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46th President of The United States
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Vidya Essayism

Post by Brandon »

he/himzel wrote: update & hiatus
3 days ago



hello everyone, and thank you for reading this. i ask first and foremost that you please dont share this publicly, as i'm taking a certain amount of risk even acknowledging my circumstances publicly, but i'm too uncomfortable with having kept such a low profile for such a long time sans-explanation. to put it as bluntly as i can: alyssa and i are being stalked. it's requiring a lot of really fundamental changes to the way we've been living and is directly conflicting all of my current projects, from videos, to music, to alyssa's game, the film, even things as small as streams or my photography hobby, hence my gradual receding from public view the last several months. this may result in longterm changes to how i conduct myself online or it may blow over and i can resume business as usual. i'd really like the latter to be the case but i'm not in a position to make any decisions yet, so in the short term, i'm taking a hiatus.

for someone as private as i like to be i do really love getting to share the things in my life that bring me joy, and was just starting to feel like i'd ascertained how to meld that into a video formula i felt truly holistically compelled by, and i want to make good on this goal when it's safe to do so. especially because, well, this is my job, and it's a job i love. i want to be clear i'm still working on videos & other creative projects through all of this when i'm able, and i'd like to stockpile enough to be worth the wait, but again, that's a hard promise to make when so little feels certain in my life right now.

likely you won't hear me speak about this again; when it feels safe to return, i will. you'll likely see me crop up in fits and starts in the meantime, but it can't be anything consistent until we get our lives back. i say this every time but your support continues to be life-changing and means the world to me and to alyssa.

i'll see you all again when the time is right. thank you.
Looks like our grrrl hazel's hopped on the TI train. /ugay


The TL;DR on this Literally Who is "she" is another zillennial faggotstriver reclaming his past as an edgelord by dressing up as a girl (who don't need no man) that likes all the same shit he did originally. /lips Anybody else sick of this? ... 9262915891

/mu/tant elitism, "gore communities", gayming.. Gotta say Jack, that sure sounds like...
