The Man, the Myth.. The Missing? Q spoke to me, "Mr. TD is trapped in the Black Lodge. You must Kill the Past to free him."

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Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

I don't know if I'll finish this as it is, I started it a couple years ago but I might just split its content in a few different articles, I'll still repost it for convenience though


[center]=== PREFACE ===

[left]This is my attempt of explaining the entirety of Killer7, mostly using the game itself as reference. [/left]
[left]The reason for that being, that while I consider Hand in Killer7 an important resource I also believe the events of Killer7 can be (mostly) deconstructed by looking at the game itself, rather than outside sources. [/left]
[left]Regardless, a stand-alone analysis of the Hand in Killer7 text will follow. [/left]
[left]Keep in mind that what follows is my personal interpretation of the game's events and in no way absolute. [/left]

[center]=== TARGET 00: Angel ===[/center]
[center]=== January 20th, 2010 ===[/center]

[left]- This mission opens up with a shot of a blue moon: Blue is the color of Neptune, generally considered in traditional astrology to be the planet of deception (including self-deception) and it relates to making things appear differently than they actually are; thus it also relates to theater and cinema. It should be noted that shots of the full moon are a common trait in most oldschool Suda games, and they originate from one of his earliest titles, Moonlight Syndrome.  The moon itself is said to rapresent metamorphosis, & change. [/left]
[left]This color-coded interpretation of how the planets influence the moon is also found in the later title, Killer is Dead, specifically explained in the in-game notes of the PC version. [/left]
[left]One of the central themes of the game is indeed Garcian's self delusion regarding what is actually happening around him, and his role in the events that are shaping the world as it is. This delusion is both internal (to shield himself from guilt) and external (caused by propaganda and other outside influences). [/left]

 - In the first cutscene of the game, we see Garcian Smith, our protagonist, accepting an envelope (hidden within the pages of a book) from Christopher Mills and heading to a building. 

[Interesting to note is that the book in question is a copy of "The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, which literally contains the sentence "kill the past" in one of its chapters. This was brought to my attention by a tweet made by Row (Source).]

Who is Garcian Smith?  Garcian Smith is the main character of the game. He controls the other six personae forming the Killer7 team. As such, he is the one taking on the various jobs. 
He doesen't actually kill anybody and he describes himself as a "cleaner"; i.e. someone who takes care of the dead bodies after an assassination. 
His real identity & past are one of the central misteries of the game. 

Who is Christopher Mills? 
Christopher Mills is Garcian handler. He is the contact giving him the various assassination jobs.  

- Garcian and Christopher share a phone call once he gets in front of the target building. 
Christopher: It's me, so, you there yet? 
Garcian: You mean this shit hole?
Christopher: That's where they all hang out. Our information tells us that there's fourteen of them
Garcian: And they're all for hunting?
Christopher: Nah, keep one alive so we can ask who their boss is. 
Garcian: Anything else I should know? 
Christopher: Not really. You'll know when you see them, they're... different. 
Garcian: Will do. 
Christopher: May the Lord smile...
Garcian: ...and the Devil have mercy. 

Fourteen of them / They're different Christopher is referring to Garcian's target, the Heaven Smile. It should be noted that the picture that Garcian recieves with the envelope is actually a photo of Kun-Lan. We can infer that Kun-Lan is the mastermind behind the Heaven Smile terrorist attacks. 

May the Lord smile and the Devil have mercy
This saying is actually a reference to Kun-Lan (owner of the Hand of God) and Harman Smith (the God Killer). These two characters rapresent the two poles around which the entire conflict of the game revolves around, and it's interesting to note that this sentence is similar to a prayer in structure, indicating the almost divine nature of the two. 

Title Card: A free for all fight in the Multiporpouse facility, "Celtic" building. 
Destroy the 'Heaven Smile' headquarters and capture the chief alive. 
This title card implies that the "celtic" building is a private facility that the Heaven Smile happened to take over, instead of a headquarters being built for their specific use. We will see them through the process of killing the building's occupants through the level.  It is also worth noting that the number "33" is generally associated with the death of Jesus Christ (as he is said to have died at age 33), which may refer to a theme of rebirth, in conjunction with the moon rapresenting change & metamorphosis. Strictly on a story level, it clearly implies that the Killer7 have recieved many assignments before this point. 

 - After getting into the building, Garcian turns into Dan Smith after being spotted by a security camera

Dan Smith
Dan Smith is one of the killer7 personae. He is described as the Hellion, the most aggressive of them all. He fights with a huge .357 revolver. 

Security Cameras 
Security cameras are a gameplay gimmick that forcefully turns you into one of the personalities, in case a specific one is needed for an upcoming story setpiece. 
In the context of the game's narrative, along with the TV medium, they set up the notion that Garcian's life is being constantly monitored & manipulated by the government through surveillance & propaganda. 

 - Dan then encounters one of the victims, which suddenly turns into a Heaven Smile and attacks him. Dan promptly kills him before moving on. 
Victim: You don't wanna go any further. It's dangerous, my friends are all dead. They've all been murdered by people who looked like... this. I have been chosen
Dan: Shit, there's more than fourteen. Those bastards are breeding

During the course of the level, the Killer7 come across four individuals who are killed by Heaven Smile. Hand in Killer7 describes them as a small group of organized criminals called the Red Gunners, suggesting that either the Heaven Smiles were targeting them deliberately or that they killed them in order to take over their base of operations, though this detail is never mentioned in the game itself. 

Heaven Smile
A new breed of terrorism. Heaven Smiles are invisible human bombs which take on a monstruous form.  As shown in the cutscene, Heaven Smiles can disguise themselves to look like regular humans. Different kinds of Heaven Smiles will be introduced later on in the game.  Garcian Smith (and by proxy the Killer7 personae) is the only being able to see Heaven Smiles, due to the power of clairvoyance given to him by the Vision Ring (a default item that you can find in your inventory since the start of the game while playing as Garcian)

Are Heaven Smiles real?  
In the metaphorical context of the game, Heaven Smile obviously symbolize the invisible threat of terrorism and the paranoia associated with it. 
It can be dubious, then, wether or not they actually exist or if they are only in Garcian's head.   Since different characters through the game mention the Heaven Smile threat, it can be assumed that they are indeed real. This is also confirmed in the interview Suda gave for the Piggyback official guide (Source).  However, in the same interview, Suda answer the question in an ambiguous way. So while the Heaven Smile threat may be indeed real, the Heaven Smiles Garcian confronts during the levels (they act as regular enemies through the game) may either be real or paranoid delusions, considering that you sometimes meet them in places where it would make no sense for them to be (i.e. behind destroyable walls) and that you meet a lot more than 14 during the first stage, even after destroying the Duplicator Smile. 

I have been chosen
An early hint at the religious nature of the Heaven Smiles. 

