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internet parties and audience (split from ok, suggestions?)

Post by Rake »

Did I ever send you the PM? Well whatever at least I know we're on the same page here about some pedo hooman trafficking ring.
You did, sorry I didn't respond. I've been juggling a bunch of shit. I skimmed it but I intend to read through all of it and respond sometime soon.
If such things as demons exist, then they don't have corporeal forms, they merely possess objects & other bodies like what Xed was saying about Devil May Cry 1 & how none of the other DMC games have enemy-design that's as good as DMC1.
Interesting point- especially about DMC. We need to reopen the horror thread.
Is it still like that on XONE? I got the impression that they all moved to PS4, coz the PS4 scene I was in, was nothing like PS3. I actually liked hanging out all day just starting shit with other crews at PS4 and starting huge gangwars in GTA5 or some shit lol.
I haven't bought Microsoft since 360, they almost got me for an Xbone with the teaser for Phantom Dust 2 but that never materialized. I'm entirely out of the loop in terms of online gaming sans PC, which is garbage other than pure mechanical enjoyment of the game. The only fun sounding gaming scene I've heard of recently is your PSN stories.
He had his own tv show on Cartoon network. It was popular too, but a 2nd season was cancelled due to backstage politics. Something bout him being a 'KKK Trump Alt-Right Far-Right *insert word salad here*' supporter. He was honestly none of that. Hyde doesn't even consider himself as right wing.
If I had to guess, Hyde's politics sound similar to MGTOW more than anything.
He's like a right leaning libertarian, so MGTOW is pretty close. He definitely hates women and slays pussy :lol: so he does fit the Roosh V hyper-misogynist type. He talks about some of the shit that went on with CN here (and a story about a woman who hated him trying to destroy files from the show and blowing him :lol:):

This shit is so ahead of its time. One of those contestants is a fucking tranny :lol: .
Sam's prophetic, he coined "State Enforced Homosexuality" in the mid 2010's in his open-mic years before there was an alt-right. I don't agree with him on everything but he has consistent poignant insight into a lot of things, I happily sub to his Gumroad for that reason.
Damn that show got memory-holed like fuck. I forgot that it exists, and Hyde hasn't even done anything since then. Sad. He looked like he was going places during that era. Motherfuckers used to post his old ass Weeb & Faggot rants at the other site.
He gets b& every couple seconds but he hasn't stopped doing stuff, I think you just lost track from him constantly losing his accounts :lol::

He bought the Twitter @wigger (for either $1500 or $15,000 I forget, he mentioned it in one of his last uploads :lol:) and paywalled all his stuff (for a year or two)

I work nights so subscribing to him is worth it to me, gives me something to listen to or watch (if I'm not doing anything else).
THis was way back in the day before he was ever labeled as 'alt-right'. Some of the fools who were posting his vids at the other k7 forum are actually full blown Bernie-bros these days.
He did start leaning into alt-right stuff, he's pretty vocal about the JQ and he was adamently pro-Trump:

Despite this he said this was (((Mike Lazzo)))'s favorite sketch they did. I think he was primarily taken down by White liberals like Heidecker, who I do think is funny but he's completely inundated by Trump Derangement Syndrome- this concept is actually funny but I know the whole point is 'Orange Man Bad', kinda ruins it.
Yeah these guys Hyde & that Horror dude are making some money (that horror game guy has interesting projects.), but they make nowhere near as much $$$ as chumps like that Va-ha11a faggot, who's game is constantly pushed on Nintendo Switch.
To my understanding Hyde actually pulls in thousands of dollars, he has his own studio now, but that's through a lot of complex investing (he talks about Bitcoin, property financing, car sales a lot because he used to be a car salesman) not just through "art".
That motherfucker actually talks shit about me & calls me out by SN. He doesn't know who I am I think, but it still pisses me off that he jokingly calls me a 'chad' when it truly looks like I'd rip him to pieces in a fist fight.
I understand why these people don't like you but it's still confusing to me. We survived the horrible neoliberal 2010's though. Fingers crossed for 2020, so far it's anarchy which is an improvement.
The only way to truly affect culture as a dissident is to uproot your own business, buy your own building & have it exist as an actual physical entity.
Yes, I fully agree with that. If I could ever get the money together (from looking into it it'd be about 2mil) I wanted to buy a crematorium in Vegas, close it and reopen it as a game studio. Nuclear tests + the city of lights paid by mafia blood money, Vegas is one of the most haunted places in America (though I think Los Angeles actually has some of the most occult energy despite that). I feel there's a ritualistic way to achieving high art in games through this. That's my dream anyway.
Course you're still going to get bled dry anyway due to random lawsuits & scandals that come your way coz these pussies don't play fair. It'll just be harder to take you down, coz they can't just ban you when your org actually exists in real life.
Yeah, those faggots'll sick the ADL, SPLC all the kike lawyers after you with "diversity tax" for not having some faggot like Charlotte Clymer as CEO.
It's crazy to me how I get banned without even trying. I'm just speaking like a normal man, BBBAAAANNNED!
It's only going to get worse:


