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The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

Darkside Yuki is back. Apparently, he lost his youtube account to a hacking bot. Everyone that watched his shit was scared he had got into some shit with some Yaks or something, because of his expose videos.

Never even heard about the colours gang. Sounds like Ikebukuro was an interesting place 20 years ago.

Also, a major Yak boss just go sentenced to death. I found out from some expats I talk to that live in the area. Told me stories about how when he would walk down the street, people would announce it in restaurants and "Hey, aniki is walking this way", and everyone would stand up, come outside and bow as he went by. Apparently, the police are cracking down hard on the Yaks now. He's the first Yak boss of his level to receive a death sentence. ... ing-murder
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Jack »

I did not see this thread. Fucking interesting though. I'll update this thread every time I upload something new to this site's blog whether it be a music cd or a video since I most just own urban & underworld shit

Darkside Yuki is back. Apparently, he lost his youtube account to a hacking bot.
I never heard of the fucker. Japs his age, have never heard of me either, so whatever kek.
Never even heard about the colours gang. Sounds like Ikebukuro was an interesting place 20 years ago.
I didn't watch the video. Are you referring to Piru Bloods? I actually know the person who brought them to Japan. His name is Shuichi, goes by the name Gangsta Dx. He doesn't look japanese at all, lol. He looks full blown Mexican.
He was actually still trying to contact me as late as 2019 but noooooo, I thought I wanted to be a proud patriotic American, so I decided to get rid of those naughty gangland contacts. Only to then later wake up in some fucked up society where non-passing trannies are normalized. Trans have always been in Japan, but they're a normal country, only those who can pass will not be harassed & beaten down. (You're still not a woman though, AYY LMAO!)

DX, and this yakuza dude were in the Japanese Drama called Ikebukuro West Gate Park AKA IWGP (also the name of NJPW's Wrestling belt. NJPW itself had Yakuza connections. That was Antonio Inoki's shit.)
I forget the Yakuza's name but I had Kax upload a rapping Yakuza video once which is still online on youtube where this Fedora wearing Yakuza & Dohzi T are all dressed up like mobsters, and dancing, & rapping looking scary as fuck.

The main leader of the Crip gang in IWGP, is actually some kind of Nazi in real life. This is interesting shit man.
Too bad, I'm only telling you old ass shit from the 2000s & 90s. Sure I still kept in contact with a lot of these Yak mothafuckaz all the way up to 2017, but that's quite a long time ago.
I used to even tap in to their information network on whores I wanted to track down like that Miku broad, and she was most interesting coz it turned out that she's actually American.

I would even interact in some of their facebook posts when they'd post up new grade A meat and we'd all grade them. I'd get vids & pics of big ol round thicc jap booty shot directly to my feed, straight from the Yakuza, lol.
I would even see that Riki actor dude (who was also in the game Yakuza 0) interacting with peeps in my feed (I don't know him. We all know the same circle of Oyajis though.)
I can't believe that this was in fucking facebook. Had you known me at the time, I'd hook you up with connections. (Ima fucking nobody now.) When you go on facefuck now, it's completely polluted with Amerimutt meme politics bullshit and not an interesting place to visit at all.

You can't just ban the American posts either, coz they post too damn much and it eventually overtakes your wall. I had a schizo wall where I saw this fucking awesome underworld Japan shit in my feed being posted by both Women & Men in Japan, then when I see the American side, they're posting about Bernie Sanders or some other fucking retard who doesn't matter and it's just vexing.
Also, a major Yak boss just go sentenced to death. I found out from some expats I talk to that live in the area. Told me stories about how when he would walk down the street, people would announce it in restaurants and "Hey, aniki is walking this way", and everyone would stand up, come outside and bow as he went by.
I've had that happen before, not an entire crowd, but I've had individual Japs get on all fours & do a full submission bow because they accidentally walked on the 'wrong side of the door'. (They didn't, I did but they assumed I was a gangster and doing that on purpose, lol.)
I'm not a yakuza though, I just look like one lol.

Another time, some scrawny Jap fuck was walking behind me and making fun of my anime tshirt that had a big titty anime girl on the back. I looked back at him, and he got scared as fuck and started bowing to me too, coz he wasn't expecting me to have such a stereotypically scary looking Yakuza face, lol.
He legit thought I was a gaijin until he saw my face. I am a gaijin, but from his perspective, he saw a gangster.
I'm not a big guy, just barely avg by American standards and I'm only a little bigger than avg Jap height. (Kinda like Monkey D Luffy), but I look fucking huge when compared to normal Japs coz the avg Jap has the body of a woman. Whereas I'm a near 180 pound beast.

I even hung out at gangster hot spots like the Tokyo Shoe store way down in Hirata, which is nowhere near Tokyo. (It's a podunk town a city away from Hiroshima.)

I remember when Takako Uehara solo act debuted, tons of Yakuza were buying her shit, lol.

It was hilarious seeing a bunch of scary motherfuckers buy some goofy Jpop bubblegum crap, just coz the girl is fucking hot. FUck, a lot of these motherfuckers also like Dragon Quest. It's prolly the crowd that Sega was trying to appeal to when they made Yakuza 7.

