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Post by CENSORED »

I really, really want to the Azure Striker Gunvolt games, but I refuse to do so until they go on sale. I can't justify paying those prices for what is essentially a bunch of high resolution Gameboy Advance games, because they haven't updated their visual style since they developed MegamanZero. I guess they ddn't want to try going full modern again after blowing it with Might No. 9. People steal think it was Inafune who fucked that game up, but his company didn't actually develop games. They just created ideas and got other companies to make it. He got Intl creates to do MN9 because of their relationship from when they made MegamanZero, but they had no idea what they were doing on HD systems. Kind of Inafune to take all the blame, even though the significance of it was lost on most gamers do to them believing him to be the one who screwed up its development in the first place, lol.
Yeah Mighty Number 9 is fucked on a basic game design & level design plane which would have been Inti's responsibility. Comcept does nothing but provide art, game concepts and what not.
Inti was also fired from working on RotN, which tells me they probably can't work on 3d/hd games at all. (RotN turned out to be okay, mediocre, it's like a 7/10 I really enjoyed because I missed the specific iteration of this subgenre)
I do like their 2d games a lot though. I actually like the CotM games better than RotN lol. I still have not finished CotM 2 but that's not because I disliked it. I just had a pirated copy and I lost it while switching desktops, and I have not bothered downloading it again yet. Good game though. I think Jack would have been better off getting those two instead of RotN on switch which indeed runs like dogshit.

I was wondering why you wouldn't just get discounted keys for the Gunvolt games, but I went and checked and they are more expensive than most other games on key shops lol, I wonder how they managed to do that. Either way I'm sure you can just download them if you want, forcing yourself to pay for digital content is just absurd, it's a bunch of data you can't eat, drink or resell so it has zero value. It's only good to pay for convenience, as in, when pirating is a hassle, but I'm sure copies of gunvolt are just a google search and onion link away
(obviously I am assuming you are fine with the PC versions. If you really want them on switch then yeah no other solution but to shill out cash.)
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Post by Jack »

It was only $19 big whoop. Although yes I was weary of what I heard which is why I refrained from buying the $40 Physical version of Bloodstained, now I'm wishing that I bought that instead of rebuying BOTW. BOTW is good, but it's not my type of game. Bloodstained has full blown fighting game move notations in conjunction with the dungeon crawler style blob combat. BS is a combat+exploration lover's dream.
I bought Bloodstained coz it seems to be a highly replayable game that never gets boring. It has randomizer mode which switches up all of the boss & item locations.
It has Bloodless mode where you play as Bloodless & a Classic mode that plays like the original Castlevania. I can't get past the third level (I'm playing on hard mode. Anything less is inexcusable.), so it's actually harder than the original lol. Switch Bloodstained has noticeable input lag, but it's a Castlevania style game anyway, so it feels intentional. Even though it's probably not. I can live with imperfect ports, I'm gaming on a Switch after all.

I love Miriam's design (even though you can completely change the way she looks. I gave her a Tina Branford make over for a little while before I just went back to default Miriam.) and I want to buy every game that she's in. (She's in Blasphemous, Wallachia Reign of Dracula, Kingdom Two Crowns DEAD LANDS, Might Fight Federation, and a few others that I forgot coz the games didn't look good. I'm getting the 4 I mentioned though.)

I also saw it as the only competition that Metroid Dread has, even though they are completely different games.
Bloodstained feels like a dungeon crawler, I have a lot of fun just killing off hordes and the hordes all come at you by the 100s at the same time with no slow down.
Granted, this game ran at 60 fps in the other versions, so it most likely plays much better in the other ports but the Switch port is not a bad experience at all.

I find it fucking funny though how back in the day when Sega Genesis almost always had the better multiplatform version, nobody gave a shit that the Sega version ran at 60 fps. Possibly coz Genesis lack of colors prob turned them off.

I recently bought 9th Dawn 3, coz it looks so much like the western rpgs that I grew up with, before they became gay & boring with way too much useless text written by actual virginnerds like the Baldur's Gate series. A lot of retards on the net say that it's like the Ultima series. It's not, 9th Dawn just plays like an open world Diablo 2 or the oldschool Divine Divinity games (which were also compared to Ultima back in the day.). It pretty much has the same gameplay flow as Bloddstained, but from an overhead perspective. In both games, you can have an army of monsters fighting along side you. I always have a full platoon of Dullahammer heads fighting along side me in Bloodstained, and Zangetsu still murders every single one of them without even trying

Krizzx wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:58 am You got the Switch version of Bloodstained? You must not have watched any video's on it. Its fucking horrible. They put the least effort into that port(even though the Switch is where most of the people who wanted the game were). It doesn't even maintain 30fps on top of have a bunch of missing shading effects. They really fucked the switch users with that one, because there is nothing resource intensives or technically taxing going on in this game. The switch can run Crysis Remastered, so there is no justification for the game to run that badly. Its just a shit port. Would have done better getting the version that was in the Humble bundle last month. In fact, I actually still have the code for mine because I already have the game on GOG. I don't need my steam copy).
I don't understand why you still get shocked that I'm always doing the exact opposite of what everyone tells me. I learned through experience that the vast majority of the crowd are just talking shit, and not speaking from their own first hand experience. I pay no heed to over-socialized opinions, which is what you mostly see on the internet. Opinions that are passed off as their own. I'm not contrarian. I just don't value the opinions of the horde for the most part, because the vast majority of the horde are only agreeing with the common consensus, as a sense of belonging with what appears to be the majority.

Even then, if I were to use appeal to the majority,
the general consensus right now is that the Switch port is passable.

So long as you ignore the op, who doesn't even sound like he played the Switch port.
I only play on Switch these days, Bloodstained runs much better than most Switch exclusives.

That's not a defense for the port, just a statement that's true when you compare it to Switch 3rd party exclusives such as Daemon X Machina, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Deadly Premonition 2 & No More Heroes 3.
DP2 is what I'd consider an unplayable game. it even looks unplayable from the vids. Most Switch vids I've seen of Bloodstained, especially from this year, don't look unplayable at all.

Bloodstained runs much better than Age of Calamity & Breath of the Wild. BOTW doesn't get enough hate for how laggy & slow that game is, yet I found Bloodstained to be much more playable than BOTW. It's true that the Switch port doesn't look as good as the other versions, but it looks good enough. Bloodstained wasn't a good looking game to begin with, saved by only its character designs & overall art style.
The only time the game slows down is during boss fights.The frame rate is mostly a consistent 30 fps. I know what laggy frame rates look like, & Bloodstained is passable. if it has lag outside of giant boss fights, I haven't noticed it. Even then it's not that bad, especially if you grew up with NES & SNES, which both have horrible frame rates by today's standards.
If Internet didn't exist, I wouldn't notice that the port is bad, because it isn't. Bloodstained runs much better than most Nintendo Switch Exclusives.
Bloodstained doesn't run as bad as SNES. Try playing Turrican Flashback, every single game on that collection runs at 60 fps except for the SNES Turrican, ayy lmao.

