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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Iwazaru »

I'm yet to re-read this with more attention, but about last part i will say: you're overthinking my words and assume some psychologial shit based on them. Two monthes after, even i am not sure what the hell i was saying in those, lmao. Some random self-reflections or musings. Pretty exaggerating to call that as "identity crisis". Eh, sorry if i spam too much nonsense.
You sound like you need help.
I'm just surprised that i'm not overexcited, obsessed and crazy fan of something (for example, a game) anymore, compared to how it was in childhood and teen years. So i "questioned" whether it is adequate or "not teh true".

Also, this
From what I'm reading, you don't seem to play games for the gameplay. You seem to be trying to get something, that's not even fucking game-related, out of the game.
Weird generalization/judgment based on... shit i was saying with not-sure-how-much-serious tone and even if it was true for *insert game A* it will not be true for *insert game B* as i played or play enough different genres and types of games, from pure 100% gameplay to pure 100% story and between :idea:

Regardless, when i post online, it's hard to say whether it's me as me, or me as artificially built "internet character" that is different from site to site and from forum to forum, huh. :roll:
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Jack »

Iwazaru wrote: Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:53 pm I'm yet to re-read this with more attention, but about last part i will say: you're overthinking my words and assume some psychologial shit based on them.
That's what you do when you read, you extrapolate based off what is written, or off of previous patterns.
You make it sound as if you should love these games that some fucking retards love, but you know you don't like it, and from the sound of your post, it comes off as if you think there's something wrong with you.
Congratulations faggot, you have an independent mind. Shouldn't you be proud of that?

I never bother to read it coz I knew it was going to be retarded. I just got around to it after Xed posted. Nothing to add to his post, other then yes, Gamers are pretentious retards who are so insecure with their hobby, that they try to make Super Mario, or Derp Souls sound much more deep than it actually is.

I actually saw this funny ass comment the other day where they were making fun of this fanboi war between Dark Souls fags & Suda51 fags (AKA NMH fans. Let's face it, 98.9% of the Suda fanbase are just NMH faggots.)
and how he couldn't understand why they were arguing over which retarded game were more philosophically deep when they both play shit.

I couldn't stop laughing coz I saw the NMH3 trailer a minutes prior to reading that comment, and I was laughing as the trailer was playing coz it's moving at fucking 13 FPS or some shit, and the gfx look like a fucking PSP game. It's not even PS2 quality! LOL! I don't understand Suda, why doesn't he just make a 3d openwoeld Detective game, like the Sherlock Holmes series and cater to his strengths, rather then constantly trying to make the same stupid ass NMH game that nobody outside of the USA gives a shit about.
Even then, there's like only 50 people total who truly love NMH, and half of them are trannies!
I'm just surprised that i'm not overexcited, obsessed and crazy fan of something (for example, a game) anymore, compared to how it was in childhood and teen years. So i "questioned" whether it is adequate or "not teh true".
Why would it be a surprise? Shouldn't you already know what the fuck you like?
I see games as more of an activity, something that you do. Gaming is an action. Not an identity.
I don't think of it in terms of fandumb. You prolly categorize me as some wild obsessed fan, but from my perspective, I just view Ninja Gaiden as an activity, not too dissimilar from skateboarding. You suck ass when you first start, but you get better & better the more that you fail.
You eventually learn to create your own playstyle that works for you and your own muscle memory.
I view video games as Action, the act & planning of an execution.

Sometimes liking a game so much, is a bad thing. I talk about Xenoblade 1 as though it were a bad game. It really isn't, when directly asked about it (Isuka asked me about it at Steam. He hooked me up with Sudeki and some sexy hentai games, LOL!), I'll even admit that Xenoblade 1 is a good Jrpg, but a garbage ass game if you don't like Jrpgs.

I talk about XB1 like it's fucking shit, coz I liked it enough to the point that I played it for nearly 200 hours, and I was pissed that there was nothing else fun to do. There was a lot of shit that I could've wasted my time on, such as the fucking boring MMO grindy side quests.
That's not action to me. Those are chores.

