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Post by Jack »

Hana cum back! We miss yah baybay! Stardom is back, but we seem to be missing someone!

Don't forget to Hana Dancing Queen.
Before I continue with the previous post about the current wrestling fallout, at the hands of Twitter Hipster faggots, this is the theme song for this page. AZM (Pronounced as Azumi.) Her theme sounds like it came straight out of Danganronpa.

Western faggots are so feminized, that the entirety of the Western industry is being torn to pieces becuase it turns out that Wrestling is filled with 'Toxic Masculinity" IMAGINE MUH SHOCK!

Meanwhile in Japan, you can be wrestler who fucks a hot porn bitch, and nobody says shit.
It doesn't bother anyone in the slightest.
Were he American, he'd be regarded as worse than Hitler and almost as evil as Trump, KEK! Fuck America mang. I love America, the one that I remember, the Rocky 4 America. We don't live in Rocky 4 America no more. We fucking living in Sly Stallone's Demolition Man, LOL!

For real though, fuck the young generation. Younger millennials & the zoomers, they're a bunch of hall monitors who constantly monitor your behavior and speech and then they tattle tell on you to big mama government.

Anyway Ima keep the commentary light and just post the pics. I was going to post an unconfirmed rumor about Hana having an affair with someone from Ropongi 3k (and it's not even the Blonde one, lol.) which is what led her to killing herself but I can't confirm it. I actually kinda hope it's true though, coz Hana randomly killing herself over some guy actually does make a lot of sense to me. Women can get very irrational when they feel abandoned like that.

There's just too much to unpack with this past, starting with the Black List
This is a list written by some twitter tranny faggot, who's documenting a long list of bad people who deserve to lose their jobs for bad behavior. 3 of which have lost their jobs due to this garbage. I don't understand why, when the retard who wrote this list doesn't even know how to spell "complicit", KEK! Half of the people on the list are also dead, lol. Oh btw another lol at how Priscilla got into the list coz she defended her husband, Darby Allin from getting cancelled, so she too was added to the list.


LOL at muh boy Teddy Hart. He actually is a despicable criminal piece of shit, it's just funny though that he's being listed here in a retarded list filled with non-crimes.
You can get put on this list just for deadnaming a tranny and that's somehow in the same league with Teddy's actual attempts as criminal enterprise.

Fuck these twitter assholes. They want all of us to be as sexless, and devoid of fun as they are.
You can be labeled as a rapist just for 'gray rape' which is just staring at a woman, eye to eye. Yup that's right, you're not allowed to make eye contact with a bitch anymore unless you've been spoken to. Even then I'm not sure if you're allowed to make eye contact. I think you need to keep your head down.

I was going to say a whole lot more, but I realize that I just don't give a fuck. All you need to know is that wrestling is so irrelevant now, that a bunch of nerds took it over (the same bunch of nerds who most likely call you an 'incel' which is ironic, coz that's exactly what they look like.) and those same nerds are cancelling everyone from the industry. This all started with a #metoo like movement of speakingout, but it's really just a bunch of female attention whores and a bunch of simps whining, pining for attention.

It pisses me off, coz a lot of these motherfuckers use Hana Kimura avatars, yet they're friggin bullying wrestlers with their social justice bullshit. It's crazy to me, coz she killed herself due to the similar type of brigading that these nimrods are doing right now. I just realized that if the victim isn't a hotty like Hana, then I don't give a shit especially since I never truly cared about any of these flippy-faggot fuckers anywaay.

Well, I do like Will Osprey, who has been "implicated"
I say that in quotations coz these accusations are obvious bullshit, yet somehow he did lose all of his gigs in the UK due to these retarded claims. WHite people mang, they treat trannys like Gods and Women as King, and the men are all just a bunch of eunuchs.

