Grunge & Punk. None of it is original, it's all from bygone eras since they instinctively know that modern culture is shit and they blame it on us for destroying everything before they became adults, lol!

Their entire scene is about posing in front of a fucking camera. Can't get any more fake than that, but they're self-aware of their fakeness, unlike these Steve Urkel Millennials who constantly try to push their woke bullshit on to the Zoom Zooms.

I always thought that Persona 3 was about Gen X or at most the Xennial gen (Although we Xens ain't really about that nihilist bullshit. My gen grew up on "Do your best!" "Never give up!" Karate Kid & Rocky movies AYY LMAO!), but it looks as though Zoomers would relate far more with that game than any other generation who came before them. Memento Mori.

My gen must have the smallest numbers, since it was so easy to cancel us from the culture when we're basically an extension of the 80s. We either have to bleed in with the late Gen X Atari crowd, or the core Millennial SNES/Gaystation faggots.
People of my generation grew up with this as our pop music, and it really doesn't sound or look like any thing from any other period of the USA.

It looks more something that was defined by 1980s Japan rather than the USA.
Japan is all about that glam fashion sense, but paired with rhthym based funky melodies.

The most prominent people of my gen, are the ugly ass nerds who most likely got beat up a lot as a kid like Mark Zuckernerd. About the only people who make me even the slightest bit proud of my era are Nicki Minaj & Mika Nakashima lol. Both are somewhat lowlives. Mika a Yakooza bitch or at least she started out that way, so I always considered her as part of that outsider 'family' within Jap society.
Y'know when I went to get those pictures of the church for my post I looked through the other pictures from the Saint's Row wikia:


And this picture of Gat's "office" really does look like something you would do.
Close enough. I do usually have pics of random bitches on the wall, plus some posters of Golden Axe & historical asian figures like Guan Yu.
I'd never frame a pic of a bitch slut hoe though. I have framed pics of tigers, coz tiger represents power & fear within Asian cultures.

These types of people are such faggots, that's like saying killer7 is woke because it has a multi-ethnic cast. Which it doesn't, it makes it a realistic portrayal of America. But these vampire faggots will never miss an opportunity to continue the mindrape of saying "things have always been this way.. you just weren't paying attention!". This guy's also retarded, because he misses the opportunity to even make his own point. If you wanted to argue they've always been "woke" that would actually start at 2 not 1. You can't play as a woman in 1, but in 2 they didn't give you a male/female binary option, they gave you a "gender slider" but the thing with that is I'm pretty sure they did that to be disgusting since they knew people liked making freaks with the character creator (all my friends I made through SR1 loved making retarded characters like fucked up Santa or Ronald McDonald so when they teamkilled people and stunted on them they got even more pissed off), though now they'd probably lie and say it was always meant to be inclusive.
Same thing happened with Shitrim. Skyrim was supposedly LGBT & forward thinking when the actual reason it had gay & bisexual relationships was because they were too fucking lazy to hardcode gender. Which is par the course, it's a Bethesda game. They're known for releasing games that's only 25% finished and broken as hell, that the modders for some reason always complete and add more to the product than the actual Bethderp devs did.

LOL I remember the Saints 2 monstrosities quite well.
I made Fat Albert.

LOL Fat Albert predates me but even their (Gen X) cartoons were way more violent than modern day cartoons.
I really can't go through the whole game like that though. I'd either have to play as someone I wish I could be like. (Or in this case, myself but at least 6'4 which is how tall The Boss seems to be in SR2-4) Or someone I'd want to fuck since I'm going to be starting at that ass for most of the game

Yes even 6, spec ops uses wrestling & grappling moves in real life. Just coz gamers are a bunch of fatasses doesn't mean that knowing how to do a fucking armbar or bulldog is 'suddenly becoming a superhero',
Do people complain about that? I don't really get that argument because wrestling moves are cool (RE has always followed "rule of cool" which is a standard Mikami set), also like you said knowing CQC is a part of actual combat training.
The RE internet fanbase sucks. THey're so different from real life RE fans, who are mostly just dudebros & babes who don't play RE but have seen the Anderson movies.
The RE internet fags always complain about the martial prowess of RE characters, coz they think RE is about everymen when even in the original RE game they were ParaMilitary SpecOps. On top of that, what's so fucking weird about knowing how to fight?
Internet nerds act as if real life fighters aren't sexy in real life, lol.

Paige Van Zant is a boxer, and she's pretty bangable.
She got booty mang, and I know for damn sho that she'd beat the fuck out of all of these redditors lol.

It's weird how modern American culture ignores this shit. They act as if it were impossible to be both attractive & a fighter at the same time.
Especially if you're a Xennial (late 70s - early 80s) like I am, where damn near my entire gen are extremely into martial arts/wrestling/boxing coz that's what our media mainly consisted of when we were kids. It was fighting games, Mike Tyson back when he was still a champ with Mike Tyson's Punch Out. The return of Goerge Foreman. Underground MMA Fights. Pride Fighting, that was all my generation. It's funny, we're healthy as fuck but we get ignored in favor of core millenials who are a bunch of fucking lardasses!

What I wouldn't give to be able to skin this faggot alive, I'll show them real "fashion" when I **** the Met gala wearing some socialist as a skinsuit! :lol: This is what people think "counter culture" means, 929.1K Followers (even with whatever percentage of that is fake, faggots like this do have real influence despite being completely manufactured):
Hassan is a full blown bimbo. He has zero arguments. All he does is shame you, exactly like how a woman would, lol. AOC is a fucking retard. The scary part is that she's extremely popular among Americans when just 30 years ago everyone would laugh at her dumbass.
I don't have an issue with Shaundi, honestly what they did is funny I just felt like they didn't develop it all the way. Like she's just all of a sudden totally different in 3, they actually reference it in 4 where she gets into an argument with a past version of herself in the retarded Matrix hologram thing and her younger self says she turned into a horrible bitch. :lol:
Isn't that just like real life thought? Women suddenly get bitchy, all of a sudden for no fucking reason, all the fucking time. PMS.

That shit is so fucking true, I used to hang out with emo girls as a teenager and those bitches would drop N-bombs and call guys faggots (funny considering the types of guys they were into), it was totally normal for everybody to talk like they were on Xbox Live all the time. I'm totally fucked because of that 'cause I really only like white girls and they're all such stuck up frigid monsters now,
Yeah I learned that from experience. White bitches are insane. Although the last girl I was with was White. She was pale & and had long black hair but her daughter was Blonde & Blue eyed. I met her the same way I meet most women, she came to me and told me that I'm the hottest guy in the room AYY LMAO!
(There were people in the room who I felt were contenders too like a tall athletic Black guy, a giant muscular Indian man & a tall skinny Anglo pretty boy, but I guess i just had the best combination of masculine & prettyboi looks. Like a hybrid of 80s era Al Pacino & 80s era Johnny Depp.)

By White girls, I assume you mean Nordic Scandinavian stock. Hard to tell though, coz I'm into Emos too lol. It's basically what E-girls are.
What would you consider Kelsi Monroe? She's Latina, but she looks White to me. She looks as white as WWE's Mandy.

Every Latina I've been with looks as White as her, and they've each told me that they are actually of English/British descent, some were German, others are French (Well actually that's a common mix, along with Italian.) mixed with Spanish but you know, that Latin culture comes first and overrides your ethnicity. I act the same as Latins in regards with Japs. I'll consider a White girl as a Jap, if she assimilates as a Jap.

Part of the reason is, I can't even tell the difference sometimes anyway lol!
A lot of times when I see a White chick who looks a certain way (hime cut, slightly slanted eyes, whitish to yellow skin), I just assume they're Japanese. Which is nonsensical I guess, but hey White bitches do the same to me. They always think I'm Italian or Cuban, & never guess Asian lol.
I don't even favor a race. I'm just attracted to a particular look, which mostly only Asian & White girls can look similar to.

They all look like the same race to me. Sandy's music is fucking awesome btw.

A lot of the White milfs I had crushes on as a kid are all in their 60s now but the only modern girls who still look like that are japanese lol. I don't like the modern White girl look at all.

Asian Americans are even uglier though kek.

https://femalevillains.fandom.com/wiki/ ... avy_Metal)
http://guardians.rubberslug.com/gallery ... 030&Page=2
If I do fetishize anyone, it's Orange Skinned Red heads like the girl from Heavy Metal.
Seriously I've never seen one in real life ever. Most redheads are pale. Red Heads are already near extinct, Orange Skinned Red heads is like a fucking unicorn. I've only seen it in fantasy kek!
I've seen the comic book version of thi Red Queen bitch, and she isn't even a red head in the comic. She doesn't have the sexy 1980s era Hulk Hogan Orangeman tan, and she doesn't even have Green eyes! She's just a Blonde haired brown eyed girl who looks like some generic house wife from the 1960s. The movie version is way hotter coz she looks so damn exotic.
whenever I talk to Mexican girls or black girls or anybody else really they're so much fucking nicer to me. I was talking to this Mexican stripper girl a week or so ago who was 20 and she told me she didn't want to get the vaccine, hates how gay everyone in LA is, I was really shocked at how normal she was 'cause when I talk to white bitches they're exactly as crazy and stupid IRL as they are on Twitter. Fucking white people man, retards.
That's no shocker, when you consider that she comes from a race of 4 foot tall badasses.
Non Whites are generally socially & culturally Conservative, they just vote Democrat coz they inherently know that it weakens the White man. My fam votes Republican though, coz for us, we know that Democrats are directly taking money from us in the form of taxes.
Other Non-Whites don't have this problem, coz they're just taking money from people who aren't their race, for the most part.

I usually try to larp as Latin, but they can usually tell that I'm not one of them. I prob over do it like Razor Ramon lol.

It's weird coz I look far closer to Latin than I do Asian, but Asians can tell right away that I'm one of them when ever I enter one of their stores. They jsut always accuse me of having a White dad, when my pops is a gook.
"Counter culture" just means bourgeois, because the bourgeois are the only people allowed to be "counter cultural". The problem is these institutions are pumped up by low IQ hicks, I deal with this all the time in LA. I run into midwestern rejects (like what that Jacobite article talks about) that moved here because they dreamed of being part of "high society" which to them is what they see on TV, being a democrat celeb/politician/"activist". These morons will work tirelessly to overcompensate for coming from "a bad place", these are the types of people who hang trans pride flags on their houses (usually bought with family money from their parents farms, oil refineries, etc- unless they're true hicks with nothing but those usually can't afford to move to LA let alone to afford to live here). People place the blame on Californians (and don't get me wrong, I hate people here) but it's inaccurate, people will talk about "California transplants" ruining citites, this is true, but you must follow their "genealogy" further back as most of these people were not BORN here. My whole family on every side are all democrat hicks, because they all come from the north and moved down here so they could think better of themselves. So it's no surprise I don't get along with any of them, because since I was born here they accomplished their goal of "not being hicks" through me, but that resulted in me not inheriting their hick opinions like wanting to cut my dick off or vote against my own self interest.

This is a good point that I never thought of. The "Self-Hating Rural & Suburban Retard" who tries to conceal their past history of being the wrong type of Huwite AYY LMAO!
I was actually born in LA, and most of my pop's side used to live in LA. I think they were in Oxnard but had to move coz the place they lived at caved in from an earthquake.

As you can tell, I don't really relate with Californians at all. I did when I was a kid. Who knows why coz I never got along with Californians. (Although they're still better than Washington State mutants.) Back in the 90s, even Nevada/Vegas people would look down on you if you came from California coz they feared that Californians would turn Vegas into California, which is exactly what fucking happened by Obama's 2nd term AYY LMAO!

The USA is a funny place. They live within this Fantasy, that the world is Liberal & Democratic, when the vast majority of the world is Conservative. Especially Africa, Asia & the Middle East.
They don't want any of that divershitty bullshit but Whiteys keep forcing it upon them, as if they're un self-aware that they're trying to colonize non-Whites with Woke culture.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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I had a reply written up way back when you posted but I lost the post when I hit the reply button.
That shit kept happening to me too. I figured out that if you log back in another tab and then just click page back on that tab, you can get it to refresh the Post a reply field with you logged back in and it recovers some or all of your post. But the issue was that this forum was set to log you out automatically after an hour, Qish showed me that he was able to change it to like 7 or 9 hours so it should be fixed now.
Metroid Dread came out soon after so I played that instead of posting here.
It's no rush to respond, I don't check the forum constantly because I'm usually alternating between a lot of things I do in my free time. Also my posts are as long as yours so I know it takes awhile to actually write out a full length response to them.
I don't have any pics of my Saints Row characters. In Saints 1, I just made myself lol. The fedora, pimp suit, the beard. He looked exactly like me, except the Saints 1 dude looks fat & unathletic. In Saints 2, I think I also just made myself, but he was much closer to how I look except for the height.
I figured you would've probably done something similar to your create-a-wrestlers from those old videos of yours.

Whenever I make a character in a game I'm trying to work within what they give you in the assets to make something that looks nice within the limitations. I like things that give me the opportunity to try to maximize a system, it's a fun challenge. Though I do think there is a fairly consistent theme among all the characters I posted.
In real life, I'm a giant compared to Mexicans, slightly taller or same height as Asians, and slightly short when compared to Whites, or midget compared to you. It really shocks me seeing how fucking short Mexicans are though. Whenever I go to a Mexican store, I'm like the tallest person there, and not even just slightly. I'm nearly a foot taller than most Latinos I come across when I'm barely avg American height lol.
They really are tiny, I see Mexican women all the time that're the same height as their daughters. So they'll be like 20s - 30s standing next to their 11yo kid perfectly level, but the mom has huge tits and a bigger head. Some of them basically hit their full height at 9 years old then grow out horizontally, really strange.
As tiny as these Spics are though, I'd never start a fight with one whose connected to cartels.
Nearly every single myth about John Wick in the John Wick movies, are actually just real life first hand accounts of shit that Cartels have done. Especially that part about Wick killing you with just a pencil. In the other forum, Kax & I were both talking about how these tiny ass 4 foot tall looking Cartel members can kill you with just a pencil lol. We was talking about that way back in 2007.
The cartels are legitimately dangerous. Though I think most of those guys pretty much stick to their own areas, and the more dangerous ones are typically smarter so I'm actually less afraid of them. The one's I'd be more worried about are the street level shitbags because they'll kill you to brag about it, unlike the professionals who actually have real lives they've built off of crime.