The slow down has to be as bad as Xcom 2 for me to consider it a bad port, but in the case of Xcom 2, every single console port is bad. That was actually a case where I assumed that the Switch port just shit the bed due to extremely long loadtimes, and the jerky ass animations that skip every 5 frames. The PS4 port is also garbage though and who fucking cares about Xbone.
Bloodstained is nowhere near the ball park of Xcom2. Bloodstained's frame rate is smooth outside of boss fights with giant monsters. I nearly quit the game coz the frame rate during the first boss with the giant tits is ass.

I'm glad I didn't though coz Bloodstained has a fun dungeon crawl style gameplay flow It also seems way harder than previous Metroidvanias. I'm playing on Hard, and I die a lot, especially to that Jap faggot with the Solid Snake voice.
I swear mang, David Hayter has to be the worst voice actor ever.
I don't understand why people think he's a good match for Zangetsu, coz hayter just sounds likes an angsty Emo to me. I actually didn't even notice it was Hayter until I looked up who did the shitty ass voice. (He's just using his stock Solid Snake voice. I didn't notice coz I hate that voice anyway. It doesn't even sound that deep. I have a deep voice.)
When you play it in Japanese, Zangetsu sounds like a monstrous, angry beast. I don't understand how anyone could like Bloodstained's English voices when not a single one of them speaks with emotion. Especially David Hayter, my god this guy does not have any range or emotion at all.

It worked for Solid Snake (even though the Jap version did a much better stoic voice.) coz Snake is a genetically altered hooman, so he has some leeway for sounding flat & emotionless as hell.
Zangetsu doesn't have that excuse. His entire story is that he wants revenge on all demons (including Miriam. He doesn't consider her human, lol.) for killing his family yet he always sounds like he's having a monologue even though he's supposedly speaking to Miriam or his friends. In the Japanese dub, he has sounds like he's so angry that he's gonna kill everything but he sounds even more angry when speaking to Miriam lol.
You don't get that kind of range from the English cast. David Hayter just sounds like David Hayter. He sure ain't no Steve Blum, another guy who has an overrated 'deep' voice that isn't even deep but at least Blum can act, and his voice does have tons of emotions depending on the line he's reading.

I find it fucking funny how the Hayter fans blame Bloodstained's bad dub on bad voice directing when every other character actually sounds like they're talking to people, not talking to themselves. I'd prob let that pass, if the game didn't allow you to switch to Jap voices, where you can clearly see that this isn't the case. Zangetsu is not some retard monologing to himself, Jap Zangetsus still only has one emotion, that of anger. The difference is the degree of his wrath, lol. He sounds like he just wants to kill you straight up if he's speaking to Miriam. When speaking to Dominique, he's much calmer, but still angry as fuck lol.
Would have done better getting the version that was in the Humble bundle last month. In fact, I actually still have the code for mine because I already have the game on GOG. I don't need my steam copy).
I'll take it, I can't play it though. I'm on Mac. I let my mom own my yucky Bill Gate's pc.
I really, really want to the Azure Striker Gunvolt games, but I refuse to do so until they go on sale. I can't justify paying those prices for what is essentially a bunch of high resolution Gameboy Advance games, because they haven't updated their visual style since they developed MegamanZero.
It was originally released on the 3ds. IMO, they're nowhere near as good as the Zero games. Zero had this badass post apocalyptic cyber punk story filled with death & destruction. Azure has stupid SJW language such as "Xer".
On top of that, the Azure's level design just isn't good. They may have changed it in the sequels, but in the original game, levels were extremely linear & short where the main thing that decided your grade was your combos.

In the Zero games, the levels constantly had you moving up, down, left to right and the enemy placement itself felt like an obstacle that you had to overcome since a lot of times, they were strategically placed as part of a platform puzzle where if you screwed up, you die. In Azure, there's no thought to the enemy placement. They don't feel like obstacles, they're just mindless fodder that you kill.
Azure is a decent side game to Zero, but it ain't Zero. Now granted the no.1 thing I hated about Zero was the Rpg level grinding.

Amusing, I love the rpg elements of Bloodstained but I can't stand it in Zero. The reason for this is that the Zero games are too short so you have to purposely level grind in an earlier level if you want to actually beat the later stages.

Zero's character design is just way more badass. I don't really like the whole Lilita art direction of the Azure games. Zero only had Ciel, but everyone else looked like a badass robot or monster.
People steal think it was Inafune who fucked that game up, but his company didn't actually develop games. They just created ideas and got other companies to make it. He got Intl creates to do MN9 because of their relationship from when they made MegamanZero, but they had no idea what they were doing on HD systems. Kind of Inafune to take all the blame, even though the significance of it was lost on most gamers do to them believing him to be the one who screwed up its development in the first place, lol.
Fuck Inafune. People still think that Team Ninja made Ninja Gaiden yaiba when that was Inafune's idea and he outsourced it to some Western dev who went out of business after they made that game lol. I wouldn't mind Inafune if he had just kept his stench to Crapcom products. This is also the same guy who tried to turn Frank West into the new Capcom mascot. Look at how well that worked out, Dead Rising is dead. The first game was fucking good for its time though. I never even bothered with 3 & 4, and 2 was fucking boring.
(RotN turned out to be okay, mediocre, it's like a 7/10 I really enjoyed because I missed the specific iteration of this subgenre)
It's like an 8 or 9 to me so far, and I don't even like Metroidvania games. The difference with Bloodstained is that they clearly made it more like a Dungeon crawl so there's much more focus on fighting than in previous installments. You even a full list fighting game move notations. Which honestly kinda feels outdated, coz I can't imagine modern gamers understanding what to do with Street Fighter style move inputs. Mortal Kombat & Smash Bros don't use SF style move inputs, but friggin Bloodstained which isn't even advertised for its fighting, has street fighter inputs coz it's what SOTN did.

A lot of the ideas from SOTN weren't even fleshed out though, and felt like an incomplete game. Ritual of the Night took those same ideas and turned it into the game that SOTN should've always been.
Funny that though, coz most people claim that it's only average and Metroidvania fans themselves generally hate on Bloodstained. I don't really understand that, and I do play SOTN enough to understand the appeal of that game. ... adnificent
It's just that SOTN to me was the 7 out of 10 game (8 during its era.), only saved by its art design & music. ROTN's music & art isn't as beloved, but I don't think it's bad at all. Ritual of the Night on the other hand actually has good combat, especially in Hard & Nightmare mode. The only other Metroidvania I've played where I died this much was Order of Ecclesia, which wasn't really metroidvania, but whatever. Bloodstained is clearly inspired by Ecclesia just due to how the town works, & Miriam can look exactly like Shanoa when you go to the barber shop.
I do like their 2d games a lot though. I actually like the CotM games better than RotN lol.
Have you tried Classic mode yet. It's not a remake of Casltevania 3 like the Curse games are, but I think it does a damn good job of remaking the original Casltevania. Bloodstained's Classic mode is way harder than Rondo of the Blood. I heard so much fucking hype over Rondo of the Blood, being one of the hardest games ever but I just beat it on day 1, AYY LMAO! Now granted, I only played CLassic mode for a few hours which is why I'm still only on level 3 but I died way more at level 2 than I did during the entirety of Rondo.
forcing yourself to pay for digital content is just absurd, it's a bunch of data you can't eat, drink or resell so it has zero value. It's only good to pay for convenience,
It's also easier for some fuck nugget from Indonesia to steal all of your shit. In my case, I buy digital a lot coz over half of Switch's library is digital only. It's the most popular console right now, but it gets treated like a red headed step child. Nobody is making exclusives for the Switch except Capcom. That's why the only physical games I own are all Nintendo or Capcom. I also have a few Bandai Namco physical games.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Post by CENSORED »

