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Re: The Boys

Post by Jack »

For some reason, I never really had an interest in season 2 after the first episode aired. I just knew they were going to fuck up the whole Nazi thing coz Corporations just seem to always have a field day when it comes to Nazi scaremongering, as if they're a reality in Le Current Year. Nazis weren't backwoods retards who hated everyone that's non-white.

That's just an academic & media smear, coz the media & corporations as a whole, hate all sovereign nations, that uphold their own culture, over the culture of mass consumption. Look at how much the media always talk shit about Japan or populist politicians such as Bolsanaro, Trump, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Shinzo Abe, Duterte, etc.
It's the same fucking pattern everywhere. Any leader who's not bowing down to global conglomerates, gets labeled as a Nazi Fascist. It's a convenient scaremonger tactic, so that the corporations can assert themselves as your true family and friends, who only want what's best for you. I'm not saying that the populist politicians are worthy of your trust. It's just that, they do care more about you than a corporation does, coz leaders of nations depend on the average citizen, to make the nation stronger.

Corporations don't want strong, individualized nations who are only loyal to their own country (this is why they really fucking hate Japan.), coz they're harder to market to. They just want us all to be brainless, cultureless cattle, not unlike the average Consooooooomer American.
The one odd duck is China, who for some reason, corporations always pander to. It's prob coz China doesn't mind throwing away the lives of billions of chink kids to slave away building American produce, which gets shipped worldwide.
100 bullets is about an internal conflict between an illuminati style secret society and their agents. Jack raccomended it to me I think a decade ago lol. I re-read it a couple of years ago and I had a lot of fun, it might be up your alley,
If by Wetworks, why doesn't he just read Wetworks? LOL! Wetworks was actually good for the first 10 issues or so, when the Blood Queen's kingdom gets taken over & she has to exile herself to fucking New York or something, and then she starts feeding on random peds lol! By the time the Blood Queen comes back to reclaim her kingdom, the art suddenly turns to shit and the story becomes really fucking retarded. The last time we see the Blood Queen, she gets her eyes randomly ripped out by one of the Wetworks squad, who just makes a one liner joke about how her brother has her eyes, lol.
It was really fucking dumb, coz Blood Queen was portrayed as this immensely strong force but then she's suddenly portrayed as weak.Wetworks released a source book back when the series first came out, and Blood Queen's power levels were all near maxed out, but in the actual comic, she gets her eyes ripped out by one of the female Wetworks, who had a low strentgh rating. Yet for some reason, the series canon just went to shit.

The art in the later issues was also really fucking weird. Blood Queen originally just looked like the Snake lady from Ninja Scroll (she was also usually naked.) but she then looked like a generic vampire by the time you last see her in the original Image series and she finally put on some clothes lol. The comic fucking died after that plot arc, coz they tried to turn it into more typical Marvel Avengers Shield bullshit, when the appeal of Wetworks, was normal Military grunts vs monsters, like vampires & werewolves. It was a cool premise coz the Vampire clans & Werewolf families all had their own sense of organization and came off like foreign human cultures, rather than generic monsters. Blood Queen was also fucking hot, lol.

DC tried to revive Wetworks a few years back but it just flopped. At least they finally ended the Blood Queen story, but it still pisses me of that she basically got written out of the comic, both in the original series & the DC revival.
100 bullets is about an internal conflict between an illuminati style secret society and their agents.
I don't think 100 Bullets is anything at all like The Boys. Watchman is prob the most apt comparison with The Boys, but I actually respect Alan Moore as a writer. I think Enis is a grade-A retard with the mind of a 13 yr old. Even his good shit, was only good coz Alan Moore wrote it, lol! Crossed by Alan Moore comes off like a zombie comic book version of Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. Alan Moore's Crossed actually feels like a Horror genre comic. Ennis's Crossed just looks like Gore Porn, LOL! It's funny coz I think Alan Moore's Crossed has way more nudity & sex but it never got in the way of the plot coz that was just Moore's way of showing how degenerated the society has become ever since it fell from zombies. The humans don't even speak English any more.

Alan Moore is a testament to talent, coz I think he's a fucking retard too, but he's genuinely a talented writer.
When Alan Moore is writing Derp Ennis works, Alan Moore will actually take the time to create an entire language & worldbuild the entire setting, to pull you into the narrative that he's trying to weave.