Did you see this? Antifa fighting with some Mexican gangster who has a fucking Sonic tattoo (LOL).
I ain't never played Gat out of Hell or that other shit,
Disregarding that it's unfinished, it's garbage, I could not have tolerated playing it without co-oping the entire thing making fun of it, and modding the shit out of it until it was more like SR4.
Agents of mayhem? They should've turned that into a Rainbow 6 Rogue Company type of game, coz that's how it was marketed. Then it turns out that it's just some GTA style game lol.
Yeah, Agents of Mayhem is so confusing. I don't know what the fuck they were trying to do at all.
That methhead getting his cheeks clapped and he loves it, what a fag lol.
I wouldn't be surprised, he told me he had a daughter with his "baby mama" (this phrase becomes increasingly revolting over time) but something I noticed from interacting with people in jail is how fucking gay most people are. I had SO many different guys telling me shit about mistaking trannies for real women (including making out with them and almost fucking them, yeah "almost" I'm sure) getting their ass eaten by women, stuffing drugs and weapons up their ass, I fucking swear these guys would go on and on and on about butt stuff. I think even fucking (a biological, have to specify these days) women in the ass is gay (as in you're performing gay sex on woman, not that it makes you gay). For the record, I'm not some prude, if I'm eating a girls pussy I'll eat her ass too, who cares, but these guys had a real fixation on asses and shitting, which is something I've only previously observed from having gay male friends who would talk about "ass"- the scent, sight, etc- the same way a straight guy will reminisce about some pussy he really enjoyed.
That and Asian Americans are fucking losers. They're all wannabe Black hoods or wannabe White Yuppies.
That's an issue I've always run into with Asian-Americans, they're either pissed at me for "not being white enough" (ie a democrat faggot) or they're trying to stunt on me like they're some big nigger, when I'm bigger than most niggers.
Mang Americans are really fucking retarded. Hillary Clinton & Biden were both mentored under the same KKK grand wizard or whatever the fuck gay ass larpy title he had. Biden is descended from slavers. Trump's bloodline are immigrants from Germany and have zero to do with America's past.
Something I learned in there is that street criminals are very concerned with "politics" in the same way dogmom libtards are, which is that both of them are dependent on permanent democrat policy control for them to continue living as scumbags. This of course, has only furthered my hatred of democrats.
I ain't saying that Republicans are good. They suck ass too. I'm just saying if you ain't Black, don't vote Democrat if you vote at all. Democrats treat all non-whites like garbage. (Republicucks don't pay attention or care about your race, which is also a problem but hey USA has zero cultural identity now.)
Democrats call you the 'help' if you're not Wasp or Ashkenazi Jew. Democrats even hate White people who aren't from the correct background. Which is what you've also described.
It's fucking impossible to get that through to average people nowadays. I tell people I'd prefer republicans and they look at me stunned and ask me why I'm a republican? I tell them I'm not a republican, and I consider them to be the lesser of two evils in a two party system and their NPC programming short circuits. I understand there is probably more propaganda holding up the DNC than anything else in human history (except for WW2 shit which is basically the same thing) but what I am surprised by is how susceptible otherwise intelligent people are to it. Skepticism seems to have been completely eradicated under Obama, as the only thing you're allowed to be skeptical about is anything relating to Trump.
That's funny, I remember the American economy being the best it ever was within my entire life back in 2019.
Then everything just turned to shit in 2020, obviously due to plutocrats who won't allow us to eat our own cake. They have to fucking take our cake, and not just take it from us, they'll fucking eat it in front of us and allow some of us the left over crumbs of some other plebs' cake ayy lmao!
Morons bitch & moan that he didn't do shit, but Orangefag actually brought thousands of jobs back to the USA by threatening to tax the fuck out of them if they dare moved their manufacturing to Mexico or China.
Of course corporations can't have that shit, they just can't sleep at night if they ain't woking a 5 year old Chinese girl to death in Chinese Death- oh slip of the tongue! I meant Chinese Sweat Shops.
Well all the degenerate retards I was talking to in jail lived completely outside the system (which would be a respectable thing if they understood what the fuck was going on) so as far as they were concerned, while they were selling poison to children the TV said Trump was holocausting all of Mexico one by one in the sacrificial murder room in the basement of Trump Tower/The White House/The Legion of Doom KKK Headquarters. But this goes back to my confusion of why these people held the exact same beliefs as random fat women I've talked to that carry dogs in strollers. I would've thought people that had dealt with "real life" more would have more developed outlooks on things, but they held the same opinions as any NEET libtard or spoiled Twitter slacktivist.
Which is true, the corporations are the government. They always were, but it's way more out in the open now under Biden to the point that every country outside of the USA can immediately notice this. Only Americans are blind to it. Too bad he's an uneducated American who thinks that Fascist means "mean rich White dude who said a mean thing." lol!
Yeah, but you're talking about the actual larger body of corporations and their connection to the DNC/etc. He wasn't even talking about Trump specifically (though he did believe Trump was some kind of white supremacist fascist dictator who was also incompetent and retarded who hacked the election by being a retard) he meant the MAGAtard Q-Anon idiots that fell for the honeypot (which was probably half feds anyway, anybody notice all the unironed flags?), which I find absurd. I did get him to agree that Q-Anon was a psyop meant to take a bunch of potentially dangerous insane people and drive them around in a circle forever, but he still had to persist with the standard black victim approach of how all white people think blacks are sub-human and they sit around plotting to destroy blacks all day. Which isn't even to say there's no truth in that, obviously the government (which includes plenty of white people) have deliberately demolished the black family, introduced drugs into their communities, jailed them for turning to crime in areas where structured life was impossible.. there's plenty to talk about with that, but the idea that the "KKK" (republican Christians or basically white homeowners) sit around the table from Evangelion discussing how to further ruin black people is an insane level of narcissism that bantu seem exceptionally proud of. If you watched that hilarious documentary Buck Breaking, you really see how much cope is built into African-American culture, which is sad honestly.
I was watching some utube vid that made a joke about how not even North Koreans or the Chinese believe in CCP propaganda. THey just pretend to go along with it, because they know that they'll be executed if they don't.
Meanwhile, Americans believe everything that they hear so long as the correct partisan news network says it is so. Which is fucking bizarre to me.

I'm also anti Bush's wars, but you don't see me getting along with the Authoritarian Left. I hate both the Authoritarian American Right & the Left, and I'm an Authoritarian myself
It really does seem like America is the only country on earth where the public buys the propaganda wholesale. But I believe this is also something that changed under Obama (or it shifted harsher in the direction it was already heading, since people mostly believed Bush was evil because he was a republican rather than coming from a warmongering political elite family). Which is why I came up with a good troll response to retards, which is that "We should have republicans in charge forever because the only time the public will criticize the government is when they're in office". Whenever I've said this to people IRL it's been fun to watch them squirm around trying to disagree with me when they know it's completely true.
Judeo-Christianity. How the USA is somehow derived from Judeo Christian culture. Whatever the fuck that means.
I can see a definite WASP Christian influence (which is why USA's version of Christianity is slave morality.), I don't see how it was derived from Jewish other than to be used as a Goy.
Well "Judeo-"Christian is ZOG shit. Inserting Judeo- into the public concept of "Christian" is done exclusively and deliberately with the intent to assist Jews in American power structures.
USA used to have traditions back when we were kids, but that America no longer exists. Modern USA is about creating your own personal Utopia and then banning everyone who doesn't conform with that utopia. Only the approved corporate asskissers are allowed a utopia though.
Perfectly said. The biggest issue I have with that, like you pointed out, is that you can't just say "Okay, no thanks" and go make your own thing, because when you do it will simply be converted into a troon grooming machine by Big Troon.
LOL that explains why CIA & FBI now have panic rooms and employ literal autistic retards who collect toys or some shit. How the fuck am I being led over by a bunch of dysfunctional, actual retards!?
The power of the techie transbian.. the specter of the Eternal Goon haunts these hallowed halls.. haunts us all..
I always thought he was right wing or at least center right, coz of Gears of War, lol.
Holy shit that guy is cringe. Why are these Lefty types, always full blown pedos though? Hassan Piker says a lot os suspect pedophile bullshit, and unlike most lefties he actually looks like a model.
He probably was under Bush and then became a libtard under Obama, that's pretty much what happened to everybody. I see Gen X'rs on Twitter doing this shit all the time:


This is the shit that makes me fucking HATE Gen X'rs, they're such lying pieces of shit. They made all this subversive counter cultural art, shit they KNOW was a joke because THEY MADE IT. But after they (and millennials do this too, as they followed in the path of Gen X'rs as their "older brother generation") had their fun they want to revel in punishing anyone and everyone for having the fun they used to have now that they've "grown up" and things have "gotten serious" (Trump).
I believe this entire tranny thing is for the sole purpose of normalizing pedos. I think leaving it up to a child to consent for a sex change is already several thousand steps way too far.
Tbh I'll probably just make a troon thread to actually discuss this at length, because it really is the most impactful cultural topic of our times (LOL). I agree with what you said though, and what you've said previously about it as a tool for big pharma to convert individual people into more controllable "units" by making their bodies so fucked up they have to constantly go in for tune ups like they're an old car.
I can agree that there's an argument for 16, since it's already the legal age for the vast majority of the world, and even in some US states due to how they already look grown up.
I would add the condition that you'd be forced to marry them though, since way too many assholes would use & abuse what is mentally a child. The problem about using the mental argument though, is that most people are mentally children all the way up to 25 years old, but 25 year old ladies are already too old for most guys.
Yeah, that's the same argument I make. Women basically act the same from 12 - 60, so it's only circumstantially possible to interact with an "adult" woman (which is in the very rare instance you find an unusually high caste woman that behaves like a fully formed person), however I do think women as a group require societal protection as they are basically a living resource regardless of how much we lie and fuck up society to pretend that isn't the case.
It still makes zero sense to me, but the concept of entirely living your life online makes no sense to me.
This all just sounds like larping. How the fuck do you get put into a caste for posting at a damn website? A website is a utility, not your identity.
We know "goons" as being a kind of sub-culture (or sub-sub-culture), but my argument is that is an incorrect understanding of what it is to be a "goon", I'm not talking about someone being "put into" anything, I mean it as a hermeneutic definition. As in, if we traveled to some random country and observed people there long enough, we would eventually find "goons". We would find people that are more or less, retarded hall monitors no matter what their situation or circumstance is. For example, I used SA a lot and was friends with tons of goons as a teenager, Xed told me he actually started out on SA. But I don't really think either of us act like "goons". Because "goon" is a behavioral pattern, it's a type of person that existed before SomethingAwful was ever built. If Lowtax had never made SA, all the people that ended up using it still would've been goons, because that is what they are. What SomethingAwful did was allow them to coalesce into a group and develop a name for themselves, but it didn't invent a new type of person, it simply grouped a bunch of likeminded people that would've never found eachother otherwise- furries are an identical case, as are many things like this online.
The monarchy has multiple uses, the aforementioned which traces your nation's history, and monarchs are highly susceptible to being murdered by their own people. That's why I hate democracy. Under Democracy you're being ruled over by International Corporations who impede the will of your people, but you can't do anything back to them since they rule over you through proxy of the people's vote represented as the country's president or prime minister. We supposedly chose them. No we didn't. Giving us no choice. Is not a choice but you can't kill them either coz the Corporation is a machine. You kill the head, the next in line takes their place.
"Democracy" is the worst option, though as Americans we get to experience both left wing fascism and communism together as troon nazbolism.
The only choice is to abolish the government to be free from nerdy overlords, and I ain't even Anarchist but they are likely allies for the time being.
This is the thing that frustrates me so much with antifa, they're basically just left wing Q-Anon (as in radicalized, militant conspiracy theorists) but they can't see that (even though there's celebrity run bail funds every time they fuck shit up, gee I wonder why wealthy people are always bailing you guys out of trouble when you're supposedly fighting the wealthy?). If they could, you could just get all these nutjobs to work together and start ****ing shit all day. All they'd need is enough.. soap.

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Post by Rake »

It's more like there's 2 Americas. The old world that existed before 2014, and the new world which addresses itself as "OUR DEMOCRACY".
Democracy is shit, Democracy is just oligarchic rule by Corporation via political spokespieces who are loyal to the corporation over the country, blood & soil.
I say "old world vs new world" because I think America of the '00s and backwards was comparatively to now, more similar to any other country than the "new America" is to anything. Everyone who gets what's going on now makes jokes about troon drone pilots, panic rooms at the NSA to shoot up HRT, but this is Hell. We're living in a fever dream that only a small percentage of the population seems to notice, even when they're very close proximity to it. So I don't even think of this as another America, I think of it as another world.
3 had actual enemy ai. It wasn't good, but it was better than the headless chicken type of ai that SR1 & 2 had.

SR3 was closer in function to The Punisher although SR2 was the closest to its violence.
Good point, now that you're bringing it up I can remember those differences a little clearer.
I rmeember that your homies could hijack cars themselves and ride along with you, so you could recreate a DMX ruff Ryders vid lol.
That's something I felt like Saint's Row never got any credit for. Even in Saint's Row 1 the AI had really good vehicular path finding, which made the shooting gallery missions where you were riding shotgun a lot of fun. I always thought it was boring in GTA that you're always the driver, I get that it's to put the focus on the player, but I liked that Saint's Row did it on and off where you weren't always in the same role during a mission. Doing it that way felt more engaging and it also helped to make the other characters feel more important, in GTA I usually just want to ditch any "helpers" I get because they can't actually do anything other than act as meat shields for me.
SR1 did its own thing, where they actually shot guns like a retarded American gangsta by holding their gats sideways lol.
Y'know, that's actually something I miss from SR1 was having stylized poses and animations. Though I did like that they made a certain effort in SR2 of letting you change your "fighting style" (I always picked Samedi because it gave you the psycho animations) and IIRC you could change your walk animation to some cool struts too, but they dropped the stylized aiming and some of the other ones like the gangsta squat you'd do from SR1. That kind of thing was something I always really liked about fighting games that is almost never carried over into anything else. killer7 is one of the only things I can think of where they made each character hold their guns in weird different ways so the negative space/image of the first person view was more varied for each character, which I liked a lot. I would've liked to have seen stuff like that become more of a trend, but I think stylized poses went the way of the dinosaur because everyone seems to think anything like that is "tryhard" and "edgy" now (which are basically just retarded zoomer codewords for actually putting any fucking effort into anything).
'Our Lady Guadalupe.' Mexicans have a very unique Christcuck practice. Not that I would label their version of Christianity as Cucked.
Is Santa Muerte related to the Lady of Guadalupe? I know they kinda pull the same shit as Italians with the female worship (in their versions of Christianity, like how Catholicism is centered more around Mary than anything else) but I don't know a ton about it.
Mexicans practice a version of Christianity that's much closer to how the doctrine should be followed. THey actual do full blown blood sacrifices & shit, which I think is a carry over from their Aztec roots.
I would agree they're not cucked, considering how psychopathic a lot of them are. The Aztec stuff is more of a fetishism than a carry over I think though. They want it to be a carry over in the same way nordicist dorks want to be viking warriors or blacks want to be Egyptian kings. Though I will say out of anyone who fetishizes their own past, the devil worshiping cartel guys are closer in reality to their Aztec roots than any other race trying to do similar.
I'm guessins you're saying that Italian is my type, lol. A lot of the American pornstars I'm into are a type of Italian though
Is she Italian? I would've thought she was like Mexican or something, though in my opinion those types of women are very similar- loud, over emotional (more than regular women), fuck constantly.. I mean I've said before but a lot of your taste in stuff does come off as South American, and the colors you pick for clothing n' shit. Black, red, brown, leather.. those things make me think of places like Mexico or Italy where there's more of a gangster heritage and more of an artisan/craftsman culture (which America used to have, but it's constantly being exported out of the country).
Ricki is not even that good looking (she's fucking hot sometimes), but she's a freak & has fucking nice curves. She does nasty shit. That's what I meant by Sasha being from the best era of American porn coz she licked toilet seats & shit. That was the era where you could straight up Donkey Punch a bitch. If you did that now, you'd go to jail coz American culture has turned into a nation of pussies.
You'd go to jail 'cause the woman would change her mind after she asked you to beat the fuck out of her (LOL). Sasha's just a psycho, I've actually known a bunch of women that do shit like that (not necessarily as extreme as her considering she's a porn star, but within what they did do in their personal lives) and the recurring detail is just "crazy". I only talk to insane women, because to me if a bitch can't admit she's a psycho then I really need to be worried. There's nothing scarier than a woman that thinks she isn't crazy, those are the ones that'll kill you or get you locked up. This is something guys that fantasize about "tradwives" don't get, if you can actually find a bitch that's spent her whole life churning butter out in a field, the problem is the second you let her out into society with meth and porn she's just gonna turn into the same stupid bitch you were desperately trying to escape. Women in general are just microcosms of society (because most women don't really have independent thought, they inherently care too deeply about being socially ostracized because their only way to navigate life is through socialization and sex) with the rare exception of a powerful woman (ie a woman with a personality who is also hot, ugly women have personalities but only because they've lived through the same crushing experience every man who isn't extremely attractive lives through that forces men to actually have to think).
I just don't see the point.
To make fun of it with my friends. I'm of the opinion that co-op can salvage basically any game (not that it makes it good, but that it makes it entertaining), because it turns frustration with bad design, terrible writing, gay characters, anything really, into comedy. Playing dogshit games and mocking them has replaced the MST3K trend of mocking bad movies with your friends for Gen Y because games are the primary lowbrow medium now compared to Gen X who sought out lowbrow movies (this was also due to lack of internet, being able to go outside freely, etc). I mean, while I would enjoy playing games that are actually good, I like the social aspect to gaming which unfortunately in most cases now comes with free POZ. Obviously I would have preferred an actual return to SR2, which is contender for best co-op game ever made but since what they're putting out is like a Z-list piece of shit I'll just have fun laughing at it.
Far Cry exists and Saints Row doesn't look like it does anything that Fart Cry doesn't already do. Aside for the overt nerdiness of the SAints Reboot. Far Cry games, are basically just Crime games but they take place in 3rd world countries that have been taken over by Crime lords.
I agree with all of that, and I would actually like to go through the Far Cry games. I only played the original a really long time ago which I remember thinking was kind of interesting (bright well rendered tropical settings in 2004 were pretty impressive):


I always liked the cover for FC1 because he's got all his tactical gear slung over top of a red and white Hawaiian shirt. That's a pretty cool 2004 touch.

