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Post by Krizzx »

I agree to an extent, but Shin Megatard 5's True ending clearly shows that they've combined as one, the Lucifer & the True Neutral Human endings. (no christ figure, unless you count Lucifer as one, I guess. It ain't no Jesus though.) They pretty much kick the badass Kuzunoha Raido lookalike to the curve just so they can suck Luci's dick & tits for the ending lol. As I've said before, Luci is basically the Goddess Sophia with how he's typically portrayed in SMT.
The Nahobino, your character, is the Christ figure. Nahobinos are supposed to be god that had became demons who became gods again.
The retards who currently write SMT, clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Previous SMTs, at least the original trilogy are all mostly faithful to the doctrines, dogma, mythos & rituals that these games are influenced around. Even down to the point where demons are interacted with via digital computer programs as reference to a contract by God which forbade demons the ability to directly interact with humans through the flesh.
The oldschool SMT games, did a lot of research. SMT5 just does whatever the fuck they think looks cool. So the story doesn't really hold up when compared to previous installments.
Like I said, the writing is anime as fuck. Even moreso than Persona. Japanese melodrama with historical and religious names glued on various characters. The only character that remotely behaves according to its ethos is Shiva, who you only talk to briefly before his boss fight.
It's somewhat portrayed as a Christ-like figure Awakening. I still consider it as bad though, because you're replacing human spirituality with machines. DX2 showed, that JC Denton is just a Benevolent Oppressor.
I wouldn't say that. Aside from forcing everyone to be augment compatible, he didn't really lord over anyone in his ending. His whole thing was leveling the playing field and then leaving it up to the individual to truly make a difference. He didn't want natural gifts or disability to define people abilities to live.
I only link to DX games coz every other Western game I can think of just as shitty ass Cliffhanger endings like the Legacy of Kain series.
Legacy of Kain was an interesting story. Most of the content that made Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance were suppose to be in the original, but budget, time and hardware constrants forced them to extend.

Kax posted this lady before and what I found amusing is that the reason why she loves video games are for the story. Sure she's an avid reader of novels, but she prefers gaming because it feels as if she's living out what she's reading rather than just imagining it like with a book.
Neptunia always looks like generic Galge shit to me. Ircha gaming also loves it I guess that explains why I couldn't get into those game. They are written to appeal to women.

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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Ninokuni 1 is on sale as for now

I have it on downloaded but screw Nintendo if it doesn't connect to internet doesn't let me play it
Which makes me mad lol
Screw Nintendo acting as Microsoft shit Sony
I homebrewed 3ds's wiis but not switch

I didn't know about Biden's daughter dairy
But fbi and the dictatorship raided veritas to shut them down with the excuse of Biden's daughter dairy
Imo Mostly about veritas exposing vaccines

Lmao USA cares more about Ukraines borders than USA borders that tells you all you need to know
They don't care about county or Americans

Actually in smtiv apocalypse their is a angry turban mob that you encounter, it reminds me of antifa blm
And I guess I replied in a neutral because they didn't kill me
Lmao reminds me of you in whashittown
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Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:39 pm The Nahobino, your character, is the Christ figure. Nahobinos are supposed to be god that had became demons who became gods again.
That doesn't sound Christ-like at all. Commander Gore from Strange Journey, the Black guy who dies in the very beginning of the game. (LOL!) Comes off as Jesus-like because he actually returns to life near the end of the game with glowing eyes to deliver salvation & to break away from Gods & Demonic influence, so that Humanity alone may be able to pursue life freely. Gore is anti Demons & the God of the Earthly realm, who is generally the God of Esoteric Christcuckery, YHWH and his counterparts. SJ's final boss is Mem Aleph, which is from the Old Testament so whatever, same shit lol.

At best, the main character of every SMT game is just a Messenger.
In Nocturne, the main character is outright described as The Harbinger.
Which is the most accurate description of what a SMT Main playable character is.
They spread the gospel of the New World Order, and initiate its change.

They main character does nothing but spread the Gospel. Who's gospel is anyones' guess since you can choose to fight for any faction. For example Chiaki from Nocturne, she was mostly aided by Angels and Demons who are most closely associated with Christcuckery denominations, because she also had the most oppressive form of government that resembled a human Catholic-Christian civilization.

Widow's Peak guy, Hikawa was hated by both Demons & Angels because his Reason basically amounted to a collective worldwide Egodeath which would instantly put an end to the entire SMT conflict since we all would've Ascended out of this life by default, lol. Hikawa is basically delivering to you the Buddhist version of Heaven as the default state of existence.
What's amusing is that even SMT3's Lucifer is Anti-Hikawa, which is kinda odd considering that the first god that Hikawa summons is Baphomet who irl is often depicted as being one in the same as Lucifer.
Xed brought up a great point about how Lucifer is basically just another method of control, to have you do his bidding for him.

Hikawa is a cold & calculated Lawful-Evil with noble intentions. Holy shit he kills that babe Yuko, she was your best chance at a Christ-like figure until he sacrificed her (due to how much energy she has.) to conjure up enough energy for his philosophy to be the New world order.
Yuko is just the Maiden of the Shin Megami Tensei namesake. In every SMT (even SMT5, except the girl in SMT5 comes back to life as an Angel, but then leaves before the final battle.), there's always a lead female character of high magical energy who gets killed or ritually sacrificed (This happened SMT1-3 I think.) and then influences the plot towards the direction of the Three Philosophically different factions. (4 or 5 in Nocturne.)

Like I said, the writing is anime as fuck. Even moreso than Persona. Japanese melodrama with historical and religious names glued on various characters. The only character that remotely behaves according to its ethos is Shiva, who you only talk to briefly before his boss fight.
I believe you. It's why I never bothered to buy SMT5, despite the 3 or so chances I've had to buy it at only 30something dollars, lol. It's still being sold at that price too. I think they're really desperate to hit the 1 million copies sold mark, no matter how much money they lose in the process.

