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Japanese Gaming General

Post by Krizzx »

At first was going to make this the JRPG thread, but then I remembered that I name. Instead, I figured, why not just make a general Japanese thread for all the odd shit they create.

Also, I have no idea if this will even be an RPG, but there is a new near coming. You still have a shoulder thing floating behind you, so this will probably be another action game of some sort. Either that or a mindfuck adventure game.

Still no new words on Deadly Premonition 2, though I would honestly rather see D4 Season 2. How's Swery just going to end at the start of a boss battle?

On another note, I'm probably not picking up Yakuza 7.

The greed.

Also, this guy nails why RE6 was so awful.

Last edited by Krizzx on Tue Sep 29, 2020 12:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:17 am Also, I have no idea if this will even be an RPG, but there is a new near coming. You still have a shoulder thing floating behind you, so this will probably be another action game of some sort. Either that or a mindfuck adventure game.
Yuck, it's a mobile game. ... platforms/
What I really don't like about mobile games is the time investment. You have to log in & play every day.
It's good shit if you don't actually own games since Mobile games tend to have a shit ton of content, but I already play a bunch of grindy shit for fool price which also forces you to log in daily if you want to get all of the rewards before the expiration date.

That's also the reason why I skipped Animal Crossing New Horizons. I just don't have the time to commit myself to that type of game. I already play online competitive games daily. (I'm planning to add more if I buy Arms & Spla-Toon 2.)

In other news, Plat is rereleasing the Japanese version of Nier, the one with the Prettyboy main character, instead of the Westernized big beefy badass that we got in the West.

On another note, I'm probably not picking up Yakuza 7.

The greed.
I think it's more that Yakuza just doesn't sell in Japan anymore, so they're trying to recuperate losses as much as they can. I went into more detail about that faggy in-game monetization shit at that thread.
I have a theory that gaming makes the vast majority of its money through DLC.
The problem with modern gaming is that most companies aren't actually making money, they're just recycling the same pool of money, hoping they randomly make it big like GTA V, Witcher 3, PS4 Spiderman, or most of Nintendo's Switch 1st party library.
Nintendo is like the only company that has crazy enough fans who will buy their games at Fool price. I'm considering doing that with Arms (just like how I bought old ass BOTW & Xenoblade 2 for full retail $60.), coz I'm playing the full copy trial and it is a damn good fighting game. There's rumors that an Arms 2 is coming so I may wait for that, but I'll get Arms by the end of the year if Arms 2 isn't announced.

The only reason I'm even interested in Y7 is coz it's an actual turnbased Jrpg.
I kinda view Y7 as PS4's version of Xenoblade. Sadly for them, coz XB is way better.
Yakuza 7 sold better than Judgment, but it did much worse than Y6. A shame, coz i really don't like the shitty beat em up combat.

I want to get Disaster Report 4, but how the fuck are you going to get it by April 7th? If I were them, I'd delay the game, coz most of us can't fucking leave the house without getting the cops called on you, all due to that corona scare bullshit. It pisses me off, coz I see people in Japan just chilling like usual acting like Corona is nothing, but Japan is different coz their government doesn't actively hate them, LOL!
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Iwazaru »

Friends told me that Katana Kami is actually good.

Yeah, that game that we just got from Acquire instead of new Way of the Samurai.

I thought it's just a plain diablo clone, but combat system is decent enough. You have light and strong attack, evade, block, perfect block with counter, special/ultimate and grab moves. Weapons have stances - mid, low, up and zatoichi-like. Though you can't switch those... just different weapons for different stances, oops. Also each weapons has stats like range of attack etc. There are skills your character can learn, different for each weapon. Aslso upgrades and affixes.

