Fix that shit, mothafucka! I told you, nothing works, nothing worked, nothing will work. You can't fix this degenerate non-culture of our non-society, so shut up and fix this damn site already! What are you looking at? (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

? i mean, we already use light gray "we_universal" theme instead of standard blue "prosilver". I even added twin peaks image instead of stock photo now lol.

I can add a bunch of themes and let people choose themselves, but in such case default might be prosilver blue, so will have to explain everyone how to change theme in their profile :D
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

I'm testing some styles now , so you may see change
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

I kinda like the one you have on now, it's easy on the eyes but I want to head other people's opinions too
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Jack »

The old layout I did, used a big image (big enough so that it only repeated twice.) of the twin peaks curtains as the background.
I miss the old MKUltra crap. (The models are from stock photos, you're allowed to use them.)

This crap was badass. You got the Alpha-looking Alphabet agency guy training sluts on command and then there's a spook motioning to you, to keep it quiet.You didn't see anything. If you don't keep quiet, you might commit suicide with two shots to the back of the head & one to the heart. It happens every day, nothing to see here.

The game I was making was full of this MK psychological shit. (I don't even want to work on it any more coz of how gay the entire internet is. They make up all of this about you and harass you, and then the lies eventually ruin your relationships with real people. It's just not worth it.)

I can see why you guys don't use these logos anymore, coz of dumbass motherfuckers who pass by the site and then get the wrong idea. They think it means you thirsty for some sex or whatever, or that you're desperate for sex & whatever the fuck dumb fucking Sjws think when really, it was meant to be a parody of Mkultra, like these whores.

I'm loving that entire genre of MkUltra parody artists making fun of Brittney Spears or Lady Gaga.

Not that it matters, coz them statist retards would just go DURR "dats just a conspiracy theory, you conspiracy theorist."
Conspiracies exist, otherwise it wouldn't be illegal to commit them. What the fuck do you fucking think the Mafia was? It used to be a conspiracy theory that they own parts of the USA, but it was proven to be true after Gotti and all of them fucks got nailed on tax evasion.

Why are the current header pics so pixelated anyway?
I was actually going to request something like this. While I'll always appreciate videogames as an artform and novelty, as I said before, the G in LGBTQ should stand for gamer because gaming is (unfortunately) for faggots :lol:.
Hahaha this mofugga got jokes. Tell me, how do you escape from this?
That's why I play vidya. To escape. I'm tired of being bombarded with that garbage, and it was even seeping into video games which eventually forced me to go to the Nintendo Switch, and I couldn't be happier coz they're still Japanese as fuck.

My life when I'm outside, I try my best not to get mad at how everything gay is. I then coop myself inside the house just playing games to get away from it all. You can't change the culture from the bottom up. Nothing you do will stop these people from being fucking lame. So I simply ignore it.

I grew up during the Arcade era, so to peeps in my age group, Video gaming will always have an air of counter culture & rebellion to it, coz when I was growing up in the late 80s, early 90s you mostly saw thugs, gangssters, pimps & their hoes playing arcade games.

I don't recognize this modern gaming shit that's all over the internet as the same culture I grew up in. FGC is the one that comes closest to what that culture was like (That Tupac vid I linked to is so damn accurate.), but even they've been infiltrated by a bunch of tranny faggots. The tranny thang is more of a mechanism of the internet though. Trannys didn't always exist in competitive communities. That's a recent invention peddeled by goofy ass Caspers the faggy ghost.

Recently I've been spending all my time (and money :cry:) on cars and guns, I'd be more interested to talk about that, though I don't know if anyone would care (my newest car is a Police Interceptor 8-)). The only game I've touched recently was replaying RE4 after 14 years, and that was primarily because I wanted to blow people apart with the C96 and M1903A4 :twisted:.
Nobody stopping you. I'm planning to post in-depth combat sports shit that I'm pretty sure only I care about around here. That's why it's too bad that Gyro left, since we were into a lot of the same shit.
Besides, Xed has guns. If Sumisu is who I think he is, then that's a gun nut too. I don't see the point of talking about a gun stash when the entire fucking internet is keeping tabs on everything you do anyway.

It's why I stick to video games, plausible deniability. I bet it's the same for these SJW fux also do that. Or at least I would think, but then again they're the ones pushing this big gov bullshit so it's more likely that they just stick to video games & comics coz they're lower-cultural forms of entertainment that they could infiltrate.