Garth Ennis just makes a lot of stupid political statements like how in Crossed, "you killed kids, to save kids from killing other kids." Like what the fuck am I even fucking reading? That's exactly the same line I say to myself with every Ennis project, including The Boys. I don't give a fuck that it's supposed to be absurd. It's not really telling a story. It just comes off as some nihilistic retard, sarcastically telling you that none of this matters. If the author doesn't fucking care about his setting, world & characters, then why the fuck should I care?

As for 100 Bullets, I'd actually recommend that if you liked Killer7. Killer7 was itself influenced by American comic. 100 Bullets started off good, but it just turns to shit by the time it ends. Like what the fuck is even the point of Cole Burns? They build him up as this hardcore badass, but he doesn't actually do anything throughout the entire comic, except get burned to death, AY LMAO! What was the big deal about Dizzy? Throughout the series, they overhype Dizzy as being this really important character, but she also does fucking nothing but die. The entire series ends with Dizzy's death and Agent Graves crying over her dead body as he carries her off in a La Pieta position. It's all so stereotypical, but unintentionally funny coz 100 Bullets started off with an intelligent premise, but it later devolved into stupid comic book bullshit.

Most of the bad guys don't really do anything either.
I guess in a way, it kinda reminds me of Silver Case, but this is one of those rare instances where I actually think that the video game has better writing than the actual comic/graphic novel.
100 Bullet's final arc is like a typical comic book. You know how so many retarded video game fans always complain about how they never got to see Chris & Jill lead a huge army to overthrow Umbrella? That's exactly what happens in 100 Bullets, the 7 Minutemen, or what's left of them finally invade the mansion that all of the families were currently staying at, and they just them all. It looked exactly like how I'd imagine invading Umbrella HQ would look like, basically, there's fucking nothing there.
Just the heads of the familes and they all get killed. The End. Fucking lame! Well, the twist is that most of them die from a freak accident coz Cole was like sexually harrassing the hot blonde bitch from The Trust, but he accidentally drops his lighter and burns them all to death, lol!

The premise of 100 Bullets was cool though. Random people are anonymously sent 100 untraceable bullets, and are given carte blanche to execute a figure within the Establishment-government who had wronged them in the past. It was actually a recruitment method to refill vacancies of a group called the Minutemen, who once acted as the enforcers of an iluminati-influenced plutocrat group called The Trust. The Trust betrayed them in the past, so the Minutemen went rogue & attempt to take down the entire 13 families. It's pretty fucking stupid. For one thing, how come none of the families are Jewish? LOL! I think there was at least one Bloodline that was Chinese, but everyone else is European.

Yeah, the story falls a part when it actually explains its mystery. It's prob why Lono is the only one still alive, and the series continued onward through Lono. The funny thing about Brother Lono is how that series could've easily ended in 1 issue, if Lono just killed everyone from the start, lol. That's what the conflict of the sequel series was about though. It was Lono trying to escape from his past. He was part of The Trust, the original Minutemen & the only one who didn't defect. Lono survived the final issue of 100 Bullets just through pure luck. I read the shit a long ass time ago, but if I recall, he either got punched or shot out of the building before it exploded & burned down in a fire. Brother Lono issue 1 shows how he survived, and it's pretty funny.

I think it's a testament to the serie's quality, that I can actually remember a lot of what happened in it, even though I haven't read that shit in over a decade. I wouldn't exactly call it good though. The rewards it won for its writing were most likely due to the premise and not the actual plot.The plot is fucking stupid. The Trust are supposedly the richest, most powerful people in the world, but they all get taken out in a freak-accident by a mere group of expendable soldiers, AY LMAO!
It's not all bad though, coz it is pretty funny that the only survivor happened to be the most viile, detestable human of them all, Lono. In Brother Lono though, that "Big Dik Hawaaian" finds God or some shit. It's all just irony though coz I think he actually saved by a cross he was wearing. I don't really remember. I just remember laughing at how he survived what went down in 100 Bullets, and the Gigafuck just walks it off and keeps living his life, but on the down low. He actually tries to be a better person, but realizes that he's forced to become a monster, in order to kill off lesser monsters such as the Mexican Cartels.

