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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

I like Hylics. More than Undertale, Off or anything else like that.

Still not daring to play Fear & Hunger though, lol (too much male nudity like boss making attack as throwaway his dick)
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:37 pm I remember posting about Pathfinder back on the other site. No one seemed interested then. I did some looking into it and apparently its based on a ruleset that is essentially D&D3.5+ which is more my a speed.
I mainly wanted Pathfinder, to continue my character from Neverwinter Nights. (It's the same exact ruleset.) I'm rocking a Lawful Neutral female Kenshiro who explodes shit with her fist, but she tries her best to beat every mission without any violence at all. Pathfinder seemed like it was tailor made for me coz it even had Kingdom strategy gaming elements, that a lot of rpg fags hate, but who cares about them? A lot of Rpg fags hate Darkest Dungeon, and that game is fucking amazing, since it aactually feels like a kingdom management simulator where you just sacrifice a bunch of random pawns, feeding them to Eldritch horrors to keep them from overtaking your kingdom.

I'm deciding between Island Saga or Space Haven with the refunded cash I have in my account.
I would definitely go with space haven. There are plenty of well made RPG eroge filled with anime TnA that can be downloaded for free.
I don't want it for the tits though. I want it coz it plays like Romancing Saga 3 or Saga Frontier, which none of those other games do, and not even Scarlet Grace did. Believe me, if I wanted it for the tits, I'd say it straight up. I was raised in Japan, we have no motherfucking shame. I looked up the porn scenes though and it actually turned me off from the game coz it is way too hardcore.
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php? ... aa71fea3b1
I don't have a prob with that, but I legit want it coz it mimics the RS play mechanics so well, from what I've seen. I think the porn shit just gets in the way. (It's a Japanese company, and they also made a fun looking Hentai Final Fantasy rip off, as well as a Space Sci fi hentai rpg.) I assumed the porn would just be generic pin ups that I could easily skip through, not full blown intercourse.

On Steam, I see full blown 3d porn games where all you do is fuck. I ain't interested in it, coz I really am about the gameplay.

(Those games were in my recommends due to my interest in Wrestling. Fucking & Wrestling does have common ground though. Borrowing another persons' body, doing harm to them, but not too much. You have to strike a right balance.)
I would play those games if they added in a management strategy portion to the game where I'm either playing as a pimp, pimping hoes and managing supply lines, hiring escort bodyguards, or as a hoe, trying to make enough money to pay off the pimp or put a hit on him, lol.

Yeah I'm heavily leaning towards Space Haven, coz I laughed when I read about a playthrough where some dude imprisoned an entire ship of people and then fed them nothing but the body parts of their dead crew mates, kek!
I was about to get that with Dark Wood (I already own it on Switch, but I never play it.)
Then I saw this Three Kingdoms game, and it looks just like a greatest hits version of Koei's ROTK.

Damn it mang, it reminds me of ROTK 4 & 11. The latest ROTK is some Nobunaga-lite garbage so may was well settle for this.

I'm also kinda interested in muh gurl Miriam.

The only Miriam game that I can play on mac.

Still not daring to play Fear & Hunger though, lol (too much male nudity like boss making attack as throwaway his dick)
The game is meant to be disturbing. I don't mind gay faggotry, if it's depicted as horror, which it is in that game.
(Weird how in Le Current Year USA, Gayness is depicted as a higher evolved breed of human. That just shows that Americans are completely disrespectful & intolerant of foreign cultures. I'm always telling fags, bring that to Jamaica mon. Hell you'll even get burned in a barrel in Mexico, but Americans always tell me that I must be closet gays coz I don't like fags. I'm like, I don't like White supremacists either, does that make me a white supremacist? No, you just have shit logic.)