Gameplay-wise it's dungeon crawler as expected, though. Each time you visit dungeon, it resets, and character stats reset too. At first dungeons are kind of boring, but then it opens up: you start having status-based enemies, rare encounters (like God of fortune, it spawns if there are god of powerty mobs here), shrines that (de)buff you with blessing or curse, cursed rooms, bosses. Of course, loot chests everywhere if you are OCD, lol. Transitional floors, where you can visit demon-blacksmit and other services. Later dungeons have alternative routes/versions - "mystery", "danger", "violence" etc. Good weapons break fast, though, and you don't have much whetstone or smithy available... Fun moment was to discover fight between two ai merchants, haha. Also, when you die, you need to recover your items by fighting phantom.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Jack »

I originally spoke about Disaster Report 4 at the Nintendo thread, but it's more fitting here, and it would just get lost in the Nintendo thread any way.

To add to what I initially said.
I meant that Disaster Report 4 isn't dubbed in English. I miss the terrible voice acting that made the games feel like a terribly-dubbed Godzilla movie. DR4 has great choice & consequences, it just won't be as replayable to me since the voice acting is no longer shit, due to keeping it in Japanese where they actually do a decent job of creating a frightening atmosphere.
It turns out that the game is still funny as hell even in Japanese. When you pick an intentionally stupid or assholish choice, the line delivery is actually very hammy & overacted which is still pretty funny. It's not as funny as the Janitor english voice actors from Raw Danger 2, but at least the entertainment factor that I get from these DR games is still intact.

What I don't like though, is the actual translation. I don't understand why the fuck Eri, who is labeled as The Bijin in the spoken dialogue, is for some reason translated as "The Calm girl" within the subtitles, when you quite clearly call her "Beautiful woman" in the spoken Japanese. You could've easily translated the line as "Let the pretty girl do it." "Let the good looking chick do it." "Let the hot girl do it."
How the fuck did it get translated as "Calm Girl"?
When I got up to that part, I was actually confused about who the "The calm girl" was supposed to be, coz she didn't strike me as being overly calm. She just spoke in a manner, that's stereotypically sexy in Japan.

This strikes me as yet again, more dumbass American translators, trying to insert their faggot ass politics on to Japanese-to-English translations. They did the same shit with Animal Crossing New Horizons, The English version has gay & lesbian couples and you "choose your style", instead of choosing your gender, lol.
(The original Japanese doesn't have lesbian or gay furry couples, and it still asks if you're a boy or a girl, not "Choose your style." LOL White people are so fucking gay.)

Now I'm seeing this shit in Disaster report 4, where you quite clearly hear the voice actors say "Bijin" but for some reason bijin is translated as calm girl. That just makes no sense to me. "Bi" means pretty or beautiful in Japanese.
Where the fuck did "Calm" from?
I do want to get Disaster Report 4 at fool price just coz I do enjoy it, but I think I'll just let it flop, coz this just strikes as yet more White boi Cuck-politics where they to assert that it's impolite to notice the beauty of a woman.
What's weird is that you can call the teacher "Nice looking, she's just my type", but they prob left that in coz it's obviously one of the dumber answers. I chose to rip her off and make her pay me.

I even sold bandaids for 300,000 yen, lol. That's about $2800. Shit really reminds me of the Corona virus in that the actual disaster is just a back drop, the real danger are the people. That's why I do want to get to it, just to experience the story, since it's interesting commentary on how humans act like complete pieces of shit during disasters.

Tark's Gauntlet had a pretty decent review about DR4.

For some nerdy weeb-faggot, he looks like he could actually attract some hot chicks.

He says that DR4 is complete shit, but he still loves it, in the same way that he loves Michigan & Deadly Premonition. I have a similar opinion. It's a fucking walking simulator, it doesn't even have the multiple meters that raw Danger 2 had. I recall Raw Danger 2 made it so that you had to wear certain clothes to prevent you from dying from overheating or freezing to death. They took that out of DR4. A shame, coz BOTW has it, and I like that. It makes BOTW feel much more dangerous due to how the environment can so easily kill you if you're not prepared.

I've seen other reviews that give DR4 a high score, but I wouldn't call them good reviews coz they do a poor job of telling you what kind of game it is.

