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Post by Jack »

Stop spamming the thread with your attainable bitches mang. None of them are as hot as the biatch you used to simp for, Lauren Cohan. Now she was a babe... before she hit the wall kek


The entire E3 show was mostly about Tranny Pride month & BLM, they barely ever showed VIDYA GAEMS!
When they did show games like Xbox did, it was generic dull looking cinematic FPS rpgs.
Fuck this gay hobby, what's the point of a game show, if there's no games!?
Why can't you all be like Nintendo? They ban trannies & tranny pride month from their games.
(Trannies retaliated by spamming tranny flags & rainbow flags during the chat.)
NOA doesn't but who fucking cares about Americans? There's a reason why Nintendo relies on Europeans for translations now, coz Americans keep adding their stupid garbage Mutt-slang into Nintendie products.

Holy shit, that Direct was the most viewers that I've ever see in one stream. It had over 1 million people watching at the same time. The 2nd highest number I've ever seen was a Trump rally which was at 900k but not quite 1 million. Nintendo was way over 1 million, sitting at something like 1,400,000 viewers.
Then the tranny flag brigade happened during the Metroid gameplay portion and chased nearly everyone away,lol. There's only about 80k viewers now. You can't tell these motherfuckers to shut up, they want attention so much that they keep bragging that they're trannies. Yes, you love to suck dick. Ok cool, moving on!

Nintendo direct was the only E3 showing that had games I'm hype for. Metroid Dread, Advance Wars 1& 2 remixed, New Wario Ware, the Wii U port this time around is Fatal Frame 5 (Def buy if it's uncensored.), and a bunch of other bullshit that I don't fucking care about, oh wait there was Shin Megami Tensei 5
which does legit look good, but I guess I really don't care about it since I almost forgot about it.
In reality this was just a meh direct, but when compared to Crapcom's direct and damn near everyone elses' direct where they showed no fucking games, Nintendo is the winner by default.

With that said, I fucking hate Nintendo fans.
They were actually fucking crying about how there wasn't a Zelda All Stars, you fucking idiots actually want to buy more overpriced roms?
Last year, Mario was able to get away with it coz 2020 was a very shit year for games. I can't think of a single good game that released last year. There were aight games like Trials of Mana, but no true masterpieces, no not even fucking Xenoblade, Nintendies' first rpg. AYY LMAO!

Zoomys were crying about Kazuya Mishima and acting like he's a niche character. I'm like motherfucker, Kaz's Tekken games almost always sell 7 million copies. That ain't niche, bitch! kazuya ain't no mothafucking Terry Bogard. You can't treat Kazuya like he's irrelevant, he's pretty much a household name among older millennials, genx & boomers. Sure I would've preferred Heihachi (If I ain't getting Dr Eggman then I'll settle for the other insane evil old guy), but I ain't complaining. So far Mythra was my fave pic though, partly because she angered the fuck out of the Internet Nintendo fanbase who went into meltdown mode, because the Internet fanbase are nothing but trannies. (America is fucked up mang!) The most accurate comment I saw about the Kaz debacle was "Kazuya is a good choice, but Smash faggots don't play fighting games so they'll rage anyway."

Metroid Dread is prob going to flop just judging from the Nintendo Direct chat, fucking toddlers kept calling the game boring and they kept begging for Silk Song instead.
WTF is up with Zoomers mang? Why the fuck do they care more about some shitlooking browser game, over the OG, METROID!? Fuck Hollow Knight! I'm sick and tired of these goddamn overrrated ass meme games that only faggots who live on Reddit love! Fuck your stupid favorite internet site. Even if I weren't banned from nearly every single Major internet site on the world, I'd still be hating on you losers for basing your entire personality off of a fucking website? Who does that mang? Who fucking does that/ I tell you mang, LOSERS! That's who, fucking cockaroaches that's who!

I'm buying Dread day 1, that shit looks hype. I don't like how the main threat are so mechanical (they're still bio mechanical like Metroid enemies always were.), but I love how they're such a threat that Samus has to run away from them most of the time. The Treehouse gameplay really sold me on the game.
I don't really like how Samus walks like a woman now.

