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Epic Cutscenes

Post by Jack »

Yeah yeah, gameplay is paramount. Insert *nerdrage.txt*
Have you ever played a game where the cutscenes were so well directed that it got you hype enough to play the rest of the game just to see what happens next?

Edit: Coz Qish linked to some DMC cutscenes where nothing fucking happens, it's just Dante posing in front of the camera, which felt more like a music video rather than a movie. I have to add specifications of what I'm looking for.
These had to be well-directed cutscenes which would fit will in a theatrical movie release, where the music, dialogue, & ambiance synergize together to create an atmosphere that carries the plot forward and has you hype enough to play more of the game to see what happens next. I thought that was fucking clear with Legacy of Kain, Shadow Hearts Covenant & the Xenoblade scenes, but instead I'm just seeing random scenes which have no story being pushed forward at all like with the Valyrie Profile stuff. Parasite Eve's cutscenes actually are telling a story. That's a good example.

Edit Again: Here's a fucking dictionary defintion for what the word "Epic" means since there seems to be so much confusion over the word "Epic".
Epic meaning:
noun: epic; plural noun: epics
a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
heroic poem long poem long story saga legend romance lay history chronicle myth
folk tale folk story the genre of epic poems.
"the romances display gentler emotions not found in Greek epic"
a long film, book, or other work portraying heroic deeds and adventures or covering an extended period of time.
"a Hollywood biblical epic"
1: a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero
the Iliad and the Odyssey are epics
2: a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic
3: a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epic
the epic of the winning of the West
How hard could it be to comprehend that "Epic" refers to legend or lore-building? Most of the opening cutscenes from Dark Souls games are exactly that, but I don't really find them as all that interesting, especially when compared to Legacy of Kain which does it much better.

I think the first case I've seen where everything was just so well put-together that it actually established the atmosphere for the rest of the game was the into to Soul Reaver.

The dialogue, the voice acting, the music, the actual storyboarding. Holy fuck that shit would've been an epic way to start off an actual full-lentgh feature film or a tv series.

The penultimate scene from Shadow Hearts Covenant is one of my faves.

The combination of the music, and the visual imagery synergize together to let out all of the acumalated emotions that led up to this point. Many people have died, and these are the last key-players who are left standing. It's kind of a spoiler really since they're both Good guys, :lol: .

Kato is just your typical MCU-Thanos. He's supposed to be this intimidating ubermensch but just comes off as a retard with his braindead half-thought out logic. "Hurr Durr I'll randomly destroy half of the world's population even though the other half will just rebirth the population back to its current numbers since the genocide was conducted at random."
Or in Kato's case "Hurr Durr I'll reset time back 100 years before faggots like Rasputin existed, who directly caused these wars N shieat mang! I'm a fucking genius, oh wait!"

This scene was just great due to how it firmly established the two sides, both characters could be considered as heroes, but right here we're seeing a final stand for the future of all humanity, being decided by two Japs, AYY LMAO! Ok one of them is half-Jap, same fucking difference.

Ah fuck, I can't hate. GOW2 & 3's cinematics actually were well directed and almost gets you as hype as the SH Covenant's penultimate scene or the Soul Reaver intro.
GOW 3 continues right where GOW2 left off. I view the entire first level as part of the intro cinematic, coz it all would've been directed as one act had it been a theatrical movie.

I really didn't want to put GOW here, but it honestly pulled off cutscenes much better than most games do. Most games use cutscenes as exposition-heavy talking heads. These three treated cutscenes like a movie and relied more on visual story telling. The visual direction in GOW 2 & GoW3 are on par with the Legacy of kain series.
Muricans used to be really good at this storytelling shit until they became way too political and preachy. GOW4 is nothing like how GOW1-3 were in terms of story telling. 1 - 3 came off like mythic legends come to life. GOW4, it's just some story of some dude raising his son.

As for an all dialogue scene. The climatic finale encounter from season 1 of Walking Dead.