I disagree a little bit with Persona. I think the classic PSX Persona games had pretty good writing. It was a little bit more anime than typical SMT, but modern Persona is undoubtedly Anime whereas something like OG PSX Persona felt more like Doomed Megalopolis mixed with some Akira influences.
Kinda like how main SMT games feels like Devilman & Urotsukidoji.
Soulhackers feels like Blue Seed.
Modern Persona is some anime Slice of Life bullshit, which regrettably is also what modern Fire emblem has turned into. I'm hoping that Genealogy of Holy War will be the new Fire Emblem that comes out this year.
It's somewhat portrayed as a Christ-like figure Awakening. I still consider it as bad though, because you're replacing human spirituality with machines. DX2 showed, that JC Denton is just a Benevolent Oppressor.
I wouldn't say that. Aside from forcing everyone to be augment compatible, he didn't really lord over anyone in his ending. His whole thing was leveling the playing field and then leaving it up to the individual to truly make a difference. He didn't want natural gifts or disability to define people abilities to live.
That sounds like one of those Trump-copes I often hear where the magatards claim "He doesn't force you to take the poke." While ignoring that he does require a vax pass just to enter every building that he owns.

I never liked how J(esus) C(hrist) Denton was portrayed in Invisible War. Something was always way off about how he and that entire game was written. (I still prefer IW's writing over Human Revolution & Mankind Divided though.)

The entire point is to break away from Bluebloods' system of control. Bluebloods AKA "The 1%, Lucifer Bloodlines" believe that they can cheat the Mortality of Death or God, by becoming Immortal through pure physical means via technology & machine.
This is actually just a prison, built by those who wish to rule it. In fact, Denton just re-appropriated the same exact plan that Bob Page had, but we label it as heroic when Denton does it, because he's our main character.

Western games completely misunderstand the struggle of freedom from oppression by initiating another materialist system that's just a much more effectively controlled system of oppression
The point is to free your mind, and break away from overarching systems of control which is what every single Xeno game does where they always end by completely destroying the entire system. (I presume, I never played the Saga games. I know it's true for Gears & the Xenoblades though, except for Torna which is an ending where nearly everyone dies and sets up the events for XB2.)
I only link to DX games coz every other Western game I can think of just as shitty ass Cliffhanger endings like the Legacy of Kain series.
Legacy of Kain was an interesting story. Most of the content that made Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance were suppose to be in the original, but budget, time and hardware constrants forced them to extend.
Amy Henniq is one of the best game writers of all time period, but it's mostly for her dialogue. Which are the best parts of her Kain & Uncharted games. You can clearly tell that Amy didn't write Uncharted 4 coz it's nowhere as laugh out loud funny as the previous UC games were.

I don't think I could really consider Kain's overall plot as a good story. It's basically a story where fucking nothing happens for the most part since they keep retconning events through time travel as a means of breaking away Grand Designs & Machinations that were plotted ahead of time for millenia through the Elder Gods or whatever. It's been a long time since I read up on those games.

I prefer the story from the original Legacy of Kain,(which Amy didn't write.) because it had a much more direct plot about Vampires vs Humans and the entire point of the original game is to decide whether Kain saw himself as more Human or Vampire.
By Soul Reaver we already know that he's more Vampire. There's a lot that I don't like about the Kain Series' writing. I don't like how Kain is basically a misunderstood Villain/Anti Hero but the dialogue is so good that I believe we often label those games as good writing just off of the strength of Amy's dialogue.

My main complaint about Kain is how damn near every game ends with a cliffhanger, and even the final game was a fucking cliffhanger lol. Sure it wasn't meant to be the series conclusion but I don't understand why the Kain series has to be so damn convoluted that it took like 5-6 games (depending on whether you consider the first two Legacy of Kain games as canon.) just to finally even out the playing field where Kain now has the chance to break away from the control of the Old Gods.

People often whine about how convoluted Jrpgs are (which they are if you're talking about Kingdom Farts & modern Final Faggotry + X.), but the Kain/Reaver series itself is every bit as nonsensical as Kingdom Farts is. It's just that the Kain games look badass and has some of the most badass dialogue that you'll ever hear from a video game so we rarely ever associate Kain with the pure ultimate cringe that is Kingdom Fart's story, AYY LMAO!
Neptunia always looks like generic Galge shit to me. Ircha gaming also loves it I guess that explains why I couldn't get into those game. They are written to appeal to women.
Kinda of a weird comparison to make though, going from a bangable thot to an older woman in her mid to late 60s.
The Food4Dogs lady is an older middle aged woman near her 70s. I'm not sure why she likes Neptunia so much but she does seem to have great taste in games. She says that it was Dragon's Dogma & Amalur which introduced her to Rpgs, but it wasn't until Neptunia that she found a game where she was completely mesmerized by the story.
Mostly, she likes it coz it's so bizarre and completely unlike anything she's ever read before. Considering that she's some old ass British chick from New Zealand, I could only imagine just how foreign Neptunia is when compared to her normal sensibilities.