Part of what always made Samus so damn sexy to me, is this she's the fucking gorgeous woman who's as hot as Ninja Gaiden's Rachel & Sonia, but you'd never guess how fucking pretty she is coz you'd assume that she were just some battle android when her armor is on.
Her being more noticeably feminine does seem to have a purpose though, it makes Metroid come off more like a horror game coz even though she's fully armored, you can see the fear in her just through her womanly mannerisms.
I also think that Nintendo probably mandated this, to reinforce that Samus is a mixed-race SuperAlien Bird woman (LOL!) because there's some writers in the Metroid Prime 4 team, who seriously want to turn Samus into a tranny.
Which is funny to me, you take the only legit example of a strong woman in video games who has been around since I was a kid in the 80s, and then you just turn her into a gay man, pretending to be a girl? LOL! (Lara Croft was the 90s version of strong woman, and they turned into a whiny midget in Nu-Tombraider.)

I'm getting Dread day 1. I initially bought Switch as a Metroid & Fire Emblem machine anyway, but there's been zero Metroid games and annoying ass self-insert Trannies have completely taken over the FE fanbase that I couldn't care less about that series any more. Trannies are annoying as fuck coz they won't shut the fuck up about wanting their representation, you never see anyone talk about FE fight mechanics anymore. It's a gayass series now.
Metroid Dread is made by the same developers of Samus Returns, Mercury Steam, the guys who did Lords of Shallow. I gotta support it just coz they're fellow Spaniards, la familia lol! (Geah fuck you Trannies. We Spaniards completely dominated everyone at one point in history!)
Samus was hot in Returns, she was tall with a pretty face and a big butt! She didn't look like a man at all, unlike in the Prime games. Prime is not canon so eat a dick faggots!
Even Miss Spain
was one of the only hot women during this year's joke of a beauty pageant. Miss Japan wasn't even japanese, lol!

There were so many fucking fake leaks but the only two I believed were Resident Evil Outrage & Xenoblade 3. I figured that RE Outrage was fake the moment that some idiot claimed that Capcom would make it official that Chris Redfield is gay. I'm like what? Do you not know Capcom's M.O.?
Capcom makes it a point to never ship any of their characters, that's why you never see Chun Li going out with Guile or Ryu
. (She doesn't even know Ryu anyway beyond an acqantance, lol.)
The XB3 leak sounds real, and I still think it's real, but I don't care coz it sounded like stupid schoolkid crap, like Three Houses. That's why XB3 fake leaks sounded so real to me, coz I can definitely imagine a gay Jrpg being set in a fucking lame ass school during a galactic space war. (Basically Klaus's timeline, the god of Xenoblade 1 & 2) That sounds believable as hell coz Jrpgs always have badass settings, but make you play as a lame school kid.
Even SMT5 is advertised as starting out at a school. Which isn't unusual for a SMT though.

I'm glad the Switch Pro rumors were all false, and I've explained why I don't see it as feasible at all, in the Jrpg thread. My main argument is that Nintendo is making too much money on the overpriced base-Switch, why would they overcomplicate that when they could just milk Nintentards for all they're worth?
Nintendo is not hard to predict, they act like cold-hearted business men who just happen to have a large manchild fanbase who thinks that Nintendies is their friend.
So from this perspective, all you have to do is look at the money flow to predict what Nintendo will do.

What I find amusing though is how Nintendo Switch has the largest consumer-base yet Vidya gaem third parties are still acting like Nintendo doesn't exist.
Then again when you see E3, I think that's by design. E3 had fucking no games.
The only non-Nintendo game that I'm even slightly interested in, is the Team Ninja Final Fantasy game, and that's only coz it looks so fucking awful, that it has to be one of those games that's saved by its gameplay. There is a demo out of that Final Fantasy Eminem game, and the impressions so far have been good.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Jack »

3ds emulators actually work. They work better than the DS emulators for some reason. I'm running Samus Returns on Citra and the emulation is smooth, even tells you the frame rate which for SR is 30 fps. (Dread looks 60 fps.) How the fuck do you hook up a controller to citra though? Thankfully the keyboard default inputs are perfectly laid out with action buttons on the right, d pad where your direction keys are, and analog & circle pad being placed in the middle.