It's not a game in the traditional sense. It's more like a choose your own adventure book, but it's simulated through choice & consequences 3d game. I think it's very atmospheric in 1st person, but the controls are clumsy as fuck.
The main problem is I won't be able to buy this game due to CommieChinkPussy virus since the only store that would have this game at day 1 would've been gamestop.
Friends told me that Katana Kami is actually good.
I'm interested in that, but not $30 interested. I'd buy a physical version for that price. If I didn't have MUA3 I'd prob consider it, but imo no Diablo style game really tops MUA3's combat, not even Diablo.

I love the badass shit you can pull off in that game.

Speaking of which, I beat Jontron's fat ass in Arms, I'll show screen caps at the Nintendo thread later.
I have a new found respect for Jon though, he's like the one rare Youtube loser, who's actually good at videogames.
I also had a Friday the 13th match with that weird looking fucktard, Markiplier. I think he's like half Korean or something, but unlike Tim Pool, Marky's Gook side actually shows. Dude has the most fucked up looking face I've ever seen, coz it's like an obvious hybrid between a Huwite boi's face and an Oriental face. Damn am I glad that I don't look like that. Anyway, Mariplier sucks at games. I'd wonder why he's actually popular but the dude is very charismatic. I've seen him on a few Late-Night shows, and I actually thought that Markiplier was way mo' funny than the Late-Night comedians, coz they're not even funny at all, like Jimmy Kimmel.
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Jack »

What I don't like though, is the actual translation. I don't understand why the fuck Eri, who is labeled as The Bijin in the spoken dialogue, is for some reason translated as "The Calm girl" within the subtitles, when you quite clearly call her "Beautiful woman" in the spoken Japanese. You could've easily translated the line as "Let the pretty girl do it." "Let the good looking chick do it." "Let the hot girl do it."
How the fuck did it get translated as "Calm Girl"?
When I got up to that part, I was actually confused about who the "The calm girl" was supposed to be, coz she didn't strike me as being overly calm. She just spoke in a manner, that's stereotypically sexy in Japan.
I fucking knew it didn't sound right.
At 15:40

Even some (presumably) White dude who did a walkthrough & English commentary of the game, translated that line as "Beautiful one", which works. Jin means person, but bijin typically refers to women.
How the fuck did "hot bitch" get translated into "Calm one"? It makes no sense.
That line could've been translated multiple different ways, but they went with the one that made no fucking sense at all.

That's NISA for you, they're the worst translation team, which is weird coz they're called "Nippon Ichi" but the American division seems to be run by fucktards who don't even understand basic Japanese lol.
I actually played through the entirety of Ys8 with the original English translation, and I had no fucking idea what was going on coz the translation made no sense. "Ancient species!" (When you're clearly looking at a fucking Dinosaur, LOL!) "Achezoic Big Hole"

I don't speak slanteye, but I can understand enough to get around. What's amazing to me is how nearly every game with Jap subs I've seen has subtitles that don't even bother to translate what's being said.
I can understand that with Nioh 1, coz some of the lines they were translating would sound racist as fuck if directly translated, coz they were basically mocking White weebs, lol.
I can also understand why Yakuza's translations are so inconsistent coz Yakuza games use way too much informal Japanese which don't really make sense to non-speakers. (I can't understand a damn thing Majima says, lol. He has like a mixture of an Osakan-dialect and an extremely exaggerated Yakuza style accent, to the point that it sounds like he's speaking Mexican or something.)

Xenoblade 2's subtitles are also way off, but that's coz the subtitles are just subtitling what's being said in the English dialogue, even if you're playing it in Japanese.
I don't really understand the translation changes with Disaster Report 4, coz they fucking kept the spoken dialogue in Japanese, when I'm pretty certain that most weebs already understand Jap anyway, lol.

BTW, Disaster Report 4 seems to be fucking nuts.

You can actually do Ryu's hurricane kick & hadoken, but it looks so janky that the fighting resembles Mortal Kombat more than it does Street Fighter.

Speaking of more weird shit, here's an old Japanese Salaryman who legit dances like Michael Jackson.

