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Post by CENSORED »

I'm laughing if that's the alleged new model that Spawnwave swore he saw.
Oh I'm laughing too. Ever since I bought a Switch, everyone told me I was retarded because the "Switch Pro" was "just on the cusp" of coming out. Then it never happens lol.
I don't give a shit about the OLED screen shit because I never play undocked anyway.
Speaking of which, DAMN Nintendo's fanbase is eclectic as fuck. On internet, I'm always hearing about how Nintendo Switch is a Childrens' Fisher Price toy, but in real life I see a completely different picture. I see tons of bangable girls playing Switch, big muscular Black dudes and hell Kax & I are both scary looking motherfuckaz who play the Switch. I'm even seeing generic ass White jocks who look like a skinnier Brian Cage who'd be hardcore fanboying over Splatoon of all fucking things, AYY LMAO!
How does Nintendo do that? On Internet, Nintendo Swtich is often labeled as the tranny system, which is true I do see a fair amount of fat trannies buying Switch games, but at the same time I'm seeing Brian Cage look-alikes who are fucking crazy over the Switch, LOL!

I already thought it was weird that I know legit Latino gangster families who play nothing but Pokemon & ANimal Crossing on Switch, but it's even weirder when you see these roided out fitness dudes, almost 6'tall (He most likely claims 6 feet.) and most likely a mackdaddy chad who fucks all the bitches, fanboying hardcore over Fisher Price shooter Splatoon.
It's funny how on internet, they make you believe that only little kids play Nintendo, but when I was at gamestop today, the only system that everyone was buying games for was The SWitch, lol!
The answer as per why is simple. The Switch, despite being a piece of shit hardware with a dogshit OS and dogshit internet, is the only videogame console where you actually play videogames. That's why it attracts such a diverse audience, they literally have no choice. What are they going to play on PS5 or Xbox series X? Hell I only bought a PS4 for kingdom hearts (which is now on PC lol) and Bloodborne, and an XBox one X because it was cheaper than a 4k blu ray player, and still played 4k blu rays.

Despite what the internet will tell you. Most people who play videogames, just want to pick up a controller and play something and have fun. Not sit through eight hours of cutscenes about how profound they are, and then play something they purposefully don't enjoy so they can appear enlightened to their discord friends selling them HRT meds under the table because of how much they enjoy boredom.
Even my mom and dad know who Mario is. Noone in the real world knows who the fuck any moviegame character is. Random whores I happen to know (wink wink) know who samus aran is, and what a metroid is lol. I was surprised because Metroid is the least mainstream Nintendo property.
I went with FE3H coz FE games are always replayable and they added so much new shit in FE3H that it feels like a completely game now.
Yeah I haven't played the DLC stuff yet. I still have my copy though. I just got very burned out with FE3H for the same reason you did, I was super excited to play the other campaigns only to find out you play through the same exact maps with slight dialogue changes. The game is long as fuck so the thought of finishing it two more times for the full story fucking killed my interest, and yeah I'm aware I could just rush through it on easy mode. That's still boring. I am interested in the DLC campaigns, I just haven't gotten around to them yet despite having bought the season pass.
So y'all motherruckers getting Skyward Bored?
I am, but that's for a stupid reason. I've been marathoning the zelda games with a friend (wink wink) and we're almost at Skyward Sword, and I'd honestly rather pay 50 bucks than deal with motion controls ever again in my life.
I don't know why the fuck gamers act as if motion controls are a profound control system. It's always just shit you could do with a controller or a mouse and keyboard, but overcomplicated for absolutely no reason.
Skyward Sword is not really a good game. The last great zelda game before BOTW was Minish Cap. You're not really into Zelda in the first place so I definetly wouldn't raccomend Skyward Sword. (I don't know if BOTW really is that great btw. I played a bit of it and enjoyed it, but I won't do a full playthrough until I am done with the rest of my marathon.)
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Post by CENSORED »

Also all you fucking scrubs being silent about the BEST smash reveal yet. Go suck more Sephiroth ladyboy cock. I'm gonna destroy you fucking scrub with wd TWIN PISTONZ bitch!!
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Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:02 am
Also all you fucking scrubs being silent about the BEST smash reveal yet. Go suck more Sephiroth ladyboy cock. I'm gonna destroy you fucking scrub with wd TWIN PISTONZ bitch!!
U wot m8!
I commented bout Kazuya in the first post of the previous page.
Zoomys were crying about Kazuya Mishima and acting like he's a niche character. I'm like motherfucker, Kaz's Tekken games almost always sell 7 million copies. That ain't niche, bitch! kazuya ain't no mothafucking Terry Bogard. You can't treat Kazuya like he's irrelevant, he's pretty much a household name among older millennials, genx & boomers. Sure I would've preferred Heihachi (If I ain't getting Dr Eggman then I'll settle for the other insane evil old guy), but I ain't complaining. So far Mythra was my fave pic though, partly because she angered the fuck out of the Internet Nintendo fanbase who went into meltdown mode, because the Internet fanbase are nothing but trannies. (America is fucked up mang!) The most accurate comment I saw about the Kaz debacle was "Kazuya is a good choice, but Smash faggots don't play fighting games so they'll rage anyway."
I'm still lauging at the Smash faggots calling Kaz a SHOTO (AKA Ryu-clone) when he's clearly not a shoto. Nobody in Smash plays anything like Kazuya. He has all of these Tekken style move inputs that are just part of his normal move set. His special moves are all just Devil transformations. THat's some fucking brilliant design coz not even I saw that coming. I just thought Kaz was gonna play like Smash character, similar to how he played like a Darkstalkerish Street Fighter character in that shitty SF X Tekken crossover game.
Some idiots compare him to Captain Falcon or Gannondorf, but as was said, Smash faggots don't play fighting games. What would they know?