I love how Samus in SR & in Metroid Dread is depicted as a heavy weight fighter. She can upper cut motherfuckers to death. It makes sense, Samus weighs nearly 200 pounds. (Which is still skinny for overweight Americans. Avg Female weight in the USA is 170 pounds at 5'3 tall. Americanos are FAATTT!) In Smash Bros, they make her fight like some 120 pound girl like Cammy White or something, when Samus is canonically YUUUUUUGGGGGEEEE!

Tell me some other 3ds games to Gan Ning version of. I already owned most of the good 3ds games though. I've only missed out on the 3ds games that came out during & after 2017.
I'm def Gan Ninging RE Mercs 3d, so I can finally play that game without the fucking retarded stylus controls. It's the best RE game that nobody ever talks about coz Zoomer RE fans are fucking fake bastards trying to posture RE as Walking Dead "HOOMANS Were the real monsters arr arong!"bullshit
I can finally play Kid Icarus Uprising without hurting my hands coz Kid Icarus hates left handed people.

Are there any rare 3ds gems out there on par with Samus Returns? Especially in regards to action games. The Shinobi game was pretty good, but it had severe pacing issues. Samus Returns actually kinda reminds me of Shinobi 3ds. SR's enemies are aggressive as hell. It's the best that 2d Metroid has ever played honestly. I'm used to Metroid enemies just existing. They didn't outright try to murder you like they do in SR, which is why it's so great that Samus can do an Iron Man uppercut.

I'm planning to replay through the Metroid series again for story purposes with Zero Mission, Samus Returns remake, Super, & Fusion.
One thing I really hate about Samus Returns though, is that when she dies, her suit blows up and you see zero suit Samus. I'm too used to OG Metroid where Samus either died nearly naked with a bright explosion covering everything or in her bra & thong. I'm damn certain that Samus wore a thong in super, shit she's wearing looked like a G-string.
I don't recall her zero suit ever being used in anything except for Zero Mission. She still died mostly naked in Fusion.
I'm amazed that 3ds emulation is already near perfect, but then it hit me that I already owned most of the good shit on that system. About the only games I missed out on are Shadows of Valentina & Samus Returns.

Fucking funny to me how Thongs used to be so mainstream in the USA, even during the USA's theocracy era, but now that Amerimutt El Goblino land is completely run by secular cultists, the thong was one of the first things to go from mainstream society. (along with sexy thin bitches with big fucking tits.) I'd be thinking it'd be the other way around.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Pffffttts I'd spam besides you don't even post

Darn Lauren is so gorgeous

She is gorgeous too
Alizee sensual

I may get Mario party top 100 switch hopefully is better than 3ds one
And monster hunter stories 2

Pffffttts of course 3ds emulator is way better then Ds if ds is a generation behind

I go for smt v
Nintendo screw me up mah precious Zelda collection

How amazing is playing Mario 64 on switch
How amazing is Majora's ocarina on my switch
Without homebrew

I love homebrew but I need to be updating my switch so homebrewing for every update sucks lol
And sometimes doesn't work lol

2 of my 3ds have homebrew , I never update it lol

Do I have to buy a switch for homebrew, idk
Maybe, or nah

I told you play steel divers subwars is epic

I live emulation but on my switch or switch lite to play ocarina of time

Let me tell you when the GameCube era, Nintendo released Zelda collector's edition
It was like $20 just by buying a Nintendo power magazine year subscription, so basically it was for free, Zelda collector's edition has legend of Zelda, Zelda 2, ocarina of time, Majora's mask, wind waker demo, so I bought like 3 of them, too bad one of my brothers sold them
Because it's a relique
It's so annoying no one talks about it
And it's pricey
Last edited by DaRealEvilone on Fri Jun 18, 2021 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DaRealEvilone »