It's how I thought games would eventually evolve after the PS2 era (revolve around disturbing subject matter, not unlike early 2000s internet & the deep web.), but instead we became less edgy, and more moralfag. I blame Americans mang. You either have Christian fucktards screaming at you for being degenerate, or you have SJW fucktards screaming at you for being a shit human. I'm like fuck you, who died and made you the boss of me? Free country bitch, it's the USA. Unfortunatey, that doesn't fly any more. USA is becoming China, which is worse than I what I initially thought the SJW tards were. (I thought they were just European larpers.)
. There's a place filled with naked girls getting fucked but the only one available is some dude who fucks you up the ass just so you can recover some stress & life. I think you actually catch a disease though.
(too much male nudity like boss making attack as throwaway his dick)
Can't you cut his dick off? LOL the first thing I did in that game was cut all my limbs off, just because I can, and I just died coz I couldn't move. It's similar to how the very first thing I did when I played Xenoblade Torna, was jump to my death, coz I was expecting it to have invisible walls like nearly every other Jrpg has. (Even FF VII remake, lol.)
I tried killing myself in Xenoblade Definitive edition but I actually got an achevement for that coz I accidentally landed in an ocean and actually survived the fall. XB2's combat beats the shit out XB1. XB2's combat is like a fighting game, you have to use the entire controller, even the start & select button. Select button allows you to overdrive as Elma. Start allows you to do chains & go Mythra/Pyra super saiyan.

First thing I noticed with XB DE, is how the Monado sword is almost as powerful as Mythra, except Mythra has Mondado powers and could also summon nukes from world-orbitting satellites, plus she she can do foresight, and slightly alter time for a tactical combat advantage.
One thing I think is way better about XB DE, is that foresight actually matters, since you have to actively prevent the deaths of the people in your party.

It's amusing to me just how low the power levels are for the XB DE cast. Everyone is basically a loser except Shulk & RoboGod-Fiora. I've always heard about how strong Shulk supposedly is, but it's really just the Monado sword that's strong, and only he can use it.
XB2 has a similar restrictiion where Rex is a useless faggot, but everyone follows him coz he's paired with Mythra who is basically a living Monado. That's where it gets into that weird creation crap coz Monado Sword is just the power of Zanza & Myleth in the form of a blade, but Mythra is just an information processing unit who was created by Zanza, and was split into 3 Human-formed blades.

I like XB2 way better, but I can see why XB1 gives off a much better impression on people. (Aside for Reyn time being the best damn character of all time. He's like a Dudebro, stuck inside a faggy Jrpg, lol.)
XB1's first two chapters has you fighting a war against fucking Terminators who can't be destroyed. There was no threat of that caliber in XB2, granted that's due to just how fucking strong XB2's cast is. Morag is actually the weakest, when she herself is practically one of the strongest characters in the game. It's just every other party member gets a power buff or gimmick that rises above her own power.
I like how XB2 even acknowledges this but Morag says that she's fine with just being a human so she never gets any power-creep jumps that the rest of the cast gets, since she's already extremely strong.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!


i'm lefthanded but however i have no problem playing fps on PC.then again it was long time ago back when i was a kid i played whatever i get on my hands game like Virtua Cop & The house of the DEAD .especially game like L4D,where that game is fast i can just shoot randomly fast and the zombies still die.the real problem to me is how one can play fps on Mobile? i've seen a lot people playing game like PUBG,COD on Mobile. the control is akward sometimes i cannot see my target because of my finger.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

Gyrojojo wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:22 am i'm lefthanded but however i have no problem playing fps on PC.then again it was long time ago back when i was a kid i played whatever i get on my hands game like Virtua Cop & The house of the DEAD .
Those are light gun games, where the fucking screen moves for you lol. Not FPS. Reread what I wrote. I'm criticsizing the movement, and how I have to rely on hard presses for movement due to how keyboards aren't exactly pressure sensitive, unlike the majority of fps on consoles. This bullshit about how PC massa race thinks that you're a subhuman for using a controller, just strikes me as more Huwite boi bullshit where they make up arbitrary rules that you must conform to, otherwise they'll look down on you as a lesser species. These motherfuckers claim to just be playing, oh we sarcastic. Mang fuck that, then explain why they assfucking mad when they find out you use a controller, and still kick their fucking asses while playing with a controlle, ayyy lmao!
especially game like L4D,where that game is fast i can just shoot randomly fast and the zombies still die.t
Once again, that's not a real competitive FPS. Anyone can play L4D, hold down the shoot button and gun down millions of zombies. It's not exactly a skill-based game. Ironically, something like Call of Duty actually is skill-based in Multiplayer, and that's what my criticism stems from. There's a reason why COD's competitive scene doesn't even have a PC bracket, coz a lot of the movement & tactics that I see motherfuckaz pulling off on PS4, can't really be imitated on PC due to the different control scheme. FUck Reddit & Fuck steam for trying to force their keyboard + mouse supremacy bullshit, as if FPS games still played like DOOM or your average arena shooter.