Kaz is def the best character so far. Have you see his fucking moveset? GODDAMN! I was not expecting Kaz to actually control like a Tekken character. He even has electric wind god fist. I knew ewgf was going to be in, but I assumed it was going to be a lame forward special move, not an actual normal that you input through a direction-based notation, LIKE A REAL FIGHTING GAME.
That alone should give him a huge advantage over everybody, coz he has this huge arsenal of moves that are all normals. Kaz plays like a 3d character stuck inside of a 2d game, which somewhat puts him at a disadvantage due to how 3d fighters are slower, but it also means that he has an arsenal that's 3 times the size of normal Smash characters. LOL and I thought that Mythra had a huge tits oh I mean a huge moveset!

Theoretically Kaz should be the best damn character. Who knows though, fuck I'm only good with the zoners like Samus (The one with the battle armor, not the zero-slut.)
and Palutena who looks like a zoner but is actually more of a footsies. Her up smash is geared towards footsy traps. "WTF is FOOTSIES! The hella DIS GAY SHIT?" Footsy is any gameplan that revolves around Anti-air strategies. It's also what we call Ryu's Shoryuken game, although it's called zoning when Ryu does it coz nearly his entire game revolves around running away like a pussy and spamming fireballs until you get angry enough to jump at him, where he just dragon punches you in the nuts, over & over.

Palutena's game is fucking crazy, sure she does the zoning shit too, and I love teleporting away as Palutena & annoying the hell out of everyone by playing like a chickenshit bitch.
Main reason why Palutena is more labeled as footsies though is coz she actually wants to stay within your range, about the same range as her flame shot which is mid-range. The idea is to just spam her homing beams over & over, while flicking a few flame balls, baiting them into Palutena melee range, to which you can just fuck em up with her up smash, her jump rapid normal attack, her default neutral combo which is a multi hit that stuns the shit at of you, or you can do a slight forward tilt where she spins her wand on the ground, you can simply ram into them with her shieled since her dash has high hit priority, meaning that she'll cancel out nearly everything physical attack that you try to throw at her when she rams into with her shield.
Palutena is a fucking beast!

Meanwhile Ryu just runs like a pussy. I run away like a pussy as Palutena all the time, but I only do that to bait suckers so I can trap them inside Palutena footsie traps, and then shoot them into outer space with her Omega laser beam.
As Samus, I just stand in one place spamming rockets & charging up my special beam but I only shoot the beam when someone is about to hit me, then I just go back to spamming missiles, lol.
Samus's super is fucking crazy, she shoots this big ass laser, it's like Persona 4 Yu's super move from Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. Dat game is amazing.

Overall, every FP2 choice has been good except Steve. I still haven't bought Mythra yet, lol you can actually play as her in Torna with her tits & panties hanging out. There's actually a censored costume in that game called that's from Smash Bros, and it's the same exact one they use in Smash Bros Ultimate.
Yeah I haven't played the DLC stuff yet. I still have my copy though. I just got very burned out with FE3H for the same reason you did, I was super excited to play the other campaigns only to find out you play through the same exact maps with slight dialogue changes. The game is long as fuck so the thought of finishing it two more times for the full story fucking killed my interest, and yeah I'm aware I could just rush through it on easy mode. That's still boring. I am interested in the DLC campaigns, I just haven't gotten around to them yet despite having bought the season pass.
I don't even care about the fucking story. The story is good, but I just want my tactics fix coz I don't have enough memory to keep Xcom 2 installed. I have 150gb to work with, but turd party games take up way too much memory and I have 10 gb reserved for Ninja Gaiden MC, although imo I honestly think that Monster Hunter has way better combat, lol. NG is still good though. It's just NG may have been more precise when compared to stuff like DMC & God of War, but MH's combat feels even more tactical. NG & MH both have shit tons of weapon variety though, and every single weapon plays different. NG's projectile weapons always suck ass though (Rachel's machinegun is the only ok projectile weapon.) whereas in MH Rise, the LBG functions like Resident Evil 6 combat.