Nintendo domination

Nintendo had a good presentation
I do believe new switch is coming it was up for pre-order at GameStop

But there is a big demand for chips , since Trump santioned china most companies began moving production too Philippines or other Asian countries by default there isn't enough chips, these countries are not ready for mass production
So there aren't enough ps5 Xbox series X
So if nintendo releases switch pro ,new or whatever
Nintendo will have same issues or even worse
Because nintendo fans demand quality
If they don't find their new switch product, they will attack Nintendo
I don't have a problem cus I'd pay scalper unlike for Xbox series X crap or ps5
Nintendo is really smart
They outsmart everyone
Now with Biden I don't know if mass production is going back to china
But if they do is a long planning production as for a year
Ps5 xbox series x are losing revenue lol
Unlike king Nintendo

How can ppl dislike Mario party?

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Post by Jack »

Looks damn good mang.

I love the much more pronounced horror vibes of Dread.
After playing Samus Returns on emulation, I really don't understand how anyone could actually like that AM2R garbage over it. AM2R has terrible atmosphere and the music fucking sucks, coz AM2R's music is way too upbeat & happy. It's as if Metroid fans don't even fucking understand what makes Metroid, Metroid. Either that or they just want to overrate some indie faggot who tried to steal Nintendo's ip and then got C&D'd hard by Nintendo Yakuza, lol

I'm sick & tired of the haters calling Dread an overpriced $60 indie game. This is exactly what I wanted from a new Metroid, just more of the same but with more horror, and far more aggressive enemies which is exactly what I'm seeing.
Goddamn Americans keep pushing that GFX meme, as if graphics make a game better. What matters is art design, and how well the gfx convey the art design.
Everyone keeps saying that it's a rip off to sell a 2d game for $60 but mothafucking Smash Bros Ultimate is a 2d game. Nobody say shit about that! 2d games generally have better gameplay in my opinion, because platforming takes way more skill than simply walking from place to place like in modern Sony Gaystation/Xboner games. Mario games require far more player-skill than the average Last of Us bullshit.

American faggots are just salty that Metroid isn't yet another Cinematic-behind the camera Dark Souls clone hybrid that Sony keeps making. Nintendo are not sellout pussies like Soyny, they're not going to rape one of their franchises & destroy its identity like they did with God of War. Nintendo will stick to what made the games a classic to begin with.
Sure one would point out Kid Icarus, but I like Uprising. Kid Icarus didn't really have a defined formula anyway that made it different from the competition. I would prefer more adv elements though over the panzer dragoon bullshit. Uprising had a mixture of both.

I wish I could buy a Special Edition of Dread but the damn Scalpers already bought out the entire inventory way before the Nintendo Direct was over. It's a shame, coz I'm seeing retarded Metroid fans being excited by how Dread is nearly sold out already. I'm like idiots, that doesn't mean that Dread is popular. It's just fucking China using bots to buy out inventory and then re-sell the game for $300 when the inventory is exhausted
DaRealEvilone wrote: Fri Jun 18, 2021 12:54 am Nintendo had a good presentation
I do believe new switch is coming it was up for pre-order at GameStop
You didn't see shit faggot. Are you referring to the trade in deal for a New Nintendo Switch? It still says that when you go to the trade in section. Gamestop wasn't leaking anything. Gaming journalism just has even faker news than CNN, FOX, & MSNBC.
I regularly check the trade-ins, coz contrary to popular belief (internet popular belief is always shaped by reddit & 4chan, both sides are infested with marketers.), Gaystop actually has the best trade in prices. They'll give 29 - $40 for Xenoblade 2 (depending on who you are & how many bonuses you get stacked on top of your trade), damn near every other store including Amazon will only give you $16 for a Xb2 trade in, yet Amazon will take that same XB2 game they bought from you for $16 and sell it for $200 lol.
Even Forbes was reporting that New Switch bullshit, but Forbes have revealed themselves to be fake news ever since the Trump presidency. I never held that against them though, coz I thought they just made up shit in regards to Rump, coz Rump news always sees a yuge surge in clicks, the more insane the lie, the better.