Keyboard & mouse actually is a good control scheme for Doom style shooters coz the movement isn't realistic at all, which eliminates the need for fancy stick handling for juking. In something like Doom or Unreal, you're not trying to fake movement because those oldfuck archaic style games don't even have realistic human movement, which is why arena shooters do the goofy spacejump hop shit for movement.
Arena fps died out in favor of shittier, more realistic shooters, due to just how retarded 'advanced tactics' looked in Arena shooters, lol.

LOL is it any wonder that arena shooters died? Most people prob realized just how retarded the games look to a bystander "Why the fuck are these nerds jumping 24/7 and shooting the ground? DO they not know how to aim?" *QUE in the angry nerdy Steam Incel with a Wife & 3 of his wive's children* ACHSHULLY, we're trying to hit our opponents with the force of our blasts so we don't need to aim for the opponent, just the general direction of where they may land",
Like seriously mang? That's what top tier pc FPS shooting revolves around? Not actually aiming for your opponent, and these are the same dumbfucks who think they know how to shoot a gun & survive a zombie apocalypse just from playing FPS.
HAHH HAHAH Fuck that bullshit. The more you actually know about these alleged pros (Who yes they could kick my ass in their shitty game. Who cares?) the more you realize that their entire meta is bullshit that everyone just conforms to, coz some supreme master nerd enforced the playstyle. (Same exact shit happens in Smash Bros.)

They get really mad at alternative playstyles like mine, coz it's considered as scrubby & brainless.
Fighting games are like the only genre of games, that allow every playstyle. The more competitive games I play, the more I realize how every single one of them (except for fighting games, not called Smash Bros.) are dominated by self appointed Supreme Nerds who enforced a mandated META, that plays to their favor, and they will discourage any alternative playstyle that actually works, as a brainless way to play, LOL!

i'm lefthanded but however i have no problem playing fps on PC.
Are you good enough to get into the top 3 of a pvp match? If not, then no, it's not playable as a lefty.
It turns out that the Shadow Warrior remaster is actually unplayable for everybody though, lol. Damn near everyone complains about that game's controls.

ANyway Do you seriously play with the keyboard to the right side of you, while your body is positioned to the left? If you play left handed with the default wasd controls, you're not going to be playing with the keyboard in front of you, which already puts you at a disadvantage, coz the right handers all play with the keyboard in front of them, so they can instantly see the number pad, the surrounding buttons around wasd and the space bar, which all are a finger lentgh away for a right handed faggot.

With a lefty retard, you have to position your body away from the keyboard and have to move your entire fucking and to reach the buttons with the default wasd layout. This is why some lefties opt for the ijkl layout since it allows them to at least sit in front of the fucking keyboard, but it's still not ideal. You have to rearrange the number key from 9-1, instead of 1-9 which still puts you at a disadvantage coz righthand faggots get the first 5 buttons from the numberkey, instantly above their palm area. What the fuck do Lefty retards get? We only fucking get 3 buttons from the numberkey, above our palm area, and have to fucking move our entire palm just to reach ther other buttons. Do you not see just how disadvantaged a lefty is, if they seriously try to conform with this keyboard + mouse Huwite boi nerd supremacy bullshit?

How do you get gud on a fucking keyboard & mouse? I understand the ease of mouse for aiming, but the walking is shit. I come at it from a fighitng game mindset, so the majority of my game plan is faking & telegraphing where I'm about to move to, but I don't press down all the way, so the shots often miss me.
Movement with a console controller is buttery smooth, because I'm not pressing 2 fucking buttons just to move in a diagonal direction, nor am I pressing (hard presses) on four buttons just to do a circular juke motion, before I fake out to side to side, then strafe as I'm constantly firing.

I'm not saying that it can't be done through keyboard & mouse, but it's not easy to do, and I don't really see keyboard & mouse faggots play run n gun style which is the preferred method on console. On PC, everyone fucking thinks they're a sniper, so they just stand in one place and aim with the mouse. Granted, it's coz trying to juke with a fucking keyboard, just doesn't make any sense. I'm pressing four fucking buttons to walk & run. Console D-pads are 4 buttons, but most FPS don't use the D-pad for movement, they use it for hot keys.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

I only played Space Haven for 1.8 hours aka 107 minutes
, but when I go to refund it, it says that I played for exactly 2 hours.

