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Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Iwazaru »

General MANGA thread! Talk anything related.

I have to start with shit news. Miura died.

wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Jack »

I actually thought it was a meme when I first heard the news like the "Joe Rogan is dead. RIP!" memes.
I though the same exact thing with Hana Kimura when she died around the same time last year.
As heartless as it is to say, makes me glad that I jumped off the Berserk train nearly 15 years ago. The story barely even moved from where I left off, lol. I stopped reading Berserk ever since they got on the boat, and then they stayed on the fucking boat for over 10 years in real time, coz Miura would never fucking release a new volume. Even when he did release a new chapter, the plot barely fucking moved forward.

Sure, what if Oda dies before he completes One Piece? Although that would suck, it's not as bad as what happened with Berserk coz One Piece already has a lot of concluded story lines that each could work as its own ending to the series, on at least a thematic level. You could've easily ended One Piece right before the time skip shortly after the Paramount War (The One Piece version of the Infinity Gems War from Marvel.) ended, and One Piece still would've went down as one of the best damn Manga & Anime in history.
During the Paramount war, Luffy & crew went down fighting as pirates to the end, defiantly refusing to bow down to the World Government's influence.
Berserk didn't even get a thematic ending. It literally fucking ended with a goddamn cliffhanger coz of Miura's lazy ass, AYY LMAO!
Through emails some cats were telling me about how awesome Berserk is now.
Berserk was beginning to lay down the groundwork for the final showdown with Griffith's empire & Guts, finally getting revenge.

I just replied with how One Piece has a similar plot, but One Piece's story actually moves forward, lol.
The key difference is that Berserk revolves more around the clash of spiritual-philosophies which keeps humanity enslaved to authority.
One Piece is more about the civics & politics that constantly try to enslave the world through propaganda & military force.

One Piece is hilariously much more realistic coz it uses government-bodies to enforce the rule of the cultural elites & the global 1%.
Beserk told a similar tale, but more from a spiritual & philosophical scale about how the World order, tries to spiritually break you down, to the point where you feel like committing suicide.
Both Manga attempts at trying to explain the reality of our real world is valid, since I do believe that we are being spiritually & culturally attacked by Establishment powers on a daily basis.

It's sad Miura died, and if I were still a fan of Berserk, I'd be fucking pissed off that he wasted so much fucking time doing nothing but playing Idol Master. How many Sagas has Berserk had since the Golden Age?
For me, Berserk pretty much ends at the Golden Age, or right when the Ecclipse happens. I made a popular music video of The Eclipse using Blam Honey music, that never gets attributed to me, but that's my mistake. Never claiming credit for anythign I did back in the 2000s.

I can't help but compare Beserk to One Piece, coz it's also a similarly long running series, but the difference is. I actually get mad when people tell me that One Piece needs to end. They'll claim to love it, but still want OP to end. I'm like, I don't think you really understand the plot if you just want OP to finally end coz there's still so many plot lines it could cover before we're finally at the end.
In the span of OP's 20 something years, we've had at least 10 full Sagas, and the latest 3 sags were as long as entire Manga/Anime runs .
Dessarossa Saga is longer than Ranma 1/2 and Rama 1/2 itself was a fairly long series.
We're still on The Four Emperors saga, with the current arc being situated at Wano.
Four Emperor's Saga started 5 years ago, and it already has enough content that lasts longer than both seasons of Black Lagoon, and Samurai Champloon & Cowboy Bebop combined.
Four Emperors even has more story & character development as those 4 combined.
Although that's prob not fair, since most 32 episode Anime generally lacks development to begin with, whereas One Piece is a long running series, that you honestly do need to start at the beginning to truly appreciate how much growth the series has had.

Berserk is the same way, but there's really only two sagas worth giving a shit about, Black Swordsman, & The Golden Age, coz nothing fucking happens after Black Swordsman.
What's weird is that Berserk actually starts off with the Black Swordsman arc, but it later switchs up to flashbacks of the Golden Age before it goes back to the Black Swordsman.
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Jack »

Dark Soul's writing style is nowhere near similar to Berserk. Just coz you imitate a visual style, doesn't mean that you also emulate the writing & mythos. Berserk has full blown political intrigue like a Tactics Ogre or Suikoden game, but I wouldn't label those two as anything like Berserk either.
Dork SOuls games don't have plots, they have background mythos. What people want to see from Berserk, are the mysteries finally being unveiled such as who is Skeleton Knight, Who really are The God Hand?, Will Casca stop being fucking retarded?, So is Zodd a gud guy or a bad guy?, Who the fuck is Guts & Casca's kid? (This is where the cliffhanger left off, lol.),

Will Guts finally repay Griffith for sacrificing his soul and everyone in order to attain power.
In this regard, One Piece is way better coz One Piece has more of a Final Fantasy Tactivs plot going on where Luffy is racing against entire factions of people, for full dominance of the high seas with Blackbeard eventually becoming the main antagonist simply coz he's the most successful backstabbing social-climbing pirate.
Not that there's anything wrong with Griffith's plot. You could easily rewrite Griffith's story in the modern era as some poor kid who sold his soul to Hollywood, sacrificed his entire family & friends to Global-Cabal in order to attain power, and now has a huge propaganda media arm constantly brainwashing the masses into believing that Griffith is a savior. There's just one loose end, Guts. The man who knows the truth behind it all, coz he refused to die. Damn that's an interesting plot, too bad it'll never have an ending. Not one by Miura anyway, and I don't trust anyone else to finish Miura's work.