No, they fucking make up shit about video games too. There really needs to be a law against spreading lies, as news. News organizations always get away with it, by updating the article, & blaming misinformation or the leaker, rather than actually verifying the fucking news before its reported. News agencies only care about the clicks because they're paid per ad-click. (Boomers are so fucking dumb that most of them still don't use ad-block. Zoomers don't use ad-block either. The oldest & the youngest current generations are so fucking retarded.)

What I'm not saying is that there isn't a Switch 2 or whatever in development, but that's normal, of course Nintendo is working on one in secret. Every hardware manufacture always has a R&D firm who works on the successor system from behind the scenes.
Shit, Sega themselves had like 10 hardware that they were working on during the Genesis coz Sega of Japan is (and still is) fucking retarded.
I'm not exaggerating either, there was Sega Nomad, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega CDX/Multi-Mega, Sega Pico, Sega Vr, Sega Neptune, Sega Saturn, Sega Katana (Dreamcast), they worked on all of this in one console generation, AYYY LMAO!
Sega of Japan is fucking insane. Sure SOA was shit too with Bernie Stolar but how the fuck are you supposed to save the sinking ship that's Sega when your main branch's management is so goddamn retarded?

But there is a big demand for chips , since Trump santioned china most companies began moving production too Philippines or other Asian countries by default there isn't enough chips, these countries are not ready for mass production
That's a good thing. If the USA weren't run by complete morons, they'd move all of their manufacturing jobs to India. China is such a paper tiger, that I don't understand why Americans since Bill Clinton have been propping up China as if they're comparable to what the USA was during the 80s & 90s.
China has this Middle Kingdom effect where every damn country that tries to take them over, always becomes absorbed by China. This has happened since ancient times, it happened to the turks, the mongols, manchurians, and whatever the fuck the Tang were. (Tangs were mixed-race.)
It's the secret to China's long-lived history, the reality is that China gets taken over all the time, but the invaders adopt Chinese culture, which erases the culture of the invader, and the invaders eventually become Chinese. I have no idea how that happens, but it happens all the time. Some would argue that the Japanese invaders resisted China-culture assimilation, but Japan culture is already mostly Chinese.

To my shock, culture-assimilation even happened to the USA after our corporations exported nearly all of our jobs to cheap ass Chinese sweatshops, which is why modern American culture is more similar to China, where everyone kisses ass to the CCP or face getting canceled by the culture & government.
The Chinese middleclass is almost as large as the entire American population, so China is becoming the main influence in the world, and it fucking sucks.

You know what makes me laugh, why is it that American Cuckservatives & American Lefties are constantly having an uproar over Zero Suit Samus as if she were degenerate, or misogynist when Samus used to die nearly naked in Super & Fusion? I know this for certain with Super coz I regularly play it.
Yet for some reason, I've been seeing several threads from 4cuck, plebbit & gayfags where they talk about how they should remove the Zero Suit.
I always butt in and say "Damn right, they should bring back Samus's thong from Super Metroid." lol!
This does confirm to I that the vast majority of idiots talking about video games don't actually play games. They just watch youtube videos, where you rarely see anyone die, so they assume that Zero Suit Samus is this lewd monstrosity when Nintendo made that suit to cover her up when she's outside of her Power armor.

There's a double standard though. Nobody ever fucking complains about how Arthur from Ghouls n Ghosts is nearly butt naked without his armor, and unlike Samus, Arthur actually fights in his underwear, lol.

In Metroid, you get a game over once Samus's power armor explodes.
Americans whine about Zero Suit Samus being too sexual or lewd, when Super Metroid Samus had breast jiggle when she died, and she wore nothing but a thong & bra underneath her power armor lol.
Get all of these fucking retards who don't play video games out of the goddamn hobby. They're fucking ruining gaming.