Though FC2 seems like the most interesting one (due to the level of detail they went for):

RE is the victim of a Reddit (possibly also a RetardEra/something awful) campaign where they engage in revisionist history that RE were somehow always meant to be a serious horror game when I played the classic RE2 regularly, which actually has the same exact action movie like atmosphere as the Paul Anderson RE movies.
I disagree in part, but I understand what you're getting at. Resident Evil has had multiple identity crisis' over the years, creating huge divisions between what people expect those games to be. The '90s RE games are more similar to the Anderson movies than people admit, but they're different too. In my opinion RE does have a distinct structure, which I will describe as the 4 Pillars of BIOHAZARD:

1. T&A - This is everything from the women to the men, as all the S.T.A.R.S. cast are supposed to be hot, because it's supposed to be like a (old, now) Hollywood production where everyone is hot and looks cool.

2. Gun porn - This isn't just the fixation on guns and gun parts, but the overall survivalist fetishism for things like counting rounds, reloading shells, item management. It's all doomsday prepper shit, which is fundamentally gun porn.

3. Esotericism & Conspiracies - Fascination with occult rituals and practices, forcing the player to research and conduct esoteric rituals (moving strange objects around, deciphering abstract logic, etc) which connects immediately to things like masonic/mafia/etc connection to elite level companies such as the pharmaceutics industry and military planning.

4. Gore - The monsters in many instances are living gore, mutilated beyond recognition and continually mutilated further as you fight them. This would also include the varying degrees of violence in any of the games, as well as any traditional action.

So with this established, you might notice I left "horror" out. Because while fear is a large component of the games, I would really only say RE was horror focused in the '00s (which was primarily an influence of trends at the time, just like the '90s games being action oriented came from '90s trends). REmake, RE0, Outbreak, (even RE4 included some more serious elements of horror, it just wasn't the focus because it was meant to be a shift) these actually did aspire to be serious horror games (REmake the most of any of them) or at the very least sought to have a more serious horror atmosphere (like Outbreak). The '90s RE games are more like esoteric action games, where you're alternating between chopping up monsters with assault weapons and solving some cryptic blockade acting as a reprieve from combat and expositionary scene. So I wouldn't exactly call what those people are saying "revisionist" as much as it's biased, they're going off of the '00s era of RE and saying that is the set standard, when technically, Mikami himself set two different standards in the '90s and then again in the '00s, which he then even went back on with RE4 making it more like the '90s style again. I much prefer RE as serious horror, and I like the '00s efforts the most, but as a fan going back to the '90s, I consider the '90s style to be the "true" style and the '00s style to be a deviation. Then the current remake era, which basically a reboot of a reboot, is an effort to try to reboot the '00s era style, except they mostly seem to be fucking everything up. Because the remakes aren't really similar to 7 or 8, and 7 and 8 also don't seem very similar to each other, so we have like 3 different Resident Evil's happening right now. This shit is why I'd just call it an identity crisis, Capcom is trying to push RE too hard to be too many different things. From what I've seen 7 seemed like it had the right idea, although it misses 1. on my list of T&A, it had the other 3 points so it's pretty close.

For the record, I don't mind really extreme differences in sequels, because Mikami only directed 3 RE games anyway, he basically just built a framework which then other people adapted and changed as trends n' taste shifted around. But I think RE did have a fairly consistent baseline up until 5, where the general underpinning was conspiracy fiction with a mystery atmosphere, and the other variables were subject to trends. 5 and 6 felt like attempts to bridge the RE games with the RE movies, which I think is too action focused compared to the '90s action style which reminded me more of '80s gore anime/manga like Guyver, M.D. Geist, mixed with '90s American blockbuster movies like Jurassic Park which I preferred to the late '00s Hollywood action style.
What I hate most is when these assholes claim that RE1 the game only came off as silly & tongue in cheek coz it was what was considered as scary during the era it was made in.
I'm like what the fuck? Are you implying that modern horror is somehow better?
That kind of shit I would consider revisionist. People always do this fucking thing now where they can't imagine that people actually thought differently in the past, they can only see the past through the lens of everyone being a bunch of winking ironic faggots. Modern "horror" is fucking terrible, I hate all the A24 style 2010's shit and I don't like them taking influence from it. But it's inevitable, Japanese games have always looked to Hollywood for reference material, so as Hollywood disintegrates so does it damage everything that is influenced by it.
1970s-1990s were the best era of horror films with 80s being the best.
70s had the most gritty & scariest horror, but 80s was the most creative. 90s was when it turned into nothing but Scream garbage. (I like Scream, but it's coz it's a good movie, not a good horror.)
I agree, though I like '70s the most because like you said it's the grittiest. '90s I think deserves some credit, it carried on a lot of the same creativity of the '80s but the popular stuff was all bootleg Scream movies. Also I agree wrt to Scream, but I do think the opening scene is scary, it's just that we've been inundated by parodies of it stripping it of that context. If you imagine that happening to you, it's very fucked up.

What's weird is that I think is generally the same dev team as the original SR games. THey prob had a lot more advisor roles back then, who supervised for accuracy, coz Saints Row 1 was a whole lot more accurate than most crime games outside of the Godfather series.
This goes back to the thing I'd said about Gen X'rs earlier, unfortunately most people have just willingly accepted becoming tools. It's really lame.
If I'm unlucky, and unable to leave the USA before the dollar becomes more worthless than Disney money, Vegas is the place where I plan to make my final stand. Sure it's already infested with trannies, but the outskirts of Vegas have always had those weird LOLbergtarian Ex Marine types who fucking hate the US government.
I'd see you'd stand a decent chance of fighting off an invasion if you live around enough of those Marines, who are disillusioned with the USA government.
I've said this exact same thing to a lot of people. Vegas can fight off POZ better than most places in America because it was pozzed LONGER than most states and learned to deal with it. An important part of the cultural destruction we're seeing right now, is that most states have no idea how to handle all this Vegas style degeneracy flooding in. Where as Nevada had to learn to regulate all of that shit and keep the state running, because there was clearly no option to shut it down when it makes them filthy fucking rich and lets them bulldoze any issues they have with money.
She's probably Gen X. Most Gen X Liberals hate fags, hate LGBT, and are pretty much functionally social Conservatives. Where they differ on, is economics. She sounds a lot like Dave Chapelle who's one of the more prominent examples of a Gen X Liberal.
She definitely was Gen X, though most Gen X'rs I've met are basically confused because they're "libertarian" so they're pro personal freedom to destructive extents but they also want that in return. I've had and observed many conversations with Gen X'rs about running into issues with trannies, where they "misgendered" them, and them feeling sorry about it but also being confused why it involved them so much. The problem is the Gen X mindset is so committed to the idea that an expansion of personal freedoms will alleviate all social ills, when in reality what happens is what libtards think happens with the 2A, that letting people have whatever they want will ultimately be utilized by malicious psychos, except that primarily happens in non-violent ways because of the inherent femininity of society. So it's troons getting you locked up or made unemployable through narcing and snitching rather than getting your head blown off by some schizophrenic Q-Anoner.
On top of that, I think it's funny that Conservatives are being passed off as the vulgar type, within the American mindset when from my personal experience. It's usually Conservatives who generally don't swear, and live as Jesus does. My dad is like that, and he's an atheist. He fucking comes off like a Liberal, but he's actually an Ultra Conservative Goody Two Shoes.

It's generally Liberals who are extremely vulgar. I'm extremely vulgar so I can see why most Cuckservatives don't identify with me. They call me edgy. I call them retarded, lol.

Libs are the most vulgar people on the planet, especially when they don't curse. The "heckin' pupperino doggo who hurt you sweety?" style of speech makes me want to push my fingers through their eye sockets, which I suppose is the desired effect, that they fag out so hard they incite you to commit a hate crime.
What makes me conservative are my Traditionalist Authoritarian (Monarchist) leanings. I do believe that Something Awful types need to be beaten out of existence. Similar to what they already think of me. Difference is, I'm strong enough to do it myself. They need the power of the state & America's Air-Drones to take control over me.
That's the most revolting aspect of those types, they want a complete authoritarian state but they want someone else to do the work. No guns or personal freedom for us, but if we dare to speak ill of Baphomet then juicer cops are deployed to our location, until there's no juicers left in which case it will just come down to drone strikes.
That's the funny thing about America though, I'm actually way to the Far Right of the vast majority of "Far Right" Americans. Far Right Americans are just Libertarians or Center Right at best, who don't believe in authority at all.
I think an Authoritarian state needs to exist, to legally kill off pedos & other such subversives who slowly take over the country through inversion of culture. A culture without traditions becomes malleable to the current social trends of the day.

Look at the USA, it's filled with Pedos who are at the very top of their culture who admit they're Pedos but we're supposed to just live with them as if they're people. Rather than monsters.

The funny part, is that these types also believe that we're not people.
When people tell me there is no purpose of an authoritarian state, I really don't know what they mean. But the problem is, libs don't believe they're using authoritarianism to achieve the current state of the world they genuinely think this is natural. They can only imagine authoritarianism existing in a "right wing" framework. So to suggest even disagreeing with the current system is an act of "authoritarianism" to them, and it is to libertarians and even most republicans too. Ultimately, most Americans would prefer that the hell we currently live in simply be adjusted slightly to make them more comfortable than anything actually be changed. That's the greatest weakness of Americans, past down from boomer culture, is a complete dependancy on personal comforts.
I never saw this coming in a million years either. Sure I've always heard these social misfits dreaming up of a reality exactly like this, way back in the 90s. Back then, I just laughed at them, and bullied the hell out of them.
Some people need to be bullied, coz they exhibit weird behaviors that would be harmful to society if they were allowed to obtain power.

Funny enough, they did exactly that and now they're considering all masculine men, as dangers to society and examples of White supremacy. Even Dave Chapelle gets called a White supremacist, when he's Liberal as fuck. He just hates trannies like all sane people do.
Bullying is a weird thing, because generally speaking I think it mostly just causes people to break and then become more retarded than they already were. But throughout my life the most disgusting people I've ever met always had it the easiest, I've rarely seen a case where abusing a child (which is further off from bullying, but as an example) actually caused them to be worse than spoiling them.
I don't really care coz it's not my reality. I live in the reality where the Antifa police your every move, and we have required Vax passports.
I agree but I think it's good that there are public figures standing against it elsewhere, it would be worse if that wasn't happening. I think if there was no disagreement whatsoever, antifa would just be able to carry out public executions without having to deal with the waiting period of getting bailed out of jail by some Jewish law firms or LA faggot celebrities.
I'm like fuck you, I'll just start using more Native American, Mexican & Asian stores instead, since it's now illegal for me to enter in normal White people stores coz I ain't getting that fucking fake ass vax AYY LMAO!
I'm pro Vaccine. Normal Vaccines which take at least 20 years to develop & test.
Simply not taking the vax though, gets a bunch of crazy ass White people wishing death upon you.
I'm like bruh, doesn't this look like racism to anyone but me? Statistics do show that it's mostly Blacks who are refusing to get vaxed so the Black population are in the same boat as I am.
They have to resort to Non-White shops who will serve them coz Huwite people shops won't serve us any more lol.
It's NWO shit for real. I just lie to people constantly that I'm vaxxed, for the same reason you said, I'm not trying to get mobbed by a bunch of MKUltra psychos 'cause I didn't "follow the rules". I would understand the fervency if the 'Rona was some kind of flesh eating virus, but we've had enough time to examine this thing to know it's not. Y'know when this was first popping off, I didn't know what the fuck to think. I got military gas masks n' all sorts of shit in case it was real, but now all of that shit is probably gonna end up being used to defend myself from antifa faggots making chemical bombs (LOL).
It's even worse when you're Black coz they're born into this insanity. Blacks don't have a choice but to put up with crazy ass White people.
I can sympathize with blacks hating white people, I just wish they could fucking tell white people apart. Blacks are so fucking racist they couldn't spot the difference between a Russian and an Australian, so trying to explain to them that libtard whites are a specific problem is kind of difficult.
It shot up to $4 last week and it's still going up, lol. This is just like the Obama years. So I guess it's nostalgic for the average American.
Fucked up, but true.
THat movie was so damn good. The ending was a shock to me, but only coz it's an American movie and American movies are usually filled with propaganda. They generally never show you the reality, unlike that movie which pulled no punches. I never saw the sequel yet though. The sequel got called a crazy Trump conspiracy when the shit that happens in Sicario is exactly what happens in real life. You can ask damn near any Mexican who fucking fleed from their shithole country.
I didn't know there was any controversy with the sequel. I didn't like it as much (it's not the same director so it doesn't have the same cool camerawork the original did) but it is worth seeing. I'll see anything with Benicio, he's cool.
Mexicans aren't legally allowed to own guns in Mexico (well they are, but you have to be extremely rich just to own a pea shooter lol.), so they're at the complete mercy of The Cartels who are the government coz the actual elected government are a bunch of useless morons. Granted, you can't really expect them to fight back when the Cartels are being supplied with American Government sanctioned gun smuggling via fast & furious.
The cartel are nuts, they get up to some Mad Max shit over there:



https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/modern/m ... arco_tanks

If I ever made a crime game, I'd definitely take a lot of inspiration from stuff like this. The only media I've ever seen reference Narco Tanks was Machete Kills- his El Camino in that is modeled after a Narco Tank:

"It's the real deal," says Rodriguez. "(James) didn't make it like a movie prop. You rub your hand across it and it's sliced to bits. It's all rusty and metal and sharp. And it's dangerous and heavy. And it looks like a Road Warrior car."

Rodriquez says he was inspired seeing "armored cartel vehicles" on the internet and decided he needed one for his story of the Machete-for-hire (played by Danny Trejo) in his second violence exploitation flick (opening Friday).

"There are pictures of them, ones that were captured. They looked right out of the Road Warrior. They are really cool," says Rodriguez. "I thought that would be a really interesting one to have Machete get across the border in."

The car had originally been an Chefvrolet El Camino before James' crew got on it.