I have to emphasize dialogue here, since that's the main fucking reason that I featured Xenoblade so much.
I had no idea that peeps would just ignore XB's dialogue and assume that I just added them due to the fight scenes, lol.


This seems to be from a misinterpretation of what Epic means. These DMC videos only fit the slang term of "Epic" which usually refers to "BADASS".

dmc not epic at all though? i mean choreography etc. of it. Unless you mean that its better jump on rockets/missiles in Contra Shattered Soldiers during gameplay than watch how donte does it in fmv.[/quote]
LOL Shattered Soldier? That made me facepalm even more than those DMC examples did. Never mind that this thread started off with a clear disclaimer that gameplay doesn't matter in this thread.

I don't give a shit about "Badass" since damn near every game fits the badass mold. It's much rarer to see a game that could actually be considered as the dictionary term of Epic mainly due to how games, by their very nature do not need stories to exist. That's not what this thread is about though. This thread is only concerned with cutscenes that evoke dramatic tension, or show a traumatic event of which the entire game revolves around.
Parasite Eve's opening cutscenes with the Opera being immolated to death is a good example of an Epic since the rest of the game and the events that happened after it revolves around that one scene.

These Valkyrie profile vids are terrible examples as well, coz there's nothing epic about them.

That's not an opinion, there simply isn't much being established here. The story can move forward with or without it. He's just posting vids where something crazy happens, and for some reason he thinks that's what epic means, lol.

The Lezard Hommunculus scene does refer to lore, but I don't think it established lore since you won't understand the context unless you read the text that contextualizes that scene right before it plays. I only know what's happening here coz I owned the original PSX game which didn't even have this cutscene.
This thread is called Epic Cutscenes for a reason, the entire context has to be established within the cutscene itself.
Last edited by Jack on Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Epic Cutscenes

Post by Jack »

This was originally 1 post, but i felt that the Xenoblade series deserved a post to itself.

That entire series is filled with so many good quotes, yes including "I'll Kill you!" Even when viewed out of context this makes you wonder what the game is about.

Out of modern games, Xenoblade series is really the only one imo that compares to story cutscenes from the late 90s early 2000s era.
Malos has to have the best damn quote I've heard from a game coz it's so damn true. (especially when you look at all of the destuction that Twitter-posters have caused lol.)
Malos: ”Watch humans closely and you'll learn one thing. Deep down they wish they were dead. They kill each other like they swat flies. Running towards oblivion like blind rats. They see the divine flame of life and piss over it. They're geniuses at that. In a class of their own, really."
The way he says it is so badass too, coz he comes off like a dudebro who just wants to have fun.

He sounds so bored, and it fits with the story.

I prefer the English voice direction, because they all have regional accents except for Torna for some reason. Torna itself is just Japan. I guess makes sense, being a Japanese game and all. They prob made Torna Japanese to make Japs feel even more sorry when Torna gets nuked oout of the fucking map by Malos & Mythra.
One criticism I'd add is that the original Japanese actually does directly refer to God, instead of Architect. Malos & Mythra are actually known as Holy Grails from the Sky in the original Japanese, which makes a lot more sense than being called an Aegis. The English dubbing is slightly confusing due to how they go out of their way to change the religious references that you still hear in the Japanese dub :lol: . It makes way more sense that Pyra & Mythra are meant to be "Holy Grails" with a nice pair of tits & ass, it contextualizes why everyone is after them and only sees them as an object of obsession.

That entire game is filled with great cutscenes, including the ending (starting with the sacrifice.)
There's so many good cutscenes that I guess I'll just post the Haze death scene, since it's fairly short but effective.

It's this scene where Jin finally explains some of his motives. He's basically detailing the forgotten history of Torna. (Azurda is that last remaining survivor who was born from Torna.)
Even if you've never played Torna, Haze's death will still get to you because you never get to learn who she truly is and she died before she eventually got to learn, yet some how she has a decent enough impact on the story, although you won't realize it until much later when you're racing against Jin to get up to the top of the World tree which leads you to outer space.

