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Post by Jack »

DaRealEvilone wrote: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:07 am Nowdays I don't watch gaming youtubers, but beatemup is so weird, always having break downs, I think his gf is pretty hat
Maybe they do drugs or he can't handle fame, reason I don't watch him.
All games he plays are best games lmao, even he tried to be partial with half assed pokemon sword chill then he made a video apologizing, wft lol
Then I watched a Spaniard youtu.ber Sasel
Google bought him up, he was promoting Google stadia
He was saying " its the future, there is no lag"
The truth is Google stadia is crap lol
Its crap buying destiny 2 when its for free on pc

Animal crossing appeal? When I first played it was for gamecube, it was fun because you name your own town, you buy your own house, there are tons of randoms npc villagers that have really funny dialogues so reason you try to visit each of them to see what they have to say
For me I was like this villager is my wifu, then its so random villagers leave your town and others new villagers come in, I then you are like why my wifu left? Lol
If you compare it to the sims, Animal crossing is more innocent
If you like collections, there are tons of collections lists such as fossils, furnitures, bugs, fish if you like fishing
Also you can play original Nintendo games on your house, games as super Mario bros, legend of zelda
For the gamecube game if you inserted in 2nd memory card slot yours friend memory card with his animal crossing data, you could visit his town. It was fun, visiting your friend's town, traveling by train.
With the Nintendo Ds version, you could visit anyone around the world with wifi
There is not much to do, I didn't play the wii game and 3ds version because it gets too repetitive after gamecube and Nintendo Ds generations, as for me.
There was a place where you could decorate your own designs for clothing, it was cool seeing other people's designs.
You can send letters, gifts and receive them too
Throughout the years there are different events as aerobics, my lil bro sold my memory card with my animal crossing data, I was so mad that I haven't played it after that. trying to get complete collections are kinda uneasy, certain bugs appear during summer or winter same for fish some appear during different seasons, the game uses realtime
So you have your real life Seasons too
I had do much stuff lol so many memories, I had an aussie gf, I have another friend from Nintendo forums that then Nintendo closed down

For the switch version, to me it looka too repetitive
I may buy it for my small sis but I don't know.
I don't like the villagers new designs, their heads look odd. I don't know if they are trying to do it more realistic instead of cartoonish fantasy. I thought it was going to get fixed but still looks crappy

That's a good write up. I'm kinda interested. I didn't like BOTW at all until I thought of it as a larpsim game rather than an action rpg. Granted it's not a rpg anyway, but it's hard not to think of it as that when BOTW so blatantly rips off Skyrim.

Speaking of which, look at this motherfucka at the XB2 gayfags board talking mad shit to me when I was just trying to be friendly. ... 2/78472763

Funny that, Xed actually mentioned how I'm labeled as an 'Asshole' even though I'm actually friendly & at least try to be fair with everyone. It's just that, I'm an actual mean motherfucker if you try to step over me.

I seem to get into arguments with everyone. This would indicate that it's a problem with me, but as you can see. I didn't start shit. It's just that I'm an asshole who doesn't like it when other assholes try to talk down to me. I'm the type of asshole who would punch a hole through their fucking face, and it looks like I could do it.
All these other motherfuckas on internet are just being internet-tough guys. I don't really fall into that category coz I'm usually not the one starting shit with fools.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Jack »

I was going to make a Jrpg thread, but why bother when damn near all of these games are coming to the Switch?

Trials of Mana. It looks good so far. I'd get it day 1, but I'm way more hype for XB DE.

Angela seems to be missing her moon. I dunno, coz motherfuckaz keep skipping over the scenes where she's supposed to bend over and clap dem big booty cheeks.

English voices

That comments section makes me realize what I've always suspected. People only prefer Jap voices because they don't understand what they're hearing. Everyone is complaining about Charlotte's voice, when she speaks the same exact way in Japanese. It's part of the script.

For the record, I actually play BOTW in Japanese because I can't fucking stand Zelda's English voice.
BOTW is a solid example of what terrible voice acting actually sounds like.
It's annoying to me that so many people are shitting on Trial's voice acting when they're actually supposed to sound like that. It's in the script.

