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Post by Jack »

I kinda want to get me Rune Factory 5,

but those fucking load times.

DaRealEvilone wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 1:09 pm
Good video to give you another perspective
I'm really not allowed to talk about this Russia bullshit. Unlike the rest of you faggots, I'm from a multi generational military family. I'm only allowed to have one opinion, one that favors USA going to war over fucking Ukraine of all things lol.
I'm not disputing that space bullshit, It's just that's completely fucking irrelevant because the Russia vs Ukraine dispute is a locale manner for those two to solve.
That's what irritates the hell out of me, it'd be like the world pretending that WW3 started just because the UK invaded Ireland or Japan invaded South Korea. It's like so? They've historically held a sibling rivalry of sorts with each other. It's for the parties involved to figure it out, not the world community.
No I have to suddenly give a shit about Ukraine as though the Russian invasion were the only war in the world that's currently happening right now.

In fact, I see that rule of thought happening quite frequently. ... 01-10abi2f
(I lol'd at this comment though, coz it's exactly what I've been saying.
"It's never been like this before for one of the biggest games in the world."

During America's War On Terror, and their invasions of the countries in the Middle East and Syria...

Counter-Strike & Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: "Am I a joke to you?"
Americans have this weird inversion of reality where they think It's only ok when the USA invades nations weaker than they are, but if someone like Russia does the same fucking thing, HOLY SHIT IT'S THE DEVIL INCARNATE!!!!!

Why do we have to drop everything we're doing just because Russia invaded Ukraine, when half of the Ukrainian population already views themselves as Russians?
You never fucking hear that though coz American media expects you to be stupid and not know a damn thing about Russia or Ukraine.
You just hear some story about how Russia is Darth Vader & Ukraine is the rebel army lol. Like fuck mang I even see nonstop coverage about this bullshit 'LARGEST WAR OF ALL TIME' in Latino & Filipino tv. Not so much Jap tv, the most that Japs say is that Ukrainian refugees are welcome which is amusing coz Japan generally doesn't accept refugees from anywhere, at all. (Lol you just know that they only meant the Ukrainian females. Japs being Japs afterall.)

I just fucking hate virtue signaling. It's one thing to virtue signal about Muh racial equality, muh gay or tran rights or whatever bullshit, but it's a whole other thing to virtue signal about an entire country with it's own culture that they know fucking nothing about. It really reveals to you just how full of shit most of these virtue signal NARCISSISTS are.

I see the same shit happen all the time with Saudi Arabia. ... rs-xv-ps5/
In the comments section, some idiot keeps whining about SNK being funded by the House of Saud and then he acts as if SNK has a choice in who funds them.
Then he cries about how Capcom is also funded by the House of Saud. He doesn't say the House of course, he's a dumbass. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Someone called him out and asked him if he drives a car. To which the dick head tried to weasel his way from.

It's a good point though. If you use gas of any kind, then you should shut the fuck up. It pisses me off coz I think China is way worse than Saudi Arabia. China has actual concentration death camps based on Ethnic & Religious background yet you won't hear these motherfuckers whine about that. Kinda hard to boycot China. A chinese sweatshop filled with starving kids most likely built the phone & computers you use. They definitely made your videogame systems.

Oh and you know what really kills me.
This comment.
CaptainExplosion (3 days ago)Collapse
Unfortunately more than 30% of the profits will go to funding a scum bag prince who blows up Yemeni children. Way to accept an investor, SNK. -_-
CaptainExplosion in reply toMTZehvor (3 days ago)Collapse
And then Capcom let the same bitch buy 5% of their company. Now I have to boycott the two most popular fighting game makers unless the crown prick is disposed of with a minimum of fuss. I know I call for the deaths of a lot of individuals, but if you knew what the prince had done you'd do the same, ESPECIALLY if you were Jamal Kashoggi's next of kin.
It's like dude. SHUT THE FUCK UP! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO JAMAL KASHOGGI IS! He's not some generic everyman reporting against tyranny. He's part of the 1%! Jamal's uncle is one of the richest men in the world, Adnan Kashoggi. Jamal has connections with MOSSAD, HOUSE OF SAUD & The CIA.
This motherfucka ain't innocent. Stop talking about Jamal like he's a damn hero.

That's what I fucking can not stand! All these ignorant morons, constantly virtue signaling acting like they're superheroes when all they do is look like a fucking idiot to those like myself, who actually know quite a bit about Geopolitics. Stay the fuck out of geopolitical conversations coz it just makes these idiots look devoid of substance as I had already suspected.