I know it's Reddit, but it calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" and that is how it's treated. I don't think it'll be long before this is standard practice across every major site, having your Gmail disabled because you liked a comment by a "racist" on YouTube :lol:. <s>Insanity</s>, sorry PROGRESS.
Blacks have some diplomatic-immunity, coz they can get away with saying 'common-sense', I can't.
Time for my favorite thing!! Linking to people on Twitter who can write better than me:

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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

I think he was primarily taken down by White liberals like Heidecker, who I do think is funny but he's completely inundated by Trump Derangement Syndrome- this concept is actually funny but I know the whole point is 'Orange Man Bad', kinda ruins it.
I legitimately don't think Tim Heidecker is as dumb as the average reddit/4chan/discord user who was simply left in a daze by the fact that Trump came into office.
(As if it makes a difference lol, every american president since the early 2000s enacted the same exact policies in regard to the war in the middle east, despite their promises during election campaigns. Which makes it obvious to anyone outside the american echochamber, it's a complete farce)
There is several layers of irony to everything he does. Mister America only makes sense, if you realize it's actually a canon sequel to his On Cinema series which has been going on for 8 years or so.
Which is also canon to his Decker show, which again it's only funny if you've been watching On Cinema for eight years and you realize that Decker is his character's power fantasy, and that stuff going on in both shows affects one another.
Sure he plays a character who is a charicature of a hardcore libertarian, but it's funny. I often joke that he's playing a parody of me LOL, I'm not as fragile as to be broken whenever my opinions are challenged and made fun of.

It is a level of commitment I don't see from any other comedian, to produce something that only appeals to a small userbase that has been following character development going on for almost a decade lol.

The guy who spearheaded the movement to chase away Sam Hyde (which I also liked by the way) was Brett Gelman.
All Tim Heidecker did, was say that if his friend Gelman really wanted this show cancelled, he must have his reasons.
I can relate because that's what I would have replied if asked about something I was completely unaware of.
I find Hyde to be extremely funny and experimental, nothing against the man. However I think he came off as a complete sperg when he actually debated Heidecker on the issue.

Why would anyone who is not familiar with internet culture know what the fuck Hyde is talking about here?
Tim Heidecker was actually in the wrong here assuming that Hyde's fanbase was responsible in any way for the online abuse he recieved. (To be fair, that's what he was told.) But Hyde makes such a terrible case for it, he ends up sounding such an idiot. It's clear Heidecker actually knows nothing about what the fuck he's talking about, but he makes no effort to explain himself because he just assumes a 50 or so years old man would know what "pol" is and how its hivemind functions instinctively.
It reminds me of when people use Twitter buzzwords to me, and I have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
I know it's Reddit, but it calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" and that is how it's treated. I don't think it'll be long before this is standard practice across every major site, having your Gmail disabled because you liked a comment by a "racist" on YouTube
I once opened a reddit account specifically to ask one thing about a videogame, and I was shadowbanned during my first post. It boggles my mind because I have no clue how my email even got "tainted".
Again I'm not even american nor alt right. I find all internet "parties" to be racist and sexist.
(Alt Righters hate women because they're infiltrated by actual incels who hate women on principle, for not satisfying them sexually and not being submissive to their needs. SWJ leftists hate women because their existance offends men who think they become women by putting on a wig, LOL there's even short movies strawmanning women who feel unsafe having men with dicks entering their bathrooms as bitches who deserve to die.
Alt righters hate other races because they're "subhuman" and "inferior", though they never argue as per why and instead just show a bunch of statistics which are meaningless without context. SJW liberals just want every single nationality and ethnicity to conform to their love of penis. That was called maschilism in my day, the worship of everything male above anything else, but it has now been reframed as feminism because americans think being male or female is a social signifier rather than a biological reality.)
It makes it obvious to me that the internet population is nowhere near rapresentative of actual real life, flesh and blood people. It's so difficult to get a functional account on any service, most people wouldn't bother at all. Most of Twitter/Reddit/4chan is actually comprised of bots, who inflate the userbase making it seem much bigger than it is, and whose only interaction with the "community" is upvoting/liking shit (on 4chan, that would be spamming the same images/posts).
Again 4chan would be the most accessible platform, but if you ever dare posting something that goes against the hivemind your threads will be sagebombed and spammed with gore and scat until they're deleted lol.
How am I supposed to believe that Reddit really is the "front page of the internet", if so many people are banned before ever getting a chance to post anything? My account was probably banned on principle because the email I used was italian, and the italian words I used probably triggered some bot because they may have sounded similar to some forbidden word in some other language lmao. All I wanted to ask was a link to a fan translation.
Granted my corporate stalkers probably know I make racist jokes all the time, but that's just normal in italy. We even make racist jokes against one another because italians are so racially mixed lol.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Iwazaru »

I once opened a reddit account specifically to ask one thing about a videogame, and I was shadowbanned during my first post.
What game and what did you ask? :o