BOTW's English Zelda gets on my nerves coz she sounds whiny 100% of the time. I switched it over to Jap to see if she's still crying in every single line, only to find out that Jap Zelda speaks normally, lol. Jap Zelda actually doesn't cry at all.
The problem with English Zelda is that she's trying way too hard to come off as regal, so she does so by faking a Brit accent.
It sounds fake as fuck too.

I actually love Xenoblade 2's English voice acting coz I find it fucking hilarious hearing authentic Brit-accents, randomly yelling American Ghetto slang.
Rex yells " FO' SHO!" and it sounds so hype when he says it. Every playable character except for Morag yells American Ghetto-slang and it just gives that game so much character coz they all sound like crazy idiots who are having a lot of fun killing everything.
It's why I hate the Jap voices from XB2, coz they just speak so damn normally. The jap voices lack character, but in turn, they also have the better script, since they don't say stupid shit such as 'Aegis' or 'The creator'. They actually say Sky Holy Chalice or God.

Funny how in BOTW, the Jap voices are also speaking normally but in BOTW's case, that's a good thing coz Zelda's English voice fucking sucks. It's some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard. It's even more hilarious when you see what passes for range for her. She just cries more, AYYY LMAO! It's weird, coz Japanese Zelda doesn't cry at all. She just sounds like a feminine woman. She's not even speaking in a ultra feminine way either. (Okuni's Japanese voice from Samurai Warriors has an ultra-feminine speaking pattern.)

As for BOTW, I can finally understand why that game has so many 10 out of 10 scores.
I was finally sold on that game when I randomly decided to infiltrate Hyrule Castle.

I tried coming in from the back right side of the castle, using my fastest horse who had 4 speed boosts.
My horse "F-Zero" was dodging a few laser blasts but he eventually died when he finally got nuked to hell by a direct hit. I could've died myself since I only have 6 hearts. (I'm intentionally keeping my hearts at the lowest amount needed for the master sword. I do the shrines, but I don't bother to upgrade much.)
Mipha revived me, so I ran like a madman behind a castle wall before another guardian shot me with a laser.

I glided down the right southern side of Hyrule castle, and then climbed my way up while hiding from the guardians. The further that I climbed up (while hiding from guardians. Shit felt like the John Connor future from Terminator 1 & 2.), the more that a remix of this sond started to play.

(That song sounds like you're a lone warrior infiltrating a castle and that's exactly what you're doing in LTTP & BOTW.)

As a guardian locks down their target sights on me, I was able to jump inside of a window in time before the blast shot off.
The blast misses as I jumped inside, but then immediately after I got knocked to the ground by a giant lizard man inside the castle room that I jumped in to.

I eat a meal that gave me 8 extra hearts. Blocked his attacks and we just traded shots as we tried to evade & kill each other. I get nearly one hit agained by the other giant lizard man. I eat another meal that gave me 8 extra hearts. I dropped a bomb, then jumped the fuck out of the way as I detonated it.
It didn't do much dmg to the lizard men, but that's ok. It gave me enough time to bombard them with fire arrows. I switch over to a shock arrow and directly shot one of them in the eye which sent him flying.
I ran and did a dash attack which broke my fucking sword, lol. So I picked up his royal spear and 100-hit stabbed him with it. I jumped out of the way of the other lizard which allowed me to do a flurry attack.
BLAH BLAH BLAH it goes on & on. Let's just say that it was epic battle that lasted me a few minutes and it was only against two enemies.

I turned right, ran down the stairs killed a bunch of enemies along the way.
Reached a dead end, went back up into another room filled with monsters. Killed them all. I reach a courtyard and I'm being shot at by lasers every where. I jumped inside an arena to evade a shot which forced me into a battle with some dude who took me about 15 minutes to beat. I broke 4 weapons & 2 shields on his bitchass. He was fucking hard.

It turns out he was guarding an exit I think ,except it wasn't an exit. It was just another court yard so here I am getting chased by Guardians again trying to blow me up, like how they killed muh horse F-zero. (At least Samus & SmashBros are still alive.)
This time when the lasers tried to gun me down, I jumped into the water so the shots nearmiss me. As I climbed up what I thought was an exit. It turned out to be an underground section of the castle.
I fought my way through those chumps which led me to the entrance of the library, but I didn't know how to open it so I was forced to jump back into the water, climb up into the court yard again. This time I took a different turn which led me to a moat surrounding the castle. I glided across, but I had to prematurely let go otherwise I would've died from another laser blast. I was also going to die in the moat but I noticed that my map came back so I just teleported back home with shit tons of epic endgame loot.

