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Re: Survive the HORROR: General thread

Post by Jack »

My god, I was already expecting RE6's campaign to be fucking shit, but it's even worse than shit, lol! Now sure I was playing Ada's campaign to unlock her for MERCS and she has the 2nd worst campaign. (Jake's campain is that damn bad. Especially the snow part.)
It's weird how the Mercs mode is a 10 out of 10, but the campaign is a 2 out of 10, for every single fucking campaign combined. 4 campaigns, and they're all fucking shit.

By my own standards, I can only grade RE6 a 6 out of 10 when you combine MERCS & Campaign scores of 10 out of 10, & 2 out of 10.
Dood, it shouldn't be that hard to make a good game with that combat system. This is all you have to do. Make the first half of the game Tall Oaks, The 2nd half of the game the Chyna city, and make both maps Free Roam, like RE Revelation's Ship. Even in RE Rev, the game turns to shit once you leave the ship.
Just stop fucking doing that man, make environments that people want to explore, instead of forcing to us this linear level filled with shitty QTES & a garbage plot that makes no fucking sense.

Am I just reading RE6's plot wrong? Is the plot really about Simmons getting blue-balled by Ada Wong so he makes a clone out of her and the clone decides to destroy the world, AYY LMAO!
Simmons wanted his own China girl sex doll. In forums, I always meme RE6's story as about some CIA faggot who uses his connections to make a sex doll modeled after Ada Wong, but after beating Ada's story, it legit does come off as if it's a plot about a fucking USA Fed, creating a sex doll for himself, LOL!

Don't even get me started on the dialogue. Is everyone in Resi Evil anti-social except for Chris? Chris is like the only real human out of the entire crew. (Well Piers too, but I always forget that he exists.) Ada's interactions with Leon are pure cringe.
She treats him like a puppy dog, and he acts like a puppy dog. He looks at her like "OMG I'm so in love!" and it's funny coz even Ada comments about it, and both of these motherfuckers are like in their 40s or late 30s. I'm in that age group now and I know for damn sho every girl from my past moved on. They already got pregnant by some fag or something and have some ugly ass kid.

Yet here's Leon & Ada acting like a bunch of shy assholes, never making a single move ever, then there's Helena getting treated like a side show, which always happens. Just ask Sheva! Although Chris prolly isn't into women, LOL! He had fucking Jessica all over him who's the hottest girl imo. (Her and classic Jill. Mercs Claire is hot too though, but she's only in one game.)
Oh man, and why is it that people constantly die around Leon & Helena, but they never give a mad fuck. You even see Ada trying to help random bystanders out, but Leon & Helena just walk over everyone.
Chris is an asshole to everyone who isn't part of his squad, but he treats his actual squad like bros.

Jake & Sherry act exactly like Ada & Leon but the roles are reversed. It's more understandable though since they're at least both in their 20s. Instead of fucking aging grandpas like Ada & Leon.By their (Ada/Leon) age, you should already be taking life by the balls.
Like shit mang, are the only times they ever meet, in RE2,RE4, & RE6? If so that's fucking sad!
I was so damn happy to see Ada & Leon reconnect with each other in RE4, and I even liked the ending where Leon admits that Ada is damn special to him.

I was only 14 when RE2 came out, so by the time RE4 came out, I was like 23. Which is around the age that you start settling down with a bitch, and seemed like the right time for Ada & Leon to hit it up.

Where the fuck do I post this? In Shooter or Horror? It's kinda hard to say that Resident Evil is off topic for a Horror thread, but at the same time all I'm doing is talking about the shooting.
ANyway, I see yet again another fucker claiming that people only bought RE6 for a discounted price, AYY LMAO! ... -36m-more/
shikamaru317 in reply toEnricoPallazzo (2 days ago)Collapse
Yeah, people like to crap on RE6 on the internet, but it actually has alot of fans in reality, if you add up the original release plus the PS4/XB1 ports it's actually the 2nd bestselling game in the whole series currently after RE5. It's kind of like the Star Wars prequels or Spider-Man 3, people claim to hate it, but alot of them secretly like it and only pretend to hate on it because it's controversial to say you like it and they don't want to get called out for saying they like it. I mean the PS4/XB1 ports of RE6 even sold 2.3m copies already, more than the PS4/XB1 ports of RE4 and RE5 sold, so clearly alot of people like it since they bought it a 2nd time on PS4/XB1.