"I said to Jesse if he could make me a car kind of like (the original machines), And he designed it," says Rodriguez.
I'm not even trying to be stylish either. That's just the way Japanese people dress. Even in supermarkets, it's normal to see women dressed up like full blown pornstars just to buy some fucking groceries.
I think gloves and jewelry is a little dressier than average, but yes it did used to be more commonplace for people to dress up to go outside, not to just dress up to go to a club. I remember even in the '90s people having more elaborate outfits on being a normal thing, which started to fade out in the '00s and by the late '00s the forever college intern look we see was developed and locked in. But I do see zoomers in some kind of stylish or weird outfits sometimes, so I'll at least give them credit.
I always try to explain that to Americans when complain about Jill Valentine's Classic RE3 look, about how Jill is actually half Japanese and she's just dressing like a Japanese girl during her off duty hours which is when RE3 takes place. Nobody listens, coz Ameriturds act as if only their culture norms are the norm.
I've never understood that shit, Jill's RE3 design is her best look. My only complaint is that I liked the original prototype design with the munition rig overtop of the cool outfit more (which the remake used, but they made Jill not hot so I don't like that either):

Which is bizarre considering that Americans are always bitching about respecting everyones' culture norms but they never respect my culture norms! is it any wonder that I don't like American Liberals at all? They never show my people respect. In Japan, our Liberal Democrats are actually Far Right lol.
In libtard circles you can be racist to Asians, I have a friend who knows the voice actor (who's a Filipino woman) for one of the characters from Steven Universe and somebody keyed "gook" or "chink" into her car door 'cause of some shit she said or did, I forget. You'd think working on military grade troon propaganda would be enough, but no, not if you're Asian. All my liberal friends will casually talk shit on Asians, especially the Japanese because they consider them to be the most "white" and as such they consider it to not count as racism. I've started buying clothing with the Imperial Japanese flag on it as a response to this phenomenon:

Even then, I'm not even sure If I count. When people talk about Gen y, they always conviently leave out my gen.
Sure when I was a kid, I was labeled as Gen X. We've been placed in the Gen Y bracket for over a decade now, but we always treated as if we don't exist lol.
Xennials aren't a separate generation, but you're gonna be treated like you don't exist because you don't fall as neatly into one category. Technically, you are just a millennial, but you behave more or less the same as me, which is like a Gen X'r (in the '90s), which was normal and how all millennials used to behave in the early '00s. Generational difference work the same as decade shifts, for example:

This is from 1994, but it's basically still the '80s. Yes, you can start to see the emerging '90s trends in it and it is not exactly the same as something from say 1988, but it is functionally still the '80s.

This is 1999, but this is the '90s. Full '90s trends engaged, which is something people mistake about the '00s (I even did it in this post when I was talking about RE, but it gets too fucking confusing if I start using my own rules for things and trying to explain shit like anyone would know what the fuck I'm talking about) that the early '00s were not "the 2000's" they were actually just a continuation of the '90s, because the '90s didn't stop until the mid-late '00s. Once "edgy" stuff became passe, the '90s was over, because that's what was hot in the '90s. So technically, we're living in the Eternal 2000's, not the Eternal 2010's, but I think Eternal 2010's sounds more derogatory so I'll say it that way.
I think it's because we have an Anime outlook in life, we always believe that you can do whatever you want, so long as you put all your effort into it.
That's a normal millennial outlook inherited from boomers (parent generation). If you talk to almost any boomer they'll always pitch the same bullshit advice to you about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps", which is actually very good advice, it's just not applicable to the world we live in. The boomer mindset is one that all struggles in life can be overcome, and that you have total control of your own destiny if you have the willpower to drive it. The problem is, boomers don't realize there are actual legislation changes to things, pricing and zoning laws that exist now that not only didn't exist then, but in many cases don't effect them at all due to grandfathering laws for things like property or weapons. This is made increasingly frustrating by the fact that in most cases they happily voted for these changes, while denying any of this is even happening.


I don't hate boomers, for the record, I hate a lot about them but their outlook on life is actually good and there is much to learn from them. I'm only frustrated at how unrealistically they view the world.
Core Gen Y seem to be as nihilistic as Gen X, but are far more self destructive since Core Gen Y are actively trying to create a Utopia from the top down through government legalization.
That's an interesting observation. That would make sense that Gen Y is still carrying Gen X trends they learned from their older brother generation, but that they've perverted them into something else. This is also visible in zoomers, that tecnically their nihilism is just them being good children in line with their Gen X parents outlook.
My gen don't believe in utopian garbage. We're just eternal kids who wants everything to be sexy & cool, but we live it through our life styles. I'm almost 40 but I still look like I'm in my 20s.
That Cammy girl is from my gen, and she also just looks mid 20s at most.

Then you get to core Millenials, they're a bunch of fucking fat slobs.
Granted my gen has a lot of that too, but they just look like Gen X like Amazing Atheist, Jim Sterling, Angry Joe.
Excuse me, it's "James Stephanie Sterling" thank you very much!!


As you can see Stephanie is a hot girl now, one that really does look like a girl. Boy, if I saw this woman on the street, I'd think to myself "Yep, that is definitely a woman and not a confused steampunk man in a dress".
Even in that vid I linked to, where a Black dude was complaining about how fucking generic & retarded the reboot is, he also said that the Oil tycoons should've been used as one of the main bad guys, as an upgrade from the local hoods you fight.
It'd make sense, coz that's exactly how the heirarchy is in real life. Only the Cartels seem to be above everyone in modern day USA. SAints Reboot has zero Cartel presence yet it takes place in Texas LOL!
Yeah, they basically should've had the oil barons take the role of Ultor from SR2, where they're not exactly another gang but another entity all together. Would also be easy to do the standard old plot line (like shit from Road House) where the oil barons are paying the thugs to do their bidding, so as you fight through them you end up making enemies with the money that's funding them. I mean maybe they'll do that, but I'd be kind of surprised if they could even manage what they already did in SR2.
That and there was a GTA drought since GTA4 was disappointing due to how overtly serious it took itself. Ironically though, GTA4 is also the most realistic' 'crime simulator' of the GTA series. Probably also why it's fucking boring.
I totally disagree, GTA4 is the best one. I never understood why people don't like it. I do think 3, VC and SA (SA especially) are more immediately fun, but 4 had the most intricate mechanical system:

The GTA games aren't really that coherent as games, so to me the mechanical system of them as an open world sandbox game is ultimately the biggest draw. Though I think Rockstar still pulled back too much, I'd actually played through GTA4 with a ton of mods once that made it extremely difficult. I had mods so Niko gets arrested/wanted level 1 with any police stop because he's an illegal immigrant, traffic mods so you get pulled over if you run red lights, speed or turn in illegal ways, mods for realistic magazine capacity and magazine count (including a change where beyond a certain amount of ammo, it would force you to wear a duffle bag to hold all of it), mods for losing the ammo in a magazine when reloading (meaning no ammo recycling, you hit reload and it's onto the next mag), mod to make Niko take stun damage and stumble like the AI (he doesn't do this normally, which aids you in combat) camera mods to make it more realistic, cop AI behavioral mods so your wanted stars are permanent and losing the cops only makes them stop chasing you but it doesn't make them stop looking for you so if they see you again you return to the previous wanted level, AI change so not all cops are equally aware allowing you to evade cops that aren't currently chasing you (this would usually take the form of speeding away from the cops, seeing a P71 parked nearby and slowing down so that cop doesn't catch you speeding and notice, until he sees the other cop speeding after you and joins in) as well as cops having radial vision (based on the Assassin's Creed system) rather than the "bee hive" AI they normally have so they don't always know where you are they actually have to find you, mods for gasoline (with all parked cars having random amounts of gas in them meaning when you try to hijack a car it can backfire on you if the owner forgot to fill the tank) with usable gas stations (which makes use of an otherwise pointless asset in the game, there's gas station's everywhere) I modified some line of code to make it so cars can't explode allowing them to be used as cover extending gunfights significantly and mods to alter damage and health so it's much easier to die. It completely changed how the game felt and worked (but was ultimately only possible within GTA4 due to the complexity of the game system) and made shootouts and escapes extremely tense. If you got the SWAT called on you, you were basically dead unless you'd already planned an escape. My goal was to see if I could force it play like the old Rainbow 6 games but from the perspective of a criminal, which I got pretty close. It gave me a lot of good ideas for how I'd like to make a crime game work if I ever have the opportunity to make one.
In Saints Row, you feel far more powerful coz you're in an actual gang that's taking over manufacturing & supply lines. In GTA4, you're playing as some free lance immigrant dude with a thicc Slavic accent. You feel more like a contract killer rather than a gangsta. You actually felt like a gangsta in all 3 of the PS2 GTA games.
In GTA3 you were probably working for the Mafia, but you were originally employed with the Columbian Cartels. VC is pure Mafia. as a Lieutenant trying to rebuild & set up shop for the New York families.
SA is color gangs plus triads, plus feds ayy lmao. SA is all over the place, but that's exactly how Black gangs come off to me. They are pretty much all over the place when compared to White (Italian, Irish, Jewish), Latino & Asian gang culture.
I agree with this criticism of GTA4, Niko does just feel like a loner being pushed around (which I think technically was a carryover from SA because SA was like that too, though I think it is fitting considering Niko is just a scumbag immigrant with almost no connections) which I found less interesting than being more involved compared to 3 and VC.
On top of that, there were actual gangland style executions in that vid like when the Mafia dude just walks up to a bouncer and shivs him. Any one whose lived around peeps like that could relate with it.
I really don't understand why they think relating with core Millenials is such a good idea. At least make a game for zoomers, they're in their 20s now and not even they want to play as nerdy ass Gen Cry AYY LMAO!

It's weird coz the original Saints Row cast were meant to be Millennials, but they're not considered as millennials for some reason.
I think it's just propaganda, I mean maybe they really are totally out of touch (looking at Agents of Mayhem) but I find it hard to believe people with any level of money or connection to the media would really be this fucking retarded. But who fucking knows.
Hitman Contracts & Blood Money were such classics. IO Interactive has never made another game on that level ever since. (Freedom Fighters was pretty good though.)
I never even bothered with Kane & Lynch 2. There were far better shooters out by the time K&L2 did, like Max Payne 3
Yeah, I miss the golden days of IO Interactive. Kane & Lynch 2 is great, but it's not as good of an actual shooter as MP3 for sure. But like you've pointed out before, RE6 is technically a better shooter than MP3. Personally, I think one of the best shooters ever made was The Specialists:

Because my biggest complaint with shooting games has always come from their similarity to DOOM (I like DOOM for the record) where you're really just playing as a turret driving around shooting things. That isn't how gun combat works at all, gun combat is just as physical (if not more so because it's involving so much equipment) as hand to hand fighting. So I've never liked the trend of shooting games deemphasizing your body, which is why I've always gravitated towards the games that took more influence from Max Payne- like True Crime Streets of LA (which has dogshit gameplay but at least it was trying), The Specialists, Kane & Lynch.. I even played 25 to Life online before SR1:

That game was a piece of shit, but it was interesting because they took a lot of notes from the SOCOM games (like being able to lean) to try to create a tactical crime game. Well, they got me but I don't regret playing it at all.

Anyway, it's not just 3rd person shooters specifically, but anything with that style of combat (The Specialists is FPS, but those trailers show everything in 3rd person to make it look cooler).
LOL on PS3, people would try to manipulate me through messages in Dark Souls "Please no!" "Don't kill me!"
PSN was really something else until the Plebbit Troon Something Awful squad took over Silicon Valley and Sony.
Yeah, I remember exchanging messages a lot with people when I originally played Demon's Souls online. That was the only DS game I really played online, I sorta played Dark Souls 3 online which I kinda liked, but I never enjoyed any of those as much as Demon's. Though I still need to play Bloodborne because I figure I'll probably like Demon's and that the most.
WTF? You sounded like you actually played it. It was fucking awesome. I don't know if it'd be good now but it always had far better gameplay than the Saints Row games.
I mostly read about games, I hate playing most games really. I think games are fascinating but something happened in my mid 20's that made it very hard for me to focus on games. Most of the time when I try to boot up a game to play it, I get bored in seconds and want to do something else. I remember playing SR1 online all night and seeing the sunrise before school knowing I'd deliberately not done any of my homework and I'd be sleeping in class.. nice memory. The thing I've been playing recently is MADNESS: Project Nexus on Steam, which I've been enjoying a lot. But I'm going to actually make a separate thread to talk about that and it's tangential relationship to mass shooting conspiracy theories.
Good point. The Boss was originally a stereotypical White male from the 2000s, like Mike's son from GTA V lol!
I always forget though, coz that's like the only wigger in the game. Even the street racers just remind me of Californian wannabe bangers. Which sure, it's the same thing but a Wigger to me is someone who spikes their hair up, drinks mountain dew & plays Xbox AYY LMAO!
The Westside Rollerz were definitely meant to be a parody of wiggers, similar to Mike's son from GTAV and also Brucie from GTA4:

These types of guys are funny as fuck, I used to have a lot of white friends like this in the '00s. They're fucking morons but they're funny to play video games with or hang out.
I fucking loved Cena when he was a heel, which was like what only 4 years? Now he's a Chinese shill. Funny how that works. I always thought of him as the All American yet here he is, he speaks Chinese way more fluently than I ever could coz I don't speak Chink at all.
It's always disappointing to see entertainment figures really eat shit like that, I mean I know they're all whores, but celebrities doing cool shit is part of the American cultural ecosystem. The lack of that is part of why things are so depressing now.
Well most people would pick SR2, coz barely anyone played SR1 due to how obscure it is. It's only been released on Xbox 360.
I guess that's true, it's just crazy to me because of how popular SR1 was on XBL back in the day. It was one of the most popular shooters almost tied with the original Gears of War which I also played constantly. It's a shame Gears really fell off, I thought they were doing something interesting with the RE4 inspired camera, chainsaw bayonets, Giger looking aesthetic (and colors, only GoW1 has the cool Giger greys, they dropped that after 1) and the execution system. I'd definitely take some notes from the original and maybe 2 (I liked the chainsaw clashing, that was really cool) if I was gonna make a shooter.
It's like the movies. In MCU capeshit, War Machine was originally a tall, muscular, relatively light skinned Black dude, but in every movie after Iron Man 1, War Machine became this generic looking midget (he's shorter than RDJ, who looks avg sized in the movies, lol.) Black dude with dark skin.
That's how I always looked at it anyway, just a different actor playing Pierce. Pierce is such a poser that it makes sense that he got replaced by a corporate approved pretty boy over La Goblina Mystery Meat Pierce.
That's a funny way of looking at it. My only complaint is that I think his personality does actually fit being lightskin like he was in SR2, because lightskin blacks usually have to do shit like that 'cause they get shit on by everybody. I saw that a lot in jail, but I'd seen it on and off throughout my whole life. Lightskin blacks get treated like traitors by blacks for being mixed race (even though that's not their fault) although they still consider them black, racist whites don't like them because they also consider them black and will usually only keep them around if it benefits them to have a minority, so they kinda get fucked at all angles. So I feel like it makes sense for Pierce to be kind of a poser snake 'cause he wouldn't fit in with anybody IRL.
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Post by Rake »

I reposted this, coz I noticed that I forgot to include an argument as to why I believe that society was much better back when American media was extremely hyper-sexualized where men & women were often depicted as Peak-Human beings back in the 1960s-1980s.
I'll prob have to start a thread about it, coz I'm certain that Anglo-societies', weird deification of sex is exactly what's destroying society when sex in reality has far more in common with defecation, lol! Even down to the disgusting liquids mang!
All the stuff you posted wrt this is interesting, and I agree with you on most of it. I'd like to examine it more but I won't respond to it here because it deserves it's own topic, if you make a new thread with all the parts of your post and etc we can continue the discussion there.
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Post by Rake »

Like I keep telling ya, you should be playing Far Cry, not faggy ass Saints Row reboot.
Far Cry 6 is actually doing what you recommend.
I actually didn't even know there was a Far Cry 6. This does look pretty cool:


Looking at these screenshots, I could tell it was set in Cuba from the cars and the architecture:


Something I found interesting about Cuba, that I learned both from a Cuban friend and from an art exhibit of Cuban movie posters in my city a few years ago. At that exhibit they were selling copies of this book.. I forget exactly which but it might've been this one:

The story of how Cuba came to be trapped in automotive time is a fascinating one. For decades, the island country had enjoyed healthy tourism trade and American outpost status, and by the 1950s it had the highest per capita automotive purchasing of any Latin American country. But when Cuba fell to communist rebels in 1959, so ended the inflow of new cars. Since then, trade embargo forced Cuba's car enthusiasts to develop a unique and insular culture, one marked by great creativity, such as:

-Keeping a car alive with no opportunity to acquire replacement parts
-Customizing a car with no access to aftermarket parts
-Drag racing with no drag strip

In many ways, Cuba is an automotive time warp, where the newest car is a 1959 Chevy or perhaps one of the Soviet Ladas. Cuba's Car Culture offers an inside look at a unique car culture, populated with cars that have been cut off from the world so long that they've morphed into something else in the spirit of automotive survival.
He'd told me about this stuff before, but I flipped through the book there and it talked about how they basically have no new cars (I think this may have started to change later though) there due to the US embargo against Cuba (among other things, I assume). So they have all these ancient cars they just fix over and over and over. So despite all of the problems Cuba has, the one it doesn't is looking nice:

FC is woke as fuck and FC6 stars an ugly girl with a unibrow & a moustache, lol. (It's probably a tranny.)
:lol: To be fair though, most South Americans aren't fucking attractive. I'm surrounded by them, and yeah I see cute bitches here and there but most look like this:

Yup. Late 20 yr old Millenial kids look like in WA state are nothing but a bunch of DNC interns lol.
I'll never understand how these 'People of Color" diversity hires are considered as culturally diverse when they're all just wannabe White, and act like corny ass Prepschool Huwites. I don't fucking consider Kamala Harris as Asian at all. Image
If I were Black, I wouldn't consider her as Black either. She just comes off as White, I don't fucking care what she looks like. She's culturally White. I don't consider George Takei as Japanese either, he's just a very ugly White boi, because he acts like a White American Liberal. He draws too much attention to himself. A real Japanese, won't ever mention their race at all, like Joey Gibson. (Shames me how American media lies so much about Joey. He's none of the things that they say about him, but American-Corporatists truly hate Non-whites who don't act like Kamala or Takei.)
They're house niggers. They're non-whites that want to take over white culture, really I think everyone should despise them equally. I don't want any of those scumbags near me because they want to fuck me over, but non-whites shouldn't accept them either because they'll fuck them over too. They're traitors to everyone.
What's funny is that the younger early 20s kids are old ZoomZooms, but they be looking like real life Anime & shit, and they seem to hate that nerdy Millennial bullshit like Saints Reboot. Well hate is the wrong word, it's more like they don't even know it exists coz that's how uncool Gen Y are to them. Damn near everyone hates Gen Y, except Gen Y.
Gen Z people as culturally mindfucked as they are, they stand out as much as I do.