Shit you know who else is actually affilated with Yakuza, aside for Ayumi Hamazaki? My fave bitch, Mika Nakashima. I watched the Resident Evil movies just coz she's in them. Mika is credited in two movies, but she's actually only in one. The other girl was a body double and didn't look anywhere near as fine as Mika.
She's not affilated as in part of the multiple organizations of course not. She knows their tatoo artists though and had her tats done by a yak tatoo artist, one tatto on her ass, lol

This is the most accurate English page I've seen, introducing you to the Yakuza. ... ium=recirc
I checked their sources, and they don't cite known charlatans/liars at all like Jake Adelstein.
At most, I can claim that this page is not saying anything inaccurate. I was waiting for them to talk about some dumbass Female Yakuza bullshit coz for some reason the Cucked USA thinks that Female Yakuza are a thing but I think it's just coz AMericans have hardcore Yellow fever. Japan is a very traditional place, so a Female Yakuza would get Violence Jacked, really quick.

I couldn't find a video where that sexy bitch, gets her body ripped open in half.
USA just learned that lesson recently with the Taliban. Most Eastern cultures do not respect the 'Strong Woman' meme, because they're utterly powerless when confronted by men who aren't afraid to use violence.
That's what would happen to a female yakuza. If you're not strong enough to defend yourself, you're dead. Ojisans are a different story, because they'll kill you through a deadman's switch. (As in hits will comes out for your head.

There was this youtube channel that my 2ill channel (which I wish would just delete itself already.) was subbed to, which was filled with nothing but Yakuza documentaries in japanese. I don't recall the name of the channel, but I doubt it still exists.
It was some cool shit, showing to you how every member of the Yakuza has to learn the law to the same level of an actual lawyer.

I was looking up that Satoru dude (I don't know who he is.) but all I get are articles written by that Adelstein fuckface. ... on-notice/
You can safely ignore everything written by him. He doesn't nothing but lie & exaggerate, to make it sound like he's living a Crime Noir film. I did not read the article but I've wasted my time reading plenty of his articles & some of his books in the past.

I don't know if they still exist but Japan actually has Yakuza fan magazines which is a magazine about real life Yakuza lol! I posted them at the other forum. I can't be arsed to find it. Fuck in the jap music thread, I spoke a little bit of whatever function I did for some whatever group way way way back. I legit know some of the background dancers in some of those vids. Internet Huwite supremacists crack me up coz they always cite random Jap rap videos a symbol of recent Ameritard degeneracy seeping into Japan when Hiphop itself came to Japan a couple months after it started in the USA back in the 80s. That culture has always existed. That's why I really fucking hate the American Right wing. They legit come off like a bunch of incels.
Apparently, the police are cracking down hard on the Yaks now. He's the first Yak boss of his level to receive a death sentence.
They say that every year, but then the membership just grows every year, AYY LMAO!
I don't buy it coz the gangsters are the government in Asia. I explained it a bit more in my latest post at the shitpoast thread.
I found out from some expats I talk to that live in the area.
Does Xross still exist? A hot girl I knew, sent me pic of her chilling at Xross and she showed to me the full view of the balcony which had tons of Yakuza hanging out on top. I actually knew who half of them were. Funny thing is, in Japan they actually have stores where you can buy Dox information of random bitches around the city, and it's all legal. It's funny coz in the USA, you get in trouble just for talking to fucking 19 year olds.

Look at that shit mang.
"18 years old is pedohilla!"
"Teh baby was 10 yrs old 8 years ago!"
Well fuck, using her logic, I was a baby 18 yr old, 20 years ago. I actually still look the fucking same. I'm just bulkier now & sightly shorter.
WOuld you hook up with a 38-40 yr old bitch? Yeah right you're fucking lying. Most of them look wrinkled as fuck. Some old ass bitches still look good, coz they're professional whores like Erika Nishino/Kiriko Imafuji. I look 24 at the oldest and it's pissing me off that in the USA, you're discouraged from hooking up with any woman who is over 5 years younger than you are.
In every other normal fucking country in the world. It doesn't fucking matter, in fact in Japan most dudes discard 25 year old girls, which makes Japan feel like XXXXmas coz there's thousands of single supermodel 25yr olds due to how no one else in Japan wants them, AYY LMAO!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

I checked their sources, and they don't cite known charlatans/liars at all like Jake Adelstein.
At most, I can claim that this page is not saying anything inaccurate. I was waiting for them to talk about some dumbass Female Yakuza bullshit coz for some reason the Cucked USA thinks that Female Yakuza are a thing but I think it's just coz AMericans have hardcore Yellow fever. Japan is a very traditional place, so a Female Yakuza would get Violence Jacked, really quick.
They are definitely a thing, though not in the way American's romantacize them.

I remember a few Jamaican brothers telling me about this one dude who was dating this Yak chick that basically, in their words, owned his whole life. She had access to all his social media, controlled his money, decided who he could and couldn't meet or even go out and was steadily fucking other dudes behind his back. She actually tried to fuck one of the dudes that told me about this and he turned her down. Then he messaged the guy to tell him about it and she responded from his phone. I can't remember what was said, but she deleted all his social media and cut his phone off. That's the last time any of them got in contact with him.

Most are apparently just daughters of high ranking Yakuza or Yakuza families, so I can't say how much influence they have. Probably none within the actual organization, but they exist.