My god that was one of the best gaming experinces I've ever had. It actually reminded me a lot of the first time you enter Hyrule castle in LTTP. Except in BOTW, it happens at the end of the game, and the castle is far more deadly. I went through my entire 8 extra heart food supply since even the defense bonus doesn't do shit since all I had on was climbing gear.

That's another thing that I like about BOTW. They actually give you a reason why Link doesn't wear armor much. It's coz you'll get electrocuted by lighting if you wear anything metalic during a rainstorm so you're better off dressing light.
If only BOTW had at least 3 other dungeons of similar scale to Hyrule Castle, coz that shit was amazing. I'm hoping that BOTW2 adds real dungeons.

XB2, BOTW, SMash Bros, all near 10 classics.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Iwazaru »

Jack, i don't remember, did ya fight that Zeruchaur boss or it was added to DxM only when you already traded it away?

This one, it has pretty expansive moveset - falling stars firestorm, acid, stun, lasers, whirl etc etc.

Just finished story and free missions and only now i know that i should eat more ice cream for super weapon shop or something, lol. So i took a quick look on those coop bosses and among them this godzilla (his battle drops fps to 40 or smth when he casts firestorm lol). I play PC port though, but i post here coz makes sense more here.

"Exploration" missions doesnt seem as interesting as people hyped them? Just some bots in underground factory.

That running away train, digging musix that plays in that mission (free missions version, not coop one). I can't find it in OST though

Plot was weird. I expected more ambitions from Grief. Also they didnt do alternative (thought you could join his reason and become evil or the like).
And how they all gone nuts multiple times, eh. Aaaaalso that samurai ghost was cool as hell but they dont do anything enough with it, eeew.


p.s. these were my main arsenals for missions. Guess they are pretty shit for post-game/coop content



so "exploration" is random dungeon actually. dunno why people love it so much
also finally unlocked secret factory. it was that i never used usual factory so i couldnt unlock through just icecream.
really i m not fan of all this looter shooter system in dxm with endless armors/weapons that dont often differ at all, and attachments i cared even less.
that being said, all those cool weapons and armors in secret factory requires 100% chips from coop mission bosses, which means killing them many times (aka freaking grinding) which is meh considering their huuuuge healthpoints.
besides Zeruchaur, there was that Aviator immortal which was ultrafast airship that uses mirage or even two mirages. And there is some immortal called Eclipse but i haven't witnessed it cause u need to unlock it after beating coop ver of dominator.

looks like that pumpy techno track i mentioned above aint in game ost at all, so i ll relisten to metal blastbeats instead

edit 3

Ah, finally, here it is (or slightly different variation)

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Post by Jack »

So how are you all enjoying Animal Crossing? I'm seeing plenty of peeps playing it on Switch, although not as much as it was with Pokemon. Damn near everyone except me was playing Pokemang.

I've been wondering, why does 'Hyper-sexualization' offend Americans so much?

Maybe it's coz I have Japanese-sensibilities, but I don't even notice it. Americans say that Pyra looks terrible and that her tits are too big. I think her tits look ample. Not too big, not too small. I also think she just looks attractive. I'd rather be looking at an attractive character, than an ugly or generic-looking chracter which is why I don't like Western character designs much, coz the characters always look ugly or generic.

I personaly prefer swimsuit Mythra over Pyra but that's coz Pyra dresses like Brittney Spears and has some weird hiphop fashion-sense going on.
See that's thing, I can actually notice that Pyra is hiphop influenced with them damn lowrider shorts & that thong. These White motherfuckers, they just cry about it being 'TOOO SEXUALIZED!" and these are the same dumbfucks who always brag about how culturally-diverse they are, yet they actually get offended by culturally-diverse characters & foreign cultures.
These white motherfuckers just want everyone to be White & boring like them.

EDIT: I just googled them pants Pyra be wearing and it turns out the first search results actually come USA catalogs advertising Thong booty bitches. ... oty-shorts ... 37600.html
Exactly like what I said, this is an actually a reference to an American subculture but for some reason, Internet seems to be entirely populated by White Virgin Nerds (Who happened to be married, but with a dog as a surrogate child or something.)
Apparently, American people on internet are actually ignorant of subcultures that came from their own fucking country, AAYYYYY LMAO!