Zoom Zoom gurls any way. I don't know about the guys. I don't pay attention to them, they all look like faggots from what I've seen. Zoomers, or at least zoomer girls have a look that would look cool for a video game. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they're just copying vidya gaems & anime anyway.
The guys look like fags, I hate the way zoomer boys (I'm not calling them men because they all dress like they're perpetually 16) dress. A lot of the girls do look good, I agree. They basically just dress like millennial girls did before they got MKUltra'd by CNN or whatever, which is kind of irritating because I'd actually prefer to be with a woman my age but they're so fucked up it's pretty much impossible.
E-girl is a dumb name for a fad,
I think "E-girl" is fine because it relates to how fake it is, like everything you've said:
These Zoom Zoom faggots & bitches seem to already understand that they have fucking nothing to look forward to and it's reflected by their overall fashion sense which looks like a hybrid of Jpop/Kpop, Anime/Video toys, Grunge & Punk. None of it is original, it's all from bygone eras since they instinctively know that modern culture is shit and they blame it on us for destroying everything before they became adults, lol!

Their entire scene is about posing in front of a fucking camera. Can't get any more fake than that, but they're self-aware of their fakeness, unlike these Steve Urkel Millennials who constantly try to push their woke bullshit on to the Zoom Zooms.
They are "electronic girls" they have no culture, but that isn't really their fault, it is circumstantial.
but Emo was an even more retarded name.
"Emo" was retarded because it was used incorrectly. Emo is an offshoot of '80s punk but "mall emo" (which is what you're referring to) was basically the foundation for what zoomers are doing. As a musical genre it was a style of pop punk/rock, but that is less significant (because zoomer music has no instruments and almost no bands, it's all bedroom beats, which also relates to them not really having a culture) than it being a merger of different consumer subcultures- wiggers, skaters, goths, punks, etc- into one condensed market. Though back then, it was a lot better because you did actually have different consumer subcultures, now we only have one. :lol:
I always thought that Persona 3 was about Gen X or at most the Xennial gen (Although we Xens ain't really about that nihilist bullshit. My gen grew up on "Do your best!" "Never give up!" Karate Kid & Rocky movies AYY LMAO!)
Again, that's boomer optimism. Boomers think they won WW2 (even though they didn't fight in it) and Vietnam (which they also didn't win, LOL) so they have a kind of "eternal confidence", which is actually their best quality (despite it being founded entirely on lies).
My gen must have the smallest numbers, since it was so easy to cancel us from the culture when we're basically an extension of the 80s. We either have to bleed in with the late Gen X Atari crowd, or the core Millennial SNES/Gaystation faggots.
People of my generation grew up with this as our pop music, and it really doesn't sound or look like any thing from any other period of the USA.

It looks more something that was defined by 1980s Japan rather than the USA.
Japan is all about that glam fashion sense, but paired with rhthym based funky melodies.
Which is really ironic, considering zoomers are all obsessed with shit like vaporwave and faux '80s things. Yet they seem to hate anyone who actually is from the '80s or embodies '80s style.
The most prominent people of my gen, are the ugly ass nerds who most likely got beat up a lot as a kid like Mark Zuckernerd. About the only people who make me even the slightest bit proud of my era are Nicki Minaj & Mika Nakashima lol. Both are somewhat lowlives. Mika a Yakooza bitch or at least she started out that way, so I always considered her as part of that outsider 'family' within Jap society.
To be fair, it is top down control. I think there would be more interesting people if everyone didn't know it'd get you excommunicated from society (and your bank account).
Close enough. I do usually have pics of random bitches on the wall, plus some posters of Golden Axe & historical asian figures like Guan Yu.
I'd never frame a pic of a bitch slut hoe though. I have framed pics of tigers, coz tiger represents power & fear within Asian cultures.
That's awesome, reminds me the other day I was thinking back to when everybody used to have those dragon statues they sold at the mall:


It's different than what you're talking about (because stuff like Golden Axe, Guan Yu, tigers, are more traditional symbols of masculinity) but I was thinking how the European style dragon statues were really meant to be an Americanized version of the dragon as a Chinese symbol for power, considering that trend paralleled when American kids all used to be into martial arts and sword collecting (also things that could typically be got at the mall).
LOL I remember the Saints 2 monstrosities quite well.
I made Fat Albert.
I loved when people did that, I had a friend that played as Santa Claus and he'd talk in character to real gangsters then team kill them for being "naughty", they'd get so fucking pissed. It was awesome.
LOL Fat Albert predates me but even their (Gen X) cartoons were way more violent than modern day cartoons.
That's funny as fuck, I've never seen that episode. I've actually watched some of Fat Albert because I used to constantly watch shit from the '70s when I was younger because I thought it was a really interesting decade, I'm surprised I never ran into that.
I really can't go through the whole game like that though. I'd either have to play as someone I wish I could be like. (Or in this case, myself but at least 6'4 which is how tall The Boss seems to be in SR2-4) Or someone I'd want to fuck since I'm going to be starting at that ass for most of the game
Totally agree, if the customization in SAINTS ROW is total shit that actually would stop me from buying it. I was able to make my guy in SR4 look really evil, which made me care a little less about how retarded it was. If I can make some schizo serial killer and watch them working with a bunch of DNC intern's that'll be a riot. We'll see, before the backlash they were talking about showing the character customization trailer soon. I think they must've pulled back on it to make it less gay, because I dunno why else they would've other than to do damage control.
The RE internet fanbase sucks. THey're so different from real life RE fans, who are mostly just dudebros & babes who don't play RE but have seen the Anderson movies.
The RE internet fags always complain about the martial prowess of RE characters, coz they think RE is about everymen when even in the original RE game they were ParaMilitary SpecOps. On top of that, what's so fucking weird about knowing how to fight?
Internet nerds act as if real life fighters aren't sexy in real life, lol.
I think that's in relation to the "nerd" concept of "realism" as well as what you said about them forgetting that most RE characters have some form of combat training. Even in Outbreak, you had characters like David who was clearly an ex-gangster, Kevin who was RPD, Mark who was a security guard (I really liked the detail with those 3 characters each holding guns differently, David shoots one handed, Kevin does a combat stance, and Mark does a wide leg stance for target shooting)
Paige Van Zant is a boxer, and she's pretty bangable.
I think she looks like a methhead (LOL), I almost ran over some bitch on a skateboard the other night when I was pulling out of a Taco Bell drive thru that looked really similar to her- same kind of face (and makeup).
She got booty mang, and I know for damn sho that she'd beat the fuck out of all of these redditors lol.
Yeah, her body isn't too bad though, 'cause she's basically an athlete.
It's weird how modern American culture ignores this shit. They act as if it were impossible to be both attractive & a fighter at the same time.
Especially if you're a Xennial (late 70s - early 80s) like I am, where damn near my entire gen are extremely into martial arts/wrestling/boxing coz that's what our media mainly consisted of when we were kids. It was fighting games, Mike Tyson back when he was still a champ with Mike Tyson's Punch Out. The return of Goerge Foreman. Underground MMA Fights. Pride Fighting, that was all my generation. It's funny, we're healthy as fuck but we get ignored in favor of core millenials who are a bunch of fucking lardasses!
The guy who made Lisa: The Painful does or did martial arts:


Probably why he looks so normal. He's only a year older than me but I would've thought he might've been older 'cause martial arts, Mad Max shit, that's all pretty Gen X. I thought LISA was pretty cool, I even sent him some fanart I did way back when it was new:


I intended to do more, but initially I was just trying to work out how to interpret the characters off their pixel art (I'd redesign this again if I was doing it now, and make everything out of junk and bones spraypainted red so it's more like Mad Max, but that wasn't what I was going for at the time) I started with Rando and made this kind of clamp package mock-up, but then I got too lazy to go any further. I based his championship belt off this one:


http://www.davemillicanbelts.com/MD_US.htm (LOL) so awesome.
Hassan is a full blown bimbo. He has zero arguments. All he does is shame you, exactly like how a woman would, lol.
:lol: That's a very accurate way to describe him.
Isn't that just like real life thought? Women suddenly get bitchy, all of a sudden for no fucking reason, all the fucking time. PMS.
It is, I don't actually think we're disagreeing. When I was originally talking about the cast, I forgot that Pierce and Shaundi start in SR2, because they both look and act different in 3 so I was confused why people were so attached to the cast from SR3-4 because I thought of it as being more different than it was since technically the cast is more consistent from SR2-4. I was misremembering it as being like SR1, SR2, SR3-4, when it's really like SR1 then SR2-4, 1 is more of the outlier because almost everyone from that cast dies or disappears by 2.
By White girls, I assume you mean Nordic Scandinavian stock. Hard to tell though, coz I'm into Emos too lol. It's basically what E-girls are.
I like Celtics (Scottish and Irish in particular), I specifically gravitate towards redheads, so much so that I even pick them out when they have dyed hair. Like this:

Thing is, it's not the red hair I'm attracted to (though I like rare genetics), it's the skull shape. Certain Celtic women look like anime girls IRL, their eyes are really far apart and they have diamond faces. True anime physiognomy is Celtic.
What would you consider Kelsi Monroe? She's Latina, but she looks White to me. She looks as white as WWE's Mandy.
With an ass like that:
I'm looking to be her full time furniture.
What would you consider Kelsi Monroe? She's Latina, but she looks White to me. She looks as white as WWE's Mandy.
She basically does look "white", yeah.
Every Latina I've been with looks as White as her, and they've each told me that they are actually of English/British descent, some were German, others are French (Well actually that's a common mix, along with Italian.) mixed with Spanish but you know, that Latin culture comes first and overrides your ethnicity.
That's pretty much what it comes down to. A lot of "hispanics" are basically just "white", but their culture locks them in (not complaining, just how it is) but the ones that "act white" are usually the ones that like me, I think that's probably what's happening to you too (even though you don't act or dress white, they're still viewing you as some kind of white American).
Part of the reason is, I can't even tell the difference sometimes anyway lol!
A lot of times when I see a White chick who looks a certain way (hime cut, slightly slanted eyes, whitish to yellow skin), I just assume they're Japanese. Which is nonsensical I guess, but hey White bitches do the same to me. They always think I'm Italian or Cuban, & never guess Asian lol.
I don't even favor a race. I'm just attracted to a particular look, which mostly only Asian & White girls can look similar to.
This is very similar to what I was talking about with Celtics. It isn't exactly a specific race I'm attracted to but a specific look, I just managed to narrow it down enough to be able to point in a racial direction.
If I do fetishize anyone, it's Orange Skinned Red heads like the girl from Heavy Metal.
Seriously I've never seen one in real life ever. Most redheads are pale. Red Heads are already near extinct, Orange Skinned Red heads is like a fucking unicorn. I've only seen it in fantasy kek!
Good point, I've never seen one IRL either. That type of woman is basically supposed to be a Venice Beach Aryan:


But they made them red heads (better) instead of blondes.
That's no shocker, when you consider that she comes from a race of 4 foot tall badasses.

Non Whites are generally socially & culturally Conservative, they just vote Democrat coz they inherently know that it weakens the White man. My fam votes Republican though, coz for us, we know that Democrats are directly taking money from us in the form of taxes.
Other Non-Whites don't have this problem, coz they're just taking money from people who aren't their race, for the most part.
Church. As much as I'll blame ZOG, faggots, etc- at the end of the day it is the white man's failure to take care of himself (as in the white race, white women, white children) that has resulted in white bitches acting this way. When I talk to a white bitch and she's shit talking me or something, well she'd shit talk her dad too, why would I be any different? If a Mexican bitch tries to pull that on her dad, she's getting the full pimp hand until she learns to keep her shit together.
I usually try to larp as Latin, but they can usually tell that I'm not one of them. I prob over do it like Razor Ramon lol.
So cool, I mean over doing it's the American Way.
This is a good point that I never thought of. The "Self-Hating Rural & Suburban Retard" who tries to conceal their past history of being the wrong type of Huwite AYY LMAO!
A lot of what I'm saying is recited from BAP's podcast Caribbean Rhythms- he's talked a few times about the phenomenon of the "democrat hick" I think episode 78 focuses on it. I think you'd like his show because he's very focused on '80s style masculine power and the relationship between society and the human figure (very similar to the stuff you talked about earlier which needs to be it's own thread).
As you can tell, I don't really relate with Californians at all. I did when I was a kid. Who knows why coz I never got along with Californians. (Although they're still better than Washington State mutants.) Back in the 90s, even Nevada/Vegas people would look down on you if you came from California coz they feared that Californians would turn Vegas into California, which is exactly what fucking happened by Obama's 2nd term AYY LMAO!
Yes, while I despise the democrat hicks- actual Californians are faggots too. I would actually like Hollywood people the most, if Hollywood was still like it was in the '90s. They made the best use of what California is while still maintaining a decent grasp on reality (despite working in the propaganda industry).
The USA is a funny place. They live within this Fantasy, that the world is Liberal & Democratic, when the vast majority of the world is Conservative. Especially Africa, Asia & the Middle East.
They don't want any of that divershitty bullshit but Whiteys keep forcing it upon them, as if they're un self-aware that they're trying to colonize non-Whites with Woke culture.
Land of dreams:
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Post by Jack »

My internet has been shit lately so I haven't bothered logging in.
Whenever it's working, I just use that time to shoot motherfuckers in the head in Rogue Company.
Rake wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:47 am
I say "old world vs new world" because I think America of the '00s and backwards was comparatively to now, more similar to any other country than the "new America" is to anything. Everyone who gets what's going on now makes jokes about troon drone pilots, panic rooms at the NSA to shoot up HRT, but this is Hell. We're living in a fever dream that only a small percentage of the population seems to notice, even when they're very close proximity to it. So I don't even think of this as another America, I think of it as another world.
You live in Commiefornia so of course you think the entirety of America looks like that. In the South, they don't even have lock downs anymore and have completely moved on from Covid hysteria, but even they'll claim that it's as though they've entered a completely different country whenever they leave coz the rest of the USA is completely locked down.
Today is my last day of being free in WA. Starting tomorrow, I won't be able to enter any store without a vaccine pass. FUCK THAT! I'm not even anti vaccine. Which is a dumb ass accusation. I just don't want that vaccine coz its highly experimental and it's killed way more people in my age group far more than muh corona ever did.