I don't even have the FE dlc and it only came with one extra campaign that I'm not even interested in. They added in a bunch of shit though. I started over my game just so I could have Female Byleth prancing around everywhere in a dancers outfit with her big ass tits hanging all over the place. The main reason I started over though is coz I want my new FE3H title screen that you can only get after beating Maddening mode without NG+. I figure that'd be the best time to do Maddening Casual.
My ego got the better of me at first, coz I wasted a few hours just continuing my old Maddening Classic save from nearly 3 years ago (it will be 3 years by the end of this month when FE3H first released.)
I was actually having a lot of fun playing Maddening Classic, watching as some of my failing students broke their bones permanently & flunked out of class lol. All that matters to me is that Lyz, the big guy who eats too much, & Shamir are still living. I was planning to play it with just those 4 characters + Claude, and sacrificing the rest of the army, lol.

EDIT: WTF I already have the new title screen. It's just sometimes the throne is empty and other times, Sothis is sleeping on it. Oh well I already fucking started a blank new game. I figure that since Claude has the most Jrpg Persona party, that I'll play his as a blank slate Maddening Casual game, but for everyone else, I'm going full Maddening Classic, and it's going to be tragic as fuck during Dimitri's game since I don't even like most of his classmates anyway, so I'll just let them die after the timeskip.
Skyward Sword is not really a good game. The last great zelda game before BOTW was Minish Cap. You're not really into Zelda in the first place so I definetly wouldn't raccomend Skyward Sword. (I don't know if BOTW really is that great btw. I played a bit of it and enjoyed it,
I'm only interested in it for the combat. I suck up & praise BOTW, but the reality is that I think it's boring as fuck which is why I traded in a long ass time ago. Nearly everything that I liked about BOTW such as the survival elements and the like, I feel that Monster Hunter does way better. You really need to give MH Rise a chance, it plays way more like God Eater than it does a Monster Hunter game. Although I've eventually grown to like classic style MH too. I know this girl on Switch who only plays shooters whenever she's not playing Animal Crossing or Pokemon, but she has the highest play time of MH Rise out of everyone I know. About 200 hours. I'll eventually get past that, I'm at 105 or something so far.
Last edited by Jack on Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:02 am
Also all you fucking scrubs being silent about the BEST smash reveal yet. Go suck more Sephiroth ladyboy cock. I'm gonna destroy you fucking scrub with wd TWIN PISTONZ bitch!!
Speaking of slept on, Shantae mii-fit. She actually came with a medley track.

She's only 79cents. I'm getting that. Shantae used to have fucking amazing music. The latest Shantae game has generic ass Indieshit "retro-sounding" 8bit chiptune garbage.

Das muh fave track. The breakdown is hype as fuck, sounds like classic Sega Genesis beats.

Half Genie Hero had an even more hype remix.

I saw a used physical copy of Half Genie Hero Ultimate, I'll prob get it just for the fucking music. DAMN this shit is good.

I really need to get back to mixing shit on garageband. I can do a near perfect cover of Slow Moon from Streets of Rage 2. I tried doing Go Straight, but that song's composition is as complex as an orhestra.
I gotta make me some beats like this for my own games.

(Yes I'm still working on that whore bullshit. I just didn't work on it at all last week coz it was over 120 degrees out in Shitty seattle.)
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Krizzx »

The Switch OLED is basically the 3DS XL only with no technical performance increase, lol. That's why I don't ride the hype fantasy trains. I know Nintendo. They don't chase trends, they make them. That's what makes them great.

Kazuya almost tempts me to buy smash DLC, but I know I'll never play. I haven't put smash in for over a year now.

I'll probably be getting Ys IX, though.

I never got a PS4 or XBone, because there was nothing on them I wanted to play that I couldn't get a better version of on PC. Of course, PC gaming has hit a standstill do to the ongoing RTX card scalping. I've been waiting since the beginning of the year to get an RTX card, and it looks like I'll be waiting until 2022. Mind you, I could easily afford the cards even at there current price, but only a fool would buy a scalped product. That's taking an L while justifying to the scalpers that what they do works. I'll just wait for the 4000 series cards, because once the crypto boom ends, the market will be flooded with overtaxed GPU's that were used for cryptomining. I've had Cyberpunk 2077 for months, but haven't installed it yet, because I'm waiting to get a card with DLSS for a reasonable price.

Luckily, Nintendo got me covered. Metroid Dread, SMTV, Ys 9, and Astria Ascend will get me through the rest of the year.
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Post by CENSORED »

U wot m8!
I commented bout Kazuya in the first post of the previous page.
I was fucking smashed when I posted that. I think I even read your post, and then excised it from my mind.
If my posts are anywhere past 6PM italian time, there's a 90% chance I am drunk.

You all discussed it already but Metroid Dread looks great.

I've been replaying the Metroid series leading up to its release. I can get a 100% items, best ending run on 1, 2, Super and Fusion but Zero Mission is kicking my ass. The best I managed to do was 3.4h with 100% items, but the best ending actually requires less than 2 hours. It also has some extra endings for 15% completion on normal and hard, which I haven't tried yet.
I like the Prime games too, but now that I'm going through the series again, I think I like the classics better because they're so damn replayable as you try to optimize your runs. Granted you can probably speedrun the Prime games as well but there's no real incentive to do so. I haven't played Samus Return or that M2 fangame yet, because I'm still playing through Prime 3. I'm gonna skip Other M coz it SUCKS.