I still play the shit out of XB2, coz there's shit tons of hidden bosses, new blades, new skills, new characters, new super moves you unlock during NG+ and I play the shit out of the Challenge Mode. These aren't chores, these things help me get stronger. This feels like training, to become stronger, more efficient at playing the game.
I basically treat XB2 as though it were a fighting game. I just load it up, choose my characters and then pick a challenger and then fight that same fucker several hours straight until I finally beat them or give up.
I then move on to the next difficulty. Since it's so hard on Bringer of Chaos mode, XB2 feels like it has infinite gameplay. Similar to how Ninja Gaiden feels like it has infinite gameplay due to how fucking brutal Master Ninja mode is.

I don't fucking care, or think about the fucking fanbase of a game. They can go eat lead for all I care.
Most idiots you see online, spend more time talking about the game then actually playing it. True fans of a game are congregating in social groups that were formed through the game's social network such as PSN and what not, and we group together coz we saw each other playing the game so much that we eventually form an online gaming gang, where we roam from game to game, as a group, coz we love playing the fucking game.
We don't waste our fucking time talking about the game. We just fucking play it, and got gud enough, to the point that we noticed each others' expertise at the game, and banded together.
That was my experience gaming on PS4 at least.

I just pay attention to, "Do I like it? Is it fun?" If I actually gave a shit about what retarded fanbases thought, I'd stay far away from Xenoblade 2, coz it's as hated as Resident Evil 6. Oh go figure, I have such god awful taste in games, I think both of them have the best combat of their respective series, and I'm not alone in that.
There's quite a number of people who hold that opinion. It's not the majority opinion, but who fucking cares about the majority when the majority are always going to be dickriders who just latch on to whatever is the most popular?

Ironically, XB2 is actually the best selling Xeno game, to which this is often responded with "IT CATERS TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR!"
I get called "THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR" all the fucking time. It's annoying but whatever, nerds gonna be nerds. It's just like when Tranny nerds constantly call me an Incel. It's like ok, my life history magically got rewritten coz a consensus of Internet faggots have deigned me a label that they designated as the bottom of the social hierarchy.
It's funny, coz from my perspective, they're the bottom of the social hierarchy, in real life. I have so much goddamn charisma, that a fucking community forms around me where ever I go in real life. Could the same be said of these Internet Nerd Gods who tell you to hate everything that they hate, otherwise "YOU'RE THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR!"

It's amusing to me, coz I don't think I'm that common at all, yet internet tells me constantly that I'm the common lowest denominator, LOL!
This is why I don't fucking care about opinions much. I like listening to critiques of games that try to objectively explain a game or system, but I don't like opinion, disguised as critique.
Which is ironic, coz most internet critiques about video games are just opinions.

You rarely see any that actually take an historical approach to a game, and even show to you historical accounts & footage of a games' perception from its era, that you do not normally see from game critique.

In 20 years, we're going to see a similar vid about Xenoblade 2, lol. (or maybe not. I think XB2 is really only hated in the West.)

I think Earthbound is overrated ass garbage, only loved by overexcited, obsessed hipsters. Judging by its community. I don't seem too far off. I actually laugh when they claim that Earthbound Mother is better than Xeboblade, coz even Xenoblade 1 has way better gameplay, and that game is godawful MMO combat. Even from a story standpoint, I'd say that the entire Xenoblade series does it better. They're asking philosophical existential questions, answered by a bunch of retarded hormonal kids.

There's nothing bad with Earthbound's narrative though. It's just overrated. It's a coming of age story where a kid comes to terms with growing up and learning how to be a responsible young adult. Every Mother game has this focus, Mother 3 is the most literal of the series coz you have to actually grow up & man up without your mommy!
From what I'm reading, you don't seem to play games for the gameplay. You seem to be trying to get something, that's not even fucking game-related, out of the game.
Weird generalization/judgment based on... shit i was saying with not-sure-how-much-serious tone and even if it was true for *insert game A* it will not be true for *insert game B* as i played or play enough different genres and types of games, from pure 100% gameplay to pure 100% story and between :idea:

Regardless, when i post online, it's hard to say whether it's me as me, or me as artificially built "internet character" that is different from site to site and from forum to forum, huh. :roll:
Sounds like an Identity crisis to me, AYY LMAO! That's a roundabout way of saying "Don't take wot I say seriously mang! I have fake personalities and shit!"
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Iwazaru »

Earthbound... still spawns more new games influences by it.