Those bastards are breeding
This comment by Dan is referring to the fact that Heaven Smiles are infecting other people (it is later revealed that Heaven Smile is actually a virus), thus enriching their numbers. 
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - After this scene, the player is introduced to Iwazaru, one of many Remnant Psyches that will be encountered through the game

What is a remnant psyche? 
This game's version of NPCs. They look like ghosts and you will encounter them during gameplay. They are mostly there to give you gameplay hints, however each of them has its own storyline and Travis in particular will also expand on the overall political plot. 
Remnant Psyches are people who have been assassinated by the killer7, and by whom Garcian is haunted. Garcian being haunted by guilt & remorse about killing his targets ties in with the image he projects of himself (that of a good man who would never hurt a fly, and only acts as a "cleaner" during assassinations) and will eventually come up during the ending. 
The Remnant Psyches express themselves through garbled, subtitled voices. However, in the Japanese version of the game, their voices were actually Engrish (a common term to refer to a badly translated Japanese text into english) text put through a vocalizer; Thanks to an anonymous contributor, I now have access to the original text used to vocalize the Remnant Psyches and I will analyze both version for each encounter when substatial differences arise. 

Interestingly enough, Hand in Killer7 describes Remnant Psyches as dead bodies that Harman Smith tried to assimilate, but were rejected by the core persona and kept haunting him as ghosts. This, however, cannot be true for the finished game: Garcian never tries to assimilate any of his targets, and yet you meet most of them as Remnant Psyches through the game. This is one of many examples of HiK7 not matching up to what you see in the actual game; For the longest time, I used to believe that these contradictions were due to HiK7 being based on early design documents. However, since the release of THIS interview, in which Suda acknowledges the discrepancies and makes a point to mention that wether or not the facts presented in the book are true or not should be questioned by the reader, I've come to hold the belief that these discrepancies are in fact part of the propaganda double narrative of Killer7. 

A similar concept is present through The Silver Case: Tokio Morishima and others have the power to see and hear the thoughts of recently deceased people. While they are never explicitly called Remnant Psyches, they are overall the same entity. The important thing being, that Remnant Psyches are always dead people. Keep that in mind as we approach the end of the game.  The recurring psyches are Iwazaru, Travis Bell, Kess Bloodysunday, Susie Summer and Yoon-Hyun. 

Who is Iwazaru?  
Iwazaru is a man in a gimp suit, hanging by a rope, with his eyes sewn shut and a finger held over his mouth, indicating silence.  He is accompanied by his best friend Kikazaru, who loves Soul Shells and will always show up near one, and his ex-wife Mizaru, who acts as a helper for Kaede Smith.  All three characters are dressed in similar BDSM attire, signifying their servitude to the Killer7.  Their names signify, respectively, "Speak no Evil", "Hear no Evil" and "See no Evil". Iwazaru always holds a finger above his mouth signifying silence, Kikazaru has his ears stitched up, and Mizaru is covering her eyes.  This is related to their role in the game. Iwazaru, who is supposed to speak no evil, actually provides useful advice to the Killer7. Kikazaru, who is supposed to hear no evil, will help them find Soul Shells (keep in mind that Soul Shells, as will be explained later, are actual bullets left behind by Garcian. While he uses a silenced handgun as Garcian Smith, his original persona made use of a very loud revolver.) Mizaru, who is supposed to see no evil, helps Kaede to see through blood barriers and to recognize fake blood. 

It is also a reference to Silver Case, specifically to the Parade case, in which a certain character and his friends were tortured in a way that makes reference to the idea of see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. 

Currently unavailable.

"Master. We're in a tight spot! A real tight spot. Like, I haven't seen you for ages. It is I, Vincel Dill Boris VII, Iwazaruscof, at your service. Just call me Iwazaru. Let me show you along the way. To the right, master's room. Straight ahead, the enemy. Let the bloodbath begin. In the name of Harman..."

In this monologue Iwazaru introduces himself and Harman's room, the first of which you can find right next to him. 

Master's Room 
He is referring to Harman's room. Harman's rooms are safe spots which you can find during levels. Gameplay-wise they are basically save points; you can level up and awake your personae through the TV and you will restart here if you end up dying. (If one of the personae gets killed, Garcian can get to where the persona was killed, recover a paper bag with its head and revive it. This is a reference to Moonlight Syndrome, in which a paper bag containing a head is an important item for the plot. Dying as Garcian will result in a game over.)
Samantha will appear in Harman's room. If she is in her formal garb, dressed as a maid, she will allow you to save. She is useless in her street clothes however. I will expand upon her in the next chapter, Sunset. 
It is important to note that the Harman Room will always look the same, even though it appears during every single level of the game, all set in different locations. This is a clue that the Master's Room may in fact only exist within Garcian's mind.

The television set is the medium through which the Killer7 personae interact with each other, power up their skills, are resurrected and awakened (after killing the required amount of enemies). As with the security cameras, the television set serves to reinforce the overall theme of propaganda influencing the action of the protagonist; it may also be a reference to the ending of Moonlight Syndrome, in which Ryo either uses the television medium to communicate with Mika Kishi's dead spirit, or at least imagining it while looking at a static screen. It is interesting to note that a static is exactly what you see during each load screen in Killer7, and that the player is literally moving along a predetermined path during gameplay; multiple examples of an outside force being in control of the killer7 actions.  

In the name of Harman / Under Harman's Name
Iwazaru ends every single one of his monologues with this line or a variation of it; that is to establish his servitude to Harman Smith. As in, all his actions are sanctioned under Harman's name. Again, Harman Smith is likened to a religious icon.

 - In the next hallway, the player has a second encounter with Iwazaru: 

"The master. It is dangerous. It is dangerous dangerous. This place is one proposal. It is made to retrace this place. The end of this is the haunt of the tribe. Oh, fearful... It is subject to a shocking surprise at the body. It is subject to a shocking surprise and it rushes. Before exploding, exterminate. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Tight and outta sight! Let me make a suggestion. You must turn back. This is the enemy's den. Shudder to think! Their bodies are lined with bombs. They'll bomb rush you, literally! Eliminate them before they blow! In the name of Harman..."

This monologue establishes the role of Heaven Smiles, that of human bombs. During gameplay Heaven Smiles will literally try to hug you and explode with you. It also serves to establish Iwazaru's cowardly nature; multiple times through the game he will urge the player (and the Killer7) to escape instead of engaging the enemy. 

 - Right after that, the player is introduced to another Remnant Psyche, Travis Bell

Who is Travis Bell? 
Travis Bell used to be an assassin; he always wears t-shirts with various different words printed on them. 
The character of Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes may have been inspired by him, notably due to the fact that they're both assassins obsessed with t-shirts, and that they have a similar sense of humor and fascination regarding death. Travis Bell also looks like an older version of Travis Touchdown. It may indicate that, at some point, no more heroes was intended as a prequel to Killer7 (also due to the fact that a Garcian Smith lookalike makes an appearence as in it), but due to the change of publishers (and thus a conflict regarding copyright) this never materialized. It is, however, just speculation on my part. 