Her favorite Xenoblade is actually Xenoblade Chronicles X and I think it's the Atelier series that she loves most.
Neptunia is just the Jrpg that cemented her love for the genre but she claims that none of the sequels are as good as the original. (I dunno, I ain't playing that shit lol.)
She loves Atelier, because she can relate with the plots and the characters. Atelier games generally have much more personal plots, about personal conflicts as opposed to the grand world epic-scale type of schemes that you normally see from most games.
I've seen you play some Atelier games. I wish I could find a physical copy of Ryza, the only one I was ever interested in coz Ryza THICCCC.
Actually in smtiv apocalypse their is a angry turban mob that you encounter, it reminds me of antifa blm
And I guess I replied in a neutral because they didn't kill me
Lmao reminds me of you in whashittown
Antifa are complete pussies though. They're only a threat coz the American government claims that they don't exist. Biden himself says they don't exist. (even though they've been around since the 1930s in Germany.)
I get mistaken for Antifa, prob coz I wear all Black clothes and a mask. I only wear a mask because you're forced to in this retarded ass state. They stopped wearing masks in Las Vegas & Florida about two years ago, ayy lmao. Meanwhile WA state has been locked down since March of 2020.
The funny thing is, it's kinda obvious Im not Antifa since I actually have fairly big & wide shoulders, and I look relatively bulky in my black leather coat. (Girls around here constantly ask if I'm ex-Military coz of the way I look.) I'm guessing this is what Antifa thinks they look like, when they're really just a bunch of scwrany ass faggots.

I wrote a much more elaborated on version of my previous post at the vidya gaem stories thread since I didn't want the discussion to get lost in the Nintendomination thread.

Main take aways:
Japanese games generally follow a particular world view of a planet that makes zero logical sense, as the heroes attempt to break away from the world's oppressive systems, to forge destinies of their own volition. Many Westerners lampoon this writing style as "God is Evul!" "Kill God!" Which imo, is an inaccurate portrayal of Japanese writing. Japanese writing is mostly Buddhist-based, but some of them will dress it up with gnostic-leaning due to how similar both perspectives are.

Western writing follows a much more materialist perspective, when explaining away a world that makes zero sense by trying to make sense out of the nonsense through 'scientific' means. The end result is that the endings of Western games generally depict Man becoming One with machine to transcend humanity.
If Japanese games follow a heavily inspired Gnostic or Buddhist perspective, then the Western game is generally written from a Transhumanist & nihilistic-lens.

The typical videogame Western ending, usually looks similar to Far Cry 5's ending,

where it abruptly ends, with a philosophical one liner which is supposed to be thought-provoking, but it's actually just lazy writing and it doesn't conclude a single dispute from the entire game. It's basically real life, in the form of a videogame. Oh Joy! Some of us play videogames as escapism from real life, not to be reminded that real life is populated with shitty people, doing shitty things.
Jap games actually build up to the ending and they almost always end on a high note. Showing that they fully understood the conflict that they were writing about, and not huffing a bunch of hot air up their assholes, which is what Western video game writing often feels like to me.

I can go on forever listing a bunch of Jap games that successfully elaborate & conclude upon the dilemmas that their games were chronicled around. For Western games, I can only think of Deux Ex & Planescape Torment of doing something similar but the conclusions are not satisfying at all. It's as if they don't even give a shit about writing an ending.
Western games are known worldwide for having much better writing than Japanese gaming, but imo Western just have better written rhetoric. The substance is generally lacking, for which they make up for, by being much more verbose while not really saying anything substantial.

With Western games, I often find that the journey is far better than the end destination.
I used to accept that, but after putting up with nearly 2 decades worth of shitty ass Western gaming endings where the journey is supposedly the entire point. I've just about had it, because if they can't be bothered to come up with a proper ending, then why the fuck should I bother buying or playing their games?

About the best ending I could think of, from a Western game is Mass Effect 2, but even that's just a cliffhanger.

(to a fucking terrible game and an even worst ending, Mass Effect 3.)
I'm struggling to come up with a single Western game that has an ending that's even at Jap gamings' level.
Notice how I don't even bother to list endings from the Metal Gear Solid series or Resident Evil 2 classic and what not. Of course those games had great endings, but my point is that MGS-caliber endings are quite common within Japanese video games.

I believe that gamers just don't understand what good writing is. Case in point, Witcher 3 is often heralded for having one of the best stories of all time. Which is humorous since the entire story can be summed up as, Geralt searches for his adoptive daughter, he finds his daughter, they get sieged & a veteran Witcher dies, some racial conflict ensues with elves but is never brought up again, the apocalypse event begins, apocalypse event is concluded from Ciri's perspective and she blueballs you out of an satisfying climax since all you do is stall time long enough for Ciri to save the world.

There isn't even any interesting philosophical conflict. The actual plot is objective-based, like a typical video game plot. The part of the writing that's actually good is the world building, which brings to life the many differing cultures & races of Witcher 3 but the actual story is some basic bitch "Go here, do that, do this, come back, fetch this" type of plot which is boring as all hell.
I only put up with it the first time around coz I assumed that Witcher 3's plot would've built up to something grand, when the plot actually never goes anywhere, lol.

I may have talked a lot of shit about Xenoblade 1's plot, and I still stand by it but when compared to Witcher 3, I can def see why people love XB1's plot. XB1 had actual character development for Shulk, which is far more than what we got from Ciri & Geralt, both of whom are fairly one-dimensional and they're the fucking main characters. AYYY LMAO! Shulk starts out as a homicidal angst-ridden racist who eventually matures during his conquest as comes face to face with several situations where those he loves could've easily died just as effortlessly as Fiora did but every single time his friends jump in & remind him that it's a group effort and that Shulk would only meet his destruction if he tries to burden the pain by himself. He's later revealed to be nothing more than a host to be sacrificed & discarded by XB's God. Shulk is reborn, revolts & unites the surviving races of his world to rise up against the New world Order of XB's god.