The world tree is actually concealing
that the world underneath Alrest used to be Earth

While we're talking about Xenoblade, here's the dramatically effective Fiora death scene that kickstarted the main events of the story for the original XB.

The Fiora that you see in most promo content, and in Smash Bros Ultimate is actually a Goddess who possessed her dead body. That goddess even shows up in XB2's final chapter during a flashback of what happened in XB1's ending. Xb2 acrtually happens at the same time as XB1. You even hear Shulk killing Zanza during your final fight against Malos.

I haven't played XB1 yet, beyond a few hours through emulation but that game has been out for so long that I think most of us have been spoiled about her death already since it shockingly happens so early in the game.
That final line by Shulk is awesome Shulk:"I'LL KILL YOU!"
The way he says it, he sounds like he's crying lol. You can just feel the anquish coming from his words.
I think Haze's death was better written, but Shulk's voice acting, damn he really sells that scene emoting that raw emotion that you should be feeling.

Xenoblade is one of the only series I've seen that uses character deaths effectively. None of the deaths are wasted, each time someone dies the stakes are raised much higher and you'll feel that you want to push on just to see how everything resolves.
XB2's first big deathscene which completely changed the overall tone of the game happens a bit later than Fiora's death did, but I feel it's just as effective due to how it develops 4 characters at the same time, Rex, Pyra, Mythra & Nia.

That death scene actually leads up to what happens in the ending (That's why I like XB's writing. Everything is actually building up to a climax.), where everyone stepped in & told Rex to grow the fuck up, and learn to let Pyra go. It's a play out of the saying "If you love someone, let them go."

In every other scene before that, including the Mythra-Awakening scene, Rex is always ignoring everyone and tries to win the day through his pure-ShonenHero optimism but every single time he just makes it worse for everyone who then have to clean up after his mess. His excuse is that he did it for Pyra, but even Jin points out that Rex only cares about himself and doesn't even care if Pyra dies due to overexertion from Rex's actions.

Xb2's ending is when they finally talk sense into him due to how the object of his obsession (Pyra) finally stepped down and made the decision for him. That would've been some pretty good writing had it not been for the after-credits scene.
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Re: Epic Cutscenes

Post by Iwazaru »

EDIT: post updated

For me it was Parasite Eve

Anachronox also, one of rare games that had good camerawork

And during teen years i was Silent Hill fanatic, lol.

pyramid head being pyramid head

Speaking of which, i just stumbled upon your FS2 vid again, haha. It's pretty nightmarish with that Rumi track.

And now for some reason i remember D2

Kimberly bossfight

Though honestly i derail with these trashy horror scenes from what this thread is, i just cant remember something more fitting. Idk, dmc?

dante is clown 1
dante is clown 2

You Are Empty. That game was good as 1984 Orwell alike anti-utopia.

The Void

brothers arrive

Baroque has pretty tricky plot unlocked with cutscenes. I wish peopl will complete fantraslation of original Saturn/PS1 version though which looks way more atmospheric.

cutscene with angels
intro from old ver.

Well, i cant remember something more normal, so here we go with Yoko Taro

Zero kills one of sisters

Ok, joking. Now i remember that need to continue Valkyrie Profile, lol. I'm almost at the end in it.

vp fmv 1
vp fmv 2
though nvm, it's character stories that are good, not some short FMVs

vp prologue
vp story 1
vp story 2
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Re: Hype Cutscenes

Post by Jack »

Though honestly i derail with these trashy horror scenes from what this thread is,
Could you repost that into multiple posts? You added way too many videos. That Parasite Eve stuff is good. A lot of games from the PSX & PS2 era had good cutscenes that were well-directed and emoted atmosphere & emotion.
I renamed the thread to Hype cutscenes, but then I saw your DMC garbage and named it into theatrical cutscenes coz really mang. That DMC shit is fucking garbage.
i just cant remember something more fitting. Idk, dmc?
Seriously what the fuck are you thinking man? What the fuck made you think DMC is more fitting? That shit is generic video game garbage. I may have posted God of War, but that's because an actual mainstream movie-going audience would compare it with Lord of the Rings or Conan the Barbarian, not edgy teenager bullshit, lol.