Some of the stories borthers that live over there would tell me were fucking insane sometime. I remember this one time, they started talking about chick and kept laughing about how she takes care of her men. I asked them about it, and apparently it was some housewife to some successful business man who was taking dudes out fucking them using him money. Like taking them on trips and buying them cloths and shit. They posted a picture of her and the chick herself had some thick hips for a Japanese woman. I think I still got the picture, though I probably want post it online. Don't want to start putting too many people's private business out in the open as this stuff has a surprising way of finding it way back to other people involved.

I never heard of the fucker. Japs his age, have never heard of me either, so whatever kek.
He's just a regular Japanese guy, but he does a lot of videos about shady shit that goes on in Japan that no one else really talks about.

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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 1:02 am
They are definitely a thing, though not in the way American's romantacize them.
I remember a few Jamaican brothers telling me about this one dude who was dating this Yak chick that basically,
This female Yakuza myth seems to only dwell within the minds of those who aren't Japanese. It's bad enough that I see a lot of White people who say this garbage (they even claim that Yakuza women are really great in bed, lol), now there's entire communities of Black people who believe this bullshit too? AYY LMAO! From what you're telling me, and from what little I've listened to from the video, it sounds like them cats have been played.
Yes, it's possible for a female to be an Affiliate. An Affiliate is not Yakuza. An Affiliate is an outsourced job, for those who are not within the family.

What was her job? What was her insignia which proves to you the clan that she's from? Yakuza aren't like American street gangs. You don't just claim a set and then hang around slangin cavi or what not. You're either in the business of making money, you're practicing law, or you're in the business of security/protection.
The movie Brother did a good job of showing the difference between American & Japanese gangs.

In that movie, only the Brother/Black guy truly understood what it meant to be Yakuza. Even the stereotypical 'cool' Yakuza gets killed off half way through the movie, coz he was too American & showboaty, and nothing like real yakuza.

Yakuza actually aren't that secretive, they operate out in the open as a business, and are identified by their insignia or lapel pins.

I'm telling you straight up, Female Yakuza do not exist. It's not possible, they will be killed if one even tried. They won't be killed because they're a woman. They'll be killed coz a woman is naturally too weak to make it in the underworld as a soldier or enforcer. When ever the Yakuza decide to resort to violence, it gets extremely violent.

If she actually claims to be Yakuza, chances are she's not Yakuza, coz she's still alive. Tokona-X bragged about his Yakuza connections, he was killed by the Yakuza soon after, and they defamed him by coming up with this story that he choked to death on faulty marijuana, AYY LMAO what ever the fuck that means! Drugs are vilified in Japan so I believe he was strangled to death and the police helped cover it up as a suicide. The general populace don't care coz he's a 'filthy drug user'. Yakuza & The Police generally stay out of each other's business and look the other way. He was killed, because he actually did have ties to a Yakuza family, and he's from Nagoya.
There was a Filipino guy who often bragged about doing jobs for the mob. He bragged so much that one day he and his entire family were killed, and the incident was written off as if he just went back to his country.
I've heard stories of people being burnt alive by the Yakuza, and I've actually seen Yakuza enforcers physically beat the shit out of Columbian drug dealers who tried to establish turf inside of Japan.

The point I'm getting at is that Real Yakuza don't announce their affiliation. You just know who they are because they literally wear it on their sleeve. Although you don't have to. A lot of Nipps mistook me for Yakuza & bowed down to me like one, despite my lack of any genuine symbolism that would identify me with a clan. Yakuza didn't have a problem with me though, because I don't claim to be one either. I'm just naturally scary.

At most this alleged Yakuza Woman is from a delinquent gang, who aren't Yakuza. They can be recruited as Affiliate enforcers but if they get in trouble with the law or with rival Yakuza clans, the Yakuza will not recognize them as one of their own and they will be fully prosecuted by the law. A real Yakuza member would just get a pat on the back & sent right back out into the streets, like how the Antifa do around here in Washington.

I'm sure that vid probably explained away a lot of my suspicions, but I just don't feel like sitting through it coz i've seen plenty of bullshit over the years. You can even ask Houselander, I knew some really legit Yakuza. He even got scared just looking at them coz these Yakuza dudes look as scary as I do, lol. I knew some pretty high up there guys, one of them even joined La Eme when he was sent to prison while staying at the USA. (Eme are affiliated with Yakuza & White Supremacist gangs. Actual White Supremacists, not this fucking fake ass internet meme shit that's all the rage with Americans.)

Not once have I ever seen evidence of this mythical female yakuza.
I've seen some shit too, there's a lot of famous actors & musicians who are affiliated with the Yakuza that I wouldn't know about at all were I not acquainted with that circle.
I have not once ever seen a female who operated within the Yakuza as a soldier, enforcer, patriarch/matriarch or any other position with some actual prestige. At least none outside of a transitory role. Woman have stepped up as an honorary transitory role. That's not a real position though. Those girls are placeholders.

A sex worker? Yeah there's plenty of those. A mule? Anyone can be one of those. Hostgirl? Yeah there's plenty.
A songstress performer? Sure, the entire Enka genre is actually owned by the Yakuza.
A hacker, A web designer, one of those welcome people who hand you out flyers, a radio dj, a promoter, a politician? Sure any of those can be affiliated with Yakuza, but it doesn't make them Yakuza.

