The Man, the Myth.. The Missing? Q spoke to me, "Mr. TD is trapped in the Black Lodge. You must Kill the Past to free him."

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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by Deep »

I'm surprised this game even works and doesn't run like Deadly Premonition 2.
To be fair, even if DP2 had lower framerate at times (and I mean, AT TIMES), you still could explore the ciry of Le Carrie without much problems (I just realized both games have crocodiles to shoot, lol). While openworld in NHM3 is barely existing, have any textures and any reason to be in the game at all. All could've happen is just menu screen with missions (just like in the game), where you just pick a mission of desire and go right away to it, without wasting time in searching for it in the overworld and etc. Plant 100 trees, what a great idea. Why to 1000 or a million then? Zelda has a golden turd for all that collectable garbage, if nmh3 is such a "great cynical satire" why doesn't it have any kinda comment about absurdity of the situation. It would be much more entertaining and engaging if Travis would be complaining about all the nonsense stuff he has to do. Sadly, none of that is in the game, like the most of the game content isn't in the game...

Those space-gundam battles were also kind of awkward. You expect some normal alien battle, yet you get to fly in circles in outer space.
also, there's the fact that Bugjiro for some strange reason is in the "real" world despite the fact that he's a fucking videogame bug.
None of what's happening is making sense, because game poorly implement all of the neseccarry element to be truly what it's supposed to be.

I guess GHM made first NMH too good for it's own sake. If it were to be a little bad in some regards, game wouldn't sold as much and Suda didn't went the "action"route for next 5 decades...oh man. Champloo and NMH1 is first two definitive action games from ghm from back then (K7 have shooting mechanic, but's a small part to overall gameplay). Blood+ was rushed garbage (it was rushed because of people wanted game out by the end of anime airing ended, and it was garbage because team didn't made in time). Since 2007 they mostly done action oriented games only, with some exceptions, yet every game had a lot of gimmicky and interesting mechanics, not that they were well done or perfectly made by any matter. It's a sad picture, and who knows how bad it will get in the future...
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by D.G. »

Deep wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:09 am I remember in Art of GHM there are something about it, like "first you have to make some games for companies, then make games for yourself". Well, if that's the case, it's been A WHILE! When is next "game for yourself"?
It's hilarious that I initially thought that TSA was the "game for companies" so that he could have a full game where he had complete control, but instead it was the opposite. I would have preferred TSA came out later and was a small epilogue to the whole saga, at least we could say "It was worth the wait and playing all those half-assed games".

Anyway, do you guys know any decent online analysis about 25th ward? The only well-documented analysis i found about the series is this, even though i've still not seen it.

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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by CENSORED »

And I never played the TSC rerelease beyond the first level, so how the fuck would I know that they fucking retconned their own game 15 something years later? lol! At this point, it's best to forget what KTP was. They're all just cheerleaders for Travis Touchmyself anyway.
Nah it's not a retcon. It's actually referring back to Flower Sun and Rain, they just explain it a bit more. At the end of TSC (original release) Sakura claims that Kamui has murdered Uminosuke (Kaoru) Hachisuka. Tetsugoro is confused, because he thinks there's no more Kamuis around except for Akira.
However, you actually see Uminosuke/Kaoru interact with his biological son, right before he is murdered. Tokio was revealed as Uminosuke's son earlier in the story.
In FSR, it is revealed that it was Tokio Morishima sole Uminosuke's silver eye (confirming that he indeed killed him, and the crime was attributed to Kamui. Despite Tokio being rejected as Kamui stock originally.)
In the new TSC chapter, all they do is spell it out for you, as Tokio is flying to Lospass island and he is visited by a vision of Catherine (presumably the Catherine from FSR.)

It's not some nmh3 style bullshit, it's actually pretty good. (So are the new 25th ward chapters btw.)