It is me, me. You remember it, don't you? I am the man killed by your general. Have you forgotten? I am Travis. It is the assassin who was fitted to he return subjugation. I am... persistently. Smith, it doesn't miss.

"It's me! ME! You don't remember? Your chief killed me? You already forgot? I'm Travis!! I'm the killer who got killed on the job! Let's be totally honest here. You think I'm a pain in the ass, don't you? Hey Smith, I ain't letting you go nowhere." (Shirt: Funky)

You don't remember? Your chief killed me? 
As all the other Remnant Psyches, Travis is a former victim of the Killer7. 
While the original Engrish text is nearly unintelligible, Travis' monologues are clearer on one point. 
In the international version, he will use the term "chief" to refer, interchangeably, to both Harman and Garcian Smith. 
Meanwhile, in the original version, he will use the term "General" to refer to Garcian Smith, and generally call Harman by name. 
That is to say, that this dialogue clearly implies Garcian Smith as the direct culprit in Travis' death. But isn't Garcian Smith a cleaner, who wouldn't hurt a fly?
This line reinforces the theme that Killer7 is, among other things, about Garcian reclaiming his own past. 

I'm the killer who got killed on the job!
This establishes Travis' line of work as that of a professional killer. The implication being that he and the Killer7 entered a dispute over a contract at one point, which led to his death. 

I ain't you letting you go nowhere.
Contrary to Iwazaru (who is a faithful servant of the Killer7 through and through), Travis Bell still holds a grudge against them due to his own demise. 

 - After this monologue, Iwazaru appear again, this time next to a man, hanging right above the next door and dressed in similar BDSM attire: 


"The master. It is very dangerous. This is a dangerous fellow. However, be relieved. It is my guarantor. That... that the master searches That bullet is a big favorite and does. Because that is the lost article of the master It is desperately made to search by the manservant. The name is the bullet of the soul. The soul bullet. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! This guy is a true freak! But, don't be alarmed. He is my trusted companion, Kikazaru. Those things that Master seeks... The bullets. He loves them so. The bullets were left behind by Master, so the servants search for them tirelessly. Bullets of the soul...Otherwise known as Soul Shells. In the name of Harman..."

Soul Shells
Soul Shells are collectibles, you need to collect them through the level in order to gain passage through the Vinculum Gate, granted by the Gatekeeper. You will always find Kikazaru hanging near one. 
Kikazaru, as stated before, is fond of Soul Shells, and will always appear before a room where you can retrieve one.  Soul Shells (which are explicitly referred to as bullets, and have the appearence of one in-game) are actually Garcian's memories of people he has killed. This is set up by Iwazaru's comment - The bullets were left behind by Master - and it is made obvious during the Smile chapter, where you actually witness the murders to which each Soul Shell is related to. This notion is also reinforced by the fact that Soul Shells do not show up in missions set outside of the usual Killer7 area of operation (Target 02: Cloudman and Target 04: Alter Ego). 
Considering that the Vinculum Gate is identical in each level and its structure doesen't make any logical sense within the level's geometry, and taking into consideration the fact that once you pass it and beat the mid-boss waiting on the other side it will disappear, it is safe to assume that the Vinculum Gate, just like the Soul Shells, is something that only exists within Garcian's mind.  Since Garcian's forgotten memories are part of the over-arching plot of the game, it makes sense on a thematic level that he is only able to proceed after recollecting the memories of his past murders. This is just one of various examples of Killer7 using the game's ruleset as a way to tell its story without using spoken dialogue. 

This seems a good time to mention that since the day Killer7 entered the market, there has been an endless debate about the nature of the events of the game, wether they be psychological or supernatural in nature. 
I believe this debate to be utterly useless. Wether concepts such as the Vinculum Gate or Soul Shells are imaginary, or wether they are part of Garcian's "spiritual plane", is completely irrelevant to my interpretation of the events of the game. You are free to believe whichever version, and it won't make a difference. I refer back to my "What is Kill the Past" article, in which I detail my belief that in most of these stories, the setting is meant as an externalization of the character's inner turmoil. 
Hence why, whenever I mention that something exists "Within Garcian's mind", I may be referring to either a spiritual/supernatural reality, as I may be referring to the game applying dream logic to events that are seen through a warped mind. 
For the sake of fairness, I will mention that in interviews Suda has given, the spiritual/supernatural interpretation seems to be the one he favours. 
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - As it enters the parking lot, the player is introduced to two new kinds of Smile: the Camellia Smile and the Duplicator Smile, more on them later. It is worth noting, for now, that the Camellia Smile will do nothing but stand still, and run away if you fail to kill him in one shot. Iwazaru appears again. 

"The master. It is very dangerous. It is dangerous killing or injuring power. The union has one brutal. It is use Y in the R button at the tyrant. Press the Y button three times. When the blood collects at the test tube The brutal bullet fires. It is the power of the devil just like. Of course, it isn't possible to fire when the blood isn't adequate. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! This mayhem is out of control! Our members have a thirst for terror. With the Hellion, use the R Button and press the Y Button three times. When the test tube fills up with blood, you can fire a deadly shot. The devil's bullets. You can only fire with enough blood. In the name of Harman..."

This monologue is just a gameplay tutorial, teaching you Dan's ability to fire a powerful shot that can kill Duplicator Smiles
While the english version makes it sound as if the entire Killer7 team is bloodthirsty, the japanese text makes it clear he's referring to Dan specifically. 
(Dan is nicknamed "the Hellion", or "The Tyrant" in the Japanese version, both implying a demonic power.)
It is worth noting that Iwazaru specifically refers to the Killer7 team as a "Union", for reasons that will be apparent later. 

 - After defeating the Duplicator Smile using Dan's "Collateral Shot", the player will find Travis sitting in a car. A Soul Shell will be sitting in the trunk, indicating that perhaps, the body of someone killed by the Killer7 was hidden there at some point. 

"this is the duplicate. Which induces the egg improved for city repression, it is "Heaven Smile" of the model. This produced the countless duplicate object, and made this country destroy completely. Mr. Smith. To make exterminate " Heaven Smile " will be your purpose? If being, search for the source book body. The gateman gathers and is managing a source book body. Hand him this. He is glad."

"This is just a Duplicator. An egg-laying 'Heaven Smile' refitted to clamp down on the city. This sucker pumped out the countless duplicates that took this country down. Hey, Smith... It's your job to eradicate Heaven Smile, right? Then seek the Queen. The Gatekeeper is in charge of the Queen. Give this to the Gatekeeper. He won't be disappointed." (Shirt: Bad Girl)

Duplicator Smiles 
They are huge heaven smiles that can hatch eggs and produce more, smaller Heaven Smiles. This introduces to us a second way to create Heaven Smiles, and it connects to the earlier "breeding" comment from Dan. They are basically described as a generator for Heaven Smiles, which are later used for terrorist attacks, possibly planned out by the Queen. 