You don't actually want to be part of the genuine Yakuza hierarchy. Where a mistake can cost you a fucking finger. (Yes they still do that.) The difference between a Clan member and an Affiliate (which is what that alleged Yakuza woman sounds like.) is that a Clan member answers directly to the clan, and will have the full support of his clan if it is deemed that he was in the right, and fulfilled his responsibilities to the clan.
Japan is a country where a lady created Kabuki theater, but the woman who created Kabuki was actually banned from partaking in her own creation. There's heavy segregation in some venues due to the differences in the peak abilities of the sexes. A rare exception may exist, but I don't believe it's possible.
in their words, owned his whole life. She had access to all his social media, controlled his money, decided who he could and couldn't meet or even go out and was steadily fucking other dudes behind his back. She actually tried to fuck one of the dudes that told me about this and he turned her down. Then he messaged the guy to tell him about it and she responded from his phone. I can't remember what was said, but she deleted all his social media and cut his phone off. That's the last time any of them got in contact with him
The last part of this quote sounds like he was sold, she could be a human trafficker (I highly doubt it, who gets this intimate with a trafficker? LOL!) although I can't think of any organization in Asia that buys Black men, ayy lmao. There's a lot of Black bodyguards yeah, but they deal directly with the oyajis & patriarchs, not some random slut. If we weren't talking about White women, then yes I could imagine this lady as being a mama-san mother-hen type who lures random girls into human trafficking.
Asian people are in the business White girls, not Black guys, lol. This is a legit video of CCP politicians during a meeting, partying with naked White girls that they bought. White people legit get treated like objects when amongst the asians.
I'm specifying the Communist Chinese to point out that these are not Yakuza. Although yes, Yakuza also trade & sell White bitches. White people genuinely don't understand how dangerous the world is outside of their Western enclaves.
That's actually why I fucking hate it when White American Liberals talk down to me, the same exact way they talk down to Black people. As if they're my White saviors. I'm like how dare you! My people have been buying & selling White people for nearly a century and you dumb ass White people still don't do shit about it. Whites don't even realize it's happening, they don't believe it coz they're too caught up living inside of their make-believe Hollywood bubble.
They don't know the world like I do. I know that If make a call or an anonymous tip to the CCP or what not, that these dumb mothafuckas will disappear over night. The next time they wake up, is when a Chinese Communist is shitting inside of their mouth AYY LMAO!

None of this sounds like Yakuza activity at all. She sounds like a Pimp lol. Which yes can be an occupation for the Yakuza, but they're generally in the business of selling women, not men. Was she selling them? Yakuza have jobs, and this description sounds like a pimp, but it's missing about half of the story. Does she control his passport? If so, then she's definitely a pimp. That's not a Yakuza, although a pimp can be employed by the Yakuza and Yakuza can perform the duties of a pimp if that how he chooses to make money for the family.

Most are apparently just daughters of high ranking Yakuza or Yakuza families, so I can't say how much influence they have. Probably none within the actual organization, but they exist.
This I believe. Way back on youtube, there used to be a video of a sexy ass Jap bitch wearing nothing but a thong with tattoos all over her body (so you couldn't actually see her tits lol.) who was labeled as a Yakuza. She was just related. That's always been true, but being born into a Yakuza family doesn't automatically make you a Yakuza.
In most organized crime, including the Yakuza, family members are labeled as off limits and are classified as 'Civilians'. They're not soldiers and they have a diplomatic immunity which isn't afforded to most affiliates.
I'm sure Xed could corroborate on this from what he knows of Mafia groups, since the Italian Mafia operate in a similar way.
Some of the stories borthers that live over there would tell me were fucking insane sometime. I remember this one time, they started talking about chick and kept laughing about how she takes care of her men. I asked them about it, and apparently it was some housewife to some successful business man who was taking dudes out fucking them using him money. Like taking them on trips and buying them cloths and shit. They posted a picture of her and the chick herself had some thick hips for a Japanese woman. I think I still got the picture, though I probably want post it online. Don't want to start putting too many people's private business out in the open as this stuff has a surprising way of finding it way back to other people involved.
How is that a Yakuza though? That sounds way more like a mistress lol. Not so much the buying dudes' gifts part, that part sounds like a pimp but if she's not selling them to anyone then she's not a pimp.
I also fail to see how this falls within the overall grand scheme of making money, which is which is the point of the Yakuza. They're structured like a conglomerate where every single facet of their business overlaps with another market within their company structure.

The stuff you're telling me, just sounds way too personal. Yakuza don't get intimate with their package. They just deliver it. If a sense of intimacy is required, they'll use an attractive individual to entrap that package.
Which may be what happened to your Bros, but I have my doubts coz she doesn't sound as though she's taking part within a business transaction. it just sounds like she wants some Big Black Dick, lol!
Sure that's a fine story for a Jap porno, but it's not real.
Yakuza leave all civilians alone, but if you're a product (as in the package that is being bought & sold.), you cease to be a civilian. Packages who refuse to acknowledge their situation get killed. Yakuza will kill their packages out in the open, and nobody does anything. Everyone just runs off and the police look the other way.
This doesn't sound like what you're describing at all though. These Black dudes don't sound like packages who are waiting to be delivered.

Nothing you told me so far sounds like someone who is employed within a large company, otherwise known as a yakuza clan.
She could simply be a bored housewife lol. They have Japanese tv dramas where hot milfs fuck random dudes while their hubby is at work. In real life, the Jap wife & the Jap hubby cheat on each other all the time. It doesn't really seem to matter them either, so long as they come back to each other every night.