That or just constantly shitting on the tranny question vis-à-vis gaming "culture". But that should basically be shelved under "politics", since it's really just a discussion of one aspect of the fall of the American empire.
You could just do all of that in general mothafucka. General is for every type of topic. You don't need a special section to have 50 something threads that are all talking about the same thing to which motherfuckers will say the same shit "It's the patriarchy!" "It's the SJWs!"
This ain't like the old days where we actually had more than 4 people in the forum, & people of many different belief systems all arguing their points. (I would love to see some of our militant muslims debate with some of these faggy Lefty SJWs who just laugh at me, coz I'm such a fucking joke to them.)

These days, everyone here is a type of LOLbertarian or somewhere close to it. (I ain't libertarian at all, except for the wanting to be left alone part. I just get along with Libertarians simply coz they leave me alone :lol: )
It's not enforced, it just happened coz people who are Far Leftists don't even bother to argue and just talk shit about you behind your back instead. It's so fucking cowardly.

I find it fucking amusing how it's mostly White people who are calling me a White supremacist. It's pure blown projection coz I think Whites are goofy as fuck.
I think "White" is actually SJW codespeak for Manly man, or Masculine man. It makes the most sense, coz I do fit the 'toxic' masculine male profile. Not that that's a bad thing. Why the fuck would you want to be a simp? Friggin Johnny Depp actually lost his entire finger that he had to surgically stitch back on coz he refused to hit a bitch.

Not that I blame him, if he did hit a bitch, he'd be in jail due to how high profile he is. Ironically his dumbass wife hit him repeatedly and with objects, yet she's not in jail at all, and won't be.
She's applauded for it, for standing up to toxic males. Funny, coz Depp is a Far Leftist but he's still 'toxic' to them.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

honestly everything is working fine for me both on desktop and on mobile, only thing is, is the top picture meant to be that low res? I can see the pixelization even on mobile, is it some limitation with the platform that only allows it up to a certain resolution?
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Jack »

So you pussies just going to fucking ignore me motherfuckers.
I think it'd look way better if you guys did the MK Ultra programming shit that I had going on. Also, just switch to a large pic as the background so it won't repeat more than twice. Either that or use a script that places the background in a 'fixed' position.
Yeah sure that Inland Empire bunnies shit, is MKUltra-ish coz it references Alice in Wonderland

, but i just really like the way the logos I made looked, coz it was so sleek and had such hypnotic visuals, which was the point.

This is the only one that I think I still have on my pc. I thought I had more though, but I only have the base stock photos I used, not the actual site gfx.
That left pic is similar to that 'spirit cooking' art and those weird Pedosta murals. (Ignore the right one. That's just some gfx I made out of Holly :lol: .)

I had a Horror Hotel theme I had going on for the site, which I think was from the previous site build that came before the 2k16 update.
I had so many good ideas, that I can't even use coz internet is so gay now. Like in that vid I previously posted in my prior post, which talked about how corporations took over the internet with their ai bots and we're being re-educated to speak much less offensively and much more literal, otherwise the bot programs will signify everything that we write as offensive which results in 300+ dossiers documenting your 'repsulsive' demeanor that are sent to your employers.

At the time when I made my previous layouts when we had much more people who were still around, it was meant to be a site where I posted (in the actual website, not the forum.) a lot of info dumps, scans about a lot of political dirt I had on various subjects. I actually deleted all of those folders coz I don't want to accidentally shoot myself two times in the back of the head. back in 2k15 & 2k16, there was a log ot good shit being spread around, it was like early 2000s all over again.

Now when you look at internet in 2020, most of those sites have been forcibly taken down (blamed on for random shit that had nothing to do with them.), or have been completely taken over by script-reading muckrakers.
They're easy to identify coz they speak in fucking memes, and don't even use them properly.
I got called "OK Boomer" by one of these muck chumps and then they proceeded to write a paragraph long TLDR to my 2 sentence response that I was originally called "OK Boomer" for, LOL! OKboomer is meant to be a short response to generational novel-lentgh babble, not as a "no u!' retort.
Funny how motherfuckers who don't understand memes so easilly identify themselves.

The entire English-speaking internet seems to be taken over by Ultra-Leninists who police all language & thought.
And make up random ass shit about you.

I just recently cleaned up all of my negative (but fake) google results that you find when searching my real name.
I no longer see the Russian bearded underwear model. (That took me near 4 years to delete, lol)
A month ago I had to deal with rumors of me being a fucking MRA, when I fucking laugh at MRAs as useless faggots who beg to women, to please stop hurting their wallets. I have also never interacted with an actual MRA or Mgtow websites. I don't even read their fucking content, my god. (English Internet is so gay & fake.)
Thankfully, I see nothing about me anymore that has to do with that Red Pill garbage. It's a rumor that seems to resurface every few months though when I hate every single one of those Men's rights or movement groups.