Mang that's fucked. It's not like I could just send screencaps or whatever coz it's not like they log the time of when you filed a request. They only look at your purchase date & hours. I'm guessing they figured that I was gonna try to refund it, coz there's a pattern to the games I git rid of. I'll play them for a short bit on the first day, I wait for several days to past then play em again, and then refund them based how I felt about it. They say that I was 13 minutes away from 2 hours so when I go to refund it, it says that I played for exactly 2 hours, which is a lie.
Fuck steam anyway. I hate steam's interface, it's so fucking clunky, and it doesn't even completely load a page half the time.

Space Haven ain't the worst game to be forced to own, but it's really nowhere near RimWorld's level, even back when Rim World was in early access. Rim World had pets, hand 2 hand fighting, melee weapons, much more random events occurring, constant monster & enemy faction raids, just 1 monster actually felt dangerous and could destroy your whole colony, your survivors would randomly make out with each other, jealous survivors could see that and then start killing each other. Rim World was a very dynamic game. Space Haven looks & sounds better, but the actual gameplay is far more bland. The Aliens have much more terrifying designs since they're inspired by Geiger's Alien, but they unfortunately function like zombies and are easily dispatched with just a 4 man army of shotguns, lol. Even the Alien queen is a fucking pussy, and why the fuck do half of the pirates kamikaze rush me with jsut their fists? That's why this game fucking needs melee weapons. Running barehanded against a guy with a gun, just sounds dumb to me. In real life, a guy with a knife at close proximity is far more dangerous than a guy with a gun but if you're a guy with no weapons at all, why even try?

In Rim world, just one monster could kill your entire settlement if you weren't fortified enough. You don't even get invaded by aliens in Space Haven.
Overall the game kinda fucking sucks when compared to Rim World. Yes it's an early access game, but I've only played Rim World in early access and that game has far more depth than Space haven. I really should've fucking bought Stardew Valley, and made a living killing monsters at the mines. It sure beats the hell out of watching retards who all look the same, slowly building a spaceship.

That's another thing that's better about Rim World, character diversity.
My main Rim world game had a Nerd scientist, An obese red neck Farmer, a Kpop gook girl & a black female nurse.
This was all randomized and the death of our settlement happened due to the scientist attacking my farmer dude coz farmer dude & kpop girl were making out with each other in the main bed. Fat red neck beat the shit out of him, but he was still wounded enough that we couldn't fight off the raiders. They killed gook girl, while Black nurse hid away at a nearby ruin. The stupid scientist nerd was already bleeding out by the dmg he sustained from the fat red neck, who was also our only survivor who knew how to use a gun.

Space Haven is nothing like this, coz it's just not as random. The jobs are also really generic, you certainly don't get kpop stars in Space haven. I loved how completely useless some of the jobs were in Rim World. Most of the jobs in Space haven are utilitarian. About the most useless job backgrounds that you get are a teacher or a salesman.


Streets of Rogue was the main offender.

That games has like over 8k overwhelmingly positive reviews when it fucking sucks. Streets of Rogue feels so directionless, it's not at all player skill-based, it's just a game about random mayhem where you do whatever you want, but it's all fuckign boring. I think it's some hipster meme in-joke where a bunch of fucking nerds love to laugh at SNES sprites killing each other, Grand Theft Auto 5 star rampage style.

Both of these games are just an edgy wannabe of Stardew Valley, but progression actually matters in Stardew Vlley. You actually feel like you're working towards something in Stardew Valley while pursuing your own goals.
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/765 ... ed/979110/
I agree with this review. I too was shocked to see how much Space Haven railroads you and forces you to build up your spaceship & colony the same exact way that the tutorial teaches you. That tutorial also fucking goes on for fucking ever. I honestly just expected something that was drop in & play like RImworld. Rim World is the same style of games, but you don't have to build the same exact shit, in the same fucking order in every game. You could go for any theme you wanted in Rimworld, provided that you have the settlers with the skills to pull it off.

Motherfuck mang, Steam is filled with so much fucking shills, and or a lot of PC MASSSA Race elitists, who are easily impressed with everything. Look at Streets of Rage 4 mang, two months ago, PC Massa Race would jump on your ass for daring to like Streets of Rage Remake. 2 months later, damn near everyone outside of PC Massas Race, claims that SORR is a much better game. You just can't fucking trust the opiniojns you see on Steam. I'm starting to think that they don't play games at all. Sure they have the hours logged in, but they probably just hired some professional gamer to complete their shit lol.