I think retards just take the vax to virtue-single to the world what political party they represent. (When both parties are the same, they're just propaganda arms for foreign investors & multi national corporations.)

When it was 'Trump's' vaccine, over half of Americans didn't want it.
When it suddenly became 'Biden's' vaccine, 90% of Americans took it lol.
I really have zero in common with modern Americans. They're fucking cattle who deserve death based off of their own retarded choices. That's the difference, I'm saying that their choices have lead to their bad health.
Whereas they straight up tell me to die from Corona, and that I'll wish I had been vaxed. The motherfuckers telling me this shit (peeps I'm related to), weren't even sick last year. They didn't get corona until a week or so after they vaxed themselves lol.

I still haven't caught it yet.
I'm not a fucking retard, I know what corona means. (The medical term, not the actual word which refers to heat or fire, like a fever.) Corona viruses were really just a scientific term for the COMMON COLD. This is factual, I've taken medical & biology classes before 2014 (which was when the Science became fucking retarded & got co-opted by trannies.) and back then, Corona viruses weren't anything note-worthy and viewed as ordinary.

Americans & every British Commonwealth country are so fucking retarded though, that they fear the common cold that they'll lock you up in your house and in Australlia's case, concentration camps.
Aussies are chasing a wanted fugitive right now, who committed the crime of going outside without being fully vaxxed, lol. He refused to get his booster shot! LOL!
you could change your walk animation to some cool struts too, but they dropped the stylized aiming and some of the other ones like the gangsta squat you'd do from SR1. That kind of thing was something I always really liked about fighting games that is almost never carried over into anything else. killer7 is one of the only things I can think of where they made each character hold their guns in weird different ways so the negative space/image of the first person view was more varied for each character, which I liked a lot. I would've liked to have seen stuff like that become more of a trend, but I think stylized poses went the way of the dinosaur because everyone seems to think anything like that is "tryhard" and "edgy" now (which are basically just retarded zoomer codewords for actually putting any fucking effort into anything).
Even fighting games are losing their identity since the entire community (which was originally run by Street gangstas, lol.) has been completely taken over by trannies who now police the crap out of the gangsta behavior, & language.

I don't understand this so-called 'edgy' bullshit. On internet I come across a lot of folk who claim that Metroid Dread Samus is edgy, there's even LOLtaku articles about it.
https://kotaku.com/dear-metroid-dread-s ... 1847875658
When in reality, Nintendo is actually doing a good job of displaying the story through body language. They're showing that Samus isn't just a bimbo with armor on. She's a military-trained professional killer who only commits to precise movements to get the job done. She's such a pro that she knows exactly how much effort she should pursue in order to get out of danger and to put down an opponent.

Gamer nerds though, they call this edgy or stereotypical. I'm like what??! Do you assholes do nothing but sit on your ass all day? There's nothing stereotypical about being an effective fighter. It just means that you actually want to survive.
Fuck game journalists, they don't know anything about the real world yet they feel the need to constantly criticize it.

Zoomers are such a pussy generation that they let the women lead them lol. I'm of the belief that women only reflect the quality of their men, and Zoom Zoom men are such shit that they force women to lead when quite frankly, women don't know what they're doing most of the time, & secretly want a real man to step up and lead the charge. They won't say that though, coz in the West, it's a sin to claim that men are good for anything.

I find it amusing how you & I are like one of the only people who actually liked Killer7 for what it did for shooters. I also like the political thriller aspects of K7 but outside of this forum K7 is just that lolsorandumb game that everyone claims is deep but when you grill them about that, they just think that Killer7 is talking about good vs evil or some shit, lol.

It's funny coz the official Japanese website makes it directly clear that K7 is a story about geopolitics, which it actually is. Even more funny, it felt to have been a resolved issue under Trump but Biden resetted Asian geopolitics back to Obama's 2nd term, and I'm supposed to be happy that Biden is building back better?
For whom? Certainly not me or my people, and from what I'm seeing, not the average American either.
Although I don't fucking care what happens to them, they still blame Trump for everything not realizing that Trump brought jobs back to the USA by threatening USA companies to set up shop in the USA, or pay a huge tax for sending their jobs to India or China or something.

The Avg Ameriturd thought that was rayciiiiiiissss. Well you idiots get what you deserve, so now there's job openings everywhere for the only jobs that are available which are 3rd rate customer service jobs that nobody fucking wants coz the money is so devalued now that 15 dollars an hour don't mean shit. It's actually why I still game, Gaming is relatively cheap when compared to any other hobby. It wasn't always like that, but gaming prices never seem to change whereas everything else around them does.
'Our Lady Guadalupe.' Mexicans have a very unique Christcuck practice. Not that I would label their version of Christianity as Cucked.
Is Santa Muerte related to the Lady of Guadalupe?
No, they're both women though. I just brought it up coz of how different it is from Amerisharts.
I hear from Mexicans, that the common American tells them all the time that they're not real Christians lol.
It's my main problem with Cucktanity. Americans practice a completely cucked slave morality version of Christianity, and they get extremely militant about it as if I'd care to follow in their foot steps when all I see are generic flannel nerds, cosplaying as Ned Flanders. Even the Black (non-baptist) Christcucks dress up like Ned Flanders.

I do agree that God does exist, but when these Chriscuck motherfuckers speak of that entity, they talk about him like he's some person that they have a close relationship with or something. When in reality God is basically what we call 'Luck'.
That's how God makes himself known to you, by defying the improbable odds which lay down the conditions necessary for you to achieve a seemingly impossible task.
So impossible that the only way you could get through it is through pure dumb luck.

I believe that there is an actual observer, who will intervene on your favor if the odds seem unfairly against you and were not of your own doing. The last part is essential, you're responsible for all of your actions and will be punished for it through cause & consequence, but sometimes the world around you defies karmic-law & tries so hard to play the part of Gods so much that sometimes the Cosmic has to intervene on your behalf just to correct the wrongs of wannabe-Gods who are just mere people.
I would agree they're not cucked, considering how psychopathic a lot of them are. The Aztec stuff is more of a fetishism than a carry over I think though. They want it to be a carry over in the same way nordicist dorks want to be viking warriors or blacks want to be Egyptian kings. Though I will say out of anyone who fetishizes their own past, the devil worshiping cartel guys are closer in reality to their Aztec roots than any other race trying to do similar.
Most Egyptian kings weren't even Black, lol. They were a Greekish phenotype at best. Mexicanos practice of Christcuckery reminds me more of tribal traditions that Native Americans practice, rather than the extremely manicured Christianity.
Is she Italian? I would've thought she was like Mexican or something, though in my opinion those types of women are very similar- loud, over emotional (more than regular women), fuck constantly.
Of course she's Italian. She looks Italian. Look at her thin pointy nose mang. That ain't no Mexican nose. Looks like a Kike nose lol. Or some kind of nose of Roman origin. She doesn't look Mexican to me. Her orange skin is actually fake, like most Italians. She's white as fuck but way sexier as an Orange Bitch. Even Lisa Ann is Italian. I always thought she was English for some reason, even though she looks Italian. Granted, I've seen Mexican girls who look way phenotypically whiter than Ricki does, but she really doesn't look that different from how Italian Americans usually look, which is hot lol.
Even Japanese Italian girls I knew, usually come out looking like Gwen Stefani, who's also Italian. I don't have an Italian fetish, it's just that damn near every bitch I'm into, happens to be Italian. Even the few English slags I've been with, were half Italian and had Black hair & a face like an Italian. (obviously, since English bitches are Fugly.) Pretty fucking funny how the internet labels me as a 'White supremacist who fetishizes Japanese girls'. Not sure how that happens when even the Jap girls I'm attracted to, look kinda Italian or Greek ayy lmao! I don't even know where the Nazi claims come from, but that's internet just being retarded. I'm fucking black-haired for fuck sake. That generally indicates a Negro or Mongolian influence. I'm of the Mongolian heritage tree and I've been nothing but proud of my Asian heritage. That somehow makes you Huwite though according to Internet retards (who actually are White.), okay.

I don't agree that all porn bitches are loud, & over emotional. I think that damn near every woman is a porn bitch (look at the average social media profile, it's 'safe for work' quasi-porn), which is why they need a man to lead them. Without authority, women default to their base essentials, which is sex. This is why when even Lefty Hags protest, they always strip naked as if that were a coherent political argument, AYY LMAO!
Seriously, damn near every woman you meet in real life & online, actually has pictures of her ASSHOLE plastered all over the internet. You just need to figure out their screen name, although some are so fucking retarded that all you need to do is google their real name plus 'Asshole' and you'll get pictures of her asshole. Many such cases!
I mean I've said before but a lot of your taste in stuff does come off as South American, and the colors you pick for clothing n' shit. Black, red, brown, leather.. those things make me think of places like Mexico or Italy where there's more of a gangster heritage and more of an artisan/craftsman culture (which America used to have, but it's constantly being exported out of the country).
I just think I come off as Japanese, but you reflect it as Italian because it's what you know. (I can't blame it, coz American Japs are just faggots like George Takei. Who's functionally, a very ugly White boy stuck inside of a pathetic Japanese little mans' body.)
Which hilariously enough, I even said in the prior post that most people think of me as Italian or Cuban or whatever. I don't really think I come off as South American at all though. I only see commonality in the way their Cartel gangstas dress, but that's actually how ordinary Japanese people dress.
I am Spanish as in from Spain, and judging from the way Mercury Steam looks, I do look similar to them, phenotypically but not stylistically which looks more Japanese than anything.
I actually get really shocked at how non-White modern Spaniards look.
Most Spics from Spain that I've met are usually Blonde Hair & Blue eyed, but with a Spanish looking face.

I have a funny ass relationshit with Spaniard Spics, coz when I was younger, I'd sometimes get random ass Blondish hair, colored eyed White men & women tagging along with me. I'll be nice and hang around but inside my head I'm like dude leave me the fuck alone. It's not until they start speaking Spanish that I finally realize they're Spanish, and they just viewed me as one of their countrymen, but left me alone once they realized that I don't speak Spic, I'm not a recent immigrant from Spain (like they are.) and I'm just half Spanish at best. Although I look full blown Spanish, especially when I'm bearded. The weird part is that I also look full blown Japanese at the same time. In fact, some Japs can walk around in Spain and will be mistaken for Spanish. Then you get to my weird mind-fuck self where I actually do have Spanish genes but randomly have a Japanese family name lol.

Most of my siblings have light colored eyes and they look kinda gay due to it. I'm like the only one with dark Jewish Pitch-Black eyes. I always thought it made me look badass though.
You'd go to jail 'cause the woman would change her mind after she asked you to beat the fuck out of her (LOL).
LOL, donkeypunch is when you punch a bitch without her consent at the height of her orgasm lol.
Sasha's just a psycho, I've actually known a bunch of women that do shit like that (not necessarily as extreme as her considering she's a porn star, but within what they did do in their personal lives) and the recurring detail is just "crazy". I only talk to insane women, because to me if a bitch can't admit she's a psycho then I really need to be worried. There's nothing scarier than a woman that thinks she isn't crazy, those are the ones that'll kill you or get you locked up.
I generally prefer crazy bitches over pretty bitches coz pretty bitches are uptight, and socially-retarded, because they never had to learn social skills due to how everyone kisses up to them. (Except me, I'm like the only person who treats everyone the same, like shit. Or at least I used to, now in days you get in trouble if you don't sufficiently kiss up to all trannies & women. Which is why I really want to move out of the west.)
Pretty girl sex also really fucking sucks, coz as I said, they're socially retarded. The only thing they know how to do is lay there like a fish.
This is something guys that fantasize about "tradwives" don't get, if you can actually find a bitch that's spent her whole life churning butter out in a field, the problem is the second you let her out into society with meth and porn she's just gonna turn into the same stupid bitch you were desperately trying to escape.
She won't turn, she already is. All woman are like that. It's why they need real men to lead them.
Women in general are just microcosms of society (because most women don't really have independent thought, they inherently care too deeply about being socially ostracized because their only way to navigate life is through socialization and sex) with
There's nothing wrong with that. Women were & generally are just commodities anyway. The problem is when men start acting like women, which is what the modern USA looks like. The modern American man does nothing but appeal to consensus, created by females. I get talked down to all the time by American fucktards who brag to me about how they have a College degree, which means they're smarter than me yet they can't argue anywhere near as well as I do since I base my entire comprehension of reality, based off of the 5 human senses.
The average modern American thinks more like a girl, and reflects their reality based off of social consensus. Which really only reflect a bubble of reality, rather than actuality.

I also like how it's implied that I'm lower-classed when my pops is masters, near professor or whatever in aviation technology and works as a fed, but is also retired military lol.
I'm in the same exact class bracket as these Upper midclass American midwits, but they constantly talk down to me as though I were a Southern Hick, and they'll even call me Cletus, when they're the ones who are White. Wtf mang!
the rare exception of a powerful woman (ie a woman with a personality who is also hot, ugly women have personalities but only because they've lived through the same crushing experience every man who isn't extremely attractive lives through that forces men to actually have to think).
Attractive men also go through the same shit as most men we just deal with much less shit-tests. Women give all men shit-tests. The only difference is that it's much easier to fuck girls coz most girls don't give a fuck what an attractive man says.
You can straight up claim to be a murderer, and they'll still fuck the shit out of you coz they're too busy being serenaded by your sexy voice lol. It's why I really hate this mask mandate bullshit. It takes away my main advantage, I'm far more handsome than most dudes and women will constantly remind me of how hot I look, back when you could actually see my fucking face.

I mean sure, bitches still wonder if I'm hot underneath the mask since I still have the same exact charismatic personality. You could never be too sure though, there's plenty of charismatic ugly assholes like the Sorpranos lol.
Not that there's anything wrong with Tony. He represents the everyman, and the heights that an everyman can achieve when they have the smarts & the effort to make it work.
To make fun of it with my friends. I'm of the opinion that co-op can salvage basically any game (not that it makes it good, but that it makes it entertaining), because it turns frustration with bad design, terrible writing, gay characters, anything really, into comedy. Playing dogshit games and mocking them has replaced the MST3K trend of mocking bad movies with your friends for Gen Y because games are the primary lowbrow medium now compared to Gen X who sought out lowbrow movies (this was also due to lack of internet, being able to go outside freely, etc). I mean, while I would enjoy playing games that are actually good, I like the social aspect to gaming which unfortunately in most cases now comes with free POZ. Obviously I would have preferred an actual return to SR2, which is contender for best co-op game ever made but since what they're putting out is like a Z-list piece of shit I'll just have fun laughing at it.
I'd much rather play a multiplayer game that's actually good. Far Cry is multiplayer. Does Saints Reboot even have multiplayer? It's true that multiplayer makes nearly every game good. Even that dogshit Raccoon City was fun as hell with friends.
That game is so fucking terrible, it's actually a reskin of the same module that Saints Row 3 used, lol.

I disagree in part, but I understand what you're getting at. Resident Evil has had multiple identity crisis' over the years, creating huge divisions between what people expect those games to be. The '90s RE games are more similar to the Anderson movies than people admit, but they're different too. In my opinion RE does have a distinct structure, which I will describe as the 4 Pillars of BIOHAZARD:
1. T&A - This is everything from the women to the men, as all the S.T.A.R.S. cast are supposed to be hot, because it's supposed to be like a (old, now) Hollywood production where everyone is hot and looks cool.