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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Jack »

How about you change the format of this thread, and just turn it into a roast, lol.
I was laughing when I wrote this post yesterday.
LOL, he's just namedropping games that he's never played.

Dark Savior is fucking garbage. I was so hype to play that game coz Segafags overhype it so much, only to find out that it plays like a retarded Super Mario Detective game. You spend most of your time trying to navigate through 3d platforming jumping puzzles, which are impossible coz Dark Saviour has shit controls, and an even worse camera that's always obscuring the paltforms that you're trying to jump on. Then we get to the fighitng.

You only get into a fight like once every 30 minutes and it turns into some weird one button fighting game, that even has rounds like a fighting game match. Dark Savior comes off like some retarded ass game that Suda51 would make, it even has the stupid plot that nobody can make sense out of coz some fucking retarded slanteye on weed (Weed's illegal in Japan!) wrote it.

I responded to some guy who claimed that N64 lost the 32 bit wars, and was the worst system over all. He tried to claim that Dark Savior is better than Ocarina of Time (I think OoT is a boring piece of shit btw.), and I'm like yeah right. Dark Savior doesn't even play like a Zelda game. It looks like a Zelda game, but it's not.
While it's true that PSX had zero competition just due to the 3rd party library alone. On a ratio level, I think N64 had the best games coz at least 100 of their 200 games were good & 20 of them were masterpieces and still extrem fun to this day. I can't really say that for PSX, Metal Gear Solid 1 isn't fun by today's standards.
I think about the only one of PSX's "masterpieces" that still holds up is Resident Evil 2, and it's better than the remake. RE2 is even scarier and that isn't even trying to be scary. At least I don't think it was. I recall RE2 classic having a way scarier sewer level.

I still would've bought a PSX over all-else if I had to relive that era again, but it's only due to the fighting games. PSX had the best fighters. For every good fighter that Saturn had, it had a better equivalent on the PSX, except for Xmen vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Street Fighter and the D&D capcom beat em ups. I don't really include them though, coz they never came fo the West. PSX had those games, but the psx version is shit. My fave PSX era game was actually Parasite Eve 2 lol. If Square Enix weren't fucking retards, they'd capitalize on the RE shooters drought which has been absent since Revelations 1.

With a lot of these Jap companies like Square or Sega, I always get the sense that they're run by a bunch of boomers who don't understand video games at all and just look at the sales charts but never piece together what made them sell.
Ironically, Nintendo was run by some Yakuza dude who didn't understand shit about gaming at all, all the way up to 2002, yet his foresight & ability to cash in on trends (Nintendo cashed in on Mike Tyson's popularity way before he became mainstream.) made Nintendo the strongest force in gaming.
I actually believe that his 'supernatural' foresight is just Yamauchi completely manipulating & rigging the game. The NES era is proof enough.
The way that guy speaks to people is just so gangster. "This is how you have to handle people."
Iwata & the current Ninten Preisdent are gamers though, but they wouldn't exist without Yamauchi.

Yamauchi even correctly guessed that Sega of Japan are fucking retards, that he won't spend a single second on. He never once guessed that Sega of America would give him trouble though, but for that he allowed Nintendo of America to clap back with Play it Loud, Donkey Kong Country & Killer Instinct which were the games that killed the Genesis's momentum during the late 90s. Honestly though I think it's just Sega screwing itself with 32X & Saturn. The Americans were responsible for the 32x blunder, but it wouldn't have happened had SOJ not been making Saturn in secret, even from their American division.