Xenoblade may have crazy fight scenes, but I'm not even focusing on the fights. It's the dialogue that makes those cutscens so good, and the actual tragedies that are happening on-screen. How the fuck could you compare Fiora's death with Shulk's screaming "I'LL KILL YOU!" in agony, or Haze's sudden death where you finally see Jin break his calm-composure to that DMC garbage? LOL! Where all faggot Dante is doing, is posing for the camera. Yeah, that's really dramatic. You also just posted a bunch of normal cutscenes where nothing fucking happens like with the Valkyrie Profile crap. The horror stuff you posted is good though.

There's a reason why I started the thread with Legacy of Kain & Shadow Heargs Covenant, coz those scenes could've easily been in an movie, and actually moved people since I wouldn't expect video games to be so well-directed. There's so much symbolism going on in Shadow Hearts Covenant's Bell tolls cutscenes, but LOL you post DMC? Really?
The Xenoblade scenes have dialogue that would've moved a movie-going audience just due to how well delivered the lines are.

If you wanted to post action game crap, at least make sure it's dramatic and well-directed enough to be in a movie. I mean a real moive. That dmc shit just looks like something Ryuhei Kitamura would've directed.

Now Ninja Gaiden, that's what I'm talking about. You see Ryu's original girlfriend die, he tries to avenge her but then nearly dies himself lol. The music, and the scene direction all build up to a climax of action that kick starts the conflict of the rest of the game. He must revenge the deaths of his ninja clan. That's like a scene from an 80s kung fu flick.

Here's another action game with a very well acted & directed cutscene that would've done great in a movie.
Yakuza 2's ending.

This is like the only time when Yakuza wasn't too overly corny, because at the time, it really did seem as though Kiryu & Kaoru died during that scene. It would've been a great way to go out, Kiryu is slowly bleeding to death, dying with the woman he loves in his arms, and they they all blow up, lol.
It was a fake-out ending though.

Kinda like how Xenoblade 2's ending where the great acting by Poppi as she cries about how she promised to keep Pyra's request, could've easily been one of the best endings ever but it was also a fakeout ending.
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Re: Theatrical Cutscenes

Post by Iwazaru »

i know right? my head is freaking empty currently so i cant remember enough something that is close to your original examples :D

dmc not epic at all though? i mean choreography etc. of it. Unless you mean that its better jump on rockets/missiles in Contra Shattered Soldiers during gameplay than watch how donte does it in fmv.

btw i finally playin some ninja finally, though i m on Vita Means Life (tm) so it's Sigma version there and they removed some parts of this scene, like Ryu discovering Irene inside burning house before trying to fight the enemy or witnessing dropping heads that magic samurai cuts off >_<

I changed most of vids into links so they dont slowdown thread.
Speaking of rpgs, i enjoyed Suikoden V pretty much, especially all those political gambit stuff Sialeeds and Lucretia were mindplaying.
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Re: Theatrical Cutscenes

Post by Jack »

Epic meaning:
noun: epic; plural noun: epics
a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
heroic poem long poem long story saga legend romance lay history chronicle myth
folk tale folk story the genre of epic poems.
"the romances display gentler emotions not found in Greek epic"
a long film, book, or other work portraying heroic deeds and adventures or covering an extended period of time.
"a Hollywood biblical epic"
1: a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero
the Iliad and the Odyssey are epics

2: a work of art (such as a novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic
3: a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epic
the epic of the winning of the West

Soul Reaver's intro fits every single definition of Epic, as does the ShadowHearts Covenant cutscene.
Damn near every Xenoblade cutscene from both Chronicles games establishes an Epic.
The God of War scenes establish a mythos, the birth of a legend, that's what makes it epic. It's the same case with Ninja Gaiden. Ryu was just living his life peacefully until over half of his ninja clan were murdered over night & he couldn't do anything to stop it. That girl who was killed is actually Momiji's sister which is why Ryu acts as her parental figure. Momiji actually looks after that village in NG3 (& presumably NG2) after Ryu left for revenge back in NG1 and he never came back home until NG3.