It's like an 8 or 9 to me so far, and I don't even like Metroidvania games. The difference with Bloodstained is that they clearly made it more like a Dungeon crawl so there's much more focus on fighting than in previous installments.
I have a few complaints about it but they come from the perspective of someone who likes the game. Some bosses suck (like the twin dragons and the money guy), some areas are boring or cheaply made (like the giant zone), the grinding sidequests were boring, I'm not really fond of the crafting system (though you don't need it at all to progress through the game lol.)
I'm not saying the game sucks at all though. I just think it could have implemented some things from the earlier igavanias, like having more creative shard placements, or more clever ways of exploring the map. Overall though I am a fan of the genre and of the series in particular.
I will say, me calling it a 7/10 isn't really fair because I haven't played any of the extra content at all. I'm also playing it down because I am a legitimate fanboy, so I'm assuming I just watched the game through rose tinted glasses. I played the game on release (I backed it on kikescammer lol, I even have the big collector's box and everything) and completed the main campaign to 100%, but haven't touched it since, which means I missed out on Zangetsu & Bloodless modes, classic mode, randomizer, boss revenge etc. which probably bump up the game immensely. I want to work on the website these days, but once I get tired of that I'll probably play through all three Bloodstained games again lol.
I heard so much fucking hype over Rondo of the Blood, being one of the hardest games ever but I just beat it on day 1, AYY LMAO!
The difficulty of the entire CV series is overrated. CV3 is the only one that is legitimately hard, and most of the difficulty comes from the final gauntlet of levels. (If you pick Sypha as your companion she just blasts through every single boss too lol.)
Castlevania Chronicles is difficult too I guess, but I can't say for sure because I usually don't replay that game, it's too fucking long. Some of the higher difficulties in the 3d games are also hard I guess but who'd wanna play that? Those games are't that good to begin with lol. LoI is straight up terrible, CoD is heavily flawed even though I enjoy it overall. (I'm not counting the LoS games)
Rondo of Blood is easily the second easiest game next to SCIV. I like them all though, I can suck castlevania dick all day I guess. I even liked the tv show that everyone else seems to hate lol.
I love Miriam's design (even though you can completely change the way she looks. I gave her a Tina Branford make over for a little while before I just went back to default Miriam.) and I want to buy every game that she's in. (She's in Blasphemous, Wallachia Reign of Dracula, Kingdom Two Crowns DEAD LANDS, Might Fight Federation, and a few others that I forgot coz the games didn't look good. I'm getting the 4 I mentioned though.)
I have never heard of any of those games except for Blasphemous. Which had gorgeous art direction but I thought it sucked. However I have been told multiple times that most of my biggest complaints (such as shitty inconsistent platforming where you fall through platforms with insta death spikes) have been fixed and a lot of content has been added to the game so I need to give it another chance. I haven't heard of the other three at all though. What are they like?
I found this list of crossovers, but it seems to be incomplete. It doesen't least Wallachia reign of dracula at all.
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Post by Jack »

LOL we have a Castlevania thread that's getting ignored but these are the most detailed posts you hear about Bloodstained at this forum.
Xed51 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:02 am I'm not really fond of the crafting system (though you don't need it at all to progress through the game lol.)
What's wrong with the crafting system? You'd actually prefer to buy items rather than just make them? I had a flameberge & a bloodgrinder as early as before the first Zangetsu fight because I found a 8bit coin early on.
I don't even buy potions. I just make them. I view crafting like this, I don't pay attention to it, but I'll use it if I have enough items lying around to make cool new gear & items without paying shit.

It's like what I was saying earlier about SOTN feeling incomplete. Wtf is even the point of a store or special fighting game moves in SOTN when you never felt the need to use any of them? In Bloodstained, the gameplay flow is so similar to a dungeon crawler that you find yourself going back to town just to renew your gear & restock on items before heading back.

In SOTN, the only special moves you ever use were Hellfire & Dark Metamorphosis. The same moves that you usually see Dracula use in various Casltevania games. In Bloodstained, most weapons have their own moveset & it can drastically change the way the game plays especially when combined with shards & equipment that amplify that weapons stats. You can play like Charlotte from Samurai Shodown & concentrate on rapid strikes with a rapier while doing anti air with a homing shot or riga storerama. You can jump in & out with a dagger while throwing it to keep distance. You can use status infliction weapons that curse the enemy.
There's a long sword tactic where you can input a KOF King style input to do a powered up slash, cancelling out the animation for your previous smash, but you do twice the dmg. You can even play Miriam like Metal Slug and center your gear/shards around gun builds.

Bloodstained added in so many fight mechanics, and it's funny coz I never fucking asked for fighting game style movesets in a Metroidvania but never realized how much better these types of games would play, with them.
Even in stuff like Ninja Gaiden, I'm generally only using two special attacks over & over. In Bloodstained, the game is balanced enough that I use a completely different tactic depending on the weapon's moveset, and the equipment & shards I have to aid in that weapon's use.

There's so many different ways to pursue combat in Bloodstained that it almost feels like a 2d version of Monster Hunter. In previous Metroidvanias, the combat was fucking forgetable, and easily one of the worst & most brainless things about the games outside of Ecclesia. Which had the opposite problem, it was way too hard for a game on a small portable that was made for people with tiny hands. Almost as hard as a Megaman Zero game.
I'm not saying the game sucks at all though. I just think it could have implemented some things from the earlier igavanias, like having more creative shard placements, or more clever ways of exploring the map. Overall though I am a fan of the genre and of the series in particular.
None of which matter to me since ROTN was clearly meant to re-invoke SOTN more than any other game, and it really does feel like a bigger & improved SOTN for the most part. The only place where SOTN does better is the music, but ROTN's music isn't bad either. It just doesn't have as much range as SOTN. SOTN had a lot of 80s style tracks that ROTN completely lacks.

Well outside of Classic mode, where the ost sounds much closer to COTM.
I will say, me calling it a 7/10 isn't really fair because I haven't played any of the extra content at all. I'm also playing it down because I am a legitimate fanboy, so I'm assuming I just watched the game through rose tinted glasses. I played the game on release (I backed it on kikescammer lol, I even have the big collector's box and everything) and completed the main campaign to 100%, but haven't touched it since, which means I missed out on Zangetsu & Bloodless modes, classic mode, randomizer, boss revenge etc. which probably bump up the game immensely. I want to work on the website these days, but once I get tired of that I'll probably play through all three Bloodstained games again lol.
I'm a Casltevania fan too, but mostly only for the art & music. The gameplay for the series as a whole was always a 7, lol. Bloodstained has much better gameplay than most of the actual Casltevania games do. Sure a lot of people whine that it's too easy. I don't find it too easy at all on hard mode. I rarely ever died in any Metroidvania outside of Ecclesia which didn't even play like a Metroidvania anyway.
Bloodstained at least has Nightmare mode which turns the level up system into something more like Monster Hunter, where you don't level up at all. Only your gear adds stats to your base.