Anyway, reddit is crazy enough that if you ever upvote or comment in one of "anti-sjw" subreddits, you will be auto-banned in subreddits for rape victims, anti-depression etc. etc. And natural (head, mind you) hair, of all things. 0o

Also there is a list of sites, posting which is suicide at reddit.
I thought that in most heavy tier there is really something illegal, but it's just lolcow, encyclopedia dramatica, kiwi, etc. lol, not very impressing.

also, russian site called lurkmore is much better version of encyclopediadramatica, always was, always will be :P

some google translate for ya:
Greta Thunberg (Swede. Greta Ernman Thunberg, also Greta Tumbler and Greta Tumba) is a sick Swedish schoolgirl with an active civic position, famous for her dumb as well as heart-rending lamentations about environmental disaster, and became a role model for dumb schoolboy during many countries of the world. Not least, thanks to this mentally unhealthy Swedish girl, in the end of the tenths, the radical green SUDDENLY turned from marginal political fanatics into a movement that was completely relevant and promoted by international media.
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

Time for my favorite thing!! Linking to people on Twitter who can write better than me:
My problem with that guy (I think you linked to him before) is that he behaves as if such a thing as the "woke" community even exists organically. The reality is that it's a corporately mandated buzzword that means nothing.
Corporations like disney created internet groups such as the "woke community" out of a need to sell products to a specific demographic, who hungers for social justice.
It's not unlike how the "incel community" has adopted utter garbage movies such as Drive or Bladerunner 2049 as their darlings. Terms like "woke" and "incel" probably existed as marketing speak long before they existed as internet communities.
Corporations pay social media platforms to use their bots to create marketing narratives through the upvote/downvote system. It's so obvious it's hilarious, because some of them will just make up random sentences made up of buzzwords as I pointed out in the sonic thread lol.
This guy tries to rationalize why some communities would follow other communities, when there is no rhyme or reasons. It's a percentage of easily influenced people, doing what bots tell them to do. "woke" communities are told to like "black" communities and so they do, despite being totally at odds with one another.
It's a complete subversion of reality that makes no sense, but that's what marketing always was. Marketing is the art to convince people to do something that makes no fucking sense lol.
Some examples are especially funny to me, say, the disney Aladdin being marketed as more racially sensitive. ... ation/amp/
When most of the actors in the movie are indians, or americans LOL. The only middle eastern actors (one of which is very good and very underrated) only have bit parts in the movie itself.
Not to mention that in the original fable wasn't even set in the middle east. It was set in china.
That's my problem with internet people. They really are all fucking racist to the point where they can't see the difference between a black englishman like idris elba and a papanuginian, or the difference between an indian man and a middle eastern. They're all the same to them, as long as they're darkies lol.
What game and what did you ask?
Nier. I was looking for the links to some old fan translations of short stories that had been excised from the internet.
My post was shadowbanned automatically, and I ended up finding them myself on the wayback machine. That's when I realized I need to archive everything myself because internet subhumans simply don't want to see anything that was made before a specific cut off date lol.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by Rake »

I legitimately don't think Tim Heidecker is as dumb as the average reddit/4chan/discord user who was simply left in a daze by the fact that Trump came into office.
I don't think Heidecker is dumb at all, in fact I know he's not. I've followed him since Tom Goes to the Mayor (my favorite of his shows, the most brutal by far even to the point of Adult Swim turning him down on an episode about his character being a rapist that gets everything he does covered up by the mayor :lol: it only got greenlit at all because they sent a tape to Bob Odenkirk and he loved it so much he vouched for them to AS, which is also why he's makes appearances on the show) premiered in '04.