I renamed the thread because I forgot about the slang meaning of epic, which is what you seem to be using.
I've always intended the original use of the word "epic" though, as was shown by the videos I linked to.

dmc not epic at all though? i mean choreography etc. of it. Unless you mean that its better jump on rockets/missiles in Contra Shattered Soldiers during gameplay than watch how donte does it in fmv.
How the fuck would Shattered Soldier be any better? LOL you really don't fucking understand what Epic means, which is why I guess that you're using some slang meaning. Epic either refers to Huge or Grand, and legendary. I meant all three and initially showed 3 examples that fit the entirety of the word "Epic".
I use the slang meaning too in everyday context but for this thread, it's clear that I was using the original meaning since none of the motherfucking vides that I posted had anything to do with simple martial arts choreography. Sure they fight a lot in Xenoblade, but I'm more focused on the actual dialogue, visuals & music of which I think is the point since I rarely ever see anyone talking about the fighting in the comments section for XB videos. Everyone is always talking about the philosophy or the traumatic events that happen in those scenes.

There's like zero action in Haze's death scene, she just gets randomly impaled to death like Aeris but unlike the FF7 Aeris scene which established a point of no return & had no dialogue at all to further emphasize the visuals. Haze's death had a different intention, as it's meant to show you what the actual conflict is about. Jin is a survivor of Torna, Haze was from Torna and used to be his partner back when Torna was alive. He kills her in that scene coz he viewed her as a slave of the humans, and Almathus (the man who killed Lora.), and he didn't want to see her being used like that anymore.

As Haze dies, you see the real reason why he killed her.
He didn't want Haze's current Fan La Norne identity to tarnish his memory of Lora (The girl you see when Haze touches him as she's dying.) The moment the dying Haze touches his face, you see Jin cry for a bit, coz deep down he wishes that things didn't have to be this way. He wishes it could still be like the old days when Haze, Lora & Him were his life. It's that scene which establishes that Jin isn't just a mindless psychopath who kills without reason. We see him murdering the shit out of 100s of random people, including the main character but we're never given any context as to why until that scene.

This is what I mean by Epic cutscenes. I'm looking for shit that establishes lore. SOme fucking retard jumping off of missles doesn't establish lore. Sure it could, if its acompanied by dialogue that discusses his philosophy but all I'm seeing is a music video.

What you posted looked more like a music video. What actual story was it progressing? You could've easily posted an animation of an elevator moving and it'd have the same effect. That's also what I criticize about the VP cg, since it's just showing objects moving, not an actual progression of story. I don't give a fuck about the rendering. I originally used the word "EPIC" for a reason, I intended for cutscenes that establish lore and change the tone so much that the rest of the game is affeced by that cutscene. What the fuck does Dante jumping from a building and gliding in the sky like an anime character do to push the story forward? Yeah, you may see similar actions from Xenoblade, but there's a strong philsophical story being pushed forth at the same time just through its dialogue.

I thought Shulk's "I'LL KILL YOU!" was self explanatory. I didn't post it coz I thought it was badass. I posted it coz I thought it was one of the best examples of good scene direction & voice directing. He shouts "I'LL KILL YOU" coz he's hurting inside, he's both angry & crying, and he's in disbelief that his girlfriend was just squashed to death in front of him but he was too weak to do anything about it.
He even gets his ass kicked by Fiora's murderer which is what establishes the events that the rest of the story will follow, The three men in that cutscene all want to avenge Fiora's death and what ensues is a huge epic AKA Saga of legendary proportions which all started coz some retarded bitch died a brutal death, lol.