I said what it was that I did in one of those media or site maintence threads. I won't reiterate coz that shit happened over 2 decades ago. it's the fucking past. (Although that didn't stop Yaks from trying to keep contact with me all the way up until 2018 when I finally cut everyone off, including all of the fine ass Jap babes I met through their businesses. Which was the only fucking reason I even did anything for them old fucks anyway.)
I just introduced women to other guys, and those guys introduced them to other guys & girls and those guys bring them to other guys & girls to present them with job offerings.
(Said jobs were sex work.) The operation is on such a clandestine scale that every single person involved in that process has never met each other in their entire lives, aside for those at the top, and the package, the package is the hot bitchs with big tits & ass.

When you think about it, the tactical planner who comes up with how the operations are run had such brilliant planning coz from my perspective I legit was just passing through and can be written off as some random nobody coz I am a random nobody. That's how the operations function. It's like 10 degrees of seperation. There's millions of people involved within a singular operation. Most of us have no fucking idea about the operation at all.

I never heard of the fucker. Japs his age, have never heard of me either, so whatever kek.
He's just a regular Japanese guy, but he does a lot of videos about shady shit that goes on in Japan that no one else really talks about.

Yeah I watched a few of his vids after I posted at this thread nearly a month ago. Aside from his dumbass political opinions, he's just telling you a bunch of basic knowledge that damn near every Jap already knows, but he's presenting it to Non-Japanese as though these were hidden black markets or something lol. It's just local subcultue.

The defunct show Tonight2 used to talk about the same exact subjects that his videos are about. He seems way too young to know about that show though since I assume that he's only in his 20s.

I even mentioned a few of these events several times at this forum. I know for sho that I mentioned her at the Hana Kimura thread lol.

He presents these subjects as though they were recent, when most of this shit happened over 2 decades ago, back when I was still a eighteen in Japan. HMM I wonder why, lol!

ReignBot (who's not Japanese, she's a hottie though lol) has much more impressive videos about the dark side of the world. Although her videos about Japan seem to be the most popular.

She hasn't done any about the Yakuza. I'm sure she knows of a few incidents that happened, but I wouldn't document it either.

You know a person's story I want to know? Kid Yamamoto. If this Yuki kid knew anything about him, I'm all ears. I really wanna know. That Lil faggot died way before I ever got the chance to meet him, so his secrets died with him. Not that I was actively seeking him out, lol. His wife is the only reason that I noticed him anyway, not him lol.
A lot of people suspected that he rolled with the Yakuza. I believe he did too, coz of who his wife was. Only someone Yakuza connected could've networked with a babe like her.

LOL she don't give a mad shit about Kid.
(Looks sorta like the 'Jap' girl I posted in the NMH thread.)
Kid acted like someone who was affiliated coz he doesn't say shit about his Yak ties at all.
I do recall hearing about how Kid used to hang out and party all night with Manji smoking weed.
(In Japan, weed is treated as if it were cocaine or meth than the lackadaisical drug it actually is, lol!)
This was rumor from MMA communities. Manji is one of the main actors from the IWGP Ikebukuro West Gate Park drama. There was a lot of connected people from that drama, and I used to be on speaking terms with most of the real ogs from that show.
I mentioned one in the previous post.

As for Kid, I suspect that Yakuza fixed most of his fights, he was possibly rewarded with that babe as a wife. When it came time to prove his skills, he fucked up. Lost his hot girl trophy, and then a few years after Pride Fighting gets taken down due to Yakuza connections. A decade or so later he tries his luck with the UFC where the Yakuza can't fix fights for him so he get his ass kicked almost as badly as CM Punk, AYY LMAO! Then he died of cancer or whatever. I don't believe Yakuza killed him or anything coz he was completely silent about those allegations. No one even knew about his cancer until it was too late and he did seem to be the stoic type who would keep his cancer a secret. Cancer is also not a typical way that a Yakuza will kill you. They prefer 'suicide'. Kinda sounds like the American government AYY LMAO.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

I don't mean they are actual active members or foot soldiers. I'm talking about women who are heavily connected with them and can make shit happen. The types whom if you piss them off, they can have someone fuck your livelihood up and so on. People who belong to Yakuza affiliated Zaibatsus and the like. Women who are heavily involved or work closely with them. She was one of those.

The second chick wasn't a Yak. That was just something I remember them telling me about with crazy chicks they run into over there and the stuff they do. I've heard about stuff like that before. With how married Japanese women will take foreign men out on dates and pay for everything, or shower them with gifts. Essentially being their sugar mama.

I knew about that most of shit in his vids when they first myself. Its the shady side shit that I'm interested in. I never see any other Japanese youtubers talk about stuff like this.

Last edited by Krizzx on Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Jack »

Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:04 am I don't mean they are actual active members or foot soldiers. I'm talking about women who are heavily connected with them and can make shit happen. The types whom if you piss them off, they can have someone fuck your livelihood up and so on. People who belong to Yakuza affiliated Zaibatsus and the like. Women who are heavily involved.

The second chick wasn't a Yak. That was just something I remember them telling me about with crazy chicks they run into over there and the stuff they do.
I don't see how that's any different from a random Chola who has 12 angry Cholo brothers. The brothers are in a gang. The girl is just a blood related civilian with diplomatic immunity. Now that you cleared that up, you're talking about an affiliate. That's an outsourced job. Not a yakuza.