I will say that what you've stated is exactly what's wrong with the Xenoblade fanbase. They all claimed that XB2 was a trash game but I played it last year, after it had all of its modes & update patches added in. That game when graded with all of its patches & dlc modes was a 9 to me while XB DE was a 6 gameplay wise, since the only reason to play XB DE is for the (fucking shit) story.
XB2 does a much better job with gnosticism than XB1 did, but XB1 is generally held in much higher regard coz it's less Animu. By 'Animu' what they mean is that there's less anime waifu pandering. Which is actually still there, but XB1 makes people feel 'cool' & 'badass' I guess. XB1 has the worst plot I've ever seen for a game that allegedly has one of the best plots in the world.
People make fun of me when I claim that it's way more anime than XB2, but even the creator of XB1 claimed that he based XB1 off of shonen hero stories whereas you see no such claim for XB2. The creator even mentions Rex as being much more mature than Shulk.

Which is hilarious coz the XB English fanbase see it the complete other way around. It's like they don't even notice that Shulk was an immature single minded racist murdering the shit out of this specific race coz they killed his girlfriend lol. Meanwhile they completely demonize the 14 yr old kid, who has a 9 to 5 job, who decided to help out some girl who brought him back to life. Actually getting killed by Torna's protagonist during the beginning of XB2, is what made XB2 immediately interesting to me.

I got rid of all of those games though for BOTW, lol. A game that I already had, but I actually missed playing it for some reason. I don't miss any of the XB games at all, although I did enjoy XB2 & Torna. Sometimes fanbases can be so bad that you don't want anything to do with them or the product. XB's fanbase outright call you a sexist incel, for claiming that there's nothing outright sexual about Xenoblade 2. Supposedly in the USA, they claim that they can tell what porn is, just by looking at it and Xenoblade 2 looks like porn, according to them.
It's hilarious to me, coz I just see cartoon characters in exotic outfits to accentuate the faux-fantasy setting (which is later revealed to be a sci fi post apocalypse setting.)

Americans legit act as if there's no such thing as biological females born with breast cup sizes that are larger than a C. That's why most big titted women from the USA, usually get surgery to chop their tits off to be flatter than the average man. Like I was complaining to you about on PM, Americans constantly treat me like I'm a subhuman animal who doesn't understand anything. They legit fucking hate Japanese people, coz we refuse to conform with their gayness. I can't say anything back since the mods just delete my message & ban me for daring to speak back to a tranny. Yet trannies are allowed to abuse me & those of my ethnicity with no impunity!

Some fandumbs really are just that annoying that you don't want anything to do with them. I'm still laughing that they thought XB3 was going to be announced last week coz Monolith soft's website was down. You don't need to bring your website down to update it. (You just do the update beforehand, but set it up to upload on a future date, or you manually upload it later.) Nerds should know better than that. I thought the Fire Emblem community was annoying as hell, and well they are (FE & XB online communities are both populated by the same exact trannies who force their opinion as fact.) but FE fulfills a niche that no one else really does (outside of Xcom's Jake Solomon), that of hardcore tactics combat. Solomon is even doing Midnight Suns, and that game is basically the superhero version of Three Houses. Instead of an academy you get a HQ to walk around in and interact with other supes. Too bad the limited 3 man squad turns me the fuck off though. I played Mario with a Gun, 3 man squads isn't big enough to add variety to a tactics game.

Trannies are really stupid though, they keep trying to force this meme that Three Houses had terrible writing when I'm replaying it again after ditching it way back in 2019 and the writing is still goddamn good. A lot of what they consider bad writing, doesn't even register as bad writing to me.
What's so bad about Rhea immediately choosing to execute an alternate denomination's loyalists, without questioning them further on what they meant by "This wasn't what was promised to us!"

I just saw that as Rhea having been through that before, she felt they were a waste of time, so she just wasted them. It can also be read as her keeping secrets from you, that you're not meant to hear. How is this bad writing?
That's actually an example of Three Houses treating you like a mature adult who has enough brain cells to figure out for yourself what that scene meant. Not everything has to be explained to you!!!
That's why I fucking hate the internet now. We have so many fucking morons, acting as authorities on narrative, when none of these smucks know how to fucking write. On internet, Edel is always passed off as this misunderstood character when early on she tells you straight up "If you stand in my way, I will cut you down until you have no blood left to bleed." She plays it off like a joke, but she actually means it just judging from her future actions in all three paths. (I haven't dont Rhea's yet.)
Rhea only turns on you when it's become clear that you're trying to extinct her people. Americants completely misinterpret this as Rhea turning on you for defiling her God, lol!
Amerimutts as usual, cheer on racial genocide as heroic, yet at the same time they're always crying about racism.
What the fuck is up with the American mind?
They always say something that sounds positive, but then they always cheer on for murder, so long as the murder is presented to them in gift wrapping with a bow on top.

I can speak about this story shit with you on a sane non-histrionic level (Funny coz Kikes are historically known for being histronic), coz you actually write novels. Real novels, not fanficiton bullshit.
Bad writing to me, is every Persona after Persona 2, lol. Everyone is so damn one dimensional and the main plots so basic that I find it pretentious how Persona games always present themselves as mysterious when they're anything but. Fodland actually felt like a real country due to its extremely detailed history,
(Take the USA's foundational myths for example. The civil war wasn't fought over racism. Abe Lincoln was an extreme racist, had he lived he would've deported all Blacks back to Africa coz he didn't view them as Americans. That's the complete opposite of how he's portrayed in 2020.)
although they perhaps shouldn't have made Rhea the founder of a religious theocracy coz Amerimutants always shriek in terror & paranoia the moment that you utter the words "religion" or "god". Both the Right & the Left. The Right complain that you made the religious faction 'EVIL' again, when that's not Rhea's story at all lol.
They should've made Rhea's faction the faction of Science & Logic, just so you could finally hear some even-handed approaches to Three House's story which aren't over-socialized opinions bestowed upon them by TrannyNerdgods.

It's funny, how these faggots hate religion so much, but don't even notice just how religious the Xenoblade games are. Xenoblade actually does present itself as science, even though it's clearly basing itself off of the Gnostic perception of reality. Instead the main conversation you always hear about XB2 is that it's so sexist & misogynistic, and that Pyra's character design is misogynistic sexist trash. They call you a straight up incel if you created Dahlia's design, which is funny coz a woman created her. (As I said in the No More Heroes post, it's usually Japanese women who idealize huge tits & ass. The avg Japanese man actually doesn't care about that, coz they're afraid of women who are bigger than they are.)
It always makes me laugh coz Pyra is basically the same anime trope as Rika from Phantasy Star or Cutey Honey. Trannoids usually respond to this by scaremongering how evil & backwards the 80s & 90s were. Deep down I'm thinking, "why the fuck are we treating the insane as if their opinions matter?" Granted, in 2020s, I'm the 'insane' one.
The 'sane' people are the ugly faggots in female's dresses who are furiously jealous over cartoon characters lol. Seriously, I never see the Japanese taking cartoons as seriously as Americans do. This was true even back in the 90s & early 2000s where the average American Anime fan was way more zealous over their fandom than Japs are. In Japan, Anime fags aren't even that common. That's why Animu (As in the culture, represented by the likes of Akiba Strip) is a specialized interest in Japan, but seemingly mainstream in the USA, lol.