I'm just so glad that the series in which I'm invested in, the only thing I really want to see is just one more main story arc for Nico Robin since One Piece has built her up as the most fucking dangerous motherfucker out of the entire series just through her ancient knowledge of weapons of mass destruction.
One Piece is the type of series, that you could easily continue even after it ends, because the world of One Piece itself, is a character. A new series could easily start with Nami as an Auntie and the main character is her nephew/niece or whatever who was born from Nami's sister and Sanji or something, lol.
OP won't really conclude though until you see the aftermath of Luffy & Robin's story. Who are the two pirates who are the most dangerous to The Establishment.
Luffy's story seems to be building up to Luffy dying in the finale.
Robin doesn't have to die, but I wouldn't be shocked if she died too, since she originally tried to kill herself back when she was still a villain, & she felt that her mission was finished.
It would make sense, because Luffy is the only reason that she still lives, and Robin uses Luffy to get closer to her endgoals.

Even if I never see how that end-game plays out. I'm already satisfied coz of all of the stories that One Piece already told.
With Berserk it's a sad shame, coz Berserk has been around since the 80s, but the story barely moves.
Granted, Miura has one of the most awesome artstyles of all time, and it takes a long time to fully sculpture a finely-detailed Miura masterpiece.

Even so, I still think it's inexcusable to delay Berserk for as long as Miura did. I would've been satisfied had Miura did at least 3 Manga vols per year instead of the sporadic schedule he actually had where he'd do fucking nothing for a year, and just coast by on royalties from the Anime adaptions, AYY LMAO! Berserk is a victim of its own success.
The entirety of Berserk's story isn't even as long as The Alabasta Saga of One Piece, LOL!
Alabasta Saga is actually one of OP's shorter sagas too, since it's the first saga that truly introduces you to the politics of the Grand Line & The World Government.

It's sad that Miura is dead, but I'm also kinda mad. I'd be even more angry were I still a fan, but I'm just mad.
About as mad as I was when Hana Kimura killed herself, depriving the world of their talent before their time has ended, but at least in Miura's case, this was death through natural causes.
Miura could've been dying this entire time, which would at least give reason to why Miura's updates with his manga, were so damn sporadic.
BTW, It's fucking hilarious how Hana's death comes off like a much bigger deal when she fucking died as a nobody that only wrestling aficionados such as myself knew about lol. Damn near everyone was talking about her, even Fox News did a segment on her. I only hear about Miura in 4chan, and some comic & gaming related channels. Miura has had way more influence in the world's culture.
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by vdartzzjer1 »

Wow a suck bor of army's story lost shadow world of berserk in my past life a go.
fuck it dmc 5 true ending fallen archangel yual predator for guts a life of rick and morty you no fucking full bain dead loli Casca.

Griffith just keep win T.K.O

a fandom now
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by CENSORED »