It's weird how Lono gets way more development than Dizzy or Cole Burns do. You'd be thinking that Cole Burns would have a lot going for him storywise, since he's the posterboy, but I guess he's only the posterboy coz he looks cool, lol. He basically looks like me, LOL!
People were praising the changes and saying it more relatable, but one of the main points of the comic was to show how not relatable super heroes would be if they lived in the real world.
I thought the changes were better coz Season 1 was actually much more intelligent than the Comic.
The Tv Show Season 1, did not have an absolutist binary-dichotomy in regards to its messages & satire.
It was making fun of everyone, and it pulled it off well.
The Comic was basically saying "Capitalism BaD!" and then it shows to you the most 1-Dimensional villains ever. The only ounce of intelligence that the comic had, is that it displayed Butcher, as being just as evil & depraved as the superheroes are.
The Comic actually ended with the Bad guys winning. The Middle-manager chick from The Tv show, actually survived in the Comic. Her male counterpart just laughably pinned all of his crimes on his secretary. For some reason that secretary was rewritten in the show as the female Mr. Vought character or whatever.

The tv shows also depicts capitalism as bad, but it does it in a way that we could all agree with. The combination of military powers & corporations colluding with each other for mutual gain. This was also in the comic, but it wasn't portrayed nearly as well as it was in the tv show.
The tv show goes through the effort of lampooning marketing campaigns & the over micromanaged nature of big business. The comic book focuses way more on the actual super heroes, when who gives a fuck about the super heroes? We know they're shit. I don't need to see them all the time when the background politics was always much more interesting.

That's what impressed me about the tv show. It turned a really fucking retarded comic, into a show that was actually interesting to watch.

My pops watches the Boys. Or at least, I know he's seen season 1. I couldn't imagine him actually reading the comic though, coz it's fucking trash, and he'd probably drop it after issue 2 lol. The problem with The Boys is
that like most Ennis comics, it doesn't actually have a plot. It's just the wild rantings of Ennis, who only has half-a-brain. His stories, or what passes as a story are just Ennis following generic story beats that serve as excuses for excess violence & sex. I don't have a problem with that, usually. For some reason, it does bother me when I see it in Ennis comics. I don't know what's worse, his Jennifer Blood comic, or Crossed.
To me, Ennis comes off as a little kid who thinks extreme gore is cool coz he's never seen it in real life.
I'm someone who can watch through most reallife gore & suicide vids without giving a single fuck, but it does bother me when I see it in a Ennis comic, coz his portrayal of violence seems so fetishized.

It's kinda like how, I normally wouldn't give a shit about Last of US 2's violence, but it does bother me for the same exact reason. Its attempt at trying to be edgy just looks fetishized to me. It doesn't really serve the plot.
I don't know what it is, coz I don't have a problem with Mezzo Forte/Kite, which could be argued that the sex scenes didn't need to be there, but I feel that it does serve the plot coz it gives off a much more horrorfic vibe to the tale. Kinda like how Ninja Scroll loses its punch once you get rid of all of the gore & nudity.

I said it before, and I'll say it again. Ennis constantly repeats the same message over & over to a point of excess. Where I'm like dude, just make gore porn or something. Instead of trying to tell a story. I wouldn't have an issue at all were his work labeld as porn. That's certainly what Crossed is. Crossed didn't even get a good mythos behind it until Alan Moore wrote a few arcs. It's disappointing as fuck though when you find out just how fucking stupid the Crossed series is, when Alan Moore isn't the one doing the writing.

You don't need to concoct such a 1 dimensional depiction of super heroes to portray them as "more evil than Hitler". I don't think portraying them as baby eaters is effective story telling at all.
It reads more like a child's tale. Only a child thinks that bad guys are baby eaters who rape women & do every despicable act known to man. True evil is more like Esposito's character in Breaking Bad. The evil who stands among us, because he's one of us. You can't prove that he's evil, coz he's so cunning and is actually everything that most people aspire to be. Or at least, that's how his public facade presented him as.

Fire Emblem Three Houses has one of the much better written villains in gaming, in Edelgard. Her plot is actually really stupid, but she's well written in the regard that she actually has a lot of real life followers who believe that she did nothing wrong.

Edel is actually really fucking evil, she sacrifices people when she no longer has use for them (the very first battle in the game were just hoodlums hired by her, to kill of Dimitri & the other guy.), and she's constantly lying to you to goad you towards her side. She ends up as your lover (who always cucks you during the ending if you're stupid enough to romance Edel, LOL!) or as your main enemy, coz she gets really pissed off when she can't use your power under her guidance.