It's your job to eradicate Heaven Smile
Foreshadowing of what will later be explained in the next chapter; the Killer7 are contracted specifically to eradicate the Heaven Smile menace. 

The Queen
A special Heaven Smile, which will be met later on in the level, who is still in possession of her intelligence (something that seems to be lacking from regular Smiles, and will be referenced again later). It can be deduced, by her role as the "Queen" and the fact that she possesses intelligence, that her role is that of a planner in the set up of Heaven Smile operations and the subsequent terrorist attacks. 
I have no clue as per why the Queen would be referred to as a "Source book body" in the Japanese text, but I can't exclude a simple mistranslation. 

This dialogue also references the Gatekeeper for the first time, and the fact that you will need to give him all the Soul Shells within a certain level in order to pass through the Vinculum Gate. You won't be able to meet the Queen unless you satisfy the Gatekeeper. 

 - After proceeding through the level, Iwazaru appears again. 

"The master. It is very dangerous. It is very very dangerous. A life is prized. They are earnest. They are called "HEAVEN  SMILE" However, if it often sees, it  will not laugh at their eye. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! An ultra tight spot! Life is precious, and the enemies mean business. They're called Heaven Smile, but look at their eyes! There's nothing heavenly about them! In the name of Harman..."

This is just meant to foreshadow the Heaven Smile's role as religious/holy warriors, and how it may possibly be a propaganda smokescreen for their actual intentions, similarly to real life religious terrorism. While they may be called "Heaven" Smiles, there is "nothing heavenly" about them. 
In the Japanese text, Iwazaru is actually referring to the fact that their eyes "don't smile", as per the commonly accepted fact that you can weigh the truthfulness of a smile by looking at someone's eyes. 

 - After that, the player witnesses the murder of one of the building's inhabitants (i.e. the Red Gunners according to HIK7) at the hands of a Heaven Smile; This shows the Heaven Smile modus operandi (as they do in-gameplay, they just rush to their victims and hug them while blowing themselves up) and, since it appears as invisible to the victim, reinforces the idea that Garcian Smith and the Killer7 personae are the only ones able to see Heaven Smiles through the power of the Vision Ring.  
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - In the next room, the player is introduced to the Micro Smile, a small Heaven Smile which will blind the player if it manages to make contact. Travis will be leaning against a window, looking to the laundry room. 

"A few should carry out the serious talk. Heaven Smile is a sacred fighter. Is a meaning understood? They are the fighters who have sacred will, and fight death to arms. Their target is breaking the dignity of this country. Probably, a professional killer air does not understand their mind."

"Let's talk serious for a second. Heaven Smile, they're holy warriors. Shit. Ain't that pretty wicked? Warriors who fight with a holy will on their side, and use death as a weapon. Their target: The very dignity of the country itself. But why would you understand the meaning? Shit, you're a killer after all."

This monologue again reinforces the idea of Heaven Smiles as a parallel for real-world religious terrorism. As with real life religious terrorism, religion is just a smokescreen that is used to empower the footsoldiers, who are literal suicide bombers. The Heaven Smile attacks to the United States are mostly motivated by geopolitics and nationalistic interests, as will be shown later. 
Travis thinks that Garcian/Killer7, being a professional killer, wouldn't understand something spiritual like faith & religion, since his motivation for killing is just monetary gain. 

- After traversing the corridor, the player will witness another of the building's inhabitant dying, presumably from another Heaven Smile attack since her back muscles are completely exposed due to the explosion. The player is then introduced to Yoon-Hyun, another Remnant Psyche. 

Who is Yoon-Hyun? 
Yoon-Hyun is the old informant/handler of the Killer7. He's a middle aged man who holds a bright red mask in his right hand. His role within the game is giving hints or outright solutions to the game's puzzles; due to this fact, most of his monologues (which the exception of the very first and the very last ones) are virtually irrelevant for the overall storyline; I will include them here anyway for the sake of completion. 
His name, when pronounced out loud, sounds similar to the word "Union". 

"dear Smith's master How? Is Mills doing successfully? The 2nd unreliable charge But,He is a good fellow. Every time, probably, it appreciates in the appreciating. The eruption today is this.... It paid attention to the candlestick. The novel design It is hidden in this place. An order is hidden there. Familiarly with the origin? If making to be, it is good if using this mask. When shooting this mask, this mask lets me know. Fearfully, it is this mask. It seeks the thicker blood. The demon likes blood. However, if good, it shoots a mask. It lets me know in detail."

"Oh, like old times, yes? You tell me, how's old Smith? Things going good with Mills, no? That old Smith, not much of a successor. But good man, yes. Thank you, much gratitude. Ready for today's hint? "I checked the candlesticks" "a strange design indeed" "it is hidden here" "the order is hidden here" You want to know more? Then use this mask. Shoot the mask, and the mask will tell you. But watch out! The mask lusts for blood, thicker blood! Demons lust for blood, yes? If you are brave, shoot the mask. It'll tell you everything."

 - If the player shoots the Mask, thus paying a certain amount of thick blood, Yoon-Hyun starts wearing the mask and flipping both middle fingers to the Killer7, with his monologue changing accordingly: 

"Is the noble style an underdog? Unshapely... My name is the mask of the positive signature. It will find out noble style. " Ring and the candle of the fire " " Number which was shown in the candlestick " " From the 1st  to the 5th " It lights fire according to the order ." Tomorrow, it is my body."

"So, you are the worthless loser? What a pitiful existence... I am the True Mask, and I shall guide you. "The ring of fire and the numbers shown on the candlesticks" "From 1 to 5" "Follow the order and ignite the flames" Tomorrow it could be you."

Like old times / Old Smith / Things going good with Mills
These lines imply that Yoon-Hyun used to work with the Killer7 a long time ago, before Christopher Mills, and that he played his same role (that of an informant/handler). How this relationship came to an end and why the Killer7 ended up murdering Yoon-Hyun will be hinted at later on in the game.  

That old Smith, not much of a successor
The "old Smith" in the international version seems to be a mistranslation or a bad placement, because when reading the japanese text, Yoon-Hyun is clearly referring to Mills. As in, the new handler of the Killer7, his own successor. 

Thank you, much gratitude
The Killer7 have to "pay" Yoon-Hyun with thick blood in order to recieve hints from him. This implies that the relationship they had with him before his death involved monetary transactions, contrary to Christopher Mills who seemingly doesen't recieve any payment from the Killer7. This is an important distinction due to the later revelations regarding Christopher Mills. 

The True Mask
The most enigmatic part of Yoon-Hyun's character is the True Mask; wearing it changes Yoon-Hyun's personality completely. Outside of being an inside joke (the mask will treat the player like an idiotic loser for being unable to figure out the puzzles), it is worth noting that the latin word for mask, persona, is actually the basis of the word personality, so perhaps the "True Mask" is nothing more than Yoon-Hyun's true heart in regards of the Killer7, as the True Mask (his "True Persona") seems to resent them for his death ("Tomorrow it could be you"). Considering that Yoon-Hyun's relationship with the Killer7 has already been established as being business-related, it makes sense that he would not have a personal connection with them.
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - After his encounter with Yoon-Hyun, the player is also introduced to Kess Bloodysunday, another Remnant Psyche.