For clarification, I have seen your post about Other M in the other thread. The Other M storyline still sucks donkey dick, but it has nothing to do with sexism. It actually makes no sense in the context of the series, because Samus' arc is a complete repeat of what happened in the prequel manga.
I don't care much for the manga either, but it makes sense that Samus as a rookie, would get PTSD triggered and go crazy when confronted with the creature who killed & ate her entire family.
By the time the manga ends, she already developed into the stoic bounty hunter she is in the rest of the series. (It was published as a prequel to Zero Mission / M1)
After that she fights Ridley a total of five fucking times (six since he was added to the Metroid 2 remake, hell seven if we count the Ridley robot at the end of Zero Mission), yet seeing him in Other M triggers the same exact response she had as a young girl, before she went through the entirety of the series minus Fusion.

It's not even the real Ridley, he's just a federation clone which in itself is an unneeded retcon, to shove ridley into this midquel.
Fusion even seemed to imply that Adam Malkovich was a figure from Samus' past. Which I guess he is, but according to Other M he only saw him a few months before the game started lol. The federation had preserved Ridley's remains in Fusion, but I guess now it's the clone's remains according to the timeline? Why the fuck would they even do that if they could clone him whenever the fuck? It overcomplicates the setting for no real reason.
Not that this shit matters, because Other M sucks dick as a game. It's not Team Ninja's fault though, they were working under absurd limitations, making a 3d action game based around a NES controller.
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Post by CENSORED »

Mind you, I could easily afford the cards even at there current price, but only a fool would buy a scalped product.
How the fuck would you even do that? I never managed to see any of those fucking cards. I have an open preorder for a 3080 which just never shipped, and I placed it the day it was released. (I'm keeping it because in case it ever does ship, I can sell it for triple its price lol. I don't think it ever will though.)
The only place I've ever seen one of those new cards is ebay, and I don't trust ebay for shit. I had to settle for a scalped 3060 even though that's not what I wanted, because that was the only one I could find. No reason to be picky though, it's not like I'm gonna play any AAA releases lol. I mostly assembled a new PC because I like high end emulation, and well because my old desktop wasn't running all that well anymore.

I agree with you though, the entire console generation has been a waste. I think the only two games from this gen that I own that are still console exclusives are Persona 5 and Bloodborne. I'm never gonna replay Persona 5, at least not in years because while the game is good it's way too fucking long and wastes way too much of my time with pointless bullshit, so I guess I'm keeping my PS4 around to replay Bloodborne every once in a while and nothing more. I can't even play online because I'm not gonna pay a fucking subscription for one game. The only reason why I bought an Xbox one X, is because it was cheaper than a 4k blu ray player and I am a retard who likes to collect movies. That and to play the ninja gaiden games in 4k lol.
Backwards compatibility is not even good enough for me to get rid of my Xbox 360. Lots of games from that console still aren't compatible with the xbox one and now that there's a new model I doubt they ever will be.

No wonder the Switch install base is so diverse, when it really is the only piece of hardware you can buy that just plays videogames. Even games that are just okay, like Astral Chain are at least still videogames that I actually fucking played, instead of slow ass cinematic adventures where you do nothing but slowly walk forward as the dialogue plays out, in between some shallow gunplay or some even shallower hack and slash action (like god of bore 4, which somehow managed to be more rudimentary than its prequels which already were rudimentary.)
The most recent videogame I bought that wasn't on Switch was probably Devil May Cry V, and that was what, two years ago now? What the fuck even came out after that that wasn't a cinematic adventure? The new Ratchet looks okay I guess, but I'm never gonna buy a behemoth of a 500€ console just for one Ratchet game.
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Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:13 pm
No wonder the Switch install base is so diverse, when it really is the only piece of hardware you can buy that just plays videogames. Even games that are just okay, like Astral Chain are at least still videogames that I actually fucking played, instead of slow ass cinematic adventures where you do nothing but slowly walk forward as the dialogue plays out, in between some shallow gunplay or some even shallower hack and slash action (like god of bore 4, which somehow managed to be more rudimentary than its prequels which already were rudimentary.)
It's shocking to me, that a guy who looks like a skinnier version of this dude, would fanboy so hard over Splatoon. (Splatoon Chad's arms are still huge, it's just that Cage has very exaggerated steroid arms.)

They look the same, but the guy I saw was nowhere near as roided out. He was extremely muscular though. His biceps are twice the size of my arms, and I have one of those strong-thicc Samoan type of builds.

I honestly couldn't imagine who'd the fuck was the audience that keeps fucking buying Splatoon coz I don't think it's that good. (Nearly everyone who added me from Splatoon, deleted me since I never fucking play it.)
Then I see a real life person who just comes walking into the store with his over optimistic Chad-energy eagerly asking about Splatoon fucking 3, AYY LMAO!
The best Switch shooter imo is Rogue Company. Skill will actually win you the game, unlike most of the other Switch shooters which rely on luck. I'm not saying that Splatoon does though. Splatoon is chaotic as fuck, with slimy shit flying at you from every where. it actually feels too arcady for me.
It's kinda like how I don't really like God Eater, but I like Monster Hunter. MH has that tactical shit going on.
God Eater is just brainless button masher. it's fun, but gets boring.