XB1's writing is so much better than Witcher 3's where you're chasing around some stupid girl the entire game, and then that girl solves the entire world-ending conflict off screen, which is exactly what happened in Witcher 3. AYY LMAO!
Occidentals consider this good writing. Me thinks that they don't actually read much, since it's really just a basic objective-based video game plot where instead of saving a princess, you look for a girl who eventually saves you. LOL! What a joke.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Krizzx »

That doesn't sound Christ-like at all. Commander Gore from Strange Journey, the Black guy who dies in the very beginning of the game. (LOL!) Comes off as Jesus-like because he actually returns to life near the end of the game with glowing eyes to deliver salvation & to break away from Gods & Demonic influence
There is more to it, but I didn't want to spoil it. Not that the plot is that great to be worried about spoiling it.
You are essentially a ressurected old Japanese god that was reunited with the knowledge that was taken by the Creator which got disseminated throughout humanity when Adam ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. So you are a ressurected god, so to speak. The ultimate goal of the Nahobino is too ascend to the throne of heaven and take over as the new god thus establishing the new order of the world
In fact, Denton just re-appropriated the same exact plan that Bob Page had, but we label it as heroic when Denton does it, because he's our main character.
Denton stole his project but not his plan. As I said, Denton doesn't rule over the people in his ending. He grants everyone "access" to physical equality making the human will and the choices people make the only determining factor in who is good or bad, or what is write or wrong. Then that's it. He doesn't proceed to lord over or control people in anyway like the Illuminaty dude intended to. Denton's ending was more or less anatomical communism. He made everyone physically equal.

I prefer the story from the original Legacy of Kain,(which Amy didn't write.) because it had a much more direct plot about Vampires vs Humans and the entire point of the original game is to decide whether Kain saw himself as more Human or Vampire.
By Soul Reaver we already know that he's more Vampire. There's a lot that I don't like about the Kain Series' writing. I don't like how Kain is basically a misunderstood Villain/Anti Hero but the dialogue is so good that I believe we often label those games as good writing just off of the strength of Amy's dialogue.
I don't see there being anything misunderstood about Kain. He was a chosen one that an evil entity got to and corrupted before he was able to even learn about, much less fulfill his destiny effectively forcing him into a situation where he either commits' suicide or damns humanity.

My favorite part about the original was how you go back in time to stop a murderous Tyrant before he become one leading to a worse outcome, because the people have no memory of him as a bad guy. Only as a saint. Which shows the flaw of trying to prevent a bad event from happening by changing the past.
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Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:43 am There is more to it, but I didn't want to spoil it. Not that the plot is that great to be worried about spoiling it.
You are essentially a ressurected old Japanese god that was reunited with the knowledge that was taken by the Creator which got disseminated throughout humanity when Adam ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. So you are a ressurected god, so to speak. The ultimate goal of the Nahobino is too ascend to the throne of heaven and take over as the new god thus establishing the new order of the world
That just sounds like a generic death & resurrection motif.
Jesus doesn't want to become a god.
Jesus Christ is just a random kikel faggot who died on a cross because he opposed the Jews, who influenced the Romans to publicly execute Jesus for his transgressions. Jesus wasn't deified as a godly figure until 400 years after his death.
A Jesus figure typically refers to a person who offers another path or a breakaway society, away from the systems of oppression offered by every other faction, otherwise known as the Beast.

This fits Commander Gore to a tee, because the only options available were the Mexican guy who advocated for Hybridizing with Demons to equalize the playing field (Which is basically what JC Denton's garbage ass IW ending is, but with machines.) and the White Russian babe was advocating for some bog standard Cathedral style of Christianity. Both options are fucking trash.
Gore is the only one who offered you a solution that fucks both of them over and allows humanity to be free from both Demons & Angels.

You're forgetting that the Nahobino can choose Chaos or Law, which immediately cancels out his pretensions to being like Christ. Although that Raido Kuzunoha look-alike Yakumo, does come off like Jesus due to how he's constantly questioning everything, & everyone. Even after his death, Nu Wa claims that Yakumo actually wanted to destroy the throne, showing that humanity has the potential to forge their own path. Yakumo isn't a christ figure, I'm just saying that he sounds the most like Christ. It seems to be a pattern with SMT games where the characters who fit the Christ mold always get killed like Hijiri & Yuko from SMT3. (Hijiri only qualifies as Jesus-like, because he's Aleph from SMT2 who's canonical ending is that he killed God. If I recall. It's been nearly two decades since I played it)

LOL I just found out that Sophia is an actual character in SMT5. ... _Tensei_V)
It's funny coz SMT5's Lucifer acts as if he were Sophia.
Xed said that the Catholic church purposely combined Lucifer & Sophia's myths together to sow confusion amongst the people. So that the Cathedral can portray the hunger for knowledge, as a sin. To where they would eventually label you as a heretic, and execute you for transgressing against 'God'.

I actually think that Christians are fucking retarded, which is why I'm always making fun of them.
I don't consider Gnosticism as part of the same group, even though Gnostics are the origin & original Christ philosophy before it was heavily distorted by Christcuck slave morality.
Which is amusing because Gnosticism is the exact opposite of slave morality.

American Liberals actually have a better idea of who Jesus was (Libs think that Jesus was a Communist/Socialist) than the American Cuckservatives do.
'Being like Christ', would actually be a civilization that resembles Anarchy, where you would divide the spoils in a commune socialist-like fashion.
I don't even understand what the American 'Traditional' Cuckservative version of Jesus is supposed to be.
There's like two American Right wing versions of Jesus in the USA, there's the Protestant Jesus whom
I'm guessing is some kind of cuck who does whatever Zionist Jews from Israel tell him to do (which is 'Give them money!' and "Kill all Brown people wearing funny hats!" AYY LMAO!), but Jeezzuz supposedly stands for freedom coz he has guns and shit but he'll never use them because that isn't what Jesus would do.
All you have to do is believe in Christ & you'll get raptured into Outer Space or some shit AYYY LMAO! *cough* *cough* Bullshit.
The other version is the American Catholic Christ which is another form of slave morality, but instead of simping for Zionists, the Catholics just give all of their money directly to the Cathedral.