I am worried about the FSR remake however, specifically because Suda claims they want to alter the game to connect it to some upcoming avengers crossover event, and honestly I don't give a shit and I wish they'd just keep it as is, so that TSC/FSR/25W work as a self contained trilogy without having to bring all that other shit into it, but it's just my personal taste. I mean the PS2 version is always there, I might just record a playthrough and add the english translation as subtitles like I'm doing for Moonlight Syndrome and Blood+.
I get the general gist of what you're saying, that my few minor incorrect details from some oldass game I haven't played in over a decade are being passed off as an outright lie, when I'm generally correct for the most part. I just confuse some of the names. They all have long goofy ass Jap names. Come on who wouldn't be fucking confused trying to remember all this damn names, and matching them up with their faces? It's not like they have unique designs or anything. Your boss in SC looks like mothafucking Mr Tamori lol.
Oh yeah it's complete bullshit. As I said in the FAQ thread, some of the "lies" that are attributed to you and therefore to me as well since we are a collective hivemind existing within the mind of one blackman (Garcian Smith A.K.A. Kaxantrom) were just forum posts not even written by you. For example, CJ went around parading as fact that the original NMH all happened within the imagination of the little kid shown at the end, and how he read it on our website as a statement of fact. In reality it was one forum post, by one guy, whose name I don't even remember. (He was usually pretty cool though. I'm just god awful at remembering nicknames.)
It's a complete smear campaign born out of the fact that a fat white american claimed we hosted a far right republican group, and another fat white american in panties got offended when you asked him what his job was. It's so absurd it's histerical, but some of these people legitimately stalk every avenue in which my website is ever mentioned (they probably have google alerts on. I had no idea there were redditors talking about me for example.) just to claim that it is ran by nazis, who make things up. The level of obsession necessary to do that is mind boggling, and it all started, with you asking: "what's your job?" LOL!!!!!
What can I say. I am grateful for the attention, I know I am irresistible, but unfortunately for them I actually like women. By that I mean the italian definition of woman, unlike the american one, which means "man".
I got the impression that the United Nations & the Liberal party are both being subverted by Fuckushima & Matsuken. The United Nations doesn't sound like the LDP at all, outside of Fuckyoushima, it's just a fictional party for K7's fictional alternate timeline.
That's why I made reference to the Nippon Kaigi. It would make sense that Fuckyoushima & Matsuken hold similar views despite being from opposite parties, if they were both part of the same shadow government.
The game never makes mention of them ever, but I think the narrative just makes more sense when you assume that Matsu & Fuckyou are part of a group who still believes that the Imperial bloodline are direct descendants of Amaterasu.
You're misremembering, Matsuken and Fukushima are actually both members of the UN Party. (The UN Party is a political party within the japanese government. It has nothing to do with the actual UN, and it's actually a nationalistic / isolationist party which is why it's so confusing lol. HiK7 does state that the UN Party was formed by a splintered cell within the majority Liberal Party. I wonder if in the original japanese, it actually was meant to stand for "United Nation" Party, as in, uniting japan against foreign plutocrats.)
First, Fukushima is killed by Julia Kisugi, both to undermine the UN Party's position and to retrieve the Yakumo. (Fukushima was the only one who could have stopped the bombings. Possibly due to his possession of the Yakumo which details the current world order, and was probably partially redacted by him, as the founder of the Union 7. That's why he's able to summon heaven smile, and that's why he's called an "architect" and "the founder" by Harman. The balance of power created through the Heaven Smiles with the Killer7 being the only team allowed to kill them, is at least partially incorporated in the Yakumo. The Emir Maspro in Coburn Elementary was also created through the Yakumo, though it's never called that in-game.)
Julia believed that Fukushima had handed over the yakumo to Harman Smith. In reality, the Killer7 was there to also kill Fukushima lol, presumably under the orders of the US government.

I am assuming the US government was helping the Liberal Party take down Fukushima (Hiro Kasai is a Liberal Party informant) because they were setting them up as scapegoats for when the talks would inevitably fall through.

This is the actual talks, between the Liberal Party and the rapresentatives of the Pentagram (K7's version of the Pentagon lol.) Hilariously, they actually fall apart because one of the Japanese guys, doesen't actually know how to play Mahjong, and he claimed victory without actually having enough points (a furiten).

When you see Matsuken talk to the two elder politicians, they are all members of the UN Party. The elders are just accepting doom for Japan, and are ready to kill themselves, while Matsuken instead decides to take up the sword of terrorism (Through the Heaven Smile. That is what his pact with Kun Lan rapresents.) in order to have Japan rise from its ashes.