It's just fucking hilarious to me that Yamauchi saw Sega of Japan as such crew of bumbling retards, that he viewed Gunpei Yokoi as his greatest threat. Nintendo would've never became the giant it was, without Yokoi. I believe that Yamauchi had him killed.
I swear Nintendo is crazy, even the president who came before this Furukawa guy, came off like a full blown yakuza.
Iwazaru wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:44 pm Earthbound... still spawns more new games influences by it.
Yeah and? How does that disprove that it's mostly love & supported by a bunch of hipster faggots? One of the most popular indies of all time is inspired by Earthbound, Undertale. I'm so fucking sick & tired of hearing about how deep a character Sans is. Half of the fanbase are just a bunch of weird furries, & LGBT mutants. I'm not saying that LGBT are mutants, but a lot of its representatives actually do look mutated, lol.
It's similar to how Libertarian sounds like a swell ideology, until you see the unwashed nerds & freakazoid mutants who represent the Libertarian party.

Who the fuck would want to be associated with that? LOL!

Undertale is fucking shit. What's up with that battle system? Why not play a real shmup instead of the joke that passes for shmup in Undertale's combat system.
Some would say that I'm out of touch coz I can't understand Undertale. I honestly just think, it's coz I'm not a nerd. I get nerdy as hell when it comes to history & war, or stats & numbers that represent dead people & the like, but I think the word I'm thinking of to describe Undertale is GEEK. Geek's are primarily consumerists.
Undertale is very mainstream, mainly coz I think the vast majority of Americans are consumerist geeks.

(I'm the same age group as this Kenny Omega fag. I only kissed up to him, coz I knew he'd bring Hana Kimura to America, since he's a hardcore weeb who legit pimp all of the Jap bitches in wrestling lol. Chris Daniels barred her from AEW, coz she stood him up at ROH.

I wish I could find that sexy vid of her where she was dancing at ROH during an after party.)

Undertale is so 'mainstream' to the point that at least 70% of Smash Bro's fanbase would cum in their pants if Sans became a Smash character. It's really fucking funny just how Anti-Japanese the Smash Bros fanbase actually is, they fucking hate everyone in the Smash passes except for Banjo Kazooie & Steve from Minecraft, lol.
Most of the characters who made it into the fighting pass were actually the most requested in Japan, like Rex from Xenoblade who didn't make it, but nobody actually fucking cares about him anyway. He was only no. 1 in Japan due to Pyra & Mythra, since none of us thought that Nintendo would include them without Rex.
DQ Hero, Persona 5 loser, Sephiroth, they were all heavily voted for in Japan. I think Seph is the only one that everyone universally liked. What's funny is that America is so gay, that they were making tons of jokes about shirtless Seph, but then called anyone who liked Pyra, a sexist misogynist who hates women, AYY LMAO!
Americans are so gay. WTF is wrong with them? I live in the USA, but I come across as so foreign that even foreigners who visit the USA, assume that I'm foreign, lol.

Terry Bogard is really the only one, no one asked for, yet he's also the most important character that they added imo, since Smash Bros takes a lot of liberties & inspiration from King of Fighters & Sakurai himself has even claimed that KOF greatly influenced him when he made Smash.
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Iwazaru »

Yeah and?
I'm abusing your mention of Earthbound here as a case to post about game which demo i recently played, lol.
Dark Savior
It's for Landstalker fans. If you don't like it, doesn't mean it's overhyped, you elitist :p
Undertale is all about MEMES and teh 4th walls breaking shit.

Also, most catchy song ever

Why not play a real shmup instead of the joke that passes for shmup in Undertale's combat system.
I'm sure 97% of so called undertale fans dont give a f about what shmup is. I mean, considering they also always imply that you should go with "pacifist" route and make friends with all. Welp, its like Touhou fandom which doesnt have to do with actual touhous for ages. It's about cosplay, fanart, music covers or smth now. Granted, Touhou-based metroidvanias are dope, though.
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Jack »

Iwazaru wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:15 pm
Dark Savior
It's for Landstalker fans. If you don't like it, doesn't mean it's overhyped, you elitist :p
I know you're not being sincere but you're a fucking idiot, who's exposing himself as someone who hasn't played Dark Savior, if you think it plays anything like Land Stalker. That WAS THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF MY ROAST. I wasn't being Elitist. I'm telling the truth, that Dark Savior could easily be summed up as an handicapped Super Mario Detective game. All you're doing is platforming puzzles & talking to people. Dark Savior sucks dick, coz the controls suck, the platforming sucks, and the fucking camera sucks. Nothing about the game fucking works and you dare mention Landstalker as its equal, a game which is actually a masterpiece!?
About the only thing Dark Savior does better, is that it has far more interesting setting. What good is that when the game is such a chore to play coz barely any of its game systems work?