Honestly, a lot of these Steam motherfuckers come off as if they just watched games being played through live streams. It's what convinced me to get Space haven, coz the live stream on the Space Haven page made it look way more fun than it actually is. For the record, I play the starting with a mine mode on the hardest difficulty, which prolly makes it more boring, but the other difficulty modes sound lame coz it sounds like you rarely encounter hostile forces in the other modes.

Why the fuck can't hazards and shit just happen at random like in Rimworld? Events do happen in Space haven, but it just never feels that threatening.In Rim World, it seems as though the world itself wants to fucking kill you by making you face off all sorts of crazy hazards & invasions. Space haven jsut feels more like Sim City, where you sometimes fight other factions but for the most part you're just building shit unperturbed. Fucking trash game. Hope it gets better with the two months it has left of early access. The improvements I'd want to see could easily be added in within a month, and then tested the following month.

TLDR: Game is shit, buy Stardew Valley instead for a superior game, or Rim World for a Dwarf Fortress clone done right. Bonus: Buy Deathroad to Canada for a truly random, object goal oriented rouge like game that tests your survival skills, over that trash ass Streets of Rogue that it seems that people only love, as some kind of ironic nerdy meme in-joke. That game is actually shit.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Krizzx »

You should try factorio. It was a game I remember seeing bad in development back when Rim World was still in early development.

Its all about building complex illaborate a manufactoring systems while fighting off invading aliens or something like that in an attempt to escape a foreign planet kind of like Olimar from Pikmin. Its more a game for creative types, which is right up my alley. But then I'm all about city building and resource management games like sim city and tropico.

Another good randomized space game is Faster Than Light, though pretty much everyone has played that by now.
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

Nah, lol, i love me arena fps and rocket jumping shit or whatever, always fun.

(btw, no idea of which exactly games you talk around where there is only splash damage weapon :roll: in most games there are different weapons presented, including the ones with which you need to aim very precisely)

Also in recent years i came to conclusion that quake3/live was actually the pinnacle of all (especially duels with all that mindgame and outsmarting opponent), even though i grew up playing Unreal Tournament much more.

Anyway, latest gaem in series, QuakeChampions is utter trash, so whatever.

Its common sense now to consider Doom 2016 being much better multiplayer, ffs (i mean, very few expected it fron newdoom)

If i wanna play "realistic" though well there is always Red Orchestra (i like it more than Arma or Operation Flashpoint, i think), but i'd say that those almost war simulation games are also niche that requires specific mindset to enjoy. Iron sight, recoil, limb damage, no indication of enemy... those games really need teamplay with mic etc. to coordinate your actions. These games can be intense and adrenaline rushing, but also utterly boring as well without right approach...

Personally, i always prefered Day of Defeat instead. While, unlike RO/arma/whatever, it's not "teh realism with huge maps", its more arcade-like and a bit smaller (but i'd say it has actual level design, cause its not fields/forest open areas usually, but city parts or village outskirts with many different routes to use for dis/advantage), yet still teamplay focuses with roles being important and good team where everyone knows how support each other matters.

Btw, is everyone nowodays play Tarkov lol?

To conclude my post, i just wanna mention that Splatoon is fucking cool and i m surprised noone tried to somehow clone it lol

Meanwhile, one of my friends is creating his own Doom mod (more for coop playing of campaigns, though) after he was dissatisfied with brutaldoom.
This one is classes-based.

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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:45 am You should try factorio. It was a game I remember seeing bad in development back when Rim World was still in early development.

Its all about building complex illaborate a manufactoring systems while fighting off invading aliens or something like that in an attempt to escape a foreign planet kind of like Olimar from Pikmin. Its more a game for creative types, which is right up my alley. But then I'm all about city building and resource management games like sim city and tropico.
Nah the game I'm expecting is the Stardew Valley team's next game,

Factorio is not the same type of game, aside for the resources management & building. Rim world & Space Haven are modeled after Dwarf Fortress.

They're more like The Sims, who you control to build up settlements like Sim City, but you're stuck inside an apocalyptic Real Time Strategy game that's similar to X-com Apocalypse. Space haven's equipment screen & combat even looks exactly like X-com Apocalypse. (It's most likely intentional.)

The wars can get extremely massive in these types of games.

It's part of what I don't like about Space Haven, you seem to only ever get invaded by Pirates. It'd be cool if Aliens could invade you too. You only ever see aliens in derelict ships.

I like these type of games for the emergent story telling which plays out through gameplay.
I don't really give a shit about the building. That's just part of the survivalist gameplay for me. I like managing the people, and seeing how their lives play out.