At some point, Matsuken actually inherits the Yakumo, and through it the will of Fukushima presumably.
Jean DePaul's ghost (he was an assassin sent by the International Ethics committee to make sure that the Japan/US talks fell through. Ironically he died for nothing because the talks fell through regardless, and were probably meant to in the first place.)
Matsuken has the Yakumo. He wants to change the world. He believes that Japan
will arise from the ashes. This war won't end until you kill him. When you
finally meet Matsuken, this can all end."
Him showing up in Coburn Elementary out of nowhere, is actually him investigating the assets related to the Yakumo Cabinet Policy. Coburn was originally a tool of the Yakumo, which was taken over by a foreign country (likely what suda calls the "asian threat". That is to say China, having annexed all nearby asian countries. Granted HiK7 claims it's an "alliance" or something, but it's obvious that China just took over the rest of mainland asia lol.)
Back in the 80s and 90s, Emir Parkreiner was the "ace in the hole" of the Yakumo Party (the follow-up to the Union7).

"I'm Japanese, how the hell should I know!?"

The Yakumo it's the equivalent of the Philosopher's Legacy from MGS, except it's actually not retarded. It's closer to the Plan for Democratic Rebirth from the italian P2 Lodge. Having access to the documents (the only part that leaked and is now publically available is the manifesto), meant you had access to inside agents belonging to each and every "democratically elected" party, the police, military, judicial system, carabinieri etc.
Hence why Matsuken is suddenly in charge of "Ten million Japanese members" in the USA. (As you pointed out in the original website, Japanese members doesen't actually imply they are ethnically or nationally Japanese. Just that they are loyal to Japan as a nation.)

Keep in mind I'm not saying that the Yakumo was directly inspired by the Plan for Democratic Rebirth. It might have been, but similar manifestos probably existed within every single democratic country, they just usually don't leak.
Matsuken also kills off Hiro Kasai, or at least threatens him into suicide like a Yakuza would (by having him jump off a roof) for being a Liberal Party informant earlier in the same chapter. The Liberal party is not really relevant to anything after they fail to secure protection for Japan from the USA.

Either way. I think it's funny that you don't even take it personally if I correct you on some things. You just say oh yeah, I misremembered. You know why? Because that's a normal person's reaction, when talking about a game they played 15 years ago. "Oh yeah! I had forgotten," because unless you're an autist like me, you eventually just move on with your life and not think about this shit.
That's not the behaviour of a liar who made shit up. You're never defending your position, when I actually show you the actual facts lol. You just go "oh yeah, I guess that's right" and move on with your day.

What pisses me off, is that this post right here, is likely the best breakdown of the japanese party politics in Killer7 you can find online. However, I have to be smeared by american white trannies, posting archived copies of the site from 15 years ago that I didn't even write!!
Even then, the inconsistencies on the old site are very minor. (Which was updated several times. It just so happened that both Sal and Qish archived the old versions, and I am of half a mind to just ask them to take it down for me, because it's only used to smear me online as a trump-tard terrorist lol. I hate Trump just like I hate Biden and I hated Obama. Not only is my country oppressed by the USA regardless of whichever mutant fuck is in charge, I hate all politicians, I don't believe in Democracy at all. I see the state as an oppressor, that only exists and should be allowed to exist to be parasithised and stolen from. Hence why I love my new job, where I get to take state money, LEGALLY!)
The shit they latch on to, is characters being misnamed and other minor inconsistencies, which yeah they were wrong, but who gives a shit in 2021? I'm running a brand new site, and I actually take the time to rewrite the old editorials to clean them up, but it doesen't matter to anyone because they all think I am you, and in turn that everyone else is us lol. (They think that Qish is the same person as you and me too. That's hilarious. Rake actually told me to rewrite the staff page to imply that we are all alternate personas of the same person, and I replied to him, that we should imply that our host body is actually Kaxantrom LOL! That would be fucking funny.)