I find it funny how Kenny Omega isn't on the list for Grooming, when we all know he does it.
He's fucked all of the jap girls who work at AEW. Shida did a stream two days ago where she was asked what she would be doing if she didn't come to AEW. She said she'd be free lancing, which is proof to me that she only finally agreed to come to the USA coz of Omega, since she's another woman who's been groomed by him.

That's why Hana wasn't working for them yet. Omega doesn't actually know her.
Kenny spoke about Hana Kimura in Tokyo Sports. He said he thought they would do business together some day. He said if he had a relationship with her he would have told her to stop focusing on the antis and focus on her fans in the wider outside world. "It's a shame," he ended.

I thought he did know her, but I guess he only knew her mom.

I thought I was going to post about the Sammy G & Jimmy Havoc shit,
but at this point, I'm just fucking pissed off as the Modern-Nerdy Wrestling fanbase that I've just completely lost interest in everything right now. These SJW motherfuckers will just not allow you to not have any hobbies that doesn't revolve around them. This Speakingout incident has been going on for the last 4 days, and just gets even more exaggerated & retarded as time goes on. I only bother to show pics of the Osprey incident coz that's a dude who I think is ok. I don't really care what happens to Sammy.

What is wrong with zoomers & younger millennials? Why do they always feel the need to speak to you as if they're your parents? Now I'm seeing them act as though they're the parents of wrestling, AYY LMAO! I'm fucking glad that I didn't have such square ass parents, coz I'd prob beat them up if they treated me the same exact way that SJWs do. SJWs talk down to you as though you're a dysfunctional human being, when that's exactly what they are.
LOL at these SJW cucks downvoting the truth.

I've been saying that all throughout this thread that AEW are actually right wingers. It's friggin wrestling, of course they'd support Trump, Trump is in the fucking WWE hall of fame, LOL!

It's just that you know, the entire industry has been taken over by trannys, the lgbt & the SJWs so now it's a product that's only being made for 1 percent of the American audience and the ratings show it. AEW & WWE's ratings are fucking trash, and they're the two 'mainstream' wrestling promotions in the West.

Y'all motherfuckers should've never left Japan mang.
LOL how cute, they think Japan gives a shit.
USA has been completely taken over by dickless retards.

EDIT: LOL this shit doesn't stop. They're going after Jericho now.
These Leftist faggots are way more intolerant than the Evangelical Right were. At least everyone knew that right wing christfags are retarded. Nobody says shit about Lefty Atheists though, when they're just as militant & myopic.

You just know that Bushiroad's Kidani only bought out Stardom coz he wanted to fuck Hana.
Vince Mcmahon trying to buy out Stardom a day before that was just the convenient cover-up, AYY LMAO!
Yeah too bad about that.
HANA OUT! I'll do the rest of this thread as a blog/site. It's hard organizing shit through posts.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Krizzx »

You want to change Japan's culture to be something different than it currently is, coz you think that change is an inherent improvement, regardless of how incompatible said changes would be to the culture as a whole.
I personally just view it as a different culture, handling things in ways that the Japanese have always done, because of how their society is structured. First off, Japs don't view suicide in as negative a light as Westerners do. Japs think of suicide as an honorable way out. It's funny as fuck to us Non-Japs, but the Japs believe that it's not how you lived that matters, it's how you die. They think suicide is them going out on their own terms.
You want to change Japan's culture to be something different than it currently is, coz you think that change is an inherent improvement, regardless of how incompatible said changes would be to the culture as a whole.
I think you got me confused with someone else. That's the polar opposite of what I believe. I said this before on the old site about how I don't like people who flock to Japan because of its differences only to turn it into the place they came there to get away from. Its especially annoying with modern western Anime fanboys. I got into anime because it was so different than American animation and wasn't bound by Christian ideals and morals. People got into because its different, but then try to make it adhere to the same bullshit they do over here.

I'm pointing out the problems I see and the likely causes. I never said a thing about fixing. That's up to them. You drew all those conclusions on your own.