Have you seen The Comedy? That movie really showed me how smart he is when he's not covering everything up with irony, it's such a backhand to his own audience (that he openly hates if you watch any Q&A with him).
Mister America only makes sense, if you realize it's actually a canon sequel to his On Cinema series which has been going on for 8 years or so.
Which is also canon to his Decker show, which again it's only funny if you've been watching On Cinema for eight years and you realize that Decker is his character's power fantasy, and that stuff going on in both shows affects one another.
I know that's what it's about, I watch On Cinema. But he does legitimately have 'Trump Derangement Syndrome', if you ever looked at his Twitter you'd see he'd sit there furiously screaming into a hole at Trump. I said that the concept of that movie is funny, because it is, but my complaint is I know he's only doing it because he's butthurt about Trump which shows how out of touch he is.
It is a level of commitment I don't see from any other comedian, to produce something that only appeals to a small userbase that has been following character development going on for almost a decade lol.
I think most comedians mostly produce what they do for a small audience because they're unsuccessful :lol:. But it is funny, I agree.
The guy who spearheaded the movement to chase away Sam Hyde (which I also liked by the way) was Brett Gelman.
I remember laughing so much at Gelman's role in The Return since that was right around the World Peace debacle. Seeing him portrayed as this conniving Jew that ends up getting the shit beat out of him :lol:.
All Tim Heidecker did, was say that if his friend Gelman really wanted this show cancelled, he must have his reasons.
I don't buy that. I don't know exactly what it was that got World Peace canned (I do assume Sam did something stupid from what I've seen of him), but the style of their show fit in perfectly with the old Williams Street aesthetic (ATHF era absurd humor). So it strikes me as a hit, and I'm not saying that to be overly defensive of Hyde because I like Heidecker too.
However I think he came off as a complete sperg when he actually debated Heidecker on the issue.
I felt a little bad for him in that though, he sounds genuinely distraught. Can't really do that in Hollyweird though, gotta keep your PR mask on at all times.
Tim Heidecker was actually in the wrong here assuming that Hyde's fanbase was responsible in any way for the online abuse he recieved. (To be fair, that's what he was told.) But Hyde makes such a terrible case for it, he ends up sounding such an idiot. It's clear Heidecker actually knows nothing about what the fuck he's talking about, but he makes no effort to explain himself because he just assumes a 50 or so years old man would know what "pol" is and how its hivemind functions instinctively.
The MDE fanbase did go after Heidecker. I watched it firsthand because one of the only subreddits I ever used was r/MDE plus a friend of mine was semi-friends with Hyde (he was a moderator on their old Facebook group) so I was in the peripheral of that 'subculture' at the time observing it. The MDE fanbase were a bunch of raving nihilistic zoomers desperate for Sam's approval by destroying shit to impress him (essentially xanxax'd out /b/tards with even worse moral sense).

However, Sam never told them to do that. IIRC he actually told them not to because he knew it'd blow up in his face but his fanbase back then used to regularly try to fuck him over, that's how the Sam Hyde Shooter meme came to be- which is the one funny thing to come out of that.

I don't think Heidecker understands a lot of the "extremely online" language Sam uses but I do think he's denying that he understands the circumstances at all, though in his position I wouldn't have revealed anything either since it'd only bring drama and potentially damage to his revenue and standing within Hollywood.
I once opened a reddit account specifically to ask one thing about a videogame, and I was shadowbanned during my first post. It boggles my mind because I have no clue how my email even got "tainted".
That used to happen to me constantly. Anytime I'd be forced to sign up for a major social media site (Reddit, Twitter) I'd get locked out instantly, it's since stopped happening so I'm wondering if something was going on a few years ago.
Again 4chan would be the most accessible platform, but if you ever dare posting something that goes against the hivemind your threads will be sagebombed and spammed with gore and scat until they're deleted lol.
4chan is just controlled by unwritten rules, there are bots, glow-in-the-darks and whatever else too, not denying it, but the reason those groups can change anything is because there is something to manipulate, which is 4chan's core "unwritten rule" system. It's been like that since at least 2007 where faggots would try to dunk on you for not supporting Chanology (the biggest mistake of 4chan).
My problem with that guy (I think you linked to him before) is that he behaves as if such a thing as the "woke" community even exists organically. The reality is that it's a corporately mandated buzzword that means nothing.
Corporations like disney created internet groups such as the "woke community" out of a need to sell products to a specific demographic, who hungers for social justice.
I agree with you that "wokeness" was manufactured (by the CIA and then later exploited by companies, or in conjunction) but you're acting as if no real people think that way and I can tell you from first hand experience that's not true.
This guy tries to rationalize why some communities would follow other communities, when there is no rhyme or reasons. It's a percentage of easily influenced people, doing what bots tell them to do. "woke" communities are told to like "black" communities and so they do, despite being totally at odds with one another.
Furthermore, you're arguing from an extremely atomized contemporary standpoint as though "SJWs" are an all encompassing group and something that was invented in 2009.

What that guy is talking about is something I've observed since at least the mid '00s (but it goes back forever if you really look into it, the suffragette movement, but I suggest reading into CIA's involvement into the hippie belief system), particularly from looking into art (most of which is made by liberals, many of whom are feminists) and finding a recurring thread which was not that masculinity was bad, but specifically White masculinity was bad (because these people were almost exclusively White) and it was a self-projected attack against themselves (their own White guilt projected outwardly onto other Whites). So, to these people non-White masculinity (typically Mexican or Black, but primarily Black due to it having more sociopolitical leverage) becomes liberating because it becomes the way to "legally" (within a neoliberal society) enjoy- not only masculine things, but distinct cultural traditions (something White Americans are not supposed to have due to it's implicit racism).

There is a reason so many confectionery identities exist in America, from the wigger, to the gun nut, to the tranny or anything beyond- the schizoid OCD behavior you see in Americans (not just Whites, this bleeds out into everyone, Whites are just the most atomized and therefore have the most severe symptoms) is due to a denial of service attack on their ability to have a functioning identity relating to anything real.

The theme of our times is "denial-of-reality".

And just to be clear, I'm not strictly speaking of things I've observed online. I live in California, one of the many POZ testing grounds. I have met these people, I have seen their faces and talked with them. This is a real phenomenon, it is corporate-government brainwashing, but it is real.
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Re: Ok, suggestions?