Who is Kess Bloodysunday? 
Kess Bloodysunday is a small boy who seems to be stuck in the moment of his death (his eyes are empty, his jaw is wide open and he has a bloodstain on his shirt). His role in the game is to give clues for upcoming boss or mini-boss battles to the Killer7. 

"Please help. Suddenly, all the things disappeared. Impending shines white and a scene is transparent. Therefore, the hand was connected. Whom is he who was together with me? I became a missing child. Please help. Nothing is seen."

"Please help me! It suddenly disappeared. A white light flashed before me. Everything is transparent. So I held his hand. Whose hand was it? Then before I knew it I was lost, all alone again. Please help me! I can't see a thing."

This is the one time Kess doesen't reference a boss or a mini-boss directly outside of his final monologue; due to how vague it is, I can only guess that it's a reference to the way he died, perhaps in an explosion (A white light flashed before me / I can't see a thing) which may also tie in with his talent for constructing complex bombs, which will be mentioned later down the line. His ghost / Remnant Psyche appears to be blind. 

 - After going through the next door, the player encounters Iwazaru again. 

"The master. It is very dangerous. It is very very dangerous. He is in this back. It is him! It is the master by no means. Didn't you come him for murder here? Oh ! You are a fool. You are a fool. I am not trusted. You are a fool. It is an absolutely impossible thing. You do not know his fearfulness. You are a fool master! You were deceived by Mills's fool. The waywardness is... Under fool's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! A major tight spot! He's here! Yes, HIM! Master, you can't..? You're going to go and kill him? What?! Impossible! You're a fool! An incorrigible fool! Impossible! You're sure to fail! You know nothing of his strength! Oh, stupid, stupid, Master! That Mills really fooled you... In the name of the Fool..."

This dialogue reinforces Iwazaru's cowardly nature, while establishing a couple more things. 

Iwazaru is referring to Kun-Lan, who is the target of the Killer7 in this specific mission (his picture is available in the inventory since the start of the level) which the player hasn't met yet. He is just as fearful of him as he is of Master Harman.  He never refers to Kun-Lan by name during the game, and he will always advise the player to avoid confrontation with him. The relationship between Iwazaru and Kun-Lan will be expanded upon at the very end of the game. 

That Mills really fooled you
This is foreshadowing for the eventual revelation about Mills' role in the game's plot, and Garcian's status as a pawn. 

After the meeting with Iwazaru, the player finds the very first Carrier Pidgeon, carrying the following letter: 

STILL ILL (Pidgeon: Bianca)

Dear Emir,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and many thanks for choosing me for the job. My name is Johnny Gagnon, otherwise known as Speedster. 

I get excited when I slit a guy's throat. I know that may be sick, but I do the best work in town. 
This is a report on the job. I'm sure you'll like what I have to say. 

I watched them like a hawk, so I think a hefty reward is in order!
There are 7 in the Smith Syndicate

Dan Smith, who uses a large caliber revolver. 
Kaede Smith, who uses a large automatic rifle. 
Con Smith, who uses 2 full auto pistols. 
Mask de Smith, who uses grenades. 
Kevin Smith, who uses knives. 
Coyote Smith, who uses a modified gun. 
Garcian Smith, who uses a small pistol. 

They are an armed force that rivals a small army. 
You wouldn't want to be on their bad side. 
In conclusion, it is in the interest of the United States to "keep" them around. There's no telling when they might come in handy. 

I'll be contacting you again,

Johnny Gagnon

Carrier Pidgeons
Through the game, the player will find several carrier pidgeons, carrying letters from Johnny Gagnon. Each of them will be named after a Bond girl, a reference to 007. This specific letter just gives out vague informations about the playing characters, curiously omitting Harman Smith. The context of the letter itself is more interesting than the content. 

Who is Johnny Gagnon? What's "the job" he was commissioned to do?
Johnny Gagnon, a.k.a. "Speedster", seems to be a private investigator that a certain "Emir" has hired to spy on the Killer7. 

Who is Emir? Why are we recieving his letters?
The identity of "Emir" is one of the bigger mysteries through the game; However, even though it may seem that these letters were written in the past, I will point out that, due to evidence found in later letters, they are obviously being written through the course of the game: It will be made obvious later then that Emir cannot possibly be the one who commissioned them, so as to the identity of who may have commissioned Johnny Gagnon to spy on the Killer7, that will also be explored later. 

The Smith Syndicate
It is a synonim with "Killer7". The explanation that we will be given about this different name later down the line is that "Killer7" is a name that is only known to the upper echelon of government; the real explanation of this name difference, though, won't become obvious until near the end of the game. 

The interest of the United States
It has been stated earlier by Travis that the Killer7 were specifically hired to exterminate the Heaven Smiles; this is the first time where it's implied that their contractor is none other than the United States government or the deep state, and that they went through the trouble of "keeping them around" in case an opportunity to make use of them arose. 
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - In the next room, the player meets Yoon-Hyun again. 

"Smith's master It sells information. Complicated slightly It paid attention to the restroom. Yeah, it collects water. The affinity of the sprinkler is good. It thinks of the way of jetting out. If making to be, it is good if using this mask. It seeks the thicker blood."

"Old Smith, I sell information. But it is not so simple, no! "I checked the toilet" "Hm, it fills with water" "And goes well with the sprinkler" "How can I make it spray?" Shoot the mask to hear more. But the mask lusts for thick blood."

True Mask Original:
"Welcome, it is an underdog. It is a laugh. My name is the mask of the positive signature. It will find out noble style. " Ring and the jet equipment of the fire " " Restroom where water was collected " " Water at the restroom floats down heraldry ." "For acquiring a crest, it advances to a wash room." Tomorrow, it is my body."

True Mask Adaptation:
"Welcome, poor loser. You're always such a laugh. I am the True Mask, and I shall guide you. "The Ring of Fire and the sprinkler" "A toilet full of water" "The toilet water flushes away the coat-of-arms" "Retrieve the coat-of-arms from the laundry room" Tomorrow it could be you."

As stated earlier, Yoon-Hyun monologues mostly relate hints for upcoming puzzles. The most interesting thing here is that the monicker "Old Smith" does not actually exist in the original text. 

 - Once you get to the laundry room, you will meet Susie Summer, the final recurring Remnant Psyche.

Who is Susie Sumner? 
She is a disembodied head hiding in various places through the levels. Her role is to give back to the Killer7 the Elemental Rings they left behind, which will allow the player to solve various puzzles. She seems to be plagued by teenage problems, and she loves to use early internet emoticons.