That's why I always hated American Christcucks. They look down on me for dressing very 'rich' but every time I speak to an American Christard (regardless of their denomination.) they're always trying to get me to join their church so that they can trick me into donating everything I own to their bullshit charities, that they don't even give back to the community. They just enrich themselves with it.

In the USA, Gnosticism is often grouped up with Luciferianism, as one in the same.
Fuck Luciferianism, but I have more respect for the Luci's than I do of Non-Gnostic Christards.
Denton stole his project but not his plan. As I said, Denton doesn't rule over the people in his ending. He grants everyone "access" to physical equality making the human will and the choices people make the only determining factor in who is good or bad, or what is write or wrong. Then that's it. He doesn't proceed to lord over or control people in anyway like the Illuminaty dude intended to. Denton's ending was more or less anatomical communism. He made everyone physically equal.
Equality doesn't exist. It's an abstract concept and a control mechanism to convince you to hand over your sovereignty to a ruling elite.
Everything Helios says, sounds like rhetoric to convince you into choosing his side. The actual ending looks even worse because it depicts a people, without a human soul. They're just borgs.

I didn't mind the JC Helios from DX1, since he was still basically JC but with badass Cyborg powers.
IW JC Helios, is just Helios with JC's body. I don't like this supposed Good Ending at all, because it sounds exactly like the endgoal that real life Luciferians have for humanity.
Which is the transhumanism agenda of merging Man & Machine, to transcend this mortal coil and to live on as Immortal machines.
That sounds cool in fiction, it's a horror story imo when applied to real life.
The supposed “good guys” of the game, who want to end all war and conflict by assimilating every human being into some technological post-human collective. Without asking. They are basically the Borg with better public relations. They wish to launch this effort from their base in the Statue of Liberty. I was never able to figure out if the irony was intentional or not.

If you side with these guys you arguably end the human race by taking away the individuality of every man, woman and child on the face of the earth. A hundred years later that collective seems happy enough, although since nobody has the freedom to think outside of the collective I’d assume they’re as happy as the collective tells them they are. It seems to me that they’ve just undergone a species-level lobotomy. Other interpretations are possible, but I didn’t find the ending any less distasteful than the alternatives.

That's exactly how I feel about that ending. I'd go as far as to say that the JC Helios ending isn't any different from a typical SMT LAW ending. Except the general difference is that SMT Law endings have Nazi-like imagery where everyone is the same and always happy. If they're not happy, they most likely get Kim Jonged like North Korea where they will gun you down & bayonet you on the spot if you're not sufficiently smiling enough in their propaganda pics.

I always went with the retarded Omar ending, coz fuck everyone else. The other factions are fucking retarded.
The Illuminati are just American styled do-nothing Politicians who offer a solution but never do anything except make everything worse.
The Templars are just The Cathedral, worshipping some make-believe God that doesn't exist. In fact, I'd say that their God is just MONEY since every fucking Church I've ever been to, is always asking for your fucking money donations.

I don't see there being anything misunderstood about Kain. He was a chosen one that an evil entity got to and corrupted before he was able to even learn about, much less fulfill his destiny effectively forcing him into a situation where he either commits' suicide or damns humanity.
Are you talking about the original LOK? I have no criticisms for that Kain. The original Kain is basically a different character who wasn't even written by Amy.
I'm talking shit about the Soul Reaver/LOK BO2/Defiance Kain
where he's quite clearly meant to be a misunderstood character during Soul Reaver.

A shame that Reaver/Kain series looks so cool, because the actual plot (of the Amy series Kain) is fucking retarded.
I hate the time traveling retcons. I hate the stupid prophecies which don't come to pass. How are the Gods an actual threat when their prophecies are all bullshit?

The story is trash. People only love Kain for the dialogue. I'm certain of that coz it's almost as retarded as Kingdom Fart's plot, where one guy is this guy but is also this guy then it's revealed that this guy is all of those guys and all of those guys is the villain. AYY LMAO! Legacy Of kain/Soul Reaver never gets as bad Kingdom Fart's but I'm just saying that Kain has the same sloppy style of writing as a Square Enix game, like the Lightning Returns.

That's what Kain's story reminds me of. (Go figure, they also both revolve around time travel.)
If Kain had dumbass dialogue such as "Destiny is Destiny"

You'd see far more people making fun of the LOK games.

Instead everyone is mesmerized by the acting, but not paying attention to how sophomoric the story is.
They're just talking heads for the most part, where you walk to a new cutscene and then they talk for fucking ever.

But what they're talking about is of no consequence. There's like only 3 minutes of actual story content, but they just keep on talking & talking just to fucking repeat themselves. Why? LOL!
It's clearly trying to go for a Xenoblade type of story, where nothing is as it seems but Xenoblade is able to hit the ball out of the park every single time, because they clearly follow some gnostic checklist & timeline to pen their stories around. Soul Reaver Legacy of Kain series comes off like a story where they're just making up random bullshit as they go along.

It's fucking retarded that the Nosgoth Pillars were of Vampire origin the entire time, and that entire series is filled with retcons like this, which actually devalue the story rather than making it more complex.

I vastly prefer Amy's Uncharted dialogue, where the writing is punchy and witty.

I like the line about walls where the Jason Statham guy makes these remarks about claustrophobia. It's not in the video but I remember it from playing the game all these years later coz I genuinely laughed out loud when I first heard it.
My favorite part about the original was how you go back in time to stop a murderous Tyrant before he become one leading to a worse outcome, because the people have no memory of him as a bad guy. Only as a saint. Which shows the flaw of trying to prevent a bad event from happening by changing the past.
The original LOK has much better writing than the Amy games imo (It's also the only Kain game with pretty good gameplay, similar to Legend of Zelda), because characters had clear & cut goals & archetypes. Vampires were portrayed as a Nobility class who act no different than our real world nobility. (Who also act like vampires, with their love of baby blood. AYY LMAO!)