Post by CENSORED »

Have you seen The Comedy? That movie really showed me how smart he is when he's not covering everything up with irony, it's such a backhand to his own audience (that he openly hates if you watch any Q&A with him).
Oh yeah I really liked The Comedy. I can't blame him for hating his audience. I once browsed the On Cinema reddit and I wanted to end my life.
I've seen most of his material really. His comedy is really well written hence why when I saw him shitpost on twitter like a lunatic, I just assumed he had some interest in doing so.

My point in mentioning On Cinema is that the character that Heidecker is playing in Mister America has existed long before Trump ran for office and the movie is just the conclusion of a storyarc that has been built up for years. It doesen't play out like a Trump parody at all.
Ironically, the movie plays out more like a parody of Cenk Uygur running for office, even though it was released months before it happened lol. They hit almost every single event from that.
I felt a little bad for him in that though, he sounds genuinely distraught. Can't really do that in Hollyweird though, gotta keep your PR mask on at all times.
You can't do that in any sort of professional environment. If you can't communicate what you mean to say properly, you might as well be silent, you just look deranged otherwise.
I pull stunts as well, I'm the guy who stripped half naked at a book's presentation and tongued my publisher's "girlfriend" (actually some fuck buddy who fucked everyone else as well, but he saw her as the love of his life) killing any future book deals with the man. Point is I did that because he was never gonna make us any money anyway and I'd rather crash the plane with no survivors. Hyde really wanted that Adult Swim job hence why I think he acted like a retard.
I agree with you that "wokeness" was manufactured (by the CIA and then later exploited by companies, or in conjunction) but you're acting as if no real people think that way and I can tell you from first hand experience that's not true.
That's not what I'm saying at all.
What I'm saying, is that if someone believes whatever bullshit is being peddled online nowadays, he'd believe anything. These people supposedly existed before the "woke/SJW" and "Alt Right/Redpilled" factions formed and likely held beliefs before then.
Why would they suddenly shift into a belief system that relies on magical thinking?
The reason is that they're all gullible idiots, who just do whatever they're told.
Therefore, trying to rationalize their behaviour in a way that makes sense is just a wasted effort.
Weren't you the one who posted those quotes that showed how most american voters just alternate between Democrats and Republicans because they get targeted ads? It's the same exact people, except they go online instead of watching television.
Furthermore, you're arguing from an extremely atomized contemporary standpoint as though "SJWs" are an all encompassing group and something that was invented in 2009.
The modern rendition is. I'm not saying previous generations were not brainwashed by media, but currently the whole debate is centered around various forms of magical thinking with no basis in reality.
For example the existance of "gender" as it relates to one "soul", until a few years ago everyone was aware of what a man was, what a woman was and what a transexual was.
Suddenly, the existance of the woman has been reframed as that of a "cisgendered-woman" as opposed to one that isn't "cisgendered" because being female is considered a social signifier that has nothing to do with your body, that is to say your sex is secondary to the way you appear or present yourself.
That simply does not exist anywhere else in the world. Every other language instantly conceptualizes "men" and "women" without having to put several asterisks at the end.
The racial reality of the USA is also exclusive to the USA. The way how certain words are equivalent to social suicide, is also exclusive to the USA. You can't say nigger or tranny and expect to have a life afterwards and that's riddicolous to me because italian blacks and transexuals call themselves that all the time LOL. I remember laughing my ass off at Sargon's "White Niggers" comment because that's literally what africans call you here in italy if they're trying to be friendly and funny.

You might argue that in the past, wars were also fought over mythological / magical realities, but those systems stood for thousands of years and were largely used as an allegory or aggregator for some sort of societal structure. The current myth of sex and race being independent from your physical body you were born in to the point of reframing language in a way where I know americans who claimed to be "culturally black" despite having caucasian parents, is a stillborn product of the current era that has its basis in not making any fucking sense and it's never gonna make any fucking sense because the only purpose is to sell mugs and t-shirts and have people pay for state services.
Neither side is advocating for any sort of societal structure or economical structure at all.
The hippie movement, the suffraggettes and other examples you brought up may or may not have been manufactured by the state, but their entire purpose was to enact some level of societal change.
This modern iteration of internet brainwashing, has no purpose but to have you the user spend money. It's all marketing-based and it has no endgoal because the societal structure has collapsed ages ago. That's why I say it's a waste of time to try and rationalize the feelings of someone who'd believe whatever random shit.
That goes for both sides by the way. I laughed my ass off at this liberal guy who was trying to rationalize the "alt right" "redpilled" ideology and in the process just described the same exact mental illness that afflicts him.

Most alt righters simply have no fucking clue what they're doing either. They think posting frog memes on facebook means being alt right and they don't even know there's a supposed "party" (actually not a party) led by richard spencer (actually not a man).
What's the purpose in spending six hours rationalizing schizoid behaviour into something that makes sense? That's not what drives people to do anything at all. They're just gullible and incapable of higher forms of conceptualization.
I could go on about how it's a byproduct of the fact that every single aspect of life is monetized now, to the point where you end up spending way more money with the more "convenient" internet than you ever did by watching television but I am very drunk and I wanna go fuck so we can continue this conversation another day
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Re: internet parties and audience (split from ok, suggestions?)