So whenever I'm getting murdered in Splat, it's probably a Brian Cage looking motherfucker who's dabbing all over me and bragging about their 100 kill streak? LOL!

I'll prob get Splat 3 if they add a better single player mode. The online was shit for me, coz the connection keeps dropping. Nintendo fucking suck at making decent online.
It's funny coz third party online games give me no problems at all. it's only the Nintendo shit that gives me issues like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, etc.

If they made a Splat that has as much singleplayer content & bots as Smash Bros, I'd be all over it.
Arms has bots, but it's like a basic fighting game. Once you learn the cpu's patterns, it's not fun anymore.
Smash Bros doesn't have that problem coz the AI is adaptive as fuck. I wish all Nintendo games were like that.
Holy fuck, Fire Emblem Three Houses is political as hell. No wonder why I loved it back in 2019 coz FE is about real politics, not that meme bullshit from the USA.
It's basically 3 Conservative factions fighting against each other (Actual conservatives, not USA meme Cuckservative who only conserve Corporations, AYY LMAO!) vs 1 Liberal Progressive faction that tries to subvert them (Golden Deer) and one extreme Progressive faction THOSEWHOSLITHERINTHEDARK that's trying to destroy everything.
They're progressive in the sense that they want a complete government reform. (That's the funny part, Americans have no idea what progressive actually means! They think it's about some weird LGBT Bipoc solidarity, when that's just corporate marketting masquerading as politics.)

The Holy Kingdom remind me of Protestants & 1700s Ameriturds since they just want a government that's similar to Rhea's but to keep the church & state separate. Dimitri's crew are milquetoast faggots.
Rhea's crew are the original Church who created the new prosperous society which rivals the Adrestian Empire. Edelgard's crew are literally Nazis. I ain't playing mang, just replace Jews with Dragons & it's the same fucking shit! Edel is so insane that she thinks that Rhea is secretly a Reptilian Dragon, OH WAI-!

Edel's crew are the most Far Right, simply coz they existed before the Church of Seiros was even born, so the Edel Empire are privy to forgotten knowledge that predates Rhea's religion. Edel's rants about the Church of Seiros, remind me of my rants about Abe Lincoln and how he's actually a piece of shit Lobbyist that every single American worships as their own homegrown Jesus Christ! kek
That's actually what Far Right means, it truly does refer to conservation of your culture.
In the USA for some reason, they think that Far Right means White Supremacy, AYY LMAO! Yet another corporate marketing slogan to control consumers.
Dimitri's crew are basically New Testament or Americuck revolutionaries who fight for the statist quo. Rhea's crew is the statist quo, the entire reality of FE3h is shaped through their historical revisionism.
Edel wants to END THE FED, oh I mean she wants to End the Crests! LOL!
Edel's government actually led to a new prosperous society too that's just as great as Rhea's, and may even be better. (No more tragic Lyz's in Edel's society.)
It's just that it's a nation for Adrestians & Adrestians only. So I guess Rhea is Civic Nationalist, Edel is Ethno Nationalist, Dimitri is some faggot ass Protestant reformist, Claude is some foreign faggot who has completely different customs from the rest of Fodland.

My fave crew are Claude's Golden Deer (They're the most Animu), but in real life I'd most likely side with Rhea.
If I were one of Edel's people then I'd probably side with her. In real life, I'm not a fucking Brit, or an Americuck Brit so in the FE3H world, I'd most likely not be an Adrestian either. I ain't living as no fucking slave or whatever LOLbertarian cuck life that the Brigid are living, at the mercy of the Adrestians.
I'd devote my life to the Dragon God and live a prosperous life through the Dragon's bounty!
Fuck the Adrestian heretics and fuck those Holy Kingdom cucks who only exist due to a bounty granted to them from the Dragon god.
I'd just laugh at Claude's crew coz Japan & China already exists from my world, and they're both examples of countries that started out just as multicultural as Claude's crew, but one dominant culture eventually took over & assimilated everyone within it. That's the future of all mutt societies who don't bow down to the Dragon God!

FE 3H & Xenoblade 2 + Torna are definitely in my top 3 & 4 of Switch exclusives so far (Smash is No.1, MH Rise No. 2, XB2 + Torna no.3), they both have fucking great combat (XB2's combat doesn't open up unless you have DLC & complete the challenge mode, which is hard as fuck! I still haven't even completed normal challenge mode, lol. XB DE's challenge mode is a joke.) & fucking great writing. XB2 actually revolves around the paranoia & fear of the existence or non-existence of God, and how humanities' paranoia always results in self-fulfilling prophecies in an effort to live out some god fantasy. Shit, it's what's happening in the real world right now, through this fucking pandemic bullshit & the georgia guidestone BOOMER-larp.