TLDR: I had tons of content lined up about the previous South Korean president, China (They are involved in so much crazy shit, check up Falun Gong & the body smuggling op.), Duterte (nothing but respect for him.), Hillary,
Trump, Shinzo's old cabinet, etc. We just don't live in an era any more where you're allowed to post about anything.
The modern USA of today, seems to be taken over by friggin Europeans, of the big government stripe. The America I grew up in, would be best represented by Tall big titty blonde women with a beer in one hand, a gun in the other and a thong of the American flag.

That was Muh Murica. Murica of today, is well, I already showed it with the tweet I posted earlier.
Nanny-state murka.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

I can try to put curtains on background instead of this "fiber carbon material" or whatever this shit is. If it can allow to use large images so we dont have repeat 5 times, of course.

As for main banner, i'm also not sure if we can use it wider here, as it's pretty long and narrow. On previous template style (light one, which xed cant stomach) main banner was big, but there was not background on the sides at all coz forum was fitting the whole screen itself.

On a subject of pixelation, it' just i messed up the pic to make it more lo-fi and grunge, because i thought it will look less shit this way in comparison to what it would look like if i just stretched it (cause banner is long and narrow, while original lynch photo is not). Also it gave me vibe of some PS1/3DO game that never came out, lol.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

So you pussies just going to fucking ignore me motherfuckers.
fucking LMAO
No it's really just that I agree with you and don-/ have much to add to what you said, also I have to keep my posts short because my fucking eye burns
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Rake »

Hahaha this mofugga got jokes. Tell me, how do you escape from this?
Can't, obviously. I mean, you can with a tremendous amount of money, most elites (mid-level I think, the top tier seem like the more outwardly psychotic ones) all live traditionalist lives. You'll notice all the shit they push on poor people- gender nonconformity, polyamory, pharmaceutical cocktails, antinatalism, etc, are all things none of them participate in.
That's why I play vidya. To escape. I'm tired of being bombarded with that garbage, and it was even seeping into video games which eventually forced me to go to the Nintendo Switch, and I couldn't be happier coz they're still Japanese as fuck.
Of course, but aren't you doing the same thing I do? You're replaying games from decades ago you've already played hundreds of times. What I meant is I'd dis-include that as "participating in gaming". When I was a kid and into my teens I really liked videogames, I subbed to tons of gaming mags and followed everything and I was generally excited for how games would develop. Now, I don't really give a shit because video games merged into the nerd consumer culture pit where all things end up as some form of homosexuality because faggotry is (currently) the convergence point for the end of history.
My life when I'm outside, I try my best not to get mad at how everything gay is. I then coop myself inside the house just playing games to get away from it all. You can't change the culture from the bottom up. Nothing you do will stop these people from being fucking lame. So I simply ignore it.
Yeah, moving away from games hasn't made my hobbies any less introverted. I sit and disassemble guns and car parts but it's as you said, cooping yourself up in the house to get away from everything.
I grew up during the Arcade era, so to peeps in my age group, Video gaming will always have an air of counter culture & rebellion to it, coz when I was growing up in the late 80s, early 90s you mostly saw thugs, gangssters, pimps & their hoes playing arcade games.
Video games were counter culture until around the 8th gen (you could argue 7th because that's when the 360 and PS3 were trying to sell themselves as "multi-media platforms" rather than gaming systems exclusively, but there was still bizarre aesthetic carryovers from the 6th gen), because they were for freaks. You know Lynch directed a commercial for the PS2 right? and Chris Cunningham:

That's why I liked video games, they were always commercial products, but they were also real culture. This stuff you posted too just furthers it, video games were cool when they weren't accepted. I watched the exact same thing happen to skating, as soon as skating wasn't seen as something for degenerate teenagers it was fucking boring, and now surprise-surprise modern skaters are all pro-Big Gay. Try getting these guys to say something nice about fags:

Like you think of street gangsters playing arcade games in the '80s-'90s, I imagine Jackass types from the '90s-'00s when I think of a "gamer". Both entirely Jurassic concepts now though.
I don't recognize this modern gaming shit that's all over the internet as the same culture I grew up in. FGC is the one that comes closest to what that culture was like (That Tupac vid I linked to is so damn accurate.), but even they've been infiltrated by a bunch of tranny faggots. The tranny thang is more of a mechanism of the internet though. Trannys didn't always exist in competitive communities. That's a recent invention peddeled by goofy ass Caspers the faggy ghost.
That's my complaint. I liked video games as either something to be taken lightly and enjoyed in public (arcades) or something freakish to explore in the dark (early console/PC gaming), I'd group competitive gaming separately, which was also cool (FPS and fighting game tournaments, online multiplayer) but that's been reduced mostly to GDC type tranny freakshows.