I hate how in the Amy games, even Vorador is portrayed as some misunderstood Hero/sage.

When he's quite clearly villainous or at best an Anti-Hero (if you're a vampire) in the original LOK.

I judge villainy of a Vamp like this, would the Castelvania Belmont clan be sent to vanquish these Vamps? Yes, yes they would. Vorador & Kain speak exactly like how Dracula does in the CV games.
Alucard or Bloodrayne are different, because they don't revel in their vampiry & are more of a human.
As charming as Kain or Vorador are, in reality they would see you us prey, and less than worthy to breathe the same air as they breathe. At best we're just a meatshield & a walking snacc to them.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Krizzx »

Jesus doesn't want to become a god.
Jesus Christ is just a random kikel faggot who died on a cross because he opposed the Jews, who influenced the Romans to publicly execute Jesus for his transgressions. Jesus wasn't deified as a godly figure until 400 years after his death.
A Jesus figure typically refers to a person who offers another path or a breakaway society, away from the systems of oppression offered by every other faction, otherwise known as the Beast.
That exactly describes him.
Japan is part of a Creator God remnant organization called Bethel in the game that forces everyone to head the rules of the Creator in his absence. The whole reason for the Nahobino's creation is too defy Bethel. They are the remnant forces of the law and order of the dead Creator god who have all societies under their control following the demon apocalypse.

Eventually, the prime minister of Japan uses you to break away from Bethel's controlled society and its forced subjugation to old Law to bring "salvation" to Japan which exists in a slowly fading miracle(fake Tokyo created by the old god that is disintegrating in the absence of his power) and its old Gods who had their knowledge and godhood stripped by the creator god. This triggers all other societies to breakaway and pursue the throne of heaven for their own means at which point you are tasked with choosing a path. The standard law(side with bethel), chaos(side with Japan and restore polytheism and autonomy to the world ), or neutral routes(kill all demons making a world for just human), or, of course, the true ending where you destroy the throne of god and remove all gods, demons, and magic from the world.

No matter which path you choose, you ultimately defy the creator God, even Law, because simply existing as Nahobino defies his rules that their can be no other God.
The supposed “good guys” of the game, who want to end all war and conflict by assimilating every human being into some technological post-human collective. Without asking. They are basically the Borg with better public relations. They wish to launch this effort from their base in the Statue of Liberty. I was never able to figure out if the irony was intentional or not.
I didn't think it seemed like a good guy ending either. Just that it wasn't like the original Illuminati guy who basically wanted to become God and lord over humanity through control of all technology.

Denton's "intentions" were good, even if his ultimate goals and execution of them were horrible. Though, I don't think he messed with anyone's will though. That was his whole thing. He wanted people wills to be the only thing that mattered
The original Kain is basically a different character who wasn't even written by Amy.
I'm talking shit about the Soul Reaver/LOK BO2/Defiance Kain
where he's quite clearly meant to be a misunderstood character during Soul Reaver.
He never felt like he was misunderstood to me. He was clearly portrayed as evil, after all. It was more like they were trying to convey that there were much larger evils and issues at play than him, and that he had bigger goals than to simply rule as the lord of vampires.

Also, there is the point I mentioned initially as well. That the game was never meant to be multiple parts. Soul Rever was suppose to end with you killing Aerial and Kain, and sealing them in the Soul Reaver thus completely destroying the pillars of balance, where Kain refused to, ultimately freeing the world only for the old gods to take control. They completey altered the path they were on in the sequels. Aerial and the pillars completely ceased to matter.
Last edited by Krizzx on Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

When jimenes fused with demon
That path is chosing technology
We need to remember that soul is already powerful dont need technology to evolve
Some races in galaxy for wathever reason chose technology path, is slav3ment
B3ast system then they Connect it to Ai
Integrated to your body is transhumanism

Humanity isnt all a hundred bad or good
Reason their agenda is behind schedule
If you study Kabalah, Talmud they teach everyone had to be so bad for their messiah to appear
Reason Hollywood agenda

We need to remember if you go with this path your spirituality will leave you behind

With vaccines they are integrating this system to your bodies

Reason of forever boosters in
Soul has a power to change reality
Reason their integration besides predicting future also is to manipulate thoughts then have control of future
I don't know for how how long since when demons Star living in bodies I don't know when soul leaves
Is their way to stay in this reality
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I just wanna say i don't like smt V as for the point ya All already mention it especially when comes to exploring,music,atmosphera and the lore. Sure the combats looks maintain looking interesting to me especially the usual press turn mechanic. I like Strange journey the most for the Fps dungeon exploring and the idea of will the investigation team made out alive on that alienated land even with most advanced technology ,human get killed by the demon. ,i don't like the combat much especially the demon co op thing its hard to keep the same demon with the same alingment with the same skill that would activated the triple demon co op counter attack.i played strange journey a decade ago back when i was still a noob in Rpg.all i care back then is male sure my team is equiped wit all elemental skill to weaken enemy with a specific elemental weakness and grinding for high level instead of focusing more on buff my team and debuff my enemy.
Why in Smt V there are two world like persona? What i mean is at one point protagonist can turn back to normal and go the normal world instead of the usual the world at peace turn into a war again just like in the previous installment?.
to your bodies

Reason of forever boosters in
Soul has a power to change reality
Reason their integration besides predicting future also is to manipulate thoughts then have control of future
I don't know for how how long since when demons Star living in bodies I don't know when soul leaves
Is their way to stay in this realit :ugeek: y