Also, as far as change go, I think change is inevitable, but that its only good when its change for the better. Change for the sake of change is stupid. Its need to have a direction or it will stand a greater chance of just adding more problem to already existing ones. As for the direction, that requires deeper analysis of the given situation.
You're viewing Japan from an individualist perspective, but Japan is not an individualist society. Japs are collectivists, they view themselves as one Japanese entity. This is both the good and the bad. The good, is that this means that the entire country treats each other like one big family, which included Hana.
You seem to have forgotten that I've pointed that out myself plenty of times. That Japan is a society of group consensus. In fact, I even factored that into what I was saying earlier about how if anything sticks out, it gets met with the hammer. That was the exact point I was talking about.
You don't try to correct an entity based off of Westernized values that are completely unrelated to an Easternized society.
I'm not wasting my time trying to correct anything, and if I did, it wouldn't be based off the west. Even the U.S. has gone into decline with more people dying than being born. I'd recommend the U.S. become like Japan before I recommend Japan become like the U.S.

As for Japan being more violent, I don't see it. America definitely has a greater love of violence and a more violent population overall by a huge margin. I see Japan as more duty bound and focused to the point that if their duty required it, they can and will easily disregard human life. Its especially evident in their work ideology where they factor in dedication to ones job and time invested as more valued than the quality of the work itself.

This is a point I've heard echoed again and again by westerners who work in Japan's business world where finishing your work faster than everyone else and trying to go home early will earn you a negative reception and people who do things that would get your fired in the blink of an eye in Japan will just get reprimanded or a pay cut. There is this familial dedication in business that is nonexistent in the west. The people I've heard talk about it thought they would be praised for their efficiency and deftness at doing their job. Instead they were called lazy and undedicated, because they wanted go home before everyone else.

It's been ages since I've kept up with American wrestling. The last time I actually watched it, watched it, Booker T had this thing going on with Golddust. So however long that has been. I remember catching a glimpse of someone watching it one time and was shocked to see HHH was married to Stephanie McMahon. I thought you she married that wrestler named Test.

I think those whiny SJW's are just the vocal minority looking for something to be outraged about to give their stupid views vindication. From what I can tell, most of them don't even believe in their own bullshit. Their just trying to b
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Post by Jack »

Hana was such a poor fag, not even a Mac.
Had she not gassed her self like a Jew who escaped from the oven, this guy could've been her boss, and he has a mac.

Japan is in the top 10 most populated countries in the world yet accordin to American political mythology, Japland is also the most underpopulated and about to go extinct meanwhile no one says shit about 10 million Sweden lol.

I had a big post written up that I was going to split into 3 posts, but fuck it. I lost everything I wrote coz my power suddenly went out due to some faggots blowing up a power box at the dog park just a few hours ago, which led to a power outage on my whole block. I'm really sick & tired of these fucking rioters, larping their Star Wars & X-men fantasies. I don't even see any news coverage of this shit, but that's been happening a lot these past two months.Real Shit happens, and the news says nothing. (A lot of people were murdered at Chop/Chaz but they only cared when an 8 year old child was executed.) If Kanye West takes a shit, they won't stop talking about his hot stinky shit. Double that if Trump is caught eating two scoops of Vanilla ice cream. What a fucking raycisss, and you'll hear that 24/7, lol!
I'll just post some quik shit.

Giulia flexing her titties

Awhile back Kyoko was taking the fight back to Bushiroad & Terrace house.

She actually came out with another vid yesterday but who gives a shit?

What I find amusing about these new Hana Kimura fans, is that most of them are hardcore SJWs and they actually got mad at this bikini catfight that Stardom did a couple days ago.
I'm like do you not know who Stardom is? Damn near their entire roster has done lewds.

That's what I hate about modern society, why are today's kids such moral fags? If it ain't a Christfag who's telling you wat to do, it's a SJW. I'm of the oppinon that they can both burn.

Speaking of which, I can't believe AEW's ratings went up after they pushed this gay fagggot?