Now we have this kind of ugly mixture, where games are more social then ever, but in the worst ways, with no aesthetic merit to buy off the irritating qualities.

This may change in the near future though. Looking through sites like, I have found a few cool things, it reminds me somewhat of browsing deviantART or Newgrounds eons ago. I believe that when technology makes producing games easy enough that a single person can make a game that's around PS2 fidelity it might actually cause damage to the gaming industry at large, to where games made by individuals could compete with larger production games. The only reason that hasn't happened (discounting a few exceptions like Hotline Miami) is because indie gaming became an inbred scene that locked it into rote aesthetic and mechanical genre trappings for nerds. When individually produced games can have the same mass-appeal Xbox games did (as in being able to be sold to people who don't know about or play games) I think things could change for the better.
I'm planning to post in-depth combat sports shit that I'm pretty sure only I care about around here.
I don't blame you for assuming lack of responses means disinterest, but I like your commentary about combat sports. I read all of your write-ups, I just don't follow any of the sports enough to contribute.
Besides, Xed has guns. If Sumisu is who I think he is, then that's a gun nut too. I don't see the point of talking about a gun stash when the entire fucking internet is keeping tabs on everything you do anyway.
I thought about that. My problem is, being a paranoid schizophrenic is exhausting. I read conspiracy theories and whatever other stupid bullshit all day and I'm fully aware of how fucked the world is to the point I can only care so much. Obviously I'd rather not be red-flag law'd like this guy: ... -standoff/

But I'd still like to be able to talk about stuff.


Extremely unfair I can't make jokes about domestic terrorism and show off all my cool guns. Incredibly gay state of affairs.
I bet it's the same for these SJW fux also do that. Or at least I would think, but then again they're the ones pushing this big gov bullshit so it's more likely that they just stick to video games & comics coz they're lower-cultural forms of entertainment that they could infiltrate.
Depends on the specifics of the Wokes in question. A large majority of them, for example, the "dirtbag left" (ie Chapo listeners) are mostly former FYAD/SomethingAwful posters that did worse than everything they project and accuse others of before converting to orthodox liberalism. Those people (who make up a vocal majority in this cultural push) were all hardcore nerd faggots, so in that sense they're just sticking to their guns.
You could just do all of that in general mothafucka. General is for every type of topic. You don't need a special section to have 50 something threads that are all talking about the same thing to which motherfuckers will say the same shit "It's the patriarchy!" "It's the SJWs!"
I was kidding, I meant in the way that most of the gaming discussions on the previous forum just ending up becoming MPC style fag-dragging threads :lol:.
These days, everyone here is a type of LOLbertarian or somewhere close to it. (I ain't libertarian at all, except for the wanting to be left alone part. I just get along with Libertarians simply coz they leave me alone :lol: )
It's not enforced, it just happened coz people who are Far Leftists don't even bother to argue and just talk shit about you behind your back instead. It's so fucking cowardly.
Yeah, it really limits discussion. That's the issue I always have with "leftists" is that there really aren't leftists anymore, every left leaning person I speak to either online or IRL is an oblivious libtard. Because they'll basically agree with everything I say since everything I say is reasonable, but then they just change the conversation to whinging about Trump :roll: or chime in with some tepid point about "nobody wanting to meet in the middle", as if there is a middle between delusional baby killers and horrible racists.

I think I'm just going to start calling myself a "Regressive" because the only thing I care about is abolishing liberalism.
I think "White" is actually SJW codespeak for Manly man, or Masculine man. It makes the most sense, coz I do fit the 'toxic' masculine male profile. Not that that's a bad thing.
White = bad. But the primary goal of anti-White rhetoric isn't just to fuck up White men, it's to be used to remove dissidents via a social credit proxy system like China's except with everyone willingly but unknowingly participating in it. By making White = bad you also make associating with Whites or anything defined as White values bad. This is why you see the constant obsession with performative anti-Whiteness, anti-Western, anti-American, blah blah blah, all of that shit, it's the all same thing. It's just MK Ultra brainwashing to get things to where they are now, and get them heading in the direction of "worse". It really doesn't have that much to do with Whites specifically, as much as idiotic White altruism makes them an easier target, and without some kind of scapegoat this system doesn't work properly.
She's applauded for it, for standing up to toxic males. Funny, coz Depp is a Far Leftist but he's still 'toxic' to them.
Because he still embodies masculinity even if he's a libtard. Feminine values and thinking make for better consumers, so all cultures, races and countries need to be feminized. Say it with me: GAY GLOBAL MULATTO SHOPPING MALL.
Last edited by Rake on Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

I like the new picture, it's so fucking random it makes me laugh, it reminds me of those Rise of Skywalker parody pictures
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