They can bullshit all they want about Trans-rights Homo rights, race equality or whatever coz that's a lot more abstract, and is not something that can be easily measured. When they try to fucking jump into my territory, and talk about Big Mans' War games. I'm like dude shut the fuck up, idiots like Cappy Explosion just expose themselves as idiots who have done nothing but read a few blogs & twitter posts.
They constantly show that they're ignorant to the cultures outside of the West. The West includes USA< Australia, Canada, New Zealand & Western Europe.

Where did all of this sudden hate for Saudi Arabia come from anyway? Yes they're fucking assholes and I view them as no different from Israel. To me, they're the same fucking thing.
I just want to know where the sudden hatred came from the average Internet Moron.
I think it's kinda funny coz Mohhamed Bin Salam is actually considered somewhat of a reformist. He's not as extreme as those who came before him but since he doesn't conform with American 'Liberal' politics, he gets villainized. I'm like what's Salman supposed to do? If he adopted the American ways of loving 99+ gender & whatever random bullshit Americans are up to now, he'd be toppled by a military mutiny of his countrymen within less than 24 hours.

That's what Americans don't understand. Real life is not a movie. You can't just changes the hearts of many through a highly scripted speech filled with college university gobbledygook buzzwords.
I just don't know what the fuck they expect. Any other Saudi prince would be way worse than Salman currently is. What do they expect the people of Saudi Arabia to dethrone the entire House of Saud? LOL not bloody happening there's way too much money involved. Within the World Hierarchy, House of Saud & Zion are actually considered as far more important than the lives of every single American. That's why Americans always die for Saudi & Israel wars.

Japan needs to join Russia anyways
That's just ignorant. Yeah that's going to happen when China & Russia are already part of the same sphere of influence. If Japan turncoat against the USA, they'd be made China & Russia's bitch especially since Russia illegally stole islands from Japan shortly after they were nuked and China has unfinished business with Japan, that they still reeeeeeee about to this day. Everyone seems to forget that Japan doesn't have a real military, and is not allowed to build up a real military unless the USA gives them permission to do so. To do otherwise, would just turn them into the next Russia boogie man that the entire world rallies & sanctions against.
Soul hackers not coming to switch, I don't know what to say
Was going to say maybe Microsoft paid them
But is coming to playstation lmao
The simple answer is SEGA. Sega is fucking retarded. Nintendo's Yamauchi even called them out as a bunch of morons long before anyone else ever knew just how incompetent Sega of Japan actually is.
Yamauchi was completely blindsided by Sega of America's Ad campaign which cemented them as the first true rival to stand up against Nintendo but Yamauchi's foresight won again coz years later Sega of Japan would try to compete against Sega of America and build the Saturn behind their backs as they let SOA waste money & resources on bullshit such as the 32x.

Look at Streets of Rage. Streets of Rage 4's sales figures would tell a normal company that they need to start backing the IP, since it could possibly turn into one that generates a steady income such as Street Fighter.
That's not a guarantee, since Crash Bandicoot 4 was a flop but they did at least respond to positive fan feedback from the N.sane trilogy. Sega doesn't even bother. What amuses me is how come Sega's Sonic games never copy Mario 3d, but they'll copy Zelda BOTW of all things? AYY LMAO! DATS SEGA!!!!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Jack »

I originally wrote this post at the fighting game thread, but I reposted it here since I'm talking about Nintendo exclusive games.

I bought me Rune Factory 5 day 1. It's good, I don't really understand the bad reviews.
It's just that there's nothing new. It's just RF4 with a BOTW style camera and the graphics look like Dark Cloud 2, i mean they look exactly like a PS2 game lol. At least it looks like a good looking PS2 game. Gameplay also reminds me of Dark Cloud 2.
I would've cancelled my preorder though coz those Xseed fuckers called me a homophobe just coz I joked that they delayed the game for 9 months, didn't bother to fix the fucking frame rate, you still can't fuck milfs, but hey in the American version you can have homosexual marriage now!
They also got mad at me coz I said that including gay marriage just makes a niche game even more niche.
I dunno why, you get labeled as a bigot for just stating the truth that if homosexuals were an actual majority, then our world population wouldn't even be near as huge as it actually is. It's just basic common sense, not phobia.

I dunno why that's such a big deal for Americans. Trick question it's not, but internet faggots seem to dwell on internet 24/7 so they give off this impression to Japs that Americans are all faggots or transexual or whatever lol. ... ation.768/
That forum has a more detailed account on the bullshit that Xseed did to the English localization. Xseed even forced the RF5 devs to cancel the dlc that let you date more women ayy lmao.