I like Land Stalker. Dark Savior doesn't play anything like Landstalker faggot.
Does that look like fucking Landstalker to you bitch!

Where's the dungeons huh? Where's the action huh?
All I'm seeing is this motherfucker doing platform puzzles as if he were Super Mario, and he's just walking & talking like a detective game, and when he finally gets into a fight, it turns in to some god awful fighting game.

Landstalker is actually similar to Zelda. He runs around in village & solves puzzles & kills shit in dungeons.

That's why I called that motherfucker out, coz anyone who compares Dark Savior with Zelda, has obviously not played it. It's more of a detective, adventure game. Why do you think I'm roasting Dark Savior mang? I'm pissed that's it's not like Landstalker at all! it really does feel like some weird ass game that Suda51 or Swery would make, it even has a fucked up story that makes no sense.

I'm not alone in this. A lot of diehard fans of Landtalker claim that Dark Savior plays nothing like it.
https://www.sega-16.com/forum/showthrea ... rk-Saviour
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/19 ... 576?page=1

I'm not one of those motherfuckers who will just repeat to you memes. I tell you exactly what's on my motherfucking mind. I played the game, I thought it was shit, I explained why it was shit, and then you retort "It's for Lanstalker fans!" No it actually isn't. I'm a Landstalker fan, and I didn't like Dark Savior. A lot of Land Stalker fans don't. Oh gee I wonder why, perhaps it's due to how the two games are nothing alike at all.

There ain't nothing elitist about that statement. It's the same as pointing out that Final Fight & Street Fighter 2 don't play anything like each other at all. Most people know that they're not part of the same series though. For some reason, everyone seems to think that Dark Savior is a direct sequel to Landstalker. When they play just as different as Final Fight does when compared to Street Fighter 2.
Touhou fandom which doesnt have to do with actual touhous for ages. It's about cosplay, fanart, music covers or smth now. Granted, Touhou-based metroidvanias are dope, though.
Touhou games are good. I actually don't understand your statement, lol. The shmups are good, the dungeon crawlers are good, the fighitng game is meh, but for the most part Touhou games feel far more professionally made than Dark Savior, which is sad coz Dark Savior isn't an indie game. It was a professional game, but they experimented so much that it feels just as fucking retarded as a Suda game.

I'm guessing that you're saying that most Touhou fans don't play the games. Yeah, that's pretty much how I'd describe Earthbound & Undetaler. It's a fucking joke, to hear Nintentards claim that Earthbound is a better Rpg series than Xenoblade. Under what metric? It sure as hell isn't the gameplay, and I think Xenoblade has much better gfx, music & story. I guess you could say that the characters are better in Earthbound 3, you got a fucking dog as a party member, and the dog is always the best character coz they're the least retarded.
The Earthbound series are a classic case example of a game you'd only play once and be done with it, coz the only reason you'd replay it is to suffer through the story again lol.

At least with Xenoblade X, XB2 & Torna, you replay them because you actually like the gameplay. XB1 is the one people play for the story. A story that I don't like, but it is touching on much deeper subjects than the Motherfucker series, coz like all Xeno games, they're always trying to retell their heretical Gnostic beliefs about a fallen world created by a false god that kept the inhabitants of that world trapped inside it, like a prison. Every single Xeno game is about breaking free from the prison, AKA the Authority Structure of the planet which is usually presented as a Church in most Xeno games. (This is why every American Moron claims that Xenogears/Saga/Blade is Anti-Christian, lol! It actually seem pro-Christian to me though. Not that I care, Christians are cucks)
What changes is the method. You kill god in Xenogears, You become god in Xb1 (and then relinquish your powers & make a world without gods. Which makes no sense coz in Future Connected, Melia gets treated like a God, AYY LMAO!), You become best friends with god in XB2.
In every single case, this is just the false god who created the material world, not The God. You never see The God in any Xeno game ever, save for maybe Xenogears where it's presented as just a stream of energy.