I actually don't even understand why people join Yakuzas, coz they work as hard with a 9 to 5 job like a normal jap. Wth is even the point? LOL!
In my case, I was just like whatever. Get paid to talk to a hot bitch & walk around with her, make her feel safe then drop her off with some scary ugly ass slant faggot and leave right before she suspects anything. Cool. Don't even get to fuck her lol.

The second girl sounds exactly like how a Pimp conducts themselves, at least in regards to social media, passports & identities & the like. Although yes it doesn't add up and I can agree that it just sounds like some crazy woman. A crazy woman who seems a lot of fun so bravo to that.

I wanted to rewrite this.
Asian people are in the business White girls, not Black guys, lol. This is a legit video of CCP politicians during a meeting, partying with naked White girls that they bought. White people legit get treated like objects when amongst the asians.
I'm specifying the Communist Chinese to point out that these are not Yakuza. Although yes, Yakuza also trade & sell White bitches. White people genuinely don't understand how dangerous the world is outside of their Western enclaves.
but can't edit the post.
It should read as "Asian people are in the business of selling White girls, not Black guys."
That's not a movie either. That really is the Communist Chinese party, forcing some fairly attractive White girls to party naked lol.

Although as I pointed out, there are Black weapon smugglers and plenty of Bodyguard enforcer types which are legit jobs. The smuggler is an affiliate though. The enforcer is part of the family, or at least I assume they become part of the family. Who knows. A Japanese enforcer are clan members. I'm not sure how it is with anyone else.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

Jack wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:20 am
Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:04 am I don't mean they are actual active members or foot soldiers. I'm talking about women who are heavily connected with them and can make shit happen. The types whom if you piss them off, they can have someone fuck your livelihood up and so on. People who belong to Yakuza affiliated Zaibatsus and the like. Women who are heavily involved.

The second chick wasn't a Yak. That was just something I remember them telling me about with crazy chicks they run into over there and the stuff they do.
I don't see how that's any different from a random Chola who has 12 angry Cholo brothers. The brothers are in a gang. The girl is just a blood related civilian with diplomatic immunity. Now that you cleared that up, you're talking about an affiliate. That's an outsourced job. Not a yakuza.

I actually don't even understand why people join Yakuzas, coz they work as hard with a 9 to 5 job like a normal jap. Wth is even the point? LOL!
In my case, I was just like whatever. Get paid to talk to a hot bitch & walk around with her, make her feel safe then drop her off with some scary ugly ass slant faggot and leave right before she suspects anything. Cool. Don't even get to fuck her lol.

The second girl sounds exactly like how a Pimp conducts themselves, at least in regards to social media, passports & identities & the like. Although yes it doesn't add up and I can agree that it just sounds like some crazy woman. A crazy woman who seems a lot of fun so bravo to that.

I wanted to rewrite this.
Asian people are in the business White girls, not Black guys, lol. This is a legit video of CCP politicians during a meeting, partying with naked White girls that they bought. White people legit get treated like objects when amongst the asians.
I'm specifying the Communist Chinese to point out that these are not Yakuza. Although yes, Yakuza also trade & sell White bitches. White people genuinely don't understand how dangerous the world is outside of their Western enclaves.
but can't edit the post.
It should read as "Asian people are in the business of selling White girls, not Black guys."
That's not a movie either. That really is the Communist Chinese party, forcing some fairly attractive White girls to party naked lol.

Although as I pointed out, there are Black weapon smugglers and plenty of Bodyguard enforcer types which are legit jobs. The smuggler is an affiliate though. The enforcer is part of the family, or at least I assume they become part of the family. Who knows. A Japanese enforcer are clan members. I'm not sure how it is with anyone else.
Man, the shit I've heard from expats in China about what goes on over there. I remember this one dude talking about how this Chinese chick he helped get a job had shared her moments with him on some Chinese app, and he got a notification one day. Clicked it and saw that the chick accidently shared a video where her and a bunch of other girls were fucked by a group of white and Chinese businessmen, and then she privated it before he could finish watching it. I've heard all kinds of shit about the corrupt stuff that goes on there as well.

That one dude used to have a channel full of dirty shit that goes on over. He had all these videos where women were beating their husbands mistresses and even one where an old chinese woman ran up behind a girl her husband was seeing, doused her in gas and set her on fire. This is apparently a really common thing in China do to them not dumping the husbands money into the ex wife's hands like they do in the west. So the wives fight hard to protect their positions and sometimes even gang up on mistress and beat them in public.

He had videos of Chinese dudes goes on rampages and attacking or killing people that never make the news in the major media because of censorship by the CCP. There was this other where he would post videos of this one chinese chick that had been stalking him for years. He would just sit there and play the crazy voice mails she would leave him while smoking a cigarrate. They took his first Youtube channel down, though. He made a new ones but he doesn't post videos of all the shit that goes on over there anymore. Partly because he started catching the attention of Chinese nationalists and you don't want to stand out in China. Especially for airing out their dirty laundry.

The only place you can still sort of see shit like that is on Serpentza's channel since he's fallen out with the CCP and can't really go back.