Rake is actually very active behind the scenes by the way. He's actually working with me on three different site-related projects. He's just too much of a lazy fuck to post all the interesting shit he tells me on the phone or via chat, here on the forum, coz he's a gay.
And James Gunn. Bayoneta is a complete flop of a series (Bayo2 only sold like 300k on Switch lol!) but her games are 10 times better than Lollipoop.
Yeah there's no comparison. Bayonetta is fucking great, I don't care how much it sells. Lollipoop gameplay is serviceable at best, and that's only when you compare it to the absolute dogshit that otherwise passes off as action games nowadays.
I don't understand what's so great about James Gunn anyway. Every one of his movies is dogshit.
GOW mastered this concept by 2007 and they turned it into an art form by 2018.
I agree with your overall point, but I actually think that the original GOW games did a much better job at creating a holistic movie-like action adventure experience, compared to GOW 2018. Specifically because they don't constantly interrupt the game with the shitty RPG elements (GOW always had some power-up mechanic, but it was nowhere near as invasive before GOW2018) which do nothing but break the flow of the game, because the stat system actually requires you to waste time with several different types of upgrades or you straight up won't be able to defeat most late game enemies. That is completely counter-intuitive to the kind of experience they are trying to convey. The higher difficulties aren't even balanced to be played without NG+ tier equipment & stats lol.
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by Krizzx »

I didn't know this existed. I was wondering what happened to Lovicov

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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by CENSORED »

nmh3 is such a "great cynical satire" why doesn't it have any kinda comment about absurdity of the situation. It would be much more entertaining and engaging if Travis would be complaining about all the nonsense stuff he has to do. Sadly, none of that is in the game, like the most of the game content isn't in the game...
That is actually a good point. Anyway I'm not clowning on AHH. I'd be fucking weirded out too, if all I played was MS, TSC, FSR, 25W, K7, NMH, TSA and then went on in No More Heroes 3 and saw how dogshit the writing is. The guy is lucky he skipped over all the diarreah GHM dumped past 2007, which plays and feels exactly like NMH3.
Anyway, do you guys know any decent online analysis about 25th ward? The only well-documented analysis i found about the series is this, even though i've still not seen it.
I haven't seen it either nor will I, for once because I just assume every single youtuber is a shill and probably a mental midget (though I am wrong at times. But let me say, it pays to be cautious.) And also because I have been accused of ripping off other people, while stating the exact opposite opinion & position as them. So I just refuse to watch any fanmade content about Suda51 that anyone but the gaming brit puts out because well, I actually like that guy lol. I don't think he'd accuse me of ripping him off either considering I often link to his videos just to get a perspective that is closer to mind, but a lot more public friendly, because he doesen't scream out racial slurs in an attempt to get banned off of youtube every day like I do.

However, if you have anything specific you want to discuss about the 25th ward, I'll give you my perspective, I don't give a shit. I like talking about these games a lot (you can find other threads in this subforum where I discussed the 25th ward with Cake), I just hate that some legitimately no-life autists who have way more free time than I ever did or ever will have, just decided to spend their entire time smearing me as a nazi jew gassing trump terrorist, for running a killer7 fansite. I like the games, I like playing them, but the moment I step online to discuss them I just get miserable over this shit, which happened just because some people don't like my humor, and they don't like that I'm not fond of the no more heroes games lol.
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:26 am I had no idea there were redditors talking about me for example.) just to claim that it is ran by nazis, who make things up. The level of obsession necessary to do that is mind boggling, and it all started, with you asking: "what's
your job?" LOL!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that panty wearing faggot is American, where it's a commonly asked question. I get asked that all the time too, and it's fucking hilarious coz everyone assumes that I'm some Italian weapons smuggler or a Cartel trafficker pretending to be just a normal guy who plays video games lol. When I say 'programmer', that gets everyone interested & drops the mobster associations coz I do actually look like a programmer (it makes sense I'd dress rich since they make a ton of money.) and I did used to program up until 2012.

Although some people just won't drop the mobster bullshit & assumed that I'm some kind of hacker when they hear that I do computer related shit lol. I think it's funny .