What makes Edel such a great villain, is that she's so subtle. Most people to this day, still can't see or understand why so many people don't like her as a person and think of her as the main villain.

Rhea is the other character who gets portrayed as the main villain, but that's mostly only the narrative that's parroted by Edel-loyalists, who for some reason have a hard time understanding that Edel is a false-narrator. When there's only one character from within the 3 perspectives who says the crap she does, that's an indicator that the bitch is a self-serving, greedy liar.

I do think season 1 of the show is much better than the comics specifically because the comics are just an ultraviolent parody of superhero comics (I basically see it as itchy and scratchy with human characters lol) while the show actually had very interesting thematic implications back during its first year.
I agree with this, and in that regard it's pretty funny. I just don't think that's Ennis's intention. Especially when you see his "Crossed" stuff. He seems to genuinely believe that he's being profound, when he's just profoundly retarded. Oh no! Killing kids is bad, that's why we'll continue talking about how killing kids is bad, despite how they just killed kids to stop the kids from killing other kids! Why do nimrods always write stories like this? It reminds me of Mass Effect 3 where we find out that The Reapers were good guys all along, they just wanted to destroy humanity to save humanity, from Humanity. AY LMAO!
That would make sense to me if the Aliens were meant to be AI constructs following their instruction to a literal tee, but nope... that's presented as the logic of a super advanced Alien race of giant Squids, LOL!
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Re: The Boys

Post by CENSORED »

For some reason, I never really had an interest in season 2 after the first episode aired. I just knew they were going to fuck up the whole Nazi thing coz Corporations just seem to always have a field day when it comes to Nazi scaremongering, as if they're a reality in Le Current Year. Nazis weren't backwoods retards who hated everyone that's non-white.
I still thought it might go somewhere because Stormfront played out like a parody of lauren southern or shoe on head (from a few years ago), she even shat on Vought publically while being officially endorsed by Mr. Edgar. Hence why I assumed they were going with the corporation pushing a divide & conquer narrative, where they have their own employees push criticism onto them so that they can take a more extreme position while acting as if they were following through with the wishes of their userbase (which they manipulated by voicing that "criticism" in the first place LOL!)
Which is congruent on how YouTube allows and even promotes people who do nothing but shit on google and youtube. The ones that act as ideological provocateurs, are actually corporate lapdogs IRL.

That would have said something interesting about the world we fucking live in but since it's a capeshit show now, she's just an actual nazi that Mr. Edgar promoted for apparently no reason (he claims he needed her to rile up people. Why the fuck would he need that? He could just run an Ad campaign LOL! He comes off as a fucking retard because in his effort to diminish Homelander's influence he just platformed a person that is even more extreme and impossible to control.)
Stormfront's role as a social media queen isn't even relevant past episode 3 or 4. Hell they even forget about the fact that she was very critical of vought, which was apparently her real opinion all along LOL. From one episode to the next she just shifts to supporting the company wholeheartedly.

In fact, none of her rethoric had anything to do with the "supervillain" propaganda talking point which was actually pushed by the homelander; So showing that quartering looking fuck becoming a sudden racist due to her rethoric makes no fucking sense. They made it a plot point that her racism was not public, and that her public persona was all about being a populist who criticised corporations. Where did that go? The show just has a completely different plot from episode 5 onwards.

The plot is just written in a way where nothing has to make any sense, as long as we get to the point where the good guys punch the bad guy in the face and the world is saved, much like capeshit movies or Bladerunner 2049 (pseudo art-house garbage that actually follows the same plot and story structure as a marvel movie)
The one odd duck is China, who for some reason, corporations always pander to. It's prob coz China doesn't mind throwing away the lives of billions of chink kids to slave away building American produce, which gets shipped worldwide.
It's because the chinese government has direct control over its economy and its population. Corporations need the approval of the chinese government to make use of chinese citizens (either by having them consume products or create products.) Since CHina's population is 20% of the fucking world, they can use it as a bargaining chip to have corporations pander to them.
I thought the changes were better coz Season 1 was actually much more intelligent than the Comic.
The Tv Show Season 1, did not have an absolutist binary-dichotomy in regards to its messages & satire.
It was making fun of everyone, and it pulled it off well.
The characters were also better. Homelander in the comic is just a retarded rape machine that just fucks whatever and eventually goes crazy. In the show, he had traceable aims and goals which involved gaining corporate influence so that he could express himself more freely.
I guess they took the criticism from comic fans to heart, because now Homelander has been reduced to the same retard jerking off in the sky or some shit same as his comic counterpart. They also retconned it so that he raped Butcher's wife (despite season 1 clearly implying that it was consensual multiple times.)
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Re: The Boys