What is up with Americans? It's the gayest country in the world. To the point that even Europeans think that Americans are gay as hell & Euro are pretty fucking gay, lol.
American people try to tell me that I'm out of touch. I'm like motherfukcer, you're just gay. Americans are full blown gay these days and it's annoying coz they pushing this shit as normal. it's hypocritical though coz they wouldn't dare do this at an Arabian country or China. Gay shit is usually censored there.
I wouldn't have a problem if I weren't forced to treat this faggotry as normal. Sonny gets way more hits than Hikaru Shida & Britt Baker. That's how fucking gay Americans are, they really love their gay dudes in thongs.

It's fucking hilarious how gay American are. Tokyo Latina gets banned from American tv & twitter canceled (coz sexy female eye candy is "DANGEROUS TO SOCIETY")
but then Sonny Kiss has pretty much the same exact gimmick, but that faggot is lauded for it, as a progressive forward member of society. ... statement/
OH No, muh homophobia. I can't be the only one who wanted to throw up after seeing that pic in the link?
(It's an adult Black man, shoving & twerking his big fat ass on a White guy's face.)

This is the only Sonny pic that I could bear to save, and even that's making me throw up a bit. Am I the only American left who instantly gags & throws up seeing this shit?

The reality is, those win power just want to encourage men to be weak. ... -behavior/ ... it-alleges
In L.A. there was even a Juvenile Delinquent who was forcibly injected estrogen because that's how much the weak faggots of the world, want to curb the very essence of manliness from the masses due to how manliness encourages rebellion. Mass corporations want you to be a follower who chases after trends that corporations have designed for you. They don't want you having a mind of your own, and actually making your own competing product.

That kid started growing tits and had acne all over his body so he got bullied non stop until he refused to take any more estrogen.

I miss the days when Sports was a mans' hobby, like back in the day when Antonio Inoki ran that shit.
Men don't get anything of their own anymore. We fucking have to share everything with everybody, but they're allowed to have their own gender queer tranny bullshit, but I'm not allowed to have anything that's actually considered normal, outside of the USA' It's only the USA that's into this mutant bullshit.

When I do the blog, this is most likely the first guy I'll chronicle. I really gotta take it to the blog, coz I don't want to fucking constantly have to talk about politics but it's hard to when gayfuck America is always getting so political with everything. They tell you that they're not forcing gay faggots on you, when that's exactly what they're doing, lol. I don't want to see that shit. What is wrong with you people?

I'm sick and tired of Americas' weak pathetic males. No it's not like this all over the USA, but it's certainly this in all of the USA's cities. Especally White people. White people are the worst with their virtue signaling. When Chaz was happening, WHite progressive faggots would constantly speak to Black cops as though they were little more than dogs.

Everything 2020 American is gay, Bitch.
Goddamn Sumire, this bitch look so good. Btw I was recently told by a faggot, that thinking a woman is sexy, because they're in a bikini, makes me gay. I'm like what? Allegedly, you're only a straight man if you love a girl for her personality. As if you couldn't love her for her body, looks & personality. No, only personality matters. WHen quite honestly I think damn near all women are uninteresting as hell personality wise. They're mostly consumerists, which amusingly is exactly what internet nerds & trannies are, who have completely taken over the entire Western wrestling scene.

You know it's internet. I'll entertain what these retards have to say, but if they seriously said that to my face, I'd beat the blood out of them.
It really does seem like Americans are attacking everything it means to be a man, coz weak men are easy to control, through consensus. Consensus is easily manipulated when you just ban everyone who has committed wrongthink.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Post by Jack »

Mexican Wrestling be like, "yo mang what about me?"
I don't know much about Mexican wrestling but I would love to fuck that Luchadora. Shiiiat she's fine, looks like a real life anime ninja, or what Mortal Kombat ninjas used to look like before the USA went gay.
She's Mystique from CMLL, look her up, she has a thin waist and a big ass.
Jack wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:10 am
Had she not gassed her self like a Jew who escaped from the oven, this guy could've been her boss, and he has a mac.
Pooor Hana.