I was laughing when he started to bust a move coz I couldn't fucking believe that some old Asian dude could actually dance like that. I sure can't. Wow! Daoko hot as always.

This is Michael Jackson boy when he was in his 20s.

He has really good taste in Jap girls.

Damn near every gurl in that vid is hot.
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Krizzx »

Saying they did bad with the translations for DS4 is an understatement. They translated office workers as "students". Its like whoever translated this game never actually looked at it. I'm constanting hearing them say things in Japanese that are completely different than the English. I'm used to seeing that in dubbed games that still have the Japanese dub option where the translators will just have them say whatever they want. Especially with games that have undubs like Fire Emblem If/Fates and Xenoblade X where they just completely change the characters personalities. The bad translations in DS4 just make no sense.

Still, its a nice game though. I expected they would change it a lot from the PS2 games but, it still has most of the same attributes, including the ridiculous, or assholish choices you can make. It was clearly intended to be played through multiple times. You can tell is a PS3 game at its core, though. The tech is completely last gen. Works for me, though.

My only two complaints are that they reuse a LOT of the same characters models for different major roles, and that there are some events that have tedious routes. Like, its clear you have to do something there, but you cant until you clear 2 or 4 other scripted events somewhere else and the like.
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by CENSORED »

Saying they did bad with the translations for DS4 is an understatement. They translated office workers as "students". Its like whoever translated this game never actually looked at it. I'm constanting hearing them say things in Japanese that are completely different than the English. I'm used to seeing that in dubbed games that still have the Japanese dub option where the translators will just have them say whatever they want. Especially with games that have undubs like Fire Emblem If/Fates and Xenoblade X where they just completely change the characters personalities. The bad translations in DS4 just make no sense.
Videogame translations are so bad, I have a theory that most american translators don't actually know japanese lol, they just put everything through google translate and then write over it and make up personalities and plot details as they move forward.
I remember playing Nier Automata with the japanese dub, and realizing that the italian translation for that game is actually based on the japanese script. While the english "translation" completely made up the character personalities. This is also true for Drakengard 3 where Zero is a completely different person between the original and the adaptation.
The Silver Case, whoever translated that game doesen't even understand the Tokyo ward/district system, to the point where the western fanbase is now convinced that "the wards" are a sci-fi concept LOL!

Then there are examples of localizers bragging about having "fixed" a game by removing "sexist" and "transphobic" elements. I can't find the screencaps anymore, though it was common knowledge a while ago.
Again this is just racist americans, making everything about themselves and their warped sense of morality where sucking transvestite dick is virtuous, while finding women attractive is hineous. Though I have heard theories that this is actually an excuse, because they can claim extra work and thus extra pay if they are "forced" to intervene on the game's actual code.

What baffles me the most though. Is the inclusion of memes. Everything I play recently has fucking internet memes shoved up its ass like "I was hit in the feels", or "he likes them THICC" (This one is in the Suda51 Firepro DLC LOL)
In danganronpa they even quote fucking bane, I'm a big guy for you. I honestly don't understand it, is it a fucking private joke they have where they smear shit all over the script and then laugh about it when they get paid? I'm sure it's a matter of weeks before I see the term SIMP pop up in a game and I'm pretty sure there was one where the modern rendition of CUCK was used lol.
God damn the videogame industry is just garbage
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Jack »