What can I say. I am grateful for the attention, I know I am irresistible, but unfortunately for them I actually like women. By that I mean the italian definition of woman, unlike the american one, which means "man".
I wanted to link to an Italian talk show way back where I saw an Italian woman making fun of Troons, by stripping & showing off her womanly ass, lol. The troons themselves were categorized into the 'Mutant' group lol. It was funny coz that was just like what American tv was like back in the 80s & 90s. In 2020s USA, she'd get arrested on multiple counts. 2020s USA is the "NO FUN ALLOWED!" country. It's 24/7 bullshit politics all the time, and USA's politics is so goddamn nonsensical.
You're misremembering, Matsuken and Fukushima are actually both members of the UN Party. (The UN Party is a political party within the japanese government. It has nothing to do with the actual UN, and it's actually a nationalistic / isolationist party which is why it's so confusing lol. HiK7 does state that the UN Party was formed by a splintered cell within the majority Liberal Party. I wonder if in the original japanese, it actually was meant to stand for "United Nation" Party, as in, uniting japan against foreign plutocrats.)
No I'm not misrembering. I genuinely thought the two old guys that Matsuken killed were Liberals, so I assumed he was Liberal. The splintered group & the Yakumo prob are meant to be the Nippon Kaigi, but I don't know. It just strange for a Jap to openly acknowledge it. That's one of those secrets which would've remained secret if goofy ass White boys from Europe & the USA wouldn't stop scaremongering about the them, as if the average Jap doesn't already agree that their emperor is the son of a goddess. Son of a bitch!

I laugh when I see some white motherfuckers talk about Himiko, coz then they start fantasizing about this legendary Jap kingdom ruled by a series of female successors.
What the fuck is up with White people, and their lust for being led & kicked around by a woman?
They make modern Japan sound as if they enslave women when Queen Himiko herself had 1000 concubines lol.
Him showing up in Coburn Elementary out of nowhere, is actually him investigating the assets related to the Yakumo Cabinet Policy. Coburn was originally a tool of the Yakumo, which was taken over by a foreign country (likely what suda calls the "asian threat". That is to say China, having annexed all nearby asian countries. Granted HiK7 claims it's an "alliance" or something, but it's obvious that China just took over the rest of mainland asia lol.
Mainland Asia has always been CCP-controlled China.
The Yakumo it's the equivalent of the Philosopher's Legacy from MGS, except it's actually not retarded. It's closer to the Plan for Democratic Rebirth from the italian P2 Lodge.
Wasn't the Philosopher's legacy just money? It was fucking hilarious coz the Saudi King alone can outspend the Legacy which was supposedly owned by the USSR, USA & China lol. The House of Saud are trillionaires, but it's under the book. Whomever the bookers are, they do this on purpose to make it look as though Bill Gates or Elon Musk are the richest men in the world, when they're actually third tier after Central bankers & the Royal families.
Royal families rarely have the full magnitude of their networth recorded.
The Italian P2 Lodge sounds like the Nippon Kaigi. I do not have any good sources for Nippon Kaigi coz the entire internet is completely filled with White boy propaganda who make it sound as if all they do is worship Hitler all day everyday, when it's the Imperial bloodline that they're loyal to.
The imperial bloodline have lost so much power after WW2 that even the kids within the imperial bloodline get made fun of by other kids in public Japanese schools lol.

It's a common pattern really. Soyjack White boys hate every single country who worships their own Gods, which is why it will always be funny to me that Taliban kicked the White boys out of their country.
Hence why Matsuken is suddenly in charge of "Ten million Japanese members" in the USA. (As you pointed out in the original website, Japanese members doesen't actually imply they are ethnically or nationally Japanese. Just that they are loyal to Japan as a nation.)
Obviously, back when K7 was created there was like only 50k Japs in the USA. Right now there's barely 1 million.
It's why I laugh whenever I get into an argument about Japan with an American, coz they always spew the same exact talking points that everyone else does. One of the most common ones that makes me laugh is when ever they bring up the Japanese recession of the 1990s. They make it sound as though everyone were homeless when I lived in Japan during the 90s and there were barely any homeless and Japan itself looked far richer than any American city. This was back in the 90s too, during the peak of American civilization. 90s Recession Japan still looked far more futuristic than Peak America. Another one I like is that Japan is supposedly underpopulated when in reality it's overpopulated & always has been since the 80s, or that Japan is the suicide capital of the world when Japan is not even in the top 10, or even the top 20. USA actually has a higher suicide rate than Japan. ... by-country