The meat of these games is managing the psychological profiles of your survivors. I usually don't even bother though. I like seeing the random shit they do, such as what happened in my Kpop whore Rim World playthrough. It's funny how the White scientist guy was a literal incel & cuck. I didn't force any of that at all. That was the game's narrator (I always go for the 3rd narrator, the guy who makes you go against monsters before you've even found or built a settlement so sometimes I'm stuck having to build a civ with two gay guys, coz everyone else died lol) that generated the ai to do that.
Nah, lol, i love me arena fps and rocket jumping shit or whatever, always fun.
You misinterpreted what I wrote Ivan.
Keyboard & mouse actually is a good control scheme for Doom style shooters coz the movement isn't realistic at all, which eliminates the need for fancy stick handling for juking. In something like Doom or Unreal, you're not trying to fake movement because those oldfuck archaic style games don't even have realistic human movement, which is why arena shooters do the goofy spacejump hop shit for movement.
Arena fps died out in favor of shittier, more realistic shooters, due to just how retarded 'advanced tactics' looked in Arena shooters, lol.

LOL is it any wonder that arena shooters died? Most people prob realized just how retarded the games look to a bystander "Why the fuck are these nerds jumping 24/7 and shooting the ground? DO they not know how to aim?" *QUE in the angry nerdy Steam Incel with a Wife & 3 of his wive's children* ACHSHULLY, we're trying to hit our opponents with the force of our blasts so we don't need to aim for the opponent, just the general direction of where they may land",
Like seriously mang? That's what top tier pc FPS shooting revolves around? Not actually aiming for your opponent, and these are the same dumbfucks who think they know how to shoot a gun & survive a zombie apocalypse just from playing FPS.
What I'm saying is that WASD is a good control method for an Arena shooter, due to how different the pacing is. There's a different human psychology element to those games. Or rather, they don't really have one. They're twitch shooters for the most part. This is emphasized when I point out that you don't even aim at your opponent. You aim for the general direction that they're moving towards, coz you're trying to shoot around them due to how the bullet collision detection is wide spread and has a large hit box.

In console style FPS like Call of Duty, I'm juking in circles & running side to side trying to avoid head shots. it's hard to recreate that movement with PC massa race's mandated keyboard & mouse, because keyboards do a fuck awful job of simulating soft movement.
HAHH HAHAH Fuck that bullshit. The more you actually know about these alleged pros (Who yes they could kick my ass in their shitty game. Who cares?) the more you realize that their entire meta is bullshit that everyone just conforms to, coz some supreme master nerd enforced the playstyle. (Same exact shit happens in Smash Bros.)

They get really mad at alternative playstyles like mine, coz it's considered as scrubby & brainless.
Fighting games are like the only genre of games, that allow every playstyle. The more competitive games I play, the more I realize how every single one of them (except for fighting games, not called Smash Bros.) are dominated by self appointed Supreme Nerds who enforced a mandated META, that plays to their favor, and they will discourage any alternative playstyle that actually works, as a brainless way to play, LOL!
What I'm saying here is that WASD is not optimal, and is merely forced because everyone else conformed with it.
I refuse to, since I'm left handed. No matter what I do, I will always be at a disadvantage, just for being a Lefty.

A lefty has to place their body to the left of the keyboard since we control the mouse with our left hand.
You can use the left handed layout of IJKL as your movement buttons, so you can sit in a reverse version of the right hand control scheme with the keyboard directly in front of you, but I already explained that you're still at a disdvantage due to how a Lefty can only reach 3 number pad buttons from the IJKL position.
A Right handy can reach 5 num keys from the resting wasd position.

I just really hate how FPS on pc, forces me to completely change my seating arrangement coz these games are so pretentious that they use the entire keyboard, when you honestly don't need the whole keyboard. It's just that PC scum are so fucking lazy that they need an entire number key for their weapon loadout, and a button for every single function in the game from crouching, to prone, to using items, opening a door, and crawling.
On console, you control all of those functions through the analog by how you move the stick. You go into prone by pressing down on the analog, and crouch by tapping down. That's much more intuitive than randomly using q for crouch, then c for prone and spacebar for jump.

This is why I label PC Tourney fags as playing games on training wheels. IThey use up so much space real estate, just for some simple ass motions.