I actually think that Arms was one of the best looking & best playing games made on Switch, but it has the same exact problem that all modern fighting games have, it lacks content. The actually gameplay is fucking great though. it's like a way more complex, Punch-Out.
I completely forgot just how fucking great FE 3H's gameplay is. Then agian, it's coz I played it on hard since Maddening wasn't patched in yet.
Maddening Classic should be the only way you ever play the game. (I can't play Maddening Casual, it doesn't feel liek proper Fire Emblem!)
It's really fun with Maddening NG+ and you turn your Byleth into a literal god who fights as a priest armed with a wooden sword, but can block practically everything lol

I agree with you though, the entire console generation has been a waste. I think the only two games from this gen that I own that are still console exclusives are Persona 5 and Bloodborne. I'm never gonna replay Persona 5, at least not in years because while the game is good it's way too fucking long and wastes way too much of my time with pointless bullshit, so I guess I'm keeping my PS4 around to replay Bloodborne every once in a while and nothing more. I can't even play online because I'm not gonna pay a fucking subscription for one game. The only reason why I bought an Xbox one X, is because it was cheaper than a 4k blu ray player and I am a retard who likes to collect movies. That and to play the ninja gaiden games in 4k lol.
Backwards compatibility is not even good enough for me to get rid of my Xbox 360. Lots of games from that console still aren't compatible with the xbox one and now that there's a new model I doubt they ever will be.
I could name a few, but they're also on PC such as the Nioh games which are better than Bloodborne. Bloodborne & the Nioh series are like the only games from PS4 that I can think of, lol!
Even stuff like Oneechanbara eventually gets released on PC.
The most recent videogame I bought that wasn't on Switch was probably Devil May Cry V, and that was what, two years ago now? What the fuck even came out after that that wasn't a cinematic adventure? The new Ratchet looks okay I guess, but I'm never gonna buy a behemoth of a 500€ console just for one Ratchet game.
I realized that modern gaming wasn't for me, when I saw that I wasted over 200 hours just playing the shit out of Death Road to Canada, on a fucking PS4 that keeps fucking overheating from playing a fucking 8bit game!!!!! The only other games I played were Paladins & Overwatch, which are also on the Switch. OW wasn't, but it came 3 months after I bought a Switch.
Funny thing is, even Deathroad to Cucknada is also on Switch but I never bought it yet, and prob never will coz Switch actually has games!
Switch even gets exclusive indie games like Wrestling Empire, which is only on Switch & Steam.
For clarification, I have seen your post about Other M in the other thread. The Other M storyline still sucks donkey dick, but it has nothing to do with sexism.
I wasn't arguing in favor or against Other M. I was just making the statement that Samus being incompetent wasn't sexism. Japan's culture revolves around mentorships, Samus is an apprentic. Of course Americans wouldn't be able to understand that coz every single American is born the 'brightest, the best, & the strongest' when you & I know that they're actually just the most fucking retarded, AYY LMAO!

Only dumbass Americans would look at Other M and accuse it of misogyny coz Samus wasn't depicted as a macho He-man.
Have you seen that new Kevin Smith He-Man bullshit? It turns out that He-Man just stole his powers from She-Ra, AYY LMAO! ONLY IN AMERICA! AMerican men are PUSSSISSEESSS!

Meanwhile in Japan, the creator of Kabuki was a sexy woman, who was actually banned from her own creation because Japanese people respect women enough to never allow them to be bloodied in the battle field.
Meanwhile in the USA, you get called a Far Right extremist if you claim that women shouldn't be out on the battle field. I saw it happen in real time through Tim Fool's chat back when Michael Knowles was on his podcast. Some American Cuckservatives were claiming that they're Right wing, but "this preacher guy is too Far right for me!" LOL! That's what Far Right means in the USA now? Far Righters are people who don't want to see women killed on the frontlines in war? LOL! It' almost as if Americans actually hate women! Since Americans want women to die in a brutal fashion!

It's amusing to me, coz Jap culture was extremely brutal during that era. Samurai culture actually revolves around collecting heads, and the Japs still collected heads during WW2, but despite all of that, they forbade women from fighting in the front lines. They were only allowed to fight as a last resort during an invasion.
However in the USA, you're considered a Far Right White Supremacist if you think that Women don't belong on the battlefield! AMERICANSS MANG! WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM!!!!? Americans are GAAAAAYY AS HELL!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Jack »

Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:30 pm .The federation had preserved Ridley's remains in Fusion, but I guess now it's the clone's remains according to the timeline? Why the fuck would they even do that if they could clone him whenever the fuck? It overcomplicates the setting for no real reason.
Not that this shit matters, because Other M sucks dick as a game. It's not Team Ninja's fault though, they were working under absurd limitations, making a 3d action game based around a NES controller.
Who fucking cares? Ridley is cool as hell, bring him back as many times as you wish! He's even in the Samus Returns remake, and the fight is epic as fuck coz THE BABY! even fights alongside you, lol.

This goes hand in hand with what I was saying earlier, about how modern games suck dick these days, because Western gamers keep tryna turn it into a fucking movie, with movie logic.