Meanwhile, Dante poses in front of a camera, trying to look cool. Yeah ok how is that epic?
Like seriously the first 3 examples I posted made it clear what I'm looking for. I purposely didn't post any MGS or Final Faggotry crap coz those are like the two most obvious choices, especially that scene.

That's like one of the only times where Hideous Kojima actually didn't overwrite himself.

What's hilarious is that you posted Parasite Eve which actually can be considered epic, and could've easily been one of my first examples but I went with Legacy of Kain coz I think it embodies the word Epic, the most out of any game I've ever played. Is there even any action in that scene? Not really, not unless you cound Kain tearing off Raziel's wings as action, lol. I saw that more as visualized exposition of a power hungry tyrant, or at least that's what we're meant to believe from the context of Raziel's perspective.

Dragon Quest 11's intro fits every single criteria of epic and it was so good that even Soyny's official channel spoiled it, lol. You see a kingdom fall, a pair of siblings trying to survive, the baby gets lost only to be raised by an old man (who's also family, lol. It's meant to be a spoiler though but it's one of the more confusing parts of the game so I spoiled it anyway. The girl is actually not related at all but she's a friend of your dead mother.)

I really don't understand why you think a video of a dude jumping from a building is epic, but then again you bring up an example of Shattered Soldier which also doesn't establish any mythos. The Valkyrie vids aren't much better since it's just short 5 second clips of things happening, which again you could've shown a 5 sec clip of an elevator and it'd have the same effect. The exposition VP cutscenes you showed have story, but there's no visual direction so again not at all what I'm talking about. The first 3 examples should be obvious that I'm looking for a combination of visual, aural story telling along with dialogue that contextualizes what the scenes are showing.

The all-dialogue Walking Derp scene I linked to is just showing how effective good dialogue can be, when you want to establish a conflict. It's like a less dramatic version of the Shadowhearts Covenant cutscene where they too are just talking, establishing the sides of their conflict but SHC does it in style, reminiscent of visual poetry. It's something that you don't see often in videogames (coz games rely too much on overexplaining its exposition.), but are pretty much the bread & butter of movies.
You may see Kratos from God of War doing crazy shit, but that's not the point of the video. The point is that Kratos is a bad guy who came to kill all of the Gods of Olympus, the Epic (AKA DRAMA) is seeing the Gods of Olympus trying to survive but no matter what they all die, or they will die since it's the entire point of the game, and the story.
Speaking of rpgs, i enjoyed Suikoden V pretty much, especially all those political gambit stuff Sialeeds and Lucretia were mindplaying.
That actually is a game with Epic cutscenes. I'd list which ones were epic, but I'll let you figure it out. I don't think it'd be hard considering how many Xenoblade death scenes I've shown.
The Suiko 5 scene I'm referring to also fits every single meaning of the term "Epic" coz that particular scene was turned into mythos & a legend in Suikoden 2, where you hear multiple people telling you their version of what happened that night. It's not until you play Suikoden 5 that you see it play out yourself. In Suiko 2, they make the Queendom of Falena sound like a Tyrannical government led by a madwoman who controlled an empire similar to a dying Rome. In Suiko 5, we find that the reality is quite different and much more tragic.

Note: It's not that I'm intentionally using mostly examples from jrpgs. They're generally just the only games out there that have a strong enough narrative to establish cutscenes of epic proportions. God of War shows that you don't even need to be a rpg or all that story-driven to fall under the Epic definition. When you reads tales of heroic feats, comparable to that of a god, they generally sound exactly like what's being shown by Kratos. There's a story going on with those cutscenes. We're not supposed to think Kratos is cool. We're supposed to be afraid of him as is demonstrated when the Gods of Olympus try in vain to protect themselves from him.
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Re: Epic Cutscenes

Post by Rake »

This is probably my favorite piece of gaming "cinematography"- showing Ground 0 in the sewers from the eyes of the carriers as U.S.S. Alpha Team
is mutilated by Birkin, the transition from muzzle flare to blood cells and pathogens winding in darkness growing into a vascular system ending back at the hoard of rats. I always felt the intro to Outbreak articulated the bleakness of a viral outbreak better than anything else.