I Don't know man i already get 2 shot of sinovac last year .and i am still healthy as ever. The reason i get it because. Those people start coming to my house and i failed to say no. I'm not saying that the provac is right.the shot that i get probably a placebo shot or whatever they called maybe thats why i had no side effects.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

If you watch Andreas Noack that this graphene hardly desintegrated in bodies
But Dr kampras said human body desintegrated it
Reason they need to keep forever boosters
To make a environment for their nanobots to grow in your body, human bodies are all different
2 shots isn't end but if you continue it then
They are creating an. Environment in body for their nanos to grow then they can switch you off
Remember is just like pc antivirus while they take control of your PC's and have backdoor keys
Updateing it every so on often
They are getting backdoor keys to your human body ... ter-p.html
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Post by Jack »

That new Kirby game looks way better than Pokemon Legends imo.

The new Kirby has high production values in physics, environments & interactivity like Mario Odyssey whereas Poke Legends has fairly dull environments & outdated physics lol. I'm only interested coz I want at least one Pokemon game, and both Sword/Shield & Pearl/Diamond look like overpriced shit to me. (Especially when Digimon Cyber Sleuth has far better graphics than both, and plays & looks like a SMT game.)

Notice how the new Kirby trailer has way more likes than Poke Legends, despite having much less views.
I'm shocked that Kirby is coming out in March though, that's the same month as MAR10 week.
Krizzx wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:24 pm
Jesus doesn't want to become a god.
Jesus Christ is just a random kikel faggot who died on a cross because he opposed the Jews, who influenced the Romans to publicly execute Jesus for his transgressions. Jesus wasn't deified as a godly figure until 400 years after his death.
A Jesus figure typically refers to a person who offers another path or a breakaway society, away from the systems of oppression offered by every other faction, otherwise known as the Beast.
That exactly describes him.
Japan is part of a Creator God remnant organization called Bethel in the game that forces everyone to head the rules of the Creator in his absence. The whole reason for the Nahobino's creation is too defy Bethel. They are the remnant forces of the law and order of the dead Creator god who have all societies under their control following the demon apocalypse.

Eventually, the prime minister of Japan uses you to break away from Bethel's controlled society and its forced subjugation to old Law to bring "salvation" to Japan which exists in a slowly fading miracle(fake Tokyo created by the old god that is disintegrating in the absence of his power) and its old Gods who had their knowledge and godhood stripped by the creator god. This triggers all other societies to breakaway and pursue the throne of heaven for their own means at which point you are tasked with choosing a path. The standard law(side with bethel), chaos(side with Japan and restore polytheism and autonomy to the world ), or neutral routes(kill all demons making a world for just human), or, of course, the true ending where you destroy the throne of god and remove all gods, demons, and magic from the world.

No matter which path you choose, you ultimately defy the creator God, even Law, because simply existing as Nahobino defies his rules that their can be no other God.
I completely disagree, because the options you've stated are not particularly Christ-like which refers to an Awakening, or an unveiling. The ability to see beyond the veil. Which is exactly what Yakumo does. Yakumo looked far beyond the proposed narratives, and created his own perception, based off of logical deduction and the support of his main creator goddess, Nu Wa who both agrees & confirms with his assessment of the situation.

Although I admit, SMT5's Law & Chaos reasons actually sound reasonable when compared to SMT3's reasons lol.
It took me a long time to understand the sanity of Hikawa's reason coz his is basically similar to JC Denton IW, in that they basically want to deliver Heaven to you as the default state of man.
I'm one of those retards who believe that it's the trials & tribulations which makes humans, who we are. Without trials & tribulations, we have no reason to live. We simply stagnate without a life of conflict.

Yakumo is the only one imo who fits most of the Christ-criteria, because he completely discards the rules (he metaphorically flips the usurer table over.) and were it not for him, you wouldn't even know that you could simply discard the game altogether and just destroy the throne.
This entire game of god making just sounds like usury to me, but instead of paying with money, we're paying through karmic debt. Not unlike SMT2's Aleph. Aleph paid the price, because he still played by the rules.
Yakumo doesn't play by the rules but he was too weak to pull it off, so it fell to Nahobino to break the system.
The supposed “good guys” of the game, who want to end all war and conflict by assimilating every human being into some technological post-human collective. Without asking. They are basically the Borg with better public relations. They wish to launch this effort from their base in the Statue of Liberty. I was never able to figure out if the irony was intentional or not.
I didn't think it seemed like a good guy ending either. Just that it wasn't like the original Illuminati guy who basically wanted to become God and lord over humanity through control of all technology.
The intentions & justifications don't matter when the function is still the same.
What difference does it make from Bill Gat- I mean Bob Page transcending himself into godhood via machine vs a technological singularity where machine itself surpasses humans as both the creators & influencers.
In fact it could be argued that we're already at the infant stages of such an event since it's largely trend algorithms which are currently structuring Western society. In the past, influencers used to have a human element which took into account the complexities of humans. In the modern era, algorithm programs are only concerned with the easiest, most precise means to replicate itself, or replicate what it was programmed to.

In this case, the replication of page click generation that's centralized around rage bait which either targets a persons' racial or sexual identity. The programs replicate this formula until you see nothing in the media that isn't about one of the two or both subjects, to generate and maintain constant engagement at the price of human hysteria. The machines don't take that into the equation, because a machine only cares about the process, the means to achieve the goal.