2. Gun porn - This isn't just the fixation on guns and gun parts, but the overall survivalist fetishism for things like counting rounds, reloading shells, item management. It's all doomsday prepper shit, which is fundamentally gun porn.
Modern Re fags try to pretend that these weren't main components of the RE experience, and act as though it came from Paul Anderson.
3. Esotericism & Conspiracies - Fascination with occult rituals and practices, forcing the player to research and conduct esoteric rituals (moving strange objects around, deciphering abstract logic, etc) which connects immediately to things like masonic/mafia/etc connection to elite level companies such as the pharmaceutics industry and military planning.
That's still intact in RE5 & RE6. The entire RE series is just globalized corporations & secret societies fighting over the manufacturing & distribution of man-made viruses.
So I wouldn't exactly call what those people are saying "revisionist" as much as it's biased, they're going off of the '00s era of RE and saying that is the set standard,
Which is weird, considering that most of those games were only released on the Gaycube. On the PS2, all we got were RE shooters, Code Veronica (Which is hot garbage.) and the Outbreak games. I liked the Outbreak games, but I never viewed them as horror. I just thought it was a funny ass online multiplayer game where it was as fuck to spam the adlib button since everyone is constantly hurling Fuck & Shitbomb expletives which made the games even more hillarious when you'd intentionally trap you teammates, and they started spamming the adlib button.

I much prefer RE as serious horror, and I like the '00s efforts the most, but as a fan going back to the '90s, I consider the '90s style to be the "true" style and the '00s style to be a deviation. Then the current remake era, which basically a reboot of a reboot, is an effort to try to reboot the '00s era style, except they mostly seem to be fucking everything up.
For the record, I don't mind really extreme differences in sequels, because Mikami only directed 3 RE games anyway, he basically just built a framework which then other people adapted and changed as trends n' taste shifted around.
People constantly orgasm over RE2 which was a Kamiya game. I've always used that as the basis for my argument that RE games were always meant to be shooters. There's a lot of proof of that when you look at what shooters looked like during the PSX era. They all used the same Resident Evil quasi-adventure game model coz they were limited by the PSX's tech.
But I think RE did have a fairly consistent baseline up until 5, where the general underpinning was conspiracy fiction with a mystery atmosphere, and the other variables were subject to trends.
5 & 6 were still conspiracy fiction. The problem is that they turned into linear shooters when even RE4 still had an adventure focus.

What I hate most is when these assholes claim that RE1 the game only came off as silly & tongue in cheek coz it was what was considered as scary during the era it was made in.
I'm like what the fuck? Are you implying that modern horror is somehow better?
That kind of shit I would consider revisionist. People always do this fucking thing now where they can't imagine that people actually thought differently in the past, they can only see the past through the lens of everyone being a bunch of winking ironic faggots. Modern "horror" is fucking terrible, I hate all the A24 style 2010's shit and I don't like them taking influence from it. But it's inevitable, Japanese games have always looked to Hollywood for reference material, so as Hollywood disintegrates so does it damage everything that is influenced by it.
1970s-1990s were the best era of horror films with 80s being the best.
70s had the most gritty & scariest horror, but 80s was the most creative. 90s was when it turned into nothing but Scream garbage. (I like Scream, but it's coz it's a good movie, not a good horror.)
I agree, though I like '70s the most because like you said it's the grittiest. '90s I think deserves some credit, it carried on a lot of the same creativity of the '80s but the popular stuff was all bootleg Scream movies. Also I agree wrt to Scream, but I do think the opening scene is scary, it's just that we've been inundated by parodies of it stripping it of that context. If you imagine that happening to you, it's very fucked up.
Would it really be scary? I mean sure if you're a girl. I mean come on, you're like 3 times the size of the Scream midgets and they're only armed with a fucking kitchen knife lol.
In Scream 2, the killer was the mom lol. Although that's actually a parody of friday the 13th.
I know for my case, I'd prolly be the horror monster to the Scream-killers like earlier in the year when some White dude tried to break into my house coz he was staking out our house & most likely viewed my mom as an easy target.
Only for the potential robber/killer to be greeted with my scary crazy ass self and he ran off. I just came out there with a fucking lead pipe and cussed him out. I was already decked out in a beanie & combat fatigues coz that what I usually wear as house clothes.

Curious what's your fave 70s horror? I mean aside for the obvious, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Alien 1.
Wes Craven was at his best during the 70s. In 70s horror movies, you'd see girls get full blown raped which is unthinkable in modern day horror where you're only allowed to portray random White people as the horror lol.
Shit in the 80s, I'd be seeing Italian horror where bitches get raped by demons.

The problem is the Gen X mindset is so committed to the idea that an expansion of personal freedoms will alleviate all social ills,
That and MUH Free Market Capitalism!
when in reality what happens is what libtards think happens with the 2A, that letting people have whatever they want will ultimately be utilized by malicious psychos, except that primarily happens in non-violent ways because of the inherent femininity of society. So it's troons getting you locked up or made unemployable through narcing and snitching rather than getting your head blown off by some schizophrenic Q-Anoner.
The problem with LOLbergtarians is that their utopian society always degenerates into a dysgenic society where every single sexual deviancy has been normalized to the point that the society itself can no longer function because it has been completely atomized into individuals who all function as their own countries where you have to abide by their weird bullshit such as Muh Pronouns.

It's quite different from how I propose that human nudity is normal and shouldn't be regarded as a sin.
I view it as a recognition of reality, which lowers the supposed taboo of the naked human body to the point that nobody gives a shit any more.
Similar to how fags are viewed as normal in the West, and even radical Right wingers like that faggot Trump Jr., will tell you that you're crazy for hating on faggots.

The difference with my perspective, is that you can't politicize what is already viewed as normal which is why naked women aren't politicized in Japan. Japs accept that women are mostly prized for their looks and nothing but their looks. Now sure, in the USA they just move on to the next taboo to politicize which started off as feminism, then inter-racial dating, moved on to faggots, now we're at trannies and the goalpost will just keep moving leftward coz the USA has zero Conservatives, who conserve fucking nothing.

Meanwhile, Japan's Imperial factions were able to rebrand themselves as the Liberal Democrat party and are still mostly in control of the culture. Although they're facing a shit ton of foreign outside disturbance, from the fucking gayass Americans of all people.

Libs are the most vulgar people on the planet, especially when they don't curse. The "heckin' pupperino doggo who hurt you sweety?" style of speech makes me want to push my fingers through their eye sockets, which I suppose is the desired effect, that they fag out so hard they incite you to commit a hate crime.
I find it funny how in the USA, they portray Conservatives as vile & vulgar when what they're actually describing are lapsed Liberals who begrudgingly had to move 'right' to the point that they completely took over the American right wing. So now what we have in the USA are to Leftwing faggot factions fighting over who loves Trannies the most, AYY LMAO!
That's the most revolting aspect of those types, they want a complete authoritarian state but they want someone else to do the work. No guns or personal freedom for us, but if we dare to speak ill of Baphomet then juicer cops are deployed to our location, until there's no juicers left in which case it will just come down to drone strikes.
The worst part is they don't even believe in Baphomet. They call him Science. Those up top worship Baphy sure, they even have their own tranny wives who are actually just wrinkled old dudes in panties.
The twist is that they've brainwashed their followers into believing that this is all science and that science only works if you believe in it, lol.

When people tell me there is no purpose of an authoritarian state, I really don't know what they mean. But the problem is, libs don't believe they're using authoritarianism to achieve the current state of the world they genuinely think this is natural. They can only imagine authoritarianism existing in a "right wing" framework. So to suggest even disagreeing with the current system is an act of "authoritarianism" to them, and it is to libertarians and even most republicans too. Ultimately, most Americans would prefer that the hell we currently live in simply be adjusted slightly to make them more comfortable than anything actually be changed. That's the greatest weakness of Americans, past down from boomer culture, is a complete dependancy on personal comforts.
Yeah every single American political faction (aside for possibly the Evangelists) labels you as insane when you explain to them that all governments are Authoritarian.
Anarchists will agree with you, but their goals are completely different from mine (& I view them as useful idiots anyway.)
A culture needs to enforce social norms to avoid the degradation of culture.

What really annoys me with American Right wingers & Libertarians, is how they'll constantly claim that Right wing or Conservatives have zero culture.
They claim this, coz to the American mind, culture is merely what media you consume, rather than your people, & their traditions.
In Japan, the Monarchy are the Blood of the soil, the culture comes from the top down, and not just a title like it is in Eurofag Monarchies.

Americans seem to believe that only this can be culture.

I agree with that badass song, but I just find it funny how Ameriturds don't know what culture actually is.
When culture is so much more than consumerism. Consumerism isn't culture at all. Although it prob is for Americans coz they have zero culture now.

Bullying is a weird thing, because generally speaking I think it mostly just causes people to break and then become more retarded than they already were. But throughout my life the most disgusting people I've ever met always had it the easiest, I've rarely seen a case where abusing a child (which is further off from bullying, but as an example) actually caused them to be worse than spoiling them.
Japan is a culture of bullying. The weak eventually kill themselves off. The strong survive and become something productive. Even the teachers will bully the fuck out of you and smack you across the face with a rule or throw erasers at you. It's prob why Japs have such a cold-hearted, but rational view of reality.
They have that retarded idealism, beat out of them since they were kids.

You can easily see it when I interact with White people. White people piss me off coz they turn everything into a social-political issue when it's really not.
Why do White people politicize Barbie? My mom called my last girlfriend Barbie, as a compliment coz Barbie is known as pretty.

This is a dumb argument I saw from Mikaila Peterson's (hey mang she's hot lol.) comment section where I saw a bunch of White people decrying Barbie, lol.

Macro Anarchy
7 months ago

Being called “too Barbie” by another women must feel as bad as being called “too Batman” by another man.
I'll hotlink to their youtube channel to show how corny & White these motherfuckers are.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzOGX ... ZFG_V6QqaA
7 months ago

Would it be tho? I don't think so. Let's play words associations- for most guys Batman is seen as- cool, badass, strong, masculine, hero etc- all positive associations. For a lot of girls and women Barbie is seen as- plasticky, outdated, poster-girl for body dysmorphism and body-image issues, oversexualised, promoting unhealthy expectations, 'where are her organs, what's wrong with her', maybe an occasional feminine and good looking. Even taking some of the first part out you are gonna see that Barbie's are gonna be majorly negative and most focusing on looks, with Batman positive and less focused on appearance.

And don't get me wrong- some people/women like to be seen as 'trophies' and for people to be focused solely on their looks- but for most, reducing them to just that is hurtful, annoying plus I would assume Mikhaila isn't one of these people either.
Show less
7 months ago

 @Macro Anarchy  Well, many people including me wouldn't have a problem with a Barbie model if it wasn't showing something literally impossible to achieve (physically). You can find decent amount of materials that prove that when it comes to proportions and the internal organs size, a girl/woman with a Barbie body would not be able to survive. Knowing that many little girls will base their view of 'desirable body' on something unachievable, isn't necessarily the most empowering thing, if anything it is exactly that- destructive, at least in my opinion.
What the fuck does that even mean? I'm Japanese, so women from my race are far skinnier than Barbie but he's saying that Barbie dolls aren't realistic at all lol.
Most people aren't obese landwhales like modern White wimmin are.

Then some fat White bitch jumps in, to cry & cry and make you feel sorry for that fat.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKzOGX ... ZFG_V6QqaA
6 months ago

 @Stefan Zweig  Absolutely.There's a variety of messages you are sending (subconsciously) when you are overweight. A typical one is that "I feel trapped in a really unhappy relationship, and I don't have the power/courage to get out of it. When I'm fat, no other man will want me, so I have no other choice but stay. However, if I look pretty, I will have some options open up. I don't feel mentally strong to face these options." This is just an example for the most common message you want to send when you are overweight.
These are the responses that I wrote to both of them.
 @staszewa  Are you saying that Batman is an attainable ideal? LOL how many of us are born billionaires, master of 7 martial arts, muscular like a brick house & fluent in over 13 languages? You white people find problems out of nothing. In the 3rd world, they have to sell their barbies just to eat. Yet here you are, saying a bunch of feminist nonsense that no sane person believes outside of the West.

 @gajdacs1  What is up with you White people? Your chubby self and that staszewa Barbie dude. You guys over think everything like a bunch of midwits. I'm Japanese so all I see is a damn toy. While you White people are over analyzing social political ramifications of a toy, like a bunch of Mental-Ward patients.
LOL they're the modern day American Right? That's the Right that the Left is so scared of? The Right come off like Liberal pussies.
I am a Liberal & a Democrat, via JApan LDP, lol.

I agree but I think it's good that there are public figures standing against it elsewhere, it would be worse if that wasn't happening. I think if there was no disagreement whatsoever, antifa would just be able to carry out public executions without having to deal with the waiting period of getting bailed out of jail by some Jewish law firms or LA faggot celebrities.
I'm just saying it doesn't matter to me, because I live in a reality where I can't enter most shops coz I'm unvaxed and Antifa terrorize the highways. Why would I care about policies in Florida, when Florida may as well be a different country to me. If I could leave for Florida I sure as hell would.

I'm not trying to get mobbed by a bunch of MKUltra psychos 'cause I didn't "follow the rules". I would understand the fervency if the 'Rona was some kind of flesh eating virus, but we've had enough time to examine this thing to know it's not. Y'know when this was first popping off, I didn't know what the fuck to think. I got military gas masks n' all sorts of shit in case it was real, but now all of that shit is probably gonna end up being used to defend myself from antifa faggots making chemical bombs (LOL).
It's funny, coz I always thought it was fake paranoia bullshit way back when it started. Precisely coz it's called Corona. Within the Medical lexicon, Corona prior to 2020 has always referred to the common cold. So it was funny as fuck to me, seeing so many people being frightened over the common cold. Granted, you get a lot of people wanting to kill you when you tell them that it's just the common cold, when that's what Corona fucking means within the medical lexicon.
People always misinterpret me though, and they assume that I think corona is fake. No Corona is real, the paranoia behind it is generated by fake media. It'd be ike creating a scare over the common house ant. Just step on it goddamn it.

In Japan, everyone uses Ivermectin. In the USA, they call it Horse dewormer. The real issue is that Ivermectin is actually Japanese-made
and they just don't want Japs to reap the profits, when the Elites have specifically designed this manufactured crisis to enrich American Big Pharma.

I can sympathize with blacks hating white people, I just wish they could fucking tell white people apart. Blacks are so fucking racist they couldn't spot the difference between a Russian and an Australian, so trying to explain to them that libtard whites are a specific problem is kind of difficult.
They even mistake Mexicans for White, AYY LMAO! To them, White is anyone who's lighter than Black.
Some Mexican guys have told me that White people will mistake them for White too, if they dress like a White person but that's different. That's cultural. I specify guys coz it's kinda normal for Latin & Asian girls to blend in with Whites.
It shot up to $4 last week and it's still going up, lol. This is just like the Obama years. So I guess it's nostalgic for the average American.
Fucked up, but true.
$5 now. Stll Drumpf's fault tho@!
I didn't know there was any controversy with the sequel. I didn't like it as much (it's not the same director so it doesn't have the same cool camerawork the original did) but it is worth seeing. I'll see anything with Benicio, he's cool.
Even Rambo 5 had controversy for being a Trump conspiracy theory when Rambo is actually saving a mexican family from Cartels. How is it a conspiracy when the Cartels exist and are doing exactly that in real life?
The only thing that's fake is the existence of an American soldier who is as badass as Rambo.
I'm not even trying to be stylish either. That's just the way Japanese people dress. Even in supermarkets, it's normal to see women dressed up like full blown pornstars just to buy some fucking groceries.
I think gloves and jewelry is a little dressier than average, but yes it did used to be more commonplace for people to dress up to go outside, not to just dress up to go to a club.
What's so dressy about Motorcycle gloves? AYY LMAO!
See man you're doing the same exact thing that I described, lol. How Amerisharts don't believe me that Japanese people dress a certain way, how women dress in a way that would be considered 'hooker' in the USA, but it just looks cool in Japan.
I dress like a Japanese person. I just googled Male Japanese Fashion, and I get a lot of search results where they're dressing exactly like me. Obviously, I grew up in fucking Japan. I look normal in Japan. I stand out in the USA, coz Ameriturds have zero fashion sense. FUnny though, coz Jap fashion is just modeled after American 80s fashion.