"How are you? Mr. Smith. Does it seem to be cloudy today? It's really too bad. It not to be the good drying day . As for such days, a drier large-plays an active part. But. It is my favorite here. Nobody is passed. You want to know why?  It will understand, if it sees. be holed up in the house. This is your thing left behind."

"Well, hello, Smith. ('-')/ Looks like it's cloudy today. Which is really too bad. (°_°,) Not a day to hang out the laundry. A great day to use a dryer, though. But you know... I just love this one. (-.-) I'll never let anybody have it. You know why? Well, you should. I love to stay inside. You left this behind, didn't you?"

Fire of Ring returned.

"It will come back, if business ends. Although it is troublesome! In spite of killer!"

"If you've finished your business, could you hurry up and leave? You're very much in the way. ('#') Assassins should have better manners!"

There's not much to discuss in her monologue, outside of the dissonance between her being a disembodied head and her discussing extremely mundane topics. The most interesting part about this is how the rings will always be described as having been "left behind", and being "returned". It ties in with the theme of Garcian retrieving his memories through the game, the game itself being both a voyage in the satyrical world of Killer7 and a voyage in Garcian's mind and memories. 

 - The Fire Ring will allow players to solve the two puzzles that were mentioned by Yoon-Hyun earlier. On the way back, the player will meet Iwazaru again. 

"The master It is very dangerous. He is a thief. Is there still any associate qualification? The question recruits extremely. The thief is a foreigner crime organization just like. It the picking any key. There is not room of the measure. Specifically, big southern Kyoto lock seems to be a big favorite. The thief comes. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! He's just a petty thief. Does he really deserve to be part of the syndicate? I'm having strong doubts. The Thief is like an organized crime outfit, all wrapped up in one. He can pick any lock. There's no stopping this freak. Apparently, he just loves giant padlocks. Ah, and here he comes. In the name of Harman..."

Iwazaru explains a gameplay mechanic (Coyote Smith being able to pick locks) while expressing his distaste for him, establishing the fact that he is a thief. Interestingly enough, Iwazaru also uses the name "Syndicate" (as in Smith Syndicate) for the Killer7 here, like Johnny Gagnon did in his letter, further cementing that the two names are interchangeable. 
The "big padlock" is referred to specifically as a big southern Kyoto lock in the japanese text. Inconsequential, but a fun fact nonetheless. Back when the game was going to have a japanese voice track, Coyote was meant to have a Hiroshima dialect. 

 - Solving the two puzzles, the player will be rewarded with two "Odd Engravings" (one of which is shaped like a coat-of-arms, as Yoon-Hyun mentioned earlier) which will allow them to open up the library wall by placing them into a nearby mechanism, allowing the player to proceed through the level. As the player progresses beyond the library wall, Iwazaru will appear again. 

"The master It is very dangerous. The mask very dangerous. When there is a crack It is extraordinarily strong. Using that wasteful power It destroys and it does anything. In the union, it is troubled one. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Mask is seriously whack! When there's a crack it's his show. He's filthy powerful! He'll destroy all of kingdom come, and then some! He's a liability, if you ask me... In the name of Harman..."

Again, this monologue is just meant to explain the gameplay mechanic of Mask De Smith being able to destroy cracked walls with his grenade launchers. It also, as always, reinforces the idea that Iwazaru dislikes all the Killer7 personae that aren't Garcian or Harman. 

 - As Iwazaru just explained, the cracked wall right in front of him can be destroyed by Mask's grenades. Beyond the cracked wall you will find Travis Bell, and another Carrier Pidgeon. 

"The first game which you killed is me. It still remains. The feel of a hand with which you trembled , The thing named an impulse sounded my body. In the moment to be killed, it was good for the feelings. It is the occurrence of the unusually hot night."

"I was the chief's first catch. I can still remember the chief's quivering hand... The pain went straight up my spine, and then back down again. To be honest, that shit felt good. It all happened on that smouldering hot night..."

This monologue establishes that Travis was Garcian's first murder; He describes his hand as "quivering", implying that Garcian was perhaps scared, or unsure, understandable if it were his first time killing anybody. 
Note how the english text mentions the "chief" which, as mentioned previously, is used as a catch-all term in the adaptation to refer both to Garcian and Harman, while in the Japanese text there is no mention of this. 
It also establishes how Travis has a passion for death, and how dying "felt good" to him. 


Dear Emir,

Emir, we have a problem. A terrible thing has happened! 
I can hardly believe it, but the money is not in my account
I need your help. You got my last message didn't you?
I trusted you . . . Now don't let me down. Promise me! 
Wire me the money immediately. A hundred and twenty-five bucks is peanuts, I'm telling you!

The Smith Syndicate operates in strange ways.

Garcian Smith manages the other 6 personas, and mainly acts as a negotiator for work requests. 
Garcian never eliminates people himself. His role is to retrieve the bodies. 
Even if another persona is killed, it appears he is able to bring him back to life
Like a wizard, I tell you . . . . 

However, it is my hunch that somebody off-stage is calling the shots and controlling Garcian
There must be a hidden mastermind separate from the active team. 
And it's likely that this mastermind assigns the jobs
Garcian is very loyal, and he values the organization. 
He controls the personas to keep the organization safe. 
He's a middle manager, you see. 

The members switch using the medium of television
But I have yet to determine what governs the switches.

The Smith Syndicate is composed of one sensible person and six freaks
I have never seen the personas interact with each other
Soon I expect to unmask the myth behind this strange group.

I'll be contacting you again,

Johnny Gagnon

This letter gives us a whole bunch of informations about Garcian and some implications behind the powers that control him: 

Garcian Smith
We are told that Garcian is a negotiator for the assassination requests, and that he never kills anyone directly. Gameplay-wise, you will never be able to switch directly between Garcian and the other six personae. You can only access Garcian through the television medium; you will not be able to upgrade his skills, he will not be able to solve most of the game's puzzles, you will never be allowed to fight another human enemy as him (though he is able to kill Heaven Smiles), and dying as him will result in a game over. Therefore, this concept is reinforced through the gameplay and presentation within the game. Garcian is described as a "middle man", but the real killers are his other six personae. 
Garcian Smith's only real strenght is reviving the other six personae in case they die; as mentioned earlier, Garcian is the only one who is able to retrieve the persona's head in a paper bag and bring it back to life. It should be noted however that this, just like powering up your characters and switching between Garcian and the active team, is done through the medium of television in Harman's Room. 
The general description we are given of Garcian is that of a "sensible person", a bureaucrat who just handles jobs for the bloodthirsty (Iwazaru describes them multiple times as untrustworthy) personae who carry them out and later cleans up the crime scenes. Why is it then, that Travis specifically implies that Garcian is the one who killed him? We can already see a contradiction between two accounts of Garcian's personality and choices. 