Denton's "intentions" were good, even if his ultimate goals and execution of them were horrible. Though, I don't think he messed with anyone's will though. That was his whole thing. He wanted people wills to be the only thing that mattered
The road to hell is always paved with good intentions. It's why I generally trust assholes more than I do the Utopians. Utopians are always willing to sacrifice en-masse so long as the means justify the ends. In real life this would be like the Alt Right retards who want an all White Empire spanning from the USA, Russia, Rome, Germany, and to the UK. LOL it's quite clear that the Alt-Reich are fucking morons who never read a history book or understood basic economics.
They have an inability to understand that Russians don't think of themselves as Germans or that Italians don't think of themselves as British, German, American or Russia. These are all completely distinct historical, racial & ethnic demographics who all branched off of the Caucasians much similar to how Indians & Iranians did, and it's fucking hilarious seeing 'White supremacist' types being so willing to erase the unique historical & ethnic identities of their own people just to build one huge ethnic blob called 'White' people to create some kind of modernized Pax Romana. LOL! It's like they never understood that the Romans were motherfucking Mixed-raced & multicultural. Even Xed would tell you that, and he's from Rome, born & raised kek.

I never ever see Asians advocating for such an absurd thing. Chinese would never want to be Japanese and vice versa or for all of them to be included into some vague Pan-Asian empire. Yet for some reason there's a fucking retarded Pan-WhiteEuropean Supremacist movement in the USA who think of themselves as intellectuals when they're actually the dumbest sons of bitches that I've ever seen.
The Left wing version of Utopian are the Communists whose ideals only work if you can somehow change the nature of man. I just feel like shitting on the Alt-right since they have the most pedestrian take on politics I've ever heard. AYYYY LMAO! Commies may completely ignore human instinct, but the Alt-reich completely ignore everything else. kek.

We could assume that Denton didn't know any better, but he is not a dumbass. It's far more likely that he acted like a typical politician and only told you what he wanted you to know, just so he can convince you to side with him.
That's generally the issue with these Deus Ex/Shin Megami Tensei style games, the entire plot hinges on who the protagonist sides with, which makes the protag feel like a passive actor within the story only serving the functions of others. They're little more than a whore, being paid or rewarded for their service.

He never felt like he was misunderstood to me. He was clearly portrayed as evil, after all. It was more like they were trying to convey that there were much larger evils and issues at play than him, and that he had bigger goals than to simply rule as the lord of vampires.
Sure I can agree with that to an extent. That is basically what an Anti Hero is, someone who generally just takes on a greater evil. I do consider him as misunderstood because he always had grander aspirations for why he tore of Raziel's wings & threw him down some pit. It's about some convoluted free will destiny bullshit.
Which quite clearly puts Kain in the misunderstood light, because he's not acting as a jealous, angry god.
Kain is acting more like a tough love father figure, who knows what's right for you, simply because he's much more knowledgeable than Raziel is.

I just think it would've been way more interesting had Kain simply been a Vlad the Impaler, Luciferian analog rather than some kind of Jesus type figure, for vampires. lol
Also, there is the point I mentioned initially as well. That the game was never meant to be multiple parts. Soul Rever was suppose to end with you killing Aerial and Kain, and sealing them in the Soul Reaver thus completely destroying the pillars of balance, where Kain refused to, ultimately freeing the world only for the old gods to take control. They completey altered the path they were on in the sequels. Aerial and the pillars completely ceased to matter.
I don't recall you saying that but yes it's obvious that they never intended to turn Kain into a series. It's why the characterizations are so different from the OG game when compared to the series. It had completely different writers & developers.
It turns out that the lead writer for Blood Omen 1, is the same lead writer for Eternal Darkness.
Now that makes a lot of sense since ED has the same mature, horror writing style that BO1 had.

Not that I dislike Amy Heniiq coz she actually is one of the best gaming writers of all time. it's just that her talent is clearly in dialogue. None of her games have had a good story. They're just serviceable stories at best (Uncharted 1-3) or fanfiction-tier stories at worst like her Kain stuff, but they're punctuated with a great ear for wordplay & verbal interaction. Amy is like the script writer's equivalent of a rapper who's a great lyricist, but a terrible story teller. It's the voice acting from Amy's games which elevated Kain's plots into the legendary tier that they occupy.
DaRealEvilone wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:57 pm When jimenes fused with demon
That path is chosing technology
We need to remember that soul is already powerful dont need technology to evolve
Some races in galaxy for wathever reason chose technology path, is slav3ment
B3ast system then they Connect it to Ai
Integrated to your body is transhumanism
I though he was half demon. Not that it matters since archons can achieve earthly shape though machine.
We need to remember if you go with this path your spirituality will leave you behind
Do Americans even have spirituality at all? Even their Christians are just following a mass marketed Ameriburger version of Cucktanity which keeps them enslaved to narratives, so long as you force-feed it to them that "This is what Jeezus would do." Americans have a weird perception on who they think Jesus was. They think of him as some kind of Hippy, Pacifist when he was actually the exact opposite. Malcolm X is much closer to a Jesus type of figure and he was a militant Muslim. X could see through all of the lies though, and he tried to act upon it.
Soul has a power to change reality
Reason their integration besides predicting future also is to manipulate thoughts then have control of future
I don't know for how how long since when demons Star living in bodies I don't know when soul leaves
Is their way to stay in this reality
I agree. There were actual scientific studies where crazy ass transhumanist scientist have figured out that there's a 'God gene'. They sell you this deception by scaremongering about the Muslims whom that scientist claims, "that they irrationally fear & believe in God due to this gene."

I just want to be left alone, but no these crazy ass nerdy fucking bookworm types who are obviously unhappy with their lot in life, have to constantly interfere with the rest of the human race so that these bookworm types can self ordain themselves as Gods. I actually don't or didn't give a shit about spirituality, religion or any of that sort at all. I just read up a lot about it because it's obvious that our World Elites & Bluebloods believe in spirituality. Otherwise they wouldn't fund so many billions into eradicating it. lol. It's so bizarre.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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