I didn't cancel my RF preorder (I normally disown or boycott the game if anyone involved with the game insults me. American translators are technically part of the staff.) coz Gaystop had to pull some strings to get me my copy since the two copies they had were already preordered months ago.

I would've placed the new order on Kirby which is looking badass, the final levels are set inside a Resident Evil style Bio research lab. (Ancients are implied to be humans and you hear a human female's voice speaking in clear English during the labs.)

The final bosses are some Resident Evil looking monsters. Another one is a Fetus that kinda reminds me of a giant Metroid. (Metroid & Kirby have been part of the same setting since Dreamland on SNES. Samus is basically Iron Man and Kirby is Silver Surfer lol.)
It turns out that the butterfly from the Kirby series, was trying to kill Kirby this entire time but Kirby is just so damn powerful that the butterfly always has to settle for the penultimate boss instead. We see this butterfly fucking one shot kill Galacta Knight in Forgotten World. Galacta Knight didn't even get a boss fight this time around, coz they just kill him off in a Kirby game, lol. Morpho Knight is the Butterfly after it steals Galacta knight's soul.

I don't have a pic of the final bosses, but this is the penultimate boss.
That's the leader of the beast pack, getting taken over by cosmic parasites. (Metroid & Kirby's setting revolve around world-ending parasitical aliens.) After he dies, his soul gets split apart and you get to play postgame stages retrieving his soul parts. (that's pretty dark man, for what's supposed to be a kid's game.)
This is the Beast Pack leader's speech before he fights you and before he gets taken over by that Alien parasite. That dialogue doesn't sound like something from a kid's game lol.

King Dedede actually joins you but he just sleeps around at the Waddle Dee town. Meta Knight is only at the arena since he's guarding the city.
I haven't even seen the Post Game End boss yet, but it's yet another cosmic horror entity that looks like something from Metroid.

I really had no idea just how fucking crazy Kirby's lore actually is, coz the only one I ever played the shit out of were Superstar & Ultra. I always assumed that Marx was just a one off, when Marx is actually Kirby's Frieza. A threat bigger than Vegeta/Dedede & Picolo Meta-Knight but will sometimes team up if the threat is that immense such as the final boss from Star Allies.
It turns out in the game before Superstar, Kirby & DeDede teamed up to kill Nightmare, a cosmic horror. Marx became a cosmic like entity during Superstar and then in Dreamland you fight a giant eye. You fight that same eye in 64 but now it shoots blood at you. How the fuck does Kirby get away with this shit? Ayy lmao! In damn near every Kirby, he's fighting off a new Galactic horror.

I like that joke theory which states that in the Metroid games, Samus just kills the big monsters that slipped past Kirby, while Kirby takes on the galactic-tier Cosmic threats.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Sean is a sionist pig
Russia will win , Japan better side with the king
Usa is firing soldiers for not getting vaccines
Usa won't defend Japan
Russia is Nintendo is the king
My liberal aunt said that we need to remove Putin, I told her imagine Nukes here in the city? That will be Russia response
Can't beat the bear
Russia is being financed by china
Canada was doing drills with china
China Russia already in Mexico
Russia wins all sides
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

No one Wants to discuss

I got a noticed for typing big ass booty on a Girl's instagram
Maybe im a perv

Or its censorchip

Breath of wild 2 delayed, Nintendo is Nintendo , I'm looking forward New pokemon instado

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Post by Jack »

You know what's crazy? You can play the Mario Kart Booster pack courses for free, just by simply picking the stages in online mode. You can't play those stages offline if you don't own the booster courses but most people who play Mario Kart generally only play online anyway. The new courses are fucking ugly, but they're fun. I'll prob buy that dlc once more courses are available. Right now you can easily play through every dlc course since there's like only 8 of them

I've been playing the shit out of Kirby Forgotten Land. It's my fave game of 2022 so far. Great music, I LOVE DEDEDE's new remix.
Great story, it's more Cosmic Horror shit. Great level design, ok combat. I love the dodge counter attacks though, which you'll rely on a lot in Ultimate Z. Space Ranger Dodge Counter has you feeling like Max Payne.
I still like Superstar more. Something about that game just makes me laugh with joy every time I play it. The way your buddies die had me lol, because of the huge explosions. I don't think it's nostalgia either. It really did have the most complex movesets. Which is the only flaw that Forgotten Land has. In Forgotten Land, only the Sword has a relatively large moveset when compared to other abilities. Space Ranger & Dedede's Hammer also have bigger movesets than most, but you don't get to use those abilties until you evolve them twice.