Post by Krizzx »

The way straight from the beginning, he just downplays all the feminist injections in the show... In general this outlines why I don't like it. The boys was a deconstruction of the costumed super hero ideology. The show is just another super hero show, only bad super heroes. Amazon turned it into what it was criticizing. I even see people doing power comparison, and vs. matches with Live Action show characters versus other comic book heroes.\

The comic wasn't a "super hero comic". It was just a comic about super heroes. The show, contrarily is a super hero show filled with super hero tropes and other agendas.

Like how Homelander is now more scheming and manipulative than in the comic. That basically just makes him a typical generic comic book villain, then. Ennis's portrayal had a point. He portrayed them all as normal people. Just with power and privilege's which is more likely to be what would actually happen if someone gained power like that in the real world. They would be little different than some spoiled rich kid or celebrities child that got everything thing he wanted, was shielded from the consequences of his actions, and no one could do anything about it. All the attempts to normalize the show and make it relatable have effectively just made it into another idealistic super hero show itself.

Another thing I don't like goes back to how the comic was a deconstruction of the "whole" super hero spectrum. The show scaled it down to being pretty much all about the seven who themselves were scaled down to just being parodies of the Justice league rather than character who held the associated themes, and that being even further scaled down to being a parody of the movies made in the last decade or so. The other super heroes type and references like the G-men(X-men) the special super heroes squad which involved supes who had useless power and mental/physical disabilities and so on are gone.

Aside from the claim that Stillwell was the main villian, this outlines why his character in the comic was so much better to me. He could take any situation and spin to it favorably. I disagree with this guys claim that he orchestrated most of the bad event. He just spun them to his advantage after the fact.

The comic addressed far more than just super hero, vs regular people issues. It brought up falso idols, political influencing, religious exploitation and general unequal distributions of justice. The inside man in Herogasm made a great point regarding this in how government bodies, military and secret service aren't loyal to the president. They are loyal to the position. Doesn't matter who sits in it. Vic the Veep attaking the president and them immediately following his orders rather than holding him accountable showed this excellently.

Exactly what is the value of their loyalty how are they vetted? This is something I've wondered for a long time.

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Re: The Boys

Post by CENSORED »

The show is just another super hero show, only bad super heroes. Amazon turned it into what it was criticizing. I even see people doing power comparison, and vs. matches with Live Action show characters versus other comic book heroes.
I agree with that when it comes to season 2. I disagree with that when it comes to season 1 though. I still stand by the fact that season 1 was a smart show, that used superheroes as a tool to talk about corporate culture, celebrity worship, and forceful takeovers of corporations over state power and voting blocks through blackmail, lobbying and advertisement. Season 2 is exactly what you described though, it's just capeshit where the super heroes are bad.
Like how Homelander is now more scheming and manipulative than in the comic. That basically just makes him a typical generic comic book villain, then.
I don't think there's anything generic about the portrayal of homelander in season 1 at all. If anything I thought it was the most interesting part of the show because it provided an interesting answer to the question, why doesen't a superhuman just do whatever the fuck he wants?
The thesis of S1 is that Homelander still needs to exist within a society, in order to be considered a ubermensch / god and live the cushy life he is accustomed to. So he's working behind the scenes to manipulate the Pr strategy of the company in a way that allows him more leeway to express himself, because he knows he could do that much more.
In S2 they basically turned him into his comicbook character, in that he just jerks off in the sky and other random shit lol. S1 retconned the fact that he raped butcher's wife (yes I know it was actually black noir), then S2 retconned it again so that yeah she was raped. So I'm guessing from now on he's just going to rape and kill a bunch of people and go insane
Ennis's portrayal had a point. He portrayed them all as normal people. Just with power and privilege's which is more likely to be what would actually happen if someone gained power like that in the real world. They would be little different than some spoiled rich kid or celebrities child that got everything thing he wanted, was shielded from the consequences of his actions, and no one could do anything about it. All the attempts to normalize the show and make it relatable have effectively just made it into another idealistic super hero show itself.