I think this fits your description but it doesn't have any dialogue. Though, I feel like what you're getting at in this thread is almost less to do with "cutscenes" and more to do with the portrayal of acting in cutscenes (I know you mention all of it, but your examples are more focused around body language and dialogue), to which I'd contribute the very underrated:

This isn't a single well directed scene, but even to this day I think this stands up better than any game that sells itself as "cinematic". Particularly because of the detail to the hand gestures, something I've remembered since I first saw it when it came out. The Tarantino style "stories about stories" where you're told things you're never going to see, leaving it up to your imagination indefinitely is a good way to build mythology.

Another one on the subject of acting and characterization:

These are both so fucking funny, smashing the lock on a door with a bowling ball, beating a dog with a plastic tray :lol:. They're not "epic" in scale but to your point about mood setting cutscenes I think these are A+ in how well they display the petty nature of Kane & Lynch.
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Re: Epic Cutscenes

Post by Krizzx »

Its funny how they just abandon your ass.

He was the most awesome character in Legend of Legaia. He went out without remorse.

Same with Luca Blight

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Re: Epic Cutscenes

Post by Jack »

Fukkin shit Bacon & Yuri are so badass. I forgot how horror-like SH used to be.
Krizzx wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:36 pm
Same with Luca Blight

Normally, being text only would disqualify it but I too remember just how epic that scene was when it happened. Luca's death definitely qualifies coz it completely changed the trajectory of Suiko 2's plot. The war actually became much more nuanced after that coz there was no longer a clear aggressor or tyrant to blame everything on.

Another thing I like is how Luca Blight's death is basically just Suiko's rendition of Lu Bu's betrayal.
Jowy himself is meant to be Sima Yi & the Shu guy is Zhuge Liang.
Jowy had a scene where he took over an entire city without a single fight, he just garrisoned on them, didn't attack and waited for them to run out of food, lol. Sima Yi did the same exact thing in real life.
That is some damn good writing that you normally don't see from video games. Most video games don't even seem to understand the concept of food, coz they generally only have Good vs Evil plots where the good guys are just reactionaries and the bad guys are reformists.

Another good Suiko scene which is much more traditional to typical epic-cinematography.

That scene was a legend back in Suiko 2. We finally get to see it in Suiko 5. In Suiko 2, we assumed that the Queen was a raving mad-woman. In Suiko 5 we realize it was all just one giant clustefucked tragedy.

By the way don't listen to that retard.
James Ramos
3 years ago
I played this as a kid and all this time I blame the Godwins for the demise of Arshtat and Ferid. Now that I'm an adult I realized that the true enemy of Falena is human greed. From the senate and even the lineage of the Royal Family itself is corrupt. I'm glad that the Prince and Lym changed that and formed a new Falena where every citizen has a voice and not being ruled by one family alone.
I always hear such rhetoric from Westerners. They believe it makes them sound smart when the problem that's plaguing modern-day politics is exactly that there is no concept of royals anymore. Everything is a fucking democracy these days. Everyone is the same, when everyone is the same, we all adhere to the same standards of mediocrity because it's easiest to conform with the lowest standard due to how it's the natural state for the lowest standard to exist in abundance who in turn overwhelm the rest of the democractic vote through sheer numbers.

I don't even really understand where he got to those assumptions just judging from the cutscene?
Suiko 1 became a Republic. I don't recall what happened in Suiko 5 but I'm pretty sure that they're still a Queendom, rather than anything democractic.