That shit I hear about Japan is just so damn backwards from the actual reality, and it's always being peddled by White people. I got into these arguments with White teachers while living in Japan and it's hilarious to me how almost 30 years later, we're still talking about these same exact issues. It reminds me of those predictions about Nintendo going bankrupt any day now, when Nintendo is actually one of the richest companies in Japan, ayy lmao!
Keep in mind I'm not saying that the Yakumo was directly inspired by the Plan for Democratic Rebirth. It might have been, but similar manifestos probably existed within every single democratic country, they just usually don't leak.
Yeah it sounds like Nippon Kaigi.
Either way. I think it's funny that you don't even take it personally if I correct you on some things. You just say oh yeah, I misremembered. You know why? Because that's a normal person's reaction, when talking about a game they played 15 years ago. "Oh yeah! I had forgotten," because unless you're an autist like me, you eventually just move on with your life and not think about this shit.
That's not the behaviour of a liar who made shit up. You're never defending your position, when I actually show you the actual facts lol. You just go "oh yeah, I guess that's right" and move on with your day.
Why the fuck would I care? Getting "offended" or "angry" never once crossed my mind. I was offended by being called a Nazi, but again that sounds normal.
I play games for the gameplay. In communities that I used to start, like back on PSN. It was always group oriented communities where you'd team up with a crew to kill the shit out of other motherfuckers in other online games. We'd trade secrets & techniques, and list times when we're available.
That's the type of gamer I am. I was disappointed that Nintendo's online is nothing at all like that, but PSN isn't like that any more either ever since the Trannies took over. Some of my accounts at PSN were banned two years after I left the platform lol. You used to be able to straight up bully the shit out of people on PSN, and treat it like an actual Mad Max gang, lol.

I'm the type of gamer, who would pay more attention to Phantom's ass.

than retarded ass video game stories. I view story the same way as I always had since I was a kid. It's that bullshit that you read from an instruction manual.
The funny thing is, a lot of these multiplayer pvp games I play have stories that are just as complex as SC/K7. It's just that they're multiplayer games where the background lore is in the fucking background.

It's funny to me how single player games always have fucking terrible stories but story is a large reason why most people play SP games. It's weird coz the writing fucking sucks.
Tactics Ogre LUCT is about the only single player game I know of that's comparable to the political depth & complexity of SC/K7.
A lot of people like Suikoden 1 & 2 which are more politically complex than most games, but it's nowhere near the level of SC/K7.
You don't generally see one word being used to refer to multiple things like you do in the KTP/K7 universe.

The shit they latch on to, is characters being misnamed and other minor inconsistencies, which yeah they were wrong, but who gives a shit in 2021?
It shouldn't matter when the general understanding of the plot is the same. People forget names all the time. I think it's far more dangerous that Abe Lincoln is known as the great emancipator when he was actually the Federalist, The King of Lobbyists who wanted to strip all Americans of their rights. Nobody gets in trouble for lying about Abe's role in the civil war though. Both American parties actually perpetuate that lie, and in this instance I actually agree with Biden more when it comes to Abe Lincoln coz he takes the SJW BLM stance that Abe was a racist lol. Which is exactly what he meant when he compared Trump to Abe.

It's a complete smear campaign born out of the fact that a fat white american claimed we hosted a far right republican group, and another fat white american in panties got offended when you asked him what his job was. It's so absurd it's histerical,
What the fuck are they even saying by calling us Republicans? Name me the people who were Republican? Even when you look at the old forum. All you ever saw was everyone (including me) making fun of George Bush.
There were plenty of Right wingers as well as Left wingers but the Right wingers never even gave a shit about American politics coz American politics is a joke.

Republicans aren't right wing, they're centrist. It's the same exact spiel you'd hear when a Leftist would tell you that Democrats aren't Left wing, they're centrist. It's actually true. Democrats & Cuckservatives only exist to uphold the system of Corporate Oligarchies.