She's already been replaced with a new gurl, lol.

I miss the days when Sports was a mans' hobby, like back in the day when Antonio Inoki ran that shit.
Anyone know how to extract Twitter videos?

I just fund this badass vid of Inoki swearing in English and scaring the fuck out of the two huge White guys, who walk away frightened after Inoki told them to stop the match. Inoki was so fucking angry though that he punched the yakuza, Masahiro Chono in the face, lol!
Inoki is scary as fuck when he's angry. This huge Yakuza looking guy, who then proceeds to hit an actual Yak, and the Yak does nothing back coz it's Inoki.

Btw, Chono vs a Death match god.

Twitters faggots are once again crying about retarded shit again.
Image ... aggits.png
This time they're crying over strippers & dancing girls in an underground faked MMA show at WWE which features this badass Black stable, who look like a Black Yakuza, lol.

Guy on the left is an Olympian athlete, middle guy was a MMA fighter, guy on the right is in ex con who went to jail for a decade. Now that's what I'm talking about. I miss the days when wrestlers were actual criminals and shit. That's what I want to see, not little faggy Marko Stunts.

Fuck all of these goofy ass white bois in the twatter screenshots I linked to who are hating on this.

Sure it's shit, but the atmosphere is just right. That's exactly how I love my combat sports. Keep It Gutter and Concrete. Wrestling was at its best when it was Street. MMA was at its best when real life Yakuza were actually running the MMA game.
Nobody likes the cornball "MAde for the reddit Rick & Morty" crowd bullshit. How the fuck did a bunch of nerds take over combat sports anyway? It makes no sense to me, but then again, they also took over football, lol.

I'm like dude, that's exactly how I like my combat fighitng, with actual strippers bitches.
I fucking hate today's wrestling product filled with goofy looking little guys, doing jump flips, and avg looking women attempting to wrestle.
Even Japanese wrestling is filled with hot stripper bitches.

The whore in my sig, getting her ass kicked by Slanteyed Ronald Mcdonald is one of em.

What's funny is that it was the USA that started this shit with the Attitude era, yet for some reason, the USA is the last place that you'd ever see a genuine underground Combat sports feel due to how USA's social media nerds tend to control the American culture for some reason, when most of us don't even agree with these nerds.

BTW, that Jew Alexa Bliss
is like "Ur dik 2 smol, LOL!" whilst speaking to the average Alexa Bliss fan. Look up what her fans look like, lol the horror. Edit: Never mind, don't. You just get pictures of fellow wrestlers, taking pics with her as if they're fans. A while ago, if you looked up fans of hers, you'd get a lot of round AMerilard ham planets who look like they stink, towering over the 5 ft gurl.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
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Post by player1 »

Anyone know how to extract Twitter videos?
I thought that good old inspect element trick would work, but when I tried it I was amazed how many layers of "protection" modern sites have that force you to view content only on their platform. It's not even funny.
This time they're crying over strippers & dancing girls
why all these complainers are dudes who're in love with their beer and such and not some buffed dudes? at least dudes with muscle hold more respect than round twitter whiners
features this badass Black stable, who look like a Black Yakuza
i dig their style. nothing can be as good as buffed men in suits. Dope as fuck
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Post by Jack »

LOL Sasha Banks has never had a successful title defense yet.