HUUUR DUUUR,"I blame Human greed! WOW I'm so astute! It was nobodies' fault, it was actually everyones' fault!"
I see that type of mindless rhetoric coming from Westerners a whole lot these days. What amuses me is how they don't realize that they're not actually saying anything. They contradict their previous statements with the next half-thought out statement and it's like please, shut up, you're speaking complete mindrot. :lol:

Anyway what I liked about Suiko 5 is how it was heavily influenced by The Tang Dynasty, even down to a female emperor. Kinda like how Suiko 2 was meant to be the Han 3 Kingdoms Civil War and the original is meant to be Fantasy Water Margin Bandit rebellion story.
I noticed that Suiko started to lose focus (Suiko 3, 4) once they stopped ripping off of Chyna history & folktales lol.

Suikoden 3 has one of the most epic Intros of all time though.

Now that is a fucking Large-scale War.
Fuck I wish Xenoblade had an animu intro like that. Even Fire Emblem 3 Houses has its own catchy anime intro.

I heard that Maruyama initially wanted to make a space-opera war rpg about Space-Mechas, kinda like Xenogears (Xeno didn't exist yet.) but Konami didn't let him so he just used the same exact political plot for his first two Suikoden games.
I'm pissed that we never got to see the Grand Harmonia war. You wouldn't even be able to do a game about Harmonia in today's political climate coz it'd get labeled as 'Alt-right' by GenZ 'never done anything in life' morons.
It's about a nation where first class Harmonians are all light eyed, blonde haired people lol. The only Harmonians we ever went to war with are against some 3rd class Asian citizens from Suiko 3.

That's what made Suikoden awesome, the plots were based off of real life history, but you're apparently not allowed to do that anymore unless you make the 'bad guys' look like 1 dimensional retards.
I was looking forward to Harmonia coz they were most likely another Queendom of Falena to where everything we hear about them makes them sound like evil megamanaical psychopaths, but when we actually meet them we find out that there was nothing wrong with their governance at all. This would never be allowed in Le Current Decade coz Harmonia are obviously meant to be Nazi Germany.
In Falena's case there was a power struggle around their Rune which was the Seiko equivlaent of a Nuke. It's prolly one of the strongest runes in the series.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Spiral Smile
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Re: Epic Cutscenes


now this is Epic!

i like how they built the cinematic atmosphera with music and the narration to introduce the audience about the world of warcraft the human and the orc war against each other but a new factions is coming arise so the narrator who is also a character narrated through a dream to tell the Protagonist an Orc to lead his people to somewhere.

warcraft 3 is one of my favourite RTS,but sometimes the campaign gameplay can be boring especially the tower defense part.i usually like tower defense game if the game is something exactly like Plant vs zombies games.the zombies waves keep s coming every second so you always work to build your plants defense instead of just staring at your plants do their work stopping the warcraft tower defense part.example one of the chapter who have to defense your base for 30 minutes,its boring because the enemy ai is not as intense as enemy in plant vs zombies game the intense part only comes around 11 minutes left of the games,the rest of the chapter is an okay gameplay to me,just build a base,harvesting lumber and gold and deploy heroes and the army and try to conquer other bases.
the story i think is pretty much simplistic, i mean it build kinda like fighting games where character hate each other just to build up to fight,samething with warcraft there are 4 major factions,human,orc,undead and night elf.all of factions hate each other,human hate orc because their not even from this world and tried to conquer humans so they just defense themselves,as for the ORC the world is their new home so they only try to adapt and survive her so they war against human for their own survival.and then their is night elf who thinks both human & orc is trash because their keep harvesting lumber and destroying the nature so Night elf hate both of them.and finally the Undead who i think the the one dimensional villain here,who try to conquer the world through a plague and make the people who is infected by their plague as their least i thought so until the undead also have a problem within their factions.example one of the undead heroes the Death Knight work so hard build an army for the undead so he can see his master the LICH KING alive again only to brushed aside after they revived the demon called Lord Archimonde and he have his own goal.
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