Unknown Mastermind
This letter also reinforces the idea that there's an unknown mastermind behind Garcian's actions, "somebody off stage calling the action", who Garcian is extremely loyal to. At this point, this could be referring both to Harman Smith (the "Master" Iwazaru constantly alludes to) or, as established in the previous letter and by Travis, the United States government. The most important line in order to understand this is "what governs the television switches", and we will expand upon this in the next level. 

The money is not in my account
To me, this reinforces the notion that these letters were not commissioned by Emir directly, although it's kind of a moot point considering what we are going to find out later. One funny detail is that Johnny is only asking for 125$; it could both be a joke at the expense of the character, or an implication that, in the world of Killer7, dollar has a much higher value than it does in our own world. 
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

 - After getting out of the corridor, the player meets with Iwazaru again. 

"The master. It is danger. It is dangerous that it is worse than this situation to the extent that there is nothing. As opposed to a master They are things very! This time, please allow by the big heart. It is... with anything when becoming him. Of for him to let's overwhelm this country It is sending a tribe. Moreover, the tribe is innumerably appearing disposition.... The human resources only of which will it secure? Be careful of the old friend. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Like, tighter than tight! Oh, I have offended my Master with my foul words... But please, you must understand! Just thinking about HIM drives me absolutely mad! He fixes to sink this country good, and so he sends his unending parade of minions! With no signs of letting up! Just how many followers does he command? Beware of old friends... In the name of Harman..."

HIM (2) In this monologue Iwazaru gives us a few more details about Kun-Lan. He mentions that his final objective is to destroy the country (USA) through the use of Heaven Smiles. 
His statement about having to "beware of old friends" right after asking how many followers Kun-Lan has, could be both a reference to Harman and Kun-Lan's relationship, and a hint that Kun-Lan's followers may be hiding among "old friends". 

 - The player then witnesses the killing of another civillian by a Heaven Smile suicide bombing, before meeting up with Iwazaru once again. 

"The master It is very dangerous. It is pivot note at the naked leg. It knows this scent. The wife from whom I parted is in near. Now, it becomes a manservant with the naked leg. Use a wife with the naked leg. Rain shakes at the Y button. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Watch out for Barefoot, Kaede! I've sensed this presence before. My ex-wife Mizaru is near... She is now the servant of Barefoot. Let my wife serve you through Barefoot. Use the Y Button for Death Shower. In the name of Harman..."

Again, Iwazaru explains a game mechanic while also commenting on a specific Killer7 member (Kaede Smith).  He also introduces Mizaru, his ex-wife, as a servant of Kaede.  
The fact that Kikazaru is described as Iwazaru's most trusted companion, while Mizaru is described as his ex-wife, seem to imply that they were killed by the Killer7 right along Iwazaru. 
The Death Shower mentioned in dialogue is one of Kaede's powers; she can slice her wrist to create a fountain of blood that will destroy hidden walls and reveal secrets. In this case, as hinted by Kikazaru's presence, the wall breaks down to reveal another Soul Shell. 

 - After breaking down a cracked wall with Mask & unlocking a padlock with Coyote, the player meets up with Travis, frying something over a cooking pan. 

"ah... Are there not to see and not to boil up? Now, it is busy. The ordinariness is reserved. After all, it is the group of the hopeless human being. It will not know how to use of the ability? There is a holding secret communication person in " Heaven Smile ". It is " Heaven Smile " which was bred by the general. The blood is flying into pieces to the white body. It is the token which could apply a sanction of the rat. The color is the style of the camellia just like. It found a camellia. It is to use your ability. It is pitiable but it is huge if killing."

"Huh? Can't you see I'm busy? You really oughta mind your manners. You guys are just a pack of losers. You don't even know how to use your own abilities. There are traitors in Heaven Smile. The chief's very own inside guys. They have a white body, spattered with red blood. A reminder of traitorous deeds. Funny thing is, the splotches look like beautiful red roses...If you find a Camellia Smile, use your ability. Kill one of them, and you'll get loaded up. For real, man."

You guys are just a pack of losers

Travis refers here to the Killer7 as a group, and it is interesting to note that you cannot have this encounter with Garcian, as it requires you to break down a cracked wall & unlocking a padlock, something he is not able to do. 

The Camellia Smile

The Camellia Smiles are finally explained here; they are inside agents who side with the Killer7, whose role is to be killed by them. When killing a Camellia Smile, the thin blood is completely filled up, making the Smiths able to use their special abilities, which is why they more often than not show up whenever use of a special ability is required. 
Interestingly, the japanese text describes them as the general's (Garcian's) inside agents specifically. Travis also describes them as pitiable, as they are nothing more than sacrifices.

 - Another Camellia Smile is met soon after, right in front of a wall where the words "How soon is now" are written in blood, and another Travis encounter. 

How soon is now

This is a reference to a song by the Smiths. 

Suda51 is actually a Smiths fan, & the name Smith Syndicate was actually chosen in reference to the band.

"Can be seen? It is the character which was written with the blood. If meaningless, it will not write to such a place. Two characters are real blood. However, the remaining characters are hallucinations. Attempt to use a woman."

"Can you see it? Words written in blood...Obviously had a point to make...But only two letters are written in real blood. The rest are fake. You need the girl for this one."

Here Travis introduces a different power of Kaede, the ability to absorb fake blood. In the japanese text, the fake blood is specifically called a "hallucination", once again reinforcing the idea that Mizaru (see no evil) is helping Kaede break through an illusion.

 - After opening a door by imputting the password (NO) obtained by absorbing the fake blood, the player meets up with Travis once again. 

"A seed main part is here. A duplicate object is different evolved type "face at which it laughs." Explosive power is also increasing. It is pushing down, before distance's is packed. Take care at most. It attacks at the moment of opening a door."

"This is where the Queen is. It's different than a duplicate. It's an evolved Heaven Smile, with boosted explosive power. You gotta take it out before it gets too close. They're crazy, I'm telling you. They'll be on top of you the moment you open the damn door."

Travis foreshadows the Heaven Smile encounter which is waiting for the player behind the Vinculum Gate. He also mentions how the Queen is an evolved Heaven Smile, and how she's different than a duplicate (a mass produced Heaven Smile who births out of a Duplicator's egg). 
The wording seems to imply that the Queen and the Heaven Smile miniboss that the player will meet soon after are one and the same; However, it is much more likely that the "Queen" refers to a character met later in the level. 

 - At the end of the corridor, Iwazaru appears once again. 

"The master, this is bad. It is going in the very dangerous direction. This point is a party's nest. The fellow is protected. That relation is too dangerous. That is right. Let's look for Tamatama. It will be convinced if there is Tamatama. A gate should be opened. The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Things are turning in a bad way! An infamous criminal lies this way! And he's protecting HIM! Wicked bed partners, indeed, indeed! Ah, yes...Seek out the Soul Shells! With Soul Shells, he's sure to allow you through the gates! In the name of Harman..."

