In love with Killers by: Amanda Coffman (Mika) Killer 7,In Love With Killers Dan remembered the day he met Magume,she was alone, on the street, bleeding,her legs were unable to be moved and she could hardly breath. Dan thought of how he saved her,the first life he ever saved.Dan was confused,he did'nt know why he treated her so kindly,he wondered why he didn't kill her there. That was a month ago. Dan thought for a while until a voice interupted him. "Dan,snap outta it,we got work!" yelled the voice.Dan looked in the direction where the voice lead, it came from Coyote,Coyote was leaning against the door way,his stern face seem to give him a sort of manly look to him. "C'mon grandma,I don't got all day!"said Coyote more impaient this time. Dan didn't say a word,this surprised Coyote,he was so used to Dan getting in an arguement with him.Instead,Dan got up and moved to the other room,Coyote soon followed after. Dan knew Garcian wanted him and went to the room he usually sat in.And as Dan knew,Garcian was eating breakfast.Garcian looked at him then to Coyote. "Alright,here's the deal, we need some backup,since Keade's sick,so, know anyone?"Garcian asked. Dan thought for a while,and remembered Magume,as he thought he remembered the times he showed her how to use a gun,so that she may protect herself in times of danger. "How about Magume,she can fight," Dan suggested. Garcian shook his head,"Not in this condition,she might get killed,"he responded with doubt. "Give her a shot!"Dan yelled impatiently. Garcian surprised answered, "She has one chance,she better not mess up!"Garcian said with a calmer face, but now with a stern voice. Coyote disagreed with the idea, "No way,she's not like Keade,she can't fight!"he argued. Dan glared at him, "You've never seen her in action,she's better then Keade,you just don't want her replaced!"Dan snapped. Coyote yelled back at him"You've changed,eversince you met her!" Dan,didn't say anything,and just left to the hospital,where Magume was being mended. "I'm coming with you!" yelled Coyote. When Dan and Coyote arrived at the hospital, they stopped their arguing and bickering long enough to find Magume's room.When they entered they were surprised to see Con hunched over the bedside, on his knees,half asleep. They looked at Magume who was stroking the teenager's cheek, she was singing a song in Japanese,which seemed to put Con to sleep.Coyote listened carefully, to every note she sang. "Dearest by:Ayumi Hamasaki....." Coyote whispered in shock. "You know this song?" Dan questioned. "Yeah,I heard it many times"Coyote answered. "What is she saying?"Dan asked "Tell me when the sun shines above my dreams, tell me if my heart glows as bright as the moon, when I wake up will I see your face, tell me dearest before I slip away, don't lie to me when you cannot say ,when I sleep you will see,I will turn from dark to the light of day, I once heard of a place that carries dreams, you might think it's not able to be seen, I wish to dream of a day without war, maybe someday my dreams will go far, somewhere in my heart there is true beauty, you don't need a mirror to know what real beauty is, I still believe that there is a place where I am free to dream, what will you say when I am gone, will you cry for me to come back to you or will you be dreaming of this place too, that is where I am from now on if you do believe then meet me there if you dare to dream, I once heard of a place that carries dreams, you might think it's not able to be seen, I wish to dream of a day without war, maybe someday my dreams will go far, will you cry for me to come back to you or will you be dreaming of this place too, that is where I am from now on if you do believe then meet me there if you dare to dream," Coyote repeated. Dan listened and smiled. Coyote sneered,"You're not going soft on me, are ya!?" ,Coyote fussed. Dan walked over to Magume and smiled.Magume smiled back. "You have some talent to put Con to sleep like that,"Dan said with a smile. Magume still stroked Con's cheek,"I think he was just tired,he stayed by my bedside,and never left for anything,you need me for something don't you?",she asked. Dan nodded,"Yeah, you need to replace Keade,"Dan said. Magume first hesitated then answered,"Ok,I'll do it,". With this response both Dan and Coyote were stunned. "You think you can do it,in that condition?!" Coyote questioned. Magume answered stubbornly,"I'm fine,you worry about yourself!". Magume struggled to reach the floor,she finally did and reached for her clothes,and changed.Con was finally awaken by the sounds of Magume's shuffling. The young blind asassin yawned and curiously asked,"What's up?". Coyote looked at him then answered,"You're girlfriend's replacing Keade." Con sttutered, "G-girlfriend?!", his face flushed with embarassment. Magume interupted and said,"Where to?". Dan answered quickly,"Washington D.C...". and without warning Magume left with her Magnum in her hand, the others soon followed. In D.C. the lights were going out slowly,Dan knew to move quickly, so without a comment, he waved at the others to follow.They entered inside of an old broken down building, that seemed to want to collapse on them. Dan announced,"We're gonna have to split up,Coyote you go with Con-",he was interupted by Coyote. "Oh,no, you want to end up with her so you can smooch, or who knows what else,I'll go with her!" ,said Coyote. Dan nodded and didn't discuss it any farther. Coyote and Magume entered a room that looked more abandoned then the building itself.Magume walked forward with an eerie feeling in her gut. She heard a maniacal laughter,she turned to see a heaven smile, leaping for her, before she could blink,Coyote jumped in the way and got hit instead of her.Magume was greatful,and reached out to hug him,but stopped when she saw him knelt down holding his stomach.She examined his stomach and saw a blood stain over his tanktop. "You're hurt.....",Magume said in shock. Coyote stubbornly responded,"I'm fine!". Magume removed one of her bandages still on her,and tried to remove Coyote's shirts,and suprisingly he let her,Magume tied it around his stomach gentley.Seeing Coyote topless,with his body structure,she couldn't help but blush.Coyote had his head down,with his face red. "Are you blushing,Coyote?",Magume asked. "I-I'm just cold,",he answered not looking. Magume wrappd her arms around him, holding him close to her. "I'll keep you warm,",she whispered softly. Coyote allowed her to hold on to him as long as she could... To Be Continued............