Strategy games are the only genre that is superior on PC. You can't even play Darkest Dungeon properly on consoles coz the basic functions for that game make no sense on a controller. Even on the PS4, where you'd expect to be able to use the touch pad as a mouse, but nope. You have to use archaic SNES style controls for a game that was designed around a mouse, lol!

TLDR: As a Lefty, I will always be disadvantaged while playing keyboard with mouse. I may be the only person saying this, but that's coz I don't give a fuck about Reddit or Steam and whereever else spreads this bullshit that you're handicapping yourself by choosing to play with a controller.
Fuck that noise. If I'm handicapping myself, why is it that I terrorize so many pc faggots when I'm playing shooters with crossplay? Why? I use a completely different meta that they're not familiar with coz Keyboard + mouse players use a completely different playing style that's much more comfortable with keyboard & mouse.

i'd say that those almost war simulation games are also niche that requires specific mindset to enjoy. Iron sight, recoil, limb damage, no indication of enemy... those games really need teamplay with mic etc. to coordinate your actions. These games can be intense and adrenaline rushing, but also utterly boring as well without right approach...
That's not niche on console. That's mainstream. That's practically how every FPS plays on consoles. It's just that consoleplebs play the arcade version of tactical shooters, where ironsights, positioning & all of that shit matters.
I wish Tom CLancy were still alive coz his Rainbow Six games were fucking awesome.
To conclude my post, i just wanna mention that Splatoon is fucking cool and i m surprised noone tried to somehow clone it lol
Have you played SPla-toon 2? It's honestly not that good. It feels like babie's first shooter. I already explained why I didn't really like it at the Nintendo thread. Arms was a damn good fighting game, but for some reason that game never took off. (Probably coz Arms has actual depth.) Spla-Toon took off, but I can see why coz it's like a kid's version of a shooter. Aiming doesn't really matter. You're actually doing the same shit that you do in Arena FPS, you aim in the general direction, so that you can hit them with the blast of your shots.

I own every Monolith soft game on Switch except for Spla-toon 2. I just felt that it was way too shallow for a shooter that I'd play every day. Paladins & Overwatch kicks Splatoon's ass imo and both of those games are just as over the top & colorful. Even Ninjala is way better but Ninjal is not even a shooter. It's an arena fighting game.

I would love to see a hero shooter by Nintendo though. They have the franchises to pull it off. Mario already uses guns in his strategy games, and they have Star Fox, Metroid & Kid Icarus. Kid Icarus Uprising was one of the best games on the 3ds but I had to get rid of it, coz I'm left handed and it fucking hurts trying to play that game as a lefty.
In Japan, they train all leftys to stop being retarded, and force us all to use our Right hand as the dominant hand. It's like that all over Asia though. Korea & China have the same exact custom. It's coz they're retards who associate the left hand, as the hand that you clean your shit with. Pretty funny, I use muh right but we don't fucking matter coz Leftys are considered as retarded in chopstick Asian cuntries, AYY LMAO!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!

Post by Iwazaru »

No, as i don't have switch currently. You might say i'm blinded by gimmicks like how you dive into colour splashes to move faster and then jump out.

As for playing fps on gamepads, with ps2 era pads (guess they have lower sensitivity than ps3/ps4 era) i always help myself with strafing (movement) to aim better.

Regarding military shooters team work with voice and coordination (btw in RO scouts can place marks on maps for your unit so everyone knows where target etc), guess its more depending on this or that game ruleset, in terms how viable it is to win more solo or you need to be very efficient and together with team until totally rekted
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: PC Gaming Paradise!


ANyway Do you seriously play with the keyboard to the right side of you, while your body is positioned to the left? If you play left handed with the default wasd controls, you're not going to be playing with the keyboard in front of you, which already puts you at a disadvantage, coz the right handers all play with the keyboard in front of them, so they can instantly see the number pad, the surrounding buttons around wasd and the space bar, which all are a finger lentgh away for a right handed faggot.

i'm sorry man i missread your post.even though i'm lefthanded,i actually played like right handed. i positioned myself to the right,lefthand on keyboard & using mouse with my righthand. i mean its more comfortable using my dominant hand on movement while aiming with my lefthand.

Are you good enough to get into the top 3 of a pvp match? If not, then no, it's not playable as a lefty.
It turns out that the Shadow Warrior remaster is actually unplayable for everybody though, lol. Damn near everyone complains about that game's controls.
no, i never played Fps PVP,i only beat Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 campaign mode.so all my argument is invalid
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