I've actually had some of these "honey trap" chicks try to get at me because I was in Cryptocureency groups, and others when I tried to use wetalk. Like, you'd have to be retarded to fall for that shit, but apparently, some people do.
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Jack »

That looks like Serpentza. Kinda figured you were talking bout him just from the description though. Serpentza & Laowhy is some good shit. Now granted, I don't have first hand direct experience with the CCP mainland like I do with Japan so I just assume that they're legit. I think they are though coz nothing they say clashes with China Uncensored, who are legit and on the level. (One of their main writers is a woman who escaped the CCP and was born into it.)

Too bad a lot of the Japanese channels are bullshit though. There was some good ones in the past (like way back in fucking 2009) which mostly uploaded documentaries. Japan channels are usually bullshit coz they try to conform with Western expectations and portray Japan as some Atheistic Libertarian country which is fucking bizarre to me since Japan is very animistic & traditional the exact opposite of atheist or libertarian. (considering that Japan still has a Monarchy.) Nearly every Asian country is traditional. I hate it when fucking Americans Lefties call Japan a backwards savage Conservative hellhole, coz imo Japan looks futuristic as fuck and still does but at least they're correct that Japan is very traditionalist. That's a good thing, it makes it harder for Japan to be subverted from within, unlike damn near every country in the world, like their next door neighbor South Korea, who are basically Americans but with a gook face ayy lmao. (It's complicated coz the reality is that South Korea is far more friendly towards China, despite how American they come off. Japan is the opposite in that they're the most friendly to the USA out of all of the Asian nations, but the Japs are also the least American. Even the CCP feels way more American than Japs do.)

Man fuck, I just lost my streamable account coz they banned me for that CCP post. Ohh that figures. They don't give a shit when I post vids of Afghans getting gunned down by American gis. They didn't give a shit when I posted a video of a Black man & an attack dog both getting their brains blown the fuck up by continuous friendly fire by an American Swat team. No what bans me? Showing CCP parading around a bunch of naked White bitches during a meeting. They prob thought it was porn. Nah mang that was reality.

Krizzx wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:35 am Man, the shit I've heard from expats in China about what goes on over there. I remember this one dude talking about how this Chinese chick he helped get a job had shared her moments with him on some Chinese app, and he got a notification one day. Clicked it and saw that the chick accidently shared a video where her and a bunch of other girls were fucked by a group of white and Chinese businessmen, and then she privated it before he could finish watching it. I've heard all kinds of shit about the corrupt stuff that goes on there as well.

That one dude used to have a channel full of dirty shit that goes on over. He had all these videos where women were beating their husbands mistresses and even one where an old chinese woman ran up behind a girl her husband was seeing, doused her in gas and set her on fire. This is apparently a really common thing in China do to them not dumping the husbands money into the ex wife's hands like they do in the west. So the wives fight hard to protect their positions and sometimes even gang up on mistress and beat them in public.

He had videos of Chinese dudes goes on rampages and attacking or killing people that never make the news in the major media because of censorship by the CCP.
You wanna know the plot twist? China has always been like this. American Right wing capitalist fucktards try to blame this barbarity on communism, but when you look into Chinese history what you find is that the Chinese do not seem to respect human life at all. They're the exact opposite of every other country in the world. In normal countries, women & children are paramount. In China, they label woman & children as just the arms & legs, you can live without your limbs. The meaning of which is that China only truly respects grown men. It's fucking weird though coz young boys eventually grow up into men, but China has no problem with throwing newborns on the ground smashing them into pieces.

In every single one of these examples, I'm referring to China's national hero of the Han (the main Chinese tribe) Liu Xuande. This motherfucker even ate a woman whole, but he instead congratulated the man who killed & fed Liu, his wife AYY LMAO! The story goes, this solder had no food to give but he didn't want to disrespect the 3 oath brothers so he killed his wife, chopped her up, cooked her & fed them to Liu Xuande. This story is meant to show the dedication & sacrifices that Liu's subjects were willing to make for him. I'm just appalled, lol.

If that were me, I'd be enraged coz you get prions disease from the consumption of human. For the Chinese people though, this is just Tuseday. They've seen much worse.

I have an entire folder of crazy ass videos from China that look much worse than anything you've ever seen from the USA & Brazil and that's saying something coz we live in a fucking shithole but China still manages to be more of a horror freak show. In China, the roads & escalators will eat you alive lol! Traffic accidents in China are just as explosive & destructive as traffic road rage from a GTA game. I can't believe that shit is real life. I just lost my account though so I can't post shit up so whatever.

There was this other where he would post videos of this one chinese chick that had been stalking him for years. He would just sit there and play the crazy voice mails she would leave him while smoking a cigarrate. They took his first Youtube channel down, though. He made a new ones but he doesn't post videos of all the shit that goes on over there anymore. Partly because he started catching the attention of Chinese nationalists and you don't want to stand out in China. Especially for airing out their dirty laundry.