Post by CENSORED »

Thanks to whoever split the thread, I wanted to do that myself but I couldn't really think of a good cut-off point
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Re: internet parties and audience (split from ok, suggestions?)

Post by Jack »

He's like a right leaning libertarian, so MGTOW is pretty close. He definitely hates women and slays pussy :lol: so he does fit the Roosh V hyper-misogynist type. He talks about some of the shit that went on with CN here (and a story about a woman who hated him trying to destroy files from the show and blowing him :lol:):
Did he say that himself or is that what you think he is? I recall watching a Gavin Mcciness interview where Hyde stated that he's actually a Liberal or Center-Left. He may have said Libertarian, I don't remember.
It makes sense, back in the day people like him could've easily been Center Left it's just that modern American Lefty culture is heavily influenced by Europeans now, so we're now adopting Europeans labels since Europeans have traditionally always been gayer, wussier & faggier than the the Muricans, AYY LMAO!
He gets b& every couple seconds but he hasn't stopped doing stuff, I think you just lost track from him constantly losing his accounts :lol::
I was one of the first peeps to sub to Hyde Wars. That's not him really doing anything. You go from a big time Network show to where he is now. That's a Yuge drop off.
He did start leaning into alt-right stuff, he's pretty vocal about the JQ and he was adamently pro-Trump:
How does that make you Alt Right? Even Amazing Lucas talks about the JQ during his streams, & he's just your typical African-American Hard Right Evangelocon. A lot of people are also Pro Trump.
Being Pro Trump doesn't mean anything to me coz Trump is a Liberal. Loving Trump is basically promoting how you love that both the American Left & Right are Liberal.
Although hilariously, by European standards, The AMerican Left & Right are considered as Far Right.

Kinda makes me wonder how much their mind would explode when they see Japan's polical parties if they think that USA's politics resembles anything hard right at all.
Singapore, that's a real Right Wing country. Every single Western-Anglo Nord country is a different stripe of Liberal, indluding the USA.

The USA may be a bit more right wing than typical, but that's due to the large non-White population who are naturally Anti-Progressive politics. Sure most Non-Whites actually are part of the Progresive faction, but that's only due to how much it destroys the White host-nation culture.
You can best believe though that when a Non-White faction takes over, they're going to be Hard Right wing as fuck & stamp out anything that resembles White-progressive politics.

Even Jordan Peterson claimed that nearly all Non-Whites are culturally Conservative and he's not wrong.
Part of the reason why we see such a fracture within the DNC today is because there's plenty of infighting among the White SJWs, LGBT, Commies vs the Blacks, Latins & their Commies.
I even said a few times that I'd actually side with Non-White Commies, because politcially they're not that different from me. Practically the only thing that makes them Communist is how their economic restructure would loot the hell out of the American economy which was largely built off of Whites.

I'd side with Non-White Commies, coz they hate White Progressives, & LGBT as much as I do.
I can count on Non-White Commies to fully exterminate them & chase them out of the country, retreat to their little faggy Sweden & Norway.
American Conservatives would instead choose to live side by side with them, which is what we're already doing.
This has been an historical pattern as well and I don't understand why it keeps repeating :lol:
To my understanding Hyde actually pulls in thousands of dollars, he has his own studio now, but that's through a lot of complex investing (he talks about Bitcoin, property financing, car sales a lot because he used to be a car salesman) not just through "art".
Thousans as in a few thousand or six figures? If it's less than 6 figures a year then who cares? Although 80k is decent.
I was looking at kickme funding of that Horror dude's games, & I can become his executive producer right now if I just dropped $100 on his project, LOL!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: internet parties and audience (split from ok, suggestions?)

Post by Jack »

I understand why these people don't like you but it's still confusing to me. We survived the horrible neoliberal 2010's though.
Speak for yourself. I have to fucking start all over coz of these assholes. I had a free Gravy train from 2003 - 2018. Any good will I still had left completely evaporated by the end of 2019 coz of insane GenZ leftys
I even heard that Gen Z calls Gen X the Ok Karen generation, coz they think that all Gen X are racist, homophobic, bigots. ... n#:~:text=
They’re usually racist, homophobic, and transphobic, don’t believe in vaccines or climate change, and are mostly also the parents of Gen Z children."
LOL, it's due to vaccines that we have so many cases of Autism now. I don't remember so many Autistic morons infesting the entirety of the world back then. Back in the 90s, Autists were rare. Of course Climate Change is real, anyone can easily observe that, it's debatable on whether it's manmade though. If these Gen Z assholes truly believed that shit, how come you never see them complaining to India, telling them to stop shitting in their streets? India has legit designated-shittying streets yet not a peep from Greta Dunderberg.
Children are the Future my ass. I look younger than most of these losers. It just really shows to me how unhealthy the new generation is, lol!