I remember even in the '90s people having more elaborate outfits on being a normal thing,
Nah they dressed like shit. Grunge was the rage of that era. The 80s was when Americans still actually dressed up, and they wore a lot of blazers & suits. The Boomer Yuppie style.
White people looked so much better with Mullets. Then for some reason, mullet became a hairstyle associated with redneck hillbillies. Mullets made White people look manly though. It's funny that Boomers both had the coolest culture, the 80s but are also responsible for selling out the entire country to foreign interests.

All my liberal friends will casually talk shit on Asians, especially the Japanese because they consider them to be the most "white" and as such they consider it to not count as racism.
It sure explains why they keep calling me a White Supremacist when it's obvious that I show a huge disdain towards Whites. Wouldn't it make more sense to call me Asian supremacist? I wouldn't dispute that at all.
Last edited by Jack on Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Jack »

I have to break my posts into 2 now coz we have an imposed word limit now for some reason.
Xennials aren't a separate generation, but you're gonna be treated like you don't exist because you don't fall as neatly into one category. Technically, you are just a millennial, but you behave more or less the same as me, which is like a Gen X'r (in the '90s), which was normal and how all millennials used to behave in the early '00s. Generational difference work the same as decade shifts, for example:
I suppose. One thing that always weirds me out about Gen Xrs, is that instead of reminiscing over Genesis or Nintendo like my gen does, they're always overrating the fucking Atari, AYY LMAO!
NES existed back then, but I guess it didn't come to the USA until the mid to late 80s which was when I started gaming.
Gen Xrs all seem to be extreme LOLbergtarians too. It's weird coz some of them come off as Hard Right as I am, but they're so brainwashed by Jewish ponzi schemes that they can't envision a world other than the one that they were indoctrinated with as a kid. I was saved, coz I left for Japan back in the 90s while still young enough to have my mind completely influenced by pure untainted Japanese culture.

Before Japan, I used to feel ashamed for being attracted to sexy women. This was back in the 90s too. After Japan, I'm so unashamed that even most girls I've been with find it fucking hilarious how un-shy I am around naked bitches. I treat it like it's natural, coz it is, in Japan. Or was. I dunno about now. I think it still normal in Japland though since they still have naked bitches plastered all over their ads & news papers. You just don't see it on the internet or videogames anymore coz AMeriturds completely took over those markets.
This is from 1994, but it's basically still the '80s. Yes, you can start to see the emerging '90s trends in it and it is not exactly the same as something from say 1988, but it is functionally still the '80s.
Mid 80s to early 90s were basically their own pocket generation, like the Xennial are. I call that era the Japanese era, coz it's the most Japanese-cultured version of the USA to the point that even Ninjas & Karate were mainstream in the USA during those years.
This is 1999, but this is the '90s. Full '90s trends engaged, which is something people mistake about the '00s (I even did it in this post when I was talking about RE, but it gets too fucking confusing if I start using my own rules for things and trying to explain shit like anyone would know what the fuck I'm talking about) that the early '00s were not "the 2000's" they were actually just a continuation of the '90s, because the '90s didn't stop until the mid-late '00s. Once "edgy" stuff became passe, the '90s was over, because that's what was hot in the '90s. So technically, we're living in the Eternal 2000's, not the Eternal 2010's, but I think Eternal 2010's sounds more derogatory so I'll say it that way.
I think it's 2010s. 2009 was still edgy as fuck, and this trend continued all the way up to 2012, and maybe even 2013 but 2014 was when our era stopped.
I think it's because we have an Anime outlook in life, we always believe that you can do whatever you want, so long as you put all your effort into it.
That's a normal millennial outlook inherited from boomers (parent generation). If you talk to almost any boomer they'll always pitch the same bullshit advice to you about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps", which is actually very good advice, it's just not applicable to the world we live in.
Sure it's a boomer outlook, but it's the same outlook in life that all Japanese people are indoctrinated with.
The difference is, this is a natural cultural aspect of the Japs. This is why I always bring up how modern USA culture really isn't all that different from the USA culture that existed during the 1970s and prior. USA culture was always somewhat dour & depressing.

It's not until the 80s that USA's culture became more like Japan (due to Japan's economy.), where you're rewarded for your efforts & hard work. Even the movies of that era preached Japanese style messages of always doing your best.
USA just changed it up, to being the best you can be. Whereas in Japan, the message is often achieving the best for your countrymen. Although I do recall that 80s USA did used to preach a betterment of your country message back when I was a kid.

Even in Business classes, you're often taught about how Japanese structure their conglomerates, and Japan's social structure is what the USA tries to imitate.

The hilarious part is that they forget that Japan is a mono-culture and it doesn't actually work with America's demographics where half the people don't even speak the same fucking language.
What's funny to me, is that China is currently influencing American culture, but instead of the badass cultural imports that we got from Japan which led to extremely manly entertainment & sexy girls. What we got from China is some bastardrized form of China's social credit system, that doesn't make any sense to the Chinese, since the American version changes its rules every 3 weeks lol.
The boomer mindset is one that all struggles in life can be overcome, and that you have total control of your own destiny if you have the willpower to drive it. The problem is, boomers don't realize there are actual legislation changes to things, pricing and zoning laws that exist now that not only didn't exist then, but in many cases don't effect them at all due to grandfathering laws for things like property or weapons. This is made increasingly frustrating by the fact that in most cases they happily voted for these changes, while denying any of this is even happening.
The first part of your post is a Japanese cultural import. Big Business really does try to force on to you, a Japanese work ethic based off of their conglomerates. The second part of your post is exactly the problem with Boomers. They don't realize that the USA is more like their Cyberpunk movies that Boomers made during the 80s then the country that they actually grew up in lol.
For fuck's sake, Al Bundy was able to support an entire family and a fairly big house with only a Shoe Salesman salary. That's complete fiction in the 2020s. If I weren't alive to see it for myself, I wouldn't believe it.

That's why I am somewhat interested in the Zoomer gen, coz that's exactly how they perceive reality. Everything from the 80s and earlier looks like complete fiction to them, since it's unthinkable or undoable in Le Current Yeat.

Core Gen Y seem to be as nihilistic as Gen X, but are far more self destructive since Core Gen Y are actively trying to create a Utopia from the top down through government legalization.
That's an interesting observation. That would make sense that Gen Y is still carrying Gen X trends they learned from their older brother generation, but that they've perverted them into something else. This is also visible in zoomers, that tecnically their nihilism is just them being good children in line with their Gen X parents outlook.
Most of Gen X is already dead, since they're the main generation who took part in either Kurt Cobain's depressing suicidal bullshit or the half who took part in the Street Gang Drug wars of the 80s & 90s. When I compare the latest Tranny trend with the Gen X era of drug warfare, I get banned off of nearly every American website when that's exactly what the tranny trend is. It's just a means of killing off millienials, zoomers & alpha before they reach retirement age so the gov won't have to pay for their elderly benefits.
That and there was a GTA drought since GTA4 was disappointing due to how overtly serious it took itself. Ironically though, GTA4 is also the most realistic' 'crime simulator' of the GTA series. Probably also why it's fucking boring.
I totally disagree, GTA4 is the best one. I never understood why people don't like it. I do think 3, VC and SA (SA especially) are more immediately fun, but 4 had the most intricate mechanical system:
I'm just stating that this was a common mindset during that era. A lot of people who were interested in Saints Row 3, were only interested in it due to the disappointment of GTA4. I started out this post by saying that GTA 4 is actually the most realistic crime sim of the GTA games, but that's part of its problem since you only feel like a freelancer due to not belonging to a crime family. It'd be impossible for Niko to operate without the cooperation of a Mafia coz as I said in the original posts, you'll eventually be killed by a local Mafia due to how you're drawing way too much unwanted attention with the money being made as a freelancer criminal.
Mafias generally act as a government who have their own accountants to explain to the taxman & auditors where the money is coming from and being generated.

GTA games generally ignore this aspect of crime, since they're purely fantasy games based off of movies like Godfather & Scarface. Which ironically both of those movies are very realistic on the economics side of crime life.
The Godfather GTA games are even the most accurate of the crime sims that I've played since you're doing nothing but creating supply lines and killing all those who won't comply or get in the way of your manufacturing zones that you try to establish. This is done through gameplay too, and not just the story.

I agree with this criticism of GTA4, Niko does just feel like a loner being pushed around (which I think technically was a carryover from SA because SA was like that too, though I think it is fitting considering Niko is just a scumbag immigrant with almost no connections) which I found less interesting than being more involved compared to 3 and VC.
It was fitting with SA too, since CJ was just an African American gangster. Most of those gangs aren't authentic and are Fed made. Even his own gang were filled with Feds, lol.
Because my biggest complaint with shooting games has always come from their similarity to DOOM (I like DOOM for the record) where you're really just playing as a turret driving around shooting things. That isn't how gun combat works at all,
That's all classic Boomer Shooters in general. I love them, but I also don't really consider them as shooters. They're more like dungeon crawler rpgs. It really annoys me when Boomer shooters get pushed as real shooters, precisely coz like you said they don't really reflect real gun combat at all. It just feels like I'm playing a Dungeon crawler like Hexen or something.
gun combat is just as physical (if not more so because it's involving so much equipment) as hand to hand fighting. So I've never liked the trend of shooting games deemphasizing your body, which is why I've always gravitated towards the games that took more influence from Max Payne- like True Crime Streets of LA (which has dogshit gameplay but at least it was trying), The Specialists, Kane & Lynch.. I even played 25 to Life online before SR1:
That's the reason why I love RE6's combat so much, and I find it annoying that every RE game after 6 has deemphasized the combat so much that now everyone fires a gun, like a complete fucking noob. Despite being SpecOps and shit.
That game was a piece of shit, but it was interesting because they took a lot of notes from the SOCOM games (like being able to lean) to try to create a tactical crime game. Well, they got me but I don't regret playing it at all.

Anyway, it's not just 3rd person shooters specifically, but anything with that style of combat (The Specialists is FPS, but those trailers show everything in 3rd person to make it look cooler).
Yeah, I was always more of a Tom Clancy guy so I preferred his tactical shooters over most.
Too bad the closest we have to the Tom Clancy/Socom style these days, is Rainbow 6 Siege & Rogue Company. I do like that Rogue Company is more of an arcadish tactical Street Styled Fast & Furious version of Spec ops though.

Speaking of whihc, Tom Clancy is Conservative and he made nothing but Conservative entertainment, and many Ameriturd LOLbertarians & Cuckservatives play games with the Tom Clancy label on it, yet they still claim that Conservatives have zero culture, ayy lmao.
Everyone seems to forget that Tom Clancy was a real person until recently. My dad has entire libraries of his books. It's funny coz at first glance my pops looks like one of those muscle bound nerds like Carlton. You'd never expect him to be into all of this Conservative shit at all.

I mostly read about games, I hate playing most games really. I think games are fascinating but something happened in my mid 20's that made it very hard for me to focus on games. Most of the time when I try to boot up a game to play it, I get bored in seconds and want to do something else.
I was going to quit gaming back in 2019 coz I saw that SJW Soystation infiltration coming a mile away, but I decided to give it one more chance with the Switch. It turns out, I do still like games, but I only like the classic retro shit that I grew up with. Modern 3d games bore me, coz they try too hard to simulate reality when I already live in reality. Most modern games just feel like Laundry To/Do lists instead of a challenge that you conquer. That's why I like Metroid Dread, it feels like an oldschool game where you try to conquer it as fast you can. I only managed to beat it in 3 hours. Some people have already done it in 1 hour & 20 minutes.
About the only 3d games I like are PVP & Coop shit like World War Z & Rogue Company where I'm playing it with other people and it feels more like I'm playing an electronic version of a Sport rather than a video game.
I generally do not like single player games at all. The stuff I grew up were arcady co op & pvp affairs.

As for The Punisher, that games is awesome all the way up until you get to the terrible boss fights.
The bosses are bullet sponges, and not in a fun puzzle solving way like Contra & Megaman are.
I remember playing SR1 online all night and seeing the sunrise before school knowing I'd deliberately not done any of my homework and I'd be sleeping in class.. nice memory. The thing I've been playing recently is MADNESS: Project Nexus on Steam, which I've been enjoying a lot.
That game is like a 2d version of how I always envisioned Resident Evil games to eventually play like.
LIke goddamn, we were so close to John Wick style Resident Evil games since they're already fighting like John Wick (Who is a Marine) in the RE cg movies & even the Paul Anderson movies.
NOOOOO! All of that combat readiness, expertise & effectivness gets stripped away coz RE internet fans wanted to turn RE into their Walking Dead fanfiction, and now that's the shitty ass RE that we're stuck with.
Especially since RE2 & 7 have now completely outsold the entire RE series.

That's why I moved on to Monster Hunter, which is like the melee version of RE6's combat complexity.
I mention that Wick is a Marine, to point out that it's not unrealistic for Resident Evil characters to fight like him when they fucking outrank him within the military operators. Resi Evil characters aren't officers, they're operators who go in to do wetworks.

It's always disappointing to see entertainment figures really eat shit like that, I mean I know they're all whores, but celebrities doing cool shit is part of the American cultural ecosystem. The lack of that is part of why things are so depressing now.
It's surreal though, coz Cena would always insult the shit out of Asians during that era and it was funny as fuck. Now he's their little bitch? Crazy world we live in. It doesn't even feel like the same chronological reality. It feels like we live in an alterenate dimension.
It's a shame Gears really fell off, I thought they were doing something interesting with the RE4 inspired camera, chainsaw bayonets, Giger looking aesthetic (and colors, only GoW1 has the cool Giger greys, they dropped that after 1) and the execution system. I'd definitely take some notes from the original and maybe 2 (I liked the chainsaw clashing, that was really cool) if I was gonna make a shooter.
Now Gears, that was a series that I was hardcore into although the last one I had was that game that where you play as Baird. Still an awesome game though. I haven't been interested in the Xbone Gears games coz of all o fthe unesssary feminist bullshit. Like who the fuck is that supposed to appeal to? I know for certain that Non-whites aren't into feminist bullshit especially the Latinos & the Japanese. (Not that Japs played gears anyway, lol.)
Latinos were a large ass community amongst the Gears playebase though. I think that's the main reason why Gears fell off. Xbox chased away the Latino Gears audience with that Feminist bullshit.
It's like the movies. In MCU capeshit, War Machine was originally a tall, muscular, relatively light skinned Black dude, but in every movie after Iron Man 1, War Machine became this generic looking midget (he's shorter than RDJ, who looks avg sized in the movies, lol.) Black dude with dark skin.
That's how I always looked at it anyway, just a different actor playing Pierce. Pierce is such a poser that it makes sense that he got replaced by a corporate approved pretty boy over La Goblina Mystery Meat Pierce.
That's a funny way of looking at it. My only complaint is that I think his personality does actually fit being lightskin like he was in SR2, because lightskin blacks usually have to do shit like that 'cause they get shit on by everybody. I saw that a lot in jail, but I'd seen it on and off throughout my whole life. Lightskin blacks get treated like traitors by blacks for being mixed race (even though that's not their fault) although they still consider them black, racist whites don't like them because they also consider them black and will usually only keep them around if it benefits them to have a minority, so they kinda get fucked at all angles. So I feel like it makes sense for Pierce to be kind of a poser snake 'cause he wouldn't fit in with anybody IRL.
He was a completely different person in SR3 though where his SR2 Mut persona wouldn't match the corporate image of G-Unit Saints Row 3. IN SR3 he became the Saints mascot, nothing but a complete shill. That's why I always viewed him as just a different actor, lol.

Edit: Goddamn it you already wrote another TLDR post? I'll respond to that one later. I need to eat.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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