Castlevania Chronicles is difficult too I guess, but I can't say for sure because I usually don't replay that game, it's too fucking long.
It probably depends on the mode. I own the Jap version of that for jap ps2 (which can play psx games.)
I don't recall it being hard though. I rarely ever play the original version which probably is hard. I always go for the arranged version with the red headed Simon Belmont lol.
Rondo of Blood is easily the second easiest game next to SCIV. I like them all though, I can suck castlevania dick all day I guess. I even liked the tv show that everyone else seems to hate lol.
Snes's Dracula X was way more difficult than Rondo.
It's weird to me how Rondo was heralded as one of the hardest games for so long until it came out on PS4, and countless others aside like myself were decrying how fucking easy it is. I think it only too me like a 2 or 3 hours to beat it. It took me almost a week to unlock all trophies, but the actual game was completed in a few hours. I can't even do that with Bloodstained Classic mode coz it's too fucking hard. (I never played any difficulty besides hard.)
SC4 is one of my fave games of all time simply due to its atmosphere. (Not even SOTN comes close to CV4's atmosphere.) Bloodlines may be the much more definitive Classicvania experience but SCIV was like playing through a movie. The ost always matched what was going on, on-screen.
I even liked the tv show that everyone else seems to hate lol.
Even Iga doesn't like it, AYY LMAO!

I was game for season 1 & 2, but they completely dropped the ball with season 3 & 4. Season 4 was better than 3 but it's still shit. Season 4 wasted too much time fixing season 3's missteps that it basically had zero plot and they completely wrote out the best character, Issac. He doesn't even show up during the epilogue when by the end of the series, he was the only character who wasn't fucking retarded. I said my thoughts about season 4 at the netflix thread.
I have never heard of any of those games except for Blasphemous. Which had gorgeous art direction but I thought it sucked. However I have been told multiple times that most of my biggest complaints (such as shitty inconsistent platforming where you fall through platforms with insta death spikes) have been fixed and a lot of content has been added to the game so I need to give it another chance. I haven't heard of the other three at all though. What are they like?
I found this list of crossovers, but it seems to be incomplete. It doesen't least Wallachia reign of dracula at all.
It's just a Miriam costume, but close enough.

(Fuck man, am I the only one getting constant recommendations to 'Sphere Hunter' after viewing Bloodstained vids? Trannys are everywhere in video game communities for some reason. I never heard of that fag before. Admittedly he does look like a fucking hot woman (kinda looks like Miriam.), but I can immediately tell that's a tranny by viewing one of his live videos where his shoulders look almost as big as mine. I have big shoulders! On top of that the Anime avatar was a dead giveaway, although he actually looks cuter than the avatar, which is rare. I was so sure that this fuck is a tranny that I looked up nudes, and sure enough it is a tranny! At least this faggot passes though. If you don't force your dick on me, I ain't got a problem. Problem is, the typical American trannys threatens to physically harm you if you don't view them as a woman. I do watch a lot of video game reviewers like The Immortal John Hancock & Game Sack, but how do you go from those two goofy ass Gen X'rs to a Tranny? Like how the fuck does Jootube figure that they're anywhere near the same sphere of interest, just coz they both review games? lol!
BTW for every 'passing' tranny with a dick & balls, there's always a similar looking woman who looks 100x better like sugarf4airy.)

LOL listening to wikis, ever! In the main Bloodstained wiki, they don't even list Kingdom Dead Lands when that's the most obvious game that she's been in. They fucking show her off in that game's art. ... dead-lands
She was in several Smash wannabes, but they suck so who cares.
It's hilarious how Miriam is in so many games.

Her Blasphemous appearance seems to actually be her though, since she even has the same voice actress.
Blasphemous feels & looks like Classicvania. I was gonna get that but then Bloodstained was suddenly on sale. Why get the game that only features thunderthighs goth egirl bitch when you can buy the game that she actually stars in? The Blasphemous spic must be really short though coz she towers over him in Blasphemous but in Bloodstained she only looks avg-tall for a female, somewhere between 5'7-5'11. Zangetsu looks anywhere from 5'10-6'3.
I'm guessing that the Blasphemous devs wanting to sprite Miriam's thighs in full glory so she looks much taller than she actually is. Kinda like how Dark Queen from Battletoads is 6ft tall but in-game she always looks about 15 feet tall lol.

A shame that Bloodstained only sold 1 million. You'd be thinking a game of this type would be much more popular but the best selling of the metroidvanias is that Hollow Knight trash at 3 million copies sold. I don't see Metroid Dread beating Hollow Knight either. The hype for it just doesn't seem to be there.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if Dread sells at least 3 million, but I ain't holding my breath. On top of that, Dread's online community is already polluted with trannies to the point that I finally stopped posting at any other forum except for this one. I got sick & tired of Metroid trannies calling Japan a backwards racist sexist shit hole, to where I respond with facts such as Japan's founder was a woman, and Japan's creator deity is a woman. Both are still worshipped as gods to this day. Those facts fall on deaf ears, coz that's what these fucking trannies do. They ignore facts just so they can constantly whine about how shitty Japan is. For not allowing Samus to be 'trans' coz she's allegedly obviously trans, ayy lmao. Americans are such feckless morons that they just go along with it. Anyone who says otherwise is just as stupid & backwards as the Japanese. I can't believe people can say that shit about the Japanese, and not get banned. Yet when I speak in defense of Japanese, I'm the one who gets banned coz I dare to claim that trannies are just a trend.

What's funny is how Streets of Rage 4 easily sold over 2 million copies without even trying. (Unlike Nintendo products, SOR community isn't infested with trannies chasing everyone away from the game, lol. Trannies chased me away from Xenoblade to the point that I don't give a shit about that series anymore.)
People love the SOR universe about as much as they love the Street Fighter universe but Sega will never get a fucking clue! If they were smart, they'd combine SOR & Yakuza's universes together. Sega is not smart though, the stupid Sega that we know of from today, is the same exact Sega of Japan from the 90s, that Hiroshi Yamauchi labeled as a bunch of smalltime retards. He was right.

I'm at the point where I'd much rather that Capcom obtain the rights to SOR and combine their universe with Street Fighter's, which already has Final Fight, Saturday Night Slam Masters, Rival Schools, & Strider as part of the same setting. I wish Dark Stalkers & Star Gladiator were part of that universe too but Darkstalkers universe characters are so overpowered that Morrigan alone would kill off the entire Street Fighter universe with just her pinky. Strider Hiryu would prob be the only one that would take her about a minute to kill.
Thinking about it, they should start adding Darkstalkers character as Devil May Cry boss fights. Dimitri is Endgame level potential and Morrigan & Jedah are both postgame type of bosses, who would probably just be playing around with Dante rather than fight him seriously.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Krizzx »

Classic mode is actually good? I didn't even bother with it. I thought it would be just be some throwawy extra shit like playing through Zangetsu. I didn't know David Hayter did his voice. Of course, I never use English dub, I wouldn't know one way or the other.