She is gorgeous too
That bitch got too many damn filters on.Now this gurl is DYAMAMMN.
I first saw her in a Hallmark movie that my mom was watching, & I straight up blurted out, "that girl is so good looking." She's completely fully clothed & conservatively-dressed in that "Forever Love" movie too, since it's the Hallmark channel, they're very conservative. Which is a good thing, it means that you never see faggot & tranny shit, since its audience are generally Christcuck moms lol. I've noticed that the quality of women goes down when you prop up Gays & Trans in their place.

She's one of those natural beauties which are rare as fuck in the USA these days. It's shocking that she's early 20s. I would've assumed older like late 30s, since her style looks more like a girl from the 80s. I sure fucking miss the era when White people used to look like that.
The first thing I did is look up porn of her coz she's so hot. I didn't see any though. What's funny is that her porn is all over the internet now (penetration & bjs), and it's barely even been a month since I first saw this chick in a movie.

It's weird coz she seems like a legit actress. You'd never guess she does porn prob coz she has such classically attractive looks, that trannies can't imitate.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Krizzx »

I am glad Nintendo did not announce a Switch upgrade. I hope their next system is a whole new console. The day Nintendo starts mimicking pop trends is the day console gaming truly dies. They are the only force in console gaming that still tries to tread new ground. Nintendo needs to remain the leader in innovation. So long as their next system houses DLSS, that's enough or me. I hope they don't skimp on the memory and storage this time, though.

Modern gaming just keep getting shitter and shitter, and people are beginning companies to push it more in this direction like idiots.
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Post by Linea »

Some of the leaks could still end up being true though, the Donkey Kong leak was part of the same batch of predictions that estimated Metroid 5 being released at the end of 2021 co-developed by MercurySteam and running 60fps (true) and Super Mario Party 2 (also true). The rumored developer of the new DK, EPD Tokyo has worked with multiple teams since forever and they outright stated they are working on a 2D game, maybe they just didn't want to show two 2D games in one Direct.

A new Switch seems to be wishful thinking and gets predicted damn near every year. What works in it favor is that a new Zelda game is projected to be released next year and those have debuted with new hardware alot of time (Famicom Disk System, Wii Motion Plus and OOT was planned to release together with the N64DD). But releasing a new variant for a existing console solely for improved graphics isn't Nintendo's style.
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Post by Jack »

That Lovejoy girl in your ava is thicc as fuck. ... h-a-smile/
(Shit, sexy Nina Nishimura is in the same vid, but not in the same scene.)

At first I was like, Lovejoy has the perfect body for a 5'2 chick, then I found out that she's actually 5'8. That's even better, lol. Prolly weighs more than me & i'm 160 lbs-ish, lol. She's built like a 5'2 girl. Taller thicc girls, look more slender like models. They don't usually have all that fat concentrated in the ass & tits.
Too bad on her twitter, she claims that she's gender queer or some bullshit. This new generation mang, they can't fucking stop making a completely new language, even Americans like her who were raised in Japan.

Linea wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:12 am Some of the leaks could still end up being true though, the Donkey Kong leak was part of the same batch of predictions that estimated Metroid 5 being released at the end of 2021 co-developed by MercurySteam and running 60fps (true) and Super Mario Party 2 (also true). The rumored developer of the new DK, EPD Tokyo has worked with multiple teams since forever and they outright stated they are working on a 2D game, maybe they just didn't want to show two 2D games in one Direct.

A new Switch seems to be wishful thinking and gets predicted damn near every year. What works in it favor is that a new Zelda game is projected to be released next year and those have debuted with new hardware alot of time (Famicom Disk System, Wii Motion Plus and OOT was planned to release together with the N64DD). But releasing a new variant for a existing console solely for improved graphics isn't Nintendo's style. ... -2019.html
Zippo's leaks was the only one I've seen which was mostly true. Ironically he's being roasted & hated on in the internet, being told that he deserved to be banned from Retardera for spreading lies, even though damn near everything he claimed to have leaked have all turned out to be true except for the Donkey Kong game & Fire Emblem remake.