I'm not saying that you're doing that. You're just pointing out how fucking irrelevant Other M's plot is.
I do see a lot of Metroid threads though, we're they're complaining about how cartoony it is that Ridley always comes back. I'm like just turn Ridley into a deity of hatred, or hatred personafied. There now we don't have to question why he's always coming back other than the most obvious answer being that he's a really fun boss fight. Games should only think in terms of fun. Ameritards don't understand that though. THey think fun shouldn't be used within the context of a video GAME.

So is this guy right? Skyward Bord does look more fun than BOTW imo. I do liek BOTW, but only if you treat it like an Animal Crossing game. BOTW is a shit traditional game, but a decent larp sim.
If you prefer the traditional Zelda formula of large dungeon with a special item you need for the second half of the dungeon - you'll probably enjoy it.

If you prefer a game where you can explore at your own pace, and roam around freely, discovering things as you go - you might not like it.

If you prefer a Zelda with a heavier emphasis on narrative - you'll probably enjoy it.

Personally, I really enjoyed it when it first came out. I fell in love with Zelda games through Link's Awakening and Ocarina of Time. The Zelda formula and the narrative focus are the core tenets of what makes a Zelda game for me.

I'm also in the camp of people that, whilst having enjoyed it, don't think much of BotW. The game kind of lives and dies on its mechanics and exploration - and once your gotten good enough to beat master mode, and explored the world at least once through, there's not much to go back for, whereas I'd happily go back to Majora's mask or a Link to the Past to re-live the epic story.

I never had any issues with the motion controls, and generally I just loved the characters and the music and the setting. My main gripes were the endlessly present tutorials and the sometimes excessive dialogue, which all seem to have been addressed in the QoL updates on the switch version.

If you can pick up the new game, it looks like it'll be the best way to experience the game for the first time. Some people aren't happy about a full price remaster - and don't want to support that, so are abstaining from the title (like I did with Mario all stars, limited releases are garbage).

I hope that explains who this game might be good for, and what kind of Zelda gamer I am to contextualise my opinion. For me, I feel like this is one of the good Zelda games.

Edit: I'm really happy that this has helped anyone make a decision. Thanks for the kind words and enthusiasm everyone!
I do like LTTP. I wouldn't exactly call it linear though. Not that I have a problem with linearity. I couldn't care less. I just want to know how good the dungeons & fighting are, which is all I fucking care about! Fuck all of that irrelevant bullshit which has nothing to do with gaming. It's why I fucking hate Americans, they're the reason why video games suck so much ass these days. Americans get too damn emotional over toddler stories from video games. Americans don't read, so it's no surprise that they think that video games have deep plots, AYY LMAO!

I was going to post this God Eater post at the Corona thread (since it's not even about God Eater. It's about how I hate Americans, lol!), but we're already talking about Other M's alleged misogyny that only Americans believe, because they've never fucking heard of senpai & kouhai (Mentor & Apprentice, Senior & Junior) before. I fucking hate using the Japanese terms, when we already have English words that mean the same fucking thing! You have to use the Jap terms though, to further emphasize the cultural differences.

Dumbass Americans get the wrong idea from Other M and assume that it's some kind of unrequited love relationship between Adam & Samus coz Americans can only fucking think in terms of sex, despite how they're the same motherfuckers who tell you that sex doesn't exist. Teh 'science' supposedly says so. Pretty funny, I took a biology class a year before Americans randumbly decided to change the meaning of gender & sex, and last I recall, both words referred to the same thing prior to 2014.

Anyway, I was laughing that these motherfuckers kept talking about how terrible Hilda & Claire's character designs are, but then they overrate the fuck out of LuLu.

LuLu is actually my fave out of the females from that game, but it's because she's the most gothic, & the most aloof. (When I was a young adult, I used to hang out with babes like that at the very back of the room, as we laughed at & made fun of everyone who passed by us, and the bitch would make random orgasm sounds, constantly making sexual innuendos and I'd just randomly call out "He's a jew!" at any random passerby, and we'd laugh at anyone who took offense to it. MANG you can't do shit like that any more without getting in trouble by the social media Twitter mob, who are even more annoying moralfags than even Christian Evangelists were! This was back in 2012, back when American culture was irreverent.)

I find it hypocritical that her design is considered good, and non-sexist when she doesn't even fucking wear a shirt! It's just that she's so flat chested that you won't even notice that she's not really covering anything.

These punkass motherfuckers are even complaining about how all the girls wear highheels, while bragging about LuLu when LuLu wears HIGHHEELS! COme on mang!

I don't understand what's so offensively bad about Claire.
I just thought she looked like a generic White bitch, but these plebbit faggots are acting like she's the most sexist character design ever.

This is why I really fucking hate Americans. THEY'RE ALWAYS LYING!