I put in MH Rise again and tried to unlock Akuma. I gave up after the third match I played where some shitty Japanese players died and ended the game 4 times. I figured the Japanese players would be the best. I was wrong. They lost every single game I was in.

I like Dracula ex on the PC engine because its fun and well designed. Great music and art direction. I'm not into shit that is difficult just for the sake of being difficult. Castlvenia 1 is still the hardest one I ever played. I had Chronicles on the PS1. It didn't give me too much trouble. Lament of Innocence on the PS2 was all really difficult, but then it wasn't the most fun to play, so it didn't matter.

Apparently Haunted Castle(the actual second game made before CV2) was hard as shit as well. Its also where a lot of the most popular Castlevania themes originated, like Cross Your Heart, Bloody Tears, Devil's Requiem, and Don't Wait Until Night(which was renamed to heart of fire in the later version even though Heart of fire was already used for another song from Castlevania 1)

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Post by Jack »

Jewtendo direct was trash. I went in expecting nothing but Dying Light, not that I give a shit. I just knew that was a game that's been announced since last month. (I will get Dying Light & World War Z for Switch since I played the fuck out of both on PS4.)

The only new game that might be good is 3d Kirby. I'm getting Kirby. I like that 3d Kirby is basically BOTW set in a modern urban setting.

It looked like it could've been a Megaman Legends game. It's nice to see that Nintendo finally got the memo, that they BOTW/Odyssey all of their main IPs for at least a few games. Just to see which ones end up selling as much as BOTW. It won't be Kirby, but I do believe it'll be the best selling Kirby since Superstar Ultra. I easily see 3d Kirby selling at about 7 million units or whatever ludicrous number that Luigi's Mansion is at now, Kirbs will do slightly less than that..

Bayonetta 3 is fucking ugly.

Not Bayonetta herself, she's fucking fine, but the game looks rough. It was hilarious when she started dancing as if she came straight out of an 80s Music video. For some reason there's a guy who looks like Vergil being featured at the end of the video. I might get this too, but I'm def getting Kirby. Kirby always has tons of extra modes to unlock.

One of their big announcements was N64 & Sega Genesis games if you buy the NSO Expansion pack, AYY LMAO!
To be fair, N64 gets Sin & Punishment & Genesis has MUSHA. That ain't worth the fucking price though. The price hasn't been revealed yet but it's most likely $50-$60. Even spending $20 on Nintendo's shit ass online is too damn much. I was expecting GBA games due to the Metroid games. Metroid apparently has its own Nintendo Official site now called Metro.

The Mario movie hollywood cast had my LOL'ing non stop. At least it does have an A-list hollywood cast so nintendo is taking this shit seriously, but I sure as hell ain't interested in it. Fucking Luigi is being voiced by Charlie Day. Chris Platt being Mario is bad enough. Charlie Day is just not a good match for Luigi at all.

They finally have an official release date for the Western release of Rune Factory 5. It was delayed in the West coz they wanted to had Faggot marriage for the Western release, AYY LMAO! Americans mang, I don't understand why they're so gay.

Actraiser Remake is a maybe. I was one of the rare few who prefers the sequel though. The strategy crap from AR1 is a fucking joke.
I didn't care at all about The GBA Castlevania collection when it was leaked a few weeks ago but they for some random reason, decided to throw in Dracula X so you get one good game, which is Aria of Sorrow & 3 meh games lol. Dracula X makes it worth it to me for some reason. I guess even Konami realized that Harmony of Dissonance is a hard sell. At least Dracula X has damn good music. It's just the same music as ROndo, but I think it sounds cooler due to being nothing but chiptunes. Now if only we got to hear a Genesis version of these tunes.

What's hilarious is that Dracula X has gothic art design but Rondo looks straight up anime.
Not that being anime is a problem, it's just weird coz during that era none of the CV games had an anime aesthetic except for Rondo of Blood.

I'm still laughing that I was right about Xenoblade 3 being a no show. I just don't see it happening. I can agree that it's been made. it just makes no sense to me, to push it when XB DE flopped big time. Honestly, I'd rather see a big budget Zelda Action Rpg made by the Monolith Soft crew.
BOTW gets labeled as an Rpg, but that's a pure blown action game. Rpgs generally have a lot of grinding & micromanaging, even Mario rpgs. It's strange that Nintendo has never bothered with a Zelda Rpg.

A Zelda Rpg that played out like Tales of or Star Ocean would be kick ass. It's be way better than that Age of Calamity trash.
Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:01 pm
I like Dracula ex on the PC engine because its fun and well designed. Great music and art direction. I'm not into shit that is difficult just for the sake of being difficult. Castlvenia 1 is still the hardest one I ever played. I had Chronicles on the PS1. It didn't give me too much trouble. Lament of Innocence on the PS2 was all really difficult, but then it wasn't the most fun to play, so it didn't matter.
Classicvania fags generally hate on Iga games because they're not hard. I never really understood it myself coz CV1 isn't good. It was fun during its time. I think liking games just because they're hard is retarded too. If it's not fun then who cares? Anyone can make a hard game. The craft to it, is making a hard game that's fun enough for people to beat.

Rondo is ok. The music is good, but I think it's way too J-poppy and I much prefer Iga's take on the franchise when he switched the music towards a baroque sound design. Latter Iga games did bring back the rock pop like Order of Ecclesia, but I think those pop rock synth OSTs were done well coz it still sounded atmospheric.

Half of the music from Rondo just sounds like party tracks & Jap City pop.

That's a damn good song, but it clashes so much with the dark gothic visuals.
No I didn't like Maria either who I also felt clashed too much with the gothic aesthetics, although she's hot as fuck in SOTN. Since she's a goth in SOTN, lol.
Classic mode is actually good? I didn't even bother with it. I thought it would be just be some throwawy extra shit like playing through Zangetsu.
Most of the extra modes like Bloodless are good. Bloodless functions like a pure blown Metroid-like in that you have to learn new moves to progress. Classic has effort put into it since they even go to the trouble of recreating a synth pop rock sound. The level designs are inspired by CV1 but the gameplay & movement feels more like Dracula X/Rondo. It's fucking weird seeing Miriam control like a Belmont. She doesn't exactly look heavy.
I didn't know David Hayter did his voice. Of course, I never use English dub, I wouldn't know one way or the other.
Yes and he's fucking terrible. Miriam has a cute English voice, although her Jap voice is also good. David Hayter though, mang he needs to take a hike. Why does he keep getting free passes due to nostalgia reasons? I can understand why, for Solid Snake but he completely ruins the Zangetsu character for me. The ENglish dub is fucking terrible to begin with, but it's British characters speaking with fake British accents. it kinda makes more sense than every character speaking in Japanese. Then all immersion goes out the window every time Snake speaks, coz he doesn't even bother with an accent. He's just Solid Snake, as a Slanteye.
I recall Snake having some actual emotion though. Snake's Zangetsu is just angry but the delivery comes off as monotone. You don't ever see a change to a degree in his anger like you do with the Japanese.

That mothafucking Fairy sounds terrible when she's singing in English.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Krizzx »

Jack wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:37 pm Jewtendo direct was trash. I went in expecting nothing but Dying Light, not that I give a shit. I just knew that was a game that's been announced since last month. (I will get Dying Light & World War Z for Switch since I played the fuck out of both on PS4.)