I find those ideas far more interesting than Earthbound's coming of age story where the main bad guy is really just Ness's sense of self-doubt manifested as a Cosmic Alien God.
I fucking forgot what happened in Motherfucker 3 coz I only beat it once. I beat Mother 2 about 5 times. There was a time in my life where I pretended to like it lol. Phantasy Star 4 is way better!
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Jack »

No wonder you like Gunstar Super Heroes, it's because it's easy. Even hard mode is just the Genesis equivalent of Easy mode, lol what a pleb! Gunstar Super Heroes does have some impressive special efx, but I don't see how the fuck you can say that it has better level designs than Gunstar Heroes, when most of the levels are just repeats of levels from the Genesis game. There's just much less enemies on screen and some of the effects were redone. Even on hard, you can beat Super Heroes by just holding down the shoot button, lol. You sure couldn't do that in the original Gunstar Heroes coz you wouldn't last one second without the jumpkick.

Gunstar Super Heroes stage 2 has this cool mode 7 effect going on,

but I really don't see how it's any different level-design wise from the Mr. Orange boss fight from the original game.

The original game is much more fun to me coz the enemies actually try to kill you. I don't even need to use my jump kick much in the gba game, because there's barely any enemies on screen, even on hard.

Like shit, you want your games on baby-mode so much that you prefer to only have access to 3 different shot types per character, rather than having access to every single shot-type and full customizability between free & fixed shot. I don't even know how to do fixed in the GBA game, not that it matters coz you don't even need fixed shot since the GBA game is Gunstar Heroes for babies! LOL!

Gunstar Super Heroes is actually a good game though. I confused it with Guardian Heroes Advance which was a very shitty game. (Ironic coz Guardian Heroes Sega Saturn is also their best game. It plays better than their Yu Yu Hakusho game, and that game was badass too.)
Now granted, I also fucking think that Super Heroes is boring, but that's coz I'm comparing it to the original which was a masterpiece. LOL, you called it a tech-demo when the GBA game feels more like a demo that just wanted to show off the special effects that the GBA can do. The Genesis game felt like an Arcade game, at home. Which was the Genesis's main selling point.
A lot of SNES games that had the word "Super" in their title were really just tech demos that showed off the SNES's gfx, like Super Castlevania, Contra 3 (not a Super title, but it played like one with those fucking retarded mode 7 stages.) & Super Turrican. All 3 of those games could've been good (Contra 3 is good, except for those annoying mode 7 stages.), but Super CV & Turrican are easy mode shit due to half of the stages being stupid gimmicks that were meant to wow you with the gfx, making it look much more challenging than it actually is.
Mega Turrican is fucking awesome, but Genesis Does, What Nintendon't!

BTW I was shocked that Seven Force was in the GBA Gunstar Heroes.

LOL, he's stating "hard" difficulty as if it matters when hard mode is easy. Normal mode is easier.
Too bad his video makes the game look ugly as fuck coz he didn't use any retro filters. Looks like he used smooth or some other bullshit that actually ruins & smudges the image quality.
I really fucking hate it when people don't use filters for retro games. How could anyone stand to look at a crayola GBA game without a CRT filter? The best filter is CRT Geom, which has scanlines that actually look like a real crt and aren't intrusive at all. It also adds a tubular effect like a tv or gba screen so the gfx look much more rounded, and far less jaggy/pointy.

EDIT: Don't be like this guy. His review is pretty much the subject matter of this thread, good games that he doesn't like. Or rather he's trying to say that Gunstar Heroes was always shit, coz it's only an hour long and only 13 yr olds love these types of games, lol. From what I recall, GH's fanbase always skewed much older in the 16-18 yr old range, and they would be in their 50s right now. Even I hated this game when I was a kid at like 10 yrs old when it came out. Gunstar Heroes is not a game for kids. It's fucking insane on hard mode.
You might remember playing the original Gunstar Heroes on your Megadrive. And you might well be carrying a trouser-torch for it to this very day, determined that it was the greatest moment of your entire life, and that this had nothing to do with the fact that you were thirteen. And if that's you, don't bother reading. You're going to buy the GBA version anyway, and you're going to think anyone whose eyes manage to penetrate the new robe-code of this emperor is a despicable idiot. Fine, fine, I'm an idiot. Move along

It's like getting thrown out of the tapas restaurant of gaming only a quarter of the way into your meal. A tiny morsel of each nice idea only manages to whet your appetite for that experience, and then suddenly you're sat outside in an alleyway with nothing left to play.