This is why I fucking hate Americans, they do nothing but call you names. I can't ever remember a time that I was Republican. I've always identified as Traditionalist & Conservative. Guess what? Republicans are none of those things! Muslims are some of the most Conservative people in the USA, guess who they vote for? Democrats.
Conservative doesn't mean Republican or Democrat.

Julian Assange, Alex Jones & even Trump were all labeled as Liberals back in the early 2000s and the Bush's hated them. They're called Far Right Nazis now, because they're to the right of the USA Establishment. The USA Establishment disguises themselves as Liberals when they're not Liberals at all. They're not even Conservative, Leftist, or Communist. They're just Corporatists.

Then you get them fucking fat idiots from Retardera acting like they know anything, just coz they have some power among California Democrats. Yeah and that state is being run to the ground. Even people up here in WA fucking hate Californians, and I think WA is the most Far Left state or second most anyway after Oregon.
I'm running a brand new site, and I actually take the time to rewrite the old editorials to clean them up, but it doesen't matter to anyone because they all think I am you, and in turn that everyone else is us lol. (They think that Qish is the same person as you and me too. That's hilarious. Rake actually told me to rewrite the staff page to imply that we are all alternate personas of the same person, and I replied to him, that we should imply that our host body is actually Kaxantrom LOL! That would be fucking funny.)
That would be hilarious coz Kax is a giant Black looking dude with a schizo personality which would fall in line with MPD Garcian Smith. Sure Kax is not Black but come on, Rosario Dawson looks Black and she's just as Latina as he is.
Rake is actually very active behind the scenes by the way. He's actually working with me on three different site-related projects. He's just too much of a lazy fuck to post all the interesting shit he tells me on the phone or via chat, here on the forum, coz he's a gay.
I didn't even know he played the Suda bullshit. I thought he was just here to talk shit about troons & other such retards. I'd be interested in hearing his opinion about Saints Row reboot coz he actually grew up playing that shit back when it was a full blown gangbanger game.
I agree with your overall point, but I actually think that the original GOW games did a much better job at creating a holistic movie-like action adventure experience, compared to GOW 2018. Specifically because they don't constantly interrupt the game with the shitty RPG elements (GOW always had some power-up mechanic, but it was nowhere near as invasive before GOW2018) which do nothing but break the flow of the game, because the stat system actually requires you to waste time with several different types of upgrades or you straight up won't be able to defeat most late game enemies. That is completely counter-intuitive to the kind of experience they are trying to convey. The higher difficulties aren't even balanced to be played without NG+ tier equipment & stats lol.
I never even played the games anyway, and never will. It's more that I understand how GOW became way more popular with GOW4, because it's much less gamey now. Although from what you're saying, it actually is more gamey now, but in a pointless lootgrind kinda sense that people with lives have no time for. Kinda strange, coz GOW4 is even more mainstream than the original trilogy was and those games were already mainstream & popular with the common-folk.

I don't understand why 2020s era casual gamers are into this loot grinding bullshit. Perhaps they've been weaned on to it through the likes of Call of Duty & Fortnite but in those games. You're not leveling up to get better. You're leveling up to get more free shit. I think it's a missed oppurtunity for Nintendo that they could easily have a Fortnite killer in SPlatoon. kinda. Fortnite has character designs that appeal to everyone, and I mean everyone. They even have fucking ugly Vitiligo character designs. Spalt's character designs look like pedo shit but yes the base game is fun. THe online is trash just like every nintendo game. Nintendo seems to think that we're still living in the 2000s, and still trying to figure out online like with the PS2. That's the hilarious part, Original Fat Xbox has way better online than Nintendo Switch and it actually has basic messaging & contact system.

Even when you log into the same game on Switch, it's still hard as fuck arranging a game without that shitty phone app that nobody uses. Even if you did, you'd have to know that person's phone number which is impossible if you met them through another Switch game.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by D.G. »

Xed51 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:39 am I haven't seen it either nor will I, for once because I just assume every single youtuber is a shill and probably a mental midget (though I am wrong at times. But let me say, it pays to be cautious.) And also because I have been accused of ripping off other people, while stating the exact opposite opinion & position as them. So I just refuse to watch any fanmade content about Suda51 that anyone but the gaming brit puts out because well, I actually like that guy lol. I don't think he'd accuse me of ripping him off either considering I often link to his videos just to get a perspective that is closer to mind, but a lot more public friendly, because he doesen't scream out racial slurs in an attempt to get banned off of youtube every day like I do.

However, if you have anything specific you want to discuss about the 25th ward, I'll give you my perspective, I don't give a shit. I like talking about these games a lot (you can find other threads in this subforum where I discussed the 25th ward with Cake), I just hate that some legitimately no-life autists who have way more free time than I ever did or ever will have, just decided to spend their entire time smearing me as a nazi jew gassing trump terrorist, for running a killer7 fansite. I like the games, I like playing them, but the moment I step online to discuss them I just get miserable over this shit, which happened just because some people don't like my humor, and they don't like that I'm not fond of the no more heroes games lol.
i read in these pages that you disliked 25th Ward. Why? or can you link me the thread where you discuss it?
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by CENSORED »

D.G. wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:44 am
Xed51 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:39 am I haven't seen it either nor will I, for once because I just assume every single youtuber is a shill and probably a mental midget (though I am wrong at times. But let me say, it pays to be cautious.) And also because I have been accused of ripping off other people, while stating the exact opposite opinion & position as them. So I just refuse to watch any fanmade content about Suda51 that anyone but the gaming brit puts out because well, I actually like that guy lol. I don't think he'd accuse me of ripping him off either considering I often link to his videos just to get a perspective that is closer to mind, but a lot more public friendly, because he doesen't scream out racial slurs in an attempt to get banned off of youtube every day like I do.

However, if you have anything specific you want to discuss about the 25th ward, I'll give you my perspective, I don't give a shit. I like talking about these games a lot (you can find other threads in this subforum where I discussed the 25th ward with Cake), I just hate that some legitimately no-life autists who have way more free time than I ever did or ever will have, just decided to spend their entire time smearing me as a nazi jew gassing trump terrorist, for running a killer7 fansite. I like the games, I like playing them, but the moment I step online to discuss them I just get miserable over this shit, which happened just because some people don't like my humor, and they don't like that I'm not fond of the no more heroes games lol.
i read in these pages that you disliked 25th Ward. Why? or can you link me the thread where you discuss it?
Nah you must have misread me. I don't like modern GHM games, but the bulk of the 25th ward was actually written and developed between 2005 and 2007, for japanese mobile phones.
It is only recently that it was remade for modern systems, but it's not a newer game at all. (Hence why people are having a lot of whiplash coming from TSC and 25W as "new" games, compared to whatever the fuck is going on in NMH3.)
Some of the final chapters were new though (Yuki, Whiteout and Blackout.)
Anyway I thought I discussed the game more in the past on this forum but I guess I am misremembering, and just thinking of the old forum instead. I'll link you to a couple of threads where we were talking about the game here
One of them is mostly about FSR but it does tie in to the 25th ward. Have you played FSR at all? Either way, if you want to discuss anything feel free, even if you disagree with me you can just call me a retard
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by D.G. »

I was referring to this post
He did just call us "right wing extremists" and "republicans" (again I'm not american nor do I vote but go explain that to an amerilard lol) and the "white supremacist" implication came later, when people started saying that "we" (again, they were referring to us as some collective mindscape made up of one fat white guy) hated the 25th ward for being an "SJW" game.
Anyway yeah, i played a bit on DS but then switched to the YT PS2 emulated playthrough. Can't say I really enjoyed it. The art direction was one of the strongest pros of TSC while FSR is quite ugly and uninspired. I also preferred the overall mood of the TSC. The first half of FSR is very fun, but when weird shit starts to happen it really didn't give me the Lynchian vibes of the other games. I hope that they have the money for a complete visual restyle for the remake.
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Re: No More Heroes | Topics

Post by D.G. »

btw why did Tokio's eye switched side in Yami and 25th Ward? didn't Ikeda play FSR or talk to Suda or what?

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