Xed prolly caught on to that a long ass time ago, and I didn't listen.
They don't have the balls to tell you that they hate the other designs, because big tits make them horny.
You know it, I know it, we all know it! Except these punkass motherfuckas trying to hide their perverted thoughts behind some 'White knight in shining armor' bullshit! I'm glad that I grew up in Japan from my mid teens to young adult-hood, coz even I used to feel somewhat ashamed for being attracted to pretty sexy women. The first thing I saw when I came to Japan though were big ol naked titties on public tv and everyone on tv admiring the Jap bitch for having such large tits on a show that was airing at 5 o clock at night when kids just got home from school club AYY LMAO!!
I learned through Japan, that women generally like it when you perv over them. It's prob just Japanese women though. American women always try to act offended, and pretend to be thugs or some shit. I'm like whatever bitch, if USA men weren't such Captain Save-A-Hoe White Knights, I"D KNOCK THESE HOES THE FUCK OUT IN ONE PUNCH! In Japan, no one would care. They' be like "DAT BITCH DESERVES IT.

Ryu smack that bitch up! He'd go to jail in America just for laying his hand on "MUH FAIR MAIDEN!" Yet these same Americuck simps are the same bastards who keep going on about how badass & manly they are, but they can't even fucking control their own damn women! In normal countries, they'd side with Ryu for smacking some sense into an erratic bitch!

Japan didn't have this stupid simp culture either, where in the USA if you perv over a bitch. The bitch will act like she can take advantage over you, and simp you of all of your cash. Ain't never happened to me, coz I'm almost 40 and I still never gave a bitch shit. Bitches pay me! Or at least they did back in my early 30s late 20s. I avoid American women since 2015, coz Americans are fucking insane! Like I was saying in another thread, AMerican women will accuse you of being a misogynist for being attracted to them, wearing a string biini with their big fucking tits hanging out. The fuck is this shit mang? Americans be confused as fuck!

, about how Americans do nothing but lie! I didn't figure it out until Americans sat on their ass and allowed their elections to be taken over by multinational conglomerates. That didn't happen with Burma! Burma's military forced their 'democratically' elected female pres to step the fuck down & they fucking killed their bankers. Now that's balls of steel mang. Unlike with Americans, they can't ever fucking do anything right, but they'll insult everyone.
I get really pissed off that Americans are always calling Asians pussies, when currently we have the best track record of fighting off foreign Empires, & foreign corporations. OHHH you lose to one Empire once after they nuked you. That makes you they bitch forever!
"MUH GUNS!" Said American then uses the guns to gun down cute animals instead, and sometimes use the guns as a dildo, to stick it up their fat assses!

I miss Steiner mang. He's pretty much banned from modern American wrestling (That's why he made his son wrestle in Japan instead, where we still respect the art!), because he's not some soft-ass pussy faggot who gets scared if a fan tries to fight him. He'll just beat them up. Unlike those AEW fags who make a big deal about fans trying to fight them.
Krizzx wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:14 pm
Kazuya almost tempts me to buy smash DLC, but I know I'll never play. I haven't put smash in for over a year now.

You get a lot of bang per buck with Smash Bros dlc coz every character comes with their own catalog of music tracks (Terry Bogard came with the most songs.), a new stage, a new classic mode, a new catalog of spirits, and best of all, new gameplay mechanics. This wasn't true though until Terry Bogard. Persona 5 faggot & Dragon Quest loser were both just more retarded versions of Shulk. Banjo & Kazooie is completely useless (Just like Steve from Minecraft). Terry had desperation moves and he could consistently chain all of his specials together like an actual fighting game through special notation inputs which mimic his controls from King of Fighters. Yeah sure, Terry is a FF character, but Smash-Terry plays more like KOF.

I don't have any of the FP2 characters yet but from what I've seen, MinMin adds a Dhalsim like meta to the game. Steve is just one dimensional faggot who stacks blocks & can't even jump, lol.
Sephiroth didn't really have a gimmick. He's just the boss version of Palutena but Palutena herself is actually ranked way higher in the tier list (She's in the top 3) than he is, lol.
Pyra & Mythra have a Pokemon gimmick, coz the XB2 Blades themselves functioned like Pokemon.
Kaz has an ultimate fighter gimmick. He plays like a 3d character stuck inside of Smash.

LOL that vid is so damn accurate.

Mythra be like, "wtf is a korean wave dash? LOOKS GAY!"
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Post by Linea »

I'd rank the traditional Zelda games like this: TLOZ = ALTTP > OOT > WW > LA > MM > TP.
Only 100% ALTTP, OOT and MM though.

The first Zelda game I played was OOT and that was during the time it was considered the best game of all time, I wasn't super impressed with it from the start because it did not challenge me enough beyond needing to figure out where to go next, the pacing, atmosphere and control are top tier though ALTTP has all the former but with challenging combat, easily a 5/5 game imo. NES Zelda is on par with it but you need to go cold turkey on 3D games for a while to be able to get fully immersed and notice all the innovations. MM is probably what Earthbound 64 would've turned out like and as is the case with Earthbound it loses its replayability factor after the plot twits become ingrained in your head.

WW is mechanically and structurally similar to OOT but with better camera handling and combat. I never understood why guys like Sean Maelstrom hate it so much. He spent 10 posts chronicling the narrative of the Ultima series, but the minute Nintendo injects some story in their games its just Japanese people being retarded.
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