If I recall, he never said shit about a New Nintendo Switch nor has he ever mentioned some ridiculous Resident Evil Outrage game. I actually believed Outrage for a moment (it sounds like a retarded game that Cap would make.) until I saw a more detailed account of the rumor which claimed that Chris Redfield will finally be revealed to be Gay, AYY LMAO! I'm like, y'all motherfuckers really don't understand Japan. Hikaru Utada coming out as Trans Gender Binary or whatever the fuck doesn't count coz she doesn't even live in Japan.

According to Zippo, Nintendo felt it was enough to just show footage of Metroid Dread. DK is coming later as some kind of multimedia media-blitz similar to what Sega usually does with Sonic. When the new DK gets announced, it'll be alongside DK merchandising similar to what Nintendo already does with Mario.
A new Switch seems to be wishful thinking and gets predicted damn near every year.
Yeah it's annoying as hell at this point. Even people who I thought of as reliable such as Spawn Wave kept shilling that 'this years rumors are true! I've seen it!"
Nintendo youtubers are garbage anyway, but Spawn was always more on the tech side of things, which gave him an air of legitimacy.

I can understand why people want new hardware, coz the Switch's hardware is garbage but I honestly don't see a new system coming out until PS4 era tech is finally cheap enough to mass produce as a portable.
That's exactly what happened with the Switch. The Switch is just a portable Wii-U/PS3 (most of Switch's games even feel as slow as a PS3), but back when the Wii U released, its tech wasn't cheap enough to manufacture as a portable system.

I'm skipping Monster Hunter Stories 2. I was bout to get it, until people who already have the physical version showed the back of the box stating that a 15gb download is required to play it. Fuck that.
I have about 150gb of storage (125 card & the default 25 that comes with the Switch), but that's already maxed out coz 3rd party companies are always so damn cheap that they either won't do physical editions or in the case of 2kgames & the like, will only put 1gb worth of game on the card, and then force you to download 50 gb worth of data, lol.

And these imbeciles wonder why most people on the Switch buy nothing but 1st party games. This is one of the main reasons why. Don't even bother to make a physical version if you're only going put about 5 gb on the card.

The recently released Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2 only has about 2gb stored on the card but they force you to download 12 gb for the rest of the game. One of my fave games is Xcom 2, which only has 5 gb on the card, but you're forced to download the rest of the 20 gb. Fuck this garbage. Nintendo are the only ones who actually put their entire game on the physical card.

Witcher 3 tried by storing their entire game on to a 32gb card, which is the largest size for Switch physical cards, but you still had to download about 20 gb of updates for better textures & framerate. I give them a pass though, coz they actually tried to put the whole game on physical. IMO, Witcher 3 shouldn't have even bothered since it was too big of a game to begin with.

At least Monster Hunter Rise is completely physical except for the updates which so far takes about 1gb-3gb.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Jack »

DaRealEvilone wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 1:36 pm
I'm laughing if that's the alleged new model that Spawnwave swore he saw.
Nobody is worse than this faggot though. ... -september

If anything this does prove the Fat guy

& the Linea-Lovejoy poster right. It's a sidegrade.

There were actually tons of people that I saw at gaystop today, asking about this new model. The gamestop employees actually have 0 idea about it, coz they just found out during work.
I can't believe people actually want it that bad. Your Switch games are still going to play like crap.
I understand wanting it if you don't already own a Switch, but it's a waste of money if you already have base-console docked switch.

Speaking of which, DAMN Nintendo's fanbase is eclectic as fuck. On internet, I'm always hearing about how Nintendo Switch is a Childrens' Fisher Price toy, but in real life I see a completely different picture. I see tons of bangable girls playing Switch, big muscular Black dudes and hell Kax & I are both scary looking motherfuckaz who play the Switch. I'm even seeing generic ass White jocks who look like a skinnier Brian Cage who'd be hardcore fanboying over Splatoon of all fucking things, AYY LMAO!
How does Nintendo do that? On Internet, Nintendo Swtich is often labeled as the tranny system, which is true I do see a fair amount of fat trannies buying Switch games, but at the same time I'm seeing Brian Cage look-alikes who are fucking crazy over the Switch, LOL!