Infamous Criminal
This monologue contains the only informations we ever get about the Gatekeeper. Apparently he is an infamous criminal with connections to Kun-Lan. 
Considering that the Gatekeeper, along with the whole Vinculum Gate and the Soul Shells themselves are something that probably only exist within Garcian's mind, we could surmise that the Gatekeeper rapresents Garcian's own will to move on. We can assume the real Gatekeeper to be an actual criminal who Garcian assassinated in the past, if anything. 

 - The player then enters the Vinculum Gate, even though the game actually indicates the next room to be the Boiler Room. Once again, the Vinculum Gate will disappear if you try to backtrack, and the game seems to acknowledge it beforehand. After the Gatekeeper checks that the player has collected enough Soul Shells he will let him pass through the Vinculum Gate into a new area: the Colosseum, a wide dome in which most mini-boss fights will take place. 
Just like the Vinculum Gate, the Colosseum will disappear entirely when backtracking. Since the appearence of the Colosseum is directly tied to Garcian recollecting his memories, it could be assumed that the Colosseum is a repressed memory. The ending of the game seems to reinforce this, but its actual role will be kept vague through the entire game. 
This sequence will repeat every time the player enters the Vinculum Gate, so I will avoid repeating myself every single time. 
Within the Colosseum, Iwazaru shows up once again, followed immediately by Kess Bloodysunday. 

"The master. this is bad. It is bad and does not become a joke. A relapse will be impossible if this is opened. Although it can return once, I hear that it is the preparedness which cannot return. Please do not mistake. Preliminary skirmish-? Please fight by such preparedness. Self is under the name of Herman... The waywardness is... under Herman's name."

"Master. We're in a tight spot! Ain't even funny how tight it is! Once you open this door, there's no turning back, Master! Well, you can come back, but I mean, that's the gravity of the situation! Don't get me wrong. Like a prelude to later battles, you see? You must take it very seriously. In the name of Harman..."

"Please help me! That monster is quick. but I ran away but I ran strenuously It had been overtaken. When not making early! It explodes when not killing early. Hopeless! Killed today, too,! Someone helps and is...."

"Please help me! That monster is quick as lightning. I tried my best to run away, but it caught up with me anyway. Hurry! Kill it before it explodes! No! I'm going to die again today! Somebody please help!"

These monologues just serve to foreshadow the upcoming mini-boss, the Speed Smile. 

 - After the fight (which happens to take place within the real, actual Boiler Room indicated earlier; once again, this will repeat every time the Vinculum Gate shows up, so I won't point it out again), the player will leave through the Vinculum Gate once again, making the entire area disappear. After taking a ride through an elevator, the player is once again forced into the role of Garcian by a security cam. As Garcian, the player has a conversation with Travis. 

"You were in such a place. Emil who hesitates. Only you survive and are mysterious. From that, I wait for you all the time. herman does he do? cheersc Please don't be so much angry. It gives without seeing by such eye. A boss will wake up. Sorry, I was bad. The other boss is laughing."

"Oh, there you are! Don't be shy, Emir! Who woulda figured you'd be the only survivor? Well, anyway, are you getting along with the chief? Straight up, I was waiting for you this whole time. Yeah, I know...Don't be so mad, man... Don't glare at me like that... The chief'll wake up. Really, I'm sorry. The other chief must be rolling on the floor with laughter."

This is one of the most interesting conversations in the game, considering it spoils later revelations so bluntly. At this point in the game you have no context for what Travis is saying, which makes it one of the most interesting dialogues to revisit on a replay. 


Suffice to say, this is the same name stated in the Johnny Gagnon letters. You are forced to have this conversation with Garcian Smith, so Travis is specifically referring to Garcian as Emir. 

I was waiting for you the whole time. 

This ties in with Travis' earlier conversation, in which he refers to the Killer7 personae as their own group. While you could technically meet Travis with Garcian at earlier points of the game (though it would involve backtracking and the game clearly makes it so you have to go out of your way to do so), this is the first time he has a conversation with Garcian directly if you're playing normally. 

The only survivor

We'll come back to this by the end of the game. For now, all it means is that Garcian (Emir) was the sole survivor of a specific incident. It establishes that Travis is completely familiar with Garcian's backstory, & knows more than he is actually letting on. 

The Chief

The term "chief", which has been used to translate the word "general" up until now (in reference to Garcian Smith), is now used to translate the term "boss", which I can only assume was a mistake on the translator's part. Going by the japanese text, Travis is clearly referring to the stage boss itself, the Queen.

The other chief

The comment about "the other chief" may be referring to Kun-Lan, due to the comment about him rolling on the floor with laughter. (Laughter is associated with Kun-Lan through the game, & the Heaven Smile will laugh when suicide bombing the player.)
Going by the japanese text, Travis is implying that Kun-Lan is actually the Queen's boss, which explains why he would appear on Garcian's target photograph as the main target.

 - Kess Bloodysunday appears right after that. 

"Remembered. It stole a wing. If it does so The person of the woman glares at me with the face to be fearful of. It didn't run away. It was visible when doing so. By the back of the person of the woman ...which the back had a face She was laughing. He he he It was a funny face. It had better erase a face."

"Now I remember. I stole the wings. And then...A woman glared at me with a stern look. But I didn't run away. Then I saw it... On the woman's back... Were faces... They were smiling. Heh heh...Funny faces. But you'd better erase the faces..."

As usual, Kess provides gameplay tips for the upcoming boss fight. As you could surmise, you're meant to hit the wings, before targeting the smiling faces on her back. 

 - After going through the doorway, Garcian is forcefully transformed into Old Harman Smith through a security camera. He is pushed by his maid, Samantha Sitbon, before she disappears completely with a warping effect. 

Samantha: Please, be careful Sir. 

Old Harman Smith 

Harman Smith, as he has been referred to through the entirety of this chapter, is an old man in a wheelchair. 
He has been referred to as "the chief" and "the master" multiple times, implying that he is the Killer7's true leader. He is also referred in the manual as having the power of the God Killer, to contrast Kun-Lan's God Hand. He wields a gigantic anti-tank rifle. 

Samantha Sitbon

She is Harman's caretaker. The player will have met her multiple times through the level, within the Master's (Harman) Room: At times dressed as a maid, with a submissive and educated demeanor, and sometimes in street clothing, sitting in a trashy & uneducated way. She will only allow you to save your game when appearing as a maid, as she does in this specific cutscene. Her duplicit nature will be addressed in the next chapter in a more thorough way. 
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by Iwazaru »

Yeah i hope you will finish it for ALL chapters one day.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by CENSORED »

Iwazaru wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:01 pm Yeah i hope you will finish it for ALL chapters one day.
Don't you think it's a bit text heavy done this way? I was thinking of splitting the content between a bunch of different articles, like an ANALysis of the remnant psyche dialog and others for the singular chapters but maybe it is better as one continuous thing
I will think about it, in the next few days I'll focus on finally finishing scans of all the relevant merchandise
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Re: Killer7 step by step analysis

Post by Iwazaru »

Monumental work is impressive (unless you're burnt out doing it).
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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