I personally would dig a proper sequel to RE6 released as a Res spinoff title by Capcom, with 3rd person view and more of an action focus like RE5 and RE6, rather than pure survival horror. RE7 largely ignored the plot threads they had set up with RE6 and it is set years later, with only one classic Res character returning, Chris, and it seems like RE8 will be the same story, with Chris being the only classic character to return. I want to know what is happening with characters like Leon, Claire, Ada, Jake, and Sherry after RE6. They have all these great classic characters that they are just sitting on currently, remakes aside.

KratosLives in reply toshikamaru317 (1 day ago)Collapse
sorry to say but re6 is the least popular game in the series. It only sold cause of the sucess of re5 and the discounted sales to those who weren't fully aware of the game's short comings.

shikamaru317 in reply toKratosLives (1 day ago)Collapse
If that was the case, the Res 6 PS4/XB1 ports wouldn't have sold more than the Res 4 and Res 5 ports. Clearly some people besides myself enjoy Res 6, they chose to buy the game twice. I actually like 6 more than 3 and 5 personally.

I'd like to hear the newest excuse for why Xenoblade 2 is the best selling Xeno game. The last one I heard was that it got to benefit from being on the same platform as Smash Bros Ultimate's Shulk, which makes no sense to me coz SMU doesn't even have any XB2 representation outside of some music.

On top of that, Shulk's own game came to the Switch but it still got outsold by XB2, AYY LMAO! It turns out Xenoblade is nowhere near as poopular as the fans would have you believe.

As for RE, I find it disingenuous how Crapcom makes it look as if RE7 & RE2 Remake are the best selling REs when you look at the sales closely, what you see is that RE5 & RE6 each sold over 10 million units when you put each sku together. RE6 only had like 2 years to attain its sales (2012 & 2013) before it had to change its serial number with the next generation. RE7 had 6 total years to make the same amount of sales as RE6, and exceed it.

Another thing that makes me laugh is how we're suddenly ignoring that RE2 Remake was a budget game that released for $40 new, AYY LMAO! (Or was it $30? I don't remember, I bought it for $20.) We're supposed to just ignore that while accuse RE6 of only selling as high as it did, due to being sold half off 3 months after release.

That happens to damn near every game released on Sony systems. Tekken 7 priced down to $20 on month 1.
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Re: Survive the HORROR: General thread

Post by Jack »

Mercenaries is back... IN NAME ONLY!

At first I was like holy fawk yes. Then I saw the video. How the fuck is that Mercs? It looks exactly like Revelation 2's Raid Mode, but the renamed it to Mercenaries for some reason lol. It has the same slow ass, slightly rpg fps combat like Rev 2 Raid. You even have to kill a specific amount of enemies before you can clear stages.
"Rest assured, this is as fast-paced as previous installments."
LIES! I only saw two enemies on screen, lol.

Mercs was basically a skill-based Earth Defense Force, not some shitty ass shoot zombies at your leisure type of game. I must be fucking blind coz I don't see how this plays anything like Mercenaries. It looks so slow & boring, meanwhile Monster Hunter Rise has you flying through the air dropping grenades on giant monsters & shit. The type of crazy shit that you used to be able to do back in RE4-6.

The comments are really damn retarded to me.
Rafael R.
3 days ago
So they actually heard the fans... Happiness and pure bliss.


3 days ago
Dude you gotta give it to them right? They've been doing go by RE fans lately


Rafael R.
Rafael R.
3 days ago
@Tokyo Tokyo it's a shame most games have abandoned offline co-op nowadays, some of my best memories were of playing RE5 Story and Mercenaries with my dad


Celimo CR
Celimo CR
3 days ago
They heard the call of duty fans.. This game looks like anything but resident evil


3 days ago
@Celimo CR I'd sadly have to agree. Reminds me of NZ.


Rafael R.
Rafael R.
3 days ago
@Celimo CR it's just the game mode though. The main game seems to have a lot slower pace and the creepy atmosphere we like


Which fans? I'm often told that I'm not a real fan, but I'm starting to think that these RE Real fans have never actually played Resident Evil games if they can't fucking tell that this isn't real Mercs. I even saw a dumbass in the comments section claim that Mercenaries originated in RE3 on PS1, lol.
I wasn't interested in Village anyway, but hearing that Mercs came back did cause me to do a double take, for a sec until I saw the video.

It pisses me off how fans like me, who thought RE4 was a great revolution to the RE franchise are being drowned out. I'm at the point now where I hope that Monster Hunter completely kills the shit out of RE, coz I'm sick to death of these stupid wannabe movie RE gsames.
The classic PSX Resident Evil games have always been part of the genre of Action games, and they fucking played like action games from the PSX era.

Resident Evil 1-3, looked no different from typical PSX Action games.