It really doesn't matter how well it might execute one of these micro-levels - they're so brief as to have been barely worth bothering with.

It cannot be that games are reviewed based on the nostalgia they may generate inside you. Spraying through the pages of an album of photographs may flicker wonderful memories to light, but it doesn't throw you back in time and have you relive that very moment. There's approximately eight trillion games of this nature available for arcade emulation on MAME.

He's shitting on both Gunstar Heroes games and he claims that only 13 yr olds who don't know any better, loved Gunstar Heroes. What a load of shit. I hated Gunstar Heroes when I was a kid. I didn't start liking it until I bought the 3ds version, nearly 2 decades after the game initially came out. When I was a young teen, I actually played games for story. I didn't finally grow out of that until my 20s.
FUnny that, it seems like most Soystation Gamers are still stuck in their teens, with their shitty ass cinematic movie games. It's funny coz they claim that any guy who's sexually attracted to curvy big titty women, are mentally stuck at being 13 yrs old, when from my perspective I think that people who want their games to be so story-heavy are mentally stuck at being 13 yrs old , back when story in games were a new concept. Story used to only be written inside of the instruction manual.
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Cat »

Jack wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:35 pm He never once guessed that Sega of America would give him trouble though, but for that he allowed Nintendo of America to clap back with Play it Loud, Donkey Kong Country & Killer Instinct which were the games that killed the Genesis's momentum during the late 90s.
One of the worst tragedies in history.
Jack wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:35 pm It's really fucking funny just how Anti-Japanese the Smash Bros fanbase actually is, they fucking hate everyone in the Smash passes except for Banjo Kazooie
Not funny to me.

Anyway, I don't really like Silent Hill 3 that much.
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by CENSORED »

Anyway, I don't really like Silent Hill 3 that much.
Did you like 1 and 2? I only played silent hill recently and I can't say I especially loved it. Although I do think the art design is good, the music is good. There's way too much combat in those games and it feels like it was included haphazardly without any thought to it. The combat in the original RE games was there to force you to manage resources. There is no resource management in Silent Hill whatsoever but you're still wailing away at monsters for most of the game, to the point where a lot of areas are bigger than they need to be just to accomodate for even more combat.

When the games are being moody and you're free to explore an area and solve puzzles and what not, I liked them. That was not the greatest majority of my play time in 1-3 though. The monster designs are great and they lead to some good soundscapes, so obviously I wouldn't want them scrapped altogether, but I'm sure there's some way to implement monsters that wasn't so unpleasant, it really took me out of the games and I almost had to force myself to finish them. (Something I couldn't even do with 4 at all lol.)

I'm also not a big fan of the writing, how by the end of each game pretty much everything is spelled out for you but considering how gamers to this day debate what the games are about, I suppose that's still too subtle for them. (From what I could gather, even the devs of the later western games had no idea what the original trilogy was about)

I had a similar experience with Rule of Rose, a game I was interested in because it had a similar setting to the original clock tower but I ended up just watching it on youtube because the moment they introduce goblin farming it completely falls apart. At least combat in the SH games feels somewhat functional even though it's a waste of time, ROR doesn’t even work.