She stole the title off of Asuka about a week or two back, only to lose the title back to Asuka during the first defense. Sasha can never catch a break. If it ain't a cutie like Alexa Bliss fucking her over, then it's usually the tranny Charlotte fucking her shit up. Now PINK NIPPLE SLIP Asuka is fucking her shit up too.
ALthough Sasha is a weeb so she was probably happy to get fucked by Asuka. Sasha normally cries and complains when she has to job to the Jew or the Aryan chick.
why all these complainers are dudes who're in love with their beer and such and not some buffed dudes? at least dudes with muscle hold more respect than round twitter whiners
SJDubyas. The funny part, is that some of the older wrestlers who are still hot like Mickie James, want to get in on some of the stripper dance action. Who'da thunk it? Attractive women, love showing off what they have.
It's hilarious how these hardcore 'male feminists' are actually creating less jobs for women with their insistent nagging & complaining about equality, on behalf of wimmin. When really, they're just making a world where women are forced to be men, due to men who complain on behalf of wimmin.

More Hana news, HANA'S STILL DEAD!

That's a damn good Tribute vid though.

He made Hana look like a much more skilled wrestler, then what she actually was.
Manami Toyota is actually one of the best joshis who's ever lived but her vid looks nowhere near as badass.

Clean ass moonsaults though.
I do believe that Hana would've eventually matured into the girl we saw in that tribute vid though. She had a badass power-based brawler moveset.

Reposted this post, coz I forgot about Ricky. How could anyone forget about "I'M TOO HANDSOME, TO BE HARDCORE!" Absolute Ricky?
This dude's mic skills are on fire.
He's a literal faggot, but that's one gay guy, where I'm like he's badass to me. So long as he can hang, without bringing the rest of the fellas down. THen it's all good. Ricky got so much swag, that your attractiveness with women would increase just by being seen with him. Even though he's a literal faggot who sucks dicks.

His promos are funny as fuck though. I can't stop laughing at this.

"There's two things I love. I love skateboarding, ... and toitulls!"
He's mocking Darby Allin, who looks like the "I like turtles" kid.

Shit damn, I fucking love Ricky's theme. This gay faggot, has mad swag.

If he were straight, he'd be pimping dem hoez mang.
When I first saw him at NWA, I thought he was gay as hell. I was won over, the instant I heard him speak. I'm like mang, this guy is a pimp. He knows he's the shit, and is unapologetic about it.
Inoki Stomps Fools!
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Post by Iwazaru »

Weirdly it ended up that a voice actress from a cute arcade game i was playing, is a wrestling star Risa Sera

Japan is weird, as usual :mrgreen:
wow.. we're sky high.. that shark we just jumped over is tiny.. we're so high right now (c)
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Post by Jack »

Iwazaru wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 10:45 pm Weirdly it ended up that a voice actress from a cute arcade game i was playing, is a wrestling star Risa Sera
Japan is weird, as usual :mrgreen:

Wrestling is way more mainstream in Japan. You even see pornstars wrestling in Japan, I posted some in the thread. Shida Hikaru used to be an Action movie actress before she became a full time wrestler.

Back when this thread started, it seemed like a tragedy, but seeing how the coof lockdowns are still going on. Hana would've killed herself no matter what.
It's a shame, coz she had the crossover appeal to make it big in the west, but her role got filled in by the Kween of Piss & Shit instead, AYY LMAO!

That would've been a much bigger crossover had it been Hana, especially since she'd be physically larger than every single girl in that ring except for Britt Baker, who is slightly taller.
I mean mang, dat bitch made waves just from killing herself. We all know the only reason why is coz she's hot.

Jap wrestling has the most badass theme music.

New Jack just died a few days ago. Last time he was in the headlines, it was coz he disowned his faggot Tranny son lol.
Modern wrestling just sucks ass man. The entirety of the Western audience has been completely taken over by Trannys.

Alternate reality version of me is completely spot on about how fucking shit the current product is.

He's so American though that he refuses to watch Mexican or Jap wrestling. I don't think he'd like Jap wrestling any way. At least not the modern product. He'd like the Inoki era. He'd might like Mexican, since the Mexican product is sexy as fuck

, but the Mexican wrestling itself, is too damn flippy for me. That's actually the reason why I don't like modern Japanese wrestling either. Way too many damn flips. Hana Kimura was nowhere near the greatest wrestler, but at least her move set revolved around tackles & submsissions, which actually looks like a wrestling moveset. Instead of this weird Ninja gymnastics bullshit.