Even the Samurai games played sorta like Resident Evil, coz every action game from the PS1 era followed the RE template due to the lack of technology.

It's fucking hilarious how damn near every 3d action game (except Metal Gear Solid) played just like Resident Evil 1-3, but nobody seems to remember that except me.

I'm not even showing off the most famous RE rip offs either, like Parasite Eve 2, Fear Effect 1 & 2 or Silent Hill.
Action games from the PSX era, really did use Resident Evil 1 & 2 as a template. Nobody really figured out how to do Arcade-Action in 3d until Devil May Cry & Resident Evil 4 came out.
Survival Horror was just a marketing term back in the 90s, although if you try to claim that now, you get laughed at by the RE fanbase. Shit though, even Xed pointed out how the Remakes don't really play like classic RE games at all.

It's just really weird to me mang, coz the PS1 was my childhood but I seem to be the only one who remembers the classic RE games being talked about as though they were action games, yet the modern RE fagbase talk about Resi evil as if they were always slow, plodding with barely any action like the shitty ass remakes which play nothing like the classics, AYY LMAO!

I am almost 40 though, so it's time for me to move on. Even though most of the faggots in the comments seem to be as old or older than I am. I don't know why they're mis-remembering what RE was, but I think it's due to what I heard from the Fighting game community after Sony bought out Evo & killed Shoryuken.
The FGC believes that gaming is constantly selling out, because gamers are mostly nerds. Nerds just want to be accepted, and go mainstream so they kill the soul of what made the games great, in order to appeal to a mainstream corporate climate. Modern RE sure as hell looks corporate to me, it just looks like fucking Walking Dead. NOOO, I don't even give a shit about that supposed big titty babe in RE Village, who just looks like a man to me, lol. I'd think I were out of touch or something, but I guess just have more Japanese-leaning sensibilities coz I think the demon bitches (Hinoa & Minota) from Monster Hunter Rise are cute, and I think MH rises crazy ass over the tope gameplay, looks a lot like what Resident Evil used to be like.

I was hoping for a Switch version of the 3ds Mercs some day, but it looks like that will never happen.

I guess I really have moved on to Monster Hunter, since Monster Hunter Rise has Resi Evil 6's gunplay.

I was once told that I'm not a real RE fan coz I say "Resi Evil", when I only do so coz it's more specific than RE. Fuck Internet nerds and their stupid ass rules for everything. I really want to beat the shit out of dumbass nerds who keep telling you that you're the lowest common denominator. News flash faggot, you're not special just coz you like a vidya gaem.

EDIT: I find it hilarious that I'm not really talking about horror in the horror vidya gaems thread, but it's my opinion that horror as a genre doesn't really exist in video games.
The horror media thread shows that I do ponder quite a bit about what makes good horror, and that of which I have described as horror, doesn't really exist in the realm of gaming.
Most horror games are either adventure games, or action games but with a horror theme & aesthetics. They try to look scary or whatever, but they never evoke that same sense of isolation that a horror movie would. Gamers take it too damn literally and assume that you need to play as a solo character inside of a factory in order to evoke horror.

Hostel 1 is a great example of a movie that portrays isolation so well, and the main character was surrounded by beautiful women. He felt culturally isolated though coz he's a Mexican-American, in Slovakia where the culture is so foreign that he felt isolated despite the gorgeous girls he was interacting with. Hostel 1 was scary, coz you couldn't be sure who to trust. I also liked how Hostel 1 portrayed Americans properly. Even the Mexican was labeled as a dumbass American, coz Americas all generally look & feel the same regardless of what your ethnicity is.
I'm one of the rare few who actually does come off as foreign (Even foreigners in the USA accuse me of being Foreign, lol!), but it's prob coz I didn't finally permanently live in the USA until I turned 24.

Russia seems to be the only country that actually made horror games, lol. Everything about Pathlogic was downright bizarre. I prefer the original due to the more creepy music. Pathlogic was an adventure game, but I never felt safe, unlike with most horror games which generally follow a Hollywood template coz most horror games are just nerdbait, like what the FGC described.
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Re: Survive the HORROR: General thread

Post by Krizzx »

You know what. I might actually get this shit. When I first saw a post about "Choo Choo Charles" online, I couldn't take this shit seriously with the premise and the picture, but then I looked at this trailer and realized that it doesn't either. Itll mostly depend on how much content is in the game. Its nice to see some comedic horror instead of boring walking simulators.

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Re: Survive the HORROR: General thread

Post by Krizzx »

Wow.... Capcom censored dialogue in RE4 VR that it deemed "sexist". Said dialogue is of them flirting. That's now a crime. ... evil-4-vr/
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