I already thought it was weird that I know legit Latino gangster families who play nothing but Pokemon & ANimal Crossing on Switch, but it's even weirder when you see these roided out fitness dudes, almost 6'tall (He most likely claims 6 feet.) and most likely a mackdaddy chad who fucks all the bitches, fanboying hardcore over Fisher Price shooter Splatoon.
It's funny how on internet, they make you believe that only little kids play Nintendo, but when I was at gamestop today, the only system that everyone was buying games for was The SWitch, lol!

I remember when I bought a Switch, they came out with a New Switch to replace the old models a month after i got mine. Not the Switch-lite, the new standard model that replaced the old hackable Switch models.
The irony is I'll never hack mine since I play online & digital only games too much.

BTW, Fire Emblem Three Houses is only $40 New at best buy & Gaystop, only for today!
Get yours now!
I was deciding between Mario Odyseey or FE3H, but I went with FE3H coz FE games are always replayable and they added so much new shit in FE3H that it feels like a completely game now. Kinda like what happened with Xenoblade 2. XB2 + DLC + Patches is nothing like the game that 2017 cats played.
The problem I have with 3d Mario is that they have 0 replay value, even 3d World. I dunno why that is, coz I still replay the fuck out of Mario Bros 2, 3 & World + Hacks.

I legit treat XB2 like a Fighting game or Monster Hunter. I just go to challenge mode, pick out my loadouts and I start fighting for prizes. XB2 is still my 2nd fave Nintendo game on the Switch, but not my 2nd fave Switch game overall. I think Monster Hunter Rise is my 2nd fave Switch exclusive after Smash Bros.
Shit I've been playing Blazblue Cross Tag and that game's battle system feels like an ultra fast version of XB2 Torna. I've always been comparing Torna to Tekken Tag, but I guess it's way more accurate to compare it to Marvel or Blazblue Cross tag due to how they all have a focus on tagging in for increased combos & massive damage. Blazblue is all about that parrying & counter attacks though.
I was bout to get me the complete version with Adachi & the P3 cast but I realized that if a FE remake is coming, that I'd miss having FE3H.

A lot of folks I've spoke to through Jootube have told me how FE3H is fucking amazing in Maddening mode with Permadeath off. The way they describe it sounds as insane as Xenoblade 2 is at its hardest settings. I got rid of FE3H coz Maddening doesn't feel balanced around permadeath at all. It's beatable, but damn near everyone that you're not focusing on will die in one hit. My mains where Male Byleth, Claud, Lyz, Petra & Shamir. Notice how nearly all of them are archers or assassin types. In Maddening, you don't want to fucking get it. YOU'LL DIE! I was femme Byleth for my original playthrough that took me over 100 hours to beat.

I guess Switch still is my Metroid FE system. It was going to be XB, but I realize that I only like XB2, coz the other XB games have extremely shallow combat. Mothafuckas who don't play challenge mode, BOC or customized difficulty at extreme settings just have no idea how fucking crazy XB2's combat is at optimized levels. You can't even rely on the party gauge coz it's the first thing that nearly every enemy attacks, your team synergy.

So y'all motherruckers getting Skyward Bored? I was thinking about it, but I randomly decided to get Fire Emblem again. I fucking hate FE & XB's online fanbase, both fanbases are filled with trannies but it doesn't change that these games have such solid gameplay, writing & combat systems.
Most of these online faggots don't even play the games anyway. It's very obvious with Xenoblade, coz most of the talk is from jealous trannies talking about how "ugly" Pyra, Mythra, Blade Nia & Dahlia are, which is fucking hilarious to me coz how the fuck do you ever see Dahlia? She's a very rare Blade that I didn't even get until my third playthrough lol. These motherfuckers also ruin Fire Emblem for me, they make me think it's a shallow game that revolves around social contacts & relationships, but when i see hardcore detailed some builds get in FE3h Maddening. I'm like damn, that's way deeper than Xcom builds, ayy lmao.
Mang, I should've bought that Lucina amiibo back when it was cheap. I never thought I'd own FE3H again though.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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