The only place you can still sort of see shit like that is on Serpentza's channel since he's fallen out with the CCP and can't really go back.
Yeah that guy is good shit, from my perspective anyway. Although truthfully I'd trust a White man over a China man any day, in regards to the CCP. A Chinese person would be forced to lie unless they've straight up escaped like the woman from China Uncensored.
I've actually had some of these "honey trap" chicks try to get at me because I was in Cryptocureency groups, and others when I tried to use wetalk. Like, you'd have to be retarded to fall for that shit, but apparently, some people do.
I always wanted to get into crypto. Fuck the petro dollar, that's the bullshit that's fucking controlling us all. Even Gaddafi tried to get Libya away from the Petrodollar and he was murdered for it. I'm not even going to bother until I'm out of the USA. Not after what happened to Steven Seagal. He's on the run from the USA coz he failed to disclose cryptocurrency and you know what, I ain't even gonna bother coz the entire story makes no fucking sense. Let's just say that the same shit that happened to Wesley Snipes over a decade ago, also happened to Steve but since Steve was a crypto-Russian this entire time he can just run away to Russia, join a Russian Liberal party that's allied with Putin and gain somewhat of a diplomatic immunity status which makes him untouchable for now, so long as he's serving the Russian government.

Back to crime life with this mobster professor due who in his avatar he's posing with a Japanese American pornstar during her prime lol. Fuck it's so damn rare to see authentic Jap Americans lol. (mainly coz we all leave this shit hole.)
This Jap guy is a mobster

(I don't know which. He doesn't sound like Yakuza though, but he is Japanese. He claims to be a Soldier who has his own soldiers. He doesn't sound like Yakuza to me coz he wouldn't be able to recruit his own crew unless he were a Lieutenant like Goro Majima during Yakuza 1.) and he was a UCLA professor up until 2016 I think. I've been following his stuff much earlier than that, I first heard about him through his bloodlines video.

I think this vid is interesting coz he pointed out how nearly every American Right Wing political commentator is actually a citizen of the British Commonwealth.(He called it the British Empire, same thing. He's referring to people from UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc.)
None of these faggots are American at all, and he brings up about how he's a real American. He may not look like them but he knows far more about the USA than any of these British commonwealth fags do, who only exist to demoralize Americans.
Especially morons like Paul Joseph Watson or Stephan Molyneaux. Both of which don't know what the fuck they're talking about at all. It always cracks me up how American right wing losers treat those fags so seriously when any real American wouldn't find anything in common with their Brit & Canadian punkasses.

This guy is real as hell in terms of the Jap American experience, which is saying something since most Asian Americans just larp as African Americans and always vote for Democrats when they've always extremely hostiles towards Japs due to the DNC's alignment with China, even before the CCP existed. (I put the likes of George Takei in the White-washed category, he's basically just an ugly slanteye guy trying hard to be White.)
This mobster professor guy voted for Trump twice but he also voted for Jesse Jackson twice & was pro Bernie. Right now he's both anti Bernie & Trump, which is smart. It shows that he's not an ideologue & only chooses those who can be used as a weapon against the political ruling class of Washington DC.
The only ones I really like are Tulshi Gabbard & Ron Paul, and Tulsi will just fail like Ron Paul did before her.
I find this old Jap fuck interesting coz I've lived similar experiences but since he's been in the USA a lot longer than I have, he seems to want to actually fight for it. Whereas I'm just leaving, fuck this place. Ain't no place for a jap ayy lmao! A lot of my clothes are Japanese name brands, he buys all American.

I'll get around to posting some urban albums after I'm through with the jury duty bullshit (Oh gee more reason to hate this country. I just did jury duty last year.) that I'm being forced to attend by the end of the month for a whole fucking week. Oh joy! My mom got sent her summons for next month. WA state really fucking sucks. Everyone hates on California but I think Washington is way worse. At least Cali is predominantly Hispanic so they're not as insane with that jury duty crap since half of that state doesn't even speak English.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

No. I wasn't taling about Serpentza in the first part. I was talking about someone else. This black guy that's been over there for about 15 years. His channel had so few views that he was able to get away with posting really graphic shit for a long time. His old channels were called Loser Laowai and Winner Laowai before they got deleted.

Even though he lived in China, when Trump got elected, he went full on alt right nutjob, though. He was straight praising trump for the doing shit he would be bashing the CCP for doing in his next video, word for word. I had to call on him out on that shit a few times. Like keep your bs consistent man. How are you going to make 20 minutes videos complaining about some shit being done to you in China or others like you in China, then praising the exact same thing being done to people in your home land? The pure cognitive dissonance. He just went off the deep end into Trump fanaticsm to delusional levels.

Didn't post the same content he used to after that so, I mostly drop him. That, and that he's dumb as shit. Got into bitconnect and other stuff that went bust. His comprehension of economics and sociology are near nonexistent. He posts a lost of RAW shit though. Thats the only stuff I watch that he makes, because he doesn't half know what he's the talking about with the rest.

This is like his third or fourth channel, because the others got shut down year ago. The stuff he posts now is relatively tame compared to what he used to.

I found one of the old videos of the chick who was stalking him for years. He would change his number, move to different districts and she would still find a way to get his number and star harassing him and trying to get him to come back to get with. Most were on his old channels, so they're gone.

And this was a vid from his old channel that someone saved and uploaded back where he was posting raw content. I think his was one of the ones that was showing how Chinese dudes wives would jump on their husbands mistresses out in public and how he'd see that shit all the time. Sometimes the wives would even bring her friends to jump the mistress.

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Re: The underground of the East.

Post by Krizzx »

I'm honestly not too shocked to see chicks like this. She legits scouts her fans to sell them to brothels and doesn't feel the least bit bother by it. The way she describes it is heartless, but she has point.

Apparently even made cafe's and the like are being cracked down on by Japanese law enforcement.
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