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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by Cat »

"Don't be crazy.
I would never go near such a poisonous flower.
She is carnivorous. She disgusts me"
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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by CENSORED »

this time I will actually translate the lyrics for you, keep in mind that this song is 50 years old

Un mastino, un mastino nero lucido metallico, un cane mastino, con un occhio solo vitreo in mezzo alla fronte. Una mano schiaccia un bottone, dall’occhio del mastino parte un fascio di luce, intensa verdastra, elettrica. Pssss Pssss Pssss

A mastiff. A black, lucid, metallic mastiff. A mastiff dog with only one, vitreous eye in the middle of its forehead. A hand pushes a button; a ray of light shoots out an intense, greenish, electric ray of light.

Avvolti in lucidi mantelli
guanti di pelle sciarpa nera
hanno le facce mascherate
le scarpe a punta lucidate
sono nascosti nella sera

Wrapped in shiny cloaks
leather gloves and black scarves
pointy, shined black shoes
they hide in the evening hours

Non fanno niente stanno fermi
sono alle porte di Milano
con dei grossissimi mastini
che stan seduti ai loro piedi
e loro tengono per mano

They do nothing but stand still
with their huge mastiff dogs
sitting at their feet
holding their hand

Han circondato la città
la stan guardando da lontano
sono imponenti e silenziosi
chi sono chi sono
i laureati e gli studiosi

They surrounded the city
they stare at it from far away
they're imposing, yet silent
who are they?
They're the graduates and researchers

E l’Italia giocava alle carte
e parlava di calcio nei bar
e l’Italia rideva e cantava

And Italy would play cards
discussing soccer games at the bar
laughing and singing

Ora si muovono sicuri
coi loro volti mascherati
gli sguardi fissi minacciosi
vengono avanti silenziosi
i passi lenti cadenzati

Now they walk with self assuredness
their faces hidden by masks
their stares fixed and threatening
they advance silently
with slow, paced steps

Portano strane borse nere
piene di oggetti misteriosi
e senza l’ombra di paura
stanno occupando i punti chiave
tengono in pugno la questura

They carry weird black bags
filled with mysterious objects
and without any hint of fear
they are siezing all the key structure
they hold the courts in their hand

Dagli occhi chiari dei mastini
parte una luce molto intensa
che lascia tutti ipnotizzati
chi sono chi sono
l’intellighenzia gli scienziati

From the mastiffs' bright eyes
comes an intense light
which leaves everyone in an hypnotized state
who are they?
Intelligence and scientists

E l’Italia giocava alle carte
e parlava di calcio nei bar
e l’Italia rideva e cantava

And Italy would play cards
discussing soccer games at the bar
laughing and singing

Ora si muovono più in fretta
hanno moltissimi alleati
hanno occupato anche la Rai
le grandi industrie gli operai
anche le scuole e i sindacati

Now they're moving even faster
their allies are numerous
they even seized RAI (national television)
the greater industries and their workers
even schools and unions

Ora si tolgono i mantelli
son già sicuri di aver vinto
anche le maschere van giù
ormai non ne han bisogno più
son già seduti in parlamento

now they can take off their clothes
they are sure of their victory
even the masks go down
they don't need them anymore
they're already sitting in parliament

Ora si possono vedere
sono una razza superiore
sono bellissimi e hitleriani
chi sono chi sono
sono i tecnocrati italiani

Now we can finally see them
they're of a superior race
they are beautiful and hitlerian
who are they?
the italian technocrats

Ein zwei ein zwei
Alles kaputt

E l’Italia giocava alle carte
e parlava di calcio nei bar

And Italy would play cards
discussing soccer games at the bar
laughing and singing
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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by chubby meringue »

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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by CENSORED »

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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by cake »

Literally me
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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by Iwazaru »

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by CENSORED »

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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by CENSORED »

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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by cake »

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Re: General Music Thread aka WUT D'YA LISTEN TO?

Post by CENSORED »

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