Especially when you get Meta Knight's sword and up. In Superstar just about every ability had its own input notations. I remember as Parasol you could jump, press down + attack and you'd get a gliding attack. Holding down B had you holding out the umbrella like a shield. Fighter Kirby had a dragon uppercut by pressing up + attack, a fire ball if you held down b, a running kick if you ran + attack, etc. In Forgotten Land most of the abilities have the same exact move inputs but most abilities only have about 3 moves at most. Evolution kinda makes up for it, only due to how badass Ranger & Sword get. Ranger's evolved moveset makes it fell like a Megaman game. Sword's final evolve is so op. It also kinda feels like a Devil May Cry lite, but it feels that way starting with the Meta Knight sword. Even the Gigant sword at least controls like Monster Hunter.

I think Forgotten Land is way better than Mario 3d World or Mario Odyssey. LOL Mario Odyssey started out as a 10 out of 10 to me but the level design so damn empty and there's nothing to do after beating the game except collect a bunch of retarded moons and buy every single outfit that you won't even fucking wear coz it's Mario. Who gives a fuck what Mario is wearing? LOL!
Kirby Forgotten Land at least has the same type of post game that nearly all Kirby games have, the Boss rush.

Forgotten Land also has way better level design than both Odyseey & 3d World.
3d world is a weird case where the actual level design is functionally good, but the levels themselves feel souless. 3d world's levels are just obstacle courses.
Forgotten Land's levels feel like actual lands that you're traveling through and every single level looks & feels different. By the time you finally get to the final stages, it'll look hellish, fiery and brimstone.

Forgotten Land has so much Soul, that when you enter the soundtest mode where a Waddle Dee band is playing, the bandmates will actually try to match their movements to the song that's playing. When Roar of Dedede plays, the lead guitarist will actually stand there for the first 50 seconds not playing anything until the Dedede Guitar riffs finally kick in.

The music is so damn good.

Forgotten Land was so good that I finally bought Star Allies. I don't know why everyone says that Star Allies is shit, because I feel that it's the one game on Switch that's nearly as fun as Smash Bros Ultimate. Smash Bros itself is based off of Kirby Superstar anyway.
Star Allies feels like an arcade game, it reminds me of Capcom's Chiki Chiki Boys.
They're both arcadish platformers that focus far more on action than anything else.
Unlike 3d Marios, I don't see myself losing interest in the Kirby games any time soon. At least not the main games. Kirby Clash & Kirby Fighters 2 are both really boring. Clash is grindy and you're stuck playing as an oversimplified moveset that's restricted to a class. The main games are much better due to the complete move roster, actual level design, and post game bosses who are an actual challenge.
Star Allies feels more like a fighting game to me than Kirby Fighters 2 did. Some of the movesets in Star Allies are over 3 pages long, like the Yoyo, Fighter or Staff.

I've been playing the fuck out of Rune Factory 5, and it's easily one of my fave games on the system. It's actually in no. 5 on Nintendo Eshop's Best Selling Physical games list. The top 3 are Kirby Forgotten Land, Pokemon Legends Arceus (Also a great game but I think Kirby FL & RF5 are better.), Mario Kart, & that Minecraft shit.
No shocker there since RF4 was in my top 3, 3ds games. RF5 might be able to pull that off since it does nearly everything better than RF4. Especially the characters. Holy fuck I forgot how bland & generic RF4's cast was.
I don't like RF5's default girls but even they're far more interesting than the boring motherfuckers from RF4. A Girl who only speaks in dog is far more memorable than generic china woman or generic guard chick, although I the generic guard chick from RF5 is actually interesting since you don't even know that she exists until after your 2nd or 3rd dungeon since she's actually out in the battlefield doing her own shit. I'm prob going with the Princess or the Succubus. Succubus seems to be the only healer, but she's also the best looking.

What makes RF nearly an ultimate game to me is that it has Pokemon style Monster taming, but you can actually use those monsters to farm your products. I like how you can open multiple revenue streams in RF games. Everything seems to have a purpose in RF, because they're all connected to either your income flow, your fighting ability, or your relationships. Every single system in the game is affected by both your physical & verbal actions.

DaRealEvilone wrote: Sat Apr 02, 2022 3:45 am Well
No one Wants to discuss
You act as if Putty weren't a Zio Tiny Hat fag himself.
WTF am I supposed to say? You did the same exact thing Xed did awhile back where
he proposed that Japan should've slowly built up their military after WW2, as if Japan could somehow do that in secret when Japan has over 20 fucking US Military bases, lol. ...
I've actually been to 4 of them, Sasebo, Iwakuni, Kadena & Yokota.