Saying they did bad with the translations for DS4 is an understatement.
I was trying not to overstate it, since it's what my haters do with me. They overexaggerate mistakes that I've supposedly made with translation but then it turns out that I never fucking said any of the claims that they've attributed to me. We live in a backwards society now where everyone always believes the accusers, simply coz accusers tend to be emotional. I'm generally apathetic & analytical most of the time so that lack of emotion paints me as 'guilty' amongst the brainlets.
They translated office workers as "students". Its like whoever translated this game never actually looked at it. I'm constanting hearing them say things in Japanese that are completely different than the English.
Yeah I was confused by that too. I don't recall the spoken dialogue from that section since only the actual student had spoken dialogue, but I was weirded out by how every single person in that building were supposedly students.
I do recall them being employees in the original Japanese PS4 demo though.
Still, its a nice game though. I expected they would change it a lot from the PS2 games but, it still has most of the same attributes, including the ridiculous, or assholish choices you can make. It was clearly intended to be played through multiple times. You can tell is a PS3 game at its core, though. The tech is completely last gen. Works for me, though.
The PS2 games are way better, they had actual gameplay. DR4 is basically a telltales game, but with free movement, and some actual choice & consequences. You don't do anything throughout the entire game except talk to people and make choices. Every once in awhile, you run away from falling buildings but it's nothing like the spectacles you had to run away from in the Raw Danger games.

I like how the old lady in the beginning is actually a Mobster though, LOL! Reminds me of the Chinese grandma from Netflix Daredevil.
My only two complaints are that they reuse a LOT of the same characters models for different major roles, and that there are some events that have tedious routes. Like, its clear you have to do something there, but you cant until you clear 2 or 4 other scripted events somewhere else and the like.
It's all superficial anyway. A lot of the times, they don't even react to what you actually said. I still see me enjoying it though, simply coz the game is really funny and it's the closest thing we'll ever get to a City version of BOTW. Nintendo has two franchises where a setting like that could work, Famicom Detective Club & Earthbound.
I wouldn't bother with Earthbound coz their fanbase is way too autistic, and fill with a bunch of losers who live on the internet. Detective club is just far too niche, although it's one of the few text-based adv games that I enjoy.

Speaking of which, I beat Jontron's fat ass in Arms, I'll show screen caps at the Nintendo thread later.
I have a new found respect for Jon though, he's like the one rare Youtube loser, who's actually good at videogames.
I also had a Friday the 13th match with that weird looking fucktard, Markiplier.
I dominated the shit out of Jonny boy, but then he almost beat me in that same match. He earned muh respect. Jontron is not a fake gamer, unlike most jootubers.
White dot means I won the match.


Mark just suxks. He was the only dumbass who actually died in the match that we were in. Our Jason was so shitty, that we made him quit from knocking him to the ground over & over.

Arms is a fucking great game. (cracks me up how Arms is labeled as Niche when sold about the same amount of copies that Street Fighter 5 did. Nintendo did that, on their first try at making a 1st party fighting game. Smash Bros plays more like a wrestling game.)
Only reason why I'm not buying it at full price, is coz I already fucking unlocked everything within 7 days of playing. If I still had access to the game, I'd be playing it every day though.
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Jack »

I have a theory that most american translators don't actually know japanese lol, they just put everything through google translate and then write over it and make up personalities and plot details as they move forward.
I'm starting to think that too. In Final Faggotry 7 Remake (Which is actually a Reboot, lol. They completely replaced the story with Nomura's Kingdom Farts fanfiction, LOL!)
,the English dub Aerith cusses a lot and acts like a sarcastic smart-ass (She was feminine & ladylike in the original Japanese.) and Barret calls Shinra "Fascists" when in the original Japanese he just called them the English equivalent of Assholes.
Fascist is a poor translation coz outside of the USA, fascist refers to the Italian political ideology.
I don't even know what Fascist or Nazi means in the USA, lol.
The Silver Case, whoever translated that game doesen't even understand the Tokyo ward/district system, to the point where the western fanbase is now convinced that "the wards" are a sci-fi concept LOL!
Is there another meaning of the word "Ward" that I don't know about? Even in plain old Murican English, Ward simply refers to a division or section within a city, or an establishment such as a hospital or police department.
When I first saw ward, within the context of Silver Case, I simply assumed detective ward, coz you play as motherfucking detectives lol.
With how fucking dumb Americans are these days, I'd prob be labeled as wrong for saying Detective, instead of Investigator, when it's the same fucking thing. The fuck is wrong with these morons?