Like I was saying in the Mortal Kombat thread though, Americans specialize in finding the most uniquely ugly people you can find, and then trying to turn them into a celebrity, lol.
Americans are so fucking dumb, they think that entertainment can change the standards of beauty rather than entertainment being shaped around what people naturally believed is attractive.
Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson, those two are naturally good looking, so of course the 90s was shaped around how those two looked.
We didn't need entertainment to teach us what was attractive. We listened to our dick-erections instead, lol.
It's just that simple, but 2020 Americans constantly try to over psychoanalyze everything, and then trying to play god by forcing us to love Fat girls and manly-looking Trannies.

Nothing much has really been going on with wrestling these days. It's to the point that I just left it, not that it matters since I was kicked out of the internet wrestling community right when I tried to join it, lol.
Even Vince Mcmahon seems to think that wrestling is a lost cause, so we're seeing him lay the ground work to eventually sell the WWE product to Walt Disney shortly before he retires or dies.
It's really fucking annoying trying to explain to modern Wrestling fans, why so many of us fucking can't stand the modern product.

The modern wrestling fanbase (& even the wreslters themselves, who are like only 120 pounds soaking wet, LOL!)
call us a bunch of dumb boomers, but I'm like dude. Nobody regardless of their age-group, sex & even race, is ever going to find a bunch of skinny nerds, jump flipping all over the ring, as a suitable replacement for what wrestling used to be back in the 80s & early 2000s, up until Chris Benoit murdered-suicided his entire family.

I want to see people who look like Kratos duking it out with behemoths who are three times larger than he is.
I don't want to fucking see a bunch of shirmps, that I out weigh, pretending to fight.
I can respect 130 pound bantam weight professional fighters, coz they're fighting for real.
I could prob still knock them out in one punch (LOL!) but I respect their relative skill.
Ain't nobody want to watch fake fighting centered around a bunch of skinny lightweights, tanking dmg Hulk Hogan style.
We accepted it with Hulk, coz he's a huge man, and it looks believable that he could tank damage, and store it up as an energy reserve, similar to a Street Fighter super move.

I can't suspend my disbelief for these skinny looking nerds, calling themselves wrestlers. When I see them in an alley way, I'm murking their pansy asses. Nobody in the world believes that they could survive Mike Tyson.
It looked believable with Stone Cold Austin.
When I see a modern wrestler, I'm usually laughing coz I know I could beat the bloody fuck out of them. I ain't a big guy, but I have the New Jack menacing killer vibe going on.

I never thought of ever stepping up to a beast like Scott Steiner. He looks only slightly taller than me, but If I ever saw that crazy motherfucker in an alley way back in the 90s. I'm walking the other way away from Big Poppa Pump, AYY LMAO! I ain't gonna risk getting killed or injured by that crazy pimp motherfucker, surrounded by hot bitches.

He could be the wimpiest motherfucker in the world, but I still ain't going to test a man who looks like that, coz he's legit scary. It's the way he speaks, it's unhinged & hungry like young Mike Tyson. To thikn, White people used to be cool as hell. AYY LMAO!
Inoki Stomps Fools!
Va11 Hall-a Faggot: He's such a Chad. I bet he fucks an Asian bitch every night.
CapN Jack: Who the fuk These moFuggaz? :lol:
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Bombhead Smile
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Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:40 pm


Post by Cat »

Jack wrote: Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:10 am I had a big post written up that I was going to split into 3 posts, but fuck it. I lost everything I wrote coz my power suddenly went out due to some faggots blowing up a power box at the dog park just a few hours ago, which led to a power outage on my whole block.
WTF kind of infrastructure is this?
"Don't be crazy.
I would never go near such a poisonous flower.
She is carnivorous. She disgusts me"
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