Another thing I don't like goes back to how the comic was a deconstruction of the "whole" super hero spectrum. The show scaled it down to being pretty much all about the seven who themselves were scaled down to just being parodies of the Justice league rather than character who held the associated themes, and that being even further scaled down to being a parody of the movies made in the last decade or so. The other super heroes type and references like the G-men(X-men) the special super heroes squad which involved supes who had useless power and mental/physical disabilities and so on are gone.
My problem is that every superhero in the comics is just a rapist jock. Do you honestly think that's what everyone with power does in society? LOL. A lot of rich people actually waste uncountable man hours influencing society in a variety of ways. You act as if being a rapist jock is just the standard personality of every man, and they don't act on those urges because society forbids them to. If ENnis wanted to portray supes as normal people, they'd have different interests than just raping everything in their way.
They kind of get into that with the G-men being a child rape cult but in the end it's still about everyone getting raped in the ass.
Ennis just put it in there because he thought it was funny, I don't think he was trying to make any overt point. If there was a point, is that most men are just TOXIC rape machines
The show actually had some lesser heroes that were funny, like mesmer who was a child tv star whose career went nowhere. (Played by a child actor whose career tanked as soon as he grew up lol) That's more in line with portraying supes as people, as in they live lives and have careers and make do with what they have, when in the comics he'd just be raping someone for a few panels before one of the boys smashed his face in. Popclaw also had shit going on with her b-movie career which again, is a more realistic depiction of a human being than a senseless rape machine
S2 has none of that though it just sucks dick
Aside from the claim that Stillwell was the main villian, this outlines why his character in the comic was so much better to me. He could take any situation and spin to it favorably. I disagree with this guys claim that he orchestrated most of the bad event. He just spun them to his advantage after the fact.
Comicbook Stillwell got replaced by Mr. Edgar in the show but they're basically the same character. I will agree that Edgar sucks dick compared to Stillwell in the comics though. Granted that's more of an issue with the writing of season 2 overall. Edgar just makes random decisions that make no fucking sense (like putting a nazi front and center whom he had no control over, for no reason at all LOL) to set up EPIC plot twists. I like esposito as an actor but he was given nothing to work with, considering the actual plotline he was a part of was dropped for absolutely no reason a few episodes in
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Re: The Boys

Post by Krizzx »

Homelander wasn't a rapist in the comics. He was just gaslighted into thinking he was. That was part of the point regarding why he was rolling around on the ground in the fetal position crying and trying to figure out why he can't do things like in the photos. He didn't actually like doing over the top extreme stuff like that, and a lot of the stuff he gets up to was basically him psyching himself up to be like what he saw himself doing in the photos.

Every member of The Seven had a their own particular bad quirk. Homelander, for the most part was basically a dudebro, fratboy. Queen Maeve was a lazy alcoholic. The Deep only cared about business, branding and money. Jack from Jupiter was a sexual pervert. A Train was a douchie jock. I don't know where you saw Homelander raping everyone. The closest he came to raping anyone was getting Starlight to suck him and the other 2 dudes off, but that was mostly just him hazing her. He even pointed out that he didn't do it for sexual gratification. It was just done just to fuck with her head and crush her delusions about heroes. It was about power.

You could liken the seven's behavior to the seven deadly sins. Pride, Sloth, Greed, Lust and Envy for Black Noir.
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Re: The Boys

Post by CENSORED »

Didn't he fuck soldier boy in the ass? I might be misremembering here, I haven't read it in a while
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Re: The Boys

Post by Krizzx »

He did fuck him, but it was mutual, in that Homelander promised some kind of promotion or something that he had no intention of the delivering on. It was another instance of Homelander doing something just to see if he could. Homelander never forced himself on anyone sexually. Black Noir, on the other hand, raped a few people including Huey.
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Re: The Boys


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Re: The Boys

Post by Krizzx »

https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/trump-su ... 49280.html

LMAFAO! I'm not the least bit surprised. Their entire concept of good and evil seems to be inverted.
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Re: The Boys

Post by CENSORED »

Krizzx wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:16 pm https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/trump-su ... 49280.html

LMAFAO! I'm not the least bit surprised. Their entire concept of good and evil seems to be inverted.
Yeah they're not really hiding it
https://www.cbr.com/the-boys-homelander ... privilege/
I don't know what american media is going to do now that trump is out of office, they have nothing to talk about anymore
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