The other meaning of ward refers an individual that you're bodyguarding, or protecting from physical danger.
I have never heard of "ward" to refer to anything about motherfucking time machines.
I'm guessing they watch too much anime, which constantly uses every day English words to refer to anime-sci-fi shit.
Anime does that, coz English sounds exotic to them. That's still a weird assumption though, coz Silver Case isn't written like an anime. It's written like a mystery crime-noir. It's just easier to claim that Americans are fucking stupid, rather than trying to piece together how they process thoughts.

Was Silver Case also translated by NISA? Well that explains it, lol. I never actually played the English version much past the prologue. I only ever played it multiple times in the past, in Japanese simply coz no one else was going to do it, so I forced myself to.
Pretty funny how people had a better understanding of KTP back when you had to mostly rely on what I worked on, when contrasted to how fucking confused they are now.
Then there are examples of localizers bragging about having "fixed" a game by removing "sexist" and "transphobic" elements. I can't find the screencaps anymore, though it was common knowledge a while ago.
Why is transphobic even treated as real? Of course people don't like Balding male freaks in skirts. It's repulsive the same way that a Black widow is repulsive.
In regards to Tom, he correctly translated New-half as Tranny (I can't think of any other English word that'd fit.), both are just funny sounding slang words, but for some reason American Huwite boi trannies, treat this as evidence of their oppression and how they're the most oppressed people in the world. I

Calling New-half transphobic is the same as calling Hafu, racist. In that they're taking silly slang words, way too damn seriously.
New-Half is just a cute way of describing an individual who had a sex change. (So it's not even describing American Trannys, who don't even believe in sex or gender, LOL! Oh sure they claim that Gender is just the mannerisms of your assigned-sex, so why is it that they always try to act like stereotypical female prostitutes?)

Hafu is meant to be a cute way of describing a pretty person as Half-white.
Americans prolly take that the wrong way and assume that it's glorifying Whites, when it's actually saying the opposite. They think of Whites as retarded ass barbarians, and are shocked that White & Jap pairings can sometimes shit out an attractive person.
White is only assumed to be the Half in Hafu coz it's generally what most Hafus are. (Even myself, lol. Although I'm not a traditional Hafu. Both of my parents are Asian but one of my parents bloodlines is from Spain.)
What baffles me the most though. Is the inclusion of memes. Everything I play recently has fucking internet memes shoved up its ass like "I was hit in the feels", or "he likes them THICC" (This one is in the Suda51 Firepro DLC LOL)
A quick note on THICC, the original term was actually "Thicky" which spawned from American Hip Hop culture, as did "Based". I'm actually not sure why so many internet meme-terms are just oldass urban slang, which was mostly associated with Black people, but has now been reappropiated by Huwite people, lol. "hit in the feels" is pure blown huwite boi reddit internet slang though.

I would have to see the original Japanese to determine how accurate those translations are. They prob make sense depending on the context. When you translate from Japanese to English, you're not directly translating what they say coz Japs are fucking fags who speak entirely in poetic-prose. (This is why the women sound so damn hot though.)
I don't even know how you could properly translate a Jap speech pattern in to English, coz it just sounds way too elegant & orderly. I'm guessing the way Matt Hardy speaks, is somewhat analogous, but not really.

He just sounds like a stoned-out moron. (He's meant to be funny.) He does sound classy for an American though.

Actually, Shida's British accent is prolly the closest to what a Japanese person would sound like if you directly translated their speech mannerisms & tone into English.

She starts speaking english in that vid, around the 28 second mark, and she sounds so damn refined in both Jap & English, lol.
Shida's English is much easier to understand, than the vast majority of American-English. I don't know what the fuck Cardi B is saying at all.

American English just isn't elegant. Just compare how sweet Japanese Zelda sounds, and then compare her with Zelda's fucking terrible American voice "BLLLLUDDD MOOON WISSEESSS!"
The irony, is that BOTW actually does faithfully translate what is being said in Japanese, but the localization is still inaccurate due to the voice direction. BOTW went with weird fake Brit accents for some reason, when Zelda & crew speak in a normal contemporary fashion in the original Japanese, lol.