I'm like dude, you tad poles act as though you're the only ones who ever cared about social issues. The difference is that most of us understand that you change nothing just from whining about it.
It may seem that Gen Z has the power now, only coz Corporations are feeding them products that cater to their wants & needs.

It creates this feedback loop where they assume they're changing the world when all they're doing is consuming products that were tailor made for them.
I grew up in the 80s, and I recall the 80s being culturally diverse as hell, to the point that Japanese culture was actually mainstream in the USA.
It ain't lke that no more. These days, you get White-Trannies with Animu waifu avatars & Japanese screen names passing themselves off as the supposed Jap culture.

That's something a lot of Gen Z & younger Gen Y don't understand. The world before them actually was culturally-diverse as fuck. They weren't alive at the time, so how the fuck would they know?
Time for my favorite thing!! Linking to people on Twitter who can write better than me:
So apparently, I'm viewed as a bigger threat so I get the instant "Anudda Shoah! SHUT IT DOWN!" treatment.
These people supposedly existed before the "woke/SJW" and "Alt Right/Redpilled" factions formed and likely held beliefs before then.
Why would they suddenly shift into a belief system that relies on magical thinking?
The reason is that they're all gullible idiots, who just do whatever they're told.
Try living in Commiefornia for a few years and you'll quickly change your tune. I only lived there for 2 years and that was enough for me. Only thing gud about Cali are the hot wimmin (Who are most likely insane.)
I've been here in WA forever and I can safely say that Woke people have always existed. We just didn't listen to them back then. They had no real power until social media gave them an artificial sense of importance since the tweets & posts that get the most likes & retweets are generally the most vapid, empty-headed positive thinking responses that Woke people normally generate.

Coporations do play into it, but they don't actually control it.
Yesterday I spoke with my sister. She’s not in academia. She’s an entrepreneur, a hot-shot business woman, very successful. She called me to rant about how this woke rot is conquering the world of business. It’s now becoming pretty much obligatory to list your pronouns in business correspondence, and she says it’s getting to the place where you will become a pariah in business circles if you don’t. She routinely speaks to people like herself, owners of multi-million dollar businesses, CEOs of successful companies who confess to her in private that they routinely self-censor and are terrified of linking to any story on their LinkedIn profiles that isn’t completely woke.
Now for two years I have been predicting Diversity Oaths would move out of academia and into the boardroom. We’ve already seen some evidence of that, most notably with the greed-based firm Goldman Sachs, who will require Diversity (i.e. non-whites) in company boards before they take their money. But what I didn’t know was what Dreher’s pen pal said about pronouns.

The self-censoring is obvious. And if you want to keep your job, necessary. Diversity and Equality are anti-Reality, against natural law; therefore, you are under no obligation to follow them. And just like when the Bolshevik hit squad is banging on the door where you are not obligated to tell the truth about hiding the Christian, you are not obliged to tell the truth to Diversity commissars, either.

On the other hand, if there wasn’t the mass of cowardice in reacting to these things at the beginning, we wouldn’t be in the position we are now.
What I think is happening is that most of Corporate America are conforming with the Woke coz Woke content is usually the most popular content on Internet. What they don't take into account is that Twitter, Facebook, etc. actually ban everyone who is non-Woke so it creates a purposely-stilted perception of reality.
This is what results in Birds of Prey. A movie that should've been a box-office smash if you were to just look at current internet trends as the barometer of success.

Instead the exact opposite happened coz the statistics were fradulent to begin with. Banning over half of the populace from internet social discourse doesn't erase us from the rest of society.
The amusing part, is this where "RUSSIAN BOTS" come in. The Woke try to mask their fiction through another fiction to help rationalize why the internet trends didn't translate to real world success.

What I don't understand is that I thought everyone already knew that the internet isn't real after "Snakes on a Plane" flopped.
It's hilarious to me how we're seeing endless flops like Terminator Dark Fate, Ghostbusters 2016, Nu-Charlies Angels, Bird's of Prey, Cenk's joke of a political run (Cenk lost to a Blonde White Republican woman, in Far Lefty California.), Bernie Sander failed youth-revolution, etc. yet for some reason none of these Corporate motherfuckers ever seem to comprehend where they're going wrong.
It's all just a massive Russian conspiracy to them.
Trump came into office.
(As if it makes a difference lol, every american president since the early 2000s enacted the same exact policies in regard to the war in the middle east, despite their promises during election campaigns. Which makes it obvious to anyone outside the american echochamber, it's a complete farce)
Oh yeah remember that Trump Iran war- wait it didn't happen. Oh okay how about the time when he started a war with Syria- ooops that never happened either. Oh man remember when Trump destroyed us all when he went to war with North Korea, oh wait aminute that also didn't happen. Trump actually became friends with Lil Kim, so the narrative was then changed to how Trump befriends dictators instead of bombing them, lol.