Dark Soul's writing style is nowhere near similar to Berserk. Just coz you imitate a visual style, doesn't mean that you also emulate the writing & mythos. Berserk has full blown political intrigue like a Tactics Ogre or Suikoden game, but I wouldn't label those two as anything like Berserk either.
Dork SOuls games don't have plots, they have background mythos. What people want to see from Berserk, are the mysteries finally being unveiled such as who is Skeleton Knight, Who really are The God Hand?, Will Casca stop being fucking retarded?, So is Zodd a gud guy or a bad guy?, Who the fuck is Guts & Casca's kid? (This is where the cliffhanger left off, lol.),
I never heard that anywhere else, but it's probably because people would be scared to bring up such a retarded opinion up to me.
I really don't like the dark souls games, which is weird because I like a lot of Fromsoft's output outside of dark souls. The king's field games, armored core, echo nights, demon's souls, bloodborne. I thought Sekiro was okay, not that great though. Dark souls just bores me because everything revolves around the combat, and the combat is so damn shallow and slow. The exploration is not as good as king's field, and Demon's Souls had the exact same shallow combat but it focused more on exploring the levels and figuring out how things worked, like an adventure game or something like zelda rather than a full blown action RPG. Combat was just the way you interacted with the world.
Bloodborne is kinda shallow as well, but it makes up for it with a legitimately interesting setting instead of just zombie apocalypse in the middle ages, and with it being generally faster & more engaging. Dark Souls relies on the promise of eventually maybe showing you some crazy shit if you go deep enough in it, but it only fulfilled that promise in the abyss of DS1 where the enemies are just stationary humanity sprites creepily hanging around. Everything else those games show you has been done before in Diablo lol.
The climax of Demon's Souls was fucking crazy compared to anything in the DS games, because it conveyed visually how pointless the struggle for life is. The scenery for the "final battle" is just a peaceful beach, where an incomprehensible creature needs to be lulled back to sleep by loving embrace. Reality is held together by human totems of which only one is left alive anymore (two if you pick the good ending), and it's implied that the Old One had been put to slumber thousands of times before just through the number of swords that were dropped onto that beach. Even the final boss is just a sentient ant monster, desperately trying to stop you from reaching the old one in order to genocide humanity to give them peace. (He is actually the true ruler of Boletaria, the one you meet in-game is just a demon taking on his form.)
Hell Demon's Souls even had an interesting theme about Demons just being a manifestation of whatever humans would place their faith in. Everything that Dark Souls did, was already done before in a much more poignant way by Demon's Souls.
Not that there's anything wrong with Griffith's plot. You could easily rewrite Griffith's story in the modern era as some poor kid who sold his soul to Hollywood, sacrificed his entire family & friends to Global-Cabal in order to attain power, and now has a huge propaganda media arm constantly brainwashing the masses into believing that Griffith is a savior. There's just one loose end, Guts. The man who knows the truth behind it all, coz he refused to die. Damn that's an interesting plot, too bad it'll never have an ending. Not one by Miura anyway, and I don't trust anyone else to finish Miura's work.
There's reason to believe that Miura actually knew he was going to die, and planned ahead for it. For once, his employees actually had life long contracts, which is nearly unprecedented in the manga industry.
Secondly, he already commissioned a manga running which was handled by his employees/assistants, with minimal input from him.
It's actually pretty good, I hope it doesen't get dropped.
Someone compiled all of his recent comments and they definetly sound like the words of a dying man. He would constantly mention how he barely got to see real sunlight, or the outside world anymore. I'm too lazy to look them up now, but it's some crazy depressing shit.
One of his assistants recently tweeted, "I'll do my best", implying they might pick up the slack of finishing berserk.
At this point I believe his notorious lazyness was probably a cover story for his health issues. I can't know for sure though.

It's crazy to think that both Go Nagai (devilman was a direct inspiration for berserk, and miura's style in general) and Leiji Matsumoto survived Miura. Matsumoto almost died in Italy lol, he survived and went back to Japan and was still healthy enough to donate money to the Turin hospital that saved his life. I actually got to meet Go Nagai, while I made plans to meet Matsumoto but he fell ill coming to the event I was planning to meet him at. It's a shame, because both of them actually had a huge influence on my childhood and how I understand the concept of being a man. Italian and Japanese cultures are more similar than one would think, which explains why the Japanese actually get into purely italian stuff like italian soccer, or the whole catholic aesthetic. (Everyone outside of Italy has no fucking clue about Catholicism. They're all larpers.)

Anyway, the most interesting part about the more recent Berserk setting is that Griffith legitimately succeeded in creating a Utopia. Guts really is the only person who knows that said Utopia, was built on the corpses of everyone he ever held dear, and that his lust for power is built at least in part over sexual insecurities. (Which is very paradise lost.)
Guts had every right to vengance, for his fallen comrades. But would it be worth plunging the world into chaos once again? Would Guts killing Griffith, cause more victims through the destruction of the society he created & held together than Griffith himself sacrificed?
The Skull knight is a reflection of what Guts could become, because he has transcended humanity in order to fulfill his vengance against one of the God Hand through the ages. Which would also point to his quest being hopeless, and doomed to go on forever until both Guts and Griffith have transcended the current phisical reality, or historical context.
I agree that it's a huge shame we'll never get to see how Miura planned to conclude this conflict. I will still read the conclusion of his employees actually get to draw it though.
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Jaladen »

The "paradise" Griffith has depended on him cooperating with the God Hand/Idea of Evil to be the big hero who slays the demon emperor while the rest of the God Hand/demons work to terrorize the world until everyone moves to Falconia. Where judging from Gaiseric's kingdom a mass sacrifice will occur.
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Cat »

Unfortunately I don't read manga as often as I would like to these days, but two I enjoyed somewhat recently were Bokutachi ga Yarimashita and Tezuka's Book of Human Insects.
Not very similar to each other at all.
A nice image from the latter:
"Don't be crazy.
I would never go near such a poisonous flower.
She is carnivorous. She disgusts me"
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by lastliv1ngt3aers »


Im re reading Naruto sometime between school
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Re: Manga / Graphic Novels / etc.

Post by Iwazaru »

Anyone heard about Chi no Wadachi?

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