I do feel bad shitting on those games because videogames as a whole are such fucking trash, with 99.99999999999% of their output being some variation of grinding to build a shiny axe to kill a dragon in a goblin cave, that I really want to appreciate other settings, but they fall into some very obnoxious trappings that are only there because they're videogames and they're expected to play a certain way. (Even though HUMAN games played like nothing else on the market and that was the 90s, but I guess they had much lower budgets)

I do like all the unlockables and secret endings in the SH games but I don't see myself replaying them at all at the moment because of having to stop the actual game every 2-3 minutes to fight the same monsters over and over again. And yes I am aware you can just try to escape encounters and I'm sure that's the speedrunning strategy, but rubbing together hurtboxes until I squeeze in a narrow corridor to gain 10 seconds on the clock in my twitch stream isn't exactly conductive to some immersive horror experience either
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Re: Good games that you personally don't like

Post by Cat »

Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am
Anyway, I don't really like Silent Hill 3 that much.
Did you like 1 and 2? I only played silent hill recently and I can't say I especially loved it. Although I do think the art design is good, the music is good. There's way too much combat in those games and it feels like it was included haphazardly without any thought to it. The combat in the original RE games was there to force you to manage resources. There is no resource management in Silent Hill whatsoever but you're still wailing away at monsters for most of the game, to the point where a lot of areas are bigger than they need to be just to accomodate for even more combat.
I haven't played the first. The sequel is great.
I agree with your criticisms. The combat often spoils the mood and the fact there are any "respawns" at all is idiotic.
I will say though that for me the vastness of the maps as a consequence combat design is a silver-lining. There's something about them I find pleasing. I suppose that's personal taste. I may have enjoyed tighter areas and camera more, but we will never know.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am When the games are being moody and you're free to explore an area and solve puzzles and what not, I liked them. That was not the greatest majority of my play time in 1-3 though. The monster designs are great and they lead to some good soundscapes, so obviously I wouldn't want them scrapped altogether, but I'm sure there's some way to implement monsters that wasn't so unpleasant, it really took me out of the games and I almost had to force myself to finish them. (Something I couldn't even do with 4 at all lol.)
The amount of monsters in Four is almost like an MMORPG. It's a shame because I find that game to be overall the most interesting in the series. I'd probably still rate it higher than Three.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am I'm also not a big fan of the writing, how by the end of each game pretty much everything is spelled out for you but considering how gamers to this day debate what the games are about, I suppose that's still too subtle for them. (From what I could gather, even the devs of the later western games had no idea what the original trilogy was about)
Never underestimate gamers.
Presentation is good in the first act of Three but even then the writing doesn't really match. Characters are too loud and stupid. Whole thing can be played with magical girl outfit and there's no change in mood. Promo materials were misleading.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am I had a similar experience with Rule of Rose, a game I was interested in because it had a similar setting to the original clock tower but I ended up just watching it on youtube because the moment they introduce goblin farming it completely falls apart. At least combat in the SH games feels somewhat functional even though it's a waste of time, ROR doesn’t even work.
Very apt to bring up RoR. I haven't played it either for the same reasons.
I would like to get a PAL copy some day though as I have fond memories of the nonce scare.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am I do feel bad shitting on those games because videogames as a whole are such fucking trash, with 99.99999999999% of their output being some variation of grinding to build a shiny axe to kill a dragon in a goblin cave, that I really want to appreciate other settings, but they fall into some very obnoxious trappings that are only there because they're videogames and they're expected to play a certain way. (Even though HUMAN games played like nothing else on the market and that was the 90s, but I guess they had much lower budgets)
My main complaint about Three could also be applied to the others. Areas feel seperated into "levels" like it's Super Mario. This is a trapping like you said and I don't want to get too abstract in my criticism. Four is better in this regard. The retracing of steps, the routines and the constant returns to the room has a grounding effect and works harmoniously with the purgatory theme and overall mood. It's the same thing that makes F.S.R. work but then they ruin it by throwing Dodongos at you.
Xed51 wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:35 am I do like all the unlockables and secret endings in the SH games but I don't see myself replaying them at all at the moment because of having to stop the actual game every 2-3 minutes to fight the same monsters over and over again. And yes I am aware you can just try to escape encounters and I'm sure that's the speedrunning strategy, but rubbing together hurtboxes until I squeeze in a narrow corridor to gain 10 seconds on the clock in my twitch stream isn't exactly conductive to some immersive horror experience either
I suspect only ROM-hacking can fix these games which require fixing.
"Don't be crazy.
I would never go near such a poisonous flower.
She is carnivorous. She disgusts me"
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