For fuck's sake, why do so many fools act as though killing Solimeni were an act of war, when he was killing Americans first? If anything, he got his just desserts. Solimeni ain't a misunderstood dictator like Gaddafi was. Gaddafi did good for his people & he tried to restructure the sphere of influence by bringing back a Gold-standard currency to combat against the Petrodollar.

What you're referring to is the New American Century, which was penned by the American Israel lobby & Netanyahu way back in the 80s. What the fuck does that have to do with Murica? As far as being an American potus goes, Trump has been doing a solid job so far. I recall how poor I was during Obama, and how richbitch I am again under Trump. About the only thing Trump sucks at is internet & freedom of information. He purposely allows the internet to be completely controlled by Silicon valley.

I have no doubt that Trump will eventually start a Mid East war if Orange Man gets a 2nd term, but it's coz he has to otherwise he'll get JFK'd. JFK was assassinated coz he didn't want to go to war with Vietnam & he prevented war with Cuba.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: internet parties and audience (split from ok, suggestions?)

Post by CENSORED »

Try living in Commiefornia for a few years and you'll quickly change your tune. I only lived there for 2 years and that was enough for me. Only thing gud about Cali are the hot wimmin (Who are most likely insane.)
I've been here in WA forever and I can safely say that Woke people have always existed. We just didn't listen to them back then. They had no real power until social media gave them an artificial sense of importance since the tweets & posts that get the most likes & retweets are generally the most vapid, empty-headed positive thinking responses that Woke people normally generate.

Coporations do play into it, but they don't actually control it.
I guess that's where the divide is. Every time I have interacted with anyone online, they usually just think whatever they're told to think like they're brainwashed. They don't actually make any sense. One guy I knew legitimately got into flat earth theories.
Whenever contradictions in their way of thinking are brought up, they either call you an alt right incel or a SWJ nigger shill and the discussion is over lol.
That's what led me to believe that these ideologies originated online as marketing strategies, because they make no sense. You have to accept a magical dogma just to be considered a part of either of them.
What you're telling me instead, is that people like these always existed as minorities IRL (just like crazy people who talk to themselves on the street are a minority) and have been given power online simply because they have the most free time to waste arguing this garbage
In the real world, things move so fast that you don't have time to bitch about everyone's pronouns and shit. It helps that the italian language is organically gendered, that is to say, you don't have to use a million pronouns per phrase to convey meaning. Ironically the word "gender" itself does not exist in italian. If they have to translate it they do so as "genre" lol.
The article you linked sounds insane to me, because over here in the business world nobody gives a fuck what you think, just how much money you make.
It's not that they're tolerant of all beliefs, they legitimately don't give a fuck and don't want to know them because there's money to be made.
That's normal to me, because you're there to gain coin to ensure your survival and that of your family. (Since all primary needs are now easily attainable through purchase.)
But apparently I am insane and the workplace should be a space to virtue signal and crossdress instead of getting work done lmao.
What I don't understand is that I thought everyone already knew that the internet isn't real after "Snakes on a Plane" flopped.
It's hilarious to me how we're seeing endless flops like Terminator Dark Fate, Ghostbusters 2016, Nu-Charlies Angels, Bird's of Prey, Cenk's joke of a political run (Cenk lost to a Blonde White Republican woman, in Far Lefty California.), Bernie Sander failed youth-revolution, etc. yet for some reason none of these Corporate motherfuckers ever seem to comprehend where they're going wrong.
It's all just a massive Russian conspiracy to them.
It is funny to me because whenever a normal mediocre movie is made (like Joker or that sonic movie) they end up being massive successes because the moviegoing audience doesen't really understand what the fuck is going on with any of the movies you listed and they're starved for normal entertainment.
It's true that the advertisers have their minds warped by the internet, because they think most people will sit down and understand that terminator dark fate is in fact a sequel to terminator 2 that ignores 3, 4 and 5 and the tv show in an effort to reboot the franchise and that the female empowerment scenes are presented in a certain way as to appeal to a general online feeling about women blah blah blah
You already lost the average viewer because that's too much effort to have to research something just to sit down and watch a piece of media. When an average joe sits down and watches the ghostbusters 2016 he's not disgusted because he's an alt right incel and he hates women. He just doesen't understand what the fuck is going on so he shuts it off lol. He's certainly not having fun.

The MCU is the only successful movie franchise recently because it's the only one that does not overcomplicate things. In fact all of the movies have the same story, and the plots and characters are paper thin so you never need to know anything more than "captain america is fighting a bad guy" or "thor is fighting a bad guy" to turn your brain off and enjoy the movie.
(I think they're hot garbage but it's a definitive reality that they're successful.)
For some reason the interner acts as if the MCU movies cater to "nerds" when they're actually the most accessible movies ever made, you can jump in at any point and never be confused because they all follow the same exact identical structure and most of the dialog is just jokes. Proof of that is in the fact that the MCU is now more popular and makes more money than star wars, lol. Another franchise that decided to overcomplicate itself to the point where the movies don't make any sense by themselves and you have to read novels and comics and other toilet paper that your parrot shits on, just to understand the basic story.
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