What offends me when you motherfuckers say this shit,
Russia will win , Japan better side with the king
Usa is firing soldiers for not getting vaccines
Usa won't defend Japan
is that you motherfuckers act as if Japan hasn't already thought about or game-planned every alternative.
Japan could build nukes over night, and if they did that, USA would take over Japan in a few hours.
Who the fuck do you think the Emperor sides with? The country that spared them. Russia doesn't acknowledge or respect the Emperor.

Japan being USA's lapdog is the only option, because all other options are just not realistic.
What the fuck do you think is going to happen if Japan sides with Russia?
Do you even fucking understand what that means? Furthermore, why should Japan side with Russia?
Putin can't take over a damn Euroslav shithole, and you expect him to actually be able to chase out the Americans from every single US Military facility in Japan? Hah fat chance!

Russia & Japan historically have never been on friendly terms. Last I checked, USA under Richard Nixon actually gave back to Japan, all of the Ryukyu islands that the USA conquered during WW2. Russia never did that, they still keep Jap land. How is siding with Russia any better? At least the USA can repel the nuclear threat from Russia & China. Could you say the same about China & Russia?
China definitely couldn't and why the fuck would they want to protect Japs anyway?
You fucking nimrods don't seem to get that USA & Japan have had a long history of good relations which spans back all the way to the 1800s. Yes the WW2 era was bad, but Jap relations with Chinks & Ruskies have been way worse. The entire reason why China & Japan never got along is because Japan was the one Asian country that didn't pay tribute to China and told them to Fuck off. Japs always act as if they're better off just doing their own thing, rather than bowing down to China. It'd be the same with the USA, but Americans have proved to Japs that Americans will just nuke them if they don't comply.

What the hell is even the incentive for Russia or China to take in Japan as one of their allies?
Japan has nothing, but their own self-made economy. If Japs switched sides, that economy they made will be fucking useless because they'll just get tariffed & sanctioned to hell like Russia. Russia's economy was always more European based so they can survive against USA sanctions since Russia doesn't rely on the USA for shit, Japan's income stream has always been more American-based. The fucking Chinese aren't going to suddenly buy Japan goods. Chinks will play it smart and let Japan's economy bleed out and then take over, if USA doesn't get to the Jap lands first. Which is the game plan anyway. Bleed out Japan, so USA will eventually take over. Nobody cares about the actual Jap islands. Japan is only important because it borders both China & Russia.

It's a lose lose situation, but siding with Russia would be even worse since Russia can't protect shit, they seemingly can't take over shit either.
I had more respect for Russians, before the war. They seemed strong, but now they revealed their hand. They're fucking weak.
Why would Japan side with a bunch of losers, when Japs already beat the shit out of Russians long ago? USA actually conquered Japs. What other country in the world could say the same? No I don't like it but hey I'm speaking English & live in the USA. That alone shows the strength that USA once had, I'm just explaining the reality. Dispelling your retarded fantasy. Russia has zero pull with Japs. Why? USA has done way more favors for Japan than any other country in the world, while Russia has done fucking nothing for Japs, but just get in their fucking way.

Fuck Ukraine, I don't care about them but when you make this an issue of a Japan-Russian alliance, it's like wtf? Where does that even come from? The only relations the two really have is a lot of Russian women run away from Russia to live as trophy wives or whores in Japan. You don't really see Jap women leaving Japan to live in Russia. I ain't saying that in an insulting way either. That's just genuinely the only cultural influence that Russia has on Japan, Russia's women.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Iwazaru »

Boss rush update

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Lmao remembering when you advised me to play rune factory 4
When I bought it at lame stop clerk was looking at me like I was a weirdo Lmao
I was going to trash rune factory 5 for that agenda but I'm tired about it lol
And you make me want to get it or even Kirby
Kirby clash is free to play lmao
It's a good game I wanted to maxed up to maximum but got to lvl 94 I think
You always sounds more like a Kirby fan but in odyssey did you reach the moon map? Because then you fights the bosses again and it's harder
And just a question because isn't clear you know taming in rune factory 4 was a thing? I read it but I don't know if it's clear lol

Actually Russia and Japan aren't is so bad terms
Japan is being blackmail by West Epstein Ring Israel p3do files
Because Japan didn't froze Russian assets as most west countries

Why don't you play feh isn't so bad
They literally added a cow 😂


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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Not my fault you don't like good games lol

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Post by Krizzx »

I was kind of hoping they would go back to the combat system from X and C1, but at least its 4 buttons instead of 3 now. Looks like blades with be back as well as some kind of mech armor mode, or they may have been mechanical characters.

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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Weris everyone ??

I think they broke feh, since they added yuri

I found a game for king
But I can't find link lol
If shows back I post it
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