If Nintendo had actually intended for Zelda to sound somewhat aristocratic, Japanese Zelda would've spoke like Okuni.

I wanted to post Okuni from SW1 & 2 since that's where she sounded the most refined but I only saw uploads for the English version where she sounds like a retarded Country-girl lol. What's amusing is that a lot of people like Nobunaga's English voice but hate his Japanese voice coz the English voice sounds like a stereotypical badguy but the Japanese voice does a much better job of showcasing just how eccentric he was. He speaks so fucking weirdly in Jap, coz he's meant to come off like a 'fool', or an absolute moron, but it's really just his ruse. You don't get any of that subtext from the English version at all. In the English SW, he's just some generic growling badass, lol.

I chose to go with a game depiction of Kyoto-ben coz none of the real life youtuber versions I've seen of dialect, really does it any justice. Okuni's depiction is just fucking perfect. (In Sw1 & 2.)
Speaking of which, Okuni is in Nioh 2, but her Kyoto-ben is friggin weak. Prob why she only has like one voiced line in the game, lol.

When I hear SW Okuni speak, I feel like I'm being manipulated & mesmerized by her, which is another aspect of Okuni that gets lost in translation coz her English voice merely imitates the way her voice sounds, but not the way she speaks.

On the subject of tone, translating Tetsuguro as a dude who cusses a lot isn't entirely accurate, but it works because translating Tetsu as simply being a blunt & direct man (similar to how Heat is in the DDS games.) wouldn't be offensive sounding enough in English. In English you have to cuss or say "grab em by the pussy" or something in order to accurately convey how much Tetsu doesn't give a mad fuck.
In the original Japanese, he doesn't actually say these things at all, but it's what the tone of his speech is going for. He doesn't give a shit if his rough manner upsets you, but even in Japanese he's still fairly well-mannered. This doesn't work in English, so it makes the most sense to translate him as an expletive man since it's the American equivalent of a Japanese person who's very forthright with their language & tone. Instead of addressing "you" as a buddy, he says "you" in a more accusing tone. In English, you could easily translate that 'you' as "Come here shithead, Yeah I'm talking to you fuckface." It's generally correct coz it conveys the same feeling.

To be fair, Working Designs has always done this but whenever they completely replaced the original Japanese dialogue with their weird Americanized shit, it was cute & nerdy enough, that it ironically somewhat accurately conveyed the geekiness & charm of games such as Lunar. The dialogue that they did replace was just generic townfolk dialogue that simply told you where to go, so it wasn't much of a loss.
What's going on today is really weird though. Nintendo of America translated Animal Crossing's Boy & Girl gender as "Choose your style" and there's multiple animals in AC who have Lesbian & Gay relationshits when they didn't actually exist in the original Japanese, lol. ... r-creator/ ... 0-6475185/
What's fucking hilarious to me, is that you could always cross dress in AC, no matter what your gender is, but these American fucktards are praising it as if it were a new addition to the series, lol.
Imagine how much of a controversy the original Animal Crossing would've made were it made today, Rover assumes your gender is female if you use the word cute.

Again this is just racist americans, making everything about themselves and their warped sense of morality where sucking transvestite dick is virtuous, while finding women attractive is hineous. Though I have heard theories that this is actually an excuse, because they can claim extra work and thus extra pay if they are "forced" to intervene on the game's actual code.
I've noticed.

The right are all just Nintendo games, what I find amusing is how culturally & ethnically diverse Nintendo games actually are, but nobody ever brings that up. Twintelle from Arms (Bottom Left.) is Black, but from France but the game never hits you over the head with it, since the entire cast is from different countries.
Instead, gaming media seems to only focus on "diversity" in Western games, but their diversity only includes stereotyped Black people from the 1960s, lol. Do these motherfuckers ever go outside? Modern Black people don't look like 70s Blaxploitation film rejects, lol.

If I were designing Black characters, I'd make them look like the way FF7 remake's Barret does (He's basically R.Kelly.)
I'd make them look like this.