It's weird coz I grew up in the USA during the 80s when ppractically every live-action movie & cartoon had sexual-nudity, and it was still rated pg.
To now in days, damn near every American is a fucking prude, and then they act like they're better or more evolved than you or some bullshit. I'm just laughing that you're a bunch of fucking faggots who are embarassed by naked bodies. I see the way you motherfuckers look mang, you embodify the term 'soyboi'.

What's really annoying is that Xenoblade 1, Xenosaga trilogy & Xenogears were just as sexualized. They prob just didn't notice (I don't see how you couldn't notice with Saga.) back then coz the older games weren't using a modern Anime art style. They were using the anime art style from their era. It's like these fucktards have intentionally forgotten about Sharla who was in XB1, lol. At least Pyra looks exotic & flashy, she's very American-Hiphop influenced. They even speak in a lot of weird rap slang in the actual game & it's hilarious. Only the English dub though. In Jap, Rex just shouts generic "YEEESSSS!!" chants instead of "FO' SHOOOOO!"

Or maybe that's just my Jap sensibilities talking. Perhaps people like Pyra are normal in USA... LOL! Yeah right. Usa the country where nearly every White & Mexican woman are over 200 pounds of fat.
Though I shouldn't throw too much shade at Mexicans, since it's not Mexicans complaining about 'sexualization'.

It's usually just White people (mostly self-proclaimed Liberals.) doing that. That's their way of insulting Japanese culture, and showing off how inferior they think we are.

This is the real reason why I always get offended when I see Westerners (mostly White people) constantly whining about sexuality in video games (100% of those games are made in Japan.). I view it as White people sneakily trying to assert their racist opinions as fact while trying to come off as not racist at all.
Just look at how only Japanese games get censored on PS4. Metro Exodus didn't get censored and that has strippers & full frontal nudity. Only Devil May Cry 5 got censored and that was just a mere buttcrack.

p.s. these were my main arsenals for missions. Guess they are pretty shit for post-game/coop content
Your loadout is just shit in general lol. You actually beat the game though so it must be working for you.

looks like that pumpy techno track i mentioned above aint in game ost at all, so i ll relisten to metal blastbeats instead
Did somebody say DOOM?

Yeah, I think I heard someone say DOOM DOOM DOOM.
Now that's what I call a video game. Too bad games like that are not that popular any more. I'm shocked by how lukewarm most non-Doom fans are about the game coz modern audiences legit only want to play garbage like Last of Us 2.
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Post by Iwazaru »

btw those new Doom games have some interesting ai coding behind them

They implement set of rules to how mobs appear and act in this or that situation and how well they mix with each other, so player doesn't ever have "dull moments", but instead well set situations with constant moving and planning.

...ridiculously doom 1-2 purists will just continue whining about how gaem is supposedly awful. No better than Re1-3 elitists vs re4.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Isn't the west is the mainstream media who control what we see what we read and watch,what we listen
And those who control them, if you think out of this bubble they attack you as they attacked pweds
The Hollywood si0n agenda is about to make everyone g@y, tr@ny
Because everyone else are the g0yim
As long everyone continues fighting about imaginary sexes or or if they have bi restrooms,
Even Democrats were talking about bi restrooms in their debates lol
They control education, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Mainstream media



Later he was asked to apologize
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Animal crossing is amazing game
But i was expecting like a tamadochi life approach just as tomadochi lets you travel to other real life places around the world as vacation
Im like I already paid my house, even made it extra big.
Why I have to pay again? Lol
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Post by Iwazaru »

Go play PD

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Post by CENSORED »

Fuck, I was going to buy a Switch of my own before the lockdown happened and it fucked me in the ass. I really want to play both Animal Crossing, and the Panzer Dragoon remake. (Also Smash but I already played that to completion on my gf's Switch. I would still use her save through the cloud though.)
The lockdown may be lifted next week; if it does, I'll get one right away. You guys really sold me on the Xenoblade games. I didn't give them a chance at all, because I hated the rest of the Xeno series lol.
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Post by Krizzx »

Panzer Dragoon is out? Hell yeah! Time to buy.
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