The only new game that might be good is 3d Kirby. I'm getting Kirby. I like that 3d Kirby is basically BOTW set in a modern urban setting.

It looked like it could've been a Megaman Legends game. It's nice to see that Nintendo finally got the memo, that they BOTW/Odyssey all of their main IPs for at least a few games. Just to see which ones end up selling as much as BOTW. It won't be Kirby, but I do believe it'll be the best selling Kirby since Superstar Ultra. I easily see 3d Kirby selling at about 7 million units or whatever ludicrous number that Luigi's Mansion is at now, Kirbs will do slightly less than that..

Bayonetta 3 is fucking ugly.

Not Bayonetta herself, she's fucking fine, but the game looks rough. It was hilarious when she started dancing as if she came straight out of an 80s Music video. For some reason there's a guy who looks like Vergil being featured at the end of the video. I might get this too, but I'm def getting Kirby. Kirby always has tons of extra modes to unlock.

One of their big announcements was N64 & Sega Genesis games if you buy the NSO Expansion pack, AYY LMAO!
To be fair, N64 gets Sin & Punishment & Genesis has MUSHA. That ain't worth the fucking price though. The price hasn't been revealed yet but it's most likely $50-$60. Even spending $20 on Nintendo's shit ass online is too damn much. I was expecting GBA games due to the Metroid games. Metroid apparently has its own Nintendo Official site now called Metro.

The Mario movie hollywood cast had my LOL'ing non stop. At least it does have an A-list hollywood cast so nintendo is taking this shit seriously, but I sure as hell ain't interested in it. Fucking Luigi is being voiced by Charlie Day. Chris Platt being Mario is bad enough. Charlie Day is just not a good match for Luigi at all.

They finally have an official release date for the Western release of Rune Factory 5. It was delayed in the West coz they wanted to had Faggot marriage for the Western release, AYY LMAO! Americans mang, I don't understand why they're so gay.

Actraiser Remake is a maybe. I was one of the rare few who prefers the sequel though. The strategy crap from AR1 is a fucking joke.
I didn't care at all about The GBA Castlevania collection when it was leaked a few weeks ago but they for some random reason, decided to throw in Dracula X so you get one good game, which is Aria of Sorrow & 3 meh games lol. Dracula X makes it worth it to me for some reason. I guess even Konami realized that Harmony of Dissonance is a hard sell. At least Dracula X has damn good music. It's just the same music as ROndo, but I think it sounds cooler due to being nothing but chiptunes. Now if only we got to hear a Genesis version of these tunes.

What's hilarious is that Dracula X has gothic art design but Rondo looks straight up anime.
Not that being anime is a problem, it's just weird coz during that era none of the CV games had an anime aesthetic except for Rondo of Blood.

I'm still laughing that I was right about Xenoblade 3 being a no show. I just don't see it happening. I can agree that it's been made. it just makes no sense to me, to push it when XB DE flopped big time. Honestly, I'd rather see a big budget Zelda Action Rpg made by the Monolith Soft crew.
BOTW gets labeled as an Rpg, but that's a pure blown action game. Rpgs generally have a lot of grinding & micromanaging, even Mario rpgs. It's strange that Nintendo has never bothered with a Zelda Rpg.

A Zelda Rpg that played out like Tales of or Star Ocean would be kick ass. It's be way better than that Age of Calamity trash.
Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:01 pm
I like Dracula ex on the PC engine because its fun and well designed. Great music and art direction. I'm not into shit that is difficult just for the sake of being difficult. Castlvenia 1 is still the hardest one I ever played. I had Chronicles on the PS1. It didn't give me too much trouble. Lament of Innocence on the PS2 was all really difficult, but then it wasn't the most fun to play, so it didn't matter.
Classicvania fags generally hate on Iga games because they're not hard. I never really understood it myself coz CV1 isn't good. It was fun during its time. I think liking games just because they're hard is retarded too. If it's not fun then who cares? Anyone can make a hard game. The craft to it, is making a hard game that's fun enough for people to beat.

Rondo is ok. The music is good, but I think it's way too J-poppy and I much prefer Iga's take on the franchise when he switched the music towards a baroque sound design. Latter Iga games did bring back the rock pop like Order of Ecclesia, but I think those pop rock synth OSTs were done well coz it still sounded atmospheric.

Half of the music from Rondo just sounds like party tracks & Jap City pop.

That's a damn good song, but it clashes so much with the dark gothic visuals.
No I didn't like Maria either who I also felt clashed too much with the gothic aesthetics, although she's hot as fuck in SOTN. Since she's a goth in SOTN, lol.
Classic mode is actually good? I didn't even bother with it. I thought it would be just be some throwawy extra shit like playing through Zangetsu.
Most of the extra modes like Bloodless are good. Bloodless functions like a pure blown Metroid-like in that you have to learn new moves to progress. Classic has effort put into it since they even go to the trouble of recreating a synth pop rock sound. The level designs are inspired by CV1 but the gameplay & movement feels more like Dracula X/Rondo. It's fucking weird seeing Miriam control like a Belmont. She doesn't exactly look heavy.
I didn't know David Hayter did his voice. Of course, I never use English dub, I wouldn't know one way or the other.
Yes and he's fucking terrible. Miriam has a cute English voice, although her Jap voice is also good. David Hayter though, mang he needs to take a hike. Why does he keep getting free passes due to nostalgia reasons? I can understand why, for Solid Snake but he completely ruins the Zangetsu character for me. The ENglish dub is fucking terrible to begin with, but it's British characters speaking with fake British accents. it kinda makes more sense than every character speaking in Japanese. Then all immersion goes out the window every time Snake speaks, coz he doesn't even bother with an accent. He's just Solid Snake, as a Slanteye.
I recall Snake having some actual emotion though. Snake's Zangetsu is just angry but the delivery comes off as monotone. You don't ever see a change to a degree in his anger like you do with the Japanese.

That mothafucking Fairy sounds terrible when she's singing in English.
That was late 80s , early 90s style music in Dracula X on the PC engine. Proto New Jack Swing shit like what you would hear in Bell Biv Devoe tracks.

It was basically late 80s pop with a gothic flair.

Its says at the start that the Bayonetta footage isn't actual gameplay. Its clearly still beign worked on. At least I hope, because the Wii U version looked far superior to that and the Switch is supposedly stronger than the Wii U.

I liked that strategy game they showed off. The one with that kind of looked like Octopath, also I've been waiting for expansion to MHR.

I'm not particularly interested in Metroid Dread or Splatoon 3. I still haven't finished 1 on the Wii U. The Genesis and N64 collections look nice. Too bad I've beaten everything on it, and why the hell are they selling a 3 button Genesis controller for 50 bucks? Why the 3 button at all and not the 6 button?

I nearly wrote that card game off immediately. I heard that music and thought "that sounds like Nier music". Then I'm like, oh is just a shitty card game, then I see Yoko Taro's name pop up. It might actually be something interesting with him involved. But then, its rated teen. So I can't expect that much.

I loved Actraiser on the SNES. It says this one will have new stages. Whether or not I get it depends on how many.