I ain't saying that's what all Black people look like, but they're far more representative than that fucking recycled Pam Grier copy & paste job, as if she were the only Black woman to have fucking existed within the entirety of human existence.
Even more vexing, Pam Grier is actually half Asian, but every White boi bases their Black characters off of Pam Grier coz they view her as an authentic Black representation, lol.
Even the video hoe (she looks rich & high-classed.) in that Jodeci video looks far more representative of what Black people actually look like in 2020 USA. Sure it's an oldass vid from the 90s, but even in 2020, I still comes across Blacks who dress like Jodeci , coz Jodeci dress pimp. It's basically the same exact way I dress. I dress like Ginuwine too.

Aaliyah is prob a half-breed but both of her parents are Black, so she's Black. (LOL I only know this coz I went to school with a Blackanese gurl who is a hardcore fan of Aaliyah and she did a presentation on Ali's life history.) AAli ain't going to fit in with White gurls, even though she looks White. (She looks like an American-Italian but with dark skin.)

They create these Pam Grier lookalikes to show off how progressively diverse & forward thinking they are, but all they do is reference oldass shit from the motherfucking 1970s as if modern-day Black people don't exist, lol. Where the fuck is Nicki Minaji at? She actually references video games, but you'd have a better chance of seeing Japs modeling a character off of her than you would with Americans.

(Holy crap, her music sux ass. How could anyone listen to this garbage lol.)
Americans would just call you a sexist, racist, homophobe if you made a Nicki Minaji character, even though it's what she actually looks like.

I'm reminded of the America Chavez fiasco where she got redesigned by an actual Latin man from Spain, and he redesigned her with an average Latina figure. (BIG BOOTY, BIG TITS, Small waist.)

There's an entire Twitter movement against him for being racist, when that's what actual Latinas look like.
What's even the problem? Latina bodies are hot.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: It came from Japan!

Post by Krizzx »

finish DR4 and the epilogue. They have a VS fighter mini game at the end of the epilogue if you make the right choice, though I find it odd that Makoto Takeda, the male protagonist, calls his the Ishikawa-ken(with Ishikawa being the female protagonists name). I guess, the female is the canonical main character even though that makes no sense given that every romantic option I saw was female and the unfeminine nature of some of the quests.

I was overall kind of disappointed, though, in that your choices only real affect people reactions and views "if" you you meet them again for the most part. In DR 1 and 2, your choices affected whether or not people lived or died. On this one, who lives or dies seems to be set in stone regardless of what you choose. There are also a lot of points where the game forces you to make asanine choices to progress, like joining a cult kind of like the one from Yakuza 0 or lying to people to get through a section. Given that the game keeps track of your actions with Moral Points and Immoral Points, I found it odd that it required you to make immoral choices with no alternatives at a bunch of points even when I was playing a moral character. It also seems there is less variation in the scenarios than a I thought.

There are only one or two points where you can actually choose a different route, and one is the final chapter. The game seems to reward being immoral more than moral, so when I play through as the female I'm just going to scam everyone for money.

Well, next to TOCSIII. I want to finish TOCSII first, though.

I wish they would hurry up and release Phantasy Star Online 2 on the PC in the U.S. Damn Microsoft for locking it to the XBONE first. Its kind of going to suck having to start from level 1 since I have 2 characters on the JP version that are level 60+ and a ton of rare event shit that you could only get during that point in time and during that year, but being able to play without having to constantly update twice(first the game, and then all the programs to patch English in and play on JP servers) will be nice. I hope SEGA allows the PC and Switch versions to play the same account. I'm probably going to be spending most of my time playing PSO2 when it drops.

One of my favorite things about PSO2 is the music. They went back to the original PSO composers for it.

Like the Escha Falz boss they added. Its a remix of the Phantasy Star 2 final boss theme.

Then there is the profound darkness that plays a remix of the Phantasy Star 4 final boss theme and Idola Strange Fruits from PSO: Episode 3 on the Gamecube.

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