Just watched the JP direct, and apparently they show off a Six-Button Genesis controller instead of a three button like in the U.S. The fuck?! They're also getting custom Robo V2 in their N64 lineup :(

The only games I saw on the JP direct were this anime Musou game based on something called Touken Ranbul,

They also showed off Super Robot Taisen 30. How the hell did I not know this was thing until now?! Its was annoucned 2 months ago apparently.

They showed off a remkae of Tokimeki Memorial Girls side, but who the fuck would want to paly that? I never even played the originals.

DanganRonpa Board game. I forgot all about Decadence and Danganronpa S

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Post by CENSORED »

Bayonetta 3 looks like it's gonna be the worst game of the trilogy. Do I care? Nope, I still bust a nut to mommy Bayo, and I wait for her game as much as I wait for her to sit on my face
Then I'm like, oh is just a shitty card game, then I see Yoko Taro's name pop up. It might actually be something interesting with him involved.
Why? He's been doing nothing but gacha dogshit for half a decade. It's funny how these japanese artiste gamedevs always end up doing the most mainstream shit, for mainstream companies lol. I liked Nier Automata but I was 24 when that came out, I probably still had all my hair.
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Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:58 am That was late 80s , early 90s style music in Dracula X on the PC engine. Proto New Jack Swing shit like what you would hear in Bell Biv Devoe tracks.
City Pop is New Jack Swing, or at least it's the Jap version of NJS.
Whatever Rondo's music was, it was too happy sounding for a CV game. Sounded like something from Sonic the Hedgehog, which go figure Sonic 1 & 2 also had New jack swing joints.

I prefer SOTN's atmosphere over most CV games, so ish like that
is what I would consider as great timeless tracks that do a damn good job at highlighting the gothic aestehtics.

Classicvania was always more upbeat though. Makes sense, since as you pointed out CV was an arcade game.
When I think of Classicvania's most iconic joints,

I'm thinking of some hype 80s rock but of the pop-synth soul variety (They blended a lot of genres during that era lol.), & new wave or whatever the fuck it is.

Badass shit like Stabilizers, which sounds like Shadow of the Beast & Castlevania at the same time.

My fave of all time is Device coz they look like anime and their music sounds like anime lol. The Male Lead singer even looks like Simon Belmont. I like how the lead male & the sexy female singer, sing with so much damn soul. You really don't hear White people singing with that amount of range any more.

More of that New Wave shit
Haywire - Dance Desire

Stabilizers sounds like Sega Genesis
Goddamn the Sega Genesis sounds so damn good.
Genesis really gets no love these days, especially from Nintendo fans who always exaggerate SNES's sound chip.
SNES gets the job done, but SNES music just sounds like a midi. When I hear Genesis music, it sounds like I'm listening to legit 1980s Radio hits.

I liked that strategy game they showed off. The one with that kind of looked like Octopath, also I've been waiting for expansion to MHR.
Triangle Strategy is trash. In that direct they even said that they streamlined it to make it easier when the demo was already easy. Strategy is the one genre, that needs to be hard. Otherwise there's no point in playing the game, because there's no strategy.
I'm not particularly interested in Metroid Dread or Splatoon 3.
Metroid Dread is the only game I'm hype for, and I'm glad that both Dread vids from this direct didn't spoil anything. Spaltoon is a hard pass for me. It's just the same fucking game all over again. I didn't like the 2nd time. I would've gave it a chance had they made it play more like Fortnite. Fortnite plays like a quasi free roam sandbox RPG but the actual battle feel like GTA's Peds with weapons Riot Code.
I still haven't finished 1 on the Wii U. The Genesis and N64 collections look nice. Too bad I've beaten everything on it, and why the hell are they selling a 3 button Genesis controller for 50 bucks? Why the 3 button at all and not the 6 button?
Those aren't collections, it's just Nintendo's lame ass gaming netflix service that comes with thier fucking garbage Nintendo Online service, and those are just the starter games. The Genesis collection is a joke since I already have every single game on the Switch either through the Sega Collection, Switch Sega Ages & Capcom Arcade Cabinet. The only games I don't have is Musha, and that's a goddamn great game, with fucking awesome music.
I fucking swear mang, the good Genesis osts always sound like popular 80s music. I'd link to more fucking awesome 80s rock bands that sound exactly like Genesis music, but I already posted too many videos.
I loved Actraiser on the SNES. It says this one will have new stages. Whether or not I get it depends on how many.
How can you stomach that joke of a strategy game? Actraiser was fun back when I played it as a kid coz the real time strategy bullshit was a neat gimmick that I never saw before. Then I actually played a real strategy game called Romance of the Three Kingdoms 4. Now whenever I try playing Actraiser, I just download a save state to skip all of the boring ass shallow strategy simulation parts. Actraiser 1's strategy gimmick doesn't have any substance so it makes it a chore to replay. You use the same strategy every single time. The problem is, even if you skip the strategy mode the actual action platforming isn't that good either.
A shame that Actraiser 2 is so hated on, coz that game is actually decent and the gfx are so good that it looks like a Neo Geo SNK Arcade game.
They should've remade Terranigma, now that game would fly off the shelves coz it's basically a more mature Zelda game.
Bayonetta 3 looks like it's gonna be the worst game of the trilogy. Do I care? Nope, I still bust a nut to mommy Bayo, and I wait for her game as much as I wait for her to sit on my face
I was never attracted to Bayonetta even though it seemed like I would be since she has very long legs to grab on, with a huge ass. THere was just something about her face that I fucking hated. She looks fucking good in Bayo 3 though.

If Metroid Dread weren't coming out soon, I'd get Castlevania Advance Collection & Curse of the Moon 1 & 2 since they're on sale.
Overall 2021 was also a shit year for gaming. Monster Hunter Rise is like the only good new game. I'm hoping that Metroid Dread is also good. For the rest of the year, the only physical games I see myself getting are Dread, Dying Light Platinum, Streets of Rage 4 Anniversary Edition & World War Z switch edition. I'll prob get some Nintendo shit during Black Friday depending on which Nintendo 1st party games are on sale.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Iwazaru »

I'd play Bayonetta 3 over DMC5 any time, lol.

Even if DMC5 had better/smoother combat mechanics (yep, Itsuno knows his shit well)

I hate how shitty art direction it went (both with character designs AND environments... half of DMC5 is fucking ugly wooden tunnel, my ass), and overall 5 feels like the least interesting one in series (i loved DMC3 and liked DMC4, anyway). For some reason, if you speak up about how 5 is weakest in series (well, 2 is even worse, but still), you'll get banned and witch hunted by community, lol, like author of this review ended up - even if basically most sane people (and not tryhard fans) agree with him. Difference, they forgive everything being shitty due to gameplay greatness. Thing is, older DMC games were much more holistic and every part from story to combat were in harmony.

Some crazy autist even made a 36 pages reply to him to prove how "wrong" his review was. Geez.
As much as i loved exploration in DMC3, i would prefer DMC5 to be just a Blood Palace challenges, lol, insead of bullshit that it ended up.

Bayonetta at least continues to be itself. So it looks more amusing, lol. Even though what we saw is kinda gray underwhelming mess. Unlike more cool stylization that Astral Chain had. I never was that much fun of Bayo, but those Kaiju moments from B3 looks damn fun for me